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Nowaday there are many modern and useful inventions for our

life. Today I will talk about an object that I love.

It's a smartphone, it's very popular with everyone. Its price is
very diverse depending on the needs of each person that we can
own a smartphone. You can find a smartphone in any electronics
store. The phone's compact size makes it easy to take anywhere.
Smartphones are used for communication. I can quickly make
calls, send and receive messages anytime, anywhere. can look
up lessons, see the exact time without worrying about being late
for class. Taking a photo on your mobile phone and sharing it on
social networks is extremely easy. Taking a photo on your
mobile phone and sharing it on social networks is extremely
easy. Smartphones are extremely convenient, but it also has a lot
of potential harms such as: looking at the phone screen for a
long time is not good for the eyes or the phone signal can cause
insomnia, not sleeping well. memory, skin aging, ... so, let's
build a healthy lifestyle, avoid phone abuse
they do not take advantage of using their phones to chat, play games, or go to
social networking sites to see other information, including unhealthy content,
incorrect knowledge, lack of aesthetics, bullshit, lack of education

will cause unequal discrimination among students, many students own expensive
and modern telephones While many students are from poor families, especially in
remote and isolated areas, the Buying and using a smartphone is not easy.

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