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Teaching & Learning in the

Digital Environment (TLDE)

Week 3

June 18, 2022

Sync your cloud storage with your computer
• Combine your local files with your cloud storage to have access to your
files from any computer.
• Store files locally or upload files to the cloud

Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive

u Directions Here u Directions Here
LEARNING the benefits of
collaborative learning
using technology
Game based learning teaches students
how to reach their goals through
Provides quicker and easier
games, learning repetition, failure, and
then the accomplishment of goals.
ways to communicate and
(Learning Counsel)
share information
DID YOU KNOW? 39% of students that have access to
93 percent of class time was spent more on-task
when game-based learning was involved. (Juraschka, the internet use it to participate in
online discussions, 40% of them
share or post their work on the
The United States was in the top 3 for revenue created by game
based learning, and that will only grow in the coming years.
(Ibanez, 2018) Enhances critical
thinking and
GBL extends beyond
just gaming
Promotes flexible
Students and school districts that have
assigned laptops reported 60 percent of
students e-mailed teachers with questions or
learning options
suggestions, compared to 42 percent without
an electronic device (Mathewson, 2018)

From 2015 to 2021, the number of

online learners has increased from 21
million to 92 million
Teachers who use DGBL and using
feedback from the games are seeing
overall improvement and grades
from students than teachers who Helps students develop
don't use DGBL. (Juraschka, 2019)
intrapersonal and
Using Game Based Learning into a interpersonal skills
classroom helps students learn
things based on real-life examples
and not just through a textbook
(Torchia, 2022)
Provides increased
EXAMPLES EdApp, Kahoot, Hoopla, Gametize research opportunities
with peers
Cahill, G. (2022) Why Game-Based Learning? From The Learning Counsel.
Juraschka, R. (2019, September 30). How Digital Game-Based Learning improves Student Success.
Prodigy Education. Retreived June 16, 2022 from
Mathewson, T. (2018, September 20). The learning experience is different in schools that assign
laptops, survey finds. In The Hechinger Report. Retreived June 16, 2022 from
Bartolomei-Torres, P. (2020, March 28). Collaborative learning: Use and benefits in the classroom. Learningbp. Retrieved June 17,
Torchia, R. (2022, May 11). Game-Based learning Prepares K-12 Students for a Digital Future. In 2022, from
EdTechMagazine. Retreived June 16, 2022 from
students-digital-future Jackson, S. (2020, March 25). How technology can encourage student collaboration. Common Sense Education. Retrieved June 17,
2022, from
Screencasts (Screen Recording)
u Apps iPad
u VidGrid -iOS screen record feature
u How to Use VidGrid
u Microsoft
u PowerPoint

u Mac- Quicktime
u Screencastify
u Screencast O Matic
u Loom
u Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)

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