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Kawasaki TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Specitications aia Hezord Swish 2 ‘Consumer Information. 7 Automatic Tuen Signal Serie Number Locations aa (Canee! Switen 2 Location of Parte 8 urn Signal Switch 2 Horn Buon 8 ‘Ghoke Lever 2 Fuses 2 | Fuel Tank Cp Ey Fuel Tank 20 | ust Tap ar N Stance 22 ‘Steering Lock 33 Seat Lock 3 Document Conteiner Ey Tool Kit 24 Fuel Gauge Elecic-Accessory Leads 35 Mate Temper Soe Helmet Hooks 36 ing 2 ae 10 Ride tho Motorcycle 38 oe Starting the Engine. 38 a Moving oF! 3 Dimmer Sith su ssssrssnsnne 37 Shifting Gears 39 2 Braking 40 Brakes and Brake Light Switches ou. 78 ‘Safe Riding Technique az us Stake Fad ge Additional Considerations for conceal a Periodic Meintenance Ch 3 in Waa ae & Saino es = Wheel Inspection. ae Sout sn 5 ane ona G7 ec Se rn Po 2 Soma cept a 3 surninenanmnnnmnmne SPECIFICATIONS 1107 PERFORMANCE Maximum Horsepower Moximum Toraue Minimum Turning Radius Braking Distance DIMENSIONS 420 HP @8,000 rpm (oimin 41.8 Kem (853 febs) @5,500 rpm (rmin} 28m (102i) {2 m fram 60 kph (394 f from 31 moh) | ‘Overall Length 2,295 mm (90.4 in) ‘Overall Wiath 905 mm (35. in Overall Height 4,200 rm (50.4 ind Wheelbase 11580 rv (62.2) Food Clearance 4160 mm (5.9 in) Dry Weight 297 kg (655 Ios) ENGINE Type DOHC 6 cylinder, 4stro%e, water-cooled Diapiscement 1,288 cc (7B.48 cu in} fore x Stoke (20% 71.0 mm (248 x 2.80 in) ‘Compression Ratio a8 | Storing Syston Electric starter Carburetors KUNI S792 <9 Glinder Numbering Mathod Left toright, 129456 Fring Order 59628 |. a “4 SPECIFICATIONS, a Ignition Syetam Battary and coil (Transistorized ignition) isc er i eScettosee in Satan SSE exo oa Yn ae nck ath howatee © Nekarnsel ne aon Bg reteset ene SESS SAE Tai son, 5 EB. Ot cnet soligsuse eaeacapy Sstenuea rans oe, erate Fil fxdason ao 13s Bape nr Pcie te se Gace Ora re Re Eble ia ts Bet a ‘nas, a ed a ons an | int Gear cose {API LS SAE 90 [above 6°¢ (42F)1 pater | rns cer cme oicnniy ——oastiost used $$. | ‘SPECIFICATIONS 5 FRAME Cestor 28° Trail {00mm (3.9 in) TireSize: Front ungo.18 eer T9017 h Fuel Tank Capacity 205 £(5.4 US 53) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Battery 12200 Heactigne 12V 60/550 “TailfBrake Lights seven } ‘Turn Signl/Funning Postion Lights 12V 23/8 “Tarn Signal Lights ra ZW Meter Lights Neutral indestor Light 12v3.4W “Tarn Signal Incestor Lights 12V3.401 ‘High Boom Indicator Lint Oi Prossre/Lovel Warning Light 429.401 Headlight Failure Indicator Light 12 3.401 Gauge Light v3aw Horns sav250 Fuses 0A, 103,20 © Canadian Most ‘Spretistions subsict to change without note 1 © SPECIFICATIONS. 1 CONSUMER INFORMATION ‘errneniereaennreeeer Vehicle Minimum Stopy istance on Dry Pavement "These figures Indicate braking performance that can be met or exceeded by the vehicle to which they apaly, without locking the wheels, under different conditions of loading. The information presented represents results obtainable by skilled rivers under controlled road and vehicle conditions, and the information may not be correct under other conditions Description of vehicle to which this table applies: Model KZ1300-A3 ‘A. Fully Operational Service Brake Load: Light Maximum | ° ‘50 ‘100 150" 200 | Stopping distance in fet from 60 mph eel Co ee Manufacturer: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Led ———— See CONSUMER INFORMATION 7 ” SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONS The engine and frame serial numbers are used to regiter the motorcycle. They are the only means of identtving Your partoular machine fron others oF the same model type. These serial numbers may be needed by your dealer when ordering parts. In the event of theft, the investigating authorities will require both numbers as well es the model type and any peculiar features of Your machine that can help them identify it 1 Engine Number 1. Frama Number @ SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONS SS i vemmnmens LOCATION OF PARTS “ G2O2a@® 1 8. ise 11. Side Stang 2 2. Caliper 42) Center Stand 3 8 Radiator 13, Rear Shock Absorber 4 Choke Lever 9. Shite Padal 5. Main Switen 10, Coolant Tank LOCATION OF PARTS 9 14, Final Gear Case 16, Roor Sroka Light Switeh 16. Broke Fluid Reservor (Raar) 17. eer Broke Pedal 18, carburetor 38. Horm 20. Front Fork 10 LOCATION OF PARTS 228898088 @ @ | | | Si aeleae \ i} \ | i y 21. clutch Lever 27. Weter Temperature Gauge «33. Turm Signal Switch 22 Dimmer Switch 28, Fue! Gauge 34. Ignition Switeh 2. Hazard Switch 28, Taenometor 38, Indicator Lights 26 AUtomatis Tun Signal 30. Brake Fluid Reservoir 36. Starr Switen neal Switch (Front) 37. Engine Stop Switch %. Starior Lockout Switch 31. Front Brake Laver 38. Throttle Grip ©. Spoadomete 52. Hom Switch LOCATION OF PARTS 11 LOCATION OF CAUTION LABELS serene Emission Control Infoumition Engine Oi and Oil Fite Tire and Load Data Daily Satery Cheeks Engine Oi! Waring | Breakin Caution ; Coviont caution 5 eeuee Air Susparsion Coution Fadietor Cap Danger 12 LOCATION: OF CAUTION LABELS i LOCATION OF CAUTION LABELS 13 10. Batery Poison/Danger 11. Battery Vent Howe Routing 12. Brake Fluid arming 14 LOCATION OF CAUTION LABELS Incorrect loading, improp- Installation or use of accessories, or modification of your ‘an unsafe riding condition. Before you ride the motor- tycle, make sure that the motorcycle is Not overloaded (refer to page 7 for ‘maximum load information) and that you have followed these instructions. With the exception of ganuine Kawasaki Parts and Accessories, Kawasaki has no control over the design or applica: tion of accessories. In some cases, im- proper installation or use of accessories, ‘or motoreycle modification, will void the motorcycle warranty. In selecting and tusing accessories, and in loading the sannannnmnnnnnnn LOBDING INFORMATION ‘rnin motorcycle, you are personally responsi- ble for your own safety and the safety of ‘other persons involved, Note: Kawasaki Parts and Accessories have been specially designed for use on Kawasaki motorcycles. We strongly recommend that all parts and accessories you add to your motorcycle be genuine Kawasaki components, Because a motorcycle is sensitive to changes in weight and aerodynamic forces, you must take extreme cara in carrying cargo, passengers and/or in the fitting of additional accessories. The following general guidelines have been prepared to assist you in making your determinations. LOADING INFORMATION 15 1. Any passenger should be thoroughly familiar with motorcycle operation. “The passenger can affect control of the motoreyele by improper positioning uring cornering, sudden movements, ‘and by interfering with the operator. ‘You should instruct any passenger before riding to keep his feet on the passenger footpegs, sit still while the motoreycle is in motion, and not to interfere with the operation of the motorcycle. Do not carry animals on your motoreyele, 2. Al beggege should be carried as low as possible to reduce the effect on the motorcycle canter of gravity. Baggage weight should also be distributed equally on both sides of the motor cycle. Avoid carrying baggage that extends beyond the rear of the motor- eyele 3, Baggage should be securely attached Make sure that the baggage will not move around while you are riding Recheck baggage security as often as possible (not while the motorcycle is jn motion) and adjust as necessary, 4. Do not carry heavy or bulky items on 9 luggage rack. They are designed for Tight itams, and overloading can affect handling due to changas in weight dis tribution and aerodynamic forces. 