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Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Cocoa pod husk valorization: alkaline-enzymatic pre-

treatment for propionic acid production
Zulma Sarmiento-Vásquez . Luciana Vandenberghe . Cristine Rodrigues .
Valcineide Oliveira A. Tanobe . Oranys Marı́n . Gilberto Vinicius de Melo Pereira .
Hervé Louis Ghislain Rogez . Aristóteles Góes-Neto . Carlos Ricardo Soccol

Received: 10 November 2019 / Accepted: 11 February 2021 / Published online: 11 March 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Abstract Lately, cocoa pod husk (CPH) has thermogravimetry, and X-ray diffraction. The results
received some attention from researchers due to its of these analyses revealed the effectiveness of CPH
significant content of cellulose, hemicelluloses and sequential alkaline and enzymatic treatment for glu-
pectin, antioxidant capacity, potential for energy cose production, reaching maximum concentration of
generation, physicochemical characteristics and pos- 60.5 gL-1 and a yield of 275 mg glucoseg-1 CPH.
sibility to be used as adsorbent material or activated Subsequently, a medium composed by glucose from
carbon. In this work, alkaline (NaOH 2.3% w/v) and CPHH (7.5 gL-1), as low-cost feedstock, glycerol
enzymatic treatment [CellicÒ CTec 2 (2.4% v/v)] (7.5 gL-1) and yeast extract (10 gL-1), was prepared
were developed before propionic acid (PA) production to obtain PA using Propionibacterium jensenii DSM
using fermentable sugars derived from cocoa pod husk 20274. PA concentration reached a maximum of
hydrolysate (CPHH). The physical, structural and 10.28 ± 1.05 gL-1 and a productivity of
morphological characteristics of raw and treated 0.08 ± 0.01 gL-1h-1 after 72 h of fermentation.
samples of CPH lignocellulosic matrix were assessed To the best of our knowledge, there is no literature
using tools such as scanning electron microscopy, available on the bioconversion of CPH for the specific
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, production of PA or other organic acids. Thus, the
potential of CPH to be used as substrate for PA
production was demonstrated with good perspectives.
Z. Sarmiento-Vásquez  L. Vandenberghe (&) 
C. Rodrigues  V. O. A. Tanobe  O. Marı́n 
G. V. de Melo Pereira  C. R. Soccol
Department of Bioprocess Engineering and
Biotechnology, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba,
PR CEP 81531-970, Brazil

H. L. Ghislain Rogez
Centre for Valorisation of Amazonian Bioactive
Compounds (CVACBA), Federal University of Pará,
Belém, PA CEP 66075-750, Brazil

A. Góes-Neto
Institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of
Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG CEP 31270-901,

4010 Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024

Graphic abstract

Keywords Cocoa pod husk  Propionic acid  waste, which in most cases result in environmental and
Alkaline-enzymatic treatment  Batch fermentation phytosanitary issues within plantations. By using the
residual cocoa lignocellulosic material as a raw matter
in bioprocesses, it is possible to reduce production
costs of many high-value-added components, empow-
Cocoa pod husk CPH
ering at the same time, the Bioeconomy and Bio-
Cocoa pod husk hydrolysate CPHH
refinery concepts, which are increasingly gaining
Fourier transform infrared FT-IR
importance in the agroindustrial field.
Propionic acid PA
Cocoa pod husk (CPH) is an example of a
Scanning electron microscopy SEM
lignocellulosic material that has been analyzed and
Thermogravimetry TG
assessed for the manufacture of some useful and
X-ray diffraction XRD
value-added components [e.g., pectin extract, xanthan
gum, dietary fiber, silver nanoparticles, ketones,
phenols (Chan and Choo 2013; Diniz et al. 2012;
Lateef et al. 2016; Lecumberri et al. 2007; Mansur
et al. 2014; Vriesmann et al. 2012; Yapo et al. 2013)].
Currently, CPH is exported by almost 50 countries. In
Usually, in agricultural and agro-industrial production
2019, 220 thousand tonnes of CPH were exported for a
processes, lignocellulosic materials are produced in
value of US $ 206 million, where the main exporters
high quantities and volumes, requiring space to be
are Côte d’Ivoire (83%), Ghana (5%), and The
disposed and causing environmental and phytosani-
Netherlands (3%) (International Trade Center 2020a).
tary concerns. This is the case of the cocoa production
The main constituents of the CPH cell wall are
chain. During the 2018/19-crop period, the world
cellulose [20–26% (w/w)], hemicellulose [9–13% (w/
production of cocoa almonds was estimated at
w)] and lignin [14–28% (w/w)] (Lu et al., 2018).
4.7 million tons (The International Cocoa Organiza-
Lignin is a branched polymer mainly constituted of
tion 2020). Thus, it is calculated that approximately
aromatic compounds, which provides physical and
19 million tons of residual cocoa biomass were
chemical resistance towards adverse environmental
produced. These materials are considered as worthless

Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 4011

conditions or biological degradation caused by insects counts with favorable physicochemical characteris-
and microorganisms (Zhang et al. 2017). Hemicellu- tics, easy handling, and high compatibility with many
lose is a copolymer of pentoses and hexoses. Finally, other substances. As a by-product, glycerol can be
cellulose is a glucose polymer that can be transformed used as substrate for biomolecules production, solving
for the subsequent use of glucose monomers in an environmental problem.
fermentation processes for the generation of various In this study, the valorization of CPH for PA
value-added compounds (Brar et al. 2014). One option production, a high/medium value-added molecule, is
to obtain this last fraction is to carry out a chemical proposed for the first time. A sequential alkaline/
pretreatment for the separation of the main compo- enzymatic hydrolysis was assessed to obtain fer-
nents of lignocellulosic structure, followed by an mentable sugars, which in turn served as a carbon
enzymatic saccharification. source, along with residual glycerol, to study the
Some chemical and biotechnological routes of CPH viability of PA production, using P. jensenii DSM
conversion were reported (Campos-Vega et al. 2018; 20274 in a batch fermentation process.
Vásquez et al. 2019) and other works have previously
explored the use of CPH hydrolysate to produce value-
added molecules such as xylitol and ethanol (Mensah Material and methods
et al. 2020; Santana et al. 2018; Shet et al. 2018).
However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no Cocoa pod husk preparation
literature available about the bioconversion of CPH
for propionic acid (PA) production. PA is a weak, CPH was obtained from a local cultivation of Theo-
liquid-looking, monocarboxylic acid with a rancid, broma cacao L. (Malvaceae) in Pará State (02° 250
colorless and corrosive odor (Ahmadi et al. 2017). It is 08‘‘ S; 48° 090 08’’W), Brazil. The husk was cleaned
currently used in the food and feed industries because and cut into small pieces (5–8 cm), and oven-dried for
of its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Further- 72 h at 60 °C. The dried CPH was then grounded in a
more, the plastics, perfumery and pharmaceutical mill (Marconi—MA580/E, Brazil) and sieved through
industries use this substance as a promoter of reactions a 2 mm mesh for about 10–15 min. The dried biomass
within the manufacturing process (Schaechter and was stored in glass bottles and kept at room temper-
Lederberg 2004). The price of PA depends on its ature until posterior use.
purity. Thus, its cost can vary between 1000 and
10,000 US$/Ton. During 2019, PA exports reached Alkaline and enzymatic treatments of CPH
$493 million dollars (International Trade Center
2020b). Chemical pretreatment was carried out with sodium
Although this organic acid is commonly produced hydroxide [NaOH, 2.3% (w/v)] in 100 mL Schott
from the petrochemical route, the research related to bottles at 10% (w/v) of dried and milled CPH (particle
its production through fermentation processes has size 0.84–2.0 mm). The flasks were autoclaved at
grown significantly during the last years (Ali et al. 121 °C for 30 min. Then, the material was washed,
2020; Ammar et al. 2020; Dahiya et al. 2020). filtered, and dried at 60 °C for 12 h. Subsequently, an
However, one of the main drawbacks of the imple- enzymatic treatment was conducted in a 125 mL
mentation of fermentation at industrial scale is the Erlenmeyer flask adding of 2.4% (v/v) of the enzyme
production cost, taking into account that when PA is CellicÒ CTec 2 (Novozymes A/S, Denmark) in
produced through fermentation its cost reaches up to 100 mL of citrate buffer solution at pH 4.8 and 10%
2000 US$/ton, whereas through the petrochemical (w/v) of the alkaline treated CPH for 24 h at 50 °C in a
route it is reduced by half (Piwowarek et al. 2019). water bath with constant stirring at 100 rpm. Finally,
Trying to reduce the production cost of PA, cheap the material was filtered and dried at 60 °C for 12 h.
and alternative by-products (e.g., sugarcane molasses,
glycerol, corn steep liquor, whey) have been tested as Characterization of CPH structure
carbon and nitrogen sources in fermentation process
(Ranaei et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2018). Glycerol is an The structural characteristics of CPH (untreated and
undesirable by-product of biodiesel processing and alkaline-treated) were identified through optical

