Aeration - Advanced Filtration (AAF) Treatment For Recuding Iron and Chloride in Natural Groundwater

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IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx.

2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 1

Aeration - Advanced Filtration (AAF) Treatment

for Recuding Iron and Chloride in Natural
Nur Aini Febriyana1), Ali Masduqi2)
Departement of Enviromental Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Enviromental and Geo Engineering (FTSLK), Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia
e-mail:, 2)

Abstract : Drinking water needs of rural communities generally still depend on natural water sources. Communities in rural areas
usually be using ground water for their daily needed. Water Supply System (SPAM) in Sampang Regency has groundwater
problems used in iron, and chloride parameters that have not met the quality standard PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010. Based on
these problems, it is necessary to conduct research and study on drinking water treatment. Research method for water treatment,
one of the systems in drinking water treatment with diffused aeration as pretreatment for the reduction of iron, and followed by
filtration processing. Filtration is carried out in stages with advancef filter of uplow continuous discharge. Filter media used with
anion-cation resin, activated carbon and micromembrane to remove dissolved ions. The results of aeration and filtration
processing (AAF) then analyzed the water quality so that it reached aeration micromembrane and resins with Cl-removal of
98,39%, TDS allowance 97,394% and allowance for ferrum 97.41%.

Keyword: Advance Filtration, Aeration, Natural Groundwater, Treatment

Kebutuhan air minum masyarakat pedesaan umumnya masih bergantung pada sumber air alami. Masyarakat di daerah pedesaan
biasanya menggunakan air tanah untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka. Sistem Penyediaan Air (SPAM) di Kabupaten Sampang
memiliki masalah air tanah yang digunakan dalam parameter besi, dan klorida yang belum memenuhi standar kualitas
PERMENKES No. 492 tahun 2010. Berdasarkan masalah ini, perlu melakukan penelitian dan studi tentang pengolahan air minum.
Metode penelitian untuk pengolahan air, salah satu sistem dalam pengolahan air minum dengan aerasi terdifusi sebagai
pretreatment untuk pengurangan zat besi, dan diikuti oleh proses penyaringan. Filtrasi dilakukan secara bertahap dengan filter
lanjutan dari aliran kontinyu uplow. Media filter yang digunakan dengan resin kation-anion, karbon aktif dan mikromembran
untuk menghilangkan ion terlarut. Hasil pengolahan aerasi dan filtrasi (AAF) kemudian dianalisis kualitas air sehingga mencapai
aerasi mikromembran dan resin dengan Cl-removal 98,39%, TDS penyisihan 97,394% dan penyisihan untuk besi 97,41%.

Keyword: Aerasi, Air Tanah, Filter lanjutan, Pengolahan

I.INTRODUCTION1 groundwater with iron content and a little salty

(brackish) due to chloride. Meanwhile, water-containing
One source of water that is still widely used by the iron and too high salinity is harmful if it is used for
community is groundwater but not all of them meet the certain activities, such as health problem when used as
health requirements[1]. On the other hand, due to changes drinking water, causing crop failures for agriculture,
in ecosystems in natural water sources and poor local corrosion of equipment and buildings made of metal
water conditions, water quality decreases and not elements. The content of excess mineral salts consumed
suitable to be used for household purposes, especially continuously by human results in adverse effects on
used as drinking water[2]. human health.
Mostly people in rural areas use groundwater for their Factor that can influence the low quality of dug well
daily needs. Frequently, this water contains high iron water include: season, construction, type and slope of the
minerals with high chloride concentrations and other land, distance from sources of contamination and
pollutants. The obstacle in the groundwater smell fishy behavior of living things around it. During the
during the dry season because it comes from hydrological cycle the water always absorbs substances
that cause the water to be no longer pure. Therefore, in
Nur Aini Febriyana is with Departement of Enviromental essence there is no truly pure water. Substances absorbed
Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, by natural water can be classified as dissolved solids,
Indonesia, dissolved gases and suspended solids. In general, the
Ali Masduqi is with Departement of Enviromental Engineering, type of impurity contained in water depends on the type
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia, of material that is in contact with the water, while the amount of impurity depends on the time of contact[1].
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 2

