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The tabs below show each area of learning and a page of general comments. Within each area of learning there are differe
from the Ontario curriculum documents. These can be used for assessing progress including within end of year reports for p

The grade qualifiers have been provided as an approximate guide. Insert qualifiers into the selected comments to suit the d
provided to give an approximate guide. Comments can be chosen from any part of the bank of comments and then practitio
to determine the final level reported.
Practitioners can use these statements to generate ideas or to copy and paste and then edit/personalise for individual child
Enter a child's name and gender in the boxes below in order to correctly pre-populate and contextualise the statements.
To see all of the areas of learning, simply scroll along the tabs at the bottom. Each area of learning is also divided into its su
scroll bar across and/or down.

Child Name

Child Gender

Please use tabs at the bottom of the sheet to navigate between different subjects.
Next Year
It has been a pleasure to teach Childname and I hope her enthusiastic approach to learning continues in Year X.
I have enjoyed teaching Childname and I wish her luck in Year X.
I have enjoyed teaching Childname and she has a good sense of humour that has often made me smile.
I have enjoyed teaching Childname this year and it has been lovely to watch her confidence grow.
I have enjoyed teaching Childname this year and it has been lovely to watch her independence grow.
I have enjoyed watching Childname grow this year and I hope she continues to develop her focus next year.
It has been lovely to see Childname enjoy her learning this year. I hope that she continues to apply her positive attitude in Year X.
It has been lovely to see the care Childname takes over her learning and I'm sure she will continue to do so next year.
I'm sure Childname's imagination and creativity will continue to inspire her learning in Year X.
I hope Childname continues to try to improve her behaviour next year.
I wish Childname every success in the future.
Ability Comments
Childname completely understands what her responsibilities are within the classroom and school communities. She ensures all commitments and tasks are thoroughly met.

E - Excellent
Childname is self-directed and is commited to ensuring all assigned tasks are completed according to agreed-upon timelines.
Childname clearly understands that she is part of a learning community and treats everyone with respect. She understands that her behaviour impacts herself and others. She takes responsibility for her actions.
Childname is an inspiration to her classmates- modeling positive and caring behaviour in the classroom.
Childname usually understands what her responsibilities are within the classroom and school communities. She ensures all commitments and tasks are frequently met.
G - Good

Childname is self-directed and often ensures all assigned tasks are completed according to agreed-upon timelines.
Childname generally understand that she is part of a learning community and treats everyone with respect. She often understands that her behaviour impacts herself and others. She takes responsibility for her actions.
Childname frequently models positive and caring behaviour in the classroom.
Childname occasionally understands what her responsibilities are within the classroom and school communities. She ensures all commitments and tasks are occasionally met.

Childname is fairly self-directed and sometimes ensures all assigned tasks are completed according to agreed-upon timelines.

Childname is starting to understand that she is part of a learning community and inconsistently treats her classmates with respect. At times, she understands that her behaviour impacts herself and others. She occasionally takes responsibility for her actions.
Childname is learning to model positive and caring behaviour in the classroom.

Childname occasionally understands what her responsibilities are within the classroom and school communities. All commitments and tasks are rarely met.
N - Needs

Childname rarely attempts to ensure all assigned tasks are completed according to agreed-upon timelines.
Childname is having difficulting understanding that she is part of a learning community and rarely treats her classmates with respect. She is disengaged and doesn't understand that her behaviour impacts herself and others. She rarely takes responsibility for her actions.
Childname rarely models positive and caring behaviour in the classroom.

Childname's work is consistently neat and organized.
E - Excellent

Childname is able to effectively plan, organize and prioritize what she needs to complete.
Childname sets long and short-term goals and is able to thoroughly meet them. She seeks challenges and has high expectations of herself.She always strives to do nothing but her best.
Childname has exemplary time management skills and is able to complete all tasks on time.
Childname is able to gather and critically analyze various sources of information to extensively complete assignments in a non-biased way.

Childname's work is frequently neat and organized.

Childname is generally able to plan, organize and prioritize what she needs to complete.
G - Good

Childname frequently sets long and short-term goals and is often able to thoroughly meet them. She has high expectations of herself and usually strives to do her best.

Childname has skilled time management skills and is able to complete most tasks on time.
Childname manages to gather and analyze various credible sources of information to complete assignments in a non-biased way.

Childname's work is occasionally neat and organized.

S - Satisfactory

Childname is able to peridically plan, organize and prioritize what she needs to complete.
Childname sets long and short-term goals and is able to successfully meet them. She has high expectations of herself and usually strives to do her best.
Childname is developing her time management skills and is able to complete some tasks on time.
Childname is learning to gather and analyze some sources of information to complete assignments.

Childname's work is rarely neat and organized.


Childname rarely plans, organizes or prioritizes what she needs to complete.

N - Needs

Childname rarely sets long and short-term goals and is rarely able to successfully meet them. She has unclear expectations of herself and is usually disengaged.
Childname has minimal time management skills and is able to complete few tasks on time.
Childname is reluctant to learn and avoids gathering and analyzing information to complete assignments. She is unsure of her own abilities.

Independent Work
Childname is able to easily complete tasks independently and on time.
E - Excellent

Childname is aware of, and can model what is expected of her within the classroom and school communities.
Childname is able to masterfully assess, reflect upon and revise her approaches in order to meet her goals.

Childname always meticulously follows instructions in class. She works well independently but knows when to ask for help.
Childname is able to comfortably complete tasks independently and on time.
Independent Work

G - Good

Childname is generally aware of what is expected of her within the classroom and school communities.

Childname is able to assess, reflect upon and revise her approaches in order to meet her goals.
Childname always follows instructions in class. She often works well independently but knows when to ask for help.

Childname is able to adequately complete tasks independently and on time.


Childname is developing an awareness of what is expected of her within the classroom and school communities.

Childname is inconsistent in assessing, reflecting upon and revising her approaches in order to meet her goals.

Childname occasionally follows instructions in class. She is learning to work well independently and when to ask for help.
Childname has difficulty completing tasks independently and on time.
N - Need
Childname needs clarification numerous times of what is expected of her within the classroom and school communities.
Childname is unsure of herself and reluctant to revise her goals.
Childname rarely follows instructions in class. She is having difficulty learning to work well independently and recognizing when to ask for help.

Childname contributes daily to the success of the classroom.
Childname consistently encourages and inspires others to make good choices through positive feedback and helps to create an inclusive classroom environment.

Childname listens to others and respectfully responds to ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others in a positive way.
E - Excellent

Childname is self-assured. She clearly works well with others and is able to adapt and take on her share of group work.
Childname is easily able to take on various roles within the group.
Childname demonstrates leadership by consistently offering her peers support and feedback in order to achieve group goals and resolve conflicts.
Childname is consistently able to find a positive solution to a challenge through promoting critical thinking. She uses information that she has gained through resources and expertise to make innovative decisions and support others.

Childname models respectful behaviour. She is considerate of others and has healthy peer relationships in person and through media.
Childname regularly contributes to the success of the classroom.
Childname influences others to make good choices through feedback and helping to create an inclusive classroom environment.
Childname frequently listens to others and respectfully responds to ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others in a constructive way.
G - Good

Childname often works well with others and is able to take on her share of group work.

Childname is usually able to take on various roles within the group.


Childname demonstrates leadership by frequently offering her peers support and feedback in order to achieve group goals and resolve conflicts.
Childname is usually able to find a positive solution to a challenge through promoting critical thinking. She uses information that she has gained through resources and expertise to make decisions and support others.
Childname is often respectful of others and has healthy peer relationships in person and through media.
Childname periodically contributes to the success of the classroom.

Childname occationally influences others to make good choices through limited feedback and helping to create an inclusive classroom environment.
S - Satisfactory

Childname listens to some of her classmates and adequately responds to ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others.
Childname occasionally works well with others and is able to take on some of her share of group work.
Childname is learning to take on various roles within the group.
Childname occasionally offers her peers support and feedback in order to achieve group goals and resolve conflicts.

Childname is devoping her ablility to find a positive solution to a challenge through promoting critical thinking. She sometimes uses limited information that she has gained through resources and expertise to make decisions and support others.
Childname is occasionally respectful of others and at times has healthy peer relationships in person and through media.
Childname rarely contributes to the success of the classroom.
N - Needs Improvement

Childname avoids helping others to make good choices. She is reluctant to give feedback in order to help create an inclusive classroom environment.
Childname only listens to some of her classmates when required. Sheis unable to respond to ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others without difficulty.

Childname has a difficult time working with others in a group setting.

Childname is reluctant to take on various roles within the group.
Childname avoids offering her peers support and feedback in order to achieve group goals and resolve conflicts.
Childname has difficulties finding positive solutions to challenges. She uses little information that she has gained through resources to make decisions and support others.
Childname is rarely respectful of others and has difficulty developing healthy peer relationships in person and through media.

Childname is constantly trying new ideas and approaches to learning. She is not afraid to take risks, reflect on these and modify her actions to gain success.
E - Excellent

Childname is consistently able to find solutions to new tasks and collaborates with others in a respectful and positive way.
Childname understands that it is important to treat others with respect and dignity. She advocates for herself and others on appropriate issues at the right time.
Childname is always interested in learning. She demonstrates her curiousity by asking questions and experimenting with different theories.

Childname is aware when an opportunity for learning arises. She is never afraid to delve deeper in her understanding and always appropriately acts on new ideas.
Childname is frequently trying new ideas and approaches to learning. She takes risks, reflects on these and modifies her actions to gain success.
Childname is often able to find solutions to new tasks and collaborates with others in a respectful and positive way.
G - Good

Childname generally understands that it is important to treat others with respect and dignity. She usually advocates for herself and others on appropriate issues at the right time.

Childname is generally interested in learning. She often demonstrates her curiousity by asking questions and experimenting with different theories.

Childname is usually aware when an opportunity for learning arises. She takes time to delve deeper in her understanding and frequently acts on new ideas.
Childname is occasionally trying new ideas and approaches to learning. She takes some risks, reflects on these and periodically modifies her actions to gain success.
S - Satisfactory

Childname is learning to find solutions to new tasks and collaborates with others in a positive way.
Childname is learning to understand that it is important to treat others with respect and dignity. She occassionally advocates for herself and others on appropriate issues at the right time.
Childname is inconsistently interested in learning. She periodically demonstrates her curiousity by asking questions and experimenting with different theories.

Childname is occassionally aware when an opportunity for learning arises. She takes limited time to delve deeper in her understanding and is learning to take more chances and act on new ideas.
Childname seldom tries new ideas and approaches to learning. She is unsure of herself and afraid to take risks.

Childname is having difficulty finding solutions to new tasks. She is reluctant to collaborate with others.

N - Needs
Childname is indifferent to treating others with respect and dignity. She rarely advocates for herself and others on appropriate issues.
Childname is disengaged when it comes to learning. She is reluctant to ask questions and experiment with different theories.
Childname is unsure when an opportunity for learning arises. She rarely takes time to delve deeper in her understanding and seldomly acts on new ideas.

Childname masterfully sets goals. She achieves these goals by consistently monitoring her progress.
E - Excellent

Childname consistently asks for help or clarification when she does not fully understand what is expected of her.
Childname has high expectations of herself and critically reflects on what she needs to improve on. She is able to identify her own strengths, needs and interests and consistently reflects on these in order to be a better learner.
Childname never gives up and always tries her best when faced with a challenge. She seeks challenges to learn from.

Childname consistently takes advantage of opportunities to learn by making good choices and using strategies to meet her goals and needs.
Childname is able to set goals. She achieves these goals by consistently monitoring her progress.

Childname usually asks for help or clarification when she does not fully understand what is expected of her.
G - Good

Childname has high expectations of herself and reflects on what she needs to improve on. She is able to identify her own strengths, needs and interests and often reflects on these in order to be a better learner.
Childname rarely gives up and usually tries her best when faced with a challenge.

Childname frequently takes advantage of opportunities to learn by making good choices and using strategies to meet her goals and needs.
Childname sets limited goals. She achieves these goals by monitoring her progress.
S - Satisfactory

Childname occasionally asks for help or clarification when she does not fully understand what is expected of her.
Childname has limited expectations of herself and sometimes reflects on what she needs to improve on. She is periodically able to identify her own strengths, needs and interests and occasionally reflects on these in order to be a better learner.
Childname sometimes gives up and rarely tries her best when faced with a challenge.

Childname occasionally takes advantage of opportunities to learn by making good choices and using strategies to meet her goals and needs.
Childname seldom sets goals. She is learning to achieve these goals by monitoring her progress.

Childname rarely asks for help or clarification when she does not fully understand what is expected of her.
N - Needs

Childname has poor expectations of herself and rarely reflects on what she needs to improve on. She has difficulty identifying her own strengths, needs and interests and hardly reflects on these in order to be a better learner.
Childname is quick to give up and rarely tries her best when faced with a challenge.

Childname rarely takes advantage of opportunities to learn by making good choices and using strategies to meet her goals and needs.
A Discerning Believer formed in the Catholic Faith Community
Childname has a basic understanding of the Catholic faith and the story of salvation.
Childname participates in the sacramental life of the church. She has an understanding of the seven sacraments and uses
Childname's commitment to worship in the Catholic faith includes reflecting on the word of God found in Hebrew and Christ
Childname is commited to lifelong learning and is continuing to develop her understanding and practice of the gospel values
Childname understands that life is a sacred gift from God that must be valued and cared for. (Witness to Faith).
Childname seeks a relationship with God through communion, prayer and worship.
Childname understands that through God's will, the Lord leads everyone in the discovery of their own path, and in developin
Childname demonstrates respect for all, including different faiths and traditions. She is welcoming of all and is committed to
Childname integrates Catholic faith throughout her life.
Childname acknowledges that sin, humility, struggle, conflict, compassion, empathy and forgiveness are part of the human

An Effective Communicator
Childname is developing her character through gospel values. She is respectful of others and critically listens and participat
Childname is able to read a variety of texts. She has a strong comprehension of what she is reading and how to use it succ
Childname is welcoming of all. She presents knowledge and ideas openly and truthfully and with compassion for others.
Childname is fluent in reading and writing in both French and English.
Childname intertwines Catholic faith to critically study subjects like the arts, media, technology and information systems to b

A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker

Childname understands that hope is crucial when facing challenges in life.
Childname attempts to create, reflects upon and alters new ideas for the betterment of society.
Childname is able to solve problems by reflecting and critically analyzing her choices and situations she may find herself in
Childname demonstrates that she has morals and practices the gospel values by making good choices.
Childname gains success by learning from subjects as well as experience.
Childname understands the importance of human rights, fairness and restorative justice. She is able to critically examine di

A Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learner

Childname respects and recognizes the human rights of others and shows respect and dignity for herself.
Childname is able to adapt to different situations.
Childname shows excellence in initiative and Christian leadership.
Childname inspires change in a constructive and respectful manner. She is able to take constructive criticism from others an
Childname regularly reflects upon and sets appropriate short-term and long-term goals in life.
Childname takes advantage of a wide range of resources and is able to complete tasks on time. She manages her time effe
Childname has ambitions and regularly reflects on her own values and abilities and is able to make informed choices in life.
Childname practices a healthy lifestyle. She particiates in extra-curricular activities and understands the importance of the s

A Collaborative Contributor
Childname is able to effectively work independently as well as in a group setting. She is able to motivate herself and others
Childname critically reflects on the purpose and meaning of her own and others work.
Childname understands that she has potential in herself that is a gift from God. She strives to use her gifts to positively con
Childname strives to find spiritual meaning and fulfillment in life and work that betters society.
Childname has respect for others, their rights and contributions to society.
Childname demonstrates Christian leadership by supporting others in their achievements and goals.
Childname supports others work and achievements. She has expectations of herself and always tries to achieve excellence
Childname possesses skills related to a Christian vocation.

A Caring Family Member

Childname shows compassion, kindness and respect towards her family, school family and family parish.
Childname is aware that human intimacy, sexuality and the sacredness of the human body and creation should be used as
Childname respects and values her relationships within her family and society.
Childname values and inspires others to pray and support one another.
Childname is developing her own spiritual and moral development by serving her family, school, parish and wider communi
A Responsible Citizen
Childname is formed in Catholic traditions and demonstrates this by acting morally.
Childname is honest and responsible for her actions.
Childname asks for and provides forgiveness to others.
Childname promotes the sacredness of creation and values all life.
Childname witnesses Catholic social teaching by sharing her faith with others, and helping to create a compassionate socie
Childname respects and shows an awareness of the diversity of the world's peoples and cultures.
Childname respects others cultures, religious freedom and history in this diverse society.
Childname is a good citizen and demonstrates this by carrying out her rights and responsibilities.
Childname cares for the environment, values all life and the sacredness of creation.
Childname contributes to her community and family parish. She has established a good relationship with her family and frie
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication
Listening to Understand Listening to Understand Listening to Understand Listening to Understand Listening to Understand Listening to Understand

Childname is able to identify purposes for listening in a few different situations, formal and Childname is able to identify purposes for listening in a variety of situations, formal and Childname is able to identify purposes for listening in a variety of situations, formal and Childname is able to identify purposes for listening in a variety of situations, formal and Childname is able to identify a range of purposes for listening in a variety of situations, formal Childname is able to identify a range of purposes for listening in a variety of situations, formal
informal. informal, and set personal goals for listening, initially with support and direction. informal, and set personal goals related to listening tasks. informal, and set goals related to specific listening tasks. and informal, and set goals related to specific listening tasks. and informal, and set goals related to specific listening tasks.

Childname demonstrates an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active Childname demonstrates an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active Childname demonstrates an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active Childname demonstrates an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by adapting Childname demonstrates an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by adapting Childname demonstrates an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by adapting
listening strategies in a few different situations. listening strategies in a variety of situations. listening strategies in order to contribute meaningfully and work constructively in groups. active listening strategies to suit a variety of situations, including work in groups. active listening strategies to suit a variety of situations, including work in groups. active listening strategies to suit a variety of situations, including work in groups.

Childname is able to identify a few listening comprehension strategies and use them before, Childname is able to identify a variety of listening comprehension strategies and use them Childname is able to identify a variety of listening comprehension strategies and use them Childname is able to identify a variety of listening comprehension strategies and use them Childname is able to identify a variety of listening comprehension strategies and use them
Childname is able to identify several listening comprehension strategies and use them before,
during and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning of oral texts, initially appropriately before, during and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning appropriately before, during and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning appropriately before, during and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning appropriately before, during and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning
during and after listening in order to understand and clarify the meaning of oral texts.
with support and direction. of oral texts. of oral texts. of oral texts. of increasingly complex oral texts.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in oral texts
Childname demonstrates an understanding of the information and ideas in oral texts by Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in a variety Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in a variety Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in oral texts Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in
by retelling the story or restating the information, including the main idea and several
retelling the story or restating the information, including the main idea. of oral texts by identifying important information or ideas and some supporting details. of oral texts by summarizing important ideas and citing important details. by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety of supporting details. increasingly complex oral texts in a variety of ways.
interesting details.

Childname is able to use stated and implied information and ideas in oral texts to make simple
Childname is able to use stated and implied information and ideas in oral texts, initally with Childname is able to make inferences about oral texts using stated and implied ideas in the
inferences and reasonable predictions, and support the inferences with evidence from the Childname is able to distinguish between stated and implied ideas in oral texts. Childname is able to make inferences using stated and implied ideas in oral texts. Childname is able to interpret oral texts by using stated and implied ideas from the texts.
support and direction, to make simple inferences and reasonable predictions. texts as evidence.

Childname is able to extend her understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to Childname is able to extend her understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to Childname is able to extend her understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to Childname is able to extend her understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to Childname is able to extend her understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to Childname is able to extend her understanding of oral texts by connecting, comparing, and
her own knowledge and experience; to other familiar texts, including print and visual texts; and her own knowledge and experience; to other familiar texts, including print and visual texts; and her own knowledge and experience; to other familiar texts, including print and visual texts; and her own knowledge, experience, and insights; to other texts, including print and visual texts; her own knowledge, experience, and insights; to other texts, including print and visual texts; contrasting the ideas and information in them to her own knowledge, experience, and insights;
to the world. to the world. to the world. and to the world. and to the world. to other texts, including print and visual texts; and to the world.

Childname is able to identify words or phrases that indicate whether an oral text is fact or Childname is able to identify words or phrases that indicate whether an oral text is fact or Childname is able to identify and explain the importance of significant ideas and information in Childname is able to analyse oral texts and explain how specific elements in them contribute Childname is able to analyse oral texts and explain how specific elements in them contribute Childname is able to analyse oral texts in order to evaluate how well they communicates
fiction, initally with support and direction. opinion, initally with support and direction. oral texts. to meaning. to meaning. ideas, opinions, themes, and information.

Childname is beginning to identify, initially with support and direction, who is speaking in an
Childname is beginning to identify, with support and direction, who is speaking in an oral text Childname is able to identify the point of view in different types of oral texts and cite words, Childname is able to identify the point of view presented in oral texts and ask questions about Childname is able to identify the point of view presented in oral texts and ask questions to Childname is able to identify the point of view presented in oral texts, determine whether she
oral text and demonstrates an understanding that the speaker has his or her own point of
and the point of view expressed by the speaker. phrases, ideas, and information from the texts that confirm their identification. possible bias. identify missing or possible alternative points of view. agrees with the point of view, and suggest other possible perspectives.

Childname is beginning to identify some of the presentation strategies used in oral texts and Childname is able to identify some of the presentation strategies used in oral texts and explain Childname is able to identify some of the presentation strategies used in oral texts and explain Childname is able to identify the presentation strategies used in oral texts and analyse their Childname is able to identify a range of presentation strategies used in oral texts and analyse Childname is able to identify a variety of presentation strategies used in oral texts and analyse
explain how they influence the audience. how they influence the audience. how they influence the audience. effect on the audience. their effect on the audience. their effect on the audience.

Speaking to Communicate Speaking to Communicate Speaking to Communicate Speaking to Communicate Speaking to Communicate Speaking to Communicate

Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for speaking and explain how the purpose
Childname is able to identify a few purposes for speaking. Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for speaking. Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for speaking. Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for speaking. Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for speaking.
and intended audience influence the choice of form.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a Childname is able to demonstrate an increasingly sophisticated understanding of appropriate
Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a
variety of situations, including paired sharing, dialogue, and small-and large-group speaking behaviour in a variety of situations, including paired sharing, dialogue, and small-and
few different situations, including paired sharing and small-and large-group discussions. variety of situations, including paired sharing and small-and large-group discussions. variety of situations, including paired sharing and small-and large-group discussions. variety of situations, including paired sharing and small-and large-group discussions.
discussions. large-group discussions.

Childname is able to communicate ideas, opinions, and information orally in a clear, coherent Childname is able to communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, Childname is able to communicate in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions, Childname is able to communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, Childname is able to communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, using appropriate
Childname is able to communicate ideas and information orally in a clear, coherent manner.
manner using simple but appropriate organizational patterns. opinions, and information in a logical sequence. and information in a readily understandable form. opinions, and information in a readily understandable form. organizing strategies and formats to link and sequence ideas and information.

Childname is able to use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of her vocabulary,
Childname is able to choose a variety of appropriate words and phrases, including descriptive Childname is able to use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of her vocabulary, Childname is able to use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of her vocabulary,
Childname is able to choose appropriate words to communicate her meaning accurately and Childname is able to choose a variety of appropriate words and phrases to communicate their including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and stylistic devices appropriate to the
words and some technical vocabulary, and a few elements of style, to communicate their including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and stylistic devices suited to the
engage the interest of her audience. meaning accurately and engage the interest of her audience. purpose and context, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of her
meaning accurately and engage the interest of her audience. communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of her audience. purpose, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of her audience.
intended audience.

Childname is able to identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume and Childname is able to identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume and Childname is able to identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume and Childname is able to identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume and Childname is able to identify a range of vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, volume, and
Childname is beginning to identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume
use them appropriately and with sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help communicate use them appropriately, and with sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help communicate a range of sound effects, and use them appropriately and with sensitivity towards cultural a variety of sound effects, and use them appropriately and with sensitivity towards cultural a variety of sound effects, and use them appropriately and with sensitivity towards cultural
and use them appropriately to help communicate their meaning.
her meaning. her meaning. differences to help communicate her meaning. differences to help communicate their meaning. differences to help communicate her meaning.

Childname is able to identify some non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, Childname is able to identify some non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, Childname is able to identify some non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, Childname is able to identify some non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, Childname is able to identify a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, Childname is able to identify a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions,
and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with sensitivity and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with sensitivity and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with sensitivity and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with sensitivity gestures, and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with gestures, and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and with
towards cultural differences, to help convey her meaning. towards cultural differences, to help convey her meaning. towards cultural differences, to help convey her meaning. towards cultural differences, to help convey her meaning. sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help convey her meaning. sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help convey her meaning.

