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Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701

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Dissolution of particulate phosphorus in pig slurry through biological

acidification: A critical step for maximum phosphorus recovery as
Simon Piveteau a, b, *, Sylvie Picard a, b, Patrick Dabert a, b, Marie-Line Daumer a, b
Irstea, UR OPAALE, 17 Avenue de Cucill
e-CS 64427, F-35044, Rennes, France
Univ de Bretagne Loire, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recycling phosphorus as struvite from pig slurry requires an acidification step to dissolve the inorganic
Received 21 March 2017 solids containing most of the phosphorus. This study focused on the biological acidification of several pig
Received in revised form slurries using sucrose as a model organic co-substrate. Lactic acid fermentation occurred systematically,
1 August 2017
dissolving 60e90% of TP (total phosphorus) and T-Mg (total magnesium) at pH 6 or lower. Optimal pH
Accepted 7 August 2017
Available online 8 August 2017
range for maximum P dissolution aimed at struvite recovery was 5.5e6. A simple model was developed
correlating pH, sucrose and buffer capacity to optimize P dissolution and future recovery using real
organic waste.
Phosphorus recovery
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pig slurry
Swine manure
Lactic acid fermentation

1. Introduction (Levasseur and Lemaire, 2006), in which various organic wastes are
co-digested with the slurry in order to produce energy and heat.
The anthropogenic use of phosphorus presents a double prob- Exportation of manure out of Brittany is another strategy to reduce
lematic: on one hand it is contributing to water bodies pollution the environmental impact on soil (Martinez et al., 2009). Part of the
due to a combination of fertilization excess and leakage/runoff digested and undigested manure is separated using screw press or
(MacDonald et al., 2011), and on the other hand it is a fossil resource centrifuge decanter to collect a liquid phase rich in nitrogen that is
critical for agriculture and worldwide food production (Cordell treated via biological processes, while most of the phosphorus re-
et al., 2009). As a result, recovering phosphorus from pig slurry as mains in the solid phase under a mineral form (Christensen et al.,
a mineral fertilizer could be a useful tool to mitigate water pollution 2009; Daumer et al., 2005). A large part of this solid phase has to
from pig breeding and participate in a more sustainable food pro- be exported out of Brittany (usually as organic fertilizer) but this
duction (Ashley et al., 2011). Brittany (France) possesses only 6% of product has trouble finding its market. It cannot compete with
the national arable land but represents 60% of French the pig pro- compost because of its high P-content when organic matter is the
duction (Comite  regional porcin de Bretagne, 2013). Stringent customer's driving choice, and cannot compete either with mineral
regulations now prevent the unlimited spreading of the slurry into fertilizers because of the transport cost of organic matter when P is
the fields and various handling strategies are currently used in the the component demanded.
region (Landrain et al., 2013). Among them is anaerobic digestion Phosphorus recovery as struvite (NH4MgPO4, 6 H2O), a slow-
release fertilizer, would make the export of P more cost effective,
meet the market demand for a concentrated, P-based mineral fer-
Abbreviations: ANOVA, Analysis of variance; Ca, Calcium; LAB, Lactic acid bac- tilizer and allow the organic matter in the digestate/compost to be
teria; Mg, Magnesium; MgO, Magnesium oxide; N, Nitrogen; P, Phosphorus; T, maintained locally thanks to its low P content. Phosphorus recovery
Total; TS, Total solids; TSS, Total Suspended solids; VS, Volatile solids; VSS, Volatile
as struvite has been studied in a large variety of N and P concen-
suspended solids; VFA, Volatile fatty acid.
* Corresponding author. UR OPAALE, Irstea, France. trated waste streams: WWTP centrate liquor from anaerobic
E-mail address: (S. Piveteau). digestion (Battistoni et al., 2001; Jaffer et al., 2002), industrial
0043-1354/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
694 S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701

