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Topic : Present Facts and General truth

What is Sandra like?


Give (√) to sentences that give the best description to the pictures.

1. She is slim
2. Her hair is black
3. Her skin is bright
4. She is tall
5. She is good looking


1. He is funny
2. His hair is black
3. His skin is dark
4. His eyes are slanted
5. His face is round

Read the conversation and answer the questions.

Stacy Is he your best friend?

Cathrine Yes, he is. He is my classmate too
Stacy What is he like? Is he nice?
Cathrine Sure. He is friendly, helpful, talkative and very smart
Stacy Wow.. his personality is interesting
Cathrine And one more thing, he has really nice smile.
Stacy I can’t agree more. Btw, Do you know Tara?
Cathrine Yeah. I know her, but not very well.
Stacy I’m looking for her. She is my mother’s friend’s daughter. What is she
Cathrine She is really beautiful and quiet, yet many people know her, because she
is brilliant.
Stacy Oh, really? What about her appearance?
Cathrine She is medium height. She has long brown hair. She is wearing glasses.
Her skin is bright. She is not really thin. Her face is oval. And one more
thing, she is always holding her pink bottle at the break time.
Stacy I got it. I’ll find her.

Exercise 1

1. Whose best friend is talking in the conversation?

2. What is her best friend like?
3. Whom is Stacy looking for?
4. Why is Stacy looking for her?
5. What is Tara like?

6. What is Tara always holding at the break time?


 Present tense of Be is used to talk about present facts, general truth and etc
 It is is, am, are. It also calls Verb-be

Positive Sentences S + Vbe+ Complement

He is friendly He is friendly.
S Vbe Complement

Her face is oval Her face is oval

S Vbe complement

Rob and Bob are twin Rob and Bob are twin
S Vbe Complement

Negative Sentences S + Vbe + not + Complement

She is not really thin She is not really thin
S Vbe complement

Mr.Miller is not a friendly person Mr.Miller is not a friendly person

S Vbe complement

Ms. Lopez and Ms. Davis are not punctual Ms.Lopez and Ms.Davis are not punctual
S Vbe complement

Interrogative Examples of Question Response Form

Yes/No Is Ms Miller friendly? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t VBe + S + Complement?
Is his skin dark? Yes, he is / No, he isn’t Is Ms.Miller friendly?
VBe S complement

Is his skin dark?

Vbe S complement

Are Rob and Bob twin? Are Rob and Bob twin?
Vbe S complement

WH-Questions What is your best friend like? He is friendly, helpful, WH- (question word) + Vbe + S +
talkative and very smart Complement?
What is Tara like? She is really beautiful and What is your best friend like ?
quiet QW Vbe S complement

What is Tara like?

QW Vbe S complement
Several Things need to be considered

Subject Verb Complement Important Explanation about

Verb and Complement

I am an engineer (N) Am only for I Complement can

You are awesome (Adj) Are for all Noun (N)
They are intelligent (Adj) Subjects Adjective (Adj)

We are friends (N) Adverb (Adv):

1. Adv of place
Tom and are naughty (Adj) 2. Adv of time
Rob 3. Adv of degree
She is at the library Is for all 4. Adv of
(Adv) frequency
He is in Italy (Adv)

It is Cute (Adj)

Sandra is A doctor (N)

Exercise 2

A. Fill in the blank with the Verb-be is, am, are to complete the sentence.
1. The children _______ outstanding.
2. Mr. Davis ________ a very well-known businessman.
3. Mr. Jonson and his sons _______ at the National museum.
4. Rob’s grandparents ______ really compassionate.
5. ________ Ruru a nice friend?
6. When _______your birthday?
7. What nationality ________they?

B. Make the negative and interrogative sentences (yes/no and WH-question) from the positive
sentences below.
1. Billy is a famous musician.
2. The pilots are at the room
3. Robert is really brilliant.
4. The cat and dog are at the park.
5. Emily’s house is very homey and beautiful.
6. Andrew’s hotel is really luxurious..
C. Arrange the words into a good sentence.

1. Edward- in- is – Hungary.

2. Bicycle-is- George’s-expensive
3. difficult-really-math-is- the-for-students
4. shoes- are-under-her-table- the
5. school-really –is- bus- the-big
6. is-movie-the-interesting
7. songs- are- John’s- soulful-very


Read the text below

My best friend, Timothy

I have met Timothy since we were at high school. We have been friends for five years.
We first met at the school cafeteria. I saw him alone. Then, I asked for permission to sit next to
him and introduced myself. Today, we usually meet on weekends. He often invites me to
watch western movie at the movie theater. Before we go home, we usually buy our favorite
street food. He almost always treats me. He is a really good friend. He is friendly and helpful.
He often offers a help to other people. It makes him popular. He is not talkative, yet he is glad
to be invited to speak by people around. He has a captivating smile. It is one of the reasons
people around enjoy to talk with him. His build is ideal. He is tall. He has brown eyes. His skin
is bright. He has thin lips and pointed nose. He is always neat everyday.

Exercise 3

Answer the questions below based on the text.

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. How long have they been friends?
3. Where didi she meet for the first time?
4. When do they usually meet?
5. What do they usually do on weekends?
6. What is he like?

Exercise 4

Make a list of new vocabulary found from the text.

List of words Possible Meaning


Describe one of your family members and record

by making an audio recording


Write a paragraph (at least 7 sentences) to describe your idol’s physical

appearance and personality.

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