Childname is able to use one or more appropriate visual aids. Childname is able to use a few different visual aids, to support or enhance oral presentations. Childname is able to use a a variety of appropriate visual aids. Childname is able to use a a variety of appropriate visual aids. Childname is able to use a a variety of appropriate visual aids. Childname is able to use a a variety of appropriate visual aids.

Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills

Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, what strategies she Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, what strategies she Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, what strategies she
Childname is beginning to identify, with support and direction, a few strategies she found Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, a few strategies she found Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, what strategies she
found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking and what steps she can found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking and what steps she can found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking and what steps she can
helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking. helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking. found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking.
take to improve her oral communication skills. take to improve her oral communication skills. take to improve her oral communication skills.

Childname is beginning to identify how her skills as a viewer, representer, reader, and writer Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, how her skills as a viewer, Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, how her skills as a Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, how her skills as a Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, how her skills as a Childname is able to identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, how her skills as a
helps her improve her oral communication skills. representer, reader, and writer helps her improve her oral communication skills. viewer, representer, reader, and writer helps her improve her oral communication skills. viewer, representer, reader, and writer helps her improve her oral communication skills. viewer, representer, reader, and writer helps her improve her oral communication skills. viewer, representer, reader, and writer helps her improve her oral communication skills.

Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading

Reading for Meaning Reading for Meaning Reading for Meaning Reading for Meaning Reading for Meaning Reading for Meaning

Childname is able to confidently read a few different types of literary, graphic, and
Childname is able to read some different literary texts and informational texts. Childname is able to read a variety of literary texts. Childname is able to read a variety of texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts. Childname is able to read a variety of texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts. Childname is able to read a variety of texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts.
informational texts.

Childname is able to confidently identify a few different purposes for reading and choose Childname is able to identify several different purposes for reading and choose reading Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for reading and choose reading materials Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for reading and choose reading materials Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for reading and choose reading materials Childname is able to identify a variety of purposes for reading and choose reading materials
reading materials appropriate for these purposes. materials appropriate for those purposes. appropriate for those purposes. appropriate for those purposes. appropriate for those purposes. appropriate for those purposes.

Childname is able to accurately identify a few different reading comprehension strategies to Childname is able to identify several reading comprehension strategies and use them before, Childname is able to identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them Childname is able to identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them Childname is able to identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them Childname is able to identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them
understand texts. during, and after reading to understand texts. appropriately before, during, and after reading to understand texts. appropriately before, during, and after reading to understand texts. appropriately before, during, and after reading to understand texts. appropriately before, during, and after reading to understand increasingly complex texts.

Childname demonstrates understanding of a text by retelling the story or restating information Childname demonstrates understanding of a variety of texts by identifying important ideas and Childname demonstrates understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas Childname demonstrates understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas Childname demonstrates understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing and
Childname consistently demonstrates her understanding of a text by retelling the story.
from the text, with the inclusion of a few interesting details. some supporting details. and citing supporting details. and citing supporting details. explaining important ideas and citing relevant supporting details.

Childname is consistently able to use stated or implied information and ideas from texts with Childname is able to use stated and implied information and ideas in texts to make simple Childname is able to make inferences about texts using stated and implied ideas from the text Childname is able to make inferences about texts using stated and implied ideas from the Childname is able to use stated and implied ideas in texts to make inferences and construct Childname is able to develop interpretations about texts using stated and implied ideas to
support to make simple inferences and predictions. inferences and reasonable predictions about them. as evidence. texts as evidence. meaning. support her interpretations.

Childname is able to extend her understanding of texts by connecting, comparing, and

Childname is almost always able to extend her own understanding of texts by connecting Childname is able to extend understanding of texts by connecting ideas in them to her own Childname is able to extend her understanding of texts by connecting ideas in them to her Childname is able to extend her understanding of texts by connecting ideas in them to her Childname is able to extend her understanding of texts by connecting the ideas in them to her
contrasting the ideas in them to her own knowledge and experience, and insights, to other
ideas to her own knowledge. knowledge and experience, to other familiar texts, and to the world. own knowledge and experience, to other familiar texts, and to the world. own knowledge and experience, and insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world. own knowledge and experience, and insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world.
familiar texts, and to the world.

Childname is able to accurately identify the main idea and a few elements of texts with initial Childname is able to identify specific elements of texts and explain how they contribute to the Childname is able to analyze texts and explain how specific elements in them contribute to the Childname is able to analyze texts and explain how various elements in them contribute to the Childname is able to analyze increasingly complex texts and explain how the different
Childname is able to identify the main idea and some additional elements of texts.
support. meaning of the texts. meaning of the texts. meaning of the texts. elements in them contribute to the meaning of the texts.

Childname is able to express opinions about the ideas and information in texts and cite Childname is able to make judgements and draw conclusions about the ideas and information Childname is able to make judgements and draw conclusions about the ideas in texts and cite
Childname is able to clearly express her own thoughts about what she has read. Childname is able to express personal thoughts and feelings about what has been read. Childname is able to express personal opinions about ideas presented in texts.
evidence from the text to suppport her opinions. in texts and cite stated or implied evidence from the text to suppport her views. stated or implied evidence from the text to suppport her views.

Childname is able to identify the point of view presented in texts, ask questions to identify
Childname clearly understands a point of view presented in a text and is able to indentify with Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, the speaker and the point of Childname is able to identify the point of view in a text and suggest possible alternative Childname is able to identify the point of view presented in a text, citing supporting evidence Childname is able to identify the point of view presented in texts, determine whether she can
missing or possible alternative points of view, and suggest some possible alternative
it. view presented in a text and suggest one or two possible alternative perspectives. perspectives. from the text, and suggest some possible alternative perspectives. agree with the view, in whole or in part; and suggest some other possible persepectives.

Understanding Form and Style Understanding Form and Style Understanding Form and Style Understanding Form and Style Understanding Form and Style Understanding Form and Style

Childname is able to explain how the particular characteristics of various text forms help Childname is able to analyze a variety of text forms and explain how their particular Childname is able to analyze a variety of text forms and explain how their particular
Childname is able to consistently identify and describe the characteristics of a few simple text Childname is able to identify and describe characteristics of a few simple text forms, with a Childname is able to identify and describe the characteristics of a variety of text forms, with a
communicate meaning, with a focus on literary texts such as a diary or journal, graphic texts characteristics help communicate meaning, with a focus on literary texts such as short stories, characteristics help communicate meaning, with a focus on literary texts such as myths,
forms such as literary texts and simple fiction. focus on literary texts such as fairy tales. focus on literary texts such as fables or adventure stories.
such as a brochure, and informational texts such as an encyclopedia. and informational texts such as movie reviews. graphic texts such as advertisements, and informational texts such as editorials.

Childname is able to recognize simple organizational patterns in text of different types, and
Childname is able to accurately recognize simple organizational patterns in texts initially with Childname recognizes a few organizational patterns in text of different types, and explains Childname recognizes a variety of organizational patterns in texts of different types, and Childname can identify a variety of organizational patterns in a range of texts and explain how Childname can identify a variety of organizational patterns in a range of texts and explain how
explain, initially with support and direction, how the patterns help readers understand the
support and direction and point out how these patterns help readers understand these texts. how the patterns help readers understand texts. explains how the patterns help readers understand the texts. they help readers understand the texts. they help readers understand the texts.

Childname is able to clearly identify some text features and explain how these help people Childname is able to identify some text features and explain how they help readers Childname is able to identify a variety of text features and explain how they help readers Childname is able to identify a variety of text features and explain how they help readers Childname is able to identify a variety of text features and explain how they help readers Childname is able to identify a variety of text features and explain how they help readers
understand text. understand texts. understand texts. understand texts. understand texts. understand texts.

Childname is able to identify various elements of style, including alliteration, descriptive Childname is able to identify various elements of style - including word choice and the use of Childname is able to identify various elements of style - including voice, word choice and the
Childname is able to consistently identify some simple elements of style with initial support Childname is able to identify some simple elements of style, including voice, word choice, and Childname is able to identify some elements of style, including voice, word choice, and
adjectives and adverbs, and sentences of different types, lengths, and structures and explain similes, personification, comparative adjectives, and sentences of different types, lengths, and use of hyperbole, strong verbs, dialogue, and complex sentences - and explain how they help
and explain how these help readers understand text. different types of sentences, and explain how they help readers understand texts. different types of sentences, and explain how they help readers understand texts.
how they help communicate meaning. structures - and explain how they help communicate meaning. communicate meaning.

Reading with Fluency Reading with Fluency Reading with Fluency Reading with Fluency Reading with Fluency Reading with Fluency

Childname is able to automatically read and understand many high-frequency words, some Childname is able to automatically read and understand most high-frequency words, many Childname is able to automatically read and understand most high-frequency words, most
Childname automatically reads and understand some high-frequency words and words of Childname is able to automatically read and understand most words in a range of reading
words with common speling patterns, and words of personal interest or significance, in a regularly used words, and words of personal interest or significance in a variety of reading regularly used words, and words of personal interest or significance in a variety of reading Childname is able to automatically read and understand most words in common use.
personal interest or significance in a variety of reading contexts. contexts.
variety of reading contexts. contexts. contexts.

Childname is able to predict the meaning of and solve unfamiliar words using different types of Childname is able to predict the meaning of and quickly solve unfamiliar words using different Childname is able to predict the meaning of and rapidly solve unfamiliar words using different Childname is able to predict the meaning of and rapidly solve unfamiliar words using different Childname is able to predict the meaning of and rapidly solve unfamiliar words using different Childname is able to predict the meaning of and rapidly solve unfamiliar words using different
cues. types of cues, including: semantic, syntactic, graphologicial. types of cues, including: semantic, syntactic and graphologicial. types of cues, including: semantic, syntactic and graphologicial. types of cues, including: semantic, syntactic and graphologicial. types of cues, including: semantic, syntactic and graphologicial.

Childname is able to read appropriate, familiar texts at a sufficient rate and with sufficient Childname is able to read appropriate texts at a sufficient rate and with sufficient expression to Childname is able to read appropriate texts at a sufficient rate and with sufficient expression to Childname is able to read appropriate texts at a sufficient rate and with sufficient expression to Childname is able to read appropriate texts with expression and confidence, adjusting reading Childname is able to read appropriate texts with expression and confidence, adjusting reading
expression to convey the sense of the text to the reader. convey the sense of the text to the reader and to an audience. convey the sense of the text readily to the reader and to an audience. convey the sense of the text readily to the reader and to an audience. strategies and reading rate to match the form and purpose. strategies and reading rate to match the form and purpose.

Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies

Childname is able to identify, initially with some support and direction, what strategies she Childname is able to identify in conversations with her teacher and peers or in a reader's Childname is able to identify the stategies she found most helpful before, during, and after Childname is able to identify the stategies she found most helpful before, during, and after
Childname is beginning to identify a few helpful strategies before, during and after reading Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, a few strategies that she
found most helpful before, during, and after reading and how she can use these and other notebook, what strategies she found most helpful before, during, and after reading and how reading and explain, in conversation with the teacher and/or peers or in a reader's notebook, reading and explain, in conversation with the teacher and/or peers or in a reader's notebook,
with help. found helpful before, during, and after reading.
strategies to improve as a reader. she can use these and other strategies to improve as a reader. how she can use these and other strategies to improve as a reader. how she can use these and other strategies to improve as a reader.

Childname is able to explain in conversations with the teacher and peers or in a reader's Childname is able to explain in conversations with the teacher and peers or in a reader's Childname is able to explain in conversations with the teacher and/or peers or in a reader's
Childname is able to explain, initially with support how their skills in listening, speaking, Childname is able to explain, initially with support and direction, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to explain, initially with some support and direction, how her skills in
notebook, how her skills in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing help her notebook, how her skills in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing help her notebook, how her skills in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing help her
writing, viewing and representing help them make sense of what they read. speaking, writing, viewing, and representing help them make sense of what she reads. listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing help her make sense of what she reads.
make sense of what she reads. make sense of what she reads. make sense of what she reads.

Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing

Developing and Organizing Content Developing and Organizing Content Developing and Organizing Content Developing and Organizing Content Developing and Organizing Content Developing and Organizing Content
Childname is able to accurately identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing,
Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing. Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing. Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing forms. Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing forms. Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing forms.
initially with support and direction.

Childname generates ideas about the potential topic, using a variety of strategies and Childname generates ideas about the potential topic, using a variety of strategies and Childname generates ideas about the potential topic, using a variety of strategies and Childname generates ideas about the potential topic, using a variety of strategies and Childname generates ideas about the potential topic and identifies those most appropriate for Childname generates ideas about a potential topic and identifies those most appropriate for
resources. resources. resources. resources. the purpose. the purpose.

Childname gathers information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or from a Childname gathers information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or from a Childname gathers information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or from a Childname gathers information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and Childname gathers information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a Childname gathers information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a
variety fo sources. variety fo sources. variety fo sources. oral, print, and electronic sources. range of print and electronic resources. range of print and electronic resources.

Childname sorts ideas and information for her writing in a variety of ways, with support and Childname sorts ideas and information for her writing in a variety of ways, with support and Childname is able to sort and classify ideas and information for her writing in a variety of Childname is able to sort and classify information for her writing in a variety of ways that allow
Childname sorts ideas and information for her writing in a variety of ways. Childname sorts ideas and information for her writing in a variety of ways.
direction. direction. ways. her to view information from different perspectives and make connections between ideas.

Childname identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details and groups them into units
Childname identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details, initially with support and Childname identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details into units that could be Childname identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details and group them into units Childname identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details and groups them into units
Childname identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details, using graphic organizers. that could be used to develop a structured, multi-paragraph piece of writing, using a variety of
direction, using simple graphic organizers and simple organiziational patterns. used to develop a short, simple paragraph, using graphic organizers. that could be used to develop a summary, using a variety of graphic organizers. that could be used to develop several linked paragraphs, using a variety of strategies.

Childname is able to determine, after consultations with the teacher and peers, whether the Childname is able to determine, whether the ideas and information she has gathered are Childname is able to determine, whether the ideas and information she has gathered are Childname is able to determine, whether the ideas and information she has gathered are Childname is able to determine, whether the ideas and information she has gathered are Childname is able to determine, whether the ideas and information she has gathered are
ideas and information she has gathered are suitable for the purpose. suitable for the purpose, and gather new material if necessary. relevant and adequate for the purpose, and gather new material if necessary. relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary. relevant, appropriate, and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary. relevant, appropriate, and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary.

Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing

Childname is able to write short texts using a few simple forms. Childname is able to write short texts using several forms. Childname is able to write short texts using a variety of forms. Childname is able to write more complex texts using a variety of forms. Childname is able to write longer and more complex texts using a variety of forms. Childname is able to write longer and more complex texts using a wide range of forms.

Childname is beginning to establish a personal voice in her writing by using pictures and Childname has established a personal voice in her writing, with a focus on using familiar Childname has established a personal voice in her writing, with a focus on using concrete Childname has established a personal voice in her writing, with a focus on using words and Childname has established an appropriate voice in her writing, with a focus on modifying Childname has established a distinctive voice in her writing appropriate to the subject and
words that convey her attitude or feelings towards the subject or audience. words that convey her attitude or feelings toward the subject or audience. words and images to convey her attitude or feelings towards the subject or audience. stylistic elements that convey a specific mood, such as amusement. language and tone to suit different circumstances or audiences. audience.

Childname is able to use words and phrases that will help convey their meaning as specifically Childname is able to use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to Childname is able to use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to
Childname is able to use familiar words and phrases to convey a clear meaning. Childname is able to use familiar words and phrases to communicate relevant details. Childname is able to use specific words and phrases to create an intended impression.
as possible. add interest. add interest.

Childname is able to vary sentence structures and maintain continuity by using joining words
Childname is able to vary sentence types and structures, with a focus on using conjunctions to Childname is able to create complex sentences by combining phrases, clauses, and/or simple
Childname is able to write simple but complete sentences that make sense. Childname is able to use a variety of sentence types. to combine simple sentences and using words that indicate time and sequence to link Childname is able to use sentences of different lengths and structures.
connect ideas, and pronouns to make links within and between sentences. sentences.

Childname is able to identify her point of view and other possible points of view; determine,
Childname is beginning to identify, with support and direction, her point of view and one Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, her point of view and one or Childname is able to identify her point of view and other possible points of view on the topic, Childname is able to identify her point of view and other possible points of view on the topic, Childname is able to identify her point of view and other possible points of view, and
when appropriate, if her own view is balanced and supported by the evidence; and adjust her
possible different point of view about the topic. more possible different points of view about the topic. and determine if her information supports her own view. and determine whether her information sufficiently supports her own view. determine, when appropriate, if her own view is balanced and supported by evidence.
thinking and expression if appropriate.

Childname is able to identify elements of her writing that need improvement, selectively using
Childname is able to identify elements of her writing that need improvement, including content, Childname is able to identify elements of her writing that need improvement, using feedback Childname is able to identify elements of her writing that need improvement, using feedback Childname is able to identify elements of her writing that need improvement, using feedback Childname is able to identify elements of her writing that need improvement, using feedback
feedback from the teacher and peers, with a focus on supporting details and precise
organization, and style, using feedback from the teacher and peers. from the teacher and peers, with a focus on content and word choice. from the teacher and peers, with a focus on specific features. from the teacher and peers, with a focus on specific features. from the teacher and peers, with a focus on specific features.

Childname is able to make simple revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of her Childname is able to make simple revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of her Childname is able to make revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of her written Childname is able to make revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of her written Childname is able to make revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of her written Childname is able to make revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of her written
written work, using a few simple strategies. written work, using several types of strategies. work, using several types of strategies. work, using several types of strategies. work, using a variety of strategies. work, using a variety of strategies.

Childname is able to produce revised draft pieces of writing to meet criteria identified by the Childname is able to produce revised draft pieces of writing to meet criteria identified by the Childname is able to produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria based Childname is able to produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria based Childname is able to produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria based Childname is able to produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria based
teacher, based on the expectations. teacher, based on the expectations. on the expectations related to content, organization, style, and use of conventions. on the expectations related to content, organization, style, and use of conventions. on the expectations related to content, organization, style, and use of conventions. on the expectations.

Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work
Effectively Effectively Effectively Effectively Effectively Effectively

Childname is able to spell some high-frequency words correctly. Childname is able to spell many high-frequency words correctly. Childname is able to spell familiar words correctly. Childname is able to spell familiar words correctly. Childname is able to spell familiar words correctly. Childname is able to spell familiar words correctly.

Childname is able to spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve Childname is able to spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve Childname is able to spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve Childname is able to spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve Childname is able to spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve
Childname is able to spell some unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve
understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, and word meanings, and understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and
understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, and word meanings.
generalizations about spelling. generalizations about spelling. generalizations about spelling. generalizations about spelling. generalizations about spelling.

Childname is able to confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using one or two Childname is able to confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using a few Childname is able to confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using several Childname is able to confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using different Childname is able to confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using a variety of Childname is able to confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using a variety of
resources. different types of resources. different types of resources. types of resources appropriate for the purpose. resources appropriate for the purpose. resources appropriate for the purpose.

Childname is able to use punctuation to help communicate her intended meaning, with a Childname is able to use punctuation appropriately to help communicate their intended Childname is able to use punctuation appropriately to help communicate their intended
Childname is able to use punctuation to help communicate her intended meaning, with a Childname is able to use punctuation to help communicate her intended meaning, with a Childname is able to use punctuation appropriately to help communicate their intended meaning, with a focus on the use of: a comma before and/or/but in compound sentences meaning in longer and more complex sentences, with a focus on the use of:
focus on the use of: quotation marks to indicate direct speech, commas to mark grammatical
focus on the use of: capital letters at the beginning of a sentence; periods , question marks, or focus on the use of: question marks, periods, or exclamation marks at the end of a sentence; meaning, with a focus on the use of: the apostrophe to indicate possesion, and quotation
boundaries within sentences; capital letters and final punctuation to mark the beginning and to join principle clauses; quotation marks for direct speech; and the placement of commas, commas to seperate words in a list or after an introductory word or phrase; quotation marks in
exclamation marks at the end of sentences. commas to mark pauses; and some uses of quotation marks. marks to indicate direct speech.
end of sentences. question marks, and exclamation marks inside quotation marks in direct speech. dialogue; and some uses of the colon, semi-colon, and brackets.

Childname is able to use parts of speech approporiately to communicate their meaning Childname is able to use parts of speech approporiately to communicate their meaning Childname is able to use parts of speech approporiately to communicate their meaning Childname is able to use parts of speech approporiately to communicate their meaning Childname is able to use parts of speech correctly to communicate their meaning clearly, with Childname is able to use parts of speech correctly to communicate their meaning clearly, with
clearly, with a focus on the use of: nouns for names of people, places, and things; clearly, with a focus on the use of: proper nouns for local, provincial, and national place clearly, with a focus on the use of: proper nouns for titles; the possessive pronouns my, clearly, with a focus on the use of: common and proper nouns; verbs in the simple a focus on the use of: common, proper and abstract nouns; collective nouns; a focus on the use of: personal subject and object pronouns; indefinite pronouns;
the personal subject pronouns; verbs to tell what they do and feel; some adjectives; and names and for holidays; the personal object pronouns me, you, him, her, us, them; adjectives mine, you, yours, his, her, hers, its; action verbs in the present and simple past tenses; present, past, and future tenses; adjectives and adverbs; subject/verb agreement; adjectives, including comparative adjectives; the helping verb; adverbs modifying verbs; conjunctions; subordinate clauses; adverb phrases; and present, past, and future verb tenses.
simple prepositions of place. to describe a noun; verbs in the simple present and past tenses; joining words; simple adjectives and adverbs; question words. prepositions; and conjunctions. comparative adverbs.
prepositions of place and time.

Childname is able to proofread and correct her writing using a simple checklist or a few Childname is able to proof-read and correct her writing using a simple checklist or a few Childname is able to proof-read and correct her writing using guidelines developed with peers Childname is able to proof-read and correct her writing using guidelines developed with peers Childname is able to proof-read and correct her writing using guidelines developed with peers Childname is able to proof-read and correct her writing using guidelines developed with peers
guiding questions posted by the teacher for reference. guiding questions developed with the teacher and posted for reference. and the teacher. and the teacher. and the teacher. and the teacher.

Childname is able to use some appropriate elements of effective presentation in the finished Childname is able to use some appropriate elements of effective presentation in the finished Childname is able to use some appropriate elements of effective presentation in the finished Childname is able to use some appropriate elements of effective presentation in the finished Childname is able to use a range of appropriate elements of effective presentation in the Childname is able to use a range of appropriate elements of effective presentation in the
product, such as print, different fonts, graphics, and layout. product, including print, different fonts, graphics, and layout. product, including print, script, different fonts, graphics, and layout. product, including print, script, different fonts, graphics, and layout. finished product, including print, script, different fonts, graphics, and layout. finished product, including print, script, different fonts, graphics, and layout.

Childname is able to produce pieces of published work to meet identified criteria based on the Childname is able to produce pieces of published work to meet identified criteria based on the Childname is able to produce pieces of published work to meet identified criteria based on the
Childname is able to produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the Childname is able to produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the Childname is able to produce pieces of published work to meet identified criteria based on the
expectations related to content, organization, style, use of conventions, and use of expectations related to content, organization, style, use of conventions, and use of expectations related to content, organization, style, use of conventions, and use of
teacher, based on the expectations. teacher, based on the expectations. expectations.
presentation stategies. presentation stategies. presentation stategies.

Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies

Childname is able to identify a variety of strategies she used before, during and after writing,
Childname is able to identify some strategies she found helpful before, during and after Childname is able to identify some strategies she found helpful before, during and after Childname is able to identify what strategies she found most helpful before, during and after Childname is able to identify what strategies she found most helpful before, during and after Childname is able to identify what strategies she found most helpful before, during and after
explain which ones were most helpful, and suggest further steps she can take to improve as a
writing. writing. writing and what steps she can take to improve as a writer. writing and what steps she can take to improve as a writer. writing and what steps she can take to improve as a writer.

Childname is able to describe, with prompting by the teacher, how some of her skills in Childname is able to describe, with prompting by the teacher, how some of her skills in Childname is able to describe, with prompting by the teacher, how some of her skills in Childname is able to describe, with prompting by the teacher, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to describe, with prompting by the teacher, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to describe how her skills in listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and
listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and representing help in her development as a writer. listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and representing help in her development as a writer. listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and representing help in her development as a writer. speaking, reading, viewing, and representing help in her development as a writer. speaking, reading, viewing, and representing help in her development as a writer. representing help in her development as a writer.

