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Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Geragogy – 3 different The major question underlying the planning for
orientations to learning in childhood, Young and educational experiences is:
Middle Adulthood, and Older Adulthood, respectively  When is the most appropriate or best time to
teach the learner?
3 major stage-range factors associated with learner The answer: When the learner is ready.
readiness or 3 fundamental domains of development
— Physical (biological), Cognitive, and Psychosocial Teachable Moment (Havighurst (1976)
(emotional-social) Maturation — must be considered  Point in time when the learner is most receptive
at each developmental period throughout the life cycle to a teaching situation
 It is important to realize that the teachable
Musinski (1999) describes 3 Phases of Learning: moment need not be a spontaneous and
1. Dependence unpredictable event.
2. Independence  That is, the nurse as educator does not always
3. Interdependence have to wait for teachable moments to occur;
 The teacher can actively create these
These passages of learning ability from childhood to opportunities by taking an interest in and
adulthood, labeled by Covey (1990) as the “Maturity attending to the needs of the learner, as well as
Continuum,” are identified as follows: using the present situation to heighten the
learner’s awareness of the need for health
1. Dependence behavior changes
 Characteristic of the infant and young
child, who are totally dependent on others THE DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES OF CHILDHOOD
for direction, support, and nurturance
from a physical, emotional, and Pedagogy – the art and science of helping children to
intellectual standpoint learn
 Some adults are considered stuck in this
stage if they demonstrate manipulative
INFANCY (First 12 Months of Life) and
behavior, do not listen, are insecure, or do TODDLERHOOD (1–2 Years of Age)
not accept responsibility for their own
actions Because of the dependency of members of this age
2. Independence group, the focus of instruction for health maintenance
 Occurs when a child develops the ability to of children is – geared toward the parents – who are
physically, intellectually, and emotionally considered the primary learners rather than the very
care for himself or herself and make his or young child
her own choices, including taking
responsibility for learning. Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial
3. Interdependence Development
 Occurs when an individual has sufficiently  Exploration of self and the environment becomes
advanced in maturity to achieve self- paramount and stimulates further physical
reliance, a sense of self-esteem, and the development
ability to give and receive, and when that  Patient education must focus on teaching the
individual demonstrates a level of respect parents of very young children the importance of
for others.  Stimulation
 Full physical maturity does not guarantee  Nutrition
simultaneous emotional and intellectual  The practice of safety measures to prevent
maturity illness and injury
 Health promotion
Jean Piaget (1951, 1952, 1976)
 A noted expert in defining the key milestones in
the cognitive development of children
 Children may have difficulty in making up their
Piaget labels the stage of infancy to toddlerhood as minds, and, aggravated by personal and external
the Sensorimotor Period limits, they may express their level of frustration
 Period refers to the coordination and integration and feelings of ambivalence in words and
of motor activities with sensory perceptions behaviors, such as by engaging in temper
 Learning is enhanced through sensory tantrums to release tensions
experiences and through movement and  With peers, play is a parallel activity, and it is not
manipulation of objects in the environment unusual for them to end up in tears because they
 Object Permanence — recognition that objects have not yet learned about tact, fairness, or rules
and events exist even when they cannot be seen, of sharing
heard, or touched
 Motor activities promote toddlers’ Teaching Strategies
understanding of the world and an awareness  More time is spent on:
of themselves  Teaching aspects of normal development,
 The toddler has the rudimentary capacity for  Safety
basic reasoning and the beginnings of memory  Health promotion and disease prevention
 Elementary concept of Causality – refers to the  When the child becomes ill or injured, the first
ability to grasp a cause-and effect relationship priority for teaching interventions would be to
between two paired, successive events assess the parents’ and child’s anxiety levels and
 Toddler is oriented primarily to the here and to help them cope with their feelings of stress
now and has little tolerance for delayed  Anxiety on the part of the child and parents can
gratification adversely affect their readiness to learn
 Child who has lived with strict routines and  Ideally, health teaching should take place in an
plenty of structure has more of a grasp of time environment familiar to the child, such as the
than the child who lives in an unstructured home or daycare center
environment  Movement is an important mechanism by which
 Children at this stage have short attention spans, toddlers communicate
are easily distracted, are egocentric in their  Developing rapport with children through simple
thinking, and are not amenable to correction of teaching helps to elicit their cooperation and
their own ideas active involvement
 Asking questions is the hallmark of this age  Approach to children should be
group, and curiosity abounds as they explore  Warm, Honest, Calm, Accepting, and
places and things. Matter of Fact
 Can respond to simple, step-by-step commands  A smile, a warm tone of voice, a gesture of
and obey such directives as “give Grandpa a kiss” encouragement, or a word of praise goes a long
or “go get your teddy bear” way in attracting children’s attention
 Children begin to engage in fantasizing and
make-believe play For Short-Term Learning
 Routines give these children a sense of security  Read simple stories from books with lots of
 Separation anxiety is also characteristic of this pictures.
stage of development and is particularly  Use dolls and puppets to act out feelings and
apparent when children feel insecure in an behaviors.
unfamiliar environment  Use simple audiotapes with music and
 Anxiety is often compounded when they are videotapes with cartoon characters.
subjected to medical procedures and other  Role play to bring the child’s imagination closer
healthcare interventions to reality.
 Erikson (1963), the noted authority on  Give simple, concrete, nonthreatening
psychosocial development, the period of infancy explanations to accompany visual and tactile
is one of trust versus mistrust experiences.
 Toddlerhood, autonomy versus shame and  Perform procedures on a teddy bear or doll first
doubt to help the child anticipate what an experience
will be like.
