Validation of Research Instrument

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Validation of Research Instrument

Research Title: Factors Affecting the Stress Levels of Grade 12 Students of Nova Schola
Tanauan During the Online Learning System A.Y. 2021-2022

A Correlational Quantitative Research


This study aims to determine how specific factors affect the well -being and academic
performance of the students. Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What are the following stressors and its effects on the students?
2. What are the methods that they are applying to resolve such stress?
3. Based on the result, what recommendations and suggestions can be worked on.

Structure of the Research Instrument

This study’s research instrument is in the form of survey through the Google Forms, laid
out below in document form.
Survey for Stress Factors among STEM Students
Section 1: Personal Information
Section 2: Have you ever experienced stress?
1. What are the usual causes of stress in your life? (Check Boxes)
 Studies Issues
 Financial Issues
 Family Issues
 Friends Issues
 Issues with the significant other (partner)
 Work (job-related) Issues
 Health Related Issues
 Sports/Athletic Activities Issues
 Involvement in clubs and organizations
 Others: _________
2. What are the usual BEHAVIORAL effects of stress you've noticed at yourself? (Select all
that apply) (Check Boxes)
 Change in activity levels
 Decreased efficiency and effectiveness
 Difficulty communicating
 Increased sense of humor/gallows humor
 Irritability, outbursts of anger, frequent arguments
 Inability to rest, relax or let down
 Change in eating habits
 Change in sleep patterns
 Change in activity performance
 Periods of crying
 Increased use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sugar or caffeine
 Anxiety about safety or the surrounding environment
 Avoidance of activities or places that trigger memories
 Accident prone
 Other____________

3. What are the usual PSYCHOLOGICAL or EMOTIONAL effects of stress you've noticed
at yourself? (Select all that apply) (Check Boxes)
 Feeling heroic, euphoric or invulnerable
 Denial
 Anxiety or fear
 Worry about safety of self or others
 Irritability or anger
 Restlessness
 Sadness, moodiness, grief or depression
 Vivid or distressing dreams
 Guilt or "survivor guilt"
 Feeling overwhelmed, helpless or hopeless
 Feeling isolated, lost, lonely or abandoned
 Apathy (lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.)
 Feeling misunderstood or unappreciated
 None of the Above
 Others _______________
4. What are the usual PHYSICAL effects of stress you've noticed at yourself? (Select all
that apply) (Check Boxes)
 Increased heart rate and respirations
 Increased or decreased appetite which may be accompanied by weight loss or gain
 Increased blood pressure
 Muffled hearing
 Sweating or chills
 Headaches
 Feeling uncoordinated
 Light sensitive vision
 Body pain
 Menstrual cycle changes
 Easily startled
 Others _________________

5. What are the most pressing stress factors in your current academic context (related to this
program of study)? Select all that apply. (Check Boxes)
 Study workload
 Grades
 Financial pressure
 Work (and Study) - Life balance
 Relationship with (some) faculty members
 Relationship with other students
 Campus social life
 Pandemic
 Can't keep up with online class
 Having a hard time learning online
 Others ____________________

Section 3: Stress during pandemic.

1. What are the factors that affects your stress during online classes?
 Internet Connection
 Low specification of gadgets
 Audio Clarity
 Poor schedule or time management
 Workload
 Short Attention Span
 Self-Motivation
 Others: _________________
2. What is the level of your stress during online learning? (Linear Scale)
○1 ○2 ○3 ○4
3. How difficult or easy is it to use the distance learning technology (tablet, laptop, computer,
cellphone, etc.)? (Linear Scale)
○1 ○2 ○3 ○4
4. How difficult or easy has it been for you to follow the COVID-related safety measures and
protocols at your school? (Linear Scale)
○1 ○2 ○3 ○4
5. How effective is the online learning? (Linear Scale)
○1 ○2 ○3 ○4

Section 4: How do you handle your stress?

1. What are your personal methods to relieve stress? (Select all that apply) (Check Boxes)
 Eating
 Sleeping
 Sports / Exercise
 Talking with someone
 Shopping
 Computer Games
 Social Media
 Listening to music
 Physical exercise
 Talking to a relative
 Going out with friends
 Watching videos
 Having time with your lover
 House hold chores
 Others: ____________________

2. How able do you feel to handle stress when you are experiencing it? (Linear Scale)
○1 ○2 ○3 ○4
3. How effective is coping mechanism can help you? (Linear Scale)
○1 ○2 ○3 ○4

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