The water used by the community must at least meet

the quality standards in sanitation in the Regulation of II. METHOD
the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No.
32 of 2017, especially for drinking water. Drinking water The research method is a series of activities that used
consumed by the public must meet the parameters set by as a reference in carrying out research.
the government, namely the Regulation of the Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 492 / Menkes 1) Stage of prototype construction
/ SK / IV / 2010 concerning Drinking Water Quality This stage is prototype construction of groundwater
Requirements[3]. treatment which is conceptualized and tested. This water
Based on the results of laboratory tests for the quality use aeration as pre-treatment and main processing by
of groundwater from several water supply in Sampang filtration. At this stage the water treatment technology
Regency containing dissolved ions such as iron, hardness variable is conceptualized.
chloride and others. The water used by the community 2) Sampling and Test
must meet the drinking water quality standards set by the
government, namely the Regulation of the Ministry of This stage is the implementation of the previous stage.
Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. Data collected includes primary data based on laboratory
492/Menkes/SK/IV/2010 concerning in Drinking Water tests. Pre-treatment processing will be carried out
Quality Requirements. Some water supply in Sampang aeration technology based on criteria and designs based
Regency exceeds the quality standard of PerMenKes 492 on previous research. Furthermore, the main processing
in 2010 reaching TDS 2,890-7,560 mg/L in the quality is carried out with multilevel filters with the adsorption
standard of 1,000 mg/L, iron 1-3 mg/L at standard process with activated carbon, resin and micromembrane
quality of 0.3 mg/L, and, chloride 6,400-6,400 mg/L in to remove water pollutants from the previous stage,
quality standard 250 mg/L. namely dissolved ions including chloride. This study
uses an upflow flow reactor with continuous discharge
Among the parameters contained in the groundwater is with enough pressure to make water through the filter.
high iron and chloride. There are also other parameters
Water sample used in this study was groundwater from
such as TDS. Besides that, a state of clay containing
deep ground wells (bore wells) from Rapadaya Village,
limestone can affect the pH of the groundwater [4].
Omben District, Sampang Regency. The deep ground
However, an easy and systematic method of treatment
water used for this study is due to having an iron content
can be used to ensure that the water that has been
of >1 mg / L and chloride > 6000 mg / L with
supplied is safe and clean to be used by consumers.
groundwater characteristics in Table 1.
For this reason, technology selection to reduce iron and
This research was carried out on a laboratory scale.
chloride content in groundwater. One of the most
This process is carried out to determine the efficiency of
suitable water treatment techniques for iron and chloride
reducing the concentration of pollutants that can be
removal is aeration and filtration. Aeration is the process
carried out by physical-chemical processes using
of treating water by contacting it with air. The purpose of
aeration. After an aeration process, filtration will be
this aeration is to increase the amount of dissolved
carried out with several media compositions.
oxygen, decrease the amount of CO2, eliminate H2S, CH4
Groundwater samples were pumped into the AAF
which causes odor, reduce Fe and Mn in water.
(control samples at the first tank) and samples of water
Diffused-air aerator, a process in which a certain that flows through each tank was compared to determine
amount of air is diffused into raw water through high the effectiveness of the treatment system designed.
pressure into the tank / treatment tank. Air infused will
a. Aeration
oxidize some compounds that can be removed by the
oxidation process. This process is usually used in Diffuser aeration technology was choosen in this
groundwater which mostly has a low dissolved oxygen study. The aeration process is carried out in aeration time
content. Therefore, aeration in this application will (0-30 minutes), volume raw water is 40 liters be
produce sediment and increase dissolved oxygen continued, the coarse bubble media is based on diffused
concentration. Filtration is the separation of solids and aeration design criteria. Using this process the quality of
liquids where liquid passes through porous media or iron will decrease with the best increase in dissolved
other porous material to remove as much as possible oxygen and determining the amount of air discharge
suspended solids. This is used in water treatment to filter needed. Water treatment from the aeration-filtration
coagulated and precipitated chemicals to produce high- process is illustrated as in Figure 1. After the aeration
quality production water[5]. process, the optimum results are obtained followed by a
multilevel filtration process. Aeration outlets are made in
Another result in malaysia, using N-GET to remove a
the middle (more up) so that the sediment during
natural groundwater. This study focused on water quality
aeration so that the deposition of the aeration process is
performance of the N-GET system was designed for
not lifted.
daily use in RECESS, UTHM. Parameters for all
samples tested were pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), b. Filtration
turbidity, manganese, chloride, nitrate and sulphate.
Water samples were passed through N-GET system This study uses a ready-made filter tool using different
compared with drinking water quality standard issued by media compositions. The media used are anion resin,
the Ministry of Health (KKM) [6]. cation resin, and micromembrane. Types of media that
can reduce dissolved ions. Anion Resin with Amberjet
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 3