Childname is able to select pieces of writing she thinks shows her best work and explain the Childname is able to select pieces of writing she thinks shows her best work and explain the Childname is able to select pieces of writing that she thinks shows her best work and explain Childname is able to select pieces of writing that she thinks reflects her growth and Childname is able to select pieces of writing that she thinks reflects her growth and Childname is able to select pieces of writing that she thinks reflects her growth and
reasons for the selection. reasons for the selection. the reasons for the selection. competence as a writer and explain the reasons for her choice. competence as a writer and explain the reasons for her choices. competence as a writer and explain the reasons for her choices.

Media Literacy Media Literacy Media Literacy Media Literacy Media Literacy Media Literacy
Understanding Media Texts Understanding Media Texts Understanding Media Texts Understanding Media Texts Understanding Media Texts Understanding Media Texts

Childname is able to explain how a variety of media texts address their intended purpose and
Childname is able to identify the purpose and intended audience of some simple media texts. Childname is able to identify the purpose and intended audience of some simple media texts. Childname is able to identify the purpose and intended audience of some media texts. Childname is able to identify the purpose and audience for a variety of media texts. Childname is able to identify the purpose and audience for a variety of media texts.

Childname is able to identify overt and implied messages, initially with support and direction, Childname is able to identify overt and implied messages to draw inferences and make Childname is able to use overt and implied messages to draw inferences and construct Childname is able to use overt and implied messages to draw inferences and construct Childname is able to interpret media texts, using overt and implied messages as evidence for
Childname is able to identify overt and implied messages in simple media texts.
in simple media texts. meaning in simple media texts. meaning in media texts. meaning in media texts. her interpretations.

Childname is able to express personal thoughts and feelings about some simple media works Childname is able to express opinions about ideas, issues, and/or experiences presented in Childname is able to express opinions about ideas, issues, and/or experiences presented in Childname is able to evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and treatment of ideas,
Childname is able to express personal thoughts and feelings about some simple media works. Childname is able to express personal opinions about ideas presented in media texts.
and explain her responses. media texts, and give evidence from the texts to support her opinions. media texts, and give evidence from the texts to support her opinions. information, themes, opinions, issues, and/or experiences in media texts.

Childname is able to explain why different audiences might respond differently to specific Childname is able to explain why different audiences might respond differently to the same Childname is able to explain why different audiences might have different responses to media
Childname is able to describe how different audiences might respond to specific media texts. Childname is able to describe how different audiences might respond to specific media texts. Childname is able to describe how different audiences might respond to specific media texts.
media texts. media text. texts.

Childname is beginning to identify, initially with support and direction, whose point of view is Childname is able to identify whose point of view is presented or reflected in a media text, Childname is able to identify whose point of view is presented or reflected in a media text, ask Childname is able to identify whose point of view is presented in a media text, identify missing
Childname is beginning to identify, with support and direction, whose point of view is Childname is able to identify whose point of view is presented or reflected in a media text and
presented in a simple media text and suggest how the text might change if a different point of citing supporting evidence from the text, and suggest how the text might change if a different questions to identify missing or alternative points of view, and, where appropriate, suggest or or alternative points of view, and, where appropriate, determine whether te chosen view
presented in a simple media text and suggest a possible alternative perspective. suggest how the text might change if a different point of view were used.
view were used. point of view were used. how a more balanced view might be represented. achieves a particular goal.

Childname is able to identify with support and direction, who makes some of the simple media Childname is able to identify with support and direction, who makes some of the simple media Childname is able to identify who produces selected media texts and why those texts are Childname is able to identify who produces various media texts and the reason for their Childname is able to identify who produces various media texts, the reason for their Childname is able to identify who produces various media texts, the reason for their
texts with which she is familiar, and why those texts are produced. texts with which she is familiar, and why those texts are produced. produced. production. production, how they are produced, and how they are funded. production, how they are produced, and how they are funded.

Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques

Childname is able to identify some of the elements and characteristics of a few simple media Childname is able to identify some of the elements and characteristics of selected media
Childname is able to identify elements and characteristics of some media forms. Childname is able to identify elements and characteristics of some media forms. Childname is able to describe in detail the main elements of some media forms. Childname is able to describe in detail the main elements of some media forms.
forms. forms.

Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, the conventions and Childname is able to identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media Childname is able to identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media Childname is able to identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media Childname is able to identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media Childname is able to identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media
techniques used in some familiar media forms. forms. forms and explain how they help convey meaning. forms and explain how they help convey meaning. forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience. forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience.

Creating Media Texts Creating Media Texts Creating Media Texts Creating Media Texts Creating Media Texts Creating Media Texts

Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts she plans to Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts she plans to Childname is able to identify the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts she plans to Childname is able to describe in detail the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts she Childname is able to describe in detail the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts she Childname is able to describe in specific detail the topic, purpose, and audience for media
create. create. create. plans to create. plans to create. texts she plans to create, and identify challenges she may face in achieving her purpose.

Childname is able to identify an appropriate form to suit the purpose and audience for a media Childname is able to identify an appropriate form to suit the purpose and audience for a media Childname is able to identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for Childname is able to identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for Childname is able to identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for Childname is able to identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for
text she plans to create. text she plans to create. a media text she plans to create. a media text she plans to create. a media text she plans to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice. a media text she plans to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice.

Childname is able to identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a Childname is able to identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a
Childname is able to identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a Childname is able to identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a Childname is able to identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a Childname is able to identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a
media text she plans to create, and explain how she will use the conventions and techniques media text she plans to create, and explain how she will use the conventions and techniques
media text she plans to create. media text she plans to create. media text she plans to create. media text she plans to create.
to help communicate her message. to help communicate her message.
Childname is able to produce some short media texts for specific purposes and audiences, Childname is able to produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few Childname is able to produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few Childname is able to produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few Childname is able to produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, Childname is able to produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences,
using a few simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques. simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques. simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques. simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques. using appropriate forms, conventions and techniques. using appropriate forms, conventions and techniques.

Reflecting on Media Literacy Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Media Literacy Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Media Literacy Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Media Literacy Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Media Literacy Skills and Strategies Reflecting on Media Literacy Skills and Strategies

Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, what strategies she found Childname is able to identify, with some support and direction, what strategies she found most Childname is able to identify what strategies she found most helpful in making sense of and
Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, what strategies she found Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, what strategies she found Childname is able to identify, initially with support and direction, what strategies she found
most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other helpful in making sense of and creating media texts, and explain how these and other creating media texts, and explain how these and other strategies can help her improve as a
most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts. most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts. most helpful in making sense of and creating media texts.
strategies can help her improve as a media viewer/listener/ producer. strategies can help her improve as a media viewer/listener/ producer. media viewer/listener/ producer.

Childname is able to begin to explain, initally with support and direction, how her skills in Childname is able to explain, initally with support and direction, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to explain, initally with support and direction, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to explain, initally with support and direction, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to explain, with some support and direction, how her skills in listening, Childname is able to explain how her skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing help her
listening, speaking, reading, and writing help her make sense of and produce media texts. speaking, reading, and writing help her make sense of and produce media texts. speaking, reading, and writing help her make sense of and produce media texts. speaking, reading, and writing help her make sense of and produce media texts. speaking, reading, and writing help her make sense of and produce media texts. make sense of and produce media texts.

Examples of Qualifiers
Insert qualifiers into the selected comment above to suit the desired grade. An example of this is in The Arts tab.
almost always

A- to A+ (Level 4) thorough understanding

very good
B- to B+ (Level 3) firm understanding
some concepts
attempts familiar
C- to C+ (Level 2) beginning to demonstrate
simple purposes
requires practice
simple ideas
with difficulty
D- to D+ (Level 1) seldom
major errors
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Number Sense and Numeration Number Sense and Numeration Number Sense and Numeration Number Sense and Numeration Number Sense and Numeration Number Sense and Numeration
Quantity Relationships Quantity Relationships Quantity Relationships Quantity Relationships Quantity Relationships Quantity Relationships

Childname is able to represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 50, using a variety of Childname is able to represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 100, including money Childname is able to represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1000, using a variety of Childname is able to represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10,000, using a variety Childname is able to represent, compare, and order whole numbers and decimal numbers Childname is able to reprsent, compare, and order whole numbers and decimal numbers from
tools. amounts to 100 cents, using a variety of tools. tools. of tools. from 0.01 to 100 000, using a variety of tools. 0.001 to 1 000 000, using a variety of tools.

Childname is able to read and print in words whole numbers to ten, using meaningful Childname is able to read and print in words whole numbers to twenty, using meaningful Childname is able to read and print in words whole numbers to one hundred, using meaningful Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers and Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers and Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers and
contexts. contexts. contexts. decimal numbers from 0.1 to 10 000, using a variety of tools and strategies. decimal numbers from 0.01 to 100 000, using a variety of tools and strategies. decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1 000 000, using a variety of tools and strategies.

Childname is able to demonstrate, using concrete materials, the concept of conservation of Childname is able to compose and decompose two-digit numbers in a variety of ways, using Childname is able to identify and represent the value of a digit in a number according to its Childname is able to read and print in words whole numbers to one thousand, using Childname is able to read and print in words whole numbers to ten thousand, using Childname is able to read and print in words whole numbers to one hundred thousand, using
number. concrete materials. position in the number. meaningful contexts. meaningful contexts. meaningful contexts.

Childname is able to represent, compare, and order fractional amounts with unlike
Childname is able to determine, using concrete materials, the ten that is nearest to a given Childname is able to compose and decompose three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and Childname is able to round four-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and Childname is able to round decimal numbers to the nearest tenth, in problems arising from
Childname is able to relate numbers to the anchors of 5 to 10. denominators, including proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers, using a variety of
two-digit number, and justify the answer. ones in a variety of ways, using concrete materials. thousand, in problems arising from real-life situations. real-life situations.
tools and using standard fractional notation.

Childname is able to determine, through investigation using concrete materials, the Childname is able to represent, compare, and order fractional amounts with like
Childname is able to identify and describe various coins, using coin manipulatives or Childname is able to round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten, in problems arising from real- Childname is able to represent, compare, and order decimal numbers to tenths, using a Childname is able to estimate quantities using benchmarks of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and
relationship between the number of fractional parts of a whole and the size of the fractional denominators, including proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers, using a variety of
drawings, and state their value. life situations. variety of tools and using standard decimal notation. 100%.
parts. tools and using standard fractional notation.

Childname is able to represent fractions using concrete materials, words, and standard
Childname is able to represent money amounts to 20 cents, through investigation using coin Childname is able to represent and explain, using concrete materials, the relationship among fractional notation, and explain the meaning of the denominator as the number of the Childname is able to demonstrate and explain the concept of equivalent fractions, using Childname is able to solve problems that arise from real-life situations and that relate to the
Childname is able to regroup fractional parts into wholes, using concrete materials.
manipulatives. the numbers 1,10,100, and 1000. fractional parts of a whole or a set, and the numerator as the number of fractional parts being concrete materials. magnitude of whole numbers up to 1 000 000.

Childname is able to compare fractions using concrete materials, without using standard Childname is able to divide whole objects and sets of objects into equal parts, and identify the Childname is able to compare and order fractions by considering the size and the number of Childname is able to demonstrate and explain equivalent representations of a decimal Childname is able to identify composite numbers and prime numbers, and explain the
Childname is able to estimate the number of objects in a set, and check by counting.
fractional notation. parts using fractional names, without using numbers in standard fractional notation. fractional parts. number, using concrete materials and drawings. relationship between them.

Childname is able to compose and decompose numbers up to 20 in a variety of ways, using Childname is able to estimate, count, and represent the value of a collection of coins with a Childname is able to represent and describe the relationships between coins and bills up to
Childname is able to compare fractions to the benchmarks of 0, 1/2, and 1. Childname is able to read and write money amounts to $1000.
concrete materials. maximum value of one dollar. $10.

Childname is able to divide whole objects into parts and identify and describe, through Childname is able to estimate, count, and represent the value of a collection of coins and bills Childname is able to demonstrate and explain the relationship between equivalent fractions, Childname is able to solve problems that arise from real-life situations and that relate to the
investigation, equal-sized parts of the whole, using fractional names. with a maximum value of $10. using concrete materials and drawings. magnitude of whole numbers up to 100 000.

Childname is able to solve problems that arise from real-life situations and that relate to the
Childname is able to read and represent money amounts to $100.
magnitude of whole numbers up to 1000.

Childname is able to solve problems that arise from real-life situations and that relate to the
magnitude of whole numbers up to 10 000.

Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting

Childname demonstrates, using concrete materials, the concept of one-to-one Childname is able to count forward by 1's 2's, 5's, 10's and 25's to 200, using number lines Childname is able to count forward by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s to 1000 from various starting Childname is able to count forward by halves, thirds, fourths, and tenths to beyond one whole, Childname is able to count forward by hundredths from any decimal number expressed to two
correspondence between numbers and objects when counting. and hundreds charts, starting from multiples of 1,2,5 and 10. points, and by 25s to 1000 starting from multiples of 25, using a variety of tools and strategies. using concrete materials and number lines. decimal places, using concrete materials and number lines.

Childname is able to count backwards by 1s from 50 and any number less than 50, and count Childname is able to count backwards by 2s, 5s, and 10s from 100 using multiples of 2, 5, and
Childname is able to count forward by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100, using a variety of tools and Childname is able to count forward by tenths from any decimal number expressed to one
backwards by 10s from 100 and any number less than 100, using number lines and hundreds 10 as starting points, and count backwards by 100s from 1000 and any number less than
strategies. decimal place, using concrete materials and number lines.
charts. 1000, using a variety of tools.

Childname is able to locate whole numbers to 100 on a number line and on a partial number
Childname is able to count backwards by 1s from 20 and any number less than 20.

Childname is able to count backwards from 20 by 2s and 5s, using a variety of tools.

Childname can use ordinal numbers to thirty-first in meaningful contexts.

Operational Sense Operational Sense Operational Sense Operational Sense Operational Sense Operational Sense

Childname is able to solve a variety of problems involving the addition and subtraction of Childname is able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers Childname is able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit Childname is able to solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, and multiplication of Childname is able to use a variety of mental strategies to solve addition, subtraction,
Childname is able to add and subtract two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies.
whole numbers to 20, using concrete materials and drawings. to 20, using a variety of mental strategies. numbers, using a variety of mental strategies. whole numbers, using a variety of mental strategies. multiplication, and division problems involving whole numbers.

Childname is able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of single-digit Childname is able to describe relationships between quantities by using whole-number Childname is able to add and subtract three-digit numbers, using concrete materials, student- Childname is able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of four-digit Childname is able to add and subtract decimal numbers to hundredths, including money Childname is able to solve problems involving the multiplication and division of whole
whole numbers, using a variety of mental strategies. addition and subtraction. generated algorithms, and standard algorithms. numbers, using student-generated algorithms and standard algorithms. amounts, using concrete materials, estimation, and algorithms. numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies.

Childname is able to add and subtract money amounts to 10 cents, using coin manipulatives Childname is able to represent and explain, through investigation using concrete materials Childname is able to use estimation when solving problems involving addition and subtraction, Childname is able to add and subtract decimal numbers to tenth, using concrete materials and Childname is able to multiply two-digit whole numbers by two-digit whole numbers, using Childname is able to add and subract decimal numbers to thousandths, using concrete
and drawings. and drawings, multiplication as the combining of equal groups. to help judge the reasonableness of a solution. student-generated algorithms. estimation, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms. materials, estimation, algorithms, and calculators.

Childname is able to represent and explain, through investigation using concrete materials Childname is able to add and subtract money amounts, using a variety of tools, to make Childname is able to add and subtract money amounts by making simulated purchases and Childname is able to divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers, using Childname is able to multiply and divide decimal numbers to tenths by whole numbers, using
and drawings, division as the sharing of a quantity equally. simulated purchases and change for amounts up to $10. providing change for amounts up to $100, using a variety of tools. concrete materials, estimation, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms. concrete materials, estimation, algorithms, and calculators.

Childname is able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit Childname is able to relate multiplication to one-digit numbers and division by one-digit Childname is able to multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000, and divide
Childname is able to multiply 9 x 9 and divide 81 / 9, using a variety of mental strategies. Childname is able to multiply whole numbers by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 using mental strategies.
numbers, with and without regrouping, using concrete materials. divisers to real-life situations, using a variety of tools and strategies. decimal numbers by 10 and 100, using mental strategies.

Childname is able to add and subtract money amounts to 100 cents, using a variety of tools Childname is able to solve problems involving the multiplication of one-digit whole numbers, Childname is able to use estimation when solving problems involving the addition, subtraction, Childname is able to multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000 using
Childname is able to multiply 7 x 7 and divide to 49 / 7, using a variety of mental strategies.
and strategies. using a variety of mental strategies. multiplication, and division of whole numbers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution. mental strategies.

Childname is able to use estimation when solving problems involving the addition and
Childname is able to multiply whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1000, using mental strategies.
subtraction of whole numbers and decimals, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution.

Childname is able to multiply two-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers, using a Childname is able to explain the need for a standard order for performing operations, by
variety of tools, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms. investigating the impact that changing the order has when performing a series of operations.

Childname is able to divide two-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers, using a
variety of tools and student-generated algorithms.

Childname is able to use estimation when solving problems involving the addition, subtraction,
and multiplication of whole numbers, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution.

Proportional Relationships Proportional Relationships Proportional Relationships

Childname is able to describe multiplicative relationships between quantities by using simple Childname is able to represent ratios found in real-life contexts, using concrete materials,
Childname is able to describe relationships that involve simple whole-number multiplication.
fractions and decimals. drawings, and standard fractional notation.

Childname is able to determine and explain, through investigation using concrete materials,
Childname is able to determine and explain, through investigation, the relationship between Childname is able to determine and explain, through investigation using concrete materials,
drawings, and calculators, the relationship between fractions and their equivalent decimal
fractions and decimals to tenths, using a variety of tools and strategies. drawings, and calculators, the relationships among fractions, decimal numbers, and percents.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of simple multiplicative relationships Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of simple multiplicative relationships
Childname is able to represent relationships using unit rates.
involving unit rates, through investigation using concrete materials and drawings. involving whole-number rates, through investigation using concrete materials and drawings.

Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement

Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense

Childname is able to choose benchmarks - in this case, personal referents - for a centimetre Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record length, height, and distance, using Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record length, height, and distance, using Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between estimated
Childname demonstrates an understanding of the use of non-standard units of the same size. Childname is able to estimate, measure, and represent time intervals to the nearest second.
and a metre to help her perform measurement tasks. standard units. standard units. and precise measurements, and determine and justify when each kind is appropriate.

Childname is able to estimate and measure lengths, height, and distance, using standard Childname is able to draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in millimetres or Childname is able to estimate and determine elapsed time, with and without using a time line, Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record length, area, mass, capacity, and volume,
Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record lengths, heights, and distances. Childname is able to draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in centimetres.
units and non-standard units. centimetres. given the durations of events expressed in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. using the metric measurement system.

Childname is able to construct, using a variety of strategies, tools for measuring lengths, Childname is able to record and represent measurements of length, height, and distance in a Childname is able to read time using analogue clocks, to the nearest five minutes, and using Childname is able to measure and record temperatures to determine and represent
Childname is able to estimate, measure, and represent time intervals to the nearest minute.
heights, and distances in non-standard units. variety of ways. digital clocks, and represent time in 12-hour notation. temperature changes over time.

Childname is able to estimate and determine elapsed time, with and without using a time line,
Childname is able to estimate, measure, and describe area, through investigation using non- Childname is able to select and justify the choice of a standard unit or a non-standard unit to Childname is able to estimate, read, and record positive temperatures to the nearest degree Childname is able to estimate and measure the perimeter and area of regular and irregular
given the durations of events expressed in five-minute intervals, hours, days, weeks, months,
standard units. measure length. Celsius. polygons, using a variety of tools.
or years.

Childname is able to identify benchmarks for freezing, cold, cool, warm, hot, and boiling
Childname is able to estimate, measure, and describe the capacity and/or mass of an object, Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the distance around objects, using non- Childname is able to estimate, measure using a variety of tools and strategies, and record the
temperatures as they relate to water and for cold, cool, warm and hot temperatures as they
through investigation using non-standard units. standard units. perimeter and area of polygons.
relate to air.

Childname is able to estimate, measure, and describe the passage of time, through Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record area, through investigation using a variety Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the perimeter of two-dimensional shapes, Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the mass of objects, using the standard
investigation using non-standard units. of non-standard units. through investigation using standard units. units of the kilogram and the gram.

Childname is able to read demonstration digital and analogue clocks, and use them to identify Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the capacity and/or mass of an object, Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the capacity of containers, using the
Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record area.
benchmark times and to tell and write time to the hour and half-hour in everyday settings. using a variety of non-standard units. standard units of the litre and the millilitre.

Childname is able to tell and write times to the quarter-hour, using demonstration digital and Childname is able to choose benchmarks for kilogram and litre to help her perform Childname is able to estimate, measure using concrete materials, and record volume, and
Childname is able to name the months of the year in order, and read the date on a calendar.
analogue clocks. measurement tasks. relate volume to the space taken up by an object.

Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the mass of objects, using the standard
Childname is able to relate temperature to experiences of the seasons. Childname is able to construct tools for measuring time intervals in non-standard units.
unit of the kilogram or parts of a kilogram.
Childname is able to estimate, measure, and record the capacity of containers, using the
Childname is able to describe how changes in temperature affect everyday experiences.
standard unit of the litre or parts of a litre.

Childname is able to use a standard thermometer to determine whether a temperature is

rising or falling.

Measurement Relationships Measurement Relationships Measurement Relationships Measurement Relationships Measurement Relationships Measurement Relationships

Childname is able to compare two or three objects using measurable attributes, and describe Childname is able to describe, through investigation, the relationships between the size of a Childname is able to compare standard units of length, and select and justify the most Childname is able to describe, through investigation, the relationship between various units of Childname is able to select and justify the most appropriate standard unit to measure length, Childname is able to select and justify the appropriate metric unit to measure length or
the objects using relative terms. unit of area and the number of units needed to cover a surface. appropriate standard unit to measure length. length. height, width, and distance, and to measure the perimeter of various polygons. distance in a given real-life situation.

Childname is able to compare and order objects by their linear measurements, using the Childname is able to compare and order a collection of objects by mass and/or capacity, using Childname is able to compare and order objects on the basis of linear measurements in Childname is able to select and justify the most appropriate standard unit to measure the side Childname is able to solve problems requiring conversion from metres to centimetres and from
Childname is able to solve problems requiring conversion from larger to smaller metric units.
same non-standard unit. non-standard units. centimetres and/or metres in problem-solving contexts. lengths and perimeters of various polygons. kilometres to metres.

Childname is able to use the metre as a benchmark for measuring length, and compare the Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the relationship between days and Childname is able to compare and order various shapes by area, using congruent shapes and Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the relationship between the side Childname is able to solve problems involving the relationship between a 12-hour clock and a Childname is able to construct a rectangle, a square, a triangle, and a parallelogram, using a
metre with non-standard units. weeks and between months and years. grid paper for measuring. lengths of a rectangle and its perimeter and area. 24-hour clock. variety of tools, given the area and/or perimeter.

Childname is able to determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies,
Childname is able to describe, through investigation using concrete materials, the relationship Childname is able to describe, through investigation using grid paper, the relationship Childname is able to pose and solve meaningful problems that require the ability to distinguish Childname is able to create, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, two-
the relationship between the area of a rectangle and the areas of parallelograms and
between the size of a unit and the number of units needed to measure length. between the size of a unit of area and the number of units needed to cover a surface. perimeter and area. dimensional shapes with the same perimeter or the same area.
triangles, by decomposing and composing.

Childname is able to determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies,
Childname is able to compare and order a collection of objects, using standard units of mass Childname is able to develop the formulas for the area of a parallelogram and the area of a
Childname is able to compare and order a collection of objects, using standard units of mass. the relationships between the length and width of a rectangle and its area and perimeter, and
and/or capacity. triangle using the relationships among rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles.
generalize to develop the formulas.

Childname is able to solve problems involving the relationships between minutes and hours, Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the relationship between grams and Childname is able to solve problems requiring the estimation and calculation of perimeters Childname is able to solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the areas of
hours and days, days and weeks, and weeks and years, using a variety of tools. kilograms. and areas of rectangles. triangles and the areas of parallelograms.

Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the relationship between capacity and Childname is able to determine, using concrete materials, the relationship between units used
Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the relationships between millilitres and
volume, by comparing the volume of an object with the amount of liquid it can contain or to measure area, and apply the relationship to solve problems that involve conversions from
displace. square metres to square centimetres.

Childname is able to determine, through investigation using stacked congruent rectangular Childname is able to determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies,
Childname is able to select and justify the most appropriate standard unit to measure mass
layers of concrete materials, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of a triangular
and the most appropriate standard unit to measure the capacity of a container.
volume of a rectangular prism, and generalize to develop the formula. prism, and generalize to develop the formula.