wastewater (Abma et al., 2010), municipal landfill leachate (Di et al. (2016) and Guilayn et al. (2017) as a first step for phos-
Iaconi et al., 2010), dairy wastewater (Zhang et al., 2010) as well phorus recycling. Biological acidification of pig slurry using glucose,
as swine lagoon effluent (Nelson et al., 2003), digested swine cellulose or lactic acid has been tested by Hjorth et al. (2015) to
wastewater (Song et al., 2011; Vanotti et al., 2017; Ye et al., 2011) minimize ammonia emission by lowering the pH. The results in
and raw swine manure (Burns et al., 2001; Çelen et al., 2007). terms of pH decrease and organic acids produced were very similar
Several full scale reactors have been built for struvite crystalliza- to this study. The objective here was to determine the relationship
tion, such as the OSTARA, WASSTRIP (Cullen et al., 2013) and between on one hand initial amount of sucrose and slurry's char-
PHOSPAQ processes (Remy et al., 2013). However these technolo- acteristics (initial pH, buffer capacity) and on the other hand pH
gies have been so far used only to treat municipal and industrial change, fermentation products and dissolution of phosphorus,
wastewater. In the case of animal manure, precipitation of phos- magnesium, ammonia (the three molecules forming struvite) and
phorus as struvite is still investigated at laboratory and pilot scales calcium (which leads to the undesired precipitation of calcium
(Rahman et al., 2014), focusing mainly on reducing the dissolved phosphate). This endeavor could then translate into a targeted
phosphate concentration to meet the discharge standard for the acidification step using real organic waste that would maximize P-
liquid effluent. However, if the goal is to recover phosphorus, dis- dissolution, favor struvite formation over calcium phosphate and
solving the inorganic solids that contain most of the phosphorus is minimize the amount of reactant necessary to re-increase the pH.
necessary. It has been demonstrated that up to 70% of TP could be
dissolved at pH 5.5 (Christensen et al., 2009). P recovery as struvite 2. Materials and methods
can therefore be achieved through acidic dissolution, solid-liquid
separation and pH increase in the liquid phase using magnesium 2.1. Pig slurry
oxide (MgO) or magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) leading to
phosphorus precipitation (Capdevielle et al., 2016). The use of The raw swine slurry (“slurry 1”) was collected at a commercial
chemicals for acidic dissolution was demonstrated as too expensive pig fattening farm in Melesse (Brittany, France). Its composition can
and having a negative relative impact on the environment (Daumer be found in Table 1. It was used to study the metabolism of acido-
et al., 2010). For the process to be efficient and sustainable, genesis in details. Three additional pig slurries (see Table 1) were
changing this acidification step is required. A biological process also tested in order to correlate the level of sucrose added with the
known as acidogenesis enables the natural acidification of a initial and lowest pH reached, as well as the buffer capacity of the
mixture under anaerobic conditions. During acidogenesis, organic slurry. The buffer capacity was measured in a beaker containing
matter is hydrolyzed and converted by fermenting bacteria into 100 mL of raw pig slurry with a magnetic stirrer, a pH probe and a
VFAs, lactic acid and alcohols. This acidifying reaction process is a graduated burette containing 2N sulfuric acid. The buffer capacity
crucial step in silage production (Dunie re et al., 2013), a technic was calculated has the concentration of sulfuric acid necessary to
used to preserve the nutritive value of forage for cattle feeding reach pH 4, the lowest pH obtained during biological acidification
(Buxton et al., 2003). Acidogenesis also occurs during anaerobic of the slurries (pH 3.99 was reached in slurry 2 with 60 g/L of