6. Do not install accessories or carry| baggage that impairs the performance fof the motorcycle. Make sure that you have not adversely affected any fighting component, road clesrence,, banking capability (ie, lean angle), Control operation, whee! travel, front fork movement, of any other aspect of ‘operation SSS 16 LOADING INFORMATION ‘ 6. Weight attached to the handlebar o front fork will increase the mass of the steering assembly and can result in ‘an unsafe riding condition, 7. Fairings, windshields, backrests, and other large items have the capability of adversely affecting stability and han: dling of the motorcycle, not only because of their weight, but also due to the aerodynamic forces acting on ‘these surfaces while the motorcycle is in operation. Poorly designed or in: stalled items can result in an unsefe riding condition. 8 This motorcycle was not intended to bbe equipped with a sidecer or to be Used to tow any trailer or other vehicle Kewaseki does not manufacture side- ars or trailers and cannot predict the effects of such accessories on handling fr stability, but can only warn that the effects can be adverse and that Kawasaki cannot assume responsibility for the results of such unintended use of the motorcycle, Furthermore, any adverse effects on motorcycle com onents caused by the use of such accessories will not be remedied under warranty. eee LOADING INFORMATION 17 sermenmnmnnmnnn GENERAL INFORMATION ‘0 | Brake Lever and Pedal See Pg. 78 for a list of recommended The lever on the right side of the handlebar operates the front brake, and the foot pedal on the right side operates the rear brake, ‘The front and rear brakes are hydrau: lic disc brake type. The reservoirs must be kept filled with disc brake fluid or the brakes will not operate. 11. Front Brake Lover 18 GENERAL INFORMATION brake fluids and for other important brake information When either the front or rear brake is applied, the brake light goes on. Shift Pedal to the next lower gear; disengage the The transmission is @ Speed, return clutch, push the shift pedal dovm as far shift type with neutral halfway between as it will go, and then release it, If the ‘stand 2nd gears. fengine is stopped, releasing the clutch a oe) SE Migner guar, vewmacr lever and rolling the motorcycle slightly oJ age from a higher gear, YOUTUSt while shitting wil help shifting back to through the gears one by one. posal, Be cou, ce The tvonenicion alps wit on Grges te Guteh Ito, pul sown automate. neva dar When the ior in) ithe sft patel up as Tar at motoryse Te sanding ell, tho rane Heal go, and thn ras To sit mission cannot be. shit. past neural from fiat ut. To tie the automate rectal tinder, shied to fis oa, then lift up ‘on the shift pedal while standing still, The transmission will shift only into neutral ‘When the transmission is in neutral, ‘the groon noutral indicator light will be lit Make it a point when CAUTION shitting to lift up or push down the shift pedal fully. Hf shifting is done carelessly, the transmission may GENERAL INFORMATION 19 jump out of gear, causing overrev damage Throttle Grip to the engine. The throttle grip controls the throttle Twisting the throttle grip counterclock wise raises engine speed, twisting it clockwise lowers angine speed Indicator Lights NEUTRAL: When the gears are. in Clutch Lever neutral, the neutral indicator light is lit | ‘The clutch lever on the left side of the handlebar disengoges the clutch when HIGH BEAM: When the headlight is on pulled in high beam, the high beam indicator light is lit é 1, Cluteh Lover 3. Kaurled Locknut | 2 Siew Co swith aad SANS A enmespes | 20 GENERAL INFORMATION TURN: When the turn signal switch is turned to left or right, one of the turn signal indicator lights flashes on and off. HEAD LAMP: If either the high or low beam burns out, the reserve lighting system switches over to the remaining filament automatically, and lights the headlight failure indicator light to show that the headlight bulb must be replaced, OIL: The oil pressure/level warning light wars low oll pressure and level in the engine. With the motorcycle held perpen dicular to the ground, if the warning light omes on when the ignition switch is turned on and then goes-aff after engine Starting off, both