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Topics in Catalysis Vol. 29, Nos.

3–4, June 2004 (Ó 2004) 145

Insight into green phase transfer catalysis

G.D. Yadav*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University Institute of Chemical Technology (UICT),
University of Mumbai, Matunga, Mumbai – 400019, India

There is a need to develop green, clean and smart chemical technologies. Waste reduction through clever strategies and catalysis
are at the heart of green chemistry. In the case of over 600 industrial phase transfer catalyzed (PTC) processes in several industries,
mostly practised as liquid–liquid PTC, the catalyst is not recovered and disposed as a waste. Liquid–liquid PTC can be replaced by
solid–liquid (S–L), liquid–liquid–liquid (L–L–L), solid (catalyst)–liquid–liquid, solid–liquid–omega liquid, gas–liquid–solid (G–L–S)
and capsule membrane PTC to recover and reuse the catalyst and also to enhance selectivity, thereby advocating the realm of green
PTC. Use of microwaves and ultrasound will also help in increasing rates. MILL–PTC and MISL–PTC are attractive techniques to
enhance rate and selectivities under mild input of microwave irradiation (MI). In cascade-engineered PTC, several steps are
combined in a reactor using the same catalyst and solvent, if used at all, without separation, or with partial replenishment of the
reactants for all the steps to get substantial waste minimization. This paper provides a new insight into PTC for some reactions of
industrial importance.
KEY WORDS: phase transfer catalysis (PTC); green chemistry; waste minimization; solid–liquid (S–L); liquid–liquid–liquid (L–L–
L); solid (catalyst)–liquid–liquid; solid–liquid–omega liquid; gas–liquid–solid (G–L–S) and capsule membrane PTC; microwave

1. Introduction minimization and environmental protection’’. The ori-

1.1. Green chemistry – a historical perspective gin of green chemistry can be traced to the Solvay
process invented in 1811 for the manufacture of soda
Green chemistry has become a catchy title for all ash from NaCI and CaCO3. By 1873, the Solvay process
practitioners and learners alike [1,2]. Chemists and had displaced in toto the old polluting LeBlanc process
chemical engineers, as also biotechnologists and material using CaCO3 and Na2SO4, which was practised since
scientists, are engaged in developing green, clean and 1787, wherein Na2SO4 was produced from NaCl and
smart technologies. It would not be perhaps a coincidence H2SO4. The nagging problems of disposition of CaSO4
that green chemistry hinges on a dozen clean principles. were never satisfactorily solved, and huge quantities of
Why a dozen? One is tempted to contrast the ‘‘Clean leftover calcium sulphate still exist in Europe. However,
Dozen’’ against the off-beat movie ‘‘Dirty Dozen’’. partially as a result of the first anti-chemical pollution
Waste minimization, whether of material or energy or legislation (The Alkali Act of Great Britain of 1857), the
both, is a pivotal theme in green chemistry since totally industry started absorbing HCl gas in water in tall
waste-free processes may not be realized in practice. contactors and sold it as a valuable byproduct. George
Typical waste reduction strategies involve the end-of-pipe Davis, who is credited as being the father of chemical
solutions to treat waste. It makes sense to reduce waste at engineering was a visionary Alkali Inspector of England
the source rather than using expensive post-treatment who had inspected the Lead-Chamber, Le Blanc, and
technologies. Thus, any modification of a given process Solvay processing plants to monitor pollution levels in
or development of a new process, which results in savings accordance with the Alkali Works Act of 1863. The
of raw material or energy or both, reduces waste and revolution in engineering design and operation paved
lessens the burden on environment, reduces hazard and the way for a new branch of engineering, aptly named
increases profitability, fits into the ambit of green Chemical Engineering, that was a symbiosis of both
chemistry and also sustainable development. applied chemistry and traditional engineering. The
Not many would appreciate that green chemistry is Solvay process, the first practised example of green
not a new concept as it is made to believe, but it is the chemistry, showed the prowess of recycle and reuse of
proverbial old wine in a new bottle. The genesis of ammonia, which does not appear anywhere in the
chemical engineering as a separate discipline in Man- stoichiometry but is central to the success of that
chester, England and at MIT, USA during the 1880s was technology. The second best example of green chemistry
indeed based on the green chemistry buzzwords, ‘‘waste is the Haber’s ammonia synthesis (1907) that hinged on
catalysis, recycle and energy efficiency and by 1913 it
added to the might of Germany during World War I.
*E-mail:;; Incidentally this technology is considered as the greatest

1022-5528/04/0600–0145/0 Ó 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation

146 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

contribution of the chemical industry to society during in practice in fine chemical industry until recently [5,6].
the 20th century. In today’s context, the historical It is a common practice in process industries to conduct
perspective leads us to the much talked about dozen reactions in homogeneous media using exotic solvents,
principles of green chemistry that are in the hub of to overcome mass transfer effects, notwithstanding the
research [1,2]: (1) pollution prevention; (2) atom econ- environmental and safety aspects. Figure 1 depicts how
omy; (3) less hazardous chemical syntheses; (4) design- the rates of homogenous or heterogeneous reactions and
ing safer chemicals; (5) safer solvents and auxiliaries; (6) selectivity of the desired products can be enhanced or
design for energy efficiency; (7) use of renewable intensified, under otherwise similar conditions. Addition
feedstocks; (8) reduction of derivatives and waste; (9) of inert phase (A), different forms of energy (E),
catalysis; (10) designing chemicals easy to degrade; (11) catalysis (C) and synergism of A, E and C are listed as
real-time analysis for pollution prevention; (12) inher- possible ways. Of these approaches, E and C are much
ently safer chemistry for accident prevention. talked about in the literature. Improvements in multi-
If chemistry and chemical engineering have to regain phase reactor design will further boost the green aspects.
the lost glamour and prestige, putting the green chem- Instead of conducting reactions in homogeneous media,
istry principles into industrial practice would be most it may be desirable to convert the reaction into a
desirable. Heterogeneous catalysis, bio-catalysis, sol- multiphase system and achieve the same objective most
ventless synthesis, use of microwaves and ultrasound, economically. Indeed deliberate addition of mass trans-
etc. have demonstrated how atom economical processes fer resistance changes selectivity and makes the process
are also the most cost-effective. If waste cannot be green. The existence of multiple phases need not be
reduced, then end-of-pipe solution as a regulatory integral to the process and instead one may deliberately
approach has been practised in industry with a view impose an additional phase to realize several benefits
that the technology is perfect and only the effluent like use of cheaper chemicals, adoption of milder
should be treated. Although total waste cannot be condition, avoidance of filtration from toxic mixtures
eliminated, there are other approaches to waste mini- and avoidance of exothermic conditions. For instance,
mization at source [3]. Since most of the published work one may introduce a second inert phase in a homoge-
in green chemistry is about solid catalysts, it is intended nous reaction medium and the second phase can be a
to cover the ubiquitous phase transfer catalysis (PTC), liquid or solid. In a biphasic system, it can be demon-
in perspective, to practice it as a green science. strated that a third phase can be added to intensify
reaction rates. If a solid is added, then the particle size of
the solid can be so chosen as to increase the reaction
1.2. Process intensification of multiphase reactions
rate. Indeed in gas–liquid reactions, particle size (dp)
The importance of mass transfer with chemical reac- smaller than the diffusion-film thickness (dL ) of the
tion, in multiphase processes, which are ubiquitous in liquid film next to gas–liquid interface leads to enhanced
a gamut of process industries, in influencing the selec- reaction rates under a certain set of conditions; for
tivity, although well illustrated [4] was not appreciated instance, absorption of carbon dioxide in Ca(OH)2

