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“The Puzzle”




Presenter: Good morning, today 2nd grade will present “The puzzle”, we are happy
to have you here.

One day at the beach………


Ruddy: Let´s go to play.

Ana: I am bored.

Stephany: Yeah!!! Let´s make a sandcastle.

Allie: I will help make the towers!!!

Sharlyn: No, I have a better idea!!!!! Let´s burry ourselves in the sand.

Crystal: No, let´s make a sandcastle. I will help you dig. This is great!!!! Hey look
what I found.

Ruddy: What is it?

Stephany: It´s very big!!!

Ana: I can´t believe it!!!

Allie: What´s inside?

Sharlyn: It´s just a pot.

Crystal: We must clean it to give it to my mother.

Ruddy: Yes!!!! If we make it shine, maybe we can sell it!!!

Ana: Sell it?

Allie: I will help you!!!!

Sharlyn: No, It is to much work. It is better if we leave it just like this.

Ruddy, Stephany, Allie, Sharlyn, Ana and Crystal: It is a Genie!!!!

Genie: Where am I?

Ruddy: Where are you?

Genie: I am the great genie of the desert.

Stephany: And why are you here?

Genie: Maybe a person threw my pot into the sea and the waves brought me back.
I have been sleeping in the pot for a very long time. I only wake up when a person
rubs the pot three times.

Allie: Do you make wishes come true?

Genie: NO!!!!!! I am a very special genie. I am the great genie of the desert and I
always give people a lot of presents.

Ruddy: Will you give us a lot of presents?

Genie: No, I can only give you one present. If you want the present, you have
to….. mmmmm yes, solve the puzzle.

Ana: A puzzle????

Genie: Yes, do you want to try it?

All the Children: YESSSS!!!!!

Genie: Let me tell you that, it is a difficult puzzle!!!!

Ruddy: It doesn´t matter.

Stephany: Tell us the puzzle.

Allie: Yes, together we can solve the puzzle.

Sharlyn: And if we don´t solve the puzzle can you give us the present?

Genie: NOOO, but ……….I will give you 3 clues ok.

First clue: It has four legs.

Sharlyn: Is it a dog or a cat?

Genie: NOOOO, it is a very large animal.

Stephany: Is it an elephant?

Genie: NOOOO, it has a very long neck.

Allie: Is it a giraffe?

Genie: NOOOO, Sorry you didn´t guess. That animal is used to carry people or

Crystal: Can you tell us more?

Genie: ok ok I will give you another chance.

Genie: These cards have 4 syllables, put them in order and you will find the name
of the animal.

Ana: It is very difficult.

Sharlyn: I have it, it is a rymedadro.

Stephany: No, it is a damedrory!!!!

Allie: of course not. It is a medarydro!!!

Ruddy: I have the answer. It is a drorymeda.!!!!

Crystal: I Know, I know!!!! It is a Dromedary.

Genie: YESSSS!!!! Very good Crystal. At last you guessed. I will give you a

All the children: What a Dromedary???????

Did you know what a dromedary looked like?

Presenter: Thanks for your attention. We hope you enjoyed it.

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