4400 OH- type Resin, Cation Resin with Amberjet 1200 The variable in this study, after conducting a literature
H+ type and micromembrane propyline measuring 0.1 study, especially on previous studies and based on design
micron. The filter model is depicted in Figure 2. The criteria, was determined;
filtration process is carried out from the aeration process a. The independent variables in this study are the
that has been carried out then the water is applied to the factors that influence water treatment, namely filter
filter with a flow rate of 300 ml / minute. The test results media.
are carried out at the filtration outlet. Further, the results b. The dependent variable is the test variable influence
of water filtration were tested in the laboratory. The of the independent variable. This research is the
multilevel filter in this study at each connection is concentration of water quality from the parameters
equipped with valve settings for checking quality carried out by analysis, namely temperature, Total
between filters. Dissolved Solid (TDS), pH, iron, and chloride.
c. The controlled variable is the variable specified. In
this study, the aeration reactor and filter prototype were

Figure 1. Aeration- Advanced Filtration (AAF) System

Sample taken in natural groundwater in Sampang, East Examination of Water and Waste Water (AWWA,
Java, Indonesia. Sample can be used to over in Ministry WPCF-APHA, 1995).
of Health (PerMenKes No. 492 in 2010) and showed in
Technical analysis is technology selection, laboratory
Table 1. Primary data collection is done through direct
testing and processes that occur during processing. This
measurements on a prototype scale and parameter
technical analysis obtained laboratory data from testing
analysis in the Environmental Engineering Laboratory.
the prototype so that it can be applied on a wider scale.
Samples taken were analyzed based on Indonesian
This study uses laboratory analysis for the aeration
National Standards and Standard Methods for
process with aeration rate and oxygen capacity.
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 4

Figure 2.Piece A-A of Advanced Filtration for Water Treatment

The determination of KLa of the setup according to dC

oxygen transfer capacities of the bioreactor. Different OC=V (1-2)
experimental techniques are used for determining this
parameter. They can be classified into dynamic methods or
and stationary ones, both with or without reaction. The
choice of the method depends on the goal of the OC=KLa C20 V (1-3)
experiments, practical constrains of implementation and
the type of reactor used. In this study, the dynamic
method without a chemical reaction is used, where From the experimental data with the initial
dissolved gas is transported into the liquid by molecular concentration of Ci oxygen and oxygen concentration in
diffusion. The mass balance equation of oxygen is:with the Ct experiment time interval, it can be plotted ln (Cs-
equations[7]. Ct) Vs t.
ln(Cs-Ct )= ln (Cs-Ct )- KLa.t (1-4)
=KLa (Cs−C) (1-1) Then obtained a straight line with the magnitude of the
dt direction (slope) is KLa in the equation above. With an
Information: initial condition of t = 0, CL = 0, the analytical solution.
KLa : total transfer coefficient, hour-1
Cs : saturated gas concentration, mg / l ln ( )=Klat (1-5)
C : gas concentration in liquid, mg / l Cs−C
The aerator for oxygen transfer is determined based on Besides that, the technical analysis of the filtration
its oxygenation capacity (OC), which is defined as the process uses a continuous upflow flow and there are
rate of oxygen supply by the aerator into clean water at several filtrations through the ion exchange process with
conditions C, 1 atm). Oxygenation Capacity (OC) micromembrane resin and microfiltration. This filtration
standard (20◦C, 1 atm). Oxygen capacity is formulated will calculate the filtration process efficiency from the
inlet and outlet obtained.