Figure 1. New approaches in development of green chemistry and engineering in multiphase reactions.
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 147

slurries [7], and absorption of chlorine in NaOH or selectivity, (iv) reduction/elimination of solvent, (v) use
Ca(OH)2 slurries coupled with desorption of hypochlo- of alternative raw materials thus reducing cost of
rous acid gas [8,9]. Indeed this is an excellent example of chemicals, (vi) frequently simplified separation of prod-
green chemistry since pure hypochlorous acid can be ucts, and (vii) simplicity of process and equipment.
absorbed in NaOH or Ca(OH)2 slurries to produce
chloride-free stable hypo solution and the process
becomes 100% atom economical. The added inert 2. Green phase transfer catalysis
particles, in general, could be a porous or non-porous
Phase transfer catalysis has been applied to over 600
medium. Enormous possibilities exist and some of these
industrial processes in a variety of industries such as
have been explored in our laboratory in the context of
intermediates, dyestuffs, agrochemicals, perfumes,
heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis.
flavours, pharmaceuticals and polymers involving a
business of US $12 billion [10 –12]. Several phases can
1.3. Phase transfer catalysis
co-exist in PTC as given in figure 2 and some of these fit
In many cases, it is useful to convert homogenous into the domain of green chemistry, which will be
liquid-phase reactions into a biphasic system and still elaborated in this paper. PTC has been quite successful
maintain very high rates as exemplified by PTC. Since for C, N, O and S alkylation in fine chemical industries,
reaction rates are enhanced by orders of magnitude apart from dehydrohalogenations. The effluent-treat-
including less expensive solvents (if any), milder condi- ment problems associated with soluble PTC requiring
tions and better selectivities, small reactor volumes are large quantity of water to wash the organic phase has
needed and hence PTC meets one of the criteria of green hampered exploitation of PTC in many other bulk
chemistry. But still there are larger issues to be industries. Thus the applications of PTC are practically
addressed, to make PTC greener. A majority of PTC confined to the synthesis of low-volume and high-cost
reactions are conducted under liquid–liquid (L–L) specialty, agro and pharmaceutical chemicals. The main
conditions wherein the organic phase is normally the drawback of L–L PTC from the environmental perspec-
reaction phase with associated transfer of aqueous phase tive is that the homogeneous catalyst is normally not
reagent as an ion pair with the phase transfer catalyst recovered and reused. The bulk cost of catalyst ranges
such as quaternary ammonium and phosphonium salts, from US$ 2 to 400 per kg, with crown ethers being the
crown ethers, cryptands, polyethylene glycols, etc. most expensive and hence catalyst recovery or reuse is
Table 1 gives some salient features of different catalysts most desirable. The separation of phase-transfer cata-
[10 –12]. A few are practised as solid (reactant) – liquid lysts from the reaction mixture can be achieved by
(organic) PTC. Solid–liquid (S–L) PTC works on the extraction, distillation and adsorption. Extraction needs
same principle as L–L PTC either through homogeneous an additional solvent that has to be distilled off to
solubilization or heterogeneous solubilization. PTC is a recover the catalyst. Distillation becomes feasible only if
very popular technique due to several advantages the catalyst has a lower boiling point than the reactants,
associated with it such as: (i) ease of conducting products and the solvents. Otherwise, distillation is an
reactions under milder/safer reaction conditions, (ii) energy-intensive process to recover catalysts from dilute
increased rates of very slow reactions, (iii) high yield and solutions. In the case of adsorption, the catalyst has to

Table 1
Salient attributes of phase transfer catalysts [10–12]

Catalyst Cost Stability and Activity Use and recovery of catalyst

Ammonium salts Cheap Moderately stable under basic conditions and Widely used: Recovery is relatively difficult
up to 100 °C, decomposition by Hofmann
elimination under basic conditions.
Moderately active
Phosphonium salts Costlier than Thermally more stable than ammonium Widely used: Recovery is relatively difficult
Ammonium salts salts, although less stable under basic
Crown ethers Expensive Stable and highly active catalysts both under Often used: Recovery is difficult and poses
basic conditions and at higher temperatures environmental problems due to their toxicity
even up to 150–200 °C
Cryptands Expensive Stable and highly reactive except in the Used sometimes: high costs and toxicity but
presence of strong acids high reactivity
Polyethylene Very cheap More stable than quaternary ammonium salts Often used: can be used when larger quantities
glycols (PEG) but lower reactivity of catalyst cause no problems: relatively easy
to recover
148 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

Phase Transfer Catalysis

I - Quat. N, P, As, S salts

Waste II - Crown ethers, aza crowns,
III - Polyethylene glycols
IV - Cyclodextrins

Multi-Phase Reactions

L-S(cat)-L L-L(cat)-L L-L-S-L G-L-S L -L S-L

Only one L phase

Polymer Inorganic Capsule Normal Inverse Interfacial

particle solid membrane
supported supported

Aq.-wet Normal Inverse

Homogeneous Heterogeneous
solubilization solubilization

Four regimes
Intermediate- of operation

Figure 2. Classification of PTC reactions. (The solid boxes suggest that the maximum studied reactions are biphasic.)

be eluted using a solvent. Since the quantities of the concept of eco-efficiency is useful for optimizing chem-
catalyst used are small, they do not contribute much to ical processes with the aim of minimizing risk, resource
the expensive product cost. The catalyst is usually not depletion, and waste generation. PTC is a mature
recovered but removed by washing the organic phase discipline but several intricacies of PTC in reactions of
with copious quantities of water which is disposed to the industrial importance are not understood or properly
effluent treatment plant as an end-of-pipe approach of modelled. For instance, the effect of nature and number
pollution prevention. The water-washing reduces the of phases in the intensification of rates and selectivities
overall yield of the product. Although milder reaction has not been investigated in detail. This paper provides a
conditions and use of cheap solvents in L–L PTC new insight on PTC with reference to some reactions of
improve the economics, PTC need to be practised from industrial importance and green chemistry. With refer-
the green chemistry perspective such as solventless ence to figure 2, the PTC strategies, which have
synthesis and catalyst reuse. Although total waste-free potential for waste minimization and green chemistry,
chemical processes are not realizable in practice, the are as follows.
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 149