 Allow the child something to do—squeeze your Piaget labeled early childhood stage of cognitive
hand, hold a Band-Aid, sing a song, cry if it development as the Preoperational Period
hurts—to channel his or her response to an  Emphasizes the child’s inability to think things
unpleasant experience. through logically without acting out the situation
 Keep teaching sessions brief (no longer than  The transitional period when the child starts to
about 5 minutes each) because of the child’s use symbols (letters and numbers) to represent
short attention span. something
 Cluster teaching sessions close together so that  Children in the preschool years begin to develop
children can remember what they learned from the capacity to recall past experiences and
one instructional encounter to another. anticipate future events
 Avoid analogies and explain things in  Can classify objects into groups and categories but
straightforward and simple terms because have only a vague understanding of their
children take their world literally and concretely. relationships
 Individualize the pace of teaching according to  Continues to be egocentric and is essentially
the child’s responses and level of attention. unaware of others’ thoughts or the existence of
others’ points of view
For Long-Term Learning  Thinking remains literal and concrete—they
 Focus on rituals, imitation, and repetition of believe what is seen and heard
information in the form of words and actions to  Pre-causal thinking – allows young children to
hold the child’s attention. For example, practice understand that people can make things happen
washing hands before and after eating and  They are unaware of causation as the result of
toileting. invisible physical and mechanical forces
 Use reinforcement as an opportunity for  Often believe that they can influence natural
children to achieve permanence of learning phenomena
through practice.  Beliefs reflect Animistic Thinking — the tendency
 Employ the teaching methods of gaming and to endow inanimate objects with life and
modeling as a means by which children can learn consciousness
about the world and test their ideas over time.  Preschool children are very curious, can think
 Encourage parents to act as role models, intuitively, and pose questions about almost
because their values and beliefs serve to anything
reinforce healthy behaviors and significantly  Want to know the reasons, cause, and purpose for
influence the child’s development of attitudes everything (the why), but are unconcerned at this
and behaviors. point with the process (the how)
 Fantasy and reality are not well differentiated
EARLY CHILDHOOD (3–5 Years of Age)  Mix fact and fiction, tend to generalize, think
magically, develop imaginary playmates, and
Learning during this developmental period occurs believe they can control events with their
through interactions with others and through thoughts
mimicking or modeling the behaviors of playmates and  They do possess self-awareness and realize that
adults they are vulnerable to outside influences
 Young child also continues to have a limited sense
Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial of time
Development  Being made to wait 15 minutes before they can do
 Fine and gross motor skills become increasingly something can feel like an eternity
more refined and coordinated so that children can  Understand the timing of familiar events in their
carry out activities of daily living with greater daily lives, such as when breakfast or dinner is
independence eaten and when they can play or watch their
 Supervision of activities is still required because favorite television program
they lack judgment in carrying out the skills they  Their attention span (ability to focus) begins to
have developed lengthen
 Preschool stage, children begin to develop sexual
identity and curiosity
 Cognitive understanding of their bodies related to Teaching Strategies
structure, function, health, and illness becomes  Nurse’s interactions with preschool children and
more specific and differentiated their parents are often sporadic, usually occurring
 Can name external body parts but have only an ill- during occasional well-child visits to the
defined concept of the location of internal organs pediatrician’s office or when minor medical
and the specific function of body parts problems arise
 Explanations of the purpose and reasons for a  Nurse should take every opportunity to teach
procedure remain beyond the young child’s level parents about:
of reasoning, so any explanations must be kept  Health promotion and disease prevention
very simple and matter of fact measures
 Have a fear of body mutilation and pain  Provide guidance regarding normal growth
 Their ideas regarding illness also are primitive with and development
respect to cause and effect; illness and  Offer instruction about medical
hospitalization are thought to be a punishment for recommendations related to illness or
something they did wrong disability
 Children’s attribution of the cause of illness to the  Parents can serve as the primary resource to
consequences of their own transgressions is answer questions about children’s disabilities,
known as Egocentric Causation their idiosyncrasies, and their favorite toys—all of
 Erikson (1963) labeled the psychosocial which may affect their ability to learn
maturation level in early childhood as the period  Children’s fear of pain and bodily harm is
of initiative versus guilt. uppermost in their minds
 Children take on tasks for the sake of being  It is most important for the nurse to reassure them
involved and allow them to express their fears openly
 Excess energy and a desire to dominate may lead  Nurses need to choose their words carefully when
to frustration and anger on their part describing procedures and interventions and keep
 Show evidence of expanding imagination and explanations simple
creativity, are impulsive in their actions, and are  The primary caretakers, usually the mother and
curious about almost everything they see and do father, are the recipients of most of the nurse’s
 Their growing imagination can lead to many fears teaching efforts
— of separation, disapproval, pain, punishment,
and aggression from others For Short-Term Learning
 Loss of body integrity is the preschool child’s  Provide physical and visual stimuli because
greatest threat language ability is still limited, both for expressing
 children begin interacting with playmates rather ideas and for comprehending verbal instructions.
than just playing alongside one another  Keep teaching sessions short (no more than 15
 Appropriate social behaviors demand that they minutes) and scheduled sequentially at close
learn to wait for others, give others a turn, and intervals so that information is not forgotten.
recognize the needs of others  Relate information needs to activities and
 Play in the mind of a child is equivalent to the work experiences familiar to the child. For example, ask
performed by adults. It is a means for self- the child to pretend to blow out candles on a
education about the physical and social world. It birthday cake to practice deep breathing.
helps the child act out feelings and experiences to  Encourage the child to participate in selecting
master fears, develop role skills, and express joys, between a limited number of teaching–learning
sorrows, and hostilities options, such as playing with dolls or reading a
 Begin to share ideas and imitate parents of the story, which promotes active involvement and
same sex helps to establish nurse–client rapport.
 Role playing is typical of this age as the child  Arrange small-group sessions with peers to make
attempts to learn the responsibilities of family teaching less threatening and more fun.
members and others in society  Give praise and approval, through both verbal
expressions and nonverbal gestures, which are
real motivators for learning.
 Give tangible rewards, such as badges or small prepubescent bodily changes and tend to exceed
toys, immediately following a successful learning the boys in physical maturation
experience to encourage the mastery of cognitive
and psychomotor skills. Piaget labeled the cognitive development in Middle
 Allow the child to manipulate equipment and play and Late Childhood as the period of Concrete
with replicas or dolls to learn about body parts. Operations
Special kidney dolls, ostomy dolls with stomas, or  Logical, rational thought processes and the ability
orthopedic dolls with splints and tractions provide to reason inductively and deductively develop
opportunities for hands-on experience.  Can think more objectively, are willing to listen to
 Use storybooks to emphasize the humanity of others, and selectively use questioning to find
healthcare personnel; to depict relationships answers to the unknown
between the child, parents, and others; and to  Syllogistic Reasoning — they can consider two
help the child identify with certain situations. premises and draw a logical conclusion from
them. For example, they comprehend that
For Long-Term Learning mammals are warm blooded and whales are
 Enlist the help of parents, who can play a vital role mammals, so whales must be warm blooded.