the oil pressure and the oil level are normal. If the warning light goes on continuously after engine starting, it shows the low oil pressure or level, necéssitating oil level and engine inspection. If the warning light comes (on during riding, it shows low oil pres- sure. Refer to Pg. 60 for more detail’ engine oil information, ‘Turn Signal Indicator Lights Neutral Indicator Light igh Boom Indestor Light Oi Prosure/Level Warning Light Headlight Failure Indiestor Light GENERAL INFORMATION 21 Key ‘This motorcycle has @ combi key, which is used for the ignition switch, main switch, and fuel tank ap. Blank keys are available at your Kawasaki Dealer. Ask your Dealer to make any additional spare keys you may need, using your original key as a master. Ignition Switch and Main Switch This motoreycle has double switch system; ignition switch and main ewiteh, The ignition switch key ean be removed from the switch when it is in the OFF, Lock, or P(PARK? position. Note: The head, tail, and running position lights are on whenever the ignition switch and main switch are in the ON position, To avoid battery discharge, always start 22 GENERAL INFORMATION the engine immediately after turning the switches to On. 1. Turn, 2 Main Switch A. LOCK position 8B. OFF position Toon | Wan Swick | Seite OFF «ON | Ergneot Alario creator ort oH Tall ght on. AT OB SST Sa pangs | Erne of. Tal Tight on. Al other oS cute Engine off Hard wch san Bee AN aw a ON OFF or PARK | sical circuits cut off. ‘ON Engine on. All electrical equipment can be used. Steg Tike. Engine of Hand atch ean Be ed Pp OFF or ON | Ail other electrical circuits cut off EE warn) Siwring locked. Engine of, Tallght on: Hatred ach ie a can be used. All other electrical circuits cut off ering Woo Erie ofA ess OFF or ON on locked (Pa. 35). Engi electr tock (| ensie af Tal ig on Al ote soi cata ot : —— [oven | Sercan be coos GENERAL INFORMATION 23 shows the total distance that the vehicle hhas been ridden. ‘The tachometer shows the engine speed Speedometer and Tachometer ‘The speedometer shows the speed of the vehicle. In the lower part of the speedometer face is the trip meter, which shows the distance traveled since it was last reset to zero. The trip meter can be reset to zero by turning the reset wheel. In the upper part of the speedometer face is the odometer. The odometer 1. Speedometer 4 Tachometar 2 Odomerar 5 Rod Zone 3. Trip Meter in ravolutions per minute (rpm, c/min). ‘On the right side of the tachometer face is aportion called the “red zone”. Engine rpm (r/min) in the red zone is above max: imum recommended engine speed and is ‘also above the range for good performance. ROT (08 24 GENERAL INFORMATION Engine rpm (r/min) should CAUTION) et te atowed wo enter the red zone: operation in the red zone will overstress the engine and may cause serious engine damage. Fuel Gauge ‘The fuel gauge on the meter panel shows the amount of fuel in the fue! tank. If the needle enters the left side zone, turn the fuel tap lever to RES, and refuel at the eariest opportunity Note:Make certain that the fuel tap is turned to ON (Not RES), after filling Up the fuel tank Water Temperature Gauge This gauge shows the temperature of coolant. Ordinarily, the needle should stay within the white zone. If the needle reaches the “i” line, ston the engine and check the coolant level in the reserve tank ater the engine cools down (Pg. 3) Do not open the radiator cap when che engine or radiator thot. Severe burns could result. Wait until the engine and radiator have cooled down CAUTION] fue, running when the mugs teed reaches the “H line. Pro longed engine operation will result in severe damage from overeating. 