Table 1. Water Control for Aeration-Advanced Filtration in Water Treatment

No Ministry of Health (PerMenKes No.
Parameters Unit Water Control
. 492 in 2010)
1 Temperature celcius 30.9 Third deviation in air temperature
2 pH - 7.8 6.5-8.5
3 TDS mg/L 8,800 1,000
4 Iron(Fe) mg/L 3.02 0.3
5 Chloride mg/L 6,750 250
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 5

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION parameters on the variation of KLa is undertaken in

order to establish a correlation between them. This
The results of each experiment on the underground correlation will be used in the prediction of the necessary
water parameters before treatment (control sample) and oxygen amount.
after treatment of aeration and filtration shown in results. After aeration system was in Fig.3 about aeration in
linear approximately. Table 2 shows the results of the
III.1 Laboratory Phase temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) value. The DO
The study carried out diffused aeration process with value before treated in the AAF was 4,7 mg/L It showed
bubble diffuser aeration. This process checks the that DO saturation in temperature always fluctuation in
concentration of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) value and water supply in Table 2. Dissolved oxygen was upgraded
temperature in water treatment that the best time for to a better level. Counstinuously, it was selected after
diffuse aeration will be obtained. It showed that process based on aeration experiments to advanced filtration.
is to batch diffuse aeration this study and to be continued
in water supply. The study of the influence of these


0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (min)

Figure 3. Linear approximation of the temporal evolution of fuction ln(Cs/(Cs-C)) = Klat

Table 2. Correlation Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature in Diffused Aeratin for Water Supply
No Period of Water Supply After Aeration Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen Temperature
. (minutes) (mg/L) (oC)
1 0 6.2 34.7
2 2 6.4 32.5
3 5 6.6 31.1
4 10 6.8 30.5
5 15 6.8 30.7
6 20 6.2 34.3
7 30 6.8 30.3

After aeration treatment, the filtration process was variations in filter types and media. Advanced filter in
reduced some of the pollutant concentrations of raw every media has determined the effectiveness of each
water to be processed. Filtration uses 3 filters, single, medium to reduce pollutant concentration. The results of
double filters and 3 filters arranged in layers with 3 water treatment in aeration and filtration in one process
different media. Advanced filter have used from outlet with the same inlet treatment in Table 3. In
micromembrane, activated carbon and resin (Anion and aeration sytem to be continued system dengan
Cation). preliminary time detention and flowing to filter. In this
filter, there were used media micromembrane, resin and
Water treatment by filtration in this study has used
actuvated carbon. It resulst in Table 3. The results using
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 6