in modeling a variety of healthy habits, such as  Intellectually able to understand cause and effect
practicing safety measures and eating a balanced in a concrete way
diet; offer them access to support and follow-up  Conservation – the ability to recognize that the
as the need arises. properties of an object stay the same even though
 Reinforce positive health behaviors and the its appearance and position may change
acquisition of specific skills.  Fiction and fantasy are separate from fact and
MIDDLE and LATE CHILDHOOD (6–11 Years of Age)  Skills of memory, decision making, insight, and
problem solving are all more fully developed
 Most begin formal training in structured school  Can engage in systematic thought through
systems. inductive reasoning
 They approach learning with enthusiastic  Have the ability to classify objects and systems,
anticipation, and their minds are open to new and express concrete ideas about relationships and
varied ideas people, and carry out mathematical operations
 Motivated to learn because of their natural  Use sarcasm as well as to employ well-developed
curiosity and their desire to understand more language skills for telling jokes, conveying complex
about themselves, their bodies, their world, and stories, and communicating increasingly more
the influence that different things in the world sophisticated thoughts
have on them  Thinking remains quite literal, with only a vague
 This stage is a period of great change for them, understanding of abstractions
when attitudes, values, and perceptions of  Children are reluctant to exchange magical
themselves, their society, and the world are thinking for reality thinking
shaped and expanded  Cling to cherished beliefs, such as the existence of
santa claus
Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial  Children passing through elementary and middle
Development schools have developed the ability to concentrate
 Gross- and fine-motor abilities of school aged for extended periods
children become increasingly more coordinated  Can tolerate delayed gratification, are responsible
 Have the ability to control their movements with for independently carrying out activities of daily
much greater dexterity than ever before living
 Involvement in all kinds of curricular and  Have a good understanding of the environment
extracurricular activities helps them to fine tune around them
their psychomotor skills  Can generalize from experience
 Toward the end of this developmental period, girls  They understand time, can predict time intervals,
more than boys on average begin to experience are oriented to the past and present, have some
grasp and interest in the future, and have a vague
appreciation for how immediate actions can have Teaching Strategies
implications over the course of time
 Very important to include school-aged children in
 Special interests in topics of their choice begin to patient education efforts as these “hands-on”
emerge experiences are important sources of learning
 Can pursue subjects and activities with devotion  Teaching should be presented in concrete terms
to increase their talents in selected areas with step-by-step instructions
 Can make decisions and act in accordance with  Children thrive on praise from others who are
how events are interpreted, but they understand important in their lives as rewards for their
only to a limited extent the seriousness or accomplishments and successes
consequences of their choices
 Education for health promotion and health
 Know the functions and names of many common maintenance is most likely to occur in the school
body parts system through the school nurse
 As part of the shift from pre-causal thinking to  The school nurse is in an excellent position to
Causal Thinking – incorporate the idea that illness coordinate the efforts of all other providers to avoid
is related to cause and effect and can recognize duplication of teaching content
that germs create disease
 According to Healthy People 2020, health
 Illness is thought of in terms of social promotion regarding:
consequences and role alterations  Healthy eating and weight status, exercise,
 Marin (2010) found that concepts of illness in sleep, and prevention of injuries, as well as
children vary depending on: avoidance of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use,
(1) Socioeconomic Status (SES) are just a few examples of objectives intended
(2) Ethnicity to improve the health
 Children from lower SES levels and minority  The school nurse can play a vital role in providing
backgrounds had a less sophisticated education to the school-aged child to meet these
understanding of the causes of illness goal
 This may be a result of educational, cultural,
 Healthy People 2020 has introduced the topic area
and language differences and that healthcare
“Early and Middle Childhood,” which recommends
professionals should consider a child’s
providing formal health education in the school
ethnicity and SES when communicating
symptoms and causes of illness based on
 Specific conditions that may come to the attention
cultural health beliefs and practices
of the nurse in caring for children at this phase of
 Erikson (1963) characterized School-Aged
development include problems such as behavioral
Children’s psychosocial stage of life as industry
disorders, hyperactivity, learning disorders,
versus inferiority
obesity, diabetes, asthma, and enuresis
 Children begin to gain an awareness of their
unique talents and the special qualities
 They begin to establish their self-concept as For Short-Term Learning
members of a social group larger than their own  Allow school-aged children to take responsibility
nuclear family and start to compare their own for their own health care because they are not
family’s values with those of the outside world only willing but also capable of manipulating
 With less dependency on family, they extend their equipment with accuracy. Because of their
intimacy to include special friends and social adeptness in relation to manual dexterity,
groups mathematical operations, and logical thought
 School-aged children fear failure and being left out processes, they can be taught, for example, to
of groups apply their own splint or use an asthma inhaler as
 They worry about their inabilities and become prescribed.
self-critical  Teaching sessions can be extended to last up to
 They also fear illness and disability that could 30 minutes each because the increased cognitive
significantly disrupt their academic progress abilities of school-aged children make possible the
attention to and the retention of information.
However, lessons should be spread apart to allow
for comprehension of large amounts of content
and to provide opportunity for the practice of For Long-Term Learning
newly acquired skills between sessions.
 Help school-aged children acquire skills that they
 Use diagrams, models, pictures, digital media, can use to assume self-care responsibility for
printed materials, and computer, tablet or carrying out therapeutic treatment regimens on
smartphone applications as adjuncts to various an ongoing basis with minimal assistance.
teaching methods because the increased facility
 Assist them in learning to maintain their own well-
these children have with language (both spoken
being and prevent illnesses from occurring.
and written) and mathematical concepts allows
them to work with more complex instructional
tools. Motivation, Self-Esteem, and Positive Self-Perception
 Choose audiovisual and printed materials that – personal characteristics that influence health
show peers undergoing similar procedures or behavior
facing similar situations.
 Clarify any scientific terminology and medical
ADOLESCENCE (12–19 Years of Age)
jargon used.
 Use analogies as an effective means of providing  Adolescence marks the transition from childhood
information in meaningful terms, such as “Having to adulthood
a chest x-ray is like having your picture taken” or  Many healthcare issues facing them, from
“White blood cells are like police cells that can anorexia to obesity
attack and destroy infection.”  Adolescents are known to be among the nation’s
 Use one-to-one teaching sessions as a method to most at-risk populations
individualize learning relevant to the child’s own  Healthy People 2020 identified “Adolescent
experiences and as a means of interpreting the Health” as a new topic area, with objectives
results of nursing interventions specific to the focused on interventions to promote health as
child’s own condition. well as mitigate the risks associated with this
 Provide time for clarification, validation, and population
reinforcement of what is being learned.  Adolescents comprise the generational cohort
 Select individual instructional techniques that Generation Z, or Gen Z – they excel with self-
provide opportunity for privacy—an increasingly directed learning and thrive on the use of
important concern for this group of learners, who technology
often feel quite self-conscious and modest when
learning about bodily functions.
Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial
 Employ group teaching sessions with others of
similar age and with similar problems or needs to
help children avoid feelings of isolation and to  From a physical maturation standpoint, they must
assist them in identifying with their own peers. adapt to rapid, dramatic, and significant bodily
 Prepare children for procedures and interventions changes, which can temporarily result in
well in advance to allow them time to cope with clumsiness and poorly coordinated movement
their feelings and fears, to anticipate events, and  Alterations in physical size, shape, and function of
to understand what the purpose of each their bodies, along with the appearance and
procedure is, how it relates to their condition, and development of secondary sex characteristics,
how much time it will take. bring about a significant preoccupation with their
 Encourage participation in planning for appearance and a strong desire to express sexual
procedures and events because active urges
involvement helps the child to assimilate  Adolescent brains are different than adult brains
information more readily. in the way they process information, which may
 Provide much-needed nurturance and support, explain that adolescent behaviors, such as
always keeping in mind that young children are impulsiveness, rebelliousness, lack of good
not just small adults. Praise and rewards help judgment, and social anxiety
motivate and reinforce learning.
