New Headway Beginner 4th Edition - Student Book - Unit 1-14 (1) (001-013)

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Fourth edition Headway Beginner Student’s Book =< John and Liz Soars FF ax a < ea >Impro if am/areis, my/your * Thisis... * How are you? * Good morning! ‘What’ thisin English? * Numbers 10 * Plurals >> samen (ua a (Wanna) GEHEB Listen Say your name WHAT'S YOUR NAME? am/are/is, my/your i Read and listen | Pablo Hello. 'm Pablo. Whats your name? | Mika My name's Mika, Pablo Hello, Mika, 2 Stand up and practise. 6 Unit] + Hello! INTRODUCTIONS This is... 1 Read and listen, Ben, this is Mika. Mika, this is Ben, Hello, Ben Hello, Mika Listen and repeat. 2. Practise in groups of three. if this te Nice to meet you 3 Read and listen, Judy Hello, My name’ Judy Koblenz. Robert Hello. 'm Robert Smith. Nice to meet you. Judy And you. eee Listen and repeat. 4 Practise in pairs, Say your first name and surname. A Hello. Mynamés___ B Hello. 'm Nice to meet you, A And you 5 Listen to the English names. GF James bond Robert Taylor Henry Baker ‘Susie Walsh Aritajohnson Katherine Smith Choose a name. Stand up and say hello. @ Gia Unit + Hellot 1 HOW ARE YOU? 1 Read and listen. 1 Pablo Hi, Ben. How are you? 2 Ben Hello, Mika. How are you? Ben Fine, thanks, Pablo. And you? Mika Very well, thank you. How are you? Pablo I'm OK, thanks. Ben Fine. Listen and repeat 2. Answer your teacher. Hi, How are you? Fine, thanks. Fine, thanks. Caw) 3 Stand up and practise. trem) well, hank You. Cee thanks. Write m, is, or are. |__ Sandra How __ you? This _John D> Grammar Reference LI-13 pI23 4 Complete the conversations. A Hello. My name’ Ana. Max,___is Carla, your name? Hi, Carla, B Fine, thanks, Da B —_______Mtio, Hello, Max. to meet And____? you. ___ well, thanks. Listen and check, Practise the conversations. 8 Unit + Hello! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Good morning! 1. Complete the conversations. Goodbye! Goodnight! «Good morning! ‘Good afternoon! 1A Good morning! B Good morning! What a lovely day! 2A 4a B Good night! Sleep well! ‘i Listen and check. Practise the conversations. 2 Put the words in the correct order. 1 A Good morning! Bm How are outedsy 2 B Fine, thanks. 2 A Good afternoon! B Good afternoon! GS ms 8 3 A Goodbye! B Thank you. And you. 4A Good night! oo B Thank you Land] Listen and check. Practise the conversations. Unit + Hello! 9 VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING What’ this in English? 1. Write the words. - a camera acar a photograph a computer abag a hamburger atceviion a phone a sandwich a bus J a house Cc G—___ 7 2 Tistenand repeat theward eT § EMD ten and pet eae | wi this in English? 4. Go to things in the room. Ask your teacher. ‘Work with a partner, Point to a picture. Ask and answer questions. Citta tien nee 5 10 Unit + Hello! Numbers 1-10 and plurals 1 Read and listen. 3 Write the numbers. Practise the numbers. 1 one 2 two a] —fve books @eReezen € houses 3 th Ome ew a) photographs four Sila BGG 4 5 five eS (f] —— sances 6. HMSne. 7 8 computers ao = anne" eight Liste nd check, s 4 Askand answer questions. (What's n this pcture? 9 nine Se 5 Listen and repeat seven [xe td__—| fa Es ae SS photographs | computers | houses ebook twobooks students | hamburgers | buses craks fia bazas 2 Say the numbers round teens D> Grammar Reference 14 pl23 the class tags phones Unit + Hello! 1 Your world £ Countries * he/she/they, his/her * Where’she from? fantastc/awful/beautful * Numbers I-30 > STARRED Find your country on the map on page B. Find these countries on the map. ‘Australia Brazil Egypt China England france italy Hungary Japan Russia Spain the United States Listen and repeat. SHE’S FROM JAPAN he/she, his/her ten, and repeat. 