Childname is able to solve problems involving the relationship between years and decades, Childname is able to determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies,
Childname is able to select and justify the most appropriate standard unit to measure mass.
and between decades and centuries. the surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms.

Childname is able to compare, using a vareity of tools, two-dimensional shapes that have the Childname is able to solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the suface
same perimeter or the same area. area and volume of triangular and rectangular prisms.

Geometry and Spacial Sense Geometry and Spacial Sense Geometry and Spacial Sense Geometry and Spacial Sense Geometry and Spacial Sense Geometry and Spacial Sense
Geometric Properties Geometric Properties Geometric Properties Geometric Properties Geometric Properties Geometric Properties

Childname is able to identify and describe common two-dimensional shapes, and sort and Childname is able to distinguish between the attributes of an object that are geometric Childname is able to use a reference tool to identify right angles and to describe angles as Childname is able to draw the lines of symmetry of two dimensional shapes, through Childname is able to distinguish among polygons, regular polygons, and other two- Childname is able to sort and classify quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to
classify them by their attributes, using concrete materials and pictorial representations. properties and the attributes that are not geometric properties, using a variety of tools. greater than, equal to, or less than a right angle. investigation using a variety of tools. dimensional shapes. symmetry, angles, and sides, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies.

Childname is able to trace and identify the two-dimensional faces of three-dimensional figures, Childname is able to identify and describe various polygons and sort and classify them by Childname is able to identify and compare various polygons and sort them by their geometric Childname is able to identify and compare different types of quadrilaterals and sort and Childname is able to distinguish among prisms, right prisms, pyramids, and other three- Childname is able to sort polygons according to the number of lines of symmetry and the
using concrete models. their geometric properties, using concrete materials and pictorial representations. properties. classify them by their geometric properties. dimensional figures. order of rotational symmetry, through investigation using a variety of tools.

Childname is able to compare various angles, using concrete materials and pictorial
Childname is able to identify and describe common three-dimensional figures and sort and Childname is able to identify and describe various three-dimensional figures and sort and Childname is able to identify benchmark angles, using a reference tool, and compare other Childname is able to measure and construct angles up to 180 degrees using a protractor, and
representations, and describe angles and bigger than, smaller than, or about the same as Childname is able to identify and classify acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles.
classify them by their attributes, using concrete materials and pictorial representations. classify them by their geometric properties, using concrete materials. angles to these benchmarks. classify them as acute, right, obtuse, or straight angles.
other angles.

Childname is able to describe similarities and differences between an everyday object and a Childname is able to create models and skeletons of prisms and pyramids, using concrete Childname is able to construct polygons using a variety of tools, given angle and side
Childname is able to compare and sort prisms and pyramids by geometric properties. Childname is able to relate the names of the benchmark angles to their measures in degrees. Childname is able to measure and construct angles up to 90 degrees, using a protractor.
three-dimensional figure. materials, and describe their geometric properties. measurements.

Childname is able to locate shapes in the environment that have symmetry, and describe the Childname is able to construct rectangular prisms, and describe geometric properties of the Childname is able to identify and describe prisms and pyramids, and classify them by their Childname is able to identify triangles, and classify them according to angle and side
Childname is able to locate the line of symmetry in a two-dimensional shape.
symmetry. prisms. geometric properties, using concrete materials. properties.

Childname is able to construct triangles, using a variety of tools, given acute or right angles
and side measurements.

Geometric Relationships Geometric Relationships Geometric Relationships Geometric Relationships Geometric Relationships Geometric Relationships

Childname is able to compose patterns, pictures, and designs, using common two- Childname is able to compose and describe pictures, designs, and patterns by combining two- Childname is able to solve problems requiring the greatest or least number of two-dimensional Childname is able to construct a three-dimensional figure from a picture or model of the figure, Childname is able to build three-dimensional models using connecting cubes, given isometric
Childname is able to identify prisms and pyramids from her nets.
dimensional shapes. dimensional shapes. shapes needed to compose a larger shape in a variety of ways. using connecting cubes. sketches or different views of the structure.

Childname is able to construct skeletons of three-dimensional figures, using a variety of tools, Childname is able to sketch, using a variety of tools, isometric perspectives and different
Childname is able to identify and describe shapes within other shapes. Childname is able to compose and decompose two-dimensional shapes. Childname is able to explain the relationships between different types of quadrilaterals. Childname is able to construct nets or prisms and pyramids, using a variety of tools.
and sketch the skeletons. views of three-dimensional figures built with interlocking cubes.

Childname is able to build three-dimensional structures using concrete materials, and Childname is able to cover an outline puzzle with two-dimensional shapes in more than one Childname is able to identify and describe the two-dimensional shapes that can be found in a
Childname is able to draw and describe nets of rectangular and triangular prisms. Childname is able to locate an object using the cardinal directions and a coordinate system.
describe the two-dimensional shapes the structures contain. way. three-dimensional figure.

Childname is able to build a structure using three-dimensional figures, and describe the two-
Childname is able to cover outline puzzles with two-dimensional shapes. Childname is able describe and name prisms and pyramids by the shape of their base. Childname is able to construct prisms and pyramids from given nets. Childname is able to compare grid systems commonly used on maps.
dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures in structure.

Childname is able to identify congruent two-dimensional shapes by manipulating and

Childname is able to construct three-dimensional figures, using only congruent shapes. Childname is able to identify, perform, and describe translations, using a variety of tools.
matching concrete materials.

Childname is able to create and analyse designs by translating and/or reflecting a shape, or
shapes, using a variety of tools.

Location and Movement Location and Movement Location and Movement Location and Movement Location and Movement

Childname is able to describe the relative locations of objects or people using positional Childname is able to identify and describe the general location of an object using a grid Childname is able to explain how a coordinate system represents location, and plot points in
Childname is able to describe the relative locations and the movements of objects on a map. Childname is able to describe the movement from one location to another using a grid map.
language. system. the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate plane.

Childname is able to identify flips, slides, and turns, through investigation using concrete Childname is able to identify, perform, and describe, through investigation using a variety of
Childname is able to describe the relative locations of objects on concrete maps created in the Childname is able to draw simple maps of familiar settings, and describe the relative locations
materials and physical motion, and name flips, slides, and turns as reflections, translations, Childname is able to identify, perform, and describe reflections using a variety of tools. tools, rotations of 180 degrees and clockwise and counterclockwise rotations of 90 degrees,
classroom. of objects on the maps.
and rotations. with the centre of rotation inside or outside the shape.

Childname is able to create symmetrical designs and pictures, using concrete materials, and Childname is able to complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have a Childname is able to create and analyse symmetrical designs by reflecting a shape, or Childname is able to create and analyse designs made by reflecting, translating, and/or
Childname is able to create and describe symmetrical designs using a variety of tools.
describe the relative locations of the parts. vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line of symmetry. shapes, using a variety of tools. rotating a shape, or shapes, by 90 degrees or 180 degrees.

Patterning and Algebra Patterning and Algebra Patterning and Algebra Patterning and Algebra Patterning and Algebra Patterning and Algebra
Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships

Childname is able to identify and describe, through investigation, growing patterns and
Childname is able to identify, describe, and extend, through investigation, geometric repeating Childname is able to identify, extend, and create a repeating pattern involving two attributes, Childname is able to extend, describe, and create repeating, growing, and shrinking number Childname is able to create, identify, and extend numeric and geometric patterns, using a Childname is able to identify geometric patterns, through investigation using concrete
shrinking patterns generated by the repeated addition or subtraction of 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, and
patterns involving one attribute. using a variety of tools. patterns. variety of tools. materials or drawings, and represent them numerically.
25s on a number line and on a hundreds chart.

Childname is able to identify, describe, and create, through investigation, growing patterns Childname is able to identify and describe, through investigation, number patterns involving
Childname is able to connect each term in a growing or shrinking pattern with its term number, Childname is able to build a model to represent a number pattern presented in a table of Childname is able to make tables of values, for growing patterns given pattern rules, in words,
Childname is able to identify and extend, through investigation, numeric repeating patterns. and shrinking patterns involving addition and subtraction, with and without the use of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, represented on a number line, on a calendar, and on
and record the patterns in a table of values that shows the term number and the term. values that shows the term number and the term. then list the ordered pairs and plot the points in the first quadrant, using a variety of tools.
calculators. a hundreds chart.

Childname is able to make a table of values for a pattern that is generated by adding or
Childname is able to identify repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns found in real-life Childname is able to create a number pattern involving addition, subtraction, or multiplication, Childname is able to determine the term number of a given term in a growing pattern that is
Childname is able to describe numeric repeating patterns in a hundreds chart. Childname is able to extend repeating, growing, and shrinking number patterns. subtracting a number to get the next term, or by multiplying or dividing by a constant to get the
contexts. given a pattern rule expressed in words. represented by a pattern rule in words, a table of values, or a graph.
next term, given either the sequence or the pattern rule in words.

Childname is able to describe pattern rules that generate patterns by adding or dividing by a
Childname is able to create a number pattern involving addition or subtraction, given a pattern Childname is able to make predictions related to growing and shrinking geometric and
Childname is able to identify a rule for a repeating pattern. Childname is able to represent a given growing or shrinking pattern in a variety of ways. Childname is able to make predictions related to repeating geometric and numeric patterns. constant, to get the next term, then distinguish such pattern rules from pattern rules, given in
represented on a number line or a pattern rule expressed in words. numeric patterns.
words, that describe the general term by referring to the term number.

Childname is able to determine a term, given its term number, by extending growing and
Childname is able to represent simple geometric patterns using a number sequence, a Childname is able to extend and create repeating patterns that result from reflections, through Childname is able to extend and create repeating patterns that result from translations,
Childname is able to create a repeating pattern involving two attributes with support. Childname is able to create growing or shrinking patterns. shrinking patterns that are generated by adding or subtracting a constant, or multiplying or
number line, or a bar graph. investigation using a variety of tools. through investigation using a variety of tools.
dividing a constant, to get the next term.

Childname is able to demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding that a pattern

Childname is able to extend and create repeating patterns that result from rotations, through
Childname is able to represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways. Childname is able to create a repeating pattern by combining two attributes. results from repeating an action, repeating an operation, using a transformation, or making
investigation using a variety of tools.
some other repeated change to an attribute.

Childname is able to deomonstrate, through investigation, an understanding that a pattern

results from repeating an operation or making a repeated change to an attribute.

Expressions and Equality Expressions and Equality Expressions and Equality Expressions and Equality Variables, Expressions, and Equations Variables, Expressions, and Equations

Childname is able to create a set in which the number of objects is greater than, less than, or Childname is able to deomonstrate an understanding of the concept of equality by partitioning Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the inverse relationship between Childname is able to determine, through investigation, the inverse relationship between Childname is able to create, identify, and extend numeric and geometric patterns, using a Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of different ways in which variables are
equal to the number of objects in a given set. whole numbers to 20 in a variety of ways, using concrete materials. addition and subtraction. multiplication and division. variety of tools. used.

Childname is able to demonstrate examples of equality, through investigation, using a balance Childname is able to represent, through investigation with concrete materials and pictures, two Childname is able to determine, the missing number in equations involving addition and Childname is able to determine the missing number in equations involving multiplication of Childname is able to build a model to represent a number pattern presented in a table of Childname is able to identify, through investigation, the quantities in an equation that vary and
model. number expressions that are equal, using the equal sign. subtraction of one- and two-digit numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies. one- and two-digit numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies. values that shows the term number and the term. those that remain constant.
Childname is able to determine, through investigation using a balance model and whole Childname is able to make a table of values for a pattern that is generated by adding or
Childname is able to determine the missing number in equations involving addition and Childname is able to identify, through investigation, the properties of zero and one in Childname is able to identify, through investigation, and use the communitative property of Childname is able to solve problems that use two or three symbols or letters as variables to
numbers to 10, the number of identical objects that must be added or subtracted to establish subracting a number to get the next term, or by multiplying or dividing by a constant to get the
subtration to 20, using a variety of tools and strategies. multiplication. multiplication to facilitate computation with whole numbers. represent different unknown quantities.
equality. next term, given either the sequence or the pattern rule in words.

Childname is able to identify, through investigation, and use the commutative property of Childname is able to identify, through investigation, anad use the associative property of Childname is able to identify, through investigation, and use the distributive property of Childname is able to make predictions related to growing and shrinking geometric and Childname is able to determine the solution to a simple equation with one variable, through
addition to facilitate computation with whole numbers. addition to facilitate computation with whole numbers. multiplication over addition to facilitate computation with whole numbers. numeric patterns. investigation using a variety of tools and strategies.

Childname is able to identify, through investigation, the properties of zero in addition and Childname is able to extend and create repeating patterns that result from translations,
subtraction. through investigation using a variety of tools.

Data Management and Probability Data Management and Probability Data Management and Probability Data Management and Probability Data Management and Probability Data Management and Probability
Collection and Organization of Data Collection and Organization of Data Collection and Organization of Data Collection and Organization of Data Collection and Organization of Data Collection and Organization of Data

Childname is able to collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with Childname is able to collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with
Childname is able to demonstrate an ability to organize objects into categories by sorting and Childname demonstrates an ability to organize objects into categories, by sorting and Childname is able to demonstrate an ability to organize objects into categories, by sorting and
themselves, their environment, issues in their school or the community, or content from Childname is able to distinguish between discrete data and continuous data. themselves their environment, issues in the school or community, or content from another
classifying objects using one attribute, and by describing informal sorting experiences. classifying objects using two attributes simultaneously. classifying objects using two or more attributes simultaneously.
another subject, and record observationsor measurements. subject, and record observations or measurements.

Childname is able to collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary
Childname is able to collect and organize primary data that is categorical, and display the data Childname is able to collect and organize discrete primary data and display the data in charts, Childname is able to collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with herself, data and display the data in charts, tables, graphs that have appropriate
Childname is able to gather data to answer a question, using a simple survey with a limited Childname is able to collect data by conducting a simple survey about herself, her
using one-to-one correspondence, prepared templates of concrete graphs and pictographs, tables, and graphs that have appropriate titles, labels, and scales that suit the range and her environment, issues in her school or community, or content from another subject, and
number of responses. environment, issues in her school or community, or content from another subject. titles, labels, and scales that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of
and a variety of recording methods. distribution of the data, using a variety of tools. record observations or measurements.
Childname is able to collect and organize primary data that is categorical or discrete, and Childname is able to collect and organize categorical or discrete primary data and display the Childname is able to collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary
display the data using one-to-one correspondence in concrete graphs, data in charts, tables, and graphs, with appropriate titles and labels and with data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs that have appropriate Childname is able to select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the
pictographs, line plots, simple bar graphs, and other graphic organizers, with appropriate titles labels ordered appropriately along horizontal axes, as needed, using many-to-one titles, labels, and scales that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of data using technology, and justify the choice of graph.
and labels and with labels ordered appropriately along horizontal axes, as needed. correspondence. tools.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding that sets of data can be samples of lorger Childname is able to determine, through investigation, how well a set of data represents a
populations. population, on the basis of the method that was used to collect the data.

Childname is able to describe, through investigation, how a set of data is collected and
explain whether the collection method is appropriate.

Data Relationships Data Relationships Data Relationships Data Relationships Data Relationships Data Relationships

Childname is able to read primary data presented in concrete graphs, pictographs, line plots,
Childname is able to read primary data presented in concrete graphs and pictographs, and Childname is able to read primary data presented in charts, tables, and graphs, then describe Childname is able to read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from Childname is able to read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from Childname is able to read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from
simple bar graphs, and other graphic organizers, and describe the data using mathematical
describe the data using comparative language. the data using comparative language, and describe the shape of the data. secondary data, presented in charts, tables, and graphs. secondary data, presented in charts, tables, and graphs. secondary data, presented in charts, tables and graphs.

Childname is able to pose and answer questions about class-generated data in concrete Childname is able to interpret and draw conclusions from data presented in charts, tables, and Childname is able to demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding of median, and Childname is able to calculate the mean for a small set of data and use it to describe the Childname is able to compare, through investigation, different graphical representations of the
Childname is able to pose and answer questions about collected data.
graphs, pictographs, line plots, simple bar graphs, and tally charts. graphs. determine the median of a set of data. shape of the data set across its range of values, using charts, tables, and graphs. same data.

Childname is able to distinguish between numbers that represent data values and numbers Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of mode, and identify the mode in a set of Childname is able to describe the shape for a set of data across its range of values, using Childname is able to compare similarities and differences between two related sets of data, Childname is able to explain how different scales used on graphs can influence conclusions
that represent the frequency of an event. data. charts, tables, and graphs. using a variety of strategies. drawn from the data.

Childname is able to deomonstrate an understanding of data displayed in a graph, by Childname is able to compare similiarities and differences between two sets of data, using a Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of mean, and use the mean to compare
comparing different parts of the data and by making statements about the data as a whole. variety of strategies. two sets of related data, with and without the use of technology.

Childname is able to demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding of how data from

charts, tables, and graphs can be used to make inferences and convincing arguments.

Probability Probability Probability Probability Probability Probability

Childname is able to predict the frequency of an outcome in a simple probability experiment or Childname is able to predict the frequency of an outcome in a simple probability experiment,
Childname is able to describe the likelihood that everyday events will occur, using Childname is able to describe probability as a measure of the likelihood that an event will Childname is able to determine and represent all the possible outcomes in a simple probability Childname is able to express theoretical probability as a ratio of the number of favourable
game, then perform the experiment, and compare the results with the predictions, using explaining their reasoning; conduct the experiment; and compare the result with the
mathematical language. occur, using mathematical language. experiment, using systematic lists and area models. outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes, where all outcomes are equally likely.
mathematical language. prediction.

Childname is able to describe the probability that an event will occur, through investigation Childname is able to demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding of fairness in a Childname is able to determine, through investigation, how the number of repetitions of a Childname is able to represent, using a common fraction, the probability that an event will Childname is able to represent the probability of an event, using a value from the range of 0 to
with simple games and probability experiments and using mathematical language. game and relate this to the occurrence of equally likely outcomes. probability experiment can affect the conclusions drawn. occur in simple games and probability experiments. 1.

Childname is able to pose and solve simple probability problems, and solve them conducting Childname is able to predict the frequency of an outcome of a simple probability experiment or
probability experiments and selecting appropriate methods of recording the results. game, by calculating and using the theoretical probability of that outcome.

Examples of Qualifiers
Insert qualifiers into the selected comment above to suit the desired grade. An example of this is in The Arts tab.
almost always

A- to A+ (Level 4) thorough understanding

very good
B- to B+ (Level 3) firm understanding
some concepts
attempts familiar
C- to C+ (Level 2) beginning to demonstrate
simple purposes
requires practice
simple ideas
with difficulty
D- to D+ (Level 1) seldom
major errors
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Life Systems Life Systems Life Systems Life Systems Life Systems Life Systems
Needs and Charateristics of Living Things Growth and Changes in Animals Growth and Changes in Plants Habitats and Communities Human Organ Systems Biodiversity

Childname understands that living things grow, take on food to create energy, make waste, Childname understands that plants and animals are interdependent and are adapted to meet Childname understands that organ systems are components of a larger system and, as such,
Childname understands that animals have distinct characteristics. Childname understands that plants have distinctive characteristics. Childname understands biodiversity includes diversity of individuals, species, and ecosystems.
and reproduce. their needs from the resources available in their particular habitats. work together and affect one another.

Childname understands that there are similarities and differences among various types of Childname understands that changes in habitats can affect plants and animals and the Childname understands the classification of the components within a diverse system is a
Childname understands that plants and animals, including people, are living things. Childname understands that humans are animals. Childname understand that organ structures are linked to their functions.
plants. relationships between them. beginning point for understanding the interrelationships among the components.

Childname understands that there are similarities and differences among different kinds of Childname understands that systems in the human body work together to meet our basic Childname understands that because all living things are connected, maintaining diversity is
Childname understands that living things have basic needs that are met from the environment. Childname understands that plants are the primary source of food for humans. Childname understands that society relies on plants and animals.
animals. needs. critical to the health of the planet.

Childname understands that choices we make affect our organ systems and, in turn, our
Childname understands that different kinds of living things behave in different ways. Childname understands that humans need to protect animals and the places where they live. Childname understands that humans need to protect plants and their habitats. Childname is able to analyse the effects of human activities on habitats and communities. Childname understands that humans make choices that can have an impact on biodiversity.
overall health.

Childname is able to assess ways in which animals have an impact on society and the
Childname understands that all living things are important and should be treated with care and Childname is able to investigate the interdependence of plants and animals within specific Childname is able to analyse the impact of human activities and technological innovations on Childname is able to assess human impacts on biodiversity, and identify ways of preserving
environment, and ways in which humans have an impact upon animals and the places where Childname understands that plants are important to the planet.
respect. habitats and communities. human health. biodiversity.
they live.

Childname is able to investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of various Childname is able to assess ways in which plants have an impact on society and the Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of habitats and communities and the Childname is able to investigate the structure and function of the major organs of various Childname is able to investigate the characteristics of living things, and classify diverse
Childname is able to assess the role of humans in maintaining a healthy environment.
animals. environment, and ways in which human activity has an impact on plants and plant habitats. relationships among the plants and animals that live in them. human body systems. organisms according to specific characteristics.

Childname is able to investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of various

Childname is able to investigate needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including Childname demonstrates an understanding that animals grow and change and have distinct Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of human Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of biodiversity, its contributions to the
plants, and ways in which the characteristics of plants relate to the environment in which they
humans. characteristics. body systems and interactions within and between systems. stability of natural systems, and its benefits to humans.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of Childname demonstrates an understanding that plants grow and change and have distinct
plants and animals, including humans. characteristics.

Structures and Mechanisms Structures and Mechanisms Structures and Mechanisms Structures and Mechanisms Structures and Mechanisms Structures and Mechanisms
Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures Movement Strong and Stable Structures Pulleys and Gears Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms Flight

Childname understands that objects have observable characteristics and are made from Childname understands that pulleys and gears change the speed, direction, and motion of, Childname understands that structures and mechanisms throughout our environment have Childname understands that flight occurs when the characteristics of structures take
Childname understands that movement is a change in position of an object. Childname understands a structure has both form and function.
materials. and force exerted on, moving objects. forces that act on and within them. advantage of certain properties of air.

Childname understands that we can measure forces in order to determine how they affect
Childname understands that pulleys and gears make it possible for a small input force to Childname understands that air has many properties that can be used for flight and for other
Childname understands that materials have specific properties. Childname understands that simple machines help objects move. Childname understands that structures are affected by forces acting on them. structures and mechanisms. This information can be used to guide the design of new
generate a large output force. purposes.
structures and mechanisms.

Childname understands that gears are specialized wheels and axles that are used daily in Childname understands that forces that result from natural phenomena have an effect on Childname is able to assess the societal and environmental impacts of flying devices that
Childname understands that an object is held together by its structure. Childname understands that mechanisms are made up of one or more simple machines. Childname understands that structures need to be strong and stable to be useful.
many machines. society and the environment. make use of properties of air.

Childname understands that simple machines and mechanisms make life easier and/or more Childname is able to assess the importance of form, function, strength, and stability in Childname is able to analyse social and environmental impacts of forces acting on structures
Childname understands that the materials and structure of an object determine its purpose. Childname is able to evaluate the impact of pulleys and gears on society and the environment. Childname is able to investigate ways in which flying devices make use of properties of air.
enjoyable for humans. structures through time. and mechanisms.

Childname understands that humans make choices related to their use of objects and Childname is able to assess the impact on society and the environment of simple machines Childname is able to investigate strong and stable structures to determine how their design Childname is able to investigate ways in which pulleys and gears modify the speed and Childname is able to explain ways in which properties of air can be applied to the principles of
Childname is able to investigate forces that act on structures and mechanisms.
materials that have a direct effect on the environment. and mechanisms. and materials enable them to perform their load-bearing function. direction of, and the force exerted on, moving objects. flight and flying devices.

Childname is able to assess the impact on people and the environment of objects and Childname is able to investigate mechanisms that include simple machines and enable Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of structure, strength, and Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and functions of Childname is able to identify forces that act on and within structures and mechanisms, and
structures and the materials used in them. movement. stability and the factors that affect them. pulley systems and gear systems. describe the effects of these forces on structures and mechanisms.

Childname is able to investigate structures that are built for a specific purpose to see how their Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of movement and ways in which simple
design and materials suit the purpose. machines help to move objects.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding that objects and structures have

observable characteristics and are made from materials with specific properties that determine
how they are used.

