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In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Multiply rational numbers;
2. Divide rational numbers;
3. Solve problems involving multiplication and division of rational numbers.
While there are rules and algorithms to remember, this lesson also shows why those rules
and algorithms work.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers
Prerequisite Concepts:
Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers and Expressing Rational Numbers in
Different Forms 

Arohl (2014). Learning Materials / Modules in MATHEMATICS quarter 1 to quarter 2
for GRADE 7. Retrieved from: https://www.slideshare.net/lhoralight/k-to-12-grade-7-learning-
Tamayo (2010). G-Math Intermediate Algebra. Retrieved from:

Gadgets, powerpoint,
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Kindly, lead the prayer On the name of the father, son and the
holy spirit……….. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good Morning class! Good morning Sir! Mabuhay!

You may now take your seat

3. Checking of Attendance
Do we have any absentees? Sir, I’m glad to tell you that there’s no
absent today

4. Review of the Lesson

Yesterday, we discussed about?
The lesson yesterday is about addition and
subtraction of rational numbers.
Very Good!

What if your friend send this questions to you, try to

solve and find out the answers and respont to your
friend immediately.


Very Good!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Explore
Now, class I have here a visual representation
of chocolate. All you need to do is to answer the
corresponding question regarding this picture.
Every correct answer you will receive extra
points for the evaluation later

Is that clear?
Yes, Sir!

This is a chocolate bar.

3 1
Kim ate of of the chocolate.
5 2

What part of the whole chocolate did Kim eat?

Can you make a model to help you solve these
(Call students)
Help me to know chocolate did Kim eat?
Let’s start.
First, divide the chocolate into 2 since Kim
only eat part of it

Very Good!
Next, that divide the half of the chocolate into
then color the 3 out of it.

Then, divide the other half of the chocolate
into 5 as well for us to see what part I ate.

What did you notice on the chocolate?

Kim only ate 3/10 of the chocolate.

Very Good!
But, there’s an easy way to solve that problem.
It is by multiplying this rational numbers.
And that’s our lesson for today.

C. Explain
Powerpoint presentation
Now, I will discuss to you the important rules
to remember in multiplying and dividing rational
The following are rules that you must
To multiply rational numbers in fraction form
simply multiply the numerators and multiply the (Raising their hands)
× or •
What are the symbols used for multiplication?
(Call a student)
Very Good! From hehere on, the symbols to
be used for multiplication are any of × or •.
a c ac
In symbol, • = , where b and d are
b d bd
NOT equal to zero, ( b ≠ 0; d ≠ 0 )
So, for example.

3 2 35
a. •
7 5
3 2 3 ×2 35
• =
7 5 7 ×5

13 9

Ok! What is now the answer? 3 4

Next example
1 1
b. 4 •2
3 4 13 9 13× 9 117 39
• = = =
The easiest way to solve for this number is to 3 4 3×4 12 4
change mixed numbers to an improper fraction 117
and then multiply it. Since, is divisible by 3. We simplify
That’s right! 39
it to
Try to solve it
How did you get ?

Any question regarding multiplication of

rational numbers?
Let’s proceed to division of rational numbers.
To divide rational numbers in fraction form,
you take the reciprocal of the second fraction
(called the divisor) and multiply it by the first
a c a d ad
In symbol, ÷ = • = where b, c,
b d b c bc
d are NOT equal to zero. 2 3
Take the reciprocal of , which is ,
3 2
For example, then multiply it.
8 2
a. ÷
11 3
8 3 8 × 3 24 12
What is the first thing to do? • = = =
11 2 11× 2 22 11
8 3 8×3
• =
11 2 11× 2

Very Good! Now, let’s try to solve this

2. Elaborate
Through the breakout room, I will group you into
4 groups. After that you will open the brainscape,
there will be a posted flashcard containing the
1 8 ×4
question that you will answer by group. 8• = = 8×4 = 32
4 1 ×1
The first group to answer correctly will get the
additional 3 points in the evaluation quiz later
Since there are 4 fourths in one sandwich,
Miriam made 8 chicken sandwiches for some
there will be 4 x 8 = 32 triangular pieces
street children. She cut up each sandwich into 4
and hence, 32 children will be fed.
triangular pieces. If a child can only take a piece,
how many children can she feed?
Impressive! Now explain how you got the

(Raising their hands)
3. Evaluate
In this lesson, we learned the
Q and A multiplication and division of rational
numbers. We also learned the rules for
Is there any question? multiplying and dividing rational numbers
in fraction. We also solved problems
Who want to summarize today’s lesson?
involving multiplication and division of
(Call student) rational numbers.

Very Good! It is really evident that you

understood our lesson this day. Now, to assess
what you have learned, bring out your activity

Using( Rapid Refresh)

You will open the link that I will posted on the chat box to anser the evaluation quiz and as
a reward group 4 got the additional 3 points on this activity and also Joy, Loren and Ralp
Got 1 pont because they participate in the engage phase lately.
Instruction: Solve the following:
A. Find the products
5 2 1 2
1. • 6. 4 •5
6 3 2 3
2 2 3
2. 7• 7. •
3 15 4
4 2 1 2 1
3. • 8. • •
20 5 6 3 4
5 1 −5 2 12
4. 10 • 3 9. • •-
6 3 6 3 15
−9 25 9 4
5. • 10. • • -2
20 27 16 15

B. Find the quotients

2 1
1. 20÷ 6. 13 ÷-2
3 6
5 −3 −5 −10
2. ÷ 7. ÷
12 4 6 14
5 20 −2 11
3. ÷ 8. ÷
50 35 9 15
3 2 9 3 3
4. 5 ÷6 9. ÷ ÷
4 3 16 4 6
8 12 15 2 5
5. ÷ 10. ÷ ÷
15 25 6 3 8

V. Assignment
Instruction: Solve the following:
1 2
1. Julie spent hours 3 doing her assignment. Ken did his assignment for 1 times as many
2 3
hours as Julie did. How many hours did Ken spend doing his assignment?
2. How many thirds are there in six-fifths?
3. Hanna donated of her monthly allowance to the Iligan survivors. If her monthly allowance is
P3500, how much did she donate?
1 1
4. The enrolment for this school year is 2340. If are sophomores and are seniors, how many
6 4
are freshmen and juniors?
5. At the end of the day, a store had 2/5 of a cake leftover. The four employees each took home
the same amount of leftover cake. How much did each employee take home?

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