digestion of organic waste. The syntrophic cooperation of acido- sucrose).
genic, acetogenic and methanogenic organisms enables the con-
version of organic waste into methane and carbon dioxide. Because 2.2. Biological acidification of pig slurry in batch tests using sucrose
acidogens have different optimal conditions compared to acetogens as co-substrate
and methanogens (Liu et al., 2006), and especially a higher
maximum growth rate, an overloading of a digester with easily One liter bottles were inoculated with 640 g of raw pig slurry 1
fermentable substrates often leads to acidosis and inhibition of and six different sucrose concentrations (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g/
methanogens (McCarty and McKinney, 1961). As a result, the pro- kg-slurry, in reactors called R10, R20, R30, R40, R50, R60 respec-
cess can be physically separated into two consecutive reactors: one tively) in triplicate, with an additional bottle inoculated with slurry
acidic and one methanogenic, each of them functioning under their only and used as a control. The bottles were sealed once inoculated.
respective optimum (Cohen et al., 1979). This two-stage process has Temperature was set at 38  C on heating plates and magnetic
been applied to crop residues (Kalia et al., 1992; Parawira et al., stirrers provided continuous mixing at 300 rpm. Samples were
2008), agro-industrial waste (Dareioti and Kornaros, 2014), and collected simply by removing the lid and pouring the liquid from
food waste (Uçkun Kiran et al., 2014). the bottles. Contrary to previous batch tests with wastewater
Biological treatment of swine slurry in a two-stage anaerobic sludge, purging the gas in the head-space of the bottles at the
process has recently been studied (Ren et al., 2014; Schievano et al., beginning and after sample collection had no effect on the system
2012), often with the purpose of biohydrogen and methane pro- when applied to pig slurry, therefore the bottles were never flushed
duction (Choi et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2010). It has been shown that a with inert gas. Sample collection occurred after 12, 24, 36, 48, 72
two-stage anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable waste mixed and 96 h. The same protocol was applied to slurry 2, 3 and 4 using
with swine manure at a ratio of 70/30 (w/w) lead to a pH of 4.2 in only 5 different sucrose concentrations for each, from 0 to 60 g/L, in
the acidogenic stage (Tenca et al., 2011), a pH at which phosphorus order to investigate the variations between slurries.
is known to be mostly dissolved in pig slurry (Sharpley and Moyer,
2000). Therefore, biological acidification of swine slurry with 2.3. Analysis
organic co-substrates could be proposed as the first stage in a
bioprocess aimed at nutrient recovery (N & P) and green energy pH was measured using a WTW probe right after each sample
production (methane). Acidogenesis would dissolve P from pig collection. Total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), total suspended
slurry at lower cost than chemical acidification while providing solids (TSS), and volatile suspended solids (VSS) were measured in
VFAs and potentially increasing the biodegradability of the waste triplicates on the raw slurry with standard methods (APHA, 1998).
for the subsequent anaerobic digestion. An acidic dissolution of the ashes was realized to measure TP, T-Ca
This batch test study focuses on the biological acidification of and T-Mg. 200 mg of ashes were added to 0.5 g of K2SO8 and 5 mL of
pig slurry using various concentrations of sucrose as a model a mix of H2SO4/HNO3 (75:25) in triplicate. The samples were
organic co-substrate, adapting the methods developed by Braak autoclaved at 110  C during one hour at 1 bar.
The concentrations in TP, T-Ca and T-Mg (expressed in gram per
S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701 695

