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Intelligent Business Progress Test 5 (Units 1415)

1 Choose the correct option a, b or c. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 He made a __________ at the best hotel in town. a) booking a) multiplied a) did a) break a) diagram a) trend a) travel a) organisations a) pleasant a) current Europe is a _________. a) country a) birthday b) content b) born c) continent c) birth / 12 What is your date of __________? b) reserve b) reduced b) done b) gap b) chart b) change b) trip c) book c) devided c) made c) year c) graph c) increase c) journey c) appointments c) pressure c) least Ten __________ by two equals five. Have you __________ the work I gave you? No, I havent. Hes thinking of taking a career __________ some time next year. Look at the pie __________. You can see where we spent the money. The __________ is for televisions to become bigger and bigger. Hes going on a business __________ to Canada. He has made all his travel __________. He has his tickets now. b) arrangements b) pleasure b) record Are you travelling for business or __________? We have had __________ sales this month.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2008 Pearson Longman ELT

2 Some of these sentences have a mistake. Underline the mistake and write the correction. If there is no mistake then put a tick (). e.g. We work in a multinational company. He asked me work late. Are you live in Turkey? I cant to finish on time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Could you to help me with this report? Where do you want go? I think computers have become smaller in the future. It likely that more people will work from home. Do you see the boss later today? We should to increase the salaries. He promised work late this evening. You should always arrive on time. Why dont we arrange meet next week. Im meeting the supplier tomorrow morning. We planned develop a new product. Will they to finish on time today? ________ ____to____ ____Do___ ________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ / 12

3 Which paragraph a, b or c mentions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Problems finding new ideas. How a product has changed A way to stop staff leaving a company. People who work for no money How much money the company makes. Ways to keep in contact with other people. What to do if your job isnt interesting. __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2008 Pearson Longman ELT


Keeping ahead of the competition is hard work these days. Mr Laliberte of the Cirque du

Soleil has managed to do this with his global entertainment business. His profits are huge, but its not easy to always have creative ideas as the brand continues to grow. Mr Laliberte has done this and it is likely that the company will continue to be successful.


People who work for a company for a long time often need a break or they can find their

jobs boring. It has become popular today for workers to take 3-, 6- or 12-month breaks away from work. In the past it was only students who took a gap year before going to university, but now almost twenty per cent of all workers in Britain are doing this. Popular destinations are Africa and South America. People often do voluntary work while they are travelling. Some companies are now offering their staff the opportunity to take a career break. This is one way to keep good staff.


What does the future offer, do you think? Will it be very different from what we know

today? Over the last twenty years the world has changed greatly. Technological developments are moving very fast and its difficult to predict the future. Twenty years ago, mobile phones were expensive and very big and didnt work very well. Today they are small and you can watch TV on them, send videos and photographs and use the internet. Maybe in the future we wont need phones. Perhaps we will use our thoughts to communicate with each other. That will certainly save a lot of money, but we will need to be careful about what we are thinking! /7


4 Choose the correct option a, b or c. 1 2 3 4 5 Why __________ we take the train? Thats a good idea. a) arent a) changing a) Im a) dont b) wont b) change b) There is b) cant c) dont c) changed c) Its c) shouldnt How about __________ the design? __________ likely that more people will work from home in the future. Sorry, I __________ make the meeting on Monday. Im busy then. What about lunch? Is Thursday good __________ you? PHOTOCOPIABLE 2008 Pearson Longman ELT 3

a) to 6 7 8 9 a) Will a) certainly a) remain a) likely

b) with b) What b) really b) go b) possible

c) for c) Lets c) reasonably c) continue c) certain /9

__________ promote the products in the supermarkets. Im not __________ sure about that. I think the number of jobs will __________ steady in the future. Im __________that prices will increase next month.

5 Choose the correct word or expression. To: Pedro Lohez. Subject: Visit next week. Dear Pedro I am (1) look/looking forward to (2) meet/meeting you next week. I (3) will/wont meet you at the airport (4) on/at Monday morning at 7.30. At 11am there (5) can/will be a presentation of the company. (6) After/Next that we are having lunch at a restaurant. (7) In/On the afternoon you (8) could/should have a tour of the departments or visit the factory. At 8pm we are going to the theatre. The next day we are having a breakfast meeting. Later we (9) are/will taking you on a tour of the city. Please let me know what you (10) would/do like to do on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. Best wishes / 10

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Track 5

6 Listen to a woman talking. Are the statements true [T] or [false F]? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 She doesnt think her job is good. She has worked in IT for six years. She is taking a gap year. She starts her break tomorrow. Shes going out with come colleagues tonight. Shes going to Taiwan first. She plans to travel round Malaysia by train. She will teach IT in a university. Her brother lives in New Zealand. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] / 10

10 She will be back at work in July.

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PHOTOCOPIABLE 2008 Pearson Longman ELT

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