Construction and Building Materials: Emerson F. Felix, Rogério Carrazedo, Edna Possan

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Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

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Carbonation model for fly ash concrete based on artificial neural

network: Development and parametric analysis
Emerson F. Felix a,⇑, Rogério Carrazedo a, Edna Possan b
Department of Structural Engineering, University of São Paulo at São Carlos School of Engineering, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Latin American Institute of Technology, Infrastructure and Territory, Federal University of Latin American Integration, UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Artificial neural networks are used to

predict carbonation in fly ash
 ANN with two hidden layers can
generate models with R2 greater than
 The model proposed consider
parameters considers parameters to
be easily acquired.
 Techniques based on machine
learning can accurately predict
carbonation results.
 Fly ash content significantly
interferes in the concrete carbonation

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Control and prediction of the carbonation depth in reinforced concrete structures has great relevance for
Received 18 July 2020 construction industry, since the carbonation process is directly related to the service life and durability of
Received in revised form 11 September these structures. One challenge in carbonation modelling is to understand the complex relation between
the main parameters of the phenomenon. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) may overcome this chal-
Accepted 17 September 2020
lenge, finding solutions to these nonlinear and complex problems. In this study, an ANN with backprop-
agation algorithm is used in predicting the carbonation depth of concretes that contains fly ash addition.
A total of 90 ANN topologies are implemented. It was observed in the training process that networks with
Fly ash concrete
two hidden layers are able to generate models with determination coefficient greater than 0.8. One of
Carbonation depth them is select as the one that best fit the problem. The optimized configuration provided smallest root
Artificial intelligence mean square error associated with the best determination coefficient. Besides, the parametric study
Artificial neural networks shown that the parameters that had most influence on the carbonation depth in fly ash-concretes were
the cement consumption, fly ash content, CO2 rate and relative humidity. Besides, results indicate that the
model can be applied to estimate the lifespan of concrete structures, and may be used as simulation tool
in the development of engineering projects focused on durability.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Corrosion is the main pathological manifestation in reinforced

⇑ Corresponding author. concrete structures and has great influence on the composite
E-mail addresses: (E.F. Felix), rogcarrazedo@sc. material behavior throughout its lifespan [1,2]. The carbon dioxide (R. Carrazedo), (E. Possan).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

