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THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY MODEL Three-step process of the Electrical Safety Model: ®recognize hazards “evaluate risk eee | ain scontrol hazards RECOGNIZE HAZARDS The first step of the Electrical Safety Model is recognizing the electrical hazards = around you. Only then can you avold or | control the hazards. It is best to discuss a, and plan harae coweereee tasks with The most frequent causes of electrical Injury/death are: ®contact with power lines “lack of ground-fault protection =path to ground missing or discontinuous equipment not used in manner prescribed simproper use of extension and flexible cords EVALUATE RISKS Evaluation is a judgment call, and It's based on the perceived level of risk of injury, Risk |S MehAUPY We Po ABA Th ae PEP RP HEN et Injury if It occurs. The greater the probability and higher the severity, the greater the risk. When evaluating tisk, it Is best to Identify all possible hazards first, then evaluate the risk of injury from each hazard. Do not assume the risk is low wntil you evaluate the hazard. It is dangerous to overlook hazards. Generator = Turbine Blades CONTROL HAZARDS Once electrical hazards have been recognized and evaluated, they must be controlled. You control electrical hazards in two main ways: s al a sate work environment and ” use safe, atk practic: penaita ot ® One way to implement this safety ie is to conduct a job hazard analysis (JHA). Below is a simple JHA using three columns: = Column 1. Break down the job into its separate steps. * Column 2. Evaluate the hazard(s) Inherent In each step. = Column 3, Develop a hazard control to eliminate or mitigate hazards. EXAMPLE OF JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS to theemetn ee feemerper ts naaeng Pacis as re eet net Soak me ee oo ws tent nen me wrernactte Pace at a oss bs est ees et Peron th re — ewe eee —— es Stag oe 27 eee eae cents nent Retr ne, — Pee meee Or) estar | What is Solar Energy? Solar Energy originates with the thermonuclear fusion reactions occurring in the sun, The spectrum of solar light at the Earth's surface is mostly spread across the visible and near infrared ranges with a small part in the ultraviolet region, Types of Power Converters RECOGNIZING HAZARDS ® Overload Hazards: Overloads in an electrical system are hazardous. because they can produce heat er arcing. Wires and other compone an electrical system or circult have a maximum amount of current they can carty safoly, If too many devices are Plugged into a circuit, the electrical current will hoat the wires to a vary Nigh temperatiite, I a tool uses too much current, the wires will heat up. = Overhead Powerline Hazards Most poopie do not realize that ov aH ad powerlines nro Usually not insulated, More than hal all cloctracutions are caused by direct. worker contoct with energized powerlines. Powerline workers must be especially aware of the dangers of overhend lines. RECOGNIZING HAZARDS Hectrieal Wark Permit (EEWE). Winer suurre thie class. it yeu move the wong way. Yee and yaur tools ewuta tovet thew wm + The Limited Appts: Unnualitied Peran ‘only |Y continuously my) ope invorved In w tai, + The Ate Finkh Betindary. Only Persie weaving USAR ET Eiht Besser Ataeaamect, may enter, RECOGNIZING HAZARDS = Inadequate Wiring Hazards An electrical wiring hazard exists when: the wire is too small for the current it will carry: could cause a fire, or is mot connected properly: could cause a shock hazard, = Exposed Electrical Parts Hazards Electrical hazards exist when wires of other live siacitioa) parts are exposed. Wires and parts can be exposed If a cover Is ER OFHATL HAMISP CHING THEY BED raD We exposed. Electrical terminals in motors, appliances, and electronic equipment may be exposed. Older equipment, or equipment that is Palas, service, may have exposed electrical parts, If YH Baagh exposed live electrical parts, you Says eee Cm cig fae emia eis) altemating current(AC) etEMC Lome len (cae ee iit (etc) and convert it electronically to. ac power, Properties of an ideal inverter - Dc input is free of ripple » Ac output is sinusoidal or has a controllable wave Ea ny-\a] =) Modified Since Wave Photovoltaic Electricity = Photovoltaic comes from the words phore, meaning figit, an vert, a measurement of electricity, * Photovoltaic Electricity is obtained by using photovoltaic system = A basic photovoltaic system consists of four components: Solar Panel. Battery, Regulator