Piaget termed this stage of cognitive development as engage in risk-taking behaviors because of the
the period of Formal Operations social pressures they receive from peers as well as
 Adolescents have attained a new, higher order their feelings of invincibility
level of reasoning superior to earlier childhood  Elkind (1984) labels this second type of social
thoughts thinking as the Personal Fable – leads adolescents
 They are capable of abstract thought and the type to believe that they are invulnerable; other people
of complex logical thinking described as grow old and die, but not them; other people may
Propositional Reasoning, as opposed to syllogistic not realize their personal ambitions, but they will.
reasoning  It also leads teenagers to believe they are cloaked
 Their ability to reason is both inductive and in an invisible shield that will protect them from
deductive, and they can hypothesize and apply the bodily harm despite any risks to which they may
principles of logic to situations never encountered subject themselves
before  They can understand implications of future
 Can conceptualize and internalize ideas, debate outcomes, but their immediate concern is with the
various points of view, understand cause and present
effect, comprehend complex explanations,  However, adolescents 15 years of age and older
imagine possibilities, make sense out of new data, are not as susceptible to the personal fable as
discern relationships among objects and events, once thought
and respond appropriately to multiple-step  Erikson (1968) has identified the psychosocial
directions dilemma Adolescents face as one of Identity
 Formal operational thought enables adolescents Versus Role Confusion
to conceptualize invisible processes and make  Children in this age group indulge in comparing
determinations about what others say and how their self-image with an ideal image
they behave  Adolescents find themselves in a struggle to
 Teenagers can become obsessed with what they establish their own identity, match their skills with
think as well as what others are thinking, a career choices, and determine their self
characteristic known as adolescent egocentrism.  They work to emancipate themselves from their
 They begin to believe that everyone is focusing on parents, seeking independence and autonomy
the same things they are—namely, themselves  Teenagers have a strong need for belonging to a
and their activities. Elkind (1984) labels this belief group, friendship, peer acceptance, and peer
as the Imaginary Audience – a type of social support
thinking that has considerable influence over an  They tend to rebel against any actions or
adolescent’s behavior. Explains the pervasive self- recommendations by adults whom they consider
consciousness of adolescents, who, on the one authoritarian.
hand, may feel embarrassed because they believe  Their concern over personal appearance and their
everyone is looking at them and, on the other need to look and act like their peers drive them to
hand, desire to be looked at and thought about conform to the dress and behavior of this age
 Adolescents are able to understand the concept of group
health and illness, the multiple causes of diseases,  Conflict, toleration, stereotyping, or alienation
the influence of variables on health status, and the often characterizes the relationship between
ideas associated with health promotion and adolescents and their parents and other authority
disease prevention figures
 Parents, healthcare providers, and the Internet  Adolescents seek to develop new and trusting
are all potential sources of health-related relationships outside the home but remain
information for adolescents vulnerable to the opinions of those whom they
 Adolescents recognize that illness and disability emulate
are processes resulting from a dysfunction or non-  Adolescents demand personal space, control,
function of a part or parts of the body and can privacy, and confidentiality
comprehend the outcomes or prognosis of an  To them, illness, injury, disability, and
illness hospitalization mean dependency, loss of identity,
 They also can identify health behaviors, although a change in body image and functioning, bodily
they may reject practicing them or begin to
embarrassment, confinement, separation from  Visibility
peers, and possible death  Quality
 The need for coping skills is profound  Confidentiality
 Affordability
 Flexibility
Teaching Strategies  Coordination
 20% of U.S. teenagers have at least one serious
health problem, such as: For Short-Term Learning
 Asthma
 Learning disabilities  Use one-to-one instruction to ensure
 Eating disorders (e.g., obesity, anorexia, or confidentiality of sensitive information.
bulimia)  Choose peer-group discussion sessions as an
 Diabetes effective approach to deal with health topics such
 A range of disabilities resulting from injury, as smoking, alcohol and drug use, safety
 Psychological problems resulting from measures, obesity, and teenage sexuality.
depression or physical and/or emotional Adolescents benefit from being exposed to others
maltreatment who have the same concerns or who have
 Adolescents are considered at high risk for: successfully dealt with problems like theirs.
 Teen pregnancy  Use face-to-face or computer group discussion,
 The effects of poverty role playing, and gaming as methods to clarify
 Drug or alcohol abuse values and solve problems, which feed into the
 Sexually transmitted diseases such as teenager’s need to belong and to be actively
venereal disease and AIDS involved. Getting groups of peers together in
 3 leading causes of death in this age group are: person or virtually (e.g., blogs, social networking,
1. Accidents podcasts, online videos) can be very effective in
2. Homicide helping teens confront health challenges and
3. Suicide learn how to significantly change behavior
 More than 50% of all adolescent deaths are a (Snowman & McCown, 2015).
result of accidents, and most of these incidents  Employ adjunct instructional tools, such as
involve motor vehicles complex models, diagrams, and specific, detailed
 Healthy teens have difficulty imagining written materials, which can be used competently
themselves as sick or injured. Those with an illness by many adolescents. Using technology is a
or disability often comply poorly with medical comfortable approach to learning for adolescents,
regimens and continue to indulge in risk-taking who generally have facility with technological
behaviors equipment after years of academic and personal
experience with telecommunications in the home
 The greatest challenge to the nurse responsible
and at school.
for teaching the adolescent, whether healthy or ill
– to be able to develop a mutually respectful,  Clarify any scientific terminology and medical
trusting relationship jargon used.
 Adolescents, because of their well-developed  Share decision making whenever possible,
cognitive and language abilities – can participate because control is an important issue for
fully in all aspects of learning, but they need adolescents.
privacy, understanding, an honest and  Include adolescents in formulating teaching plans
straightforward approach, and unqualified related to teaching strategies, expected
acceptance in the face of their fears of outcomes, and determining what needs to be
embarrassment, losing independence, identity, learned and how it can best be achieved to meet
and self-control their needs for autonomy.
 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on  Suggest options so that they feel they have a
Adolescence (2016) cites the ff. as important choice about courses of action.
factors in providing education effectively to the  Give a rationale for all that is said and done to help
adolescent population adolescents feel a sense of control.
 Availability  Approach them with respect, tact, openness, and
flexibility to elicit their attention and encourage
their responsiveness to teaching–learning 3. Readiness to learn becomes increasingly
situations. oriented to the developmental tasks of social
 Expect negative responses, which are common roles.
when their self-image and self-integrity are 4. Adults are best motivated to learn when a need
threatened. arises in their life situation that will help them
 Avoid confrontation and acting like an authority satisfy their desire for information.