(CO2) diffusion in concrete, a process denominated carbonation, is researchers begin to use physical–chemical formulations related
the main cause of reinforcement depassivation of concrete ele- to the cement paste hydration reactions and to the CO2 dissolution
ments in urban environments [3]. in the concrete matrix porous, improving the evaluation of the car-
Therefore, several predictive models for concrete carbonation bonation depth [5–7]. Nonetheless, these models hold great com-
have been developed over the past few years [4–11]. However, plexity in solving CO2 diffusion equations and have parameters
most of them are not recommended in project codes so far, despite that are difficult to measure, such as the diffusion coefficient of
the significant advances in the formulations developed in the last carbon dioxide in concrete.
two decades [12]. Nonetheless, a model for the prediction of the With computing advancement and emergence of AI and
residual service is found in the European Community [13]. This is machine learning techniques, new formulations have been devel-
justified by the multiple parameters involved, lack of experimental oped over time to reduce models’ uncertainties [1,16,17,24]. ANN
data considering different scenarios, complexity of the physical– has been becoming commonplace regarding carbonation phe-
chemical laws that govern the entire mechanism (due to division nomenon modeling. As an example, the total number of papers
of corrosion process into two stages, initiation and propagation), related to concrete carbonation modeling published in the last dec-
among others. ade and reported in Science Direct database is 396. Among these
Most of the models available in the literature are based in either papers, 108 (27%) use some machine learning techniques (Support
linear regression or, more complexly, in solving the physical– Vector Machine, ANN, generic algorithms, and others) for
chemical equations that govern the carbonation mechanism. For modeling. Fifty studies (13%) employ specifically ANN, as shown
both situations, it is hard or even unfeasible to consider the several in Fig. 1.
factors that interfere in the carbonation phenomenon. Besides, When it comes to modeling the carbonation of concrete con-
when more parameters are used, the model’s extrapolation or gen- taining additions, especially fly ash, only a few works have been
eralization may provide results with low reliability. developed in recent years comparing to the total number of pub-
In this context, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is promising, because lished papers in the area, which only corresponds to a proportion
computational tools such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) can of 7%. This happens due to difficulties in determining a formulation
circumvent the difficulties in the carbonation modeling process. for carbonation depth that considers the influence of all involved
ANN are proven to be effective alternatives with good applicability parameters in the phenomenon, specially the influence of the type
in modeling different nature problems [14,15]. Luo et al. [16] and and content of this addition on cement or concrete [25].
Akpinar and Uwanuakwa [17] report that efficient models for the Several works in literature describe carbonation and its influ-
concrete carbonation prediction can be obtained by ANN due to ence factors [8,20,26–31]. Possan et al. [8], Pauletti et al. [29] and
its ability to map complex and nonlinear problems. Ekolu [12] quote that, in general, parameters that influence the car-
Thus, following the ever increasing use of AI and ANN in diverse bonation are related to: (i) environmental conditions, as tempera-
areas of knowledge, especially in concrete carbonation depth ture, relative humidity and CO2 content; (ii) concrete
[18–21], this work intends to establish a model to predict concrete characteristics, as material dosage (trace), execution process, addi-
carbonation depth with fly ash addition up to 50%, through ANN. tion content, curing conditions and binder chemical composition;
Concrete with more than 50% of fly ash addition were not consid- and (iii) exposure conditions (internal or external) and rain
ered in this study due to the low amount of experimental results in covering.
the literature, which would not allow good learning in the ANN Thus, these factors must be considered both in the carbonation
training. Also, a parametric analysis is made to identify the influ- phenomenon study and in its modeling, to embrace all parameters
ence of the water/binder ratio, relative humidity, atmosphere contribution related to the problem. In this context, factors as
CO2 content, addition contents and cement consumption on the water/binder ratio (w/b), cement consumption, CO2 content, envi-
progress and behavior of carbonation. Temperature was not ronment relative humidity and fly ash addition content were con-
included as a variable since only environmental temperature are sidered in the development of carbonation prediction model via
considered, around 20–30 °C. Drouet et al. [22] showed that the ANN as input variables and, a posteriori, these same factors were
carbonation process is not significantly influenced by this temper- analyzed regarding their importance and influence in the modeling
ature range. and phenomenon behavior.
This paper is divided in four sections. First one presents the
introduction, with a contextualization of this work, brief descrip- 1.2. Artificial neural networks
tion of the concrete carbonation modeling processes presented in
the literature and the ANN potentiality to model complex and non- The ANN are structures inspired by human brain and can be
linear problems. Second section presents the modeling process defined as a parallel and distributed system composed by process-
adopted in this work. After training the ANN, the best model is ing units, called the neurons. These networks are capable to
determined and results regarding validation and performance approximate complex functions with high generality [31]. A
analysis is presented in the third section, where a parametric anal- human neuron has one or more layers interconnected by axons,
ysis is performed to show the model applicability. Finally, the con- in which the soma (cell body plus nucleus) retains information
clusions section brings the final remarks. (Fig. 2a). Neurons are disposed in one or more layers (Fig. 2b),
linked by connections associated with synaptic weights that may
1.1. Concrete carbonation modelling store knowledge [32].
Artificial Neural Network are capable to map relations between
Carbonation study has been reported in literature for more than input and output layers. Besides, they may compile information
half a century and the theoretical framework on the topic is exten- that are not readily seen, by interpolating the results.
sive [4–8,16,18–20]. The interest in the area led several researchers Haykin [31] reports that an ANN presents five basic elements
to develop models of the behavior and/or prediction of concrete that resemble the biological ones: (I) an input set xk where each
carbonation over time. input carries its respective synaptic weight, wk; (II) an adder
Until the mid-1980 s, models for concrete carbonation depth to sum the input signals, ponder by the respective neuron weights;
were developed through linear and nonlinear regression, consider- (III) an activation function, F(∙), to restrict the output amplitude;
ing different factors, for example, water/binder ratio (w/b), binder (IV) a bias bk responsible for increasing or decreasing the net input
type and exposure conditions [2,23]. In the following years some of the activation function (equivalent to a horizontal translation of
E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 1. Number of papers reported in Science Direct database regarding concrete carbonation modeling.