Table 1
Composition of the pig slurries (concentrations expressed per liter of raw manure).

TSS VSS TS VS TP TN T-Ca T-Mg pH Buffer PO4-P NH4-N Ca2þ Mg2þ

g/L mEq/L g/L

slurry 1 75,8 61.0 83.4 65.1 1.68 4.60 2.65 1.10 7.15 443 0.005 2.03 0.21 0.07
slurry 2 15.3 10.4 22.0 13.8 0.38 2.346 1.22 0.29 7.70 99 0.006 1.62 0.11 0.03
slurry 3 64.3 42.9 77.5 49.2 1.37 5.742 3.59 1.34 7.92 283 0.018 3.42 0.07 0.03
slurry 4 41.9 33.8 58.0 41.4 0.53 4.774 1.59 0.50 6.70 380 0.055 2.51 0.59 0.33

liter of raw manure in Table 1) were measured using automated

colorimetric methods on a spectrophotometer (Gallery, Thermo-
scientific). For TP measurement, two reactants (containing sulfuric
acid, potassium antimonyl tartrate ammonium molybdate and
ascorbic acids, Thermoscientific products) were added automati-
cally to the sample. Phosphates react with ammonium molybdate
under acid conditions to form a 12-molybdo-phosphoric acid
complex. The complex is reduced by the ascorbic acid to form a blue
compound. The absorbance was measured by spectrophotometry
at the wavelength of 880 nm. For T-Ca measurement, a reactant
containing Arsenazo III and an imidazole buffer was added to the
sample. Calcium ions form a highly colored complex at neutral pH.
The absorbance of the complex was measured at 660 nm. For T-Mg
measurement, a reactant containing Xylidyl I blue, EGTA, K2CO3
and a Tris buffer was added to the sample. At alkaline pH magne-
sium ions react with Xylidyl I blue to form a red-colored complex.
The absorbance was measured at 520 nm . Supernatants were ob-
tained after 20 min of centrifugation (4  C, 20,000 g) and filtration
on a 0.45 mm polypropylene membrane. Phosphate concentration
was measured with automated colorimetric methods on the Gal- Fig. 1. Evolution of pH across time for each initial sucrose concentration (standard
deviation displayed).
lery. Cationic composition of the supernatant was measured by
ionic chromatography Metrohm 940 Professional Vario IC with a
Metrosep C4 -250/4,0 column. Sucrose, glucose, fructose, lactic acid
and VFA composition of the supernatant was measured by HPLC
(Ultimate 3000, Dionex) with a Hiplex-H column (Agilent). afterwards. The pH re-increase in R10, R20, R30 could have resulted
from either methanogenesis (consumption of VFAs to form
2.4. Statistics methane and CO2) or secondary fermentation (conversion of VFAs
initially produced into other, less acidic compounds). Since no
In order to evaluate the effect of sucrose concentration on pH significant amount of methane could be detected (measurement at
and ionic concentrations, an ANOVA was performed at each sam- 24 and 48 h, data not shown), a secondary fermentation seemed the
pling time (12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h). The conditions of appli- most likely and was later confirmed (see below).
cation for ANOVA (normal distribution of the residuals and equal Evolution of lactic acid, VFAs and sucrose across time:
variance of the residuals for each modality) were verified with a As shown in Fig. 2A and B (R30 and R50 representing moderate
Shapiro-Wilk test and a Bartlett test. The different modalities (i.e. vs. high initial sucrose content), a lactic acid fermentation occurred
level of initial sucrose concentration) were then compared two by in all the reactors with lactate as the main product as long as su-
two with a Tukey's HSD test. crose was still present. The preponderance of lactic acid in this first
phase can be seen through both its proportion among the acids
3. Results and discussion produced and its strong linear correlation with pH (r2 ¼ 0.97).
Once sucrose had been removed, lactate disappeared in the next
3.1. Effect of sucrose concentration on pH and fermentation product 12e24 h in reactors R10, R20, R30 while acetate and propionate
in slurry 1 concentrations increased and butyrate and valerate appeared. The
replacement of lactate by less acidic VFAs (acetate, propionate,
pH change: butyrate and valerate have a pKa of 4.75, 4.87, 4.82 and 4.86
Fig. 1 shows the effect of sucrose addition on pH in slurry 1. respectively versus a pKa of 3.89 for lactate) could explain the pH
Considering that sucrose would likely be fermented mostly into re-increase. On the contrary, lactate concentration remained stable
VFAs and other organic acids, the pH drop was logically absent in in R40, R50 and R60 once sucrose had been consumed, without any
R0, moderate at R10, R20, R30 and severe in R40, R50, R60 (Fig. 1). increase in other VFAs concentration or any apparition of butyrate
Indeed, the pH initially dropped in all the reactors except in the and valerate, while pH stayed low. Carbon recovery, calculated as
control where it remained stable throughout the experiment. The the ratio between the net production of organic acids (VFAs þ lactic
pH drop was significantly more pronounced and longer at higher acid) and the removed sucrose, can be found in Table 2. At 12 h, the
initial sucrose concentration. After 24e36 h, pH re-increased in the carbon recovery was relatively poor (67e89% and high standard
reactors with an initial sucrose concentration of 10, 20 and 30 g/L deviations) possibly due to variations in the lag phase between
whereas at higher initial sucrose content (40, 50, 60 g/L), pH triplicates and the transitory storing or initial catabolic steps of
dropped below 5 at 36 h and remained stable or kept decreasing glucose and fructose (glycolysis) in the bacterial cells. At 36 h, the C-
696 S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701

