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Exercise 1

The clarity of ideas from the content was precise; telling the audiences about what’s the

purpose of life, and also giving us the way to live in happy and peaceful way. She also defines or

gives context clues from unfamiliar words, making her statement fruitful and full of sincerity to

life. Also, the uses of her words were not too long and not too short, leaving the teachings of her

to reader’s mind and heart. For her literary elements used, she applies flashbacks and

symbolisms which are very appropriate and important in expressing one’s emotions.

In addition, her way of combining ideas from chosen elements and devices is excellent

because realization was connected from her flashbacks of her life. She also have low self-esteem

before that’s why she narrate herself to motivate us, make some choices that ourselves must be

consider always, and also motivating herself from being duplicates of others.

Exercise 2

Coherence and organization of paragraphs is very important because it let us see the way

of the elements together in sentences or/and paragraphs that produces exact meanings and it is a

form of a good writing. The content and the story of her, including the teachings of life, is

smooth and in logical form, making the reader understands the flow and meaning of the author’s


Organization of the paragraphs is good because she started with 2 quotes; one of the ways

how to create beginning of the introduction to make it lively to read. The concepts of her content

and the highlights are still good because ideas were enclosed to a certain paragraphs. In

Academic Commissioner
“Da mihi animas coetera tolle”
organization, you must apply also or rather consider your objectives to make your statement full

of meanings and wisdoms.

The development of the literary elements and devices was considered by the author. The

plot and theme was very precise, the way of she narrates herself to the audience is excellent

because a reader that telling stories of his/her own life makes the teachings very fruitful,

entertaining and interesting. The symbolism is the highlight of the literary devices of her because

from the statement of “Life does not come with a rulebook or deadlines for accomplishing

certain things”. It helps us not to depend on something else but to show you the path of the


The factual information is used to help the author tell what’s inside his/her mind and self.

The negative impacts of being dependable to any person just because of you know that you will

be accepted to the environment was told by her and can see the effects of it. Also, she

emphasizes some good acts to help you overcome your low self-esteem by telling her stories in



Once in a life is just a one stitch of pain which means we should face the reality of being

hurt or being embarrassed by others because of our actions to them. Everyone notices us but

some determines who we are actually. But all we know is just to depend on a person just to make

sure you are in the community.

Academic Commissioner
“Da mihi animas coetera tolle”
I once having trouble in my life that I depend on myself because I want to be like him;

awards, excellence and also determination to very activities. I know how to perform my actions

very well but me always seeing that he’s much worthy than you. Telling yourself that you are not

enough will surely downgrade yourself just because you chose to be a replication of someone. In

order to know you are worthy, you must consider many things in life.

Remember to be kind always. Recognizing what’s empty to yourself do mean that you

are lack of everything but needs some improvements that the key is only yourself and not others.

Just always look into yourself and add some boosts like reflecting to one’s self, and meditate

some time. Focusing on improving yourself but consider not to be stress when doing it makes

your time very relevant to your realization in life.

Loving or embracing your qualities, traits and talents makes you figure out that you are

very unique. In that, you will discover that you can live without anyone. Surround yourself with

enjoyment which will lead you to positivity and good vibes. These ways helps me to emphasize

my self-worth and getting back my energy to walk into the right path.

Last but not the least, always challenge negative thoughts so that you will feel good in

spending your time with yourself and other people around, conquering instead of ignoring

negative thoughts in life. Be gentle as always and encourage or boost up yourself to be able to

respond to any affirmations whether it is good or bad for you.

Reinforcement Activity

Academic Commissioner
“Da mihi animas coetera tolle”
Life is uneasy. Being better of yourself depending on other’s perception may mislead you

to your next chapter of life. Remember that expectations are different to realities, and also

realities are different from being you. You don’t have to change yourself just because it’s your

feeling that the community will accept you but rather it will downgrade yourself and suffer

different emotions and decisions in life. “Real happiness comes from being content with and

proud of yourself” which means you don’t have to see others or see their success; it is important

that you know how to succeed in life by doing what’s yours and should be.

Pleasing others making yourself compare what’s nothing on you; means you have to

depend yourself to others thinking that you will be in to them but reality may slap your inner

self. Just always believe in you path because any obstacles you will face in life, there will always

be “you” and “yourself” that will overcome and give solution to it. Last but not the list, you must

feel that you are in positive mood always. Limiting your actions and what time-quality to

yourself makes you re-start and accept yourself; knowing the path of life and your goals.

Academic Commissioner
“Da mihi animas coetera tolle”

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