Fig. 2. Representation of (a) a biological neural network and (b) an artificial neural network of Perceptron type.

the activation function graph); and, (V) an output generated by the

network yk as showed in Fig. 2b. In general, a k neuron output of an
ANN Perceptron can be evaluated using Eq. (1).
yk ¼ F wkj xj þ bk ð1Þ

where yk represents the k neuron output, F is the activation func-

tion, wkj are the synaptic weights, xj represent the inputs and bk
refer to the bias.
Every network must go through a learning process to map and
approximate a function, and the supervised one is the most used
[32]. The name ‘‘supervised” holds for the network that is initially
controlled by a supervisor, who presents the data to the ANN
which has the objective of finding a relation between input–output
pairs provided in the problem.
The supervised training method used in this study is ‘‘feedfor-
ward backpropagation” [31], the same training method used by
Martins [33] in an ANN to develop a prediction model for the car-
bonation depth of concrete structures located in urban
Nowadays, there are several types of networks in literature, Fig. 3. Representation of an ANN of MLP type.
which differ especially regarding topology (network architecture).
Braga et al. [32] report that topology has great importance on the
behavior and functioning of a network, since it limits the ANN Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) ANN type. MLP networks have great
applicability to certain problem classes. In the present work neural process information capacity, which allows mapping of non-
networks with multiple neuron layers were used (Fig. 3), the linearly separable data [34].

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

2. Model development calculated to verify the influence of each available parameter in

database - cement consumption (kg/m3), CO2 content (%), fly ash
In order to determine a predictive model to carbonation of con- addition content (%), relative humidity (%) and w/b ratio, according
cretes with fly ash, the methodology presented in the flowchart of to Table 2 and Fig. 5.
Fig. 4 was followed. A program developed in C++, which has already Pn
ðx  x Þðy  y Þ
been validated and employed in other works by the authors [20,21], q ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
i¼1 i m
i m
was used in the modeling through artificial neural network. P
2 P
ðxi  xm Þ ðyi  ym Þ
In the first step, a database was created. In the second one, con- i¼1 i¼1
vergence analysis with fixed topology ANN was carried out, to
determine the best learning rate algorithm. Training and validation cov ðrg X ; rg Y Þ
qs ¼ ð3Þ
of 90 networks (distinguished by topology) were performed in rðrg X Þrðrg Y Þ
third step. Then, the analysis of results was conducted to select
models with root mean squared error (RMSE) smaller than 3 mm where xi and yi are the analyzed variables, xm and ym represent the
– which corresponds to the average error for the carbonation depth average values, cov(.) is the covariance function, r(.) is the standard
of the entire database. At last, in fourth step, the selected networks deviation function, and rgx and rgy are the rank of the pair of vari-
were analyzed regarding their performance and the one with the ables x and y.
best representation of carbonation behavior was identified. Scatterplots and correlation coefficients (Fig. 5) enabled a
behavior analysis of available data and to evaluate whether data
2.1. Database definition presented proper behavior, considering theoretical foundations of
carbonation phenomenon. Thus, it was observed that:
Database creation relied on 272 literature data [35–45], com-
piled as shows Table 1. Such data come from experimental studies I. There is an inverse relation between cement consumption
of carbonation from concretes with and without addition of fly ash. and carbonation depth, with negative correlation of 0.45
The fly ash addition is considered only as a cement replacement. (Pearson). Regarding monotonicity, a tendency of a fully
Besides, the accelerated carbonation tests used plain concrete decreasing profile for carbonation was observed since Spear-
specimens, uncracked, and unloaded, with different mixes propor- man coefficient is 0.58.
tion, exposed to different environmental condition, as relative II. It was not possible to verify a linear correlation or mono-
humidity, and CO2 content. Maximum and minimum values are tonicity between the carbonation depth and the relative
described in the next section. humidity since the correlation coefficients are approxi-
In the ANN modeling process, it was necessary to divide data- mately zero. It is known that the relationship between car-
base into three sets, one for training, one for validation and the bonation depth and relative humidity is non-linear,
other to the test stage and performance evaluation, according to presenting a quadratic profile, where maximum carbonation
the division indicated in Table 1. occurs for humidity close to 60%, and that this environmen-
tal faction has great influence in the phenomenon [27].
III. There is a linear correlation between carbonation depth, CO2
2.2. Selecting the input parameters
content and w/b ratio, indicated by correlation coefficients
greater than 0.4. Same occurs for monotonicity, in which
To select the important variables to carbonation modeling, a
Spearman coefficient was, for w/b ratio, 0.54, and for CO2
data dispersion analysis was performed. Pearson’s (Equation (2))
content 0.45.
and Spearman’s (Equation (3)) correlation coefficients were also

Fig. 4. Representation of an ANN of MLP type.