figure. Instead of directly contradicting 5. Adults learn for personal fulfillment such as self-
adolescents’ opinions and beliefs, acknowledge esteem or an improved quality of life
their thoughts and then casually suggest an
alternative viewpoint or choices, such as “Yes, I A limitation of Knowles’s assumptions about child
can see your point, but what about the possibility versus adult learners is that they are derived from
of . . .?” studies conducted on healthy people

For Long-Term Learning The period of adulthood constitutes 3 Major

 Accept adolescents’ personal fable and imaginary Developmental Stages—the young adult stage, the
audience as valid, rather than challenging their middle-aged adult stage, and the older adult stage
feelings of uniqueness and invincibility.  Emphasis for adult learning revolves around
 Acknowledge that their feelings are very real differentiation of life tasks and social roles with
because denying them their opinions simply will respect to employment, family, and other
not work. activities beyond the responsibilities of home and
 Allow them the opportunity to test their own career
convictions. Let them know, for example, that  In contrast to childhood learning, which is subject
although some other special people may get away centered, adult learning is problem centered
without taking medication, others cannot.  The prime motivator to learn in adulthood is
Suggest, if medically feasible, setting up a trial being able to apply knowledge and skills for the
period with medications scheduled further apart solution of immediate problems
or in lowered dosages to determine how they can  Adult is much more self-directed and independent
manage in seeking information
 Adults already have a rich resource of stored
information on which to build a further
THE DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES OF ADULTHOOD understanding of relationships between ideas and
Andragogy (Knowles (1990)  Adults grasp relationships more quickly, but they
 Describe his Theory of Adult Learning do not tolerate learning isolated facts as well
 The art and science of teaching adults.  Because adults already have established ideas,
values, and attitudes, they also tend to be more
resistant to change
Education within this framework is more learner
 Their need for self-direction may present
centered and less teacher centered. Instead of one
problems because various stages of illness, as well
party imparting knowledge to another, the power
as the healthcare setting in which they may find
relationship between the educator and the adult
themselves, can force dependency
learner is much more horizontal
 Anxiety, too, may negatively affect their
Basic assumptions about Knowles’s framework which motivation and ability to learn, especially if the
have major implications for planning, implementing, content is perceived as difficult
and evaluating teaching programs for adults as the  Although nurse educators can consider adult
individual matures learners as autonomous, self-directed, and
1. The adult’s self-concept moves from one of independent, these individuals often want and
being a dependent personality to being an need structure, clear and concise specifics, and
independent, self-directed human being. direct guidance. As such, Taylor, Marienau, and
2. He or she accumulates a growing reservoir of Fiddler (2000) label adults as “paradoxical”
previous experience that serves as a rich learners
resource for learning.
 As a person matures, learning is a significant and YOUNG ADULTHOOD (20–40 Years of Age)
continuous task to maintain and enhance oneself
 Social scientists now recognize that adulthood “is  Transition from adolescence to becoming a young
not a single monolithic stage sandwiched between adult has been termed Emerging Adulthood
adolescence and old age”  Early adulthood is composed of the cohort:
 20 and 34 years of age – Millennial
3 categories describe the general orientation of adults Generation
toward continuing education:  35 to 40 – Generation X
1. Goal-oriented learners  Young adulthood is a time for establishing long-
 Engage in educational endeavors to term, intimate relationships with other people,
accomplish clear and identifiable choosing a lifestyle and adjusting to it, deciding on
objectives. an occupation, and managing a home and family
 Continuing education for them is episodic
and occurs as a recurring pattern Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial
throughout their lives as they realize the Development
need for or an interest in expanding their  Physical abilities for most young adults are at their
knowledge and skills. peak, and the body is at its optimal functioning
 Adults attend night courses or professional capacity
workshops to build their expertise in a  Cognitive capacity of young adults is fully
specific subject or for advancement in their developed, but with maturation, they continue to
professional or personal lives. accumulate new knowledge and skills from an
expanding reservoir of formal and informal
2. Activity-oriented learners experiences
 Select educational activities primarily to  Young adults continue in the Formal Operations
meet social needs. Stage of cognitive development
 The learning of content is secondary to their  Experiences add to their perceptions, allow them
need for human contact. to generalize to new situations, and improve their
 Although they may choose to participate in abilities to critically analyze, solve problems, and
support groups, special-interest groups, or make decisions about their personal,
self-help groups, or attend academic classes occupational, and social roles
because of an interest in a topic being  Young adults are motivated to learn about the
offered, they join essentially out of their possible implications of various lifestyle choices
desire to be around others and converse  Erikson (1963) describes the Young Adult’s stage
with people in similar circumstances— of psychosocial development as the period of
retirement, parenting, divorce, or intimacy versus isolation
widowhood.  Individuals work to establish trusting, satisfying,
 Their drive is to alleviate social isolation or and permanent relationships with others
loneliness.  Strive to make commitments to others in their
personal, occupational, and social lives
3. Learning-oriented learners  They seek to maintain the independence and self-
 View themselves as perpetual students who sufficiency they worked to obtain in adolescence.
seek knowledge for knowledge’s sake.  Many of the events they experience are happy and
 They are active learners throughout their growth promoting from an emotional and social
lives and tend to join groups, classes, or perspective, but they also can prove disappointing
organizations with the anticipation that the and psychologically draining
experience will be educational and  Young adults realize that the avenues they pursue
personally rewarding will affect their lives for years to come

Teaching Strategies
 Young adulthood – the life-span period that has
received the least attention by nurse educators
 Young adults are generally very healthy and tend  Group discussion is an attractive method for
to have limited exposure to health professionals teaching and learning because it provides young
 Contact with the healthcare system is usually for: adults with the opportunity to interact with others
 Pre-employment of similar age and in similar situations, such as in
 College parenting groups, prenatal classes, exercise
 Pre-sport physicals classes, or marital adjustment sessions
 For a minor episodic complaint; or
 Pregnancy and contraceptive care MIDDLE-AGED ADULTHOOD (41–64 Years of Age)
 Havighurst (1976) points out, this stage is full of
“teachable moment” opportunities and  Midlife is the transition period between young
healthcare providers must take advantage of adulthood and older adulthood
every opportunity to promote healthy behaviors  Middle-aged adulthood – Baby Boomers
with this population  They constitute the largest cohort of any current
 Health promotion is the most neglected aspect of generation
healthcare teaching at this stage of life  In just one century, the average life expectancy
 The major factors that need to be addressed in has increased by 30 years
this age group are:  As more people live longer, middle age is now
 Healthy eating habits coming later in life than ever before
 Regular exercise  Adults are no longer considered to be “over the
 Avoiding drug abuse hill” when they celebrate their 40th birthday
 The motivation for adults to learn comes in  Many individuals are highly accomplished in their
response to internal drives, such as: careers, their sense of who they are is well
 Need for self-esteem developed, their children are grown, and they
 A better quality of life have time to share their talents, serve as mentors
 Or job satisfaction for others and pursue new or latent interests
 In response to external motivators, such as:  A time for them to reflect on the contributions
 Job promotion they have made to family and society
 More money
 More time to pursue outside activities Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial
 It is likely they will view an illness or disability as a Development
serious setback to achieving their immediate or  Physiological changes begin to take place
future life goals.  Skin and muscle tone decreases
 Because adults typically desire active participation  Metabolism slows down
in the educational process, it is important for the  Body weight tends to increase
nurse as educator to allow them the opportunity  Endurance and energy levels lessen,
for mutual collaboration in health education  Hormonal changes bring about a variety of
decision making symptoms
 They should be encouraged, Knowles (1990)  Hearing and visual acuity start to diminish
 To select what to learn (objectives)  The ability to learn from a cognitive standpoint
 How they want material to be presented remains at a steady state for middle-aged adults
(teaching methods and tools) as they continue in what Piaget labeled the formal
 Which indicators will be used to determine operations stage of cognitive development
the achievement of learning goals  Cognitive development stopped with this fourth
(evaluation). stage (meaning the ability to perform abstract
 Teaching strategies must be directed at thinking)
encouraging young adults to seek information that  However, over the years the critics of Piaget’s
expands their knowledge base, helps them control theory have begun to assert the existence of post-
their lives, and bolsters their self-esteem formal operations
 Relevant, applicable, and practical information is  Dialectical Thinking – this type of thinking is
what adults desire and value—they want to know defined as the ability to search for complex and
“what’s in it for me,” according to Collins changing understandings to find a variety of
solutions to any given situation or problem. In
other words, middle-aged adults see the bigger  Reinforcement for learning is internalized and
picture serves to reward them for their efforts
 If their past experiences with learning were  Teaching strategies for learning are similar in type
minimal or not positive, their motivation likely will to teaching methods and instrumental tools used
not be at a high enough level to easily facilitate for the young adult learner, but the content is
learning different to coincide with the concerns and
 Erikson (1963) labels this psychosocial stage of problems specific to this group of learners
adulthood as generativity versus self-absorption
and stagnation
OLDER ADULTHOOD (65 Years of Age and Older)
 Midlife marks a point at which adults realize that
half of their potential life has been spent
 Santrock (2017) identifies 3 groups of older adults:
 Developing concern for the lives of their grown
1. Young-old (65–74 years of age)
children, recognizing the physical changes in
2. Old-old (75–84 years of age)
themselves, dealing with the new role of being a
grandparent, and taking responsibility for their 3. Oldest-old (85 years and older).