organic matter (Kempton and Clemente, 1959). Therefore the

fermentation process in R40, R50 and R60 could reasonably be
compared to a successful ensiling (yet at a much quicker pace and
with a lower dry matter content), since lactate was the main
product throughout the test and pH remained below 5 after 36 h.
In a failed ensiling process, the initial carbohydrate content is
too low and the pH reached after lactic acid fermentation is too high
to prevent a secondary fermentation of lactate and protein degra-
dation into biogenic amines, ammonia and organic acids (Rooke
and Hatfield, 2003). That seems to be what took place in R10, R20
and R30. After 36 h, pH was still at 5.5 or higher (Fig. 1), sucrose
could not be detected anymore and the only substrates available
were lactate and organic matter from the slurry. Lactic acid fer-
menting Clostridia are known to have the ability to convert lactate
to acetate, propionate (Johns, 1952; Kuchta and Abeles, 1985) and
butyrate (McDonald, 1982; Woolford and Pahlow, 1997). Some
Clostridia are highly proteolytic and can use amino acids in their
catabolism, producing acetate, propionate (Wood, 2012), butyrate
(Elsden and Hilton, 1979) and valerate (Dehority et al., 1958). Pig
slurry contains also large amounts of Selonomonas Ruminantium
Fig. 2. Net production of VFAs and lactate, sucrose removed and pH across time. and to a lesser extent Megasphaera elsdenii (Tsukahara et al., 2002),
Standard deviation shown for the sucrose removed and the sum of VFAs and lactate. A: two bacterial species able to grow on lactate. Megasphaera elsdenii
Low initial sucrose concentration (30 g/L). B: High initial sucrose concentration (50 g/ can use lactate to form acetate, propionate, butyrate and valerate in
absence of glucose (Rogosa, 1971). Several strains of Selonomonas
Ruminantium produce acetate, propionate and CO2 from lactate
Table 2 (Wallace, 1978). Therefore, the disappearance of lactate and higher
Carbon recovery in R10 to R60 expressed as percentage at each sampling time. Mean production of acetate, propionate, butyrate and valerate were likely
of three incubations and standard deviation are displayed. Carbon recovery at the result of increased activity from lactic acid fermenters.
maximum lactic concentration shown in bold.
Coming back to the goal of building a process allowing biological
time (hours) R10 R20 R30 R40 R50 R60 acidification of pig slurry as a first step of phosphorus recycling,
12 82 ± 15 84 ± 41 67 ± 40 89 ± 59 78 ± 60 67 ± 9 these results indicate that the most suitable co-substrates for pig
24 95 ± 11 83 ± 11 91 ±8 90 ± 4 103 ± 1 99 ± 4 slurry acidification would contain high amounts of soluble carbo-
36 94 ±5 96 ±1 97 ±5 93 ± 11 93 ± 3 96 ± 2 hydrates to favor LAB, and low quantities of proteins, whose
48 85 ± 18 83 ±9 81 ±7 97 ± 5 94 ± 9 103 ± 4
degradation produces amines and NH3 with an alkaline effect on pH
72 89 ± 16 89 ±5 87 ±3 97 ± 9 97 ± 6 97 ± 2
96 93 ± 10 92 ± 12 88 ± 12 100 ± 6 97 ± 9 101 ± 3
(Rooke and Hatfield, 2003). Fruits and vegetable waste (apples,
carrots, potatoes) as well as corn waste could be the most prom-
ising co-substrates and will be investigated in the near future.

3.2. Phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and ammonia dissolution

recovery was around 95% in all the reactors, with most of the su- processes in slurry 1
crose converted to lactate. The C-recovery in R40 to R60 remained
similar until the end since the metabolic activity was severely Dynamics of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and ammonia
reduced due to the low pH. In R10 to R30, the C-recovery decreased dissolution in slurry 1 are shown in Fig. 3AeD respectively. The
down to 80e85% at 48 h due to the conversion of lactate to acetate, patterns of dissolution of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium
propionate, butyrate and valerate, metabolic processes involving were similar. Initially these compounds were mostly under solid
CO2 production, which was not measured in this study. The C-re- form (>94%). At low initial sucrose concentration (R0 and R10), no
covery in those reactors increased slightly at 72 and 96 h to additional dissolution occurred. A moderate dissolution followed
87e93%, likely due to the fermentation of organic matter naturally by partial or total re-precipitation took place at moderate sucrose
present in the slurry. concentrations (R20 and R30), and at high sucrose concentration
The differing behaviors between low and high initial sucrose the dissolution was almost total (R40 to R60).
concentration in terms of pH change and whether or not lactate As seen in Fig. 3A, less than 80 mg-P/L (<5% TP) was dissolved at
was converted to VFAs could be explained by the physiology of the any time in R0 and R10, an amount significantly lower than the
bacterial community during the batch tests and the scientific other reactors at 24 and 36 h. In R20 and R30, respectively 400 and
literature on ensiling process. Pig slurry is known to contain rela- 1300 mg-P/L were dissolved at 24 and 36 h, but re-precipitated
tively high amounts of LAB and Clostridia (Snell-Castro et al., 2005), afterwards, down to levels statistically similar to R0 and R10. In
two bacteria critical in the silage process. During ensiling, in pres- R40, R50 and R60, dissolved P was always statistically similar
ence of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates (sucrose in this case), among them, and became significantly higher than the other re-
amino acids and vitamins (both present in large amounts in pig actors from 36 h to the end, with up to 1600 mg-P/L (95% TP).
slurry), the LAB can outcompete the other microorganisms and The same pattern occurred for Mg2þ (Fig. 3B). In R0 and R10, less
dominate the fermentation thanks to their higher growth rate than 160 mg/L (or 15% T-Mg) were dissolved throughout the
(McDonald, 1982). If the pH reached at the end of lactic acid experiment. In R20, 400 mg/L or 36% of T-mg were dissolved at 24
fermentation is around 5 or lower, the activity of other anaerobic and 36 h but the precipitation that followed was only partial, with
organisms, such as Enterobacteria and Clostridia is completely approximately 220 mg/L or 20% remaining dissolved until the end
inhibited (Pahlow et al., 2003), preventing the conversion of lactate of the test, a number significantly higher than in R0 and R10. The
to other fermentation products and further degradation of the same but amplified phenomenon occurred in R30, with around
S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701 697

Fig. 3. A: Dissolved phosphorus across time for each sucrose concentration. B: Dissolved magnesium. C: Dissolved calcium. D: Ammonium.

