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Thanksgiving Idioms

Thanksgiving is here again and to help celebrate here is a collection of idioms

connected to America´s second biggest holiday. So are you ready to talk turkey?
Talk Turkey
To talk turkey means to discuss something in a serious way, or to get down to business.
Here´s an example:
Gentlemen, enough of this discussion about Billie Eilish, let´s get the meeting started
and talk turkey!
Cold Turkey
No, this isn´t what you eat for three days after Thanksgiving. Actually it is, but as an
idiom it means to stop a habit all at once instead of a little bit at a time. It is usually used
for people who quit smoking or other addictive activities.
Susie: Did you hear that Jim quit watching Netflix cold turkey?
Sara: No way! My dad quit smoking cold turkey, but that´s easy compared to what Jim
To Be Stuffed
Staying with our friend the turkey, when you put a mixture of bread and spices in it
before baking it is called stuffing the turkey, and the mixture is called stuffing.
But if you are stuffed it means you have eaten so much food that you feel like the one
who is stuffed.
No thank you grandma, I couldn’t possibly eat another fruit dumpling, I´m stuffed!
To Stuff Your Face
This is the process of being stuffed, when you eat and eat and eat.
My mom said that all I do all summer is watch YouTube and stuff my face. She´s right of
course, but she says it like it´s a bad thing.
Stuffed Shirt
Because there aren´t enough idioms with stuff, here´s another one. This one is rather
old but it´s still used.
A stuffed shirt is someone who is always too formal and doesn´t know how to have any
I invited my girlfriend´s dad to play GTA with me and he said video games are stupid,
what a stuffed shirt!
Stuff It
This is a fun one that we don´t use so often anymore, which I think is a pity. If you tell
someone to stuff it that means they should shut up and go away. Yes, it´s a bit rude, but
it takes the place of other things that are even more rude. You should not say this to
your parents, teachers or the police.
Joe: Wow Tommy, what happened to your lip?
Tommy: When I told my sister to stuff it she punched me!
Easy as Pie
If something is really easy, we say it´s as easy as pie. Is pie easy to make? I don´t think
so, but maybe a baker made this one up. You can also say it´s a piece of cake, but we
prefer pie at Thanksgiving.
Rescuing Princess Peach in Mario is as easy as pie.
To Eat Like a Bird
This means to not each very much. Actually it´s not very accurate because birds eat
around 35% of their weight every day!
Sally is much too thin, she eats like a bird.
Gobble Up
The sound a turkey makes is called a gobble. To gobble something up means to eat it
very quickly.
Kevin gobbled up the pizza before his brother could have any.
The Gravy Train
This is where easy money comes from. It´s when you get a lot of money for very little
When Karen became a professional gamer, she was on the gravy train.

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