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Table 1
Number of collected data from literature and database division.

Data reference N. of data N. of data reserved to:

Training Validation Test
Atis [35] 5 3 1 1
Kurda et al. [36] 85 51 17 17
Younsi et al. [37] 15 9 3 3
Lu et al. [38] 36 22 7 7
Hussain et al. [39] 48 30 9 9
Jian et al. [40] 18 12 3 3
Zhao et al. [41] 36 22 7 7
Rozière et al. [42] 4 2 1 1
Das and Pandey [43] 10 6 2 2
Zhang and Li [44] 5 3 1 1
Van and De Belie [45] 10 6 2 2

Table 2
Data correlation coefficients.

Parameter Minimum value Maximum value Correlation

Pearson Spearman
Cement consumption (kg/m3) 250.00 450.00 0.45 0.58
w/b ratio 0.25 0.65 0.40 0.54
Fly-Ash content (%) 0.00 50.00 0.10 0.06
CO2 content (%) 0.10 20.00 0.49 0.45
Relative humidity (%) 45.00 70.00 0.06 0.07

IV. The coefficients found for the fly ash content were 0.10 for and one in the output layer was adopted for the learning rate
Pearson and 0.06 for Spearman. However, there is a small assessment.
nonlinear tendency for carbonation to increase as fly ash Fig. 7 presents the number of required iterations for training the
content also increases, as seen in Fig. 5. Therefore, there is network with a [6-4-1] topology by RMSE value (see Equation (4))
no direct relationship or monotonous profile of the carbona- for the training and the validation stages. A learning rate of 0.4
tion depth with the fly ash content. generated the best results and, therefore, was adopted in this work.
To all the training processes, it was adopted a bipolar sigmoid
Thus, it is possible to verify that the influence of the w/b ratio, function.
CO2 content and cement consumption can be captured in the mod- vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u n
eling process, since these processes give median correlations, lead- u1 X
ing to the existence of a proportionality law between these RMSE ¼ t ðy  t i Þ2 ð4Þ
n i¼1 i
variables. This does not happen with relative humidity and fly
ash content. However, as all variables are directly or indirectly
where yi is the network estimated values, ti represents the known
related to the CO2 diffusion mechanism in the concrete porous
values and n the amount of data used in the analysis.
matrix [4,26,27] and, as present work aims to establish a model
After fixing the learning rate, ANN training was initiated, using
considering concretes with fly ash, the employed variables for net-
as convergence criteria the RMSE value (Equation (4)) and the
work training were cement consumption (kg/m3), CO2 content (%),
maximum number of iterations (1 0 5). Network validation was
fly ash content (%), relative humidity (%), w/b ratio and time. It is
implemented in parallel to training phase, preventing the over-
only through a parametric analysis that will be verified whether
training of the networks, known as ‘‘overfitting” [31].
these variables are indeed important to describe the phenomenon
behavior or not.
3. Results and discussion
2.3. ANN training and parameters definition
3.1. Analysis of the ANN modeling
Several topologies were tested differing by the number of hid-
den layers (one or two) and by the number of neurons present in The fifteen best models obtained by ANN training, with RMSE
each of these layers. The number of neurons varied from 1 to 9. below 3.0 mm, are presented in descending order in Table 3.
These topologies are presented in Fig. 6 and b. Most of developed models presented satisfactory results for the
As the network learning is supervised with the backpropagation adopted R2, RMSE and Emax (maximum error), which demonstrates
training algorithm, a learning rate must be stablished, since it is the ANN efficiency to map carbonation behavior. Yet it is interest-
directly related to the network convergence rate [46]. Fausett ing to notice that as ANN is improved in training phase, it worsens
[46] reports that using small values for the learning rate can lead in the validation stage, as seen in Fig. 8 by comparing the coeffi-
to a long training, while large learning rates can result in oscilla- cient of determination (R2) values and root mean squared error
tions around the solution, preventing convergence. (RMSE). This remarks the importance of using the ‘‘cross-
Thus, twelve simulations varying learning rate from 0.05 to 0.60 validation” technique (validation and training simultaneously) in
(with 0.05 increments) were performed, in which a network with the ANN learning process.
fixed topology of [6-4-1] was adopted. In other words, a network The models obtained by only network training with [6-2-3-1]
with six neurons in the input layer, four in the processing layer and [6-6-7-1] topology exhibited the best performances, consider-
E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 5. Data scatterplots over time of (a) cement consumption, (b) fly ash content, (c) relative humidity, (d) w/b ratio and (e) CO2 content.

ing the determination coefficient and RMSE analysis. However, performance, with smaller variation of R2 and RMSE. Therefore,
when comparing variation of the values between training and [6-6-7-1] network was selected and established for this work
validation phases, [6-6-7-1] network is the one exhibiting better henceforth.