1. Solid–liquid PTC in L–L dispersion. While L–L PTC involves heteroge-

2. Solid–liquid (x)–liquid (org) PTC neous reaction between two reagents located in an
3. Microwave-irradiated solid–liquid (MISL) and aqueous, and an organic phase, S–L PTC involves
liquid–liquid (MILL) PTC reaction of an anionic reagent in a solid phase (usually
4. Solid–liquid–liquid PTC (‘‘triphase catalysis’’) a salt) with a reactant located in a continuous organic
5. Solid–solid–liquid PTC phase. Two popular approaches have been used to model
6. Gas–liquid–solid PTC (also known as G–L PTC) these reactions, namely, homogeneous solubilization
7. Capsule membrane PTC model of Yadav and Sharma [13] and heterogeneous
8. Liquid–liquid–liquid PTC solubilization model of Naik and Doraiswamy [17]
9. Cascade-engineered PTC (figure 3). The particles could be partially soluble leading
10. Selectivity-engineered PTC to homogeneous solubilization (figure 4) has been found
to account for many S–L PTC reactions where a solid is
also generated as a co-product. S–L PTC became popular
2.1. Solid–liquid PTC
due to the spectacular enhancement in rates in the
The high rate of reaction exhibited by L–L PTC presence of crown ethers for which the concept of naked
reactions in comparison with conventional homogeneous ions was proposed. The inorganic substrate would fit
reactions in hydroxylic solvents results from the presence smugly into the cavity of the crown ether and thus get
of weakly solvated and highly reactive ion pairs in into the organic phase for reaction. Tertiary amines,
organic media. A certain amount of water of hydration is quaternary ammonium salts, crown ethers and polyeth-
co-extracted with the ion pair migrating from the ylene glycols are some of the commonly used S–L PT
aqueous phase to the organic phase. This can sometimes catalysts. Waste reduction, a major theme in green
interfere and fully suppress a reaction or lead it to by- chemistry, is achieved in S–L PTC due to the fact that
product formation. L–L PTC is disadvantageous for the aqueous phase promoted side reactions are totally
systems where the presence of water can lead to side suppressed and the selectivity is enhanced by order of
reactions such as hydrolysis. For instance, with allylic magnitude in comparison with the L–L PTC. Besides, the
and benzylic halides, under certain conditions, hydrolysis catalyst is located entirely in the organic phase thereby
may compete unfavourably with substitution when increasing the concentration of the ion pair with the
aqueous cyanides are used. In such cases, the conversion reagent. In many S–L reactions the co-product is also a
of L–L PTC into S–L PTC proves to be advantageous solid, which can be easily filtered off the organic mass and
from the view point of not only suppression of side only thereby reducing large quantities of aqueous waste.
reactions but also the intensification of rates due to From a commercial point of view, S–L PTC is
increase in particle surface area and mass transfer rates advantageous since a variety of benign organic solvents,
by orders of magnitude in comparison to those available if required at all, can be used to influence the kinetics

Figure 3. Comparison of S–L PTC mechanisms (heterogeneous solubilization can be represented by porous or non-porous solids with constant
or shrinking core particles).
150 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

Figure 4. Typical S–L PTC under homogeneous solubilization. (a) Regime 1: very slow reaction. The reaction occurs in the bulk organic phase as
a homogeneous reaction. Mass transfer effects are unimportant, (b) Regime 2: slow reaction. The reaction occurs in the bulk organic phase. No
free concentration of ion pairs exists in the bulk organic phase, (c) Regime 3: fast reaction. Diffusion of [Q+Y]org and its reaction with RX are
steps in parallel, and the reaction occurs in the organic liquid film next to the S–L interface, (d) Regime 4: instantaneous reaction. The reaction
between [Q*Y]org and RX is so fast that they cannot coexist in the organic phase. [Q*Yl0rg diffuses from the L–L interface, and RX diffuses from
the bulk organic phase into the organic liquid film and react at a plane T from the interface. No free [Q+Y)]org exists beyond distance X and no
free RX exists beyond distance (d0  k) toward the interface. Note that for simplicity other ion pairs are not shown.

and separation of valuable products is often made very by using sodium hydroxide and methanol under L–L
simple. Solventless synthesis is one common theme in PTC, which requires reflux temperatures, leading to loss
green chemistry and thus solid–liquid reactions with in selectivity due to formation of p-nitrophenol. Synthe-
practical reaction rates in the absence of a solvent are sis of p-nitroanisole was carried out from p-chloronitro-
most desirable on industrial scale. S–L PTC can be benzene (PCNB) and solid sodium methoxide by using
made solventless by using the liquid product itself as a tetrabutylammonium bromide as a catalyst under S–L
solvent, which reduces separation costs and also avoids PTC as opposed to the standard L–L PTC system. The
contamination of the product by a foreign solvent. advantages of the S–L PTC are that the reaction is
Yadav and Sharma [13] developed this idea for benzyl conducted at room temperature with 100% conversion
esters wherein the rates were 4-fold higher under and 100% selectivity. The kinetics and mechanism are
otherwise similar conditions and complete conversion also established for this reaction. The methoxylation of
to esters was obtained and the product filtered from the o-chloronitrobenzene (OCNB) was also studied. The rate
co-product salt. They proposed the first mechanistic and of methoxylation of PCNB was much greater than that
kinetic model of S–L PTC. of OCNB at 30 °C. m-Chloronitrobenzene does not react
Nitroanisoles are important precursors in the organic with sodium methoxide under otherwise similar condi-
process industry and are made from chloronitrobenzenes tions [14].
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 151