and the load, enien Siulvevitiend by: Gourae Kaveae Producing Electricity using Solar Energy Solar Energy can be used to generate electricity in 2 ways: * Thermal Solar Energy: Using solar energy for hewting Muids which can be used as a heat source or to run turbines to generate electricity, * Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Using solar energy for the direct generation of c phenomenon. i] eniwn ‘united by: Gourae Kanear electricity using photowo |e time [Bie je Solar Energy as a Resource Solar Energy is increasingly being used as a resource in the following areas: ® Architecture and Urban Planning ® Agriculture and Horticulture ® Heating, Cooling and Ventilation * Cooking © Fuel Production * Electricity Generation nian ‘Nuinition by: Gouras Kania Light strikes the cell and a certain portion of its energy is absorbed within the semiconductor material, knocking electrons loose, allowing them to flow. How much solar energy? Matters — mencerma'sy ap etait tlle nae * About half the incoming solar energy reaches the Earth's surface. enter ‘Stitt by: Gourae Kaur Solar Panel = Solar Panel is an indispensable componem of this system. * Solar Panel is responsible to collect solar radiations and transform it into electrical energy. * Solar Panel is an array of several solar cells (Photovoltaic cells). The arrays can be formed by connecting them in parallel or series connection depending upon the energy required. enien ‘Sknited by: Gourse Kaear Solar Panel Manufacturing Technologies = The most common solar technology is crystalline Si. lis two types are: Mono- Si and Poly- Si. Ci talline * Mono-Si: Crystal Lattice of entire Sample is continuous. = Poly-Si: Composed of many crystallites Polycrystalline of varying size and orientation. nian ‘Nuihenitiod by: Gouras Kauri Solar Panel Manufacturing Technologies no-Si * Mono-Si is manufactured by Czochralski Process. Atm em a nian ‘Nuienition by: Gouras Kana 3, Identities for Angles of a Triangli 1A, Band Care angles of a tt (i) (a) sin(B+ ©) = sin 4, co in (72 = con $ (i) sin 24+ sin 28+ sin 2C = 4 sin As B (ji) cos 2+ cos 2B #eos 20 =—1—4 v (iv) ain Ad sin B+ gin C= 4 co 4 con , Ww coe A+ co B+ eo 1+ Ain A sin B ‘ (vi) tan A+ tan B+ tan C= tan A tan: (vii) cot Beat C+ cot C cot A + cot Acat B=1 an ap A Be Ol Bg ii) cot cot? 4 cov! cor cok Zoot (vl) cok 5 # eats Scot cok ae c Atv equation involvin soni angle is called a Rotate: Solution/Roots of a Trigonometric Equi: A value of the unknown angle th called a solution or root of the es ‘The trigonometrie equation may have infinite () Principal Solution ‘The least which satisfies the gi ieee Ie of trigonometric equation So os (v) (cos 0, + FSi 8, (008 Oy + fain 8y),., (om) = cos (0, +0, 4+ +6, )4 (vi) (sin 4 Fo080)" 4 Rin. m0 + fco8 ne (vii) (cos 0+ isin ¢)" 4 con nO + isin ng Note © cos 0+ Fein O=1 * cost isin 3=-1 + omteising =i lepsoyah ae © con" isin Seed 2 g The Cube Roots of Unity » oa Cube roots of unity are 1, @, 0%, wa “yee 22), fenee where w= = +i oe and wera is 2 are (o) =" and arg (a*) = Properties of Cube Roots of Unity @asetee = | 0, iffy nota multiple of 3, 3, ifrisa mullite ara 3d 1 Gi) @ = Lore <4 (iii) ws? =u" *2 =a! Gv) Cube roots of unity {j circumférence ae pan mae ae (¥) Tt always formy an equilateral i (i) Cubo roots ot ~ 1 are — 1, 44 at ma and an induced emf and hence a current is set vena Se au oe * Brushes eu) Cie CMe talag SHRUTI PRIYA Pelee Wal aiad ae Oto lceoda | PN gre eel e=3 ‘otated in the magnetic field of | TU an axis ers anit the Peal circu LeMans) the slip rings else about the same axis of rotation PN gre eel e=3 ‘otated in the magnetic field of | TU an axis ers anit magnetic field & coil. * Itis work on the principle of ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION : 5 eerie OUT eRe GN eh cis environment Application - Electric g av. Bel LS PN Ceignre : automobiles ie Sp eer ree ere moras liars | a ett electric Ic locomotive alternators: ee ee a = . oy rete eu ae 7 Cleceil Cee multiple units, ace medina ms Pluto [nel inate (eg which provides electricity for thetraction motors mer 5 Se ae LeAnn -* The electrons flow first in one direction and then, in the other. The generator produces an alternating current. Working flux generating an EMF, the EMF produced is given eyelet hee tea oe angle is changing at the angular frequency Ww. BED ROOM! 1'X11'7" LOBBY/DINING _Araexe't0" BED ROOM 10'8"X12"4" BED ROOM, 11'XK11'9"

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