Section 5 - Drawings Design Calculations & Specifications Control

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Alexandria Shipyard Company Edition 1

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5.1 Design Basis

5.1.1 The Code Edition used for construction of Pressure vessel and parts or
replacement part shall be either the edition that is mandatory on the date,
when contracted for by ‘ASY’ or a published edition issued by ASME prior to
the contract date, which is not yet mandatory. Parts that have been stamped
and certified to an earlier or later Edition than those established for the
construction of Pressure Vessel or the Part that have not been placed in
service (built for stock) may be used provided they are acceptable to ‘ASY’ and
to the Code Edition used for Pressure Vessel. Refer ASME Section VIII
Division 1 Mandatory Appendix 43, for details on applicable Edition.

5.1.3 The client drawings and specifications shall never override the Code

5.2 The Public relation& Marketing general department manager receives the
enquiry from the customer/client and register. He reviews and decides on
bidding. The accepted enquiries shall be forwarded to the DGM for
determining whether the design requirements are sufficiently defined in
accordance with the Code and can be met.

When the design conditions have been verified, the DGM proceeds in the
development of the Bid Proposal.

5.3 When the project is awarded, the public relation & Marketing general
department manager shall issue a unique Job Number after signing the
contract or a Purchase Order with the Customer. Copies of the complete order
and subsequent revisions are forwarded to the DGM who is responsible for
the generation of all fabrication drawings, verification of design to determine
whether it conforms to Code requirements. Any deficiencies are reconciled
with the client to ensure a proper design.

5.4 Design documents and calculations are prepared by outside Design

Office/Individual Design Engineer based on the design data furnished by the
client and Code requirements. Calculation sheets shall be consecutively
numbered and formulae identified to the applicable Code Paragraph.
Calculation shall consider all loadings required for the order and Charpy
Impact test requirements. DGM shall be responsible for specifying materials
to be used in Code item and they shall be specified as SA or SB as per
applicable section of the construction Code and for which allowable stresses
are listed in section II Part D of the Code or as permitted by Code. All design
documents and calculations shall be reviewed and when accepted signed and
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Alexandria Shipyard Company Edition 1

Rev. 0


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dated by the Design Engineer and approved by the DGM. Where required, The
Design Engineer shall be responsible for the issuance of design calculations,
drawings and other pertinent data to the customer for comments and
approval using Document Transmittal.

5.5 The DGM is responsible for the approval process of all drawings. The
Draftsmen assigned by the Design Engineer shall prepare shop drawings,
Design Engineer shall check, and DGM shall approve based on approved
design drawing and Code requirements. The drawings shall be initialed and
dated by the person performing the work mentioned as above. The draftsmen
shall produce necessary drawing copies. Revisions to drawings and
calculations are prepared and approved in the same manner as for originals.
Revisions shall be highlighted with cloud marks or revision number inscribed
in a triangle adjacent to the revised area or any other marks to identify the
revisions easily. Whenever revision is made in one document, impact of
revision on other documents shall be reviewed by persons responsible for
preparation of those documents.

5.6 Drawings and design calculations subcontracted shall be verified and

approved by the DGM for Code compliance. DGM is responsible for submittal
of drawings and calculations and their revisions to the AI. AI's review shall not
relieve the Manufacturer of his responsibilities to comply with Code.

5.7 Customer Design

5.7.1 When drawings, design calculations and material specifications are

provided to ‘ASY by client/others, it is the responsibility of the DGM to
verify that all design calculations/drawings and specifications meet the
minimum requirements of the ASME Code. When the design drawings meet
Code requirements they are approved by the DGM.

5.7.2 Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the customer/others

by the DGM for correction to meet Code requirements.

5.7.3 In the case of Code Parts design responsibility shall be identified in the
Data Reports.

5.7.4 When design is sub-contracted, DGM shall be responsible to transmit all

required documents to the subcontractor.