4012 Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024

microscopy (Leica Microsystems DM/LS, China) and Ic  Ia

CrI ð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ
histological staining techniques (with safranin 1% and Ic
Astra blue 1%) (Cutler et al. 2007).
where Ic is the total intensity of the (2 0 0) peak
between 21.5°–22.0° 2h (crystalline contribution) and,
Microscopic analyses using scanning electron
and Ia is the amorphous intensity between 18°–18.5°
microscopy (SEM)
2h (amorphous contribution).
Dried and milled CPH’ samples (raw and alkaline-
enzymatic treated) were analyzed for their structure by
PA production
Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) that was
performed in a Tescan Mod Vega 3LMU device
Microorganism and media composition
(Oxford Instruments), operating at 15 keV. Before
examination, samples were vacuum dried and coated/
The stock culture of Propionibacterium jensenii strain
metallized with a layer of gold in a sputter coater and
DSM 20274 was cultivated anaerobically for 48 h at
then dried.
33 8C without shaking using the medium proposed by
Coral et al. (2008) composed of (per liter of deionized
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
water): 5.0 g sodium lactate, 5.0 g yeast extract, 2.0 g
(NH4)2 PO4, 1.0 g KH2PO4, 0.01 g MgSO47 H2O,
Functional groups of CPH samples (raw, alkaline and
0.01 g CaCl26 H2O, 0.01 g CoCl26 H2O, 0.005 g
alkaline-enzymatic treated) were characterized by FT-
FeSO4 7 H2O, 0.0025 g MnSO4H2O and 7.0 g agar,
IR spectroscopy in a Vertex 70 (Bruker) equipment,
in culture tubes with screw cap and stored at 4 °C.
with the accessory DRIFTS (diffuse reflectance) with
The inoculum was cultivated in the previously
64 scans, 4 cm-1 resolution, without the elimination
described medium, but with the addition of 40.0 g.L-1
of atmospheric compensation from 4000 to 400 cm-1.
lactose instead of sodium lactate, the augmentation of
Samples were previously dried at 45 °C for 24 h, then
yeast extract concentration to 10.0 g.L-1, and without
were ground and homogenized in KBr and placed in
agar (Goswami and Srivastava 2000). PA production
DRIFTS accessories for spectra acquisition. FT-IR
was conducted using the synthetic fermentation
spectral tables reported in literature (Silverstein et al.
medium with addition of 15.0 gL-1 of pure glycerol,
2005) were employed to analyze the results obtained
instead of lactose. The pH was adjusted to 7 and the
in this study.
medium was autoclaved at 121 °C for 15 min.
Fermentation assays were performed in 21 mL tubes,
Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA)
which were almost completely filled with the medium
and inoculum (15% (v/v), closed with screw caps and
Thermal stability of CPH samples (1 g) was evaluated
incubated without shaking for 48 h at 33 °C to create a
by thermogravimetry (TG) in a Setaram device (Setsys
reduced oxygen atmosphere).
Evolution TG/DTA/DSC), under N2 atmosphere from
Subsequently, PA production was carried out using
20 °C to 800 °C and gas flow 20 mLmin-1.
CPHH, instead of water, with a sugar concentration of
7.5 gL-1 and the addition of the components of the
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
previously mentioned synthetic medium, with the
exception of glycerol concentration that was reduced
The crystallinity index (CrI) of CPH samples was
to 7.5 gL-1. The pH was adjusted to 7.
obtained by measuring wide-angle X-ray scattering
patterns in a Shimadzu XRD 7000 Maxima diffrac-
Optimization of media composition
tometer and Ni-filtered copper radiation (CuKa,
k = 1.5418 Å). Samples were scanned in the 2h range
A two-step optimization of medium composition was
of 5 to 40 degrees (2 degrees per min), and the
performed. Initially, the effect of CPHH, glycerol and
generator was operated at 40 kV and 20 mA. The
salts concentration on PA production was evaluated
Segal crystallinity index (Segal et al. 1959) was
through a Plackett & Burman design experiment with
calculated by the following equation:

Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 4013

7 variables with 8 runs and 3 central points. Thus, the kinetic was followed during 156 h and samples were
experiment was carried out with fixed concentrations centrifuged at 6000 9 g for 20 min at room temper-
of glycerol (7.5 gL-1), glucose of CPHH (7.5 gL-1) ature and the supernatant analyzed subsequently. The
and yeast extract (10 gL-1) and presence or absence data were expressed as mean ± standard error and
of the following components (variables) in fermenta- differences between means at the 5% of confidence
tion medium: (NH4)2HPO4, KH2PO4, MgSO4, CaCl2, interval (p \ 0.05) were considered significant.
CoCl2, FeSO4 and MnSO4 (data not shown). The
second step of optimization was carried out to choose Analytical methods
the best levels of the previously screened significant
variables (CPHH, glycerol and yeast extract concen- After centrifugation and filtration (0.2 lm porosity
tration). A central composite design (CCD) (with 6 PVDF membranes) glucose, glycerol and organic
axial points and 5 centerpoint runs) was then per- acids (i.e. propionic acid, succinic acid and, acetic
formed with 19 essays applying the Response Surface acid) were analyzed using the equipment Agilent 1260
Methodology (RSM) using the software StatisticaÒ Infinity HPLC. Hi-Plex H column (300 9 7.7 mm)
5.0. Essays and variable levels are shown in Table 1. was used and operated at 60 °C, 0.005 M H2SO4 as the
mobile phase at 0.6 mLmin-1 flow rate. Anions and
Kinetic studies of PA production cations were quantified by Ion Chromatography using
a Metrohm CH-9101. For the cation analysis the
Fermentation assays were conducted in 100 mL Metrosep C3 250/4.0 column (250 9 4.0 mm ID; No.
Schott bottles, with a work volume of 90 mL, which 5607002) was used, with the following analysis
were tightly sealed and incubated with low agitation conditions: eluent 5.0 mM HNO3; flow rate:
rate (50 rpm) to create a reduced oxygen atmosphere. 1.0 mLmin-1, detector: CD, temperature 40 °C,
Assays were conducted in duplicate. Fermentation injection volume: 20 lL. For the anion analysis the