own parents whose health may be failing are all  Newman and Newman (2015) have identified the
factors that may cause adults in this cohort to last stages of aging into 2 categories:
become aware of their own mortality 1. Later adulthood (60–75 years)
 Middle-aged adults may either feel greater 2. Elderhood (75 years until death)
motivation to follow health recommendations  Most older people have at least one chronic
more closely or— just the opposite—may deny condition
illnesses or abandon healthy practices altogether  Lower educational levels in some ethnic groups,
 New social interests and leisure activities are sensory impairments, the disuse of literacy skills
pursued as they find more free time from family once learned, and cognitive changes in the
responsibilities and career demands population of older adults may contribute to their
 As they move toward their retirement years, decreased ability to read and comprehend written
individuals begin to plan for what they want to do materials
after culminating their career  Ageism describes prejudice against the older
 This transition sparks their interest in learning adult; discrimination based on age.
about financial planning, alternative lifestyles, and  Geragogy – teaching of older persons
ways to remain healthy as they approach the later  Geragogy must accommodate the normal
years physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that
occur during this phase of growth and
Teaching Strategies development
 Middle-aged adults may be facing either a more
relaxed lifestyle or an increase in stress level Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial
because of midlife crisis issues such as Development
 Menopause  As a person grows older, natural physiological
 Obvious physical changes in their bodies changes in all systems of the body are universal,
 Responsibility for their own parents’ progressive, decremental, and intrinsic
declining health status
 Alterations in physiological functioning can lead
 Concern about how finite their life really is
secondarily to changes in learning ability
 Santrock (2017) cites research indicating that this
 The senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and
stage in life is not so much seen as a crisis but
smell are usually the first areas of decreased
rather as a period of midlife consciousness.
functioning noticed by adults
 Nurse must be aware of their potential sources of
 Sensory perceptive abilities that relate most
stress, the health risk factors associated with this
closely to learning capacity are visual and auditory
stage of life, and the concerns typical of midlife
 Stress may interfere with middle-aged adults’
 Hearing loss – very common beginning in the late
ability to learn or may be a motivational force for
40s and 50s; includes diminished ability to
discriminate high-pitched, high-frequency sounds
 Visual changes such as: 4. Increased test anxiety.
 Cataracts  People in the older adult years are
 Macular degeneration especially anxious about making mistakes
 Reduced pupil size when performing
 Decline in depth perception  When they do make an error, they become
 Presbyopia may prevent older persons from easily frustrated.
being able to see small print, read words  Because of their anxiety, they may take an
printed on glossy paper, or drive a car. inordinate amount of time to respond to
 Yellowing of the ocular lens can produce questions, particularly on tests that are
color distortions and diminished color written rather than verbal.
perceptions. 5. Altered time perception.
 Nerve conduction velocity also is thought to  For older persons, life becomes more finite
decline by as much as 15%, influencing reflex and compressed.
times and muscle response rates  Issues of the here and now tend to be more
 Aging affects the mind as well as the body important
 2 kinds of intellectual ability:  Some adhere to the philosophy, “I’ll worry
 Crystallized intelligence – the intelligence about that tomorrow.” This way of thinking
absorbed over a lifetime, such as can be detrimental when applied to health
vocabulary, general information, issues because it serves as a vehicle for
understanding social interactions, denial or delay in taking appropriate action
arithmetic reasoning, and ability to evaluate
experiences. This kind of intelligence Erikson (1963) labels the major psychosocial
increases with experience as people age. developmental task at this stage in life as ego integrity
However, can be impaired by disease versus despair
states, such as the dementia seen in
 Includes dealing with the reality of aging, the
Alzheimer’s disease.
acceptance of the inevitability that all persons
 Fluid intelligence – the capacity to perceive die, the reconciling of past failures with present
relationships, to reason, and to perform and future concerns, and developing a sense of
abstract thinking. This kind of intelligence growth and purpose for those years remaining
declines as degenerative changes occur.
Most common psychosocial tasks of aging involve
Decrease in fluid intelligence results in the following changes in lifestyle and social status based on the
specific changes: following circumstances:
1. Retirement
1. Slower processing and reaction time.
2. Illness or death of spouse, relatives, and friends
 Older persons need more time to process 3. The moving away of children, grandchildren,
and react to information, especially as
and friends
measured in terms of relationships
4. Relocation to an unfamiliar environment such
between actions and results.
as an extended-care facility or senior
2. Persistence of stimulus (afterimage). residential living center
 Older adults can confuse a previous symbol
or word with a new word or symbol just
After Erikson’s death in 1994, a 9th stage of
introduced. psychosocial development, “hope and faith versus
3. Decreased short-term memory. despair” was published by his wife in the book The Life
 Older adults sometimes have difficulty Cycle Completed
remembering events or conversations that  Addresses those individuals reaching their late
occurred just hours or days before. 80s and older, identifying that aging individuals
 Long-term memory often remains strong, need to accept greater assistance as their bodies
such as the ability to clearly and accurately age
remember something from their youth.  Goal is to find a renewed awareness of self in
accordance with this need for additional care
while eventually achieving a new sense of complement existing regimens and
wisdom that is less materialistic and moves the resources (financial and support system)
individual beyond physical limits with new required behaviors.