cation-anion resin in filter media and are more effective of their molecular size and shape with the utilization of
in decreasing TDS, Fe and chloride, but if only using extraordinarily composed semi-permeable membrane.
resin will be expensive, so to added for aeration prosess The semi-permeable membrane is frequently a thin,
as preliminary prosess or anymedia filter. It was nonporous or porous polymeric film, ceramic, or metal
becamed resin such as advanced treatment. material or even a liquid or gas. The membrane must not
dissolve, disintegrate or break[10]
The results about technology of AAF. Based of Table
4, technology of AAF in completes media more than one This study using activated carbon of the most effective
or two media. AAF treatment was reduced of TDS, Fe methods of controlling emissions of volatile organic
and Chloride. Based on content in Table 4, using compounds is also one of the most economical--
aeration more effective for reducing TDS, Chloride and adsorption, usually using activated carbon as the
Fe such as preliminary treatment. The result also using adsorbent. This process is cost-effective because it is
resin will be best reducing them. Micromembrane and typically able to recover many VOCs for reuse. But, in
activated carbon filtration is effective in reducing some this study activated carbon to remove ion iron too.
pollutants including, Total Dissolved Oxygen (TDS), and
However, the reduction in the ionization stage is less
effective as it decreases chloride, so it requires a
This micromembrane process is for separating particles combination of filters with other media such as resin.
with a maximum size of 0.1 microns. In a membrane
separation process, particles are isolated on the premise

Table 3. Water Control for Aeration-Advanced Filtration in Water Treatment

Ministry of
Outlet of Preliminary Water Treatment
No Health
Parameters Unit
. (PerMenKes No.
492 in 2010) Activated
Diffused Aeration Micromembrane Filter of Resin
(A) Filtration (M) (R)
Filtration (C)
Third deviation
1 Temperature celcius 30.9 30.9 32.6 31.5
in air temperature
2 pH - 6.5-8.5 7.9 7.8 6,9-9,0 8.5
3 TDS mg/L 1,000 8,180 7,570 437 7,780
4 Iron(Fe) mg/L 0.3 1.13 0.18 0.18 0.09
5 Chloride mg/L 250 6,750 6,450 240 6,650

Table 4. Results of Water Quality from Aeration-Advanced Filtration

N Temperature TDS Besi Clorida
Advanced Treatment pH
o (Celcius) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
1 Aeration- Activated Carbon Filtration (A-C) 30.4 8.3 7900 0.045 6700
2 Aeration-Micromembrane Filtration (A-M) 29.4 8 7900 0.04 6500
3 Aeration-Filter of Resin (A-R) 31.2 7.3 432 0.04 350
Aeration-(Activated Carbon-Micromembrane)
4 32.7 8.1 8440 0.04 6200
Filtration (A-C-M)
Aeration-(Micromembrane-Activated Carbon)
5 32.4 8.1 8170 0.14 5900
Filtration (A-M-C)
Aeration- (Activated Carbon-Resin) Filtration (A-
6 32.5 6.9 376 0.135 250
Aeration-(Micromembrane-Resin) Filtration (A-M-
7 30.8 8 230 0.02 175
Aeration-(Activated Carbon-Micromembrane-
8 33.6 7.5 286 0.075 250
Resin) Filtration (A-C-M-R)
Aeration-(Micromembrane-Activated Carbon-
9 33.4 7.1 256 0.035 175
Resin) Filtration (A-M-C-R)

III.2 Effectiveness of Treatment System in the system AAF treatment, only successful
distribution tank chloride content decreased to 175 mg/L
PerMenKes set the standard for chloride content was
with the removal of 98%. However, the value obtained
250 mg/L. Table 5 shows the experimental results for
surpassed the limit PerMenKes.
this parameters. Parameter heavy chloride in
groundwater showed the highest reading 8800 mg /L This suggests that although chloride is a difficult
before undergoing treatment. For based treatment tanks parameter to be treated, however AAF systems can
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 7