Matter and Energy Matter and Energy Matter and Energy Matter and Energy Matter and Energy Matter and Energy
Energy in our Lives Properties of Liquids and Solids Forces Causing Movement Light and Sound Properties of and Changes in Matter Developing and Organizing Content

Childname understands that everything that happens is a result of using some form of energy. Childname understands that materials that exist as liquids and solids have specific properties. Childname understands that there are several types of forces that cause movement. Childname understands that light and sound are forms of energy with specific properties. Childname understands that there are three states of matter. Childname understands that electrical energy can be transformed into other forms of energy.

Childname understands that forces cause objects to speed up, slow down, or change
Childname understands the sun is the principal source of energy for the Earth. Childname understands that liquids and solids interact in different ways. Childname understands that sound is created by vibrations. Childname understands matter that changes state is still the same matter. Childname understands that other forms of energy can be transformed into electrical energy.
direction through direct contact or through interaction at a distance.

Childname understands that humans need to be responsible for the way in which we use Childname understands that forces in nature, such as high winds or water, can have a Childname understands that physical change refers to the fact that a substance can be Childname understands that electrical energy plays a significant role in society, and its
Childname understands that some liquids and solids can be harmful to us and the environment. Childname understands that light is required to see.
energy. significant impact on humans and the environment, and need to be regarded with respect. changed from one form to another. production has an impact on the environment.

Childname is able to assess uses of energy at home, at school, and in the community, and Childname is able to assess ways in which the uses of liquids and solids can have an impact Childname understands that technological innovations involving light and sound have an Childname understands that society must find ways to minimize the impact of energy
Childname is able to assess the impact of various forces on society and the environment. Childname understands that chemical change implies the formation of a new substance.
suggest ways to use less energy. on society and the environment. impact on the environment. production on the environment.

Childname is able to assess the impact on society and the environment of technological Childname understands that the properties of materials determine their use and may have an Childname is able to evaluate the impact of the use of electricity on both the way we live and
Childname is able to investigate how different types of energy are used in daily life. Childname is able to investigate the properties of and interactions among liquids and solids. Childname is able to investigate devices that use forces to create controlled movement.
innovations related to light and sound. effect on society and the environment. the environment.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding that energy is something that is needed Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of how forces cause movement and Childname is able to evaluate the social and environmental impacts of processes used to Childname is able to investigate the characteristics of static and current electricity, and
Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the properties of liquids and solids. Childname is able to investigate the characteristics and properties of light and sound.
to make things happen, and that the sun is the principal source of energy for the earth. changes in movement. make everyday products. construct simple circuits.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of light and sound as forms of energy that Childname is able to conduct investigations that explore the properties of matter and changes Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of electrical energy and
have specific characteristics and properties. in matter. its transformation into and from other forms of energy.

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the properties of matter, changes of

state, and physical and chemical change.

Earth and Space Systems Earth and Space Systems Earth and Space Systems Earth and Space Systems Earth and Space Systems Earth and Space Systems
Daily and Seasonal Changes Air and Water in the Environment Soils in the Environment Rocks and Minerals Conservation of Energy and Resources Space

Childname understands that rocks and minerals have unique characteristics and properties
Childname understands changes occur in daily and seasonal cycles. Childname understands that air and water are a major part of the environment. Childname understands that soil is made up of living and non-living things. Childname understands that energy sources are either renewable or non-renewable. Childname understands that the Earth is part of a large interrelated system.
that are a result of how they were formed.

Childname understands that the composition, characteristics, and condition of soil determine Childname understands that the properties of rocks and minerals determine society's possible Childname understands that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be Childname understands that technological and scientific advances that enable humans to
Childname understands changes in daily and seasonal cycles affect living things. Childname understands that living things need air and water to survive.
its capacity to sustain life. uses for them. transformed. study space affect our lives.

Childname is able to assess the impact of daily and seasonal changes on living things, Childname understands that soil is an essential source of life and nutrients for many living Childname understands that choices about using energy and resources have both immediate
Childname understands that changes to air and water affect living things and the environment. Childname understands that our use of rocks and minerals affects the environment. Childname is able to assess the impact of space exploration on society and the environment.
including humans. things. and long-term impacts.

Childname understands that our actions affect the quality of air and water, and its ability to Childname understands that living things, including humans, interact with soils and can use Childname is able to assess the social and environmental impacts of human uses of rocks Childname is able to analyse the immediate and long-term effects of energy and resource use Childname is able to investigate characteristics of the systems of which the Earth is a part and
Childname is able to investigate daily and seasonal changes.
sustain life. positive or negative changes. and minerals. on society and the environment, and evaluate options for conserving energy and resources. the relationship between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon.

Childname is able to assess ways in which the actions of humans have an impact on the Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of components of the systems of which
Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of what daily and seasonal changes are Childname is able to assess the impact of soils on society and the environment, and of society Childname is able to investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and
quality of air and water, and ways in which the quality of air and water has an impact on living Childname is able to investigate energy transformation and conservation. the Earth is a part, and explain the phenomena that result from the movement of different
and of how these changes affect living things. and the environment on soils. minerals.
things. bodies in space.

Childname is able to investigate the characteristics of air and water and the visible/invisible Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the various forms and sources of
Childname is able to investigate the composition and characteristics of different soils.
effects of and changes to air and/or water in the environment. minerals. energy and the ways in which energy can be transformed and conserved.
Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which air and water are Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of the composition of soils, the types of
used by living things to help them meet their basic needs. soils, and the relationship between soils and other living things.

Examples of Qualifiers
Insert qualifiers into the selected comment above to suit the desired grade. An example of this is in The Arts tab.
almost always

A- to A+ (Level 4) thorough understanding

very good
B- to B+ (Level 3) firm understanding
some concepts
attempts familiar
C- to C+ (Level 2) beginning to demonstrate
simple purposes
requires practice
simple ideas
with difficulty
D- to D+ (Level 1) seldom
major errors
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Heritage and Citizenship Heritage and Citizenship Heritage and Citizenship Heritage and Citizenship Heritage and Citizenship Heritage and Citizenship
Our Changing Roles and Responsibilities Changing Family and Community Traditions Communities in Canada, 1780 - 1850 Early Societies, 3000 BCE - 1500 CE First Nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada Communities in Canada, Past and Present

Childname understands that a person's roles, responsibilities, and relationships change over Childname understands that diversity exists among families and within the local community, Childname understands that the different communities in the early-nineteenth-century Canada Childname understands that interactions between people have consequences that can be Childname understands that many different communities have made significant contributions
Childname understands that by studying the past, we can better understand the present.
time and in different situations. which leads to an appreciation of diverse perspectives. influenced the way we live today. positive for some people and negative for others. to Canada's development.

Childname understands that her roles, responsibilities, and relationships play a role in Childname understands the traditions that we celebrate today have developed over the Childname understands that social and environmental challenges were a major part of life in Childname understands that when studying interrelationships between groups of people, it is Childname understands that different groups may experience the same development or event
Childname understands that the environment had a major impact on daily life in early societies.
developing identity. generations. all communities in early-nineteenth-century Canada. important to be aware that each group has its own perspective on those interrelationships. in different ways.

Childname understands that all people are worthy of respect, regardless of their roles, Childname understands that Canada is made up of various communities that have diverse Childname understands that cooperation and conflict are inherent aspects of human Childname understands that significant events in different communities have contributed to
Childname understands that Canada was already a multicultural society in 1800. Childname understands that not all early societies were the same.
relationships, and responsibilities. traditions and celebrations. interactions/relationships. the development of the identity of that community and of Canada.

Childname is able to describe some of the ways in which people's roles, relationships, and
responsibilities relate to who they are and what their situation is, and Childname is able to compare some significant traditions and celebrations among diverse Childname is able to compare ways of life among some specific groups in Canada around the Childname is able to compare key aspects of life in few early societies, each from the different Childname is able to analyse some key short- and long-term consequences of interactions
Childname is able to assess contributions to Canadian identity made by various groups and
groups and at different times, and identify some of the reasons for changes in these beginning of the nineteenth century, and describe some of the changes between that era and region and era and reprsenting a different culture, and describe some key similarities and among and between First Nations and European explorers and settlers in New France prior to
how and why changes in circumstances might affect people's roles, relationships, and by various features of Canadian communities and regions.
traditions/celebrations. the present day. differences between these early societies and present-day Canadian society. 1713.
responsibilities as well as their sense of self.

Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some aspects of the Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some of the past and Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some of the major Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate ways of life and Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate aspects of Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate different
interrelationship between their identity/sense of self, their different roles, relationships, and present traditions and celebrations within her own family and the communities to which she challenges that different groups and communities faced in Canada from around 1780 to 1850, relationships with the environment in two or more early societies, with an emphasis on interactions among and between First Nations and Europeans in Canada prior to 1713 from perspectives on the historical and/or contemporary experiences of two or more distinct
responsibilities, and various situations in their daily lives. belongs. and key measures taken to address these challenges. aspects of the interrelationship between the environment and life in those societies. the perspectives of various groups involved. communities in Canada.

Childname is able to deomonstrate an understanding of key aspects of a few early societies,

Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding that she and other people have different Childname is able to describe some of the major groups in her community, including different Childname is able to identify some of the communities that were found in Canada around the each from a different region and era and representing a different culture, Childname is able to describe significant features of and interactions between some of the
Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of significant experiences of, and major
roles, relationships, and responsibilities, and that all people should be treated with respect, types of families, and some of the ways in which traditions and heritage are passed on by beginning of the nineteenth century, and describe their relationships to the land and to each main communities in Canada prior to 1713, with a particular focus on First Nations and New
with reference to their political and social organization, daily life, and relationships with their changes and aspects of life in, various historical and contemporary communities in Canada.
regardless of their roles, relationships, and responsibilities. such groups. other. France.
environment and with each other.

Canada and World Connections Canada and World Connections Canada and World Connections Canada and World Connections Canada and World Connections Canada and World Connections
The Local Community Global Communities Living and Working in Ontario Political and Physical Regions in Canada The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship Canada's Interactions with the Global Community

Childname understands that communities have natural and built features that provide services Childname understands that the climate and physical features of a region affect how people in Childname understands that the natural features of the environment influence land use and Childname understands that citizens and governments need to work together in order to be Childname understands the actions of Canada and Canadians can make a difference in the
Childname understands that human activity and the environment have an impact on each other.
that help meet the needs of the people who live and work there. that region live. the type of employment that is available in the region. able to address issues effectively and fairly. World.

Childname understands that our actions can have an impact on the natural and built features Childname understands that different people have adapted to similar climate and physical Childname understands that human activities and decisions about land use may alter the Childname understands that human activities should balance environmental stewardship with Childname understands that when examining an issue, it is important to understand who the
Childname understands that global issues require global action.
of the community, so it is important for us to act responsibly. features in similar ways. environment. human needs/wants. different stakeholders are and to consider their perspectives.

Childname understands that a community consists of different areas, each of which has a Childname understands that the World is made up of many different regions, which have Childname understands that human activities affect the environment, but the environment also Childname understands that to be active and effective citizens, Canadians need to Childname understands that Canada and Canadians participate in the World in many different
Childname understands regions can share a similar set of chracteristics.
specific layout and characteristics. distinct characteristics. affects human activities. understand their rights and responsibilities as well as how governments work. ways.

Childname is able to describe some aspects of the interrelationship between people and the Childname is able to describe some similarities and differences in the ways in which people in Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of some key aspects of the Childname is able to assess responses of governments in Canada to some significant issues, Childname is able to explain the importance of international cooperation in addressing global
Childname is able to assess some key ways in which industrial development and the natural
natural and built features of the community, with a focus on how the features of and services two or more communities in different parts of the World meet their needs and have adapted to interrelationship between the natural environment, land use, employment opportunities, and and develop plans of action for governments and citizens to address social and environmental issues, and evaluate the effectiveness of selected actions by Canada and Canadian citizens
environment affect each other in two or more political and/or physical regions of Canada.
in the community meet people's needs. the location, climate, and physical features of the region. the development of municipal regions in Ontario. issues. in the international arena.

Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some aspects of the Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some of the
interrelationship between people and different natural and built features of their Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate aspects of the environmental effects of different types of land and/or resource use in ntario municipal Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some issues and Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate Canadian social Childname is able to use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some global issues
interrelationship between the natural environment, including the climate of selected challenges associated with the balancing human needs/wants and activities with and/or environmental issues form various perspectives, including the perspective of the level of political, social, economic, and/or environmental importance, her impact on the global
local community, with a focus on significant short- and long-term effects of this interrelationship. communities, and the ways in which people in those communities live. regions, as well as some of the measures taken to reduce the negative impact of that use. environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions of Canada. (or levels) of government responsible for addressing the issues. community, and responses to the issues.

Childname is able to describe significant aspects of her community, with reference to different Childname is able to describe major landform regions and types of land use in Ontario and
Childname is able to identify and locate various physical features and selected communities Childname is able to identify Canada's political and physical regions, and describe their main Childname is able to deomonstrate an understanding of the roles of key responsibilities of Childname is able to describe significant aspects of the involvement of Canada and
areas, services, and natural and built features, demonstrating an understanding of some basic some of the ways in which land use in various Ontario municipalities addresses human needs
around the world, and describe some aspects of people's ways of life in those communities. characteristics and some significant activities that take place in them. citizens and of the different levels of government in Canada. Canadians in some regions around the World, including the impact of this involvement.
ways of describing location and measuring distance. and wants, including the need for jobs.

Examples of Qualifiers
Insert qualifiers into the selected comment above to suit the desired grade. An example of this is in The Arts tab.
almost always

A- to A+ (Level 4) thorough understanding

very good
B- to B+ (Level 3) firm understanding
some concepts
attempts familiar
C- to C+ (Level 2) beginning to demonstrate
simple purposes
requires practice
simple ideas
with difficulty
D- to D+ (Level 1) seldom
major errors
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Health Education Health Education Health Education Health Education Health Education Health Education
Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living

Childname is able to clearly identify the imporatance of key nutrients provided by foods and Childname is able to clearly identify people and supportive services that can help in Childname is able to clearly describe the range of effects associated with using cannabis and
Childname is able to clearly explain why food is an essential part of having a healthy body. Childname demonstrates an clear understanding of personal safety in the home. Childname clearly understands how nutrition is linked to food origin.
beverages in growth, health, learning, and physical performance. emergencies and unsafe situations. other illicit drugs and intoxicating substances.

Childname is able to accurately identify people and community resources that can provide
Childname is consistently able to identify and make safe choices in varying situations and Childname is able to clearly identify common food allergies and sensitivities and the reations Childname clearly understands the impact of substance abuse and the difference between Childname is able to accurately identify precautions and strategies for using communication Childname is able to clearly describe the short- and long-term effects of alcohol use, and
support when dealing with choices or situations involving substance use and addictive
locations. they might cause. legal and illegal substances. technologies safely. identify factors that can affect intoxication.

Childname has a clear and accurate understanding of the differences between prescription
Childname is able to accurately describe various types of bullying and abuse as well as how Childname is able to clearly identify parts of the reproductive system and how they change Childname is able to accurately identify factors that affect the development of a person's self-
Childname is almost always able to accurately identify body parts using correct terminology. medicines and non-prescription medicines, and is able to provide rules for the proper use of Childname is very successful in identifying what makes a healthy realationship.
to respond. during puberty. concept.
all medicines.

Childname is almost always able to apply her knowledge of medical, emotional, practical, and
Childname can clearly and confidently outline the basic stages of healthy human development Childname is able to accurately identify factors that affect physical development and/or Childname has a thorough understanding of how the substances found in tobacco products Childname is able to clearly describe the processes of menstration and spermatogenesis, and
Childname has a thorough understanding of the five senses and the functions of each. societal factors that influence eating habits and food choices to develop personal guidelines
and related bodily changes. emotional development. impact health. explain how these processes relate to reproduction and overall development.
for healthier eating.

Childname is almost always able to apply her recognition of internal hunger and thirst cues
Childname has a thorough understanding of how she can use Canada's Food Guide to make Childname has a clear and precise understanding of how she can use Canada's Food Guide Childname is able to accurately describe the emotional and physical changes that occur Childname is able to clearly explain how the use of nutritional facts tables and ingredient lists
Childname clearly understands how food choice can impact oral health. and her knowledge of physical factors that influence the desire to eat and drink to develop
healthy food choices. to assess the nutritional value of meals, and identify healthy food choices. during puberty. on food labels can help to make healthier personal food choices.
personal guidelines for healthier eating.

Childname possesses a thorough understanding of her cues for hunger, thirst, and the feeling
Childname is able to successfully extend her understanding of Canada's Food Guide by Childname is able to accurately demonstrate her ability to deal with threatening situations by Childname is consistently able to apply personal skills and interpersonal skills to promote
of fullness, and is able to explain the importance of these cues and how they relate to healthy Childname demonstrates a clear understanding of how to make healthy food choices. Childname is able to develop clear safety guidelines for a variety of places and situations.
monitoring intake of food and making healthy changes according to age and activity level. applying appropriate living skills. positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations.
eating habits.

Childname demonstrates the ability to apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills Childname is consistently able to use decision-making strategies and skills and an
Childname consistently recognizes caring behaviours and exploitive behaviours, and is able to Childname is able to confidently explain the importance of standing up for herself in Childname has a thorough understanding of healthy choices and how the use of substances Childname is able to consistently reflect upon her past decisions to make safe future choices
to deal with pressures pertaining to alcohol use or other behaviours that could later lead to understanding of factors influencing drug use to make safe personal choices about the use of
express the feelings associated with each. dangerous situations. can lead to dependency. in a variety of situations.
addiction. drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis.

Childname is able to accurately describe emotional and interpersonal stresses related to Childname is consistently able to describe how she can build confidence and lay a foundation
Childname clearly understands how local food and food from around the World can help in Childname demonstrates the ability to confidently make and support healthy, informed choices
Childname has a thorough understanding of safety rules and uses these to stay safe. Childname has an accurate understanding of the maintenance of good oral health. puberty, and identify strategies that she can apply to manage stress, and promote mental for healthy relationships by acquiring a clearer understanding of the physical, social, and
making healthy eating choices. about smoking.
health and emotional well-being. emotional changes that occur during adolescence.

Childname is able to accurately explain how violence portrayed in media creates an unrealistic Childname is able to accurately describe how advertising and media influences food choices, Childname is able to confidently make informed decisions that demonstrate respect for
Childname has a thorough understanding of proper hygenic procedures. Childname is clearly able to describe how to relate positively to others. Childname demonstrates a clear understanding of the importance of personal hygene.
view. and discuss how to make healther choices. themselves and others and help to build healthier relationships, using a variety of living skills.

Childname is able to accurately explain how healthy eating and active listening work together
Childname has a through understanding, and can point out potential injury risks at home, in Childname is able to clearly and precisely describe ways in which to stay healthy, instead of, Childname is able to clearly explain how a person's actions, either in person or online, can
Childname consistently shows respect for others unique differences. Childname is able to consistently find ways of promoting healthier food choices. to improve a person's general health and well-being and how the benefits of both can be
the community, and outdoors. or in combination with medication. affect her own and others' feelings, self-concept, emotional well-being, and reputation.
promoted to others.

Childname is able to accurately recognize the responsibilities and risks associated with caring
Childname is able to accurately describe the short- and long-term effects of first- and second- Childname is able to clearly identify personal and social factors that can affect a person's
Childname is able to clearly identify healthier alternatives to unhealthy choices. for herself and others, and demonstrate an understanding of related safety practices and
hand smoke on smokers and on people around her. decision to drink alcohol at different points in his or her life.
appropriate procedures for responding to dangerous situations.

Childname is able to clearly assess the effects of stereotypes, and proprose appropriate ways
of responding to and changing assumptions and stereotypes.

Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills

Childname consistently reflects upon her actions towards others in order to be more positive Childname is able to successfully set clear healthy eating goals connected to Canada's Food
Childname understands that her actions directly and/or indirectly affect others around her. Childname clearly understands the importance of the daily care of her teeth. Childname has an accurate understanding of what causes her to experience stress. Childname is able to consistently reflect on how her body image affects her self-concept.
and respectful. Guide serving requirements.

Childname makes sure she is getting enough sleep and eating healthy food to help her learn Childname has a clear awareness of her feelings and understands how this can help during Childname is able describe the importance of management and organizational skills in
Childname is able communicate clearly if she is hurt using proper terminology for body parts. Childname is able to consistently try different solutions in response to teasing. Childname is able consistently identify how to help others in different situations.
and grow. puberty. different situations.

Childname is able to communicate her feelings effectively and demonstrates caring behaviour Childname is consistently respectful of others' opinions and refuses to participate in behaviour Childname is able to explain to a friend, who loves video games, how real violence differs Childname is able to conistently identify what to do when someone is calling another personal Childname is able to accurately describe what verbal and non-verbal signals could be used to
Childname is consistantly able to ignore negative peer pressure.
through words and body language. that she does not like. from fictional violence, and try to persuade that friend to choose less violent games. names. send messages to others about how she feels about them.

Childname consistently uses positive language when talking to peers, and encourages others Childname is able to accurately explain good cyber-citizenship in not sending anything she Childname shows awareness of how best to help others by asking questions and responding
Childname listens to others respectfully and considers their point of view. Childname shows leadership in identifying and avoiding peer pressure. Childname consistantly praises and encourages her classmates.
to do the same. wouldn't say face-to-face. as directed by the person.

Childname is able to describe what can be done to challenge stereotypes and assumptions,
Childname is able to accurately explain how to stay safe by identifying household products Childname is able to clearly identify some of the teachings of First Nation, Metis, or Inuit
Childname demonstrates an awareness for her own safety by making safe choices. Childname consistently shows respect for diversity. and to encourage respect for and acceptance of differences and inclusion of all people in
that might be dangerous. cultures that can help her strengthen her own relationships.
social activities.

Childname is able to successfully brainstorm ways with a classmate, of avoiding unhealthy

Childname is able to clearly explain how the media influences food choices.
behaviours or situations that make her feel uncomfortable, and list healthier alternatives.

Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education
Active Living Active Living Active Living Active Living Active Living Active Living

Childname has a thorough understanding of her own capabilities and is consistently able to Childname has a thorough understanding of her own capabilities and is consistently able to Childname consistently participates in a wide variety of program activities, according to her Childname consistently participates in a wide variety of program activities, according to her Childname consistently participates in a wide variety of program activities, according to her
Childname consistantly participates in various activities, according to her capabilities.
participate in activities alone and with others. participate in activities alone and with others. capabilities, while applying behaviours that enhance her readiness and ability to take part. capabilities, while applying behaviours that enhance her readiness and ability to take part. capabilities, while applying behaviours that enhance her readiness and ability to take part.

Childname is able to clearly demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to her Childname is able to demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to her personal Childname demonstrates an clear understanding of factors that contribute to her personal
Childname deomonstrates a precise understanding of what influences and motivates her
Childname is able to clearly articulate what motivates her to want to participate in activies. Childname is able to clearly articulate what motivates her to want to participate in activies. personal enjoyment of being active as she participates in a wide variety of individual and enjoyment of being active as she participates in a wide variety of individual and small-group enjoyment of being active as she participates in a wide variety of individual and small-group
personal enjoyment of being active.
small-group activities. activities. activities and lead-up games.

Childname is able to accurately describe factors that can motivate her to participate in
Childname extends her understanding of physical activity to ways of being active at school Childname is able to accurately identify the factors that motivate participaction in physical Childname is able to identify factors that can either motivate or make it difficult for people to
Childname clearly understands why daily physical activity is beneficial. Childname clearly understands why daily physical activity is beneficial. physical activity every day, at school and during leisure time, and that influence her choice of
and home. activity every day at school, at home, or in her communities. be physically active every day, and describe ways to overcome obstacles to staying active.

Childname is consistently able to participate in constant mild to intense physical activity, with Childname is consistently able to participate in constant mild to intense physical activity, with Childname is consistently able to participate in constant mild to intense physical activity, with Childname is consistently able to participate in constant mild to intense physical activity, with Childname is consistently able to participate in constant mild to intense physical activity, with Childname is consistently able to participate in constant mild to intense physical activity, with
proper warm-up and cool-down activities, for a minimum of twenty minutes each day. proper warm-up and cool-down activities, for a minimum of twenty minutes each day. proper warm-up and cool-down activities, for a minimum of twenty minutes each day. proper warm-up and cool-down activities, for a minimum of twenty minutes each day. proper warm-up and cool-down activities, for a minimum of twenty minutes each day. proper warm-up and cool-down activities, for a minimum of twenty minutes each day.

Childname accurately demonstrates an understanding how being active impacts health in a Childname accurately demonstrates an understanding how being active impacts the heart and Childname is able to clearly identify how different physical activities affect the body and Childname is able to identify the components of health-related fitness and the benefits Childname is able to accurately explain how participation in physical activities affects personal
Childname is able to accurately identify the benefits of improved cardiorespiratory fitness.
positive way. lungs in a positive way. contribute to physical fitness and good health. associated with developing and maintaining each of them. health-related fitness.