4. Coping mechanisms
Depression, grief, loneliness, and isolation, once  Ability to cope with change during the aging
thought to be common traits among older adults, have process is indicative of the person’s
now been found by researchers to vary from less readiness for health teaching.
frequent to no more frequent than the incidence rate  Positive coping mechanisms allow for self-
found in middle adulthood change as older persons draw on life
 For those who experience major depression (the experiences and knowledge gained over the
“common cold” of mental disorders), the most years.
likely predictors are a previous history of  Negative coping mechanisms indicate an
depression, lack of perceived social support, individual’s focus on losses and show that
poor health, disability, and losing members of his or her thinking is immersed in the past.
the established social network  The emphasis in teaching is on exploring
 These losses, which signify a threat to one’s own alternatives, determining realistic goals,
autonomy, independence, and decision making, and supporting large and small
result in isolation, financial insecurity, accomplishments.
diminished coping mechanisms, and a decreased 5. Meaning of life
sense of identity, personal value, and societal  For well-adapted older persons, having
worth realistic goals allows them the opportunity
 Depressive symptoms in the oldest-old, to enjoy the smaller pleasures in life,
especially men, are thought to be associated whereas less well-adapted individuals may
with more physical disability, more cognitive be frustrated and dissatisfied with personal
impairment, and lower socioeconomic status inadequacies.
 Health teaching must be directed at ways
Traits regarding personal goals in life and the values older adults can maintain optimal health so
associated with them: that they can derive pleasure from their
1. Independence leisure years.
 Ability to provide for their own needs is the
most important aim of most older persons, Teaching Strategies
regardless of their state of health.  Understanding older persons’ developmental
 Gives them a sense of self-respect, pride, tasks allows nurses to alter how they approach
and self-functioning so as not to be a both well and ill individuals in terms of counseling,
burden to others. teaching, and establishing a therapeutic
 Health teaching is the tool to help them relationship
maintain or regain independence.  Nurses must be aware of the possibility that older
2. Social acceptability patients may delay medical attention
 Winning approval from others is a common  Decreased cognitive functioning, sensory deficits,
goal of many older adults. lower energy levels, and other factors may
 It is derived from health, a sense of vigor, prevent early disease detection and intervention
and feeling and thinking young.  A decline in psychomotor performance affects
3. Adequacy of personal resources older adults’ reflex responses and their ability to
 Resources, both external and internal, are handle stress
important considerations when assessing  Coping with simple tasks becomes more difficult
the older adult’s current health and  Chronic illnesses, depression, and literacy levels,
wellness status. particularly among the oldest-old, have
 Life patterns, which include habits, physical implications with respect to how they care for
and mental strengths, and economic themselves
situation, should be assessed to determine  Reminiscing is a beneficial approach to use to
how to incorporate teaching to establish a therapeutic relationship. Memories
can be quite powerful.
 Talking with older persons about their Nurses can think about the last time they gave
experiences—marriage, children, grandchildren, instructions to an older patient and ask themselves the
jobs, community involvement, and the like—can following questions
be very stimulating  Did I talk to the family and ignore the patient
when I described some aspect of care or
Gavan (2003), Prevalent Myths that must be dispelled discharge planning?
to prevent harmful outcomes in the older adult when  Did I tell the older person not to worry when he
these myths are assumed to be true or she asked a question? Did I say, “Just leave
1. Myth No. 1: Senility. everything up to us”?
 Intelligence test scores indicate that many  Did I eliminate information that I normally would
older adults maintain their cognitive have given to a younger patient?
functioning well into their 80s and 90s.  Did I attribute a decline in cognitive functioning
 Mental decline is not always caused by the to the aging process without considering
aging process itself but rather by disease common underlying causes in mental
processes, medication interactions, sensory deterioration, such as effects of medication
deficits, dehydration, and malnutrition. interactions, fluid imbalances, poor nutrition, or
2. Myth No. 2: Rigid Personalities. sensory impairments?
 Personality traits, such as agreeableness,
satisfaction, and extraversion, remain  Keep in mind that older adults have an overall
stable throughout the older adult years. lower educational level of formal schooling than
 Labeling older adults as cranky, stubborn, does the remainder of the population.
and inflexible does a disservice to them.  They were raised in an era when consumerism and
3. Myth No. 3: Loneliness. health education were practically nonexistent.
 The belief that older adults are more  As a result, older people may feel uncomfortable
frequently vulnerable to depression, in the teaching–learning situation and may be
isolation, and feelings of being lonely has reluctant to ask questions.
not been upheld by research, which  Health education for older persons should be
indicates that their satisfaction with life directed at promoting their involvement and
continues at a steady level throughout the changing their attitudes toward learning
period of adulthood.  Interaction needs to be supportive, not
4. Myth No. 4: Abandonment. judgmental
 It is untrue that older adults are abandoned  Individual and situational variables such as
by their children, siblings, or good friends. motivation, life experiences, educational
 The amount of contacts older adults has background, socioeconomic status, health or
with significant others remains constant illness status, and motor, cognitive, and language
over time. skills may all influence the ability of the older adult
 Successful aging depends on an extended to learn
family support network.
Physical Needs
Stereotypes can have a very powerful impact on older 1. To compensate for visual changes, teaching
adults in both a positive and negative way, affecting should be done in an environment that is brightly
their physical and cognitive functioning. lit but without glare. Visual aids should include
 Positive stereotypes – can bring out the best in large print, well-spaced letters, and the use of
a person, whereas primary colors (red, yellow, blue). The educator
 Negative stereotypes – can lead to fulfillment of should wear bright colors and a visible name tag.
a pessimistic state Use white or offwhite, flat matte paper and black
print for posters, diagrams, and other written
materials. Because of older persons’ difficulty in
discriminating certain shades of color, avoid blue,
blue–green, and violet hues. Keep in mind that
tasks that require recognizing different shades of
color, such as test strips measuring the presence
of sugar in the urine, may present learning 4. To compensate for any decline in central nervous
difficulties for older patients. Color distortions can system functioning and decreased metabolic
have an especially devastating effect on learning rates, set aside more time for the giving and
if, for example, the type of pills are referred to by receiving of information and for the practice of
color in guiding patients to take medications as psychomotor skills. Also, do not assume that
prescribed. Green, blue, and yellow pills may all older persons have the psychomotor skills
appear gray to older persons. Accommodations necessary to handle technological equipment for
should be made to meet older adults’ physical self-paced learning, such as computers and
needs, such as arranging seats so that the learner mouse, ear buds instead of headsets, MP3 players,
is reasonably close to the instructor and to any and DVD players. In addition, they may have
visual aids that may be used. For patients who difficulty with independently applying prostheses
wear glasses, be sure they are readily accessible, or changing dressings because of decreased
lenses are clean, and frames are properly fitted. strength and coordination. Be careful not to