Table 1 Central composite Central composite design levels Concentration (gL-1)

design matrix for the
experimental design for PA Run Glucose Glycerol Yeast Extract Glucose Glycerol Yeast Extract PA
1 -1 -1 -1 5.1 20.5 6.4 1.27
2 -1 -1 1 5.1 20.5 13.5 0.74
3 -1 1 -1 5.1 43.2 6.4 0.89
4 -1 1 1 5.1 43.2 13.5 0.91
5 1 -1 -1 10.8 20.5 6.4 0.70
6 1 -1 1 10.8 20.5 13.5 1.15
7 1 1 -1 10.8 43.2 6.4 0.68
8 1 1 1 10.8 43.2 13.5 1.28
9 - 1.68 0 0 3.2 31.9 10.0 0.86
10 1.68 0 0 12.8 31.9 10.0 0.97
11 0 - 1.68 0 8.0 12.8 10.0 0.84
12 0 1.68 0 8.0 51.0 10.0 0.94
13 0 0 - 1.68 8.0 31.9 4.0 0.81
14 0 0 1.68 8.0 31.9 15.9 1.14
15 0 0 0 8.0 31.9 10.0 2.15
16 0 0 0 8.0 31.9 10.0 1.86
17 0 0 0 8.0 31.9 10.0 2.08
18 0 0 0 8.0 31.9 10.0 2.19
19 0 0 0 8.0 31.9 10.0 2.30
Control – – – 7.5 7.5 10.0 1.90

4014 Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024

Metrosep A Supp 5 250/4.0 column (250 9 4.0 mm same material (1000x) shows a compact, rigid and
ID; No. 7610789) was used, with the following rough outer surface with the presence of some
analysis conditions: eluent 3.2 mM Na2CO3- granules of particulate material, which is the result
? 1.0 mM NaHCO3, flow rate: 0.7 mLmin-1, detec- of the grinding process. With an increase of 2000x, the
tor: suppressed CD, room temperature (25 °C), deposit of epicuticular waxes of the fruit (Fig. 2c) is
injection volume: 20 lL. Biomass quantification was identified on the external and rough surface of the raw
determined by dry weight method. Samples of 10 mL CPH.
of fermentation medium were centrifuged at After treatments, the surface porosity of the parti-
6000 9 g for 20 min in weighed pre-dried tube. The cles increased as expected, when compared to the
cell pellet was then dried at 80 °C for 12 h until original raw material (Fig. 2d). Figure 2e shows the
respective measure of mass difference. longitudinal view of the chemically and enzymatically
treated material, in which an exposed vascular bundle
is clearly observed due to the treatment action. In the
Results and discussion longitudinal view presented in Fig. 2f, the vascular
tissue of CPH was detected, showing a stitch and
Physicochemical characterization of CPH reticulate configuration, which is characteristic of the
tracheal elements of the metaxylem and, in the same
Morphological analysis way, a spiral structure conformation that is character-
istic of the tracheal elements of protoxilem, also
Figures 1a and b show the morphological features that described by Chung et al., (2008) for CPH.
were found in raw CPH and alkaline-treated CPH
samples, respectively. Figure 1a, displays an Determination of crystallinity index (CrI)
unchanged group of spiral tracheal structures (Chung
et al. 2008). In Fig. 1b, a similar but rather disrupted X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to evaluate the
tracheal structure is found due to the alkaline effect of NaOH treatment on CPH and the availability
treatment. It is interesting to observe the arrangement of cellulose fraction, which is more accessible to
of this structure and its elongation capacity, to fulfill enzymatic hydrolysis. For the CrI calculation, the
the functions of transporting water, of mechanical Segal approach was used as an empirical measurement
resistance and flexibility within the vegetal tissue, for relative comparison. The CrI indicates a qualitative
which has ring, spiral, and reticulate or dotted or semi-quantitative evaluation of the amount of
conformations. The presence of these structures was cellulose that is in the crystalline state, and, conse-
corroborated via SEM analysis. Figure 1c shows the quently, the cellulose in the amorphous state (Park
distribution of plant cells of raw CPH and in Fig. 1d, et al. 2010). The XRD profiles of untreated, alkaline
due to the alkaline pretreatment, which implicates in and alkaline-enzymatic treated CPH are shown in
solvation and saponification, the swelling of biomass Fig. 3. For the untreated CPH samples, the CrI was
cells and internal surface alteration is evident, as it has 46%, whereas, for CPH with alkaline treatment and
been shown in other lignocellulosic matrixes (Heise alkaline-enzymatic treatment, it was 55 and 44%,
et al. 2017). respectively.
It could be assumed that the increase in CrI
Structural arrangements of CPH analyzed by SEM observed after alkaline treatment is due to the
elimination of a large portion of the amorphous
Figure 2 a–f represents the SEM images of untreated fraction of the CPH, consisting mainly of lignin,
CPH samples (a–c) and (d–f) alkaline-enzymatic hemicellulose and non-structural components (i.e.,
treated CPH samples. Interesting changes in surface nitrate/nitrites, protein, ash, chlorophyll, or waxes). As
texture, porosity and exposure of characteristic struc- described by Kim et al. (2016), the gross crystallinity
tures are observed. Figure 2a shows the 50 9 magni- index of biomass with alkaline treatment often rises
fication micrograph of raw CPH after mechanical after pretreatment, primarily, due to removal of
rupture. Irregular fragments with fibrous and moder- amorphous regions, rather than to structural change
ately porous appearance are observed. In Fig. 2b, the in the cellulose fibers. In previous studies, the alkaline

Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 4015

Fig. 1 Comparison between raw and alkaline treated CPH fresh tracheal structure in CPH after alkaline treatment (10x); c Native
samples analyzed by optical microscopy: a Native spiral distribution of cells in raw CPH (10x); d Swollen cells in CPH
tracheal structure in raw CPH sample (10x); b Disrupted spiral sample after alkaline treatment (10x)

treatment was applied on a wide range of lignocellu- et al. 2021). This suggests that through mild NaOH
losic agroindustrial materials (e.g., soybean straw and solution treatment conditions was possible to remove
husk, corn stover, oil palm empty fruit bunch) in and/or partially degrade amorphous fraction and make
which, changes in CrI are similar to those obtained in the cellulose of CPH sample, susceptible to enzymatic
this work (Latip et al. 2019; Qing et al. 2017; Shi et al. hydrolysis and saccharification.
2021). Although cellulose was not structurally dam-
aged, it is assumed that its quality was affected by the Functional groups of CPH
peeling reaction due to the alkaline treatment condi-
tions (Chen et al. 2017). This reaction stimulates the The spectra obtained by infrared spectroscopy showed
generation of some formless regions in which enzy- differences between treated (alkaline and alkaline-
matic digestibility can be promoted with the conse- enzymatic treatments) and raw CPH (Fig. 4). In the
quent recovery of sugars from cellulose, as well as was region between 3600 and 3000 cm-1 (Fig. 4a) there
observed in similar studies (Malik et al. 2020; Mota are signals that are attributed to stretching vibration of

4016 Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024

Fig. 2 Scanning electronic microscopic photos of CPH e Longitudinal view of vascular bundle of CPH sample with
samples: a Ground fragments of raw CPH (509); b Outer alkaline-enzymatic treatment (5009); f Longitudinal view of a
surface of raw CPH (10009); c Outer surface of raw CPH with tracheal element with a spiral pattern of CPH with alkaline-
presence of epicuticular waxes (2.0009); d Ground fragment of enzymatic treatment (30009)
CPH sample with alkaline-enzymatic treatment (509);

O–H bonds of the phenolic and alcoholic groups,

which are lignin components (Ahmad et al. 2012;
Morone et al. 2017; Rashid et al. 2016; Yang et al.
2007). The band was larger and intense for the raw
sample. Pre-treated samples suffered alterations that
acted directly in these groups, causing the decrease of
signal intensity. Between 2950—2890 cm-1, it is
possible to verify the presence of narrow peaks
attributed to the symmetric and asymmetric stretching
vibration of the C-H bonds of the CH3, CH2 and CH
groups (Coral Medina et al. 2015; Tinwala et al. 2015),
whose intensity was modified in the pre-treated
samples. As described by Ibrahim et al. (2013) the
main consequence of pre-treatment is the breakdown
of the cell wall matrix, where the bonds between
Fig. 3 X-ray spectra of CPH samples with different treatments carbohydrates and lignin are cleaved (Chen et al.

Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 4017

Fig. 4 Infrared Spectroscopy of CPH samples: a Spectrum between 3800 and 500 cm-1; b Expanded spectrum between 1800 and
800 cm-1

2016; Geng et al. 2019), as well as the occurrence of sample, one of them in 1456 cm-1 that is associated to
depolymerization and solubilization of hemicellulose. C–H deformations in lignin (Ibrahim et al. 2013) and
In this case, the alkaline solution is applied to remove the other one in 1319 cm-1 is probably attributed to
lignin from the CPH without deteriorating carbohy- C-H vibration in cellulose (Chun et al. 2013). The
drates and increasing the porosity of the biomass presence of C-O bonds of lignin (Chun et al. 2015) is
surface augmenting the accessibility of enzymatic indicated between 1184 and 960 cm-1. That band is
cellulolytic complex (Kim et al. 2016). The subse- much wider for the raw sample when compared to the
quent use of ß-glucosidases assures the recovery of treated samples, suggesting the removal of lignin.
hydrolysate with a high content in glucose prone for Finally, treated samples showed a defined peak of
fermentation. medium intensity in the near region of 896 cm-1
For better analysis, the region between 1800 and (clearly absent in the raw sample), corresponding to
800 cm-1 was enlarged (Fig. 4b). In this region glycosidic linkages (Sun et al. 2000; Xu et al. 2015)
(known as the ‘‘fingerprint’’) it was possible to identify which suggest the presence of cellulose (Sribala et al.
the most important differences between the functional 2016) and the consequent effectiveness of treatments.
groups of the CPH samples. In 1735 cm-1, a narrow Thus, comparing the obtained spectra, it is possible
band of medium intensity was observed for the raw to ratify the effect of the CPH treatments, since the
sample, which decreased after alkaline and enzymatic specific adsorption bands that initially appeared in the
treatments. Changes in this region are attributed to the raw material were altered. According to the literature,
C = O stretching vibration of the carbonyl and acetyl alkaline treatment acts on lignin and polysaccharide
groups in the xylan component of hemicelluloses structures of the lignocellulosic material (Bali et al.
(Ibrahim et al. 2013; Lionetto et al. 2012; Yang et al. 2015), which is of great importance since the decrease
2007). When the raw sample is compared with the in the material’s recalcitrance facilitates the accessi-
treated samples, in 1700 and 1500 cm-1 region a bility of the enzyme to the cellulosic compounds.
broad and intense band is observed, attributed to the
C = O with benzene ring (lignin) and to the stretching Thermal stability of CPH
vibration C = C bonds (Pua et al., 2013). In
1460–1184 cm-1 region, alterations that are origi- In TG curves, the thermal decomposition profile of the
nated from the treatments appear, and are attributed to material is observed in different stages and it is
the deformation of the C-H, O–H groups of celluloses, directly related to specific compounds, which for the
hemicelluloses, and lignin (Pua et al. 2013). Two case of vegetal biomass, would be classified as
significant bands appeared for the alkaline-enzymatic hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin. Figure 5 shows

4018 Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024

Fig. 5 Thermogravimetric curves of CPH samples with different treatments

the TG curves obtained for the samples of CPH (Zone 2), the degradation or depolymerization of the
without treatment (black line), for the alkaline treated hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin compounds hap-
CPH (red line) and for the alkaline-enzymatic treat- pens and occurs the greatest mass loss (Chen et al.
ment CPH (blue line) and their respective derivatives 2015). During the last thermal event (Zone 3) it is
(dTG). possible to locate the total degradation of the material,
In Fig. 5 it is also possible to identify, through each resulting in oxides or ashes of the inorganic elements
of the generated derivatives (discontinuous lines) for that constitute the material. Table 2 summarizes the
the different samples, changes during the degradation analyzed samples, the degradation temperature char-
process. In the case of alkaline treatment with NaOH acteristic of each zone and the respective percentages
(red discontinuous line), a ‘‘shoulder’’ appears of weight loss.
between 260 and 270 °C, which is supposed to As identified in each TG curve and according to the
correspond to the degradation of the residual material information presented in Table 2, the largest mass loss
deposited in the CPH sample and related to residual corresponds to the sample without treatment. Com-
NaOH. In the case of the CPH sample with alkaline- paring this sample with the treated material and as
enzymatic treatment between 200 and 250 °C, the expected, the mass loss is higher, since part of the
same ‘‘shoulder’’ is observed and could possibly be material was previously removed with the chemical
associated with the presence of residues from the and biological processes carried out on the analyzed
enzymatic formulation that was used for CPH enzy-
matic treatment. Table 2 Thermogravimetric analysis of CPH
In each TG curve of the CPH samples, it is possible
Sample of CPH Weight loss (%)
to identify three thermal events that are characteristic
of lignocellulosic material. In the first thermal event Raw 71.9
(Zone 1) the mass loss is related to the evaporation of Alkaline treatment 65.1
volatile compounds (adsorbed water, absorbed water Alkaline-enzymatic treatment 67.5
and volatiles of low molar mass) (Soltani et al. 2015).
During the second and most important thermal event

Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 4019

material. It is possible to conclude that the thermal whereas glycerol allows higher propionate yield and
stability of the CPH samples was affected by both selectivity, but low productivity. In co-fermentation,
alkaline and enzymatic treatments (Ndazi et al. 2007) these carbon sources, enhanced PA productivity and
when compared to raw CPH, which exhibited higher yield, and showed robust flux redistribution for redox
thermal stability, mainly due to the natural presence of balance and cell growth. Following these findings, in
waxes and lignin. The lower thermal resistance of this work the co-fermentation strategy was imple-
treated samples is attributed to the effective degrada- mented, taking advantage of CPH and the glycerol
tion of lignin compounds by NaOH and, by the composition (as waste by-products) for value-added
subsequent enzymatic effect on the cellulosic mate- molecules’ production.
rial, leaving the structures devoid of stability. The results of the optimization medium step are
presented in Fig. 6. R2 was 0.96908, indicating that the
model could explain * 97% of the response variabil-
PA production ity. Response surface plot (Fig. 6a) showed the
interaction between glycerol and glucose concentra-
Optimization of medium composition tions, indicating the presence of optimum point within
the established range, where the highest PA concen-
After consecutive alkaline [NaOH, 2.3% (w/v)] and tration (2.3 gL-1), was reached using (per liter) 8 g
enzymatic [CellicÒ CTec 2 (2.4% v/v)] treatments of glucose from the CPHH and 32 g glycerol. It is known
CPH, a hydrolysate was obtained with maximum that Propionibacterium metabolism is governed by the
concentration of 60.5 gL-1 glucose and 275 mg dicarboxylic acid pathway where carbon sources are
glucoseg-1 CPH. Ion concentration of the obtained oxidized to pyruvate via NADH-generating glycolysis
hydrolysate were (per liter): F- 5.8 mg, Cl- 14.6 mg, pathways (Yang et al. 2018). Thus, when PA is
SO4-2 1.9 mg, PO4-3 2.9 mg, NH4? 645.9 mg, K? produced from the simultaneous use of these carbon
25.4 mg, Mg ?2 41.8 mg, Ca?2 64.8 mg. Initial sources, glycerol is predominantly consumed for PA
fermentation process for PA production was carried biosynthesis and glucose is used for cell biomass
out using CPHH medium reaching 1.9 gL-1 PA. synthesis, because it acts as a hydrogen donor
The first step of medium optimization showed that substrate for the supply of reducing equivalents and
(NH4)2HPO4, CaCl2 and KH2PO4 were statistically ATP (Liu et al. 2011; Wang and Yang 2013).
significant (P \ 0.05) for PA production by P. jensenii Regarding the nitrogen demand, as it is observed in
DSM 20274. (NH4)2HPO4, and KH2PO4 had negative the plotted response surface (Fig. 6b) the interaction
coefficients, suggesting that the presence of ions between glucose and yeast extract, 10 gL-1 of the
PO4-3, NH4?, K? in the hydrolysate, supplies the nitrogen source is the best concentration for the
requirements of the microorganism for PA production optimal levels PA. Other studies have already suc-
and the addition of these salts is not necessary, which cessfully used glycerol or glucose, along with yeast
could have a positive impact on production costs. On extract (Dishisha et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2015).
the other hand, CaCl2 had positive effect and the Glycerol and glucose concentration were not signif-
addition of this salt to the medium is required. icant, individually, but only their interaction presented
One of the main drawbacks that are faced in PA significant influence on PA production in a certain
production through fermentation is low the produc- level. Contrarily, the quadratic interaction between
tivity when the batch fermentation system is imple- glycerol and glucose was statistically significant, but
mented: \ 1 gL-1h-1, as well as the low with negative influence on PA production (Fig. 6c and
concentrations of PA: \ 50 gL-1 (Parizzi et al. d). This means that a certain level of each carbon
2012). To understand and overcome this situation, source must be employed, not low or high concentra-
Wang and Yang (2013) studied the influence of tions favor the synthesis of the organic acid, and both
glycerol and glucose in PA production by P. freuden- may be employed at medium level with a medium
reichii subsp. shermanii, which were added as inde- level of the nitrogen source (yeast extract) that leads to
pendent or simultaneous carbon sources. They found a certain C/N ratio. Optimal conditions of PA accu-
that despite a low PA yield, glucose promoted mulation were observed with 8 gL-1 of glucose,
considerable cell growth and acetate production, 32 gL-1 of glycerol and 10 gL-1 of yeast extract.