1. Fuel Gauge 2. Water Tempersture Gauge Right Handlebar Switch 1. Engine Stop Switeh Starter Button ‘The button marked START, located on the right side of the handlebar, operates. the electric starter when pushed with the clutch lever pulled in, GENERAL INFORMATION 25 Note:If the clutch lever is pulled, the motorcycle can be started while stil in any 06: 1st gear before starting to move. Refer to the “How to Ride ‘the Motoreycle” section to Start the engine (Pg. 38) Engine Stop Switch In addition to the ignition and main ‘witches; the engine stop switch must be Jn the RUN position for the motorcycle 10 operate. The engine stop switch is for emergen: ey use. If some emergency requires stopping the engine, flick the engine stop switch to the OFF position. Note: Although the engine stop switch stops the engine, it does not turn off all the electrical circuits. Ordinarily, the ignition switch should be used to stop the engine. 26 GENERAL INFORMATION ‘but be careful to shift down to Left Handlebar Switch 1 Dimmer Switeh 4, Turn Signal Switch 2, Hazard Switch 5. Horm Button 3 Automatic Turn Signal Cancal Switch Dimmer Switch High or low beam can be selected with ‘the dimmer switch. When the headlight is fon high beam, the blue high beam indi cator light i it. Hl none High bearn LO.....Low beam Hazard Switch Hf some emergency requires you to park on the highway shoulder, turn on the hazard switch to warn other drivers of your location. If you turn the hazard ‘switch to ON with the ignition switch ON, or in the PARK position, all the turn signals will fash on and off. Wf you leave the hazard CAUTION switch on for a tong time, the battery may become totally dis- charged. So be careful not to use the ‘turn signals for more than 30. minutes ‘Automatic Turn Signal Cancel Switch When the turn signal switch is operated with the automatic turn signal cancel switch in the ON position, it is auto> matically canceled after it has first been fon for 4 seconds, and then the motor cycle has traveled an additional 50 m (168 f. ‘Turn Signal Switch ‘Tho turn signals are operated by the ‘um signal switch located on the left side of the handlebar. When the switch is operated, the turn signal indicator light flashes on and off ‘together with the turn signals. Lenni Leth Foscnn ight 28 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION 27 Horn Button The horns are operated by the horn button located on the left side of the handlebar. If the horns do not operate properly check thet the battery is good and thet the horns aro mounted securely with nothing touching them, If the horns) themselves are at fault, they should be) adjusted, ropaired, or replaced immediate vy, | Choke Lever To provide @ rich starting mixture when the engine is cold, there is a choke lever on the left side of the carburetor. Pull it all the way up and leave it up until the engine is warm. As the engine becomes warm and engine rpm (r/min) jnereases, push down the choke lever gradually so thet engine speed stays ‘bolow 2,000 rpm (r/min. (Once the engine has sufficiently warm- ‘ed up and before moving off, push the ‘choke lever all the way down. NNote:If the choke lever is left pulled up after the engine is warm, it will feause spark plug fouling and poor fuel economy. For more detailed infor- mation, read "How to Ride the Motor cycle” (Po. 22). Fuel Tank Cap To open the fuel tank cap, insert the ignition switeh key into the cap, turn the key to the right, and open the eap. “The fuel tank cap is locked when push ‘ed back into place. 1 Fuat Tank Cap Fuel Tank ‘The following actane rating gasoline is recommended in the fuel tank. Avo filling the tank in the rain or where heavy dust is blowing so that the fuel does not get contaminated. Fuses The two fuse boxes are located under the seat, If 2 fuse blows during opere- tion, inspect the electrical system to determine the cause, and then replace the fuse, ©Do not use any substitute CAUTION for the standard fu Replace the fuse with one of the correct capacity, 2s specified in the fuse box for ‘each circuit. 11. Fare Box for Main Circuit 2. Fuse Box for Electie-Accossory Laude GENERAL INFORMATION 29 [WARN y

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