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 6. ANNs topology with (a) one hidden layer and (b) two hidden layers.

entire database (Fig. 10), in which R2 is 0.91. Determination coeffi-

cient superior than 0.89 is a great indicative about the model effi-
ciency, especially for the concrete carbonation depth, in view of all
the different variables that may affect it.
Fig. 11 shows that less than 20% of the results presented by the
selected model have an absolute residue greater than 2.33 mm.
This value corresponds to the RMSE of the model. The difference
between estimated and experimental values did not exceed
4.0 mm. Since the accuracy of a ruler for carbonation depth mea-
surement is 0.5 mm [47], we consider acceptable the error of the
estimated value in the order of 2 mm, considering all the variability
associated with the concrete carbonation phenomenon. Consider-
ing several factors that may affect measurement, Possan et al. [8]
points out that error in order of 5 mm are acceptable.
Fig. 7. Learning rate assessment. Thus, the developed ANN model can estimate the carbonation
depth of concretes with and without fly ash addition yet subjected
to accelerated carbonation tests. The model may help to under-
A performance assessment was then conducted on the ANN stand this physical–chemical phenomenon, especially in durability
model [6-6-7-1]. The analysis was performed in order to demon- and performance studies.
strate the model applicability to predict the carbonation depth
for fly ash-concretes. The database used in the performance assess-
3.2. Parametric analysis
ment corresponds to non-used data so far – the test data. Values
estimated by the proposed model were compared with the col-
Carbonation of concrete consists of a complex mechanism of
lected experimentally by [35–45] (see Fig. 9). Fig. 10 presents the
diffusion that is dependent on exposure conditions and materials
determination coefficient of the predicted carbonation depth for
properties and proportions. The addition of fly ash consumes cal-
all database (data of training, validation, and test stages).
cium hydroxide from cement hydration, which affects the carbon-
The results indicate that the model is efficient regarding car-
ation rate. Therefore, in this part of the work, a parametric study is
bonation depth prediction in the test phase (Fig. 9) since its deter-
developed to evaluate the influence of each variable considered in
mination coefficient is 0.89. The same is observed considering the
the model - cement consumption, CO2 content, fly ash addition

Table 3
ANN performance for training and validation stages.

Topology Training Validation

RMSE (mm) Emax (mm) R RMSE (mm) Emax (mm) R2
[6-2-3-1] 2.7251 4.0712 0.9254 2.0688 3.2287 0.9460
[6-5-4-1]2 2.7545 3.7865 0.8965 2.1943 3.3611 0.9405
[6-4-5-1] 2.7796 3.9539 0.8659 2.1985 3.3314 0.9308
[6-7-1] 2.9811 4.1906 0.8515 2.2229 3.3955 0.9260
[6-6-7-1]2 2.6538 3.5815 0.9426 2.3348 3.4313 0.9163
[6-2-5-1]2 2.6455 3.5672 0.9434 2.3431 3.4355 0.8966
[6-6-2-1]2 2.7374 3.7691 0.9239 2.4262 3.4423 0.8957
[6-1-3-1]2 2.4957 3.3303 0.9533 2.4613 3.4956 0.8741
[6-6-4-1] 2.7687 3.9287 0.8943 2.3202 3.3766 0.8741
[6-4-1] 2.3305 3.0959 0.9566 2.5580 3.5513 0.8676
[6-6-6-1] 1.9675 2.6156 0.9576 2.6202 3.6277 0.8656
[6-5-1]1 2.1745 2.8859 0.9569 2.6299 3.5942 0.8395
[6-5-6-1]2 1.9400 2.5798 0.9585 2.6514 3.6424 0.8328
[6-1-4-1]2 2.0479 2.7196 0.9570 2.6840 3.6303 0.8305
[6-4-3-1]2 1.9653 2.6124 0.9579 2.7174 3.6541 0.8151
1 2
[x-y-z] 3 layers topology, where x indicates the input number, y the neuron number in the hidden layer and z the output number. [x-y-w-z] 4 layers topology, where x
indicates the input number, y the neuron number in the first hidden layer, w the neuron number in the second hidden layer, and z the output number.