produce water that meets quality standards. From the occur because the OH- ionic resin is saturated, according
control samples 3.02 mg/L, the content of Fe removed by to the ion exchange reaction
63% in the AAF of 1.13 mg/L. Increase in the
sedimentation tank removal of 98% of 0.04% mg/L. R-OH- + HCL → R-CL + H2O
Improved in removal was closer to PerMenKes standards
had caused by particles that decomposed in the AAF. There are Cl- ions replacing OH- ions in the resin until
Based on analyzed phase, to be selected of treatment for finally the entire OH- ion is replaced by Cl- ions, at this
reducing iron and chloride. While the content in Table 5 time a saturation process occurs which results in
of total dissolved Solid (TDS) showed great potential in stopping ion exchange resins. The duration of the
the elimination of over 90%. Ferrum and Chloride also sampling time is very important in the percentage
eliminated more than 90% and these analyses shows allowance.
great potential in improving the removal such as iron and The decrease in Cl- ion from the filtration process
chloride for AAF treatment. carried out at the filter outlet reaches a presetase of over
90 %, so that it is effectively used. Cl - removal is more
The percentage of Cl-ion removal decreases with the
effective than a combination of AAF filters with aeration
length of the process of the treatment. Decreasing in the
and filter of micromembran-resins reaching 98.39%.
length prosess treatment was decreased of up to 98%
with a AAF in completed media filter. This decrease can

Table 5. Effectiveness from System of Aeration-Advanced Filtration Treatment

Pecentage Pecentage Pecentage Removal
Advanced Treatment Removal of TDS Removal of Fe of Chloride
(%) (%) (%)
1 Aeration- Activated Carbon Filtration (A-C) 10.23 96.37 0.74
2 Aeration-Micromembrane Filtration (A-M) 10.23 96.77 3.70
3 Aeration-Filter of Resin (A-R) 95.09 96.77 94.81
Aeration-(Activated Carbon-Micromembrane)
4.09 96.77 8.15
4 Filtration (A-C-M)
Aeration-(Micromembrane-Activated Carbon)
7.16 88.71 12.59
5 Filtration (A-M-C)
Aeration- (Activated Carbon-Resin) Filtration
95.73 89.11 96.30
6 (A-C-R)
Aeration-(Micromembrane-Resin) Filtration
97.39 98.39 97.41
7 (A-M-R)
Aeration-(Activated Carbon-Micromembrane-
96.75 93.95 96.30
8 Resin) Filtration (A-C-M-R)
Aeration-(Micromembrane-Activated Carbon-
97.09 97.18 97.41
9 Resin) Filtration (A-M-C-R)

AAF treatment system was effectively in treating and reduced by this treatment system. The results of aeration
improving the quality of groundwater with stabilized the and filtration processing (AAF) then analyzed the water
dissolved oxygen in aeration content. Total Dissolved quality so that it reached aeration micromembrane and
Solid values were also reduced by this treatment system. resins with Cl-removal of 98,39%, TDS allowance
The results of aeration and filtration processing (AAF) 97,394% and allowance for ferrum 97.41%. In addition,
then analyzed the water quality so that it reached through this treatment system parameters can be
aeration micromembrane and resins with Cl-removal of eliminated such as ferrum and chloride, and
98,39%, TDS allowance 97,394% and allowance for consequently improving the quality of groundwater in
ferrum 97.41%. ITS. The water quality was undergone this AAF system
Based on the overall variables observed, the results has passed the quality standards of drinking water supply
show that the temporary results after the research and by the Ministry of Health (PerMenKes no. 42 in 2010)
analysis process, the pollutant concentration in and at the same time past the raw water supply standards.
groundwater was including the quality standard of the Therefore, underground water which has been treated
Regulation of the Ministry of Health R.I. No. 492 of may be used for internal and external use in ITS. This
2010 in TDS, Ferrum and Chloride parameters. study indicates that positive towards the treatment
process and water treatment and drinking water supplies
as simple as a natural treatment system without mixing
IV.CONCLUSION chemicals in each tank in the AAF system. Local
population or community can apply this system for
Through the studies conducted, AAF treatment system commercial and domestic purposes.
was effectively in treating and improving the quality of
groundwater with stabilized the dissolved oxygen in
aeration content. Total Dissolved Solid values were also AKNOWLEDGEMENTs
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, Vol. xx(x), Xxx. 20xx. 2088-2033 (pISSN:0853-4098) 8
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