Childname is able to accurately assess her level of exertion during physical activity, using
Childname is able to confidently identify the physical signs of exertion and different factors Childname is able to assess a specific component of her health-related fitness by noting Childname is able to accurately assess her level of health-related fitness as she participates in
Childname is able to confidently identify the physical signs of exertion during physical activities. Childname is able to accurately use self-assessment methods to assess physical exertion. simple self-assessment techniques, and explain how intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect teh
that effect physical ability. physical responses during various physical activities, and monitor changes over time. various physical activities, and monitor changes to her physical fitness over time.
exertion required to perform physical activities.

Childname is able to develop and implement personal plans relating to a specific component Childname is able to consistently develop and implement plans of action based on both her
Childname is able to consistenly demonstrate ways of being safe, including how to keep Childname consistently participates in setting and achieving realistic personal and group goals Childname is able to successfully develop and act on personal fitness goals based on her
Childname is able to successfully develop personal goals realted to physical activity. of health-related fitness, chosen on the basis of her personal fitness assessments and assessments of her health-related components of fitness and her interests, in order to achieve
others safe. related to physical activity. interests, self-assessments, and feelings when participating in physical activity.
interests. personal fitness goals.

Childname clearly understands how environmental factors can pose a safety risk to physical Childname is consistently able to apply procedures that help keep her and others safe during Childname is consistently able to apply procedures that help keep her and others safe during Childname consistently demonstrates behaviours and apply procedures that maximize her Childname demonstrates behaviours and apply procedures that maximize her safety and that Childname consistently demonstrates behaviours and apply procedures that maximize her
activities. physical activity. physical activity. safety and that of others during physical activity. of others during physical activity. safety and that of others during physical activity.

Childname demonstrates an understanding of proactive measures that should be taken to

Childname is able to clearly identify ways of keeping others safe with medical conditions while Childname is able to accurately describe common precautions for preventing accidents and Childname is able to accurately describe appropriate methods for treating minor injuries that
Childname is able to confidently describe how to respond to accidents or injuries. minimize environmental health risks that may interfere with her safe participation in and
participating in physical activity. injuries while participating in different types of physical activity. may occur while participating in physical activity.
enjoyment of outdoor physical activities.

Movement Competence Movement Competence Movement Competence Movement Competence Movement Competence Movement Competence

Childname is able to perform a variety of controlled static balances and transitions between
Childname is very successful at balancing in a fixed state using different body parts at Childname is very successful at balancing in a variety of positions using different body parts at Childname is able to perform controlled transfers of weight in a variety of situations involving Childname is able to perform smooth transfers of weight in relation to others and equipment in
Childname is able to confidently transition between fixed positions, with and without equipment. balances, using a variety of body parts and shapes and different levels, individually, and with
different levels. different levels with and without equipment. static and dynamic balance, using changes in speed and levels, with and without equipment. a variety of situations involving static and dynamic balance.
partners and equipment.

Childname is able to perform a wide variety of locomotor movements, in combination, at

Childname is consistently able to move safely and in control while providing space to others Childname is consistantly able to jump, hop, and land safely and in control, taking off from one Childname is consistently able to jump using two-feet and one-foot take-offs, while remaining Childname demonstrates the ability to jump in control for height or distance, using a variety of
Childname demonstrates the ability to jump and land, in control from a low height. different speeds, in different directions, and using different pathways, while moving around
around her. foot or from two feet. in control. body actions.
others and/or equipment.

Childname is able to perform different combinations of locomotor movements with and without Childname explores different combinations of locomotor movements with and without
Childname is able to accurately perform various locomotor movements, in different directions Childname is able to successfully perform a variety of locomotor movements with and without Childname is able to confidently complete various movements with and without equipment, Childname is able to send and receive a variety of objects, adjusting for speed and distance,
equipment, alone and with others, moving at different speeds and levels, using different equipment, alone and with others, moving at different speeds and levels, and using different
and using different body parts. equipment, at different speeds. alone and with others. while applying basic principles of movement.
pathways, and going in different directions. pathways.

Childname is able to send and receive objects of a variety of shapes and sizes at different
Childname is able to consistently send objects of different shapes and sizes at different levels Childname is able to consistently send objects of different shapes and sizes at different levels Childname is able to consistently send and receive various objects, using different body parts, Childname is able to send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment, Childname is able to retain objects in a variety of situations while travelling in different
levels and speeds, using different body parts and equipment, while applying basic principles
and in different ways, using different body parts. and in different ways, using different body parts. at different levels, and using various types of equipment. adjusting for speed, while applying basic principles of movement. pathways and at different speeds in relation to others and equipment.
of movement.

Childname is able to consistently receive objects of different shapes and sizes at different Childname is able to consistently receive objects of different shapes and sizes at different Childname is able to consistently hold objects of different shapes and sizes in different ways, Childname is able to retain objects of various shapes and sizes in different ways, using Childname is able to retain objects with and without equipment in a variety of situations while Childname demonstrates an understanding of the basic components of physical activities, and
levels and in different ways, using different body parts. levels and in different ways, using different body parts. using different body parts and equipment. different body parts, with and without equipment, while moving around others and equipment. moving in different pathways around others and equipment. apply this understanding as she participates in a variety of physical activities.
Childname has a clear understanding that different physical activities have different Childname has a clear understanding that different physical activities have different Childname is able to describe common features of specific categories of physical activities,
Childname demonstrates an understanding of the basic components of physical activities, and Childname demonstrates an understanding of the components of physical activities, and apply
components, and is able to extend this understanding when working idividually and in small- components, and is able to extend this understanding when working idividually and in small- Childname clearly understands that different physical activities have different components. and describe the strategies that she found effective while participating in a variety of physical
applies this understanding as she participates in a variety of physical activities. this understanding as she participates in a variety of physical activities.
group activities. group activities. activities in different categories.

Childname is able to identify common features of specific categories of physical activities, and Childname is able to describe common features of specific categories of physical activities,
Childname is able to apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase her chances of success
Childname is able to confidently use simple tactics during physical activities. Childname is able to confidently use a variety of simple tactics during physical activities. Childname is able to confidently use a variety of simple tactics during physical activities. identify common strategies and tactics that she found effective while participating in a variety and describe strategies she found effective while participating in a variety of physical activities
as she participates in physical activities.
of physical activities in different categories. in different categories.

Childname is able to apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase her chances of success Childname is able to apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase her chances of success
as she participates in physical activities. as she participate in physical activities.

Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills Living Skills

Childname consistently reflects upon whether she is doing her best while is participating in Childname is able to explain what makes her enjoy her favourite activities, and consider what Childname is able to monitor progress towards fitness goals, noting imporvements or lack of Childname is able to identify which of the factors known to motivate participation in physical
Childname has a clear understanding of her body's response to physical activity. Childname is able to consistently monitor her progress towards personal fitness goals.
daily physical activities in the classroom and self-correct if necessary. this tells her about herself. imporovement and making changes as needed. activity in most people are the strongest factors affecting their own motivation to be active.

Childname is able to identify which skills she perform with the most confidence and which Childname notes how physical activity makes her feel, particularly when she is experiencing
Childname is able to accurately describe how she feels when she moving in different ways. Childname is consistently reflecting on how she can do better when trying something new. Childname is consistantly able to shift her position to balance when practicing fixed positions. Childname is able to assess her technique for catching throws of different speeds.
ones are most difficult for her. stress.

Childname has a clear understanding that physical activity can help make her feel better when Childname is able describe how joining a school-wide activity, such as an intramural team or Childname is able describe how knowing her strengths and areas for improvement can help Childname is able to explain why properly fitted helmets and well-secured straps on
Childname is able to extend her knowledge of safety to how she plays on the playground. Childname is able to dress appropriately for outdoor activity.
feeling anxious. club, can benefit her. when she is learning new skills. wheelchairs allow her to participate in physical activities with greater confidence.

Childname consistently stays positive when feeling excited or disappointed during a game and Childname is able to choose equipment that will help her succeed in learning a skill or refining Childname demonstrates a positive attitude, persistence, and a willingness to seek support Childname is able to explain how adopting a positive attitude and a willingness to try new
Childname consistently experiments when trying new activities. Childname is consistently able to adopt a positive attitude when not feeling confident.
learning new skills. a skill. when working at developing fitness, and explain how these factors help her meet her goals. things helped her have more fun and make progress in learning a new skill or game.

Childname tries different approaches, such as adjusting body position or speed, to help
Childname is consistently respectful of others and pays attention when sharing equipment. Childname actively listens to instructions. Childname consistently reminds others about safety rules in a positive way. Childname uses encouraging words to support teammates when playing in small groups. Childname uses encouraging words to support other students when being active.
maintain control of a ball with her feet while running down the field.

Childname consistently uses eye contact, body cues, and words to communicate clearly when Childname consistantly collaborates with others when making decisions during group phyiscal Childname is able to signal with one hand or another to indicate whether she wants to receive Childname is able to communicate clearly when working together in small groups to create a
Childname is able to accurately mirror a partner's movements. Childname warns others and reports to the teacher if any equipment is broken or unsafe to use.
sending and receiving objects. activities. a pass using her dominant hand or her non-dominant hand. movement sequence.

Childname listens to her partner and shares ideas for ways to improve the sequence when Childname promotes fair play, sharing equipment, taking turns, and following rules when
Childname consistently takes turns when using equipment. Childname is consistently helpful while using equipment during physical activity. Childname is consistently willing to be anyone's partner for physical activities. Childname plays fairly by maintaining self-control and sharing opportunities to play.
working to create a developmental gymnastics sequence. playing lead-up games.

Childname is able to consistently work cooperatively to share space without bumping into Childname is consistently able to work cooperatively with others to ensure accuracy when Childname shows respect for the decisions and calls of teammates when refereeing her own
Childname always interacts positively with others when sharing space. Childname cooperates with group members to develop a creative movement sequence. Childname demonstrates leaderhsip skills by taking turns leading warm-up activities.
others while moving around the gymnasium. catching and throwing various objects. activities.

Childname is successfuly able to come up with ideas for ways in which she could be Childname is able to think through and apply the steps she will take to avoid injury while Childname collaborates with teammates to plan how to move the ball up the field, then follows
Childname is able to make accurate connections between being active and staying healthy. Childname clearly understands how physical activity is connected to better health. Childname is able to describe steps that should be taken when responding to minor injuries.
physically active in different environments. participating in a physical activity. through with the plan.

Childname consistently uses creative thinking skills to come up with new ways of moving and Childname is able to consistently reflect on how to make transitions from one movement to Childname is able to group different games and activities according to features they have in Childname makes connections between being active and working towards personal fitness Childname is able to plan a variety of offensive and defensive tactics that could be used in
Childname has a thorough understanding of how to play safely outside in different weather.
balancing. another smoother. common. goals. different situations in striking/fielding games.

Childname is able to explain the idea of healthy competition, what it involves and what it
Childname confidently explores what body positions works best for keeping straight during a Childname explores different body positions when doing a log roll to determine which position
Childname confidently explores different equipment used during physical activity. should not involve, and how the presence or absence of those features might affect
log roll. works best for keeping the roll straight.
participation in physical activity.

Childname explores how using different speeds and pathways can enhance a dance sequence.

Examples of Qualifiers
Insert qualifiers into the selected comment above to suit the desired grade. An example of this is in The Arts tab.
almost always

A- to A+ (Level 4) thorough understanding

very good
B- to B+ (Level 3) firm understanding
some concepts
attempts familiar
C- to C+ (Level 2) beginning to demonstrate
simple purposes
requires practice
simple ideas
with difficulty
D- to D+ (Level 1) seldom
major errors
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance
A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4)

Childname confidently uses movements that are part of her daily experience in a variety of Childname confidently uses short movement phrases inspired by a variety of activities in her Childname is able to accurately imitate movements found in their natural environment in a Childname is able to accurately translate into dance a variety of movement sequences Childname is able to accurately translate into movement sequences a variety of images and Childname is able to proficiently incorporate the use of props and materials into dance pieces
ways in dance phrases. community and incorporating different pathways, directions, and shapes. variety of ways and incorporate them into a dance phrase. observed in nature. ideas from other classroom subjects, including the arts. she creates.

Childname is able to consistently use dance as a language to express feelings and ideas
Childname is able to consistently use dance as a language to represent the main ideas in Childname is able to consistently use dance as a language to represent the main ideas from Childname is able to consistently use dance as a language to explore and communicate ideas Childname is able to consistently use dance as a language to explore, interpret, and Childname is able to consistently use dance as a language to interpret and depict central
suggested by songs, stories, and poems, with a focus on the element of body, particularly
poems and stories, with a focus on body and space. diverse literature sources, with a focus on time and energy. derived from a variety of literature sources. communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. themes in literature.
body shapes.

Childname is able to successfully create dance phrases using a variety of ways to connect Childname is able to successfully create distinct beginnings and endings for dance phrases in Childname is able to successfully use narrative form to create short dance pieces on a variety Childname is able to successfully use movement in the choreographic form call and response Childname is able to sucessfully use guided improvisation in a variety of ways as a starting
Childname is able to successfully create dance phrases using a variety of pattern forms.
movements. a variety of ways. of themes. in a variety of ways when creating dance pieces. point for choreography.

Childname is able to consistently use varied and/or contrasting body shapes to communicate Childname is able to consistently use a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements to Childname consistently demonstrates how dance elements can be used to create and expand Childname is able to accurately use the elements of energy in a dance piece ot communicate Childname is able to accurately use the element of relationship in short dance pieces to Childname is able to accurately combine the elements of dance in different ways to
different types of messages. depict creatures and objects in the world around her. the movement vocabulary within different sections of a larger pattern. an idea. communicate an idea. communicate a variety of ideas.

Childname consistently demonstrates an understanding of how the elements of dance can be

Childname is able to confidently describe differences she observes when various movements Childname is able to confidently describe the similarities between her own dance phrases and Childname demonstrates a clear understanding of how the language of dance can clarify and Childname is able to confidently relate stories and characters in their own and others' dance Childname is able to confidently construct personal interpretations of dance pieces that depict
used in her own and others' dance phrases to illustrate or explore learning in other subject
from daily life are used as the basis or stimulus for movements in a dance phrase. those of others. highlight ideas, images, and characters from familiar stories. pieces to personal knowledge and experience. stories, issues, and themes, and explain her interpretations, using dance terminology.

Childname is able to accurately identify and describe how the element of body is used in Childname is able to accurately identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance in her Childname is able to almost always identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance Childname is able to confidently analyse, using dance vocabulary, how the elements of dance
Childname is able to accurately identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used Childname is able to almost always identify the elements of dance used in her own and
contrasting ways to communicate ideas in her own and others' dance phrases, with teacher own dance phrases and those of others, and describe how each element is used to used in her own and others' dance pieces and explain how each helps communicate ideas are used in her own and others' dance pieces and explain how they help communicate
in her own and others' dance phrases and explain their purpose. others' dance pieces and explain how they help communicate a message.
support. communicate meaning. and feelings. messages and ideas.

Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for
growth as a dance creator and/or an audience member. growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. growth as choreographers and audience members.

Childname is able to confidently describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is able to confidently describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is able to confidently describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is able to confidently describe, with teacher guidance, how forms and styles of
Childname is able to confidently describe, with teacher guidance, dance forms and styles that Childname is able to confidently describe, with teacher guidance, types of dances used
different communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances and social communities in Canada and around the world that she has seen in the media, at live dance reflect people's different social and political roles in various communities, times, and
reflect the beliefs and traditions of diverse communities, times, and places. among Aboriginal people in the past and present that express aspects of their cultural identity.
and social gatherings, or in the classroom. gatherings, or in the classroom. performances and social gatherings, or in the classroom. places.

Childname is able to accurately identify and describe dance experiences in her own life and Childname is able to accurately identify various reasons why people dance in daily life and Childname is able to accurately identify and describe the different roles of dance in her life Childname is able to accurately identify and describe some of the ways in which dance Childname is able to accurately identify and describe ways in which pop culture and the media
Childname is able to accurately identify and describe the role of dance in the community.
community. various contexts in which they do so. and the communities around the world. influences popular culture. influence our awareness, understanding, and appreciation of dance.

B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3)

Childname regularly uses movements that are part of her daily experience in a variety of ways Childname regularly uses short movement phrases inspired by a variety of activities in her Childname is usually able to imitate movements found in their natural environment in a variety Childname is usually able to translate into dance a variety of movement sequences observed Childname is usually able to translate into movement sequences a variety of images and Childname is usually able to incorporate the use of props and materials into dance pieces she
in dance phrases. community and incorporating different pathways, directions, and shapes. of ways and incorporate them into a dance phrase. in nature. ideas from other classroom subjects, including the arts. creates.

Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to express feelings and ideas
Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to represent the main ideas in poems Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to represent the main ideas from Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to explore and communicate ideas Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to explore, interpret, and Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to interpret and depict central themes
suggested by songs, stories, and poems, with a focus on the element of body, particularly
and stories, with a focus on body and space. diverse literature sources, with a focus on time and energy. derived from a variety of literature sources. communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. in literature.
body shapes.

Childname is able to often create dance phrases using a variety of ways to connect Childname is often able to create distinct beginnings and endings for dance phrases in a Childname is often able to use narrative form to create short dance pieces on a variety of Childname is often able to use movement in the choreographic form call and response in a Childname is often able to use guided improvisation in a variety of ways as a starting point for
Childname is often able to create dance phrases using a variety of pattern forms.
movements. variety of ways. themes. variety of ways when creating dance pieces. choreography.

Childname is able to routinely use varied and/or contrasting body shapes to communicate Childname is able to routinely use a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements to Childname sometimes demonstrates how dance elements can be used to create and expand Childname is frequently able to use the elements of energy in a dance piece ot communicate Childname is frequently able to use the element of relationship in short dance pieces to Childname is frequently able to combine the elements of dance in different ways to
different types of messages. depict creatures and objects in the world around her. the movement vocabulary within different sections of a larger pattern. an idea. communicate an idea. communicate a variety of ideas.

Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding of how the elements of dance can be

Childname is able to often describe differences she observes when various movements from Childname is usually able to describe the similarities between her own dance phrases and Childname frequently demonstrates how the language of dance can clarify and highlight Childname is often able to relate stories and characters in their own and others' dance pieces Childname is often able to construct personal interpretations of dance pieces that depict
used in her own and others' dance phrases to illustrate or explore learning in other subject
daily life are used as the basis or stimulus for movements in a dance phrase. those of others. ideas, images, and characters from familiar stories. to personal knowledge and experience. stories, issues, and themes, and explain her interpretations, using dance terminology.

Childname is often able to identify and describe how the element of body is used in Childname is often able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance in her own Childname is often able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used in Childname is often able to analyse, using dance vocabulary, how the elements of dance are
Childname is often able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used in Childname is often able to identify the elements of dance used in her own and others' dance
contrasting ways to communicate ideas in her own and others' dance phrases, with teacher dance phrases and those of others, and describe how each element is used to communicate her own and others' dance pieces and explain how each helps communicate ideas and used in her own and others' dance pieces and explain how they help communicate messages
her own and others' dance phrases and explain their purpose. pieces and explain how they help communicate a message.
support. meaning. feelings. and ideas.

Childname is frequently able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as
growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. a dance creator and/ or an audience member. a dance creator and/ or an audience member. a dance creator and/ or an audience member. a dance creator and/ or an audience member. choreographers and audience members.

Childname is able to regularly describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is frequently able to describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is sometimes able to describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is frequently able to describe, with teacher guidance, how forms and styles of
Childname is frequently able to describe, with teacher guidance, dance forms and styles that Childname is frequently able to describe, with teacher guidance, types of dances used among
different communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances and social communities in Canada and around the world that she has seen in the media, at live dance reflect people's different social and political roles in various communities, times, and
reflect the beliefs and traditions of diverse communities, times, and places. Aboriginal people in the past and present that express aspects of their cultural identity.
and social gatherings, or in the classroom. gatherings, or in the classroom. performances and social gatherings, or in the classroom. places.

Childname is usually able to identify and describe dance experiences in her own life and Childname is often able to identify various reasons why people dance in daily life and various Childname is often able to identify and describe the different roles of dance in her life and the Childname is often able to identify and describe some of the ways in which dance influences Childname is often able to identify and describe ways in which pop culture and the media
Childname is often able to identify and describe the role of dance in the community.
community. contexts in which they do so. communities around the world. popular culture. influence our awareness, understanding, and appreciation of dance.

C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2)

Childname sometimes uses movements that are part of her daily experience in a variety of Childname sometimes uses short movement phrases inspired by a variety of activities in her Childname is sometimes able to imitate movements found in their natural environment in a Childname is sometimes able to translate into dance a variety of movement sequences Childname is usually able to translate into movement sequences a variety of images and Childname is usually able to incorporate the use of props and materials into dance pieces she
ways in dance phrases. community and incorporating different pathways, directions, and shapes. variety of ways and incorporate them into a dance phrase. observed in nature. ideas from other classroom subjects, including the arts. creates.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate the ability to use dance as a language to express

Childname is beginning to demonstrate the ability to use dance as a language to represent Childname is beginning to demonstrate the ability to use dance as a language to represent Childname is beginning to demonstrate the ablitity to use dance as a language to explore and Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to explore, interpret, and Childname is able to routinely use dance as a language to interpret and depict central themes
feelings and ideas suggested by songs, stories, and poems, with a focus on the element of
the main ideas in poems and stories, with a focus on body and space. the main ideas from diverse literature sources, with a focus on time and energy. communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. in literature.
body, particularly body shapes.

Childname is sometimes able to create dance phrases using a variety of ways to connect Childname is sometimes able to create distinct beginnings and endings for dance phrases in a Childname is sometimes able to use narrative form to create short dance pieces on a variety Childname is often able to use movement in the choreographic form call and response in a Childname is often able to use guided improvisation in a variety of ways as a starting point for
Childname is sometimes able to create dance phrases using a variety of pattern forms.
movements. variety of ways. of themes. variety of ways when creating dance pieces. choreography.

Childname is beginning to use varied and/or contrasting body shapes to communicate Childname is beginning to use a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements to depict Childname is beginning to to able to demonstrate how dance elements can be used to create Childname is sometimes able to use the elements of energy in a dance piece ot communicate Childname is sometimes able to use the element of relationship in short dance pieces to Childname is sometimes able to combine the elements of dance in different ways to
different types of messages. creatures and objects in the world around her. and expand the movement vocabulary within different sections of a larger pattern. an idea. communicate an idea. communicate a variety of ideas.

Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding of how the elements of dance can be

Childname attempts to describe differences she observes when various movements from daily Childname attempts to describe the similarities between her own dance phrases and those of Childname sometimes demonstrates how the language of dance can clarify and highlight Childname is often able to relate stories and characters in their own and others' dance pieces Childname is often able to construct personal interpretations of dance pieces that depict
used in her own and others' dance phrases to illustrate or explore learning in other subject
life are used as the basis or stimulus for movements in a dance phrase. others. ideas, images, and characters from familiar stories. to personal knowledge and experience. stories, issues, and themes, and explain her interpretations, using dance terminology.

Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe how the element of body is used in Childname is sometimes able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance in Childname is sometimes able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used Childname is often able to analyse, using dance vocabulary, how the elements of dance are
Childname is sometimes able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used Childname is often able to identify the elements of dance used in her own and others' dance
contrasting ways to communicate ideas in her own and others' dance phrases, with teacher her own dance phrases and those of others, and describe how each element is used to in her own and others' dance pieces and explain how each helps communicate ideas and used in her own and others' dance pieces and explain how they help communicate messages
in her own and others' dance phrases and explain their purpose. pieces and explain how they help communicate a message.
support. communicate meaning. feelings. and ideas.

Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as
growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. growth as dance creators and audience members. growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. growth as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. a dance creator and/ or an audience member. choreographers and audience members.

Childname is able to adequately describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is able to adequately describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is able to adequately describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is sometimes able to describe, with teacher guidance, how forms and styles of
Childname is sometimes able to describe, with teacher guidance, dance forms and styles that Childname is sometimes able to describe, with teacher guidance, types of dances used
different communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances and social communities in Canada and around the world that she has seen in the media, at live dance reflect people's different social and political roles in various communities, times, and
reflect the beliefs and traditions of diverse communities, times, and places. among Aboriginal people in the past and present that express aspects of their cultural identity.
and social gatherings, or in the classroom. gatherings, or in the classroom. performances and social gatherings, or in the classroom. places.

Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe dance experiences in her own life and Childname is sometimes able to identify various reasons why people dance in daily life and Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe the different roles of dance in her life Childname is often able to identify and describe some of the ways in which dance influences Childname is often able to identify and describe ways in which pop culture and the media
Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe the role of dance in the community.
community. various contexts in which they do so. and the communities around the world. popular culture. influence our awareness, understanding, and appreciation of dance.