The advantages of S–L PTC in waste reduction are the quaternary ion pair. The amount of water, catalyst
also illustrated in the preparation of o-nitrodiphenyl structure and amount, speed of agitation, temperature
ether, a valuable intermediate in pharmaceuticals, which and nature of organic phase play a pivotal role. Most
is traditionally prepared by reacting aqueous sodium of the models of the S–L PTC including that of Yadav
phenoxide with o-chloronitrobenzene in toluene in the and Sharma [13] have assumed a very fast anion
presence of cuprous chloride or in refluxing chloroben- exchange in the homogeneous solubilization of the
zene with copper powder as catalyst. This process is nucleophile thereby leading to a typical pseudo first-
highly exothermic and the reaction sometimes gets out order kinetics. p-Chlorophenyl acetonitrile is a very
of control. A 100% selective and cheaper process to significantly used intermediate serving as precursor to
synthesize o-nitrodiphenyl ether using a S–L PTC is many pharmaceutical and agrochemical products. In
reported [15]. The S–L PTC reaction of p-chloronitro- the cyanide displacement on p-chlorobenzyl chloride
benzene with 2,4-dichlorophenol was carried out in under S–L (x)–L conditions, it was observed that
presence of a base to produce nitrofen to get 100% the experimental results could not be explained by the
selectivity [16]. simple homogeneous solubilization model. Even the
heterogeneous solubilization models of Naik and
Doraiswamy [17] were found to be inadequate and
2.2. Solid–liquid (x)–liquid (org) PTC
therefore a totally new approach was called for. As the
In some S–L PTC reactions, the major problems are reaction proceeds, the process converts itself from
the difficulty in the formation of the reactive ion pair S(reagent)–Lð xÞ–L(org) into Lð xÞ–L(org) PTC system.
at the solid surface and poor efficiency of catalyst Unlike in L–L PTC, in S–L PTC the co-catalyst does
regeneration in an anhydrous system. The addition of a not contribute to enhancement in reaction rates. In
third water phase in trace amounts leads to form the fact, the so-called S(reagent)–Lð xÞ–L(org) PTC turns out
so-called omega (x) phase in S–L PTC and it catapults to be Lð xÞ–L(org) PTC reaction where the x-phase is
the rates greatly wherein the crystal lattice is broken saturated with the nucleophile which is better trans-
and is freely available to exchange the anion to form ferred to the organic phase for reaction with the


Figure 5. General mechanism for S–L (x)–L PTC cyanide displacement reaction in presence of x-phase.
152 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

substrate than the solid particle in dissolved state in 2.4. Solid–liquid–liquid PTC
normal L–L PTC (figure 5). The kinetic model could
S–L–L PTC which was erroneously named as ‘‘tri-
take into account the role of different parameters and
phase catalysis’’ as a sequel to PTC involves the use of a
indeed, the mass transfer effects could also be
supported catalyst with two immiscible liquid-phase
accounted for. The novelties of synthesis of a-isopro-
reagents [22]. Polymer-supported ammonium salts,
pyl-p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile, which is an important
phosphonium salts, macrocyclic polyethers, polar sol-
intermediate in the synthesis of a pyrethroid insecticide
vent residues and/or poly(ethylene glycols) are effective
named fenvalerate, from p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile
and reusable phase transfer catalysts. A majority of work
and isopropyl bromide under S(reagent)–Lð xÞ-L(org) PTC
is reported with quaternary salts supported on polymeric
have also been explained recently [19]. The role of a
supports preferably polystyrene-based matrix cross
limited amount of water is found to be very important
linked divinylbenzene (DVB). Typically in L–L–S PTC,
in enhancing the rate of a S–L PTC reaction. Once
the organic phase and the solid catalyst are dispersed in
again there is no need of using a solvent and one of
the continuous aqueous phase. This technique possesses
reactants or products can be employed in excess to
several advantages such as easy recovery from reaction
convert the limiting reactant and thus waste is
mixture by filtration, potential use in continuous flow
minimized [18,19].
reactors and recycling of catalyst. The disadvantages of
L–L–S PTC are higher initial cost of preparation and
2.3. Microwave-irradiated liquid–liquid (MILL) and
lower catalytic activity due to diffusion limitations. The
solid–liquid (MISL) PTC
polymer-supported catalysts are generally prepared by
Microwave (MW)-irradiated reactions have been two methods, namely, chemical modifications of cross-
studied by a number of researchers. Three types of linked polymer supports, and copolymerization of
solvent-free systems have been coupled with MW: (i) functional monomers with cross-linkers. The catalysts
reactions between reacting species, requiring at least one prepared by the second method have chemically pure
polar molecule as liquid–liquid and solid–liquid systems. structures, although the synthesis of the monomers with
(ii) Reactions between supported reagents in dry media catalytic moieties is rather difficult and the active sites
by supporting compounds inorganic oxides on silica, bound to the monomer unit near the cross-linker unit in
alumina and clays. The S–L PTC mechanism involves the solid phase may have decreased catalytic activity.
exchange of solid nucleophile (Y)) with the leaving Organic polymer supports are prepared by copolymer-
group X) of Q+X). If the ion pair Q+Y) is a polar ization of vinyl monomers such as styrene, alkyl meth-
species, it can undergo microwave activation which will acrylate or vinyl pyridine with crosslinkers such as
result in the enhancement of the reaction rate. The divinylbenzene (DVB) or ethylene dimethacrylate [10].
reactions that are amenable to MW S–L PTC are Inorganic supports such as silica gel, alumina and clay
esterifications, etherifications, phenolic polyethers, are also used as supports for L–L–S PTC [24,25]. The
N-alkylations, C-alkylations of active methylenes, aldol most popular supports are microporous (gel) polystyrene
condensations, ester saponifications, transesterifications, resins, minimally cross-linked with DVB (1–4%) or
isomerizations, b-eliminations, dealkylation of aromatic macroporous (macro-reticular) supports, highly cross-
ethers, etc. Use of MW S–L PTC renders faster linked with more than 10% DVB. The microporous
reactions and cleaner processes since the synthesis is resins have low specific surface areas and the polymeric
solvent-free, economical, selective, safer and easy to chains shrink in a dry state or poor solvents. The resins,
manipulate [20]. Several aromatic ethers have been however, swell well in good solvents to extend the
prepared by Yadav and Bisht [21–23] using the polymeric chains. The macroporous resins have high
microwave irradiated solid–liquid (MISL) and liquid– specific surface areas and hardly swell in any solvent. In
liquid (MILL) PTC with a meagre power input of 40 W order to overcome the diffusion limitations, spacer
leading to faster reactions when compared to conven- chains are provided on the support and this technique
tional/classical heating. The enhancement factor defined leads to enhanced activity. Therefore, the overall rate in
as the ratio of the initial rate under microwave irradi- L–L–S PTC is determined by one or more of the
ation to that under conventional heating is in the range following rate controlling processes (i) mass transfer of
of 1.6–9 for MILL–PTC [21] and 5.3–30 for MISL–PTC reactants (substrate and reagent), (ii) intra-particle
[22], with 100% selectivity of the ether. The partitioning diffusion of reactants, and (iii) the intrinsic rate at the
of the catalyst in the organic phase is not affected in the active site.
case of MW irradiated systems than in the conventional The wetting nature of support matters a great deal in
heating and enhancement in rates is realized due to L–L–S PTC [26]. The microporous resins have low
higher entropy since rates of PTC reactions are propor- specific surface areas and the polymeric chains shrink in
tional to catalyst concentration in the organic phase. It a dry state or poor solvents. A macroporous polymer
is possible to determine both rate constants and possessing high porosity which swells considerably
equilibrium constants form the same set of data [21–23]. would be a better choice as support for the PTC. The
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 153

