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Grade: .P S.

What is your community like


Read the dialogue and underline the adjectives that describe a place

It is gmall) clean and Quiet ytiss

aAvonderfulplace because
here is a river where you can
Swim, there are manybigtrees
and you can hear the birds

What is your
community like?
2 Read the following information.

Irvite Net admit Print Save

Mariana says
everybody. How are you?
Richard says
Hi. I'm fine, and you?
Mariana says
I'm fine, too. Where are you from?
Richard says:
I'm from Australia. What about
Mariana says:
I'm from Mexico.
Richard says:
Oh! What a beautiful country. I was there last summer. I met a lot of
friendly people and visited wonderful places.
Mariana says:
Really? What places did you visit?
Richard says:
Ivisited Chiapas, Tabasco, the Mexico City and Morelos.
Mariana says:
1 live in Morelos.
Richard says:
Where do you live in Morelos ? Tell me about it. I visited Cuernavaca.
Xochicalco and Tepoztlan.
Mariana says:
I live in a big, touristic and beautiful towr It is Tlayacapan; it is very
near to Cuernavaca and Mexico City. It is clean, quiet and hot; people
are in, There is a big church which was a monastery long time
Next to the church there is a museum where you can admire some
mummies. The o w is famous because people sell Clay pots, flower
pots and handicrafts. Also you can eat delicious traditional food like
cecina. If you are stressed, you can go to a Temazcal and take a hel
bath. As you can read, my town is sointeresting and wonderful. You
should visit it the next time that you come to Mexico.
Richard says:
Yes, of course. I will visít it very soon. I would lIke to meet you too.

Mariana says
That sounds great. Send

SWrite True or False.

a) Richard is Australian

b) Tlayacapan is in the state of Chiapas

c) Mariana is Mexican.
d) There is a museum in Tlayacapan
e) Richard hasn't visited


4 Answer the question

to describe the appearance of a

What's the name of the words that we use

place? AAlada aigks A d

information. Then, ask to a classmate
5. Complete the chart with your

You Classmate
What's your name?
Where do you live?
What's your community
like? raq) madsn. aplot
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and rouligul

How can somebody get Y can Lk a H k s


Which places can be arslad n

Visited there?
handin h
salnay dgert
Imagine you are chatting with a person from other country Write about your

Happy Chat
Invite Not admit Print Save
Richard says:
Hi. I would like to know more about Mexico. Please, tell me about
your community


Mtaba is orruay nAr Ldkaasoc

Richard says: Send

I think yourcommunity is very interesting.

Check your progress

Underline the corresponding option.

to describe the appearance of
These words are adjectives that we use


a) First, Then, After that, Finally

b) On, under, next to, between.
Big, beautiful, clean, polluted, colonial, modern

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