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 8. ANN performance in training and validation process.

Fig. 10. Comparison of carbonation depth between model results and experimental
observations considering the entire database.

Fig. 11. Residual error (mm)  observed carbonation depth (mm).

Fig. 9. Comparison of carbonation depth between model results and experimental and 50%. Furthermore, concrete with addition up to 30% remark-
observations considering data from the test stage.
ably increased the carbonated depth when w/b ratio is increased.
The inverse relationship between cement consumption and car-
bonated depth, regardless of the concrete age, occurs mainly due to
content, relative humidity, and w/b ratio. A reference scenario was the greater availability of calcium hydroxide and, consequently, by
stablished with CO2 content equal to 1%, relative humidity 65%, w/ the alkaline reserve in mixtures with higher cement content [25].
b ratio 0.5, cement consumption 300 kg/m3 and without fly ash Parrot [27] and Duval [50] experimentally verified that the carbon-
addition, in a concrete element without surface protection. Six ana- ation depth is inversely proportional to cement consumption
lyzes were carried out, each varying two input variables, then eval- mostly to consumptions below 300 kg/m3. As the consumption
uating the results – the carbonation depth. increases (above 300 kg/m3), this inverse relation tends to attenu-
In order to analyze the influence of different fly ash contents ate, as proven in Fig. 13.
(0%, 15% and 30%), concrete with different compositions and expo- Fig. 14 shows that w/b ratio has greater influence than cement
sure conditions were simulated, considering only one year of expo- consumption in carbonation depth. Thus, even for concrete pro-
sure to 1% CO2 content. Results are presented in Fig. 12. duced with higher dosages of cement, CO2 diffusion capacity will
Fig. 12 shows that the carbonation depth decreases as cement increase with higher w/b ratio, leading to higher carbonation rate.
consumption increases (Fig. 12) and increases as w/b ratio also Fig. 15 shows a positive correlation between water/binder ratio
increases (Fig. 12b), regardless fly ash content. This happen due and carbonation depth. This tendency becomes more meaningful
to the CO2 diffusion delay in concretes with high cement consump- as material age increases, as observed by Papadakis [5], Hamada
tion combined with good curing conditions, because these condi- [26], and Felix et al. [51]. Similarly, Leemann and Moro [52] veri-
tions lead to greater compactness and less porosity in cement fied by accelerated carbonation tests that concretes with the same
matrix [48]. composition, but with different w/b ratios presented smaller car-
Aguayo et al. [49] experimentally verified that the carbonation bonation resistance as w/b ratio increases. They also reported a
resistance in concrete with addition contents up to 30% is more correlation (Spearman) of 0.88 between w/b ratio and CO2 diffu-
sensitive to w/b ratio than concretes with contents between 30 sion coefficient in concrete matrix.
E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 12. Effect of (a) cement consumption, (b) w/b ratio, (c) CO2 content and (d) relative humidity in carbonation of concretes with different fly ash addition contents.

Fig. 13. Cement consumption and time effects in carbonation depth (a) 3D; (b) isolines.

Fig. 16 shows that the carbonation depth increases as carbon structure. They extracted specimens from a 35-year-old concrete
dioxide and fly ash contents increase. The same behavior is seen dam and observed that higher the moisture, lower the carbonation
in Fig. 12c. Felix et al. [20] analyzed concretes inserted in different depth. Moreover, when moisture was around 100%, no carbonation
exposure environments (laboratory – CO2 at 1%; tunnels – CO2 at was observed. Thus, Fig. 17 shows that carbonation rate is maxi-
0.3%; urban area with heavy traffic – CO2 at 0.1%; light exposure mum when humidity is close to 60%, regardless the concrete age,
– CO2 at 0.04%; and, countryside – CO2 at 0.03%) and verified that, in accordance with reference results.
higher the CO2 exposure degree higher the carbonation rate. Fig. 18 indicates that there is a decreasing trend in the carbon-
Besides, an increase of 0.1% in CO2 exposure degree increased the ation depth as fly ash content is increased. This behavior had
carbonation depth in 2.15%. already been described by Zhang and Li [44].
Fig. 12d brings up the humidity effect on the carbonation depth. Besides, Khunthongkeaw et al. [54] verified that there is a pos-
Around 60% of humidity, a peak is noticed as also noticed by with itive correlation between addition content and carbonation depth
Parrot [27] and Possan et al. [53]. They also point out that the car- for concretes with addition contents up to 30%. For contents above
bonation depth reaches its maximum value when relative humid- 50%, this correlation is attenuated. For content between 30% and
ity lies between 50 and 80%, and that this environmental faction 50%, the carbonation depth has a positive relationship with the
has great influence in the phenomenon. Possan et al. [53] verified amount of addition, yet smaller than the observed in concretes
the influence of the moisture on the carbonation depth in a real with additions below 30%.