1100 mg/L (or close to 100% T-Mg) at 24 and 36 h, followed by a had around 2500 mg/L or 55%-TN. R10 and R20 had still a slightly
partial re-precipitation with still 600 mg/L or 50% T-Mg. In R40, R50 increasing NHþ 4 concentration from 2100 mg/L at 48 h to 2300 mg/L
and R60, dissolved magnesium concentrations were always sta- or 50%-TN at the end. In R0 ammonium concentration increased
tistically similar and became significantly higher than the other linearly for 48 h and stabilized around 2500 mg/L, similarly to R30.
reactors from 48 h to the end, with up to 1100 mg/L (100% of T-Mg). The increase in NHþ 4 in absence of sucrose and despite the high pH
Similarly in the case of calcium (Fig. 3C), no more than 200 mg/L in R0 contrasted with the absence of any dissolution of P, Ca and Mg
or 6% of T-Ca were dissolved in R0 and R10 during the whole in the same reactor. The overall increase in ammonium concen-
duration of the test. Respectively 500 and 1000 mg/L (or 14 and 28% tration over time in all the reactors with and without pH decrease
of T-Ca) were dissolved in R20 and R30 at 24 and 26 h but only could be explained by the enzymatic degradation of organic
approximately 300 and 400 mg/L remained afterwards, concen- nitrogenous compounds (e.g. amino acids). Initial sucrose concen-
trations still significantly higher than in R0 and R10. R40, R50 and tration has an impact on two phenomena with opposite effects on
R60 had statistically similar calcium concentrations until 36 h but ammonia concentration: dissolution of inorganic solids through
R40 then stagnated around 2200 mg/L or 60% of T-Ca while R50 and acidification on one hand and bacterial growth on the other hand.
R60 had a further increase in Ca concentration with around The low pH reached at high sucrose concentration enabled a higher
2700 mg/L or 75% of T-Ca at 48 h before remaining stable until the ammonia release through the dissolution of inorganic N-containing
end of the test. compounds (e.g. struvite initially present in the raw slurry). How-
Interestingly, the evolution of P, Mg and Ca in all the reactors ever, initial sucrose concentration is also proportional to biomass
followed closely the changes in pH (Fig. 4AeC). The dissolved P growth and associated N-assimilation. The assimilation of NHþ 4 for
concentration did not increase linearly with the decreasing pH. A bacterial growth could explain for example the drop at 12 h in all
clear and relatively narrow threshold appeared between 5.9 and the reactors except R0. The balance between these contradicting
6.3, through which dissolved P went from less than 10% to 80% of effects could explain why after 96 h R0 and R30 have a similar
TP. Below pH 5.9, only 10 additional percent of TP could be gained. ammonium concentration, higher than R10 and R20 but lower than
Mg2þ followed a similar pattern, with less than 20% of T-Mg above R40, R50 and R60.
pH 6.5 and more than 95% below pH 5.9. Calcium dissolution was
more gradual; with less than 20% of T-Ca above pH 6.2, 40% at pH 3.3. Dissolution of P, Mg, Ca, N in the other slurries
5.5 and more than 95% below pH 4.5.
The change in ammonium concentration did not follow the The dissolution processes in slurry 1 were closely linked to pH
same pattern (Fig. 3D) and was apparently less linked to pH except for NHþ 4 . The same was true for slurries 2, 3 and 4 and the
(Fig. 4D). In Fig. 3D, NHþ
4 initially dropped in all the reactors except results for all the slurries can be found in Fig. 5AeD for P, Mg, Ca and
R0. The drop was more pronounced in the case of high initial su- N respectively.
crose concentrations. After this initial drop, NHþ 4 concentration in In the case of phosphorus, the inflexion point noticed for slurry
R10 to R60 re-increased and three statistically different groups 1 can be seen again around a pH of 6e6.2. However, the maximum
appeared after 48 h. R40, R50, and R60 had a stable NHþ 4 concen- proportion of dissolved P varied significantly in one slurry, with
tration around 2800 mg/L or 60%-TN until the end of the test. R30 only 58% of TP in slurry 2 compared to 95, 89, and 78% in slurry 1, 3
698 S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701

Fig. 4. A: Dissolved phosphorus expressed as percentage of the total amount, plotted against pH. B: Dissolved magnesium. C: Dissolved calcium. D: Ammonium.

