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Exercises of Force and Motion II :

1 Diagram 1 shows a mother pushing a baby stroller of mass 8 kg with a constant force 20 N.


Diagram 1
(a) What is meant by force?
Physical quantity that can change the motion, direction of motion, shape
and size of an object [1 mark]

(b) (i) Based on Diagram 1,

Tick (√ ) the direction of the component force F, that causes the baby stroller to move
Direction of force

[1 mark]

(ii) The force acting on the stroller is 40° from the horizontal surface.
Calculate the value of the force, F in (b)(i).

Fx Cos40
tf [2 marks]
BFy Flos40720NX10.7667 1532N
(c) Complete the following sentence by underlining the correct word.
When the object moves on the rough surface, the net force acting on the object (increases,
decreases, remains unchanged)
[1 mark]
2 Diagram 2 shows a student pulling a bag with a force F of 120 N.

Diagram 2

(a) What is meant by force?

Physical quantity that can change the motion, direction of motion, shape
and size of an object [1 mark]

(b) On Diagram 2, mark and label the horizontal component Fx and the vertical component Fy of the
force F.
[1 mark]

(c) Calculate the magnitude of Fx and Fy.

(i) Fx

Cos30 FE

Fx Flos
300 12011 10866
i Fy
(ii) Fy

Sin307 1 [4 marks]

FSin300 120NX 10500


i Fy GON
3 Diagram 3.1 shows a monkey on a tree. The weight of the monkey is 200 N.

Diagram 3.1

(a) What is the meaning of weight?

Gravitational force that pulled an object to the centre of the planet
[1 mark]
(b) In Diagram 3.1, draw and label the two forces acting on the monkey.
[2 marks]

(c) What is the net force acting on the monkey? Give your reason.
Monkey at stationary where the weight is equal to the normal
reaction force [2 marks]

(d) Diagram 3.2 shows the monkey hanging on a rope.

Diagram 3.2

Determine the tension, T on the rope.

T = W = 200 N
[1 mark]
4 Diagram 4.1 shows a load hanging from a rope.
Diagram 4.2 shows the similar rope breaking when another load is hung on it.
Forces are exerted on the ropes when loads are hung on it.

Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(a) What is the meaning of force?

Physical quantity that can change the motion, direction of motion, shape
and size of an object [1 mark]

(b) Explain why the rope does not break in Diagram 4.1 while the rope breaks in Diagram 4.2.
4.1 : Weight is equal to the Tension of the rope
4.2 : Weight is greater then the Tension of the rope
[2 marks]
(c) Diagram 4.3 shows a child playing on a swing. The mass of the child is 15 kg and the angle of
swing with the vertical is 15o.

15o rt
If m l5kg


To 1571981
Diagram 4.3
(i) Calculate the tension of the rope.

4 Ty I lost5

Ty This15 W 47.15N
r T 152 341 N

[3 marks]

(ii) If another child of weight 250 N plays on the swing, will the rope break if its maximum
tension is 300 N?
[1 mark]

T 258 819N
5 Diagram 5.1 shows a girl standing on a weighing scale in a stationary lift. Diagram 5.2 shows the same
girl in a lift which is accelerating upwards at 2 ms-2.

Normal Reaction Force,R

Stationary Moving up
Weight, W
Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2

(a) Which of the two weighing scales shows the bigger reading?
Diagram 5.2
[1 mark]

(b) Name and label the two forces acting on the girl in Diagram 5.1.
[2 marks]

(c) If the mass of the girl is 50 kg, what is the reading of the weighing scale in Diagram 5.1?

R = W = mg = (50) (9.81) = 490.5N. #

[1 mark]

(d) Calculate the reading of the weighing scale in Diagram 5.2.

Fri Rtl W
R mat mg Mlatg 507 2 19 81

i R 590.5N [2 marks]

(e) If the cable of the lift in Diagram 5.2 snaps, what will be the reading of the weighing scale?
[1 mark]

a g Fr Wtf R ma

R W ma my ma ON
6 Diagram 6 shows a boy lifting an iron weight. The iron weights are balanced on an iron rod.

Iron rod

Iron weight
400 400
T1 T1

Diagram 6

The total weight of the iron weights is 200 N. T1 is the pushing force exerted by the boy’s hands in
balancing the iron rod.

In the space below, draw the scale drawing of the triangle of forces to determine the value of T 1. (Use
the scale 1 cm : 40 N)

1400 4001 07400

TI F'T To pet

T 200N 54

length of T 3.9cm T.ginxi 10

it 55.57N T D
T1 = _______________ N sings
[3 marks]
7 Diagram 7 shows a 150 kg billboard hung by two identical cables and where all the forces are in

Tin r T2

Diagram 7

(a) What is the meaning of forces in equilibrium?

