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1. Discuss the following fields of Microbiology:

a. Biotechnology
Is the technology that is based on biology. It harnesses cellular and
biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that will help to improve
the lives and the health of the people.
b. Immunology
To say it accurately, immunology can be categorized as a branch of biology that
deals with the structure and function of the immune system, the bodily distinction of
self from non-self and the use of antibody-based laboratory expertise.
c. microbial ecology
Microbial ecology explores the diversity, distribution, and abundance of
microorganisms, their specific interactions, and the effect that is cast upon on
ecosystems. Although not traditionally categorized as a central discipline within
ecology, microbial ecology is greatly important for the reason that microorganisms
represent a huge majority of the genetic and metabolic diversity on the planet. They
also lead most of the critical ecosystem processes which recycle matter and energy.
d. microbial genetics
Microbial genetics is the study o f the operations of heritable information in
microorganisms. This includes microorganisms such as bacteria, archaea, viruses and
some protozoa and fungi. It tackles microorganisms on a deep genetic level.
e. microbial physiology
Is a study on how the structure of microorganisms functions. It talks about the
relationship between the structure and function of microorganisms and how they deal
with their existing environment.
f. molecular biology
It is a field in biology that studies biological activity on a molecular level. It is
also the study of the structure of biological macromolecules whether chemically or
g. Mycology
A branch of biology that deals with the study of fungi. This study includes their
biochemical, and genetic properties, their taxonomy and their general use and benefits
to their environment. Mycology also tackles the dangers of fungi such as their toxicity
and infection.
h. Virology
Is the biological study of viruses and viral diseases. It is the scientific study of
microorganisms, specifically viruses, submicroscopic, and parasitic organisms within
the genetic material contained in a protein coat. Its main goal is to understand viruses.

2. State the role microorganisms play in each of the following:

a. biological control of pests
Biological control of pests using microorganisms is one of the most natural ways
of controlling pests in the farms. Biological agents such as parasites are one of the
main killers of pests that eat vegetables in the farm. One of the examples of this is
when parasitic wasps lay eggs on caterpillars that eat leaves from the plants. Due to
the parasitic wasps, the number of caterpillars that are considered as pests are
controlled in a considerable number.
b. recycling of elements
One of the natural occurring solutions to the problem of pollution and waste
management is microorganism. Microorganisms greatly help when it comes to the
degradation process of biodegradable materials. Microbes found in the environment
use the nutrients that they got from biodegradable materials for their own survival.
c. normal microbiota
Our skin serves as a habitat for a variety of microorganisms. Microorganisms
naturally exist in our skin. We get it from a number of different sources such as the food
we touch, the environment, the handrail that we use when we are going down the
stairs, our keyboards, and a ton of other sources. Not all microorganisms negatively
affect our body. This formation of normal microbiota or a population of microorganisms
in our skin are not entirely harmful. Some of these microorganisms even help when it
comes to immunomodulation, and protection against pathogens
d. sewage treatment
Sewage treatment is one of the main problems when it comes to big cities. Due
to this different forms of sewage treatment are being used and applied to the waste
water. One of the more effective methods are the usage of microorganisms to break
down waste and remove pollutants, and pathogens resulting in clean and drinkable
water. To be specific the microorganisms used in the majority of sewage management
are aerobic bacterias that use oxygen from the water to degrade the pollutants.

e. human insulin production

Different technologies are used to make the lives of humans longer. One of the
leading causes of death in the world is Diabetes. Diabetes is caused by the lack of
insulin to regulate the blood sugar in the body. Due to this technology such as
recombinant DNA is used to develop and insert human genes such as the insulin to the
genetic material of a common bacterium. Due to this, insulin could be artificially
produced and is being used by a huge number of people to control their blood sugar
f. vaccine production
Different diseases require different treatments. One of the main cures for viruses
are vaccines. Vaccines are made from microorganisms that are inactive and are not a
threat to the health of the patient. These inactive microorganism is used to trigger the
immune system to produce antibodies against the antigen inserted into the body. With
these, the body will have enough antibodies to fight if the real and harmful virus enters
the body.
g. production of antibiotics
Microorganisms plays a major role to the production of antibiotics. Antibiotics
are mainly used against diseases caused by bacterial infection in the body. Antibiotics
targets these disease causing bacteria and destroys it. Antibiotics are produced from
fermentation of microorganisms. One of the most famous stories about antibiotics is
the serendipity or accidental production of penicillin that boosted and led the
production and usage of antibiotics.
h. recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA technology is used the majority of the time to produce
various human proteins. To do this process, they will need microorganisms that can
replicate independently. These microorganisms are easier to control and replicate in a
medium. Microorganisms are used as vectors of genes. These microorganisms are
replicated carrying the gene and can be used for their main purpose.
Dowd, (2009) Environmental Microbiology (Second Edition)
N.D. Gray, I.M. Head( 2008)Encyclopedia of Ecology
An introduction to immunology and immunopathology | Allergy, Asthma & Clinical
Immunology | Full Text (
Molecular Biology - humans, body, used, life, chemical, characteristics, cells, parts
Volk, (2013) Fungi, Encyclopedia of Biodiversity(Second Edition)
Introduction to Virology - Medical Microbiology - NCBI Bookshelf (
Role of Microorganisms & Microbes Used in Wastewater Treatment (
17.2A: Industrial Production of Antibiotics - Biology LibreTexts

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