23% of TP in slurries 2 and 4, but only 7 and 9% in slurries 1 and 3.

Another phenomenon potentially disconnecting dissolved P from
pH is the hydrolysis of solid organic P and the mineralization of
dissolved organic P. Organic phosphorus can represent up to 22% of
TP (Daumer et al., 2008). Since hydrolysis and mineralization are
partially time-dependent it could explain why in the case of slurry 4
the maximum dissolved P concentration was reached despite a pH
re-increase (from 68% of TP at pH 4.9 to 78% at pH 5.2.
Calcium dissolution was not necessarily as linear as in slurry 1.
Slurries 2 and 4 had Ca dissolution as high as 50% of T-Ca at a pH of
6.5, while the 50% value was reached only at pH 5.5 in slurries 1 and
3. The mineral forms of calcium should be investigated to explain
this difference.
Magnesium dissolution varied somewhat among the slurries,
with the 50% threshold reached between pH 6 and 7. The maximum
dissolution was reached around pH 6, and varied between 70 and

Fig. 5. A: Dissolved P expressed as a percentage of TP slurry 1, 2, 3 and 4. B: Dissolved

Mg C: Dissolved Ca. D: Ammonium. 3.4. Potential for struvite crystallization

In order to precipitate the dissolved phosphorus into struvite,

pH needs to be increased to 7 or above. This could be done through
and 4 respectively. No analysis was performed to determine the acetogenesis and methanogenesis with the conversion of lactate
inorganic compounds that contained phosphorus in the slurries. and VFAs into acetate, H2 and subsequently methane and carbon
However, based on the limited calcium dissolution in slurry 2 (60% dioxide. However, phosphorus solids would be mixed with anaer-
of T-Ca maximum), it could be hypothesized that this slurry con- obic sludge and inorganic solids, making the segregation of struvite
tained an important amount of calcium phosphate under a low crystals difficult. Therefore, the acidified slurry should be centri-
solubility form (e.g. hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). Maximum P fuged to separate the dissolved P from the suspended solids.
dissolution was obtained when minimum pH was reached in slurry Addition of MgO or Mg(OH)2 to the liquid phase can provide the pH
1 and 3 but not in slurry 2 and 4 where maximum P dissolution increase necessary and shift the precipitation process toward
occurred at a moderate pH around 5 while dissolved P decreased at struvite rather than calcium phosphate thanks to their magnesium
lower pH. A possible explanation could come from a lower TP content. The optimal parameters to get a maximum P-recovery and
content in those slurries compared to slurries 1 and 3. This low TP favor struvite versus calcium phosphate are a pH close to 7, a molar
content means that at high sucrose concentration and conse- N:P ratio above 3:1, a Mg:P ratio above 1:1, a Mg:Ca ratio around
quently at low pH, the P incorporated into the biomass would not 2.25:1 or higher, and an addition of MgO as low as possible to favor
be negligible and impact negatively the ratio dissolved-P/TP. the formation of large crystals (Capdevielle et al., 2013). In the pH
Considering a biomass chemical formula as C5H7NO2P0.074 range where most of the P was dissolved (pH 4 to 6), the N:P ratio
(Droste, 1997), and a yield on sucrose of 0.14 (biomass COD.sucrose never went below 3.9 in any of the four slurries, indicating that the
COD1) (Gujer and Zehnder, 1983), the consumption of 60 g/L of concentration of ammonium and phosphorus in acidified pig slurry
sucrose corresponds to the incorporation of 126 mg-P/L, i.e. 33 and are very suitable for struvite crystallization. The Mg:P ratio was
S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701 699

