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1. What is an Affidavit Complaint?

- According to McMahon on the year 2022, A complaint affidavit is a sworn
declaration prepared by someone who wants to bring a lawsuit. Such declarations are
made when someone wants to sue another for breaking the law, and they can also be
used in criminal instances when a victim makes a formal complaint with the help of
the police.
2. What is sworn statement?
- According to Law Insider, a sworn statement is one that has been written and signed
by the party making it, attesting to its correctness and truthfulness to the best of their
knowledge and belief.
3. What is an affidavit of witness/es?
- According to Citizen Information, an affidavit of witness is a witness's sworn written
testimony in a lawsuit. It is a document that outlines the testimony the witness intends
to provide. A deponent is a witness who swears an affidavit.
4. What is the difference between an affidavit and a sworn statement?
- A affidavit differs from a sworn statement in that it is signed, witnessed, and certified
by a public authority, such as a notary public.
5. What are the importance of the above enumerated legal forms in the filing of a formal
criminal charge against a person?
- Affidavits are an essential component of court proceedings because they give a written
account of the facts of the case, which can facilitate judges' decision-making. A
written statement of facts relating to a legal procedure is known as a sworn statement.
The declarant signs it to certify that all of the information is accurate and that they
understand that lying might result in being charged with perjury. That’s why the
enumerated legal forms above are important.
Provide a sample for the following legal forms:
a. Affidavit Complaint
b. Sworn Statement
c. Affidavit of witnesses

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