Resultant force that act is Zero
[1 mark]

(b) (i) In Diagram 7, mark and label the weight, W of the billboard, the tensions of the cable, T1
and T2 and their directions.
[2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the weight of the billboard.

W=mg = (150) (9.81) = 1471.5N

[1 mark]

(c) (i) In the space below, sketch a diagram of triangle of forces that act on the billboard in
Diagram 7.

[2 marks]
(ii) Based on the diagram of the triangle of forces, write the relationship between W, T1 and T2.
W + T1 + T2 = 0
[1 mark]
(d) Table 7 shows the characteristics and arrangement of cables for hanging the heavy billboard.

Cable Maximum tension can be supported by the cable Angle / θ

P 60o
Q 60o
R 30o
Table 7

Based on Table 7, state the suitable characteristics of the cable to be used for hanging the heavy
Give one reason for the suitability of each characteristic.

(i) Maximum tension which can be supported by the cable


Prevent from break/ Can withstand with greater
force@Weight [2 marks]

(ii) The angle of θ


Produce Small Tension
[2 marks]

(e) Based on your answer in 7(d), determine the most suitable cable for hanging the billboard.
[1 mark]
8 Diagram 8.1 shows a boy rocking an elastic spring rocker.
Diagram 8.2 shows the same boy rocking on another spring rocker.
Both spring rockers used identical springs.

Diagram 8.1 Diagram 8.2

(a) What is the meaning of elasticity?

Property pf materials that change when a force is applied to it and
returned to its original state and size when the force is removed.
[1 mark]

(b) Observe Diagram 8.1 and 8.2, compare;

(i) the number of springs.

Number of spring in diagram 8.2 is more then diagram 8.1
[1 mark]

(ii) the compression of the springs.

Compression of spring in diagram 8.2 is less then diagram 8.1
[1 mark]

(iii) the stiffness of the springs.

Stifness of spring in diagram 8.2 is more then diagram 8.1
[1 mark]

(iv) Relate the number of spring and the compression of the spring.
More number of spring, less compression of spring
[1 mark]

(v) Relate the stiffness and the compression of the spring.

More stifness of spring, Less compression of spring
[1 mark]

(c) Which spring rocker can support children with greater mass?
Explain your answer.

Spring in diagram 8.2.

High stiffness
[2 marks]
9 Diagram 9.1 (a) and 9.1 (b) shows two springs with identical thickness of spring wire which is used as
shock absorber in cars.

Diagram 9.2 (a) and 9.2 (b) shows the graph of elastic limit for each spring.

(a) What is meant by elastic limit?

Maximum force can be applied to a spring that the spring can
[1 mark]
returned to its original state/condition.
(b) (i) Using Diagram 9.1 and 9.2, compare the diameter of the spring, the thickness of the spring
wire and the gradient of the graph
[3 marks]
Thickness of spring in diagram 9.1(a) is bigger then diagram 9.1(b)
Diameter of spring wire in both diagram are same.
Gradient of graph in diagram 9.1(a) is less steeper then diagram 9.1(b)
(ii) State the relationship between the gradient of the graph and the diameter of the spring to
make a deduction regarding the relationship between the gradient of the graph and the
stiffness of the spring.
The bigger the diameter of spring, the less steeper of the gradient.
The less steeper the gradient of the graph, the less stiffness of[2 marks]
(c) Diagram 9.3 shows the rear part of a motorcycle.

Diagram 9.3
Explain why the motorcycle requires a thicker spring wire and smaller diameter spring to carry
heavy load.
[4 marks]
Thicker spring wire is stiffer.
Can withstand with bigger load.
Small extension with bigger load.
Small diameter spring is easy to assemble and has low density.
Its lighter.

(d) Diagram 9.4 shows a girl jumping on a trampoline.

Diagram 9.4
As a sport equipment designer, you are given a task to design a trampoline that will be used in the
children playing area at a new shopping mall.
Your design should include the following aspects.
i. Bouncer sheet
ii. Pole
iii.Safety feature
[10 marks]
Aspect Characteristics Explaination

Bouncer Sheet 1 Elastic Produce Elastic


High Elastic can withstand with
limit heavier child

5 Low Density Lighter


Strong Materials Prevent from tear

Pole 9 Rigid Stiff Prevent from


Strong Prevent from

Prevent children
Safety Feature a Has Wall
fromfalls down

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