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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Publications of David Mertz * Technical Publications * Gnosis Software Home

Page * My book: Text Processing in Python

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Introduction to the Tutorial

Sob story: This page seems to be quite widely read, but only just occasionally gets
donations on the above Paypal link. Tragedy of the commons and all that... but still, if
any of you would like to donate a buck or two, I'd appreciate it?
Anyway, this tutorial was first published by IBM developerWorks. This version contains
a few minor corrections that readers have suggested since the original publication. An
expanded and updated version can be found in my book, Text Processing in Python


Who is this tutorial for?

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Just what is a regular expression anyway?

What tools use regular expressions?

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Note on presentation

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions


Where to go from here...

Matching Patterns in Text: The Basics

Character literals

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

"Escaped" characters literals

Positional special characters

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

The "wildcard" character

Grouping regular expressions

Character classes

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Complement operator

Alternation of patterns

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

The basic abstract quantifier

Matching Patterns in Text: Intermediate

More abstract quantifiers

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Numeric quantifiers


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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Don't match more than you want to

Tricks for restraining matches

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Comments on modification tools

A note on modification examples

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

A literal-string modification example

A pattern-match modification example

Modification using backreferences

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Another warning on mismatching

Advanced Regular Expression


About advanced features

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Non-greedy quantifiers

Pattern-match modifiers

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Changing backreference behavior

Naming backreferences

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

Lookahead assertions

Making regular expressions more readable

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Learning to Use Regular Expressions

MSIE sucks

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