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ANSWERS MAIN COURSEBOOK CHECK YOUR PROGRESS PAGE 64 A. 1. False: A concave mirror is also known a converging mirror. 2. False: The foca 1 length of a spherical mirror is half the radius of curvature, False; While sketching ray diagrams, the object should always be kept in front of the reflecting surf 4. True ce. False; A ray of light parallel to the princip axis, alter reflection from a concave mitror, will pass through its focus. B. 1. real 2. aperture 3. focus, 4. linear aperture 5. inverted 6. prineipal axis THINK AND ANSWER PAGE 67 Coneave mirror cannot be used as rear view mirrors in vehicles. This is because if they are used, they will mostly form a real and inverted image of the vehicles behind. Moreover, the size of the image of the vehicles behind will also vary as the distance of the vehicles behind changes from the ‘ear view mirror. As the vehicles behind approach the rear view mitror, their images will keep on magnifying, limiting the field of view of the vehicles con THINK AND ANSWER PAGE 70 1g behind. e As medium B is optically denser than medium A, therefore, the ray will bend towards the normal while travelling from medium A to medium B. © Speed of light will be more in medium A. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS PAGE 72 1. The phenomenon of bending of light is known as refraction. The two I laws of refraction are given as follows. a. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the refracted ray all lie on the ne plane. : b. For a given pair of media of different densities, the ratio of the sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is always a constant, that is, Si constant in r 2. The speed of light in vacuum is 3 < 10% m/s. 8. Refractive index of a medium with respect to vacuum is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the given medium, 4. Two examples of reflection of light are: A pencil placed in water appears to be bent at the point it enters the water, ». A coin immersed in water appears to be raised. RI ae ER 4 Re 5, When a ray of light passes through a rectangular glass slab, it emerges parallel to the incident ray and is shifted from its original path. The perpendicular distance between the emergent ray and the incident ray is called the lateral displacement - EXERCISES AL ha. 3c: 4d. 5b. 6. C 8b. 9%. ¢. 10. ¢. B. 1. convex twice 3. centre of curvature 4. concave 5. real 6, refraction 7. plane 8. 90° 9. dispersion 10. violet, red C. 1. True 2. True 3. False; An incident ray passing through the centre of curvature goes undeviated after reflection. 4. True 5, False; A real image is always inverted 6. True 7. True - 8. False; A prism is a glass block that has a triangular cross section, formed by three rectangular faces. 9, True 10. False; A rainbow is formed because water droplets of the atmosphere behave like tiny prisms. Dz 1. ¢. ze 3. a. 4b. 5. d E, The geometrical centre of the hollow sphere of which the spherical mirror is a part is called its centre of curvature. The geometrical centre of the spherical mirror is called the pole of the mirror. The area of the mirror from which reflection takes place is called its aperture. The straight line passing through the pole and the centre of curvature of the spherical mirror is called the principal axis. The distance between the pole and the principal focus is called the focal length of the spherical mirror. (The angle between the incident ray and the normal is called the angle of incidence. Om angle between the refracted ray and the normal is called the angle of refraction : %. Refractive index of a medium with respect to vacuum is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the given medium. 9. It states that for a given pair of media of different densities, incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is always a constant. (i0) The angle between the emergent ray and the normal is called angle of emergence. seat The angle through which the incident ray is deviated by the prism 's called the angle of | deviation of the prism. F. 1. Radius of curvature of a concave mirror, "= 6cm , 16cm _ gg Focal length of the mirror, f a Be ote ‘ the ratio of the sine of angle of G 2. Distance between the pole and the principal focus of a spherical mirror 3. Focal ler —~— 10 cm Focal length of a spherical mirror = distance between the pole and the principal focus = 10 em h of a spherical mirror, f= 8 em Radius of curvature of the spherical mirror, af 4. Some of the uses of concave mirrors are listed below. «. They are used in solar heaters to concentrate sun rays towards the food in the container to be heated. » They are used by dentists to see enlarged image of tooth and other area in mouth, They are used as shaving mirrors. No, @ convex mirror always form an image smaller than the object. . The two laws of refraction are ». The incident ray. the normal at the point of incidence and the refracted ray all lie on the en as follows. same plane. ». For a given pair of media of different densities, the ratio of the sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is always a constant, that is, sin i in lore the refractive index of a transparent medium, less is the speed of light passing through it. 8. The band of seven component colours of white light obtained after dispersion is known as spectrum. The order of the seven colours is violet, indigo. blue. green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR) 9. When light is allowed to pass through two prisms placed next to each other such that their adjacent faces are parallel, the first prism disperses the light into its seven colours and the second prism re-unites all the seven components of light and a ray of white light emerges constant out from the prism, 0.) Refractive index of a medium with respect to air is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in the given medium \ spherical mirror is a part of a hollow glass sphere with one of its in silver while the other acts as a refiecting surface. curved surf ces polished No. | Concave mirror | Convex mirror | | 1 | Itisa spherical mirror whose inner surface | Its a spherical mirror whose outer su face (curving inwards) is the reflecting surface _ is the reflecting surface and the inner and the outer surface (bulging outwards) surface is polished. | is polished. | | 2 When a parallel beam of light falls on | When a parallel beam of light falls on this | this mirror, it converges at apoint after _/ mirror, it appears to diverge from a point | | reflection. after reflection 3__| Itis also known as converging mirror. [ ttis also known as diverging mirror. | 4 | Itcan form real or virtual image depending | It always forma virtual, erect and | on the position of the object with respect | diminished image of the object | | to the mirror. irrespective of the position of the object | | withrespect tothe miro “as ear ae 2. In order to obtain the image of an object by drawing ray diagrams for spherical mirrors, any the incident rays for locating the image. two of the following rays can be .. An incident ray passing through the centre of curvature: An incident ray passing through me path, without any en the centre of curvature of a concave mirror reflects back along the deviation. In case of a convex mirror, an incident ray Which appears to move towards the nire of curvature is reflected back along the same path without any deviation direction of Refer to Fig. 5.6 ». An incident ray parallel to the principal axis: In case of a concave mirror, an incident ray focus after reflection. In case of a convex of the mirror, parallel to the principal axis passes through i mirror, the incident ray after reflection appears to come from the focu: Refer to Fig. 5.7 «. An incident ray pas through the focus is reflected parallel to the principal axis, In rs to move in the direction of the focus of the mirror, h the focus: In a concave mirror, an incident ray passing ¢ of a convex mirror, ing throu the incident ray, which appe: reflected parallel to the principal axis Refer to F 5. u. 5.8 a. A ray of Tight incident at the pole of the mirror: Ina concave mirror, a ray of light incident at the pole gets reflected along a path such that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, This is also true for a convex mirror. Refer to Fig. 5.9 3. Convex mirror always form a virtual, erect and diminished image. The image is always formed between the focus and the pole of the mirror, irrespective of the position of the object in front of the mirror. Refer to Fig. 5.16 4. A pencil appears to be bent when placed in a beaker of water due to refraction of light. The ray of light from the tip of the pencil (A) travels from an optically denser medium (water) to an optically rarer medium (air). The ray is refracted at the surface of water, and bends away from the normal. When this ray reaches the eye of the viewer, it appears to come from a point A’. Similarly, all points between AB appea corresponding points wh to come from between A’B, Therefore, the pencil appears to be bent and shorter, n viewed from the top. 5. Rainbow is formed due to dispersion of sunlight and is visible in the sky after a spell of rain, Just after a rainfall, there are a large number of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere, These droplets act like tiny prisms When sunlight passes through hese spherical droplets, it undergoes dispersion, With a large number of water droplets cont 2 10 this phenome Nbuting to this phenomenon, we get to see a huge continuous band of seven colours displayed in the sky. i i ¢ Snell’s law, which states that for a give, ion between / and r is given by the Snell's law, whi a 8iVEN pair gf ine of angle of incidence to the sing ofa (ote r media of diff rent densities, the ratio of the s refraction is always a constant, that is, ini sin r The value of the constant is fixed for a set of two transparent media and depends upon their nature. It is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first = constant Incase of a glass slab, light ray is entering the glass slab from the air, So the ratio of sn ‘0 sin r is equal to the refractive index of glass with respect to air. Sn! = refractive index of gla sin r 7 ane Phenomenon of splitting of white light into its constituent colours is called dispersion When white light is allowed to pass through a prism, it splits into a band of seven colour. Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR)} Dispersion of light occurs because different colours of light bend to different extents when passed through a prism This is because the refractive index of a medium with respect to another medium is different for different colours. Red colour deviates (or bends) the least, whereas violet deviates the most. This is why red forms the top band of the spectrum and violet forms the bottom band, \- If two prisms are placed next to each other such that their adjacent faces are parallel to each other and a ray of white light is allowed to fall on the refracting surface of one of them, then the first prism on which the ray of light falls will disperse the light into its seven colours When this dispersed light enters the second prism, all the seven components of light re-unite and a ray of white light emerges out from the prism. Therefore, two prisms kept opposite to each other behave like a glass slab. Refer to Fig. 5.28 H. 1, Ina concave mirror, all rays of light parallel to the pri and meet at the principal focus. Due to thi s with respect to air cipal axis converge after reflection Property, concave mirrors are also known as converging mirrors Concave mirrors are used by dentists to see enlarged image of tooth and other area in mouth because concave mirrors produce virtual and magnified images of close objects. ®. Convex mirrors are preferred over plane mirrors as rearview minrors mirrors always form i in cars because convex which gives a wider view of the n erect and diminished image, vehicles coming behind 4. Stars appear to twinkle due to the refraction of light coming from the ayers of the earth’s atmosphere. star from different The coin immersed in water appears to be raised duc to refiaetion of light at the surface separating air and water. 1. 1. Speed of light in glass.= 2 * 10" m/s Speed of light in air = 3 10%més Refractive index of glass with respect to air = 2, Speed of light in the transparent medium = 2.44 * 10° m/s Speed of light in vacuum = 3 * 10° m/s: Refractive index of the medium with respect to vi speed of light in vacuum © speed of light in the medium 3 10'm/s = 3% ims _ _ 14 244 «10m 13 3, Refractive index of a medium = 1.8 Speed of light in vacuum = 3 * 10% m/s From the expression, Refractive index of the medium with respect to vacuum we gel, 3x 10%m/s speed of light in the medium a . 3. 10%mis . Speed of light in the medium = —~ i. = 1.66 * 10% m/s 4. Speed of light in the medium = 2.25 * 10° mvs Speed of light in vacuum = 3 = 10° m/s Refractive index of the medium with respect to vacuum = 3.* 10% m/s 323% 10m — 133 5. Speed of light in diamond = 1,24,000 km/s = 1.2 « 10° km/s = 1.2 * 10°m/s Speed of light in vacuum = 3 * 10* m/s Refractive index of diamond with respect to vacuum speed of light in vacuum 3% 10% m/s 1.2 * 10*m Jo toa. Refer to Fig. 5.24 b. Refer to Fig. 5.25 2. Refer to Fig. 5.28 aa. Refer to Fig. 5.10 b. Refer to Fig. 5.13 © Refer to Fig, 5.14 d. Refer to Fig. 5.15 «. Refer to Fig. 5.12 THINK AND ANSWER The coloured stone when viewed from the top of the swimming pool apps to refraction of light, Jasvinder s to be raised due (ually hitting the coloured stone where it appears to be and Init a yath nition of the stone visible from the top, th whe in 4 position a litle below the pe to hit the target 2. Radius of curvature of a coneave mirror 20 em Focal length of the mirror — 10 em » be formed at the IF the object is placed at the centre of curvature, then the image will ab centre of the curvature, eof the mittor So, the image will be formed at a distance of 20 em from the po * A paper catches fire if'a concave mirror is used to focus sunlight because concave minor converges the pa amount of hy trallel beam of light from the sun onto the paper, ‘The larpe Belting concentrated on the paper raises its temperature, causing it to burn 4. No, it won't be eeay to watch the activities of customers in a departmental store with concave formed by them changes its nature and position depending: on the position proaches the mirror, So, the c formed is senerally real and mirrors as the im: of the customers, The image increases in size if the custome shopkeeper doesn’t pet a wide field of view, Moreover, the im Inverted. So, itis not easy to track the activities of the customers with the help of concave mirrors, 5. Objects waver on a really hot day due to the refraction of light by the different layers of the atmosphere. 6. Mirror | ~ Concave mirror Mirror 2 ~ Convex mirror sential conditions to observe nbow are! 7. Two e Si ii, Water droplets should be present in the ick of the observer d the must be present in the sky behi mosphere, ARM COMPANION ~ & COMPLETE RESOURCE FOR TEACHERS

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