salt to generate the product. If the support is strongly

wetted by water, then the nucleophile in the form of
metal salt, M+Y), will undergo ion exchange and the
catalyst bound on the matrix will be in the ~Q+Y) form.
The substrate, RX from the organic phase must be first
solubilized in the aqueous phase and should diffuse to
the sites to react with the ion pair, Q+Y). If, on the
contrary, the support is wetted by the organic phase, all
the pores will be filled by the organic phase. Thus, the
substrate and the polymer bound catalyst have the same
species X), the leaving group. The aqueous phase
containing the nucleophile (Y)), must diffuse through
the organic phase to the site for ion-exchange with
Q+X) to yield Q+Y) and a facile reaction will take
place with the substrate RX already present over there.
In the case of a support which does not have a
preferential wettability to any liquid phase, it will
imbibe both the phases if it comes in contact with them.
The pores will contain both the phases and thus, some
network of pores will contain aqueous phase and some
organic phase and at some places one of them will be
dispersed into the other phase. Overall the phase
transfer catalysis will work by three different mecha-
nisms. In a majority of cases, the catalytic sites on the
exterior surface of the resin particle take part in the
reaction since the extent of porosity does not influence
the overall activity [26,27]. To overcome diffusion
barriers spacer arms are used in the polymer matrix
onto which the PTC is mounted. A 5-fold increase in the
rates is reported by using spacer arms which dangle
across the interface of aqueous and organic phase inside
Figure 6. Some of S–L–L PTC mechanisms. the porous polymer thereby enhancing the rate of
reaction [27]. In the case of immobilized PT catalysts
used in L–L dispersions, the rates of reactions are slower
degree of crosslinking with DVB should be low in due to intra-particle diffusion limitations by 2–4 orders
polystyrene-based supports in order to have high poros- of magnitude vis-à-vis those observed in L–L PTC.
ity and hence swelling. A detailed schematic representa- Indeed, the intra-particle diffusion of one of reactants
tion of S–L–L PTC is shown in figure 6 with two typical which does not wet the catalyst surface is most crucial in
cases amongst 16 different mechanisms [26]. these reactions and use of an appropriate temperature or
The microporous polymer matrix swells both in a suitable solvent may be needed to enhance the rates.
presence of water and organic phase, when contacted Moreover, the most efficient large molecular weight
independently. In the presence of two immiscible liquid catalysts are not effective when immobilized and that
phases, the polymer will uptake preferentially the only a few phase transfer agents can be anchored to the
wetting fluid depending on the surface properties of solid phase. Both organic and inorganic supports have
the polymer. In general, the wettability of the support been used to support PTC [27–29]. Increasing the length
governs the controlling mechanism. If the porous of the chains, which anchor the catalysts to polymer
support is mixed wet, i.e. when it imbibes both aqueous matrix, helps in increasing the rate of S–L–L PTC [27].
and organic phases due to capillary action, it would be An example of converting waste into useful products
most desirable because the aqueous and organic phases is given by Yadav and Haladvanekar [28]. Benzene is
which contain the reactants, must be in the close vicinity exhaustively chlorinated under UV light to produce
of the bound, Q+. On the contrary, when the support is benzenehexachloride (BHC) containing a thermody-
strongly wetted by one of the liquid phases, either water namic mixture of several isomers such as a; b; c; d; e;
or the organic phase, the other phase must diffuse into etc. of which the c isomer is the yesteryears popular
the pores filled by the strongly wetted liquid. Thus, the pesticide Lindane (c-BHC) which is about 14%. Thus
diffusion of that reactant, in the pores plays a very there is no atom economy. In the past, the 86% other
dominant role and thus solubility becomes important. In isomers, which are environmentally deleterious, were just
the latter case, the reactant couples with the quaternary dumped as landfill. However, it is possible to use these
154 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

isomers to get useful trichlorobenzenes by dehydrochlo- 2.5. Solid–solid–liquid PTC

rination under PTC conditions. Dehydrochlorination of
Since S–L–L PTC reactions are slower by orders of
benzene hexachloride to 1,2,4-trichlorobenzenes (88%
magnitude, much efforts were expended on the intensifi-
yield) was successfully carried out in L–L–S PTC using
cation of these polymer supported reactions. The activity
polymer-supported tri-n-butyl amine which forms a
of some commercial catalysts such as benzyltrimethylam-
quaternary salt.
monium ion exchange resins has been reported to be
The macroporous resins have high specific surface
insignificant because of its preferential water wettability
areas and hardly swell in any solvent. In order to
which prevents any accessibility of active site by the
overcome the diffusion limitations, spacer chains are
substrate. The S–L PTC reactions enhance rates of
provided on the support and this technique leads to
reactions by several fold over corresponding L–L PTC
enhanced activity. Inorganic supports such as silica gel
and thus a marriage between S–L–L and S–L PTC was
or alumina and clays are also used as supports for L–L–S
conceivable leading to solid–solid–liquid (S–S–L) PTC,
PTC. The inorganic supports have high surface areas and
wherein the catalyst and one of the reagents would be
should be more useful than organic supports. Silica,
solids and the other liquid could be the reagent or reagent
alumina and polymers are unstable in strong acidic and
in a solvent. SN2 type of reactions involving base-
alkaline media and have low physical strength. In
catalysed alkylations, and oxidation of secondary alco-
comparison, clays are cheap, have high physical strength
hols have been carried out by using a non-polar solvent
and possess relatively high resistance towards alkali
with inorganic solid reagents based on polymer-sup-
treatment. Many alkylation reactions are mediated by
ported quaternary ammonium and phosphonium salts
hydroxyl ions and conducted under strong alkaline
[30]. The product can be simply filtered and recovered by
conditions with PTC. Thus supporting the phase transfer
distilling the solvent off. S–S–L PTC is found to be better
catalyst on clays would offer certain advantages, which
than S–L–L PTC. Once again the enhancement in rates
appear to be distinctly different due to the fact that clays
and reduction of waste is obvious in this technique.
are inorganic oxide surfaces with much higher surface
area and bulk density (figure 7). Polymer-supported
2.6. Gas–liquid–solid PTC
PTC have bulk densities which lie between the aqueous
and organic phases and the mechanistic aspects include Gas–liquid phase transfer catalysis (G–L PTC), again
this fact. In the case of clays, the catalyst will be in the a misnomer for G–L–S PTC, involves the use of phase
continuous phase, and the type of dispersed phase and transfer catalysts in gas–liquid–solid systems, where the
the reactant within it would have a pronounced effect on organic substrate is in gaseous form and is passed over a
the yields. Synthesis of benzoic anhydride from sodium bed consisting of the inorganic reagent (or some other
benzoate and benzoyl chloride has been achieved at solid reagent/co-catalyst in solid form or an inert
30 °C with clay-supported quaternary ammonium salts inorganic support), which is coated with a phase transfer
[25]. The selectivity to the product was 100% and the catalyst in its molten state. Although, strictly, this is a
catalyst was reusable without loss in activity. The clay- gas–liquid–solid triphase system, it has traditionally
supported catalyst was found to be more active than been referred to as G–L PTC. The advantages of G–L–S
polymer-supported catalysts. This is a classic case of PTC include ease of adaptation to continuous flow
change in wettability of the support favoring quick operation, absence of organic solvents since the organic
exchange of anions and clay surface was wetted by substrate is present in gaseous form, ease of recovery of
aqueous phase with organic phase as continuous phase, the phase transfer catalyst as it is directly loaded onto
and aqueous phase as dispersed phase in the reactor. the solid bed, and better selectivity for some reactions in
comparison with L–L PTC [31]. Phosphonium salts,
crown ethers and polyethylene glycols are the preferred
catalysts used to carry out a variety of reactions under
G–L PTC. The mechanisms of G–L PTC reactions differ
from the traditional mechanisms for L–L and S–L PTC.
A variety of mechanisms have been proposed for G–L
PTC since different types of reactions are involved.
However, it is clear that the gaseous reactant has to
diffuse through the molten liquid film of the phase
transfer catalyst, with reaction occurring simultaneously
between the diffusing species and the catalyst. When the
molten thermally stable phase transfer catalyst is sup-
ported on an inert matrix, the solid phase functions
strictly as a support for the catalyst. Separation of the
catalyst from the reaction mixture is easier in this case.
Figure 7. S–L–L PTC: clay-supported mechanism. Reaction is diffusion controlled and excess catalyst does
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 155