misinterpret the loss of energy and motor skills as
2. To compensate for hearing losses, eliminate a lack of motivation.
extraneous noise, avoid covering your mouth
when speaking, directly face the learner, and 5. To compensate for the impact of hearing and
speak slowly. These techniques assist the learner visual changes on computer use, be sure that the
who may be seeking visual confirmation of what is speakers on the computer are working well and
being said. Low-pitched voices are heard best, but use headphones to block background noise. The
be careful not to drop your voice at the end of computer screen should be clean and free of glare,
words or phrases. Do not shout, because it offer good resolution, and provide large-enough
distorts sounds and the decibel level is usually not print. Further, clients with arthritis may need to
a problem for individuals with hearing learn alternative ways to use the mouse
impairments. The intensity of sound seems to be
less important than the pitch and rate of auditory
stimuli. Word speed should not exceed 140 words Cognitive Needs
spoken per minute. If the learner uses hearing 1. To compensate for a decrease in fluid intelligence,
aids, be sure he or she has working batteries. Ask provide older persons with more opportunities
for feedback from the learner to determine to process and react to information and to see
whether you are speaking too softly, too fast, or relationships between concepts. When teaching,
not distinctly enough. When addressing a group, nurses should avoid presenting long lists by
microphones are useful aids. Be alert to dividing a series of directions for action into short,
nonverbal cues from the audience. Participants discrete, step-by-step messages and then waiting
who are having difficulty with hearing your for a response after each one. Older persons tend
message may try to compensate by leaning to confuse previous words and symbols with a
forward, turning the good ear to the speaker, or new word or symbol being introduced. Again,
cupping their hands to their ears. Ask older nurse educators can wait for a response before
persons to repeat verbal instructions to be sure they introduce a new concept or word definition.
they heard and interpreted correctly the entire For decreased short-term memory, coaching and
message. repetition are very useful strategies that assist
with recall. Memory also can be enhanced by
3. To compensate for musculoskeletal problems, involving the learner in devising ways to
decreased efficiency of the cardiovascular system, remember how or when to perform a procedure.
and reduced kidney function, keep sessions short, Because many older adults experience test
schedule frequent breaks to allow for use of anxiety, try to explain procedures simply and
bathroom facilities, and allow time for stretching thoroughly, reassure them, and, if possible, give
to relieve painful, stiff joints and to stimulate verbal rather than written tests.
circulation. Provide pain medication and
encourage the learner to follow his or her usual 2. Be aware of the effects of medications and energy
pain management routine. Also, provide levels on concentration, alertness, and
comfortable seating. coordination. Try to schedule teaching sessions
before or well after medications are taken and 6. Recognize that the process of conceptualizing and
when the person is rested. the ability to think abstractly become more
difficult with aging. Conclude each teaching
3. Be certain to ask what an individual already knows session with a summary of the information
about a healthcare issue or technique before presented and allow for a question-and-answer
explaining it. Repetition for reinforcement of period to correct any misconceptions.
learning is one thing; repeating information
already known may seem patronizing. Nurse Psychosocial Needs
educators should never assume that because 1. Assess family relationships to determine how
someone has been exposed to information before dependent the older person is on other members
that the individual, in fact, learned it. Confirm for financial and emotional support. In turn, nurse
patients’ level of knowledge before beginning to educators can explore the level of involvement by
teach. Basic information should be understood family members in reinforcing the lessons they are
before progressing to more complex information. teaching and in giving assistance with self-care
measures. Do family members help the older
4. Convincing older persons of the usefulness of person to function independently, or do they
what the educator is teaching is only half the foster dependency? With permission of the
battle in getting them motivated. Nurse educators patient, include family members in teaching
may also have to convince patients that the sessions and enlist their support.
information or technique they are teaching is
correct. Anything that is entirely strange or that 2. Determine availability of resources. A lack of
upsets established habits is likely to be far more resources can sabotage any teaching plan,
difficult for older adults to learn. Information that especially if the recommendations include
confirms existing beliefs (cognitive schema) is expecting older adults to carry out something they
better remembered than that which contradicts cannot afford or lack the means to do, such as
these beliefs. Patients with chronic illnesses buying or renting equipment, having
frequently have established schemas about their transportation to get to therapy or teaching
medical conditions that they have embraced for sessions, purchasing medications, and the like.
years. As perception slows, the older person’s
mind has more trouble accommodating to new 3. Encourage active involvement of older adults to
ways than does the mind of a younger person. improve their self-esteem and to stimulate them
Find out about older persons’ health habits and both mentally and socially. Teaching must be
beliefs before trying to change their ways or teach directed at helping them find meaningful ways to
something new. For example, many older adults use talents acquired over their lifetime.
were taught as children that pain is a sign that Establishing a rapport based on trust can provide
something is wrong and they should always stop them contact with others to bolster their sense of
whatever they are doing if it causes pain. self-worth.
Educators need to identify this belief before trying
to teach them that they sometimes need to move 4. Identify coping mechanisms. There is no other
through their pain to avoid stiffness and joint time in the life cycle that carries with it the
contractures. number of developmental tasks associated with
adaptation to loss of roles, social and family
5. Arrange for brief teaching sessions because a contacts, and physical and cognitive capacities
shortened attention span (attentional narrowing) that this time does. Teaching must include
requires scheduling a series of sessions to provide offering constructive methods of coping.
sufficient time for learning. In addition, if the
material is relevant and focused on the here and One-to-one instruction provides a nonthreatening
now, older persons are more likely to be attentive environment for older adults in which to meet their
to the information being presented. If procedures individual needs and goals
or treatments are perceived as stressful or
emotionally threatening, attentional narrowing Group teaching also can be a beneficial approach for
occurs. fostering social skills and maintaining contact with
others through shared experiences
Games, role play, demonstration, and return
demonstration can be used to rehearse problem-
solving and psychomotor skills if these methods, and
the tools used to complement them, are designed
appropriately to accommodate the various
developmental characteristics of this age group. For
example, speed or competition should not be factors in
the games chosen, and plenty of time should be
reserved for return demonstrations. These teaching
methods stimulate learning and can offer active
learning opportunities to put knowledge into practice.

Written materials, if appropriate in terms of literacy

level and visual impairments in the older adult, are
excellent adjuncts to augment, supplement, and
reinforce verbal instructions


 One of the key variables influencing positive

patient care outcomes
 Primary motives in patient education for involving
family members:
 To decrease the stress of hospitalization
 Reduce costs of care
 Increase satisfaction with care
 Reduce hospital readmissions
 Effectively prepare the patient for self-care
management outside the healthcare setting
 What the family is to do is important, but what the
family is to expect also is essential information to
be shared during the teaching–learning process
(Haggard, 1989)
 The greatest challenge for caregivers is to develop
confidence in their ability to do what is right for
the patient
 Patient’s family is perhaps the single most
significant determinant of the success or failure of
the education plan and achievement of successful
 Stallings’s 2001 model for patient and family
education serves as a foundation for assessing the
family profile to determine the family members’
understanding of the actual or potential health
problem(s), the resources available to them, their
ways of functioning, and their educational
backgrounds, lifestyles, and beliefs
 Education is truly the most powerful tool nurse
educators possess to ensure optimal care and the
transfer of power to the patient – family dyad.

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