between 1 and 2.7 in all the slurries. Since MgO would be added to normality was verified with a Shapiro-Wilk test. Other character-
increase the pH, this ratio would increase even further, leaving istics of the pig slurries were also tested (such as total solids,
large amounts of Mg in excess. Impact of this excess on subsequent inorganic solids) but none had a statistically significant effect. The
anaerobic digestion should be investigated. The Mg:Ca ratio how- distribution of the observed pH plotted against their predicted
ever was always below 2.25 in all the slurries, with a value of 2 at value can be seen in Fig. 6. The relatively good fitting of the model
pH 6 and a decrease to 0.5 at pH 4. Magnesium dissolution stopped was possibly due to the dominance of lactic acid during the initial
at pH 6 while calcium concentration continued to increase until pH acidifying phase, i.e. the lowest pH was always reached at
4, which explains why the Mg:Ca ratio decreased with the maximum lactic acid concentration, which corresponded to
decreasing pH. The acidic buffer created by the production of VFAs 70e100% of the organic acids produced at that moment. The
during the acidifying step could require a large amount of MgO or equation was rewritten to predict the amount of sucrose necessary
Mg(OH)2 to bring the pH up. This would reduce the crystals size and to reach a given pH (1). This model cannot be used as such for real
represent an additional cost. As a result, an optimal acidification co-substrates. Consequently, waste commonly used in Brittany in
would lead to a pH low enough for maximum P dissolution but also centralized biogas plants will be tested in batch tests in order to
as close as possible to 7 to minimize Ca dissolution and the need for rate their acidifying capacity versus sucrose. The equivalency to be
MgO. As seen in Fig. 5A, the gain in dissolved P below a pH of 5.5 found should allow the substitution of sucrose in the equation with
was minimal, null, or negative. On the other hand, above pH 6, its equivalent in co-substrate, expressed as volatile solids.
dissolved P was always lower than 50%. As a result, targeting a pH
between 5.5 and 6 should provide a relatively high dissolved P Sucrose0 (g/L) ¼ 119.96e18.95 pHlowþ 30.29*pH0 þ 0.09*Buffer
concentration, allow for a minimum addition of MgO while dis- (mEq/L)
solved magnesium is already high and calcium not yet completely
dissolved. These recommendations only apply to biological acidi- Statistical coefficients based on the original equation obtained
fication of pig slurry using sucrose. When organic waste is used, with the linear regression:
hydrolysis and mineralization take place, releasing into the liquid
phase part of the nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium R2 ¼ 96.2%
contained in the waste (Mehta and Batstone, 2013), changing the Adjusted R2¼ 95.8%
ionic equilibriums. As a result, the effect of organic waste on acid- Mean absolute error ¼ 0.221
ification and ionic equilibrium in pig slurry should be investigated. Estimated standard deviation ¼ 0.276

3.5. Correlating lowest pH with initial sucrose concentration and 4. Conclusions

buffer capacity
This work demonstrated that most of the phosphorus (60e90%
Considering that the ideal pH range to maximize P recovery and of TP) present in pig slurry can be dissolved using a simple bio-
minimize MgO is 5.5e6, it would be practical to be able to predict logical process known as acidogenesis. A limited acidification down
the amount of co-substrate necessary to reach it in any given pig to a pH of 5.5e6 using sucrose allowed maximum P dissolution
slurry. Indeed, an excess of co-substrate would guarantee a while providing optimal conditions for P recovery as struvite. The
maximum dissolution of P, but require an important amount of model correlating the amount of co-substrate with buffer capacity,
MgO to precipitate it. Conversely an insufficient addition of co- initial and lowest pH can be used to adjust the amount of co-
substrate would lead to a low P dissolution. Applying a linear substrate to reach the desired pH range. It should be improved
regression on the data obtained from the batch tests on four pig and expanded using real organic waste. The full conversion of su-
slurries, it was possible to correlate the initial sucrose concentra- crose into lactic acid and VFA indicates that organic waste with high
tion, initial pH, buffer capacity (as the explanatory variables) with soluble carbohydrates content should be used as co-substrate for
the lowest pH reached (as the variable to be explained). Residuals’ biological acidification. The synergy/antagonism between P recov-
ery and renewable energy production in the subsequent methani-
sation stage needs to be investigated.

Funding source

S. Piveteau is the beneficiary of a PhD scholarship funded

equally between Irstea and the Brittany Region. This PhD is realized
within the framework of the Valodim project financed by BPI-
FRANCE PSPC call 2013.


IRSTEA would like to thank Naïs Le Quenellec for her dedication

and skills in HPLC analysis.

Appendix A. Net production of VFAs and lactate, sucrose

removed and pH across time in R10. Standard deviation
shown for the sucrose removed and the sum of VFAs and

Fig. 6. Measured pH plotted against model-predicted pH.

700 S. Piveteau et al. / Water Research 124 (2017) 693e701

Appendix B. Net production of VFAs and lactate, sucrose Appendix D. Net production of VFAs and lactate, sucrose
removed and pH across time in R20. removed and pH across time in R60.

Appendix C. Net production of VFAs and lactate, sucrose

removed and pH across time in R40.

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