not affect the conversion above a certain value as a result only enable easy recovery of both aqueous and organic
of congestion of pores and reduction of surface area. phases after the reaction without any problems of
The use of fixed bed reactors becomes feasible. However, emulsification, but also ensure that the catalyst does not
only a few cases have been reported about its utility. contaminate the product in the organic phase. The
interface between the two liquid phases resides in the
2.7. Capsule membrane PTC spongy layer of the capsule, wherein the catalyst is
anchored and it leads to easy accessibility of the catalyst
The reduction in reaction rates in S–L–L PTC due to
to ion pairs with nucleophile and leaving group. The
intra-particle diffusion can be overcome by providing
exact location of the interface inside the thin layer of
easy accessibility to the catalytic sites. The normal
the membrane will depend on its pore size distribution,
approach will be smaller particle and larger pore sizes.
the external pressure exerted by the outside phase in the
The high speeds used to overcome external mass transfer
agitated mixture, and also the wettability nature. If the
resistance lead to particle attrition and loss of catalysts
reaction mechanism is SN2 type, there should be an
during filtration. These problems are solved by using the
exchange of ions via the catalyst on spacer chains or
capsule membrane phase transfer catalysis (CMPTC) in
anchors, which are dangling across the aqueous and
which quaternary ammonium and phosphonium salts of
organic phases. Whether the substrate and the nucleo-
acryloyl monomers are supported/grafted onto a large,
phile reside inside the capsule itself is of no consequence
ultrathin nylon capsule membrane, accelerating reac-
for the mechanism because the locale of the reaction
tions between substrates in the inner organic phase and
would be at the interface in the spongy layer of the
water-soluble anions in the outer phase (figure 8)
capsule. Besides, the anchors have a limited scope to
CMPTC offers the following advantages: (i) high
diffuse across the interface. If there is any mass transfer
reactivity as a result of the onium salts attached as long
limitation on this exchange process, it would perhaps be
graft–polymer chains; (ii) there is no induction period
more pronounced for the case wherein the organic phase
for the reaction caused by swelling of supports; and (iii)
is located inside the capsule. The concept of inverse
easy separation of the catalyst and the inner organic
CMPTC was also developed for these reactions.
phase from the outer aqueous phase.
CMPTC was found to give maximum rates due to easy
Yadav and Mehta [32] have carried out a detailed
accessibility of the phase transfer agent to both aqueous
theoretical and experimental analysis of the CMPTC
and organic phase reagents.
alkaline hydrolysis of benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol,
with 100% selectivity and without any dibenzyl ether
formation, which is normally encountered in L–L PTC. 2.8. Liquid–liquid–liquid PTC
The oxidation of benzyl chloride to benzaldehyde with
When a phase transfer catalyst has limited solubility in
oxidizing agents such as potassium dichromate and
both the aqueous and organic phases, a third immiscible
hydrogen peroxide by using capsule membrane phase
liquid phase can be formed in the middle. Its formation
transfer catalysis has also been investigated [32–34].
and stability depend on the phase equilibria–hydrophilic
CMPTC can be operated as a fixed bed reactor. The
and lipophilic balance, density difference and tempera-
CMPTC principles can be exploited in membrane
ture. In liquid–liquid–liquid phase transfer catalysis
reactors, with the phase transfer catalyst immobilized
(L–L–L PTC), most of the reactions occur in the third
on the membrane surface with aqueous and organic
liquid phase with both aqueous and organic reactants
phases on either side of the membrane. This would not
transferring to this phase for reaction [35–44]. Three
types of mechanisms can prevail:(a) Type I–the reaction
in the organic phase (L–L PTC), (b) Type II—the
Q+X- reaction at the interphase between an organic phase and
an aqueous phase or in the bulk aqueous phase (L–L
Y-Q+ inverse PTC), (c) Type III—the reaction in the third
Q+X- Bulk aq. phase
phase (figure 9) This third phase should become the main
M+ Y- X-
Q+X- reaction phase to intensify the rates of reaction and to
Y-Q+ Inner org improve the selectivity of the desired product, apart from
Q X phase
+ -
+ -
the economical and environmental benefit. L–L–L PTC
Q Y + RX -
Q+X- + M+Y- is very attractive in reactions of industrial relevance [36–
X-Q+ = +X- +RY

Q+X- 42]. The catalyst-rich third phase can be recycled

X-Q+ repeatedly and also the aqueous phase can also be reused
- + -
Q X-
Aq. phase film
a few times to reduce waste. The overall enhancement
XQ + +
QY - leads to less reactor volume and better quality control.
Q+Y- Q+X- The L–L PTC reaction of PCNB with sodium
methoxide/ethoxide to synthesize p-nitroanisole (PNA)
Figure 8. Capsule membrane PTC. and p-nitrophenetole (PNP) is dangerous and is
156 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

Figure 9. Liquid–liquid–liquid PTC.

inefficient. Instead use of sodium hydroxide and meth- synthetic steps in the same reactor thereby minimizing
anol or ethanol, with tetrabutylammonium bromide both by-product formation and separation stages and
(TBAB) as catalyst were chosen as the L–L–L PTC concurrently making optimum use of the catalyst and
systems to get 100% yield of the products [38]. The the solvent [42]. In certain multi-step synthesis, the
catalyst is reused and the rates are higher by order of nature of the catalyst is the same and it is advisable to
magnitude. The use of n-butanol and NaOH in place of use the same catalyst without separation under optimum
sodium butoxide as the butoxylating agent with PCNB set of conditions. If the catalyst is homogeneous, it is
is also very effective under L–L–L PTC. Reaction of used at least in two to three consecutive steps without
PCNB with 2,4-dichlorophenol was carried out in separation and if it is heterogeneous, it could be used
presence of a base under L–L–L PTC to get 100% repeatedly. It is also possible to have a combination of
yields of a useful herbicide nitrofen [16]. Etherification L–L, S–L, S–L (x)–L, S (cat)–L–L and L–L–L PTC
reaction between benzyl chloride and sodium phenate to depending on the type of reaction (figure 10) Thus,
yield 100% benzyl phenyl ether, which is also used
industry as intermediate, solvent, heat transfer fluid and F
perfume was also enhanced under L–L–L PTC [41].