3 Read, 1 GERD Read and listen. Pablo Where are you from, Mika? & Mika I'm from Japan. Where are you from? flies Pablo I'm from Spain. From Barcelona. Her name's Mika. She's from Japan. Listen and repeat: Ee 2 Where are you from? Stand up and practise. iabains she's = she is (Qtmcewevotont | tontan/Bac. Whee..? D> Grmmar Reference 2-222 12 Unit? + Yourworld an) Gn Karima, ]__name’s Tatiane She's questions == = His _ name's Kevin. Where's he from? He’ rom the United States. ames Liz, 1 Complete the sentences about the people name’ Rosely. _ name’ Simon, She's | Hes name’ Hayley | She’ Listen and check, Repeat the sentences, 2 Listen and repeat the questions, CLs al What's his name? ‘Where's he from? e@ 1 Wee ews What's her name? Where's she from? 2. Complete the questions with is or are 3. Askand answer questions about the people in the photographs. Where she from? r > Where ___he from? Mats his name? (His name's Kevin Where you from? ent ) —" D> Grammar Reference 23 pI23 (were tom ies trom the Unites States. ad Unit2 + Yourworld 1B PRACTICE Cities and countries Where are the cities? Ask and answer tein Spin Sao Paulo Sydney Moscow Tokyo Cairo Budapest Los Angeles London Listen and check. Work with a partner. Student A Lookat the photos on this page. Student B_ Lookat the photos on p140. Ask questions and write the answers. What's his/her name?) Talking about you 3. Ask about the students in the class. (_ wnat’ hic name? . ny Hic name's Marca. ) —— Where's he trom? ss | Hes trom tay.) From Rome. —_ (Wat ar ane?) i Verawacsdoutaa_) Where's she from? ‘She's from Rome, too x 14 Unit2 + Your world Pere Per ayrd Sen Questions and answers 4 Listen and complete the conversation, Practise it Rosely Hello, 'm Rosely. What's your __ name? Bruno name’ Bruno, R 2 Hello, Bruno, Where are you from Brazil, Where are you from? ‘Oh, Tm from Brazil, too. from Sao Paulo, Really? I'm from Sio Paulo, too! nuns ‘Oh, nice to meet you, Bruno. 5 Listen and write the countries. 1 Claudio: __ttaly Akemi: 2 Charles: Bud: 3 Loretta and Jason: _ Match the questions and answers. 1 Ta Where ae you from? tis names Brno 2] What's her name? He’ from Sao Paulo. 3) What's his name? ¢ Itsin Canada, 4.0 Where he from? € Tmfom Ba 5] What thin English? «Fine thanks 6 [1 Howare you? Her name’ Tatiana 7) Where's Montreal? § Its a computer. Listen and check. Work with a partner. Take turns to cover the questions or the answers, Practise them. Check it 7 Tick (V) the correct sentence. 1D Myname Mika He’ from Spain, YZ) My name's Mika. _] His from Spain. 2 (1) What’ hes name? 5] Where she from? 1] Whats his name? 1 Where’ she from? 3] What hisname?'‘Kevin? 6 [J Whatsher name? 1] ‘Whats her name?” ‘Kevin’ (What's she name? Unit2 + Yourworld 15 READING AND SPEAKING Where are they from? 1 Read and listen, 2- Complete the sentences, Holly is from Shesa os in Canada. is in the centre of Montreal. ude is from Heb a His hospital isin the They in New York T of Montreal 3 Write questions with What... 2and Where...? about Claude and Holly. Ask a partner What... name? Where... from? Where school? Where hospital? En a Wiiteis rare she a teacher. He a doctor. They from Canada D> Grammar Reference 2.4 p23 16 Unit2 + Your world This is a photograph of Claude and Holly Duval from Montreal in Canada. They are on holiday in New York City. Holly is from Canada and Claude is from France. They are married. Holly is a teacher. Her school is in the centre of Montreal. Claude is a doctor. His hospital is in the centre of Montreal, too. the conversations 1° f= C Oh, no! Look at the _weather_! HH sUgh! It’s ie 2° Tit H_ Wow! Lookat my It’s fantastic! C Myhamburger is___, too! smo om C What's this building _? H_ Its the Empire State Building! Its, a Emme = Wow! at Central Park! H Its. J EERDB Listen and check. Practise the conversations, EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers 11-30. 1 Say the numbers 1-10 round the class. 2 Listen, read, and repeat. 11 12 13 14 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 16 17 18 19 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen Say the numbers 1-20 round the class. 3. Write the numbers your teacher says. Say the numbers your teacher writes. 4 Match the numbers. 21 twenty-five 22 twenty-seven 23 twenty-one 24 twenty-eight 25 twenty-two twenty-four twenty-nine twenty-three thirty twenty-six Listen and repeat. Say the numbers 1-30 round the class. 5 Listen and tick (7) the numbers you hear. 1@ i i 20 co w@ if sm i HO 2 411 7 Pid 27 52 0 wi a 6 Work with a partner. Student A Write five numbers. Say them to your partner. Student B Write the numbers youhear. 4 24. 7 Look at the pictures. How old is he/she? Listen and find out. Unit2 + Yourworld 7

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