4020 Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024

Fig. 6 Influence of carbon and nitrogen sources on PA optimal concentrations for PA production showing interactive
production: a Response surface plots for optimal concentrations effects of yeast extract (gL-1) vs. glucose (gL-1) c Pareto
for PA production showing interactive effects of glycerol chart of standardized effects on PA production; (p-value = 5%);
(gL-1) vs. glucose (gL-1); b Response surface plots for d Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Kinetics of PA production from glycerol and glucose (Ranaei et al. 2020), were
produced simultaneously at maximum concentrations
CPHH and glycerol were used as carbon sources for of 0.4 and 0.8 gL-1, respectively. It has been reported
PA production (Fig. 7). Both carbon sources were that the generation of by-products (acetic, succinic,
consumed, along with the co-production of PA, acetic lactic, pyruvic, malic, fumaric, isovaleric and formic
and succinic acids. After 156 h, 89% of glucose and acids, propanol and CO2), when are produced in
39% of glycerol were consumed. PA concentration considerable concentrations, hinders the purification
achieved a maximum of 10.28 ± 1.05 gL-1 after processes (Rodriguez et al., 2014), with significant
132 h of process representing a productivity of increase of production costs. The accumulation of
0.08 ± 0.01 gL-1h-1 after 72 h. The highest yield these organic acids affected the pH of the medium,
was 0.59 g PA/g carbon source after 108 h of process. which started in 6.45 and reached 4, because no pH
Using P. jensenii DSM 20274, Coral et al. (2008) control strategy was implemented during the process.
obtained PA concentration of 8.98 gL-1 and a It should be emphasized that PA concentrations
maximum productivity of 0.064 gL-1h-1 employing could be still improved with the use of bioreactors and
glycerol and sugarcane molasses. These results different fermentation operations. Implementing dif-
showed that, for the same strain, CPHH together with ferent process strategies or using genetically engi-
glycerol are better carbon sources for PA production. neered microorganism, it would be possible to
During fermentation, succinic and acetic acids, enhance PA concentration, yield, and productivity.
which are common by-products of PA production As an example, when implementing fed-batch system,

Cellulose (2021) 28:4009–4024 4021

Fig. 7 Kinetics of PA production in 100 mL glass Schott flask

Liu et al. (2012) produced 53.2 gL-1 of PA, with P. techniques (optical microscopy, SEM, FT-IR, XRD,
acidipropionici ATCC 4875, using hemicelluloses as and TG) allowed the analysis and understanding of the
carbon source. Liu et al. (2016) reached concentra- physicochemical changes caused by the action of the
tions of 26.9 gL-1 of PA after 228 h of process chemical and enzymatic compounds. It was revealed
(0.11 gL-1h-1), employing fed-batch operation and that the alkaline pretreatment in CPH samples reduces
a strain of P. jensenii ATCC 4868, with glycerol as the content of lignin, promoting the increase of
sole carbon source. Chen et al. (2012) implemented porosity of the biomass surface and the swelling of
the fed-batch system and cell immobilization of P. the cell wall matrix, which leads the increase of
freudenreichii strain CCTCCM 207015 with glucose cellulose accessibility by the enzymatic complex and
as a carbon source, reaching concentrations of up to finally, enhancing the saccharification process effi-
136.23 ± 6.77 gL-1 of PA after 240 h with a ciency. CPH chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis
productivity of 0.57 ± 0.03 gL-1h-1. On the other allowed the obtaining of a glucose-rich hydrolysate
hand, Zhuge et al. (2015) achieved a concentration of of 60.5 gL-1 or 275 mg glucose g-1 CPH. The
21.38 gL-1 of PA after 156 h of process, using highest yield of PA production was 0.59 g PA g-1
engineered P. jensenii ATCC 4868 with glycerol as carbon source, after 108 h of process. It has been
carbon source. Considering these facts, future studies shown that CPH has potential use as substrate in
of PA production may consider the fed-batch fermen- biotechnological processes for high value biomole-
tation system as a potential way to enhance the cules’ production.
productivity of the process using CPHH as carbon
source along with glycerol. Acknowledgments The authors thank the Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES) and
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e
Tecnológico do Brasil (CNPq) for the research scholarship.
Funding Authors Zulma Sarmiento Vásquez, Luciana Porto
This work assesses an unexplored carbon source for an de Souza Vandenberghe, Cristine Rodrigues, Valcineide O.
A. Tanobe, Oranys Marı́n, Gilberto V.M. Pereira, Carlos
industrially applied value-added molecule production. Ricardo Soccol have received research funding from
Initially, the characterization of raw and pre-treated Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel
CPH by different qualitative and quantitative Superior—CAPES, Brazil, projeto CAPES-PROCAD 2013.

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Oliveira PZD, Tiburcio PB, Rogez HLG, Góes A, Soccol
CR (2019) Biotechnological approaches for cocoa waste


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