2.9. Cascade-engineered PTC

In pharmaceutical, dyestuff, agrochemical and fra- +Cat
grance industries, multi-step as well as multiphase
reactions are very common and the amount of waste
generated ranges from 50–100 kg/kg product. No atom ETP
economy is realized with respect to the raw materials ETP
and separation of products is many times cumbersome (a) Reaction and product separation at each stage
or difficult adding to the cost of processing. Instead of
conducting several multi-step reactions, with intermit-
tent separation and purification, it becomes advisable to P
carry out reactions in a single reactor by choosing the A+B
appropriate reaction conditions, with different modes of Cat CEPTC
operation. In the case of PTC, optimum use of catalyst
and solvent can be made for several reactions before its
being discarded. It would reduce the cost of the catalyst
per kilogram of the product and also reduce the huge ETP
amount of waste which is generated. This concept forms
(b) Same catalyst and solvent in several stages
the basis of ‘‘cascade-engineered phase transfer cataly- without separation of products at each stage
sis’’ (CEPTC) [3] which has been pursued for the phase
transfer catalyzed conditions by performing various Figure 10. Cascade-engineered PTC.
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 157

Figure 11. Benzyl chloride reactions for CEPTC and SEPTC processes.

waste can be minimized and economic viability of the dibenzyl ether (by hydrolysis), phenylacetonitrile (nitrile
process could be achieved elegantly through cascade substitution), benzyl esters (esterification), phenylacetic
engineering. The principle of cascade engineering as acid (hydrolysis of phenylacetonitrile) which are all PTC
applied to PTC, could be used advantageously for catalysed reactions (figure 11) [42]. The reactions were
reactions of industrial importance. studied independently as well as in cascade system. The
Benzyl chloride is an excellent reagent to explore the cascade reaction system itself is novel where from one
advantages of cascade engineered PTC. Benzyl chloride starting material a variety of products are obtained by
leads to very important products by converting L–L changing the parameters.
PTC into S–L and L–system. The various industrially Phenylacetonitrile is used as an intermediate in the
important products are benzyl alcohol (by hydrolysis), preparation of many compounds (figure 12). It can be

Figure 12. Cascade engineered PIC reactions: possible products starting from chloronitrobenzene with varying mole ratios of reactants.
158 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

used for C-alkylation of any group (introducing an extra beneficial since it suppresses hydrolysis. Thus, cyanide
carbon group in the molecule). It is used in the pharma- displacement and C-alkylation steps could be studied
ceutical industry, for the preparation of pentapiperdine, both under L–L and S–L PTC conditions. A further
idoxifen (non-steroidal antiestrogen), oxelodine, pheno- strategy would be to distill off the unreacted alkyl halide
peridine and dyclonine. Even the higher acetonitriles, from the reactor and retain the reaction mixture along
namely, benzyl phenylacetonitrile and dibenzyl phenyl- with the catalyst and carry out the alkaline hydrolysis of
acetonitrile also can be used for this purpose [40]. the product to the corresponding acid. This step ought
Fenvalerate is synthesised by a multistep process to be carried under L–L PTC conditions [19,42].
comprising of several PT catalyzed reaction steps. The A preliminary strategy for the CEPTC under S–L (x)–
most widely reported method involves the phase transfer L conditions involves the cyanide displacement of
catalysed cyanide displacement of p-chlorobenzyl chlo- p-chlorobenzyl chloride using solid sodium cyanide in
ride (p-CBC), to give p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile the x-phase, which is a small quantity of water in a S–L
(p-CBCN) as the first step. The second step involves reaction mixture, and a PT catalyst in an organic solvent
the reaction of p-CBCN with isopropyl halide under followed by addition of a solid alkali and isopropyl
alkaline conditions again catalyzed by a phase transfer halide to the reaction mixture without separation of the
agent. The product can be hydrolyzed to the corre- intermediate and without any further addition of catalyst
sponding acid once again under phase transfer catalyzed or solvent. In the cyanide displacement reaction,
conditions and further subjected to a series of reactions although quantitative conversion can be obtained by
to produce fenvalerate (figure 13). The first three steps using higher concentration of NaCN, it is desirable to
of the fenvalerate process can be elegantly combined to use it in a stoichiometrically deficient quantity (<1–5%)
carry out a single pot reaction. Both the cyanide to avoid cyanide disposal problems. This leaves some
displacement and C-alkylation steps in the sequence unconverted p-chlorobenzyl chloride in the reaction
are amenable to L–L PTC. However, the selectivity of mixture which can interfere with the C-alkylation of
the process is greatly influenced by the hydrolysis the product p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile. It is therefore
reaction taking place during C-alkylation under alkaline necessary to convert the residual p-chlorobenzyl chloride
conditions. In this regard, S–L PTC can prove to be very before commencing the alkylation reaction. Considering

Figure 13. First three stages of fenvalerate synthesis using CEPTC. The last stage is also a PTC process [39].
G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis 159

these complexities, the following three-step reaction the PT catalyst as is seen from the study of various
strategy was adopted for the CEPTC scheme (figure 11). parameters.