D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1)

Childname rarely uses movements that are part of her daily experience in a variety of ways in Childname rarely uses short movement phrases inspired by a variety of activities in her Childname rarely imitates movements found in their natural environment in a variety of ways Childname is rarely able to translate into movement sequences a variety of images and ideas Childname is rarely able to incorporate the use of props and materials into dance pieces she
Childname rarely translates into dance a variety of movement sequences observed in nature.
dance phrases. community and incorporating different pathways, directions, and shapes. and incorporate them into a dance phrase. from other classroom subjects, including the arts. creates.

Childname is having difficulty demonstrating the ability to use dance as a language to express
Childname is having difficulty demonstrating the ability to use dance as a language to Childname is having difficulty demonstrating the ability to use dance as a language to Childname is having difficulty demonstrating the ablitity to use dance as a language to explore Childname is having difficulty using dance as a language to explore, interpret, and Childname is having difficulty using dance as a language to interpret and depict central
feelings and ideas suggested by songs, stories, and poems, with a focus on the element of
represent the main ideas in poems and stories, with a focus on body and space. represent the main ideas from diverse literature sources, with a focus on time and energy. and communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. themes in literature.
body, particularly body shapes.

Childname is rarely able to create dance phrases using a variety of ways to connect Childname is rarely able to create distinct beginnings and endings for dance phrases in a Childname is rarely able to use narrative form to create short dance pieces on a variety of Childname is rarely able to use movement in the choreographic formand finds it difficult to Childname is rarely able to use guided improvisation in a variety of ways as a starting point for
Childname is rarely able to create dance phrases using a variety of pattern forms.
movements. variety of ways. themes. respond in a variety of ways when creating dance pieces. choreography.

Childname is having difficulty using varied and/or contrasting body shapes to communicate Childname is having difficulty using a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements to Childname is having difficulty demonstrating how dance elements can be used to create and Childname is having difficulaty using the elements of energy in a dance piece ot communicate Childname is having difficulty using the element of relationship in short dance pieces to Childname is having difficulaty combining the elements of dance in different ways to
different types of messages. depict creatures and objects in the world around her. expand the movement vocabulary within different sections of a larger pattern. an idea. communicate an idea. communicate a variety of ideas.

Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of how the elements of dance can

Childname is inconsistently able to describe differences she observes when various Childname is inconsistently able to describe the similarities between her own dance phrases Childname inconsistently demonstrates how the language of dance can clarify and highlight Childname is inconsistently relating stories and characters in their own and others' dance Childname is inconsistently contructing personal interpretations of dance pieces that depict
be used in her own and others' dance phrases to illustrate or explore learning in other subject
movements from daily life are used as the basis or stimulus for movements in a dance phrase. and those of others. ideas, images, and characters from familiar stories. pieces to personal knowledge and experience. stories, issues, and themes, and explain her interpretations, using dance terminology.

Childname is rarely able to identify and describe how the element of body is used in Childname is rarely able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance in her own Childname is rarely able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used in Childname is rarely able to analyse, using dance vocabulary, how the elements of dance are
Childname is rarely able to identify, using dance vocabulary, the elements of dance used in Childname is rarely able to identify the elements of dance used in her own and others' dance
contrasting ways to communicate ideas in her own and others' dance phrases, with teacher dance phrases and those of others, and describe how each element is used to communicate her own and others' dance pieces and explain how each helps communicate ideas and used in her own and others' dance pieces and explain how they help communicate messages
her own and others' dance phrases and explain their purpose. pieces and explain how they help communicate a message.
support. meaning. feelings. and ideas.
Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth
asa dance creator and/ or an audience member. as dance creators and audience members. as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. as a dance creator and/ or an audience member. as choreographers and audience members.

Childname is rarely able to describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from different Childname is rarely able to describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from Childname is rarely able to describe, with teacher guidance, a variety of dances from
Childname is rarely able to describe, with teacher guidance, how forms and styles of dance Childname is rarely able to describe, with teacher guidance, dance forms and styles that Childname is rarely able to describe, with teacher guidance, types of dances used among
communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances and social communities around the world that she has seen in the media, at live performances and social communities in Canada and around the world that she has seen in the media, at live
reflect people's different social and political roles in various communities, times, and places. reflect the beliefs and traditions of diverse communities, times, and places. Aboriginal people in the past and present that express aspects of their cultural identity.
gatherings, or in the classroom. gatherings, or in the classroom. performances and social gatherings, or in the classroom.

Childname is rarely able to identify and describe dance experiences in her own life and Childname is rarely able to identify various reasons why people dance in daily life and various Childname is rarely able to identify and describe the different roles of dance in her life and the Childname is rarely able to identify and describe some of the ways in which dance influences Childname is rarely able to identify and describe ways in which pop culture and the media
Childname is rarely able to identify and describe the role of dance in the community.
community. contexts in which they do so. communities around the world. popular culture. influence our awareness, understanding, and appreciation of dance.

Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama

A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4)

Childname consistently engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring Childname consistently engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname consistently engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname consistently engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on
Childname consistently engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring a Childname consistently engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring main
themes, ideas, characters, and issues from imagination or in stories from diverse exploring drama structures, key ideas, and pivotal moments in her own stories and stories examining issues and themes in fiction and non-fiction sources from diverse communities, identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and
variety of sources from diverse communities, times and places. ideas and central characters in stories from diverse communities, times, and places.
communities, times, and places. from diverse communities, times, and places. times and places. non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times and places.

Childname confidently demonstrates an understanding of the element of character by Childname confidently demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by Childname confidently demonstrates an understanding of how the element of time and place Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by selectively using a Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by selectively using Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by selectively using
adopting thoughts, feelings, and gestures relevant to the role being played. communicating thoughts, feelings, and perspectives appropriate to the role being played. can support the development of role. few other elements of drama. some other elements of drama. other elements to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context.

Childname is able to clearly plan and shape dramatic plays by building on the ideas of others, Childname is able to clearly plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play, Childname is able to clearly plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play by Childname is able to clearly plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by posing Childname is able to clearly plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by Childname is able to clearly plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by
both in and out of role. building on their own and others' ideas both in and out of role, with support. building on their own and others' ideas, both in and out of role. questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role. collaborating with others to develop ideas, both in and out of role. introducing new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role.

Childname is able to clearly communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using a Childname is able to clearly communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using a Childname is able to clearly communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to clearly communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific audience, Childname is able to clearly communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific audience, Childname is able to clearly communicate feelings, thoughts, and ideas to a specific audience,
few simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. several simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. audio, visual, and/or technological aids to support or enhance her drama work. using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to enhance her drama work. using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to achieve specific dramatic effects. using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to strengthen the impact on the viewer.

Childname is able to clearly express feelings and ideas about a drama experience or
Childname is able to clearly express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about drama experiences Childname is able to clearly express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a variety of drama Childname is able to clearly express personal responses and make connections to characters, Childname is able to clearly express personal responses and make connections to characters, Childname is able to clearly express personal responses and preferences and make
performance in a variety of ways, making personal connections to the characters and themes
and performances in a variety of ways. experiences and performances. themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. connections to themes and issues presented in her own and others' drama works.
in the story.

Childname is able to consistently identify, using drama terminology, the elements and Childname is able to clearly explain, using drama terminology, how elements and drama Childname is able to clearly explain, using drama terminology, how different elements are Childname is able to clearly identify a favourite scene and give reasons for her preference,
Childname demonstrates a clear understanding of how the element of character/role is used Childname is able to consistently describe, using drama terminology, how elements and
conventions of drama used in shared drama experiences and theatre and describe how she conventions are used to produce specific effects and/or audience responses in her own and used to communicate and reinforce the intended message in her own and others' drama using correct drama terminology to describe how the elements of drama contribute to its
in shared classroom drama experiences and theatre to communicate meaning. conventions of drama are used to shape her own and others' work.
helps communicate ideas and feelings and create interest. others' drama works. works. effectiveness.

Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her interests, and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and
improvement as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for improvement as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for growth as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for growth as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member. areas for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member.

Childname is able to accurately describe forms of process drama, theatre, storytelling, and
Childname is able to accurately identify and describe drama and theatre forms, events, and Childname is able to accurately identify and describe a variety of drama and theatre forms she Childname is able to accurately identify some distinct stylistic features of a few drama and Childname is able to accurately identify and describe some similarities in the purposes of Childname is able to accurately demonstrate an understanding of some drama and theatre
visual representation from diverse communities around the world, and explain how they may
activities that she experiences in her home, school, and community. experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. theatre forms she experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. process drama and more formal, traditional theatre productions. themes and traditions from a variety of times, communities, and places.
reflect some beliefs and traditions of their communities.

Childname consistently demonstrates an awareness of a variety of roles, themes, and Childname consistently demonstrates an awareness of some drama and theatre traditions of Childname consistently demonstrates an awareness of ideas and emotions expressed in Childname consistently demonstrates an awareness of different kinds of drama and theatre Childname accurately demonstrates an understanding of the broader world of drama and Childname is able to accurately identify and describe key contributions drama and theatre
subjects in dramas and stories from different communities around the world. communities around the world. drama works from communities around the world. from different times and places and of how they reflect their contexts. theatre by identifying and describing the roles and responsibilities of key theatre personnel. make to the community.

B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3)

Childname routinely engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring themes, Childname routinely engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname routinely engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname routinely engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on
Childname routinely engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring a Childname routinely engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring main
ideas, characters, and issues from imagination or in stories from diverse communities, times, exploring drama structures, key ideas, and pivotal moments in her own stories and stories examining issues and themes in fiction and non-fiction sources from diverse communities, identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and
variety of sources from diverse communities, times and places. ideas and central characters in stories from diverse communities, times, and places.
and places. from diverse communities, times, and places. times and places. non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times and places.

Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of the element of character by adopting Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by communicating Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of how the element of time and place can Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by selectively using Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by selectively using Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of the element of role by selectively using
thoughts, feelings, and gestures relevant to the role being played. thoughts, feelings, and perspectives appropriate to the role being played. support the development of role. a few other elements of drama. some other elements of drama. other elements to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context.

Childname is able to frequently plan and shape dramatic plays by building on the ideas of Childname is able to frequently plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play, Childname is able to frequently plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play by Childname is able to frequently plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by Childname is able to frequently plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by Childname is able to frequently plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by
others, both in and out of role. building on their own and others' ideas both in and out of role, with support. building on their own and others' ideas, both in and out of role. posing questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role. collaborating with others to develop ideas, both in and out of role. introducing new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role.

Childname is able to frequently communicate feelings, thoughts, and ideas to a specific

Childname is able to frequently communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to frequently communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to frequently communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to frequently communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific Childname is able to frequently communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific
audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to strengthen the impact on the
a few simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. a several simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. audio, visual, and/or technological aids to support or enhance her drama work. audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to enhance her drama work. audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to achieve specific dramatic effects.

Childname is able to frequently express feelings and ideas about a drama experience or
Childname is able to frequently express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about drama Childname is able to frequently express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a variety of drama Childname is able to frequently express personal responses and make connections to Childname is able to frequently express personal responses and make connections to Childname is able to frequently express personal responses and preferences and make
performance in a variety of ways, making personal connections to the characters and themes
experiences and performances in a variety of ways. experiences and performances. characters, themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. characters, themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. connections to themes and issues presented in her own and others' drama works.
in the story.

Childname is able to frequently identify, using drama terminology, the elements and Childname is able to frequently explain, using drama terminology, how elements and drama Childname is able to frequently explain, using drama terminology, how different elements are Childname is able to frequently identify a favourite scene and give reasons for her preference,
Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of how the element of character/role is used in Childname is able to frequently describe, using drama terminology, how elements and
conventions of drama used in shared drama experiences and theatre and describe how she conventions are used to produce specific effects and/or audience responses in her own and used to communicate and reinforce the intended message in her own and others' drama using correct drama terminology to describe how the elements of drama contribute to its
shared classroom drama experiences and theatre to communicate meaning. conventions of drama are used to shape her own and others' work.
helps communicate ideas and feelings and create interest. others' drama works. works. effectiveness.

Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, Childname is often able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas for
improvement as a drama participant and/or audience member. improvement as a drama participant and/or audience member. growth as a drama participant and/or audience member. growth as drama participants and audience members. and areas for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member. improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member.

Childname is often able to describe forms of process drama, theatre, storytelling, and visual
Childname is often able to identify and describe drama and theatre forms, events, and Childname is often able to identify and describe a variety of drama and theatre forms she Childname is often able to identify some distinct stylistic features of a few drama and theatre Childname is often able to identify and describe some similarities in the purposes of process Childname is often able to demonstrate an understanding of some drama and theatre themes
representation from diverse communities around the world, and explain how they may reflect
activities that she experiences in her home, school, and community. experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. forms she experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. drama and more formal, traditional theatre productions. and traditions from a variety of times, communities, and places.
some beliefs and traditions of their communities.

Childname often demonstrates an awareness of a variety of roles, themes, and subjects in Childname often demonstrates an awareness of some drama and theatre traditions of Childname often demonstrates an awareness of ideas and emotions expressed in drama Childname often demonstrates an awareness of different kinds of drama and theatre from Childname often demonstrates an understanding of the broader world of drama and theatre Childname is often able to identify and describe key contributions drama and theatre make to
dramas and stories from different communities around the world. communities around the world. works from communities around the world. different times and places and of how they reflect their contexts. by identifying and describing the roles and responsibilities of key theatre personnel. the community.

C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2)

Childname sometimes engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring Childname sometimes engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname sometimes engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname sometimes engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on
Childname sometimes engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring a Childname sometimes engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring main
themes, ideas, characters, and issues from imagination or in stories from diverse exploring drama structures, key ideas, and pivotal moments in her own stories and stories examining issues and themes in fiction and non-fiction sources from diverse communities, identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and
variety of sources from diverse communities, times and places. ideas and central characters in stories from diverse communities, times, and places.
communities, times, and places. from diverse communities, times, and places. times and places. non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times and places.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the element of character by Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of how the element of time and Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by selectively Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by selectively Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by selectively
adopting thoughts, feelings, and gestures relevant to the role being played. communicating thoughts, feelings, and perspectives appropriate to the role being played. place can support the development of role. using a few other elements of drama. using some other elements of drama. using other elements to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context.

Childname is able to adequately plan and shape dramatic plays by building on the ideas of Childname is able to adequately plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play, Childname is able to adequately plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play Childname is able to adequately plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by Childname is able to adequately plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by Childname is able to adequately plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by
others, both in and out of role. building on their own and others' ideas both in and out of role, with support. by building on their own and others' ideas, both in and out of role. posing questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role. collaborating with others to develop ideas, both in and out of role. introducing new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role.

Childname is able to adequately communicate feelings, thoughts, and ideas to a specific

Childname is able to adequately communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to adequately communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to adequately communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is able to adequately communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific Childname is able to adequately communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific
audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to strengthen the impact on the
a few simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. a several simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. audio, visual, and/or technological aids to support or enhance her drama work. audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to enhance her drama work. audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to achieve specific dramatic effects.

Childname is able to adequately express feelings and ideas about a drama experience or
Childname is able to adequately express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about drama Childname is able to adequately express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a variety of Childname is able to adequately express personal responses and make connections to Childname is able to adequately express personal responses and make connections to Childname is able to adequately express personal responses and preferences and make
performance in a variety of ways, making personal connections to the characters and themes
experiences and performances in a variety of ways. drama experiences and performances. characters, themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. characters, themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. connections to themes and issues presented in her own and others' drama works.
in the story.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate a firm understanding of how the element of Childname is able to adequately identify, using drama terminology, the elements and Childname is able to adequately explain, using drama terminology, how elements and drama Childname is able to adequately explain, using drama terminology, how different elements are Childname is able to adequately identify a favourite scene and give reasons for her
Childname is able to adequately describe, using drama terminology, how elements and
character/role is used in shared classroom drama experiences and theatre to communicate conventions of drama used in shared drama experiences and theatre and describe how she conventions are used to produce specific effects and/or audience responses in her own and used to communicate and reinforce the intended message in her own and others' drama preference, using correct drama terminology to describe how the elements of drama
conventions of drama are used to shape her own and others' work.
meaning. helps communicate ideas and feelings and create interest. others' drama works. works. contribute to its effectiveness.

Childname is sometimes able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths,
Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her interests, and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and Childname is sometimes able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and
interests, and areas for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience
improvement as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for improvement as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for growth as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for growth as a drama participant and/or audience member. areas for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member.

Childname is sometimes able to describe forms of process drama, theatre, storytelling, and
Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe drama and theatre forms, events, and Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe a variety of drama and theatre forms Childname is sometimes able to identify some distinct stylistic features of a few drama and Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe some similarities in the purposes of Childname is sometimes able to demonstrate an understanding of some drama and theatre
visual representation from diverse communities around the world, and explain how they may
activities that she experiences in her home, school, and community. she experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. theatre forms she experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. process drama and more formal, traditional theatre productions. themes and traditions from a variety of times, communities, and places.
reflect some beliefs and traditions of their communities.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of a variety of roles, themes, and Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of some drama and theatre traditions of Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of ideas and emotions expressed in Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of different kinds of drama and theatre Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the broader world of drama and Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe key contributions drama and theatre
subjects in dramas and stories from different communities around the world. communities around the world. drama works from communities around the world. from different times and places and of how they reflect their contexts. theatre by identifying and describing the roles and responsibilities of key theatre personnel. make to the community.

D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1)

Childname rarely engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring themes, Childname rarely engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname rarely engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on Childname rarely engages actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on
Childname rarely engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring a variety of Childname rarely engages in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring main ideas
ideas, characters, and issues from imagination or in stories from diverse communities, times, exploring drama structures, key ideas, and pivotal moments in her own stories and stories examining issues and themes in fiction and non-fiction sources from diverse communities, identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and
sources from diverse communities, times and places. and central characters in stories from diverse communities, times, and places.
and places. from diverse communities, times, and places. times and places. non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times and places.

Childname has a limited understanding of the element of character by adopting thoughts, Childname has a limited understanding of the element of role by communicating thoughts, Childname has a limited understanding of how the element of time and place can support the Childname has limited understanding of the element of role by selectively using a few other Childname has limited understanding of the element of role by selectively using some other Childname has limited understanding of the element of role by selectively using other
feelings, and gestures relevant to the role being played. feelings, and perspectives appropriate to the role being played. development of role. elements of drama. elements of drama. elements to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context.

Childname is rarely able to plan and shape dramatic plays by building on the ideas of others, Childname is rarely able to plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play, Childname is rarely able to plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play by Childname is rarely able to plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by posing Childname is rarely able to plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by Childname is rarely able to plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by
both in and out of role. building on their own and others' ideas both in and out of role, with support. building on their own and others' ideas, both in and out of role. questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role. collaborating with others to develop ideas, both in and out of role. introducing new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role.
Childname is rarely able to communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using a Childname is rarely able to communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using a Childname is rarely able to communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience, using Childname is rarely able to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific audience, Childname is rarely able to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific audience, Childname is rarely able to communicate feelings, thoughts, and ideas to a specific audience,
few simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. several simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance her drama work. audio, visual, and/or technological aids to support or enhance her drama work. using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to enhance her drama work. using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to achieve specific dramatic effects. using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to strengthen the impact on the viewer.

Childname is rarely able to express feelings and ideas about a drama experience or
Childname is rarely able to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about drama experiences Childname is rarely able to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a variety of drama Childname is rarely able to express personal responses and make connections to characters, Childname is rarely able to express personal responses and make connections to characters, Childname is rarely able to express personal responses and preferences and make
performance in a variety of ways, making personal connections to the characters and themes
and performances in a variety of ways. experiences and performances. themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. themes, and issues presented in her own and others' drama works. connections to themes and issues presented in her own and others' drama works.
in the story.

Childname is rarely able to dentify, using drama terminology, the elements and conventions of Childname is rarely able to explain, using drama terminology, how elements and drama Childname is rarely able to identify a favourite scene and give reasons for her preference,
Childname has a limited understanding of how the element of character/role is used in shared Childname is rarely able to describe, using drama terminology, how elements and conventions Childname is rarely able to explain, using drama terminology, how different elements are used
drama used in shared drama experiences and theatre and describe how she helps conventions are used to produce specific effects and/or audience responses in her own and using correct drama terminology to describe how the elements of drama contribute to its
classroom drama experiences and theatre to communicate meaning. of drama are used to shape her own and others' work. to communicate and reinforce the intended message in her own and others' drama works.
communicate ideas and feelings and create interest. others' drama works. effectiveness.

Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her interests, and areas for Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths, interests, and areas
improvement as a drama participant and/ or audience member. for improvement as a drama participant and/ or audience member. for growth as a drama participant and/ or audience member. for growth as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member. for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member. for improvement as a drama participant, a performer and/ or audience member.

Childname is rarely able to describe forms of process drama, theatre, storytelling, and visual
Childname is rarely able to identify and describe drama and theatre forms, events, and Childname is rarely able to identify and describe a variety of drama and theatre forms she Childname is rarely able to identify some distinct stylistic features of a few drama and theatre Childname is rarely able to identify and describe some similarities in the purposes of process Childname is rarely able to demonstrate an understanding of some drama and theatre themes
representation from diverse communities around the world, and explain how they may reflect
activities that she experiences in her home, school, and community. experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. forms she experiences in her home, school, and community, and in the media. drama and more formal, traditional theatre productions. and traditions from a variety of times, communities, and places.
some beliefs and traditions of their communities.

Childname has difficulty demonstrating an awareness of a variety of roles, themes, and Childname has difficulty demonstrating an awareness of some drama and theatre traditions of Childname has difficulty demonstrating an awareness of ideas and emotions expressed in Childname has difficulty demonstrating an awareness of different kinds of drama and theatre Childname has difficulty demonstrating an understanding of the broader world of drama and Childname is rarely able to identify and describe key contributions drama and theatre make to
subjects in dramas and stories from different communities around the world. communities around the world. drama works from communities around the world. from different times and places and of how they reflect their contexts. theatre by identifying and describing the roles and responsibilities of key theatre personnel. the community.

Music Music Music Music Music Music

A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4)

Childname confidently sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part
Childname confidently sings songs in unison and plays simple accompaniments for music Childname confidently sings in unison songs in tune and/or plays simple melodies and Childname confidently sings, in tune, unison songs, partner songs, and rounds, and/or play Childname confidently sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part Childname confidently sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison music and
music with simple accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical
from a wide variety of diverse cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments for music from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. music with accompaniments, from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. music in two or more parts from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods.

Childname is able to precisely apply the elements of music when singing, playing and Childname is able to precisely apply the elements of music when singing, playing and Childname is able to precisely apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is able to precisely apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is able to precisely apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing,
Childname is able to precisely apply the elements of music when singing, playing, and moving.
instrument, and moving. instrument, and moving. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect.

Childname is able to accurately create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar Childname is able to accurately create simple compositions for a specific purpose and a Childname is able to accurately create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar Childname is able to accurately create musical compositions for specific purposes and Childname is able to accurately create musical compositions for specific purposes and Childname is able to accurately create musical compositions for specific purposes and
audience. familiar audience. audience. audiences. audiences. audiences.

Childname is able to accurately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to accurately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to accurately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to accurately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to accurately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to accurately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical
performances. performances. performances. performances. performances. performances.

Childname consistently demonstrates an understanding of musical signs and standard

Childname consistently demonstrates an understanding that sounds can be represented by Childname consistently uses symbols to represent sounds and sounds to represent musical Childname consistently demonstrates an understanding of standard and non-traditional Childname consistently demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of Childname consistently demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of
notation on the five-line staff, and use devised notation to record the sequence of sounds in a
symbols. symbols. musical notation. musical notation through performance and composition. musical notation through performance and composition.
composition of her own.

Childname is able to accurately express initial reactions and personal responses to musical Childname is able to accurately express personal responses to musical performances in a Childname is able to accurately express personal responses to musical performances in a Childname is able to accurately express personal responses to musical performances in a Childname is able to accurately express detailed personal responses to musical performances Childname is able to accurately express detailed personal responses to musical performances
performances in a variety of ways. variety of ways. variety of ways. variety of ways. in a variety of ways. in a variety of ways.

Childname is able to consistently describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is able to consistently describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is able to consistently describe ways in which the elements of music are used in Childname is able to consistently identify the elements used in the music she performs, listens Childname is able to consistently identify the elements of music in the music she performs, Childname is able to consistently identify the elements of music in the reperatoire she
different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. the music she performs, listens to, and creates. to, and creates, and describe how they are used. listens to, and creates, and describe how they are used. performs, listens to, and creates, and describe how they are used.

Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for
growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. improvement as a composer, musical performer, interpreter, and audience member.

Childname is able to accurately identify and describe ways in which music can be used in the Childname is able to accurately identify the role of music in a community today and compare it Childname is able to accurately identify and describe some of the key influences of music Childname is able to accurately identify and describe ways in which awareness or
Childname is able to accurately identify and describe musical experiences in her own life. Childname is able to accurately identify reasons why people make music in their daily lives.
community. to its role in a community of the past. within contemporary culture. appreciation of music is affected by culture and the media.

Childname is able to accurately identify a variety of musical pieces from different cultures Childname is able to accurately identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of Childname is able to accurately identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of Childname consistently demonstrates an awareness, through listening, of the characteristics Childname consistently demonstrates an awareness of the use of music and musical Childname is able to consistently compare some aspects of the music of one culture and/or
through performing and/or listening to them. musical forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. musical forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. of musical forms and traditions of diverse times, places, and communities. instruments in various traditions, from early times to today. historical period with aspects of the music of another culture and/or historical period.

B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3)

Childname usually sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part
Childname usually sings songs in unison and plays simple accompaniments for music from a Childname usually sings unison songs in tune and/or plays simple melodies and Childname usually sings, in tune, unison songs, partner songs, and rounds, and/or play Childname usually sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part Childname usually sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison music and music
music with simple accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical
wide variety of diverse cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments for music from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. music with accompaniments, from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. in two or more parts from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods.

Childname is usually able to apply the elements of music when singing, playing and Childname is usually able to apply the elements of music when singing, playing and Childname is usually able to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is usually able to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is usually able to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing,
Childname is usually able to apply the elements of music when singing, playing, and moving.
instrument, and moving. instrument, and moving. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect.

Childname is often able to create simple compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar
Childname is often able to create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar audience. Childname is often able to create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar audience. Childname is often able to create musical compositions for specific purposes and audiences. Childname is often able to create musical compositions for specific purposes and audiences. Childname is often able to create musical compositions for specific purposes and audiences.

Childname is regularly able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is regularly able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is regularly able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is often able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is often able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is often able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical
performances. performances. performances. performances. performances. performances.

Childname regularly demonstrates an understanding of musical signs and standard notation

Childname regularly demonstrates an understanding that sounds can be represented by Childname regularly demonstrates an understanding of standard and non-traditional musical Childname regularly demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of musical Childname regularly demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of musical
Childname often uses symbols to represent sounds and sounds to represent musical symbols. on the five-line staff, and use devised notation to record the sequence of sounds in a
symbols. notation. notation through performance and composition. notation through performance and composition.
composition of her own.

Childname is usually able to express initial reactions and personal responses to musical Childname is usually able to express personal responses to musical performances in a variety Childname is usually able to accurately express personal responses to musical performances Childname is usually able to express personal responses to musical performances in a variety Childname is usually able to accurately express detailed personal responses to musical Childname is usually able to express detailed personal responses to musical performances in
performances in a variety of ways. of ways. in a variety of ways. of ways. performances in a variety of ways. a variety of ways.

Childname is usually able to describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is usually able to describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is usually able to describe ways in which the elements of music are used in the Childname is usually able to identify the elements used in the music she performs, listens to, Childname is usually able to identify the elements of music in the music she performs, listens Childname is usually able to identify the elements of music in the reperatoire she performs,
different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. music she performs, listens to, and creates. and creates, and describe how they are used. to, and creates, and describe how they are used. listens to, and creates, and describe how they are used.

Childname is able to often identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is able to often identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is able to often identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is able to often identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is able to often identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth as Childname is able to often identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for
a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. improvement as a composer, musical performer, interpreter, and audience member.

Childname is usually able to identify and describe ways in which music can be used in the Childname is usually able to identify the role of music in a community today and compare it to Childname is usually able to identify and describe some of the key influences of music within Childname is usually able to identify and describe ways in which awareness or appreciation of
Childname is usually able to identify and describe musical experiences in her own life. Childname is usually able to identify reasons why people make music in their daily lives.
community. its role in a community of the past. contemporary culture. music is affected by culture and the media.

Childname is able to routinely identify a variety of musical pieces from different cultures Childname is able to routinely identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of Childname is able to routinely identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of Childname routinely demonstrates an awareness, through listening, of the characteristics of Childname routinely demonstrates an awareness of the use of music and musical instruments Childname is able to routinely compare some aspects of the music of one culture and/or
through performing and/or listening to them. musical forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. musical forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. musical forms and traditions of diverse times, places, and communities. in various traditions, from early times to today. historical period with aspects of the music of another culture and/or historical period.

C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2)

Childname sometimes sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part
Childname sometimes sings songs in unison and plays simple accompaniments for music Childname sometimes sings unison songs in tune and/or plays simple melodies and Childname sometimes sings, in tune, unison songs, partner songs, and rounds, and/or play Childname sometimes sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part Childname sometimes sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison music and
music with simple accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical
from a wide variety of diverse cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments for music from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. music with accompaniments, from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. music in two or more parts from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods.

Childname is able to adequately apply the elements of music when singing, playing, and Childname is able to adequately apply the elements of music when singing, playing and Childname is able to adequately apply the elements of music when singing, playing and Childname is able to adequately apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is able to adequately apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is able to adequately apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing,
moving. instrument, and moving. instrument, and moving. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect.

Childname is able to adequately create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar Childname is able to adequately create simple compositions for a specific purpose and a Childname is able to adequately create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar Childname is able to adequately create musical compositions for specific purposes and Childname is able to adequately create musical compositions for specific purposes and Childname is able to adequately create musical compositions for specific purposes and
audience. familiar audience. audience. audiences. audiences. audiences.

Childname is able to adequately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to adequately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to adequately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to adequately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to adequately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is able to adequately use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical
performances. performances. performances. performances. performances. performances.

Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding of musical signs and standard notation

Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding that sounds can be represented by Childname is sometimes able to use symbols to represent sounds and sounds to represent Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding of standard and non-traditional Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of musical Childname sometimes demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of musical
on the five-line staff, and use devised notation to record the sequence of sounds in a
symbols. musical symbols. musical notation. notation through performance and composition. notation through performance and composition.
composition of her own.

Childname is able to adequately express initial reactions and personal responses to musical Childname is able to adequately express personal responses to musical performances in a Childname is able to adequately express personal responses to musical performances in a Childname is able to adequately express personal responses to musical performances in a Childname is able to adequately express detailed personal responses to musical Childname is able to adequately express detailed personal responses to musical
performances in a variety of ways. variety of ways. variety of ways. variety of ways. performances in a variety of ways. performances in a variety of ways.

Childname is able to adequately describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is able to adequately describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is able to adequately describe ways in which the elements of music are used in the Childname is able to adequately identify the elements used in the music she performs, listens Childname is able to adequately identify the elements of music in the music she performs, Childname is able to adequately identify the elements of music in the reperatoire she
different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. music she performs, listens to, and creates. to, and creates, and describe how they are used. listens to, and creates, and describe how they are used. performs, listens to, and creates, and describe how they are used.
Childname is able to adequately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to adequately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to adequately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to adequately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to adequately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for Childname is able to adequately identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for
growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. growth as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. improvement as a composer, musical performer, interpreter, and audience member.

Childname is able to adequately identify and describe ways in which music can be used in the Childname is able to adequately identify the role of music in a community today and compare Childname is able to adequately identify and describe some of the key influences of music Childname is able to adequately identify and describe ways in which awareness or
Childname is able to adequately identify and describe musical experiences in her own life. Childname is able to adequately identify reasons why people make music in their daily lives.
community. it to its role in a community of the past. within contemporary culture. appreciation of music is affected by culture and the media.

Childname is able to adequately identify a variety of musical pieces from different cultures Childname is able to adequately identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of Childname is able to adequately identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of Childname sometimes demonstrates an awareness, through listening, of the characteristics of Childname sometimes demonstrates an awareness of the use of music and musical Childname is sometimes able to compare some aspects of the music of one culture and/or
through performing and/or listening to them. musical forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. musical forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. musical forms and traditions of diverse times, places, and communities. instruments in various traditions, from early times to today. historical period with aspects of the music of another culture and/or historical period.

D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1)

Childname rarely sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part
Childname rarely sings songs in unison and plays simple accompaniments for music from a Childname rarely sings unison songs in tune and/or plays simple melodies and Childname rarely sings, in tune, unison songs, partner songs, and rounds, and/or play Childname rarely sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison and two-part Childname rarely sings and/or plays, in tune, from musical notation, unison music and music
music with simple accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical
wide variety of diverse cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments for music from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. accompaniments from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. music with accompaniments, from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods. in two or more parts from a wide variety of cultures, styles, and historical periods.

Childname is rarely able to apply the elements of music when singing, playing and instrument, Childname is rarely able to apply the elements of music when singing, playing and instrument, Childname is rarely able to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is rarely able to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, Childname is rarely able to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing,
Childname is rarely able to apply the elements of music when singing, playing, and moving.
and moving. and moving. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect.

Childname is rarely able to create simple compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar
Childname is rarely able to create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar audience. Childname is rarely able to create compositions for a specific purpose and a familiar audience. Childname is rarely able to create musical compositions for specific purposes and audiences. Childname is rarely able to create musical compositions for specific purposes and audiences. Childname is rarely able to create musical compositions for specific purposes and audiences.

Childname inconsistently uses the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname inconsistently uses the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is inconsistently able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is inconsistently able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is inconsistently able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical Childname is inconsistently able to use the tools and techniques of musicianship in musical
performances. performances. performances. performances. performances. performances.

Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of musical signs and standard

Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding that sounds can be represented by Childname inconsistently uses symbols to represent sounds and sounds to represent musical Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of standard and non-traditional Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of standard and other types of
notation on the five-line staff, and use devised notation to record the sequence of sounds in a
symbols. symbols. musical notation. musical notation through performance and composition. musical notation through performance and composition.
composition of her own.

Childname is seldom able to express initial reactions and personal responses to musical Childname is seldom able to express personal responses to musical performances in a variety Childname is seldom able to express personal responses to musical performances in a variety Childname is seldom able to express personal responses to musical performances in a variety Childname is seldom able to express detailed personal responses to musical performances in Childname is seldom able to express detailed personal responses to musical performances in
performances in a variety of ways. of ways. of ways. of ways. a variety of ways. a variety of ways.

Childname is rarely able to describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is rarely able to describe ways in which the elements of music are used for Childname is rarely able to describe ways in which the elements of music are used in the Childname is rarely able to identify the elements used in the music she performs, listens to, Childname is rarely able to identify the elements of music in the music she performs, listens Childname is rarely able to identify the elements of music in the reperatoire she performs,
different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. different purposes in the music she performs, listens to, and creates. music she performs, listens to, and creates. and creates, and describe how they are used. to, and creates, and describe how they are used. listens to, and creates, and describe how they are used.

Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for growth Childname is rarely able to identify and give examples of her strengths and areas for
as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. as a musical performer, creator, interpreter, and audience member. improvement as a composer, musical performer, interpreter, and audience member.

Childname is rarely able to identify and describe ways in which music can be used in the Childname is rarely able to identify the role of music in a community today and compare it to Childname is rarely able to identify and describe some of the key influences of music within Childname is rarely able to identify and describe ways in which awareness or appreciation of
Childname is rarely able to identify and describe musical experiences in her own life. Childname is rarely able to identify reasons why people make music in their daily lives.
community. its role in a community of the past. contemporary culture. music is affected by culture and the media.

Childname is rarely able to identify a variety of musical pieces from different cultures through Childname is rarely able to identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of musical Childname is rarely able to identify, through performing and/or listening, a variety of musical Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness, through listening, of the characteristics Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness of the use of music and musical Childname is rarely able to compare some aspects of the music of one culture and/or
performing and/or listening to them. forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. forms or pieces from different communities, times and places. of musical forms and traditions of diverse times, places, and communities. instruments in various traditions, from early times to today. historical period with aspects of the music of another culture and/or historical period.

Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts
A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4) A- to A+ (Level 4)

Childname is able to accurately create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express
Childname is able to accurately create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is able to accurately create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is able to accurately create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is able to accurately create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is able to accurately create two-dimensional, three-dimensional, adn multimedia
personal feelings and ideas inspired by the environment or that have the community as her
feelings and ideas inspired by personal experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by activities in her community or observations of nature. personal feelings and ideas inspired by her interests and experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by her own and others' points of view. art works that explore feelings, ideas, and issues from a variety of points of view.

Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of design Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of design Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of design Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of design Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of composition, using selected principles of Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of composition, using selected principles of
to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic.

Childname is able to consistently use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is able to consistently use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is able to consistently use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is able to consistently use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is able to consistently use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is able to consistently use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas,
messages, and personal understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings.

Childname is able to consistently use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond Childname is able to consistently use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond Childname is able to consistently use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond Childname is able to consistently use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to Childname is able to consistently use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to Childname is able to consistently use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and
to design challenges. to design challenges. to design challenges. determine solutions to design challenges. determine solutions to design challenges. technologies to determine solutions to design challenges.

Childname is able to confidently express her feelings and ideas about art works and art Childname is able to confidently express her feelings and ideas about art experiences and Childname is able to confidently interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, Childname is able to confidently interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, Childname is able to confidently interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings,
Childname is able to confidently express her feelings and ideas about works of art.
experiences. images. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey.

Childname is able to accurately analyse the use of elements and principles of design in a
Childname is able to accurately explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is able to accurately explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is able to accurately explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is able to clearly explain how the elements and principles of design are used in her Childname is able to clearly explain how the elements and principles of design are used in her
variety of art works, and explain how they are used to communicate meaning or
communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding. own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding.

Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of signs and symbols encountered in her daily Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of signs and symbols encountered in her daily Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of the meaning of signs and symbols Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of the meaning of signs, symbols, and styles Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of how to read and interpret signs,
life and in works of art. life and in works of art. encountered in her daily life and in works of art. in works of art. symbols, and style in art works. symbols, and style in art works.

Childname is able to accurately identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is able to accurately identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for
improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art.

Childname is able to accurately identify and describe visual art forms that she sees in her Childname is able to accurately identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she Childname is able to accurately identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she Childname is able to accurately describe how visual art forms and styles represent various Childname is able to accurately describe how forms and styles of visual and media arts Childname is able to accurately identify and describe some of the ways in which art forms and
home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. sees in her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. sees in her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. messages and contexts in the past and present. represent various messages and contexts in the past and present. styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of a variety of communities, times, and places.

Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of a variety of art forms, styles, and traditions,
Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art from diverse Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname clearly demonstrates an awareness of ways in which visual arts reflect the beliefs Childname clearly demonstrates an understanding of key contributions and functions of visual
and is able to describe how they reflect the diverse cultures, times and places in which they
communities, times, and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. and traditions of a variety of peoples and of people in different times and places. and media arts in various contexts at both the local and the national levels.
were made.

B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3) B- to B+ (Level 3)

Childname is usually able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express
Childname is usually able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is usually able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is usually able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is usually able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is usually able to create two-dimensional, three-dimensional, adn multimedia art
personal feelings and ideas inspired by the environment or that have the community as her
feelings and ideas inspired by personal experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by activities in her community or observations of nature. personal feelings and ideas inspired by her interests and experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by her own and others' points of view. works that explore feelings, ideas, and issues from a variety of points of view.

Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of composition, using principles of design to Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of composition, using principles of design to Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of composition, using principles of design to Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of composition, using principles of design to Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of composition, using selected principles of Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of composition, using selected principles of
create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic.

Childname is often able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is often able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is often able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is often able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is often able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is often able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas,
messages, and personal understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings.

Childname is usually able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to Childname is usually able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to Childname is usually able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to Childname is usually able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine Childname is usually able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine Childname is usually able to use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and technologies to
design challenges. design challenges. design challenges. solutions to design challenges. solutions to design challenges. determine solutions to design challenges.

Childname is frequently able to express her feelings and ideas about art works and art Childname is frequently able to express her feelings and ideas about art experiences and Childname is frequently able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, Childname is frequently able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, Childname is frequently able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings,
Childname is frequently able to express her feelings and ideas about works of art.
experiences. images. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey.

Childname is usually able to explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is usually able to explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is usually able to explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is usually able to analyse the use of elements and principles of design in a variety Childname is usually able to explain how the elements and principles of design are used in Childname is usually able to explain how the elements and principles of design are used in
communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. of art works, and explain how they are used to communicate meaning or understanding. her own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding. her own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding.

Childname demonstrates a firm understanding and awareness of signs and symbols Childname demonstrates a firm understanding and awareness of signs and symbols Childname demonstrates a firm understanding and awareness of the meaning of signs and Childname demonstrates a firm understanding and awareness of the meaning of signs, Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols, Childname demonstrates a firm understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols,
encountered in her daily life and in works of art. encountered in her daily life and in works of art. symbols encountered in her daily life and in works of art. symbols, and styles in works of art. and style in art works. and style in art works.

Childname is often able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is often able to identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for
improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art.

Childname is often able to identify and describe visual art forms that she sees in her home, Childname is often able to identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she sees in Childname is often able to identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she sees in Childname is often able to describe how visual art forms and styles represent various Childname is often able to describe how forms and styles of visual and media arts represent Childname is often able to identify and describe some of the ways in which art forms and
school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. messages and contexts in the past and present. various messages and contexts in the past and present. styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of a variety of communities, times, and places.

Childname usually demonstrates an awareness of a variety of art forms, styles, and traditions,
Childname usually demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art from diverse Childname usually demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname usually demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname usually demonstrates an awareness of ways in which visual arts reflect the beliefs Childname usually demonstrates an understanding of key contributions and functions of visual
and is able to describe how they reflect the diverse cultures, times and places in which they
communities, times, and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. and traditions of a variety of peoples and of people in different times and places. and media arts in various contexts at both the local and the national levels.
were made.

C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2) C- to C+ (Level 2)

Childname is sometimes able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express
Childname is sometimes able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is sometimes able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is sometimes able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is sometimes able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is sometimes able to create two-dimensional, three-dimensional, adn multimedia
personal feelings and ideas inspired by the environment or that have the community as her
feelings and ideas inspired by personal experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by activities in her community or observations of nature. personal feelings and ideas inspired by her interests and experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by her own and others' points of view. art works that explore feelings, ideas, and issues from a variety of points of view.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of composition, using selected Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of composition, using selected
design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic.

Childname is sometimes able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is sometimes able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is sometimes able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is sometimes able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is sometimes able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is sometimes able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas,
messages, and personal understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings.

Childname is able to adequately use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond Childname is able to adequately use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond Childname is able to adequately use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond Childname is able to adeqately use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine Childname is able to adequately use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine Childname is able to adequately use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and
to design challenges. to design challenges. to design challenges. solutions to design challenges. solutions to design challenges. technologies to determine solutions to design challenges.

Childname is sometimes able to express her feelings and ideas about art works and art Childname is sometimees able to express her feelings and ideas about art experiences and Childname is sometimes able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, Childname is sometimes able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, Childname is sometimes able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings,
Childname is sometimes able to express her feelings and ideas about works of art.
experiences. images. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey. issues, themes and social concerns that they convey.

Childname is sometimes able to analyse the use of elements and principles of design in a
Childname is sometimes able to explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is sometimes able to explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is sometimes able to explain how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is sometimes able to explain how the elements and principles of design are used Childname is sometimes able to explain how the elements and principles of design are used
variety of art works, and explain how they are used to communicate meaning or
communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. in her own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding. in her own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of signs and symbols encountered in Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of signs and symbols encountered in Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of the meaning of signs and symbols Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of the meaning of signs, symbols, and Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of how to read and interpret signs,
her daily life and in works of art. her daily life and in works of art. encountered in her daily life and in works of art. styles in works of art. symbols, and style in art works. symbols, and style in art works.

Childname is sometimes able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is sometimes able to identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for
improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art.

Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe visual art forms that she sees in her Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she Childname is sometimes able to accurately describe how visual art forms and styles represent Childname is sometimes able to describe how forms and styles of visual and media arts Childname is sometimes able to identify and describe some of the ways in which art forms
home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. sees in her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. sees in her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. various messages and contexts in the past and present. represent various messages and contexts in the past and present. and styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of a variety of communities, times, and places.

Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of a variety of art forms, styles, and

Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of a variety of works of art from diverse Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of ways in which visual arts reflect the Childname is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of key contributions and functions of
traditions, and is able to describe how they reflect the diverse cultures, times and places in
communities, times, and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. beliefs and traditions of a variety of peoples and of people in different times and places. visual and media arts in various contexts at both the local and the national levels.
which they were made.

D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1) D- to D+ (Level 1)

Childname is rarely able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express
Childname is rarely able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is rarely able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is rarely able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is rarely able to create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express Childname is rarely able to create two-dimensional, three-dimensional, adn multimedia art
personal feelings and ideas inspired by the environment or that have the community as her
feelings and ideas inspired by personal experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by activities in her community or observations of nature. personal feelings and ideas inspired by her interests and experiences. feelings and ideas inspired by her own and others' points of view. works that explore feelings, ideas, and issues from a variety of points of view.

Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of composition, using principles of Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of composition, using selected Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of composition, using selected
design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic. principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic.

Childname is rarely able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is rarely able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is rarely able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is rarely able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is rarely able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, Childname is rarely able to use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas,
messages, and personal understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings. messages, and understandings.

Childname is rarely able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to Childname is rarely able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to Childname is rarely able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to Childname is rarely able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine Childname is rarely able to use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine Childname is rarely able to use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and technologies to
design challenges. design challenges. design challenges. solutions to design challenges. solutions to design challenges. determine solutions to design challenges.

Childname is rarely able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, issues, Childname is rarely able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, issues, Childname is rarely able to interpret a variety of art works, and identify the feelings, issues,
Childname is rarely able to express her feelings and ideas about art works and art experiences. Childname is rarely able to express her feelings and ideas about works of art. Childname is rarely able to express her feelings and ideas about art experiences and images.
themes and social concerns that they convey. themes and social concerns that they convey. themes and social concerns that they convey.

Childname is able to explain with difficulty, the use of elements and principles of design in a
Childname is able to explain with difficulty, how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is able to explain with difficulty, how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is able to explain with difficulty, how elements and principles of design are used to Childname is able to explain with difficulty, how the elements and principles of design are Childname is able to explain with difficulty, how the elements and principles of design are
variety of art works, and explain how they are used to communicate meaning or
communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. communicate meaning or understanding in her own and others' art work. used in her own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding. used in her own and others' art work to communicate meaning or understanding.

Childname rarely demonstrates an awareness of signs and symbols encountered in her daily Childname rarely demonstrates an awareness of signs and symbols encountered in her daily Childname rarely demonstrates an awareness of the meaning of signs and symbols Childname rarely demonstrates an awareness of the meaning of signs, symbols, and styles in Childname rarely demonstrates an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols, Childname rarely demonstrates an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols,
life and in works of art. life and in works of art. encountered in her daily life and in works of art. works of art. and style in art works. and style in art works.

Childname is seldom able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is seldom able to accurately identify and document her strengths, interests, and Childname is seldom able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is seldom able to identify and document her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is seldom able to identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for Childname is seldom able to identify and explain her strengths, interests, and areas for
improvement as a creator of art. areas for improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator of art. improvement as a creator and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art. improvement as a creator, interpreter, and viewer of art.

Childname is rarely able to identify and describe visual art forms that she sees in her home, Childname is rarely able to identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she sees in Childname is rarely able to identify and describe a variety of visual art forms that she sees in Childname is rarely able to describe how visual art forms and styles represent various Childname is rarely able to describe how forms and styles of visual and media arts represent Childname is rarely able to identify and describe some of the ways in which art forms and
school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. her home, school, in her community, and in visual arts experiences. messages and contexts in the past and present. various messages and contexts in the past and present. styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of a variety of communities, times, and places.

Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness of a variety of art forms, styles, and

Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art from diverse Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic Childname inconsistently demonstrates an awareness of ways in which visual arts reflect the Childname inconsistently demonstrates an understanding of key contributions and functions of
traditions, and is able to describe how they reflect the diverse cultures, times and places in
communities, times, and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. traditions from diverse communities, times and places. beliefs and traditions of a variety of peoples and of people in different times and places. visual and media arts in various contexts at both the local and the national levels.
which they were made.

almost always
A- to A+ (Level 4) thorough understanding
very good
B- to B+ (Level 3) firm understanding
some concepts
attempts familiar
C- to C+ (Level 2) beginning to demonstrate
simple purposes
requires practice
simple ideas
with difficulty
D- to D+ (Level 1) seldom
major errors

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