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 14. Cement consumption and w/b ratio vs carbonation depth (a) 3D; (b) isolines.

Fig. 15. W/b ratio and time effects in concrete carbonation depth (a) 3D; (b) isolines.

Fig. 16. CO2 content and w/b ratio effects in carbonation depth (a) 3D; (b) isolines.

Notice that in this analysis the w/b ratio and other properties increases, additions content no longer influences in carbonation
related to concrete strength were kept constant. Thus, associating depth, the same reported by Hussain et al. [39]. Kulakowski et al.
these results with the presented in Fig. 12b, it can be inferred that [55] reported that in concretes with compressive strength above
for a certain concrete strength, carbonation depth increases as fly 30 MPa, the porosity is smaller due to smaller w/b ratios (below
ash content also increases. Nevertheless, Felix et al. [20] observed 0.50). The smaller porosity hinders CO2 access into the concrete
in numerical simulations that as concrete compressive strength and, consequently, results in less carbonation depth, even for con-

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

Fig. 17. Relative humidity and time effects in carbonation depth (a) 3D; (b) isolines.

Fig. 18. Fly ash content and time effects in carbonation depth (a) 3D; (b) isolines.

cretes with low alkaline reserve. However, in concrete with com- & Carbonation depth has an inverse relation with cement con-
pressive strength below 30 MPa, the presence of fly ash addition sumption, regardless fly ash addition content. Also, when ana-
increases carbonated depth due the effect of alkaline reserve, lyzing the influence of cement consumption with other
which in these cases is predominant. variables, it can be noticed that cement consumption has a sec-
ondary influence variable on carbonation depth.
4. Conclusions & Fly ash addition content significantly interferes in carbonation
capacity, varying according to concrete age and its cement con-
In this work we explored an artificial neural network to model sumption. Besides, addition content is more significant in con-
the carbonation depth in concretes with fly ash. The proposed pro- cretes with consumptions between 250 and 300 kg/m3.
cess shows that the technique is quite simple and reliable to map & Relative humidity with values between 50 and 60% leads to
physical–chemical behaviors, even the complexes ones, as is the greater carbonation depths, in which this value is dependent
case of CO2 diffusion in concrete matrix. on the fly ash content addition. As an example, for concretes
Considering the results of the ANN’s development and training, without fly ash addition, relative humidity of 50% generates a
80% of the trained networks revealed maximum error below peak value for the carbonation depth, whereas for a concrete
5.0 mm (carbonation depth) and an average error of 3.0 mm, show- with 30% of fly ash addition content, the humidity that yield
ing that regardless the employed topology, this technique pro- the maximum carbonation is 57%.
duced models with consistent representation of carbonation & When analyzing the influence of CO2 content and w/b ratio, it
phenomenon. was observed that CO2 content has greater relevance in the phe-
Based on the selected ANN model, some simulations have been nomenon. Thus, environmental exposure with higher CO2 con-
carried out aiming a parametrical analysis of the input variables centration (tunnels, parking lots, urban environment with
and some points are highlighted: heavy vehicle traffic, etc.) increase carbonation, regardless w/b
& Carbonated depth, regardless concrete age, increases as w/b
ratio, fly ash addition content and/or CO2 concentration also The developed ANN model is capable to coherently represent
increase, which indicates a positive statistical correlation the carbonation depth of concrete in function of cement consump-
among these parameters. tion, fly ash addition content, relative humidity, w/b ratio and CO2

E.F. Felix et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 121050

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