I. Cyanide displacement on p-chlorobenzyl chloride Varying the reaction conditions could alter the yield
to form p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile. of various products formed during the process. Opti-
II. Conversion of unreacted p-chlorobenzyl chloride. mum use of the PT catalyst and the solvent is ensured to
III. Alkylation of p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile with iso- make the process green and cost effective. The same
propyl bromide under alkaline conditions. solvent and catalyst was used in all the three S–L–(x)–L
steps of CEPTC, thereby improving the economics of
Since the system was based on the chemistry of
the process as well as the separation stages are avoided,
synthesis of fenvalerate, the desired product of CEPTC
thus minimising the waste. CEPTC thus proves its basic
would be a-isopropyl-p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile.
fundamental of ‘‘cost and waste minimization’’.
Although various other industrially significant products
were obtained during CEPTC synthesis, total selectivity
to the desired product can be achieved by employing the
2.10. Selectivity-engineered PTC
following optimum conditions (table 2):
In order to study selectivity engineering with phase
 Equimolar quantities of NaCN can be used in step transfer catalysis, chlorobenzenes could be used as the
I, which would ensure total conversion of p-CBC starting materials. Both the chloro and nitro groups
and hence formation of two products of step II, could be manipulated to obtain a variety of products, all
namely, a-(p-chlorobenzyl)-p-chlorophenyl aceto- having commercial values. The sulphide reduction of
nitrile and p,p0 -dichlorodibenzyl ether can be totally chloronitrobenzenes could lead to chloroanilines, amin-
avoided. ophenols, aminothiophenols or substituted diphenyl
 Conducting the CEPTC reaction in an autoclave sulphides or polysulphides or mixture thereof in the
under inert atmosphere at elevated temperatures presence of Na2S under alkaline condition using a
would not only improve conversions but also elimi- suitable PTC. The PTC could be used under L-L, S–L,
nate the product resulting from oxidative decyana- L–L–L and L–L–S (catalyst) and depending on the type
tion i.e. p-chlorobenzoic acid-methylethyl ester. of the system used, the product selectivity could be
 The formation of di-alkylated product, a,a0 -diiso- varied [44,45]. Chloronitrobenzenes could be hydrolysed
propyl-p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile can be avoided to form nitrophenols, which may give dinitrophenyle-
by using appropriate quantities of the reactants and thers by combining with either chloronitrobenzene or

Table 2
Control reaction for CEPTC-all S–L (x)–L PTC processes [39]

Parameter Stepl S–L (x)–L Step II S–L (x)–L Step III S–L (x)–L Final reaction mixture

Time* 0 2h 2.25 h 6.25 h

Speed of agitation 1000 rpm 1000 rpm 1000 rpm
Tetrabutylammonium bromide 0.002 mol – – 0.002 mol
Toluene 25 cm3 – – 25 cm3
Water (for x-phase) 1 cm3 1 cm3 1.049 cm3 1.218 cm3
p-chlorobenzyl chloride 0.025 mol 0.005 mol – –
Sodium cyanide 0.02 mol – – –
p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile – 0.02 mol 0.01825 mol 0.01076 mol
Potassium hydroxide – 0.02 mol 0.0173 mol 0.0102 mol
Potassium chloride – 0.0134 mol 0.0134 mol
Sodium chloride – 0.02 mol 0.02 mol
Potassium bromide – – – 0.001945 mol
p,p0 -dichlorodibenzyl ether (inert, – – 0.002275 mol 0.002275 mol
product of step II)
a-(p-chlorobenzyl)-p-chlorophenyl – 0.00045 mol 0.00045 mol
acetonitrile (inert, product of step II)
Isopropyl bromide – – 0.04 mol 0.0236 mol
a-isopropyl-p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile – – – 0.00553 mol
(desired product)
a; a0 -diisopropyl-p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile – – – –
p-chlorobenzoic acid-methylethyl Ester – – – 0.001945 mol
Temperature 90 °C 90 °C 60 °C
Reaction time for each step 2h 15 min 4h

*Time of commencing each step from t = 0.

160 G.D. Yadav/Green phase transfer catalysis

another molecule of nitrophenol. Nitrophenols and the but treated as a waste since the quantities are very small
corresponding ethers are important intermediates in and do not contribute much to the expensive product.
organic process industry. Chloronitrobenzene could be However, the rates of reactions can be further enhanced
reduced to form chloroaniline which could further yield to have less reactor volume and processing times in
aminothiophenol, if sodium sulphide or bisulphide is batch processes. L–L PTC can be further modified to
used as the reducing agent. Aminophenol is an impor- convert it into several multiphasic reactions, to recover
tant chemical used as photographic developer, interme- and reuse the catalyst and also to enhance selectivity,
diate in the manufacture of sulphur and azo-dyes and in under the ambit of green chemistry to make PTC readily
the dyeing of furs and feathers. Aminothiophenol is acceptable to industry. The S–L, S–L(x)-L, MISL,
mainly used as corrosion inhibitor in structural steels, MILL, G–L–S, S–L–L, CMPTC, L–L–L, cascade- and
copper and in preparation of many intermediate chem- selectivity-engineered PTC are some modifications of the
icals. During sulphide reduction some other products traditional processes. Use of microwaves and ultrasound
are likely to be formed. These are the thioethers or should be made in consonance with solventless synthesis
sulphides, such as dinitrodiphenyl sulphide or polysulp- as exemplified in MILL–PTC and MISL–PTC. So
hides and diaminodiphenyl sulphide or its polysulp- combining several steps in a single pot reaction and
hides, from the corresponding thiols. Certain other using the same catalyst and solvent, without separation
combinations are also possible, such as addition of one or with partial replenishment of the reactants for all the
aminothiophenol and one nitrothiophenol to yield steps fits elegantly into the concept of waste minimiza-
aminonitro diphenyl sulphide or polysulphide. These tion and it was discussed as CEPTC, which seems
are useful as corrosion inhibitors. promising to offer additional benefit of enhancing the
The hydrolysis of p-chloronitrobenzene with aqueous selectivity of the desired product through manipulation
sodium hydroxide under L–L PTC yields p-nitrophenol of various parameters such as number of phases, catalyst
as the sole product, which is instantly extracted into the loading, type of catalyst, stoichiometric ratio of the
aqueous phase as a sodium salt. No p-p0 -dinitrodiphenyl starting materials and temperature. In agrochemicals
ether is formed. When p-nitrophenol is reduced by and pharmaceuticals this approach can be employed
aqueous sodium sulphide, it gives p-aminothiophenol as where multi-step synthesis coupled with several separa-
the only product; no formation of p-aminophenol is tion stages add to the cost of the product. The selectivity
detected, For producing p-aminophenol, the reaction engineered PTC concept can be applied in a number of
should be conducted starting from p-nitrophenol or multiproduct industries based on a family of com-
from p-chloronitorbenzene, which is converted, to pounds.
p-nitrophenol insitu under L–L PTC, followed by
neutralisation of the aqueous phase and subsequent
reduction with sodium sulphide under L–L PTC. Both Acknowledgment
p-aminophenol and p-aminothiophenol are formed as
sodium salts, which could be separated from the Thanks are due to the Darbari Seth Chair Professor-
reaction mixture by dissociation extraction because ship Endowment and NMITLI projects from CSIR for
their pKa values are different [44]. An interesting financial support. Gift samples of phase transfer
example of selectivity engineering of O-vs. C-alkylation catalysts as well as research support by M/s Dishman
of p-methoxyphenol with allyl bromide in L-L PTC has Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Ltd, Ahmedabad, India
been reported under the influence of interfacial mass is gratefully acknowledged.
transfer resistance [46].

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