5.8 Computer Aided Design

5.8.1 When computer programs are used to prepare ASME Code calculations, the
program and its print outs shall be identified with a program name or
number and version. All pages shall be numbered. All output shall be
complete and unedited as generated by the computer program.
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Alexandria Shipyard Company Edition 1

Rev. 0


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5.8.2 Each program application/module/ version shall be verified by DGM prior

to use. DGM shall be responsible for the input of correct design data,
inherent assumptions in the program and to verify that correct output has
been obtained.

Program verification report shall be prepared and approved by the DGM.

The verification report shall be made available to the AI upon request.

The verification report shall:

 Identify scope or application for which the program is verified.

 Include comparison of the program output with: -

a) Manual / Hand calculations

b) Comparing the results against those of another verified
Computer Program or with results of PTB-4 sample Calculations

5.8.3 ASME Code Editions shall be reviewed by DGM for possible changes to the
program. Required changes shall be made within 6 months of the Edition
date or prior to first use. Revised Program verification report shall be
approved by the DGM. Revised verification report shall identify the reason
for revision. Any revision to the program requires re-verification.

5.8.4 When calculations are produced using the program the DGM shall assure
that the program is suitable for the required application and that all
applications to be utilized have been re-verified.

5.8.5 The program printout shall be reviewed by the DGM to ensure that design
complies with Code requirements. Any warnings or deficiencies in the
design output shall be resolved to comply with Code requirements. AI may
ask for Hand calculations to ensure effectiveness of computer calculations.

5.8.6 When calculations are subcontracted to an organization or a subcontracted

Design Engineer, which uses computer software, the DGM shall review,
verify and approve the program verification report of the subcontractor.

5.9 Drawings:

The main drawing/General Arrangement drawing shall include or indicate

as minimum the following information:

 Drawing No. and Rev.

 Job/Order No.
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Alexandria Shipyard Company Edition 1

Rev. 0


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 Manufacturer’s Serial No.

 Corrosion Allowances
 Material Specification including type, grade, class
 Location of Name plate or directing stamping/marking details
 Weld numbers as applicable
 Weld details
 Details of welded and bolted joints
 Dimensions
 Tolerances
 Hydrostatic and/or pneumatic tests
 Applicable Code edition
 Code case (If any). DGM shall caution user/designated agent for
acceptability of code cases to jurisdiction.
 Design data including MAWP (Internal/External) as applicable
 Minimum design metal temperature
 Special service requirements
 Impact test requirement/exemptions
 Production Test Coupons
 Applicable loadings and
 Whether registration with National Board is applicable

5.10 It is the responsibility of the DGM to see that the stamped “Released for
Fabrication” drawings and revisions are forwarded to the Commercial
sector director, CSD and QSD with Document Transmittal. All stamped
“Released for Fabrication” field drawings and revisions are transmitted to
the Site Manager by use of the Document Transmittal. The recipient shall
sign and date the transmittal form (Exhibit No. 3.02) indicating receipt and
return a copy to the DGM.

5.12 All shop drawings that are revised or superseded shall be taken out of
fabrications and destroyed by the recipient.

5.13 Revised or superseded field drawings shall be destroyed by the recipient.

Revised field drawings are reissued in the same format as the original
drawing issue. As built calculations and drawings shall be forwarded by
DGM to QSD for record retention purpose

5.14 One SUPERSEDED copy is maintained in the Engineering job file for

5.15 All documents referenced in this Section shall be made available by QSD
for review by the Authorized Inspector.
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Alexandria Shipyard Company Edition 1

Rev. 0


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5.16 Units of measurement shall be followed as described below:

5.16.1 Either the Materials certified to U.S. Customary such as (e.g. SA 516 Gr 70)
or SI (e.g. SA-516M) may be used regardless of the unit system used in

5.16.2 Standard fittings (e.g. flanges, elbow, etc) that have been certified to either
U.S. Customary units or SI Units may be used regardless of the units
system used in design.

5.16.3 All entries on a Manufacturer’s Data Report and Name plate/Code required
Marking shall be in units consistent with the fabrication drawings for the
component using U.S. Customary, SI units or local customary units.

5.16.4 It is acceptable to show either primary or alternate units parenthetically

5.16.5 The receiving Jurisdiction should be contacted to ensure the units are
acceptable if required.

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