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My reflection on the first webinar series which is entitled Tribu Siyentipiko webinar series with a
ENERGY,NANOTECHNOLOGY for the first speaker Prof.Leonardo Pasquito discussed
GMO in the Philippines:Dilemmas of its promotion and adoption towards a sustainable food
security and also for the second speaker the topic to be discussed of Prof. Rosemarie Caronan
which is the Social Media and Cyber Ethics: Problems in creating a Student Friendly Cyber
Space, so let’s go now for the first speaker Prof.Leonardo Pasquito discussed GMO in the
Philippines:Dilemmas of its promotion and adoption towards a sustainable food let’s
start so what now How does GMO affect food production security and sustainability? GMOs
are not the only solution to food security, as per scientists, but they are an important one. "When
combined with improved farming conditions, better water use, and resource efficiency, GMOs
can help to create better food options." And also How do genetically modified food promote
food security? Crop genetic modification can improve nutritional quality while decreasing the
need for agricultural inputs like fertilizer, pesticides, and water, which is especially beneficial for
smallholder farmers who may not have easy access to these inputs. And lastly,What is the impact
of GMO in the Philippine industry? Since the adoption of GM corn, the Philippines has been able
to export corn silage as a result of increased yields and higher-quality harvests. According to the
study, GM corn adoption increased productivity growth in the country's corn industry by 11.45
percent And the other beneficial that been export that has higher quality harvests. After the first
speaker discussed about GMO the second speaker must now discussed the Social Media and
Cyber Ethics: Problems in creating a Student Friendly Cyber Space We are all aware that social
media platforms enable users to converse, share information, and create web content. There are
numerous forms of social media, such as blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites,
photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and
others, but there are numerous issues and ethics that surround the cyber space and we must know
Technology and the cyber world are not only constantly changing, but they are also constantly
changing our society and the way it works.
Now that we have these widely used technologies, it is necessary to teach students about proper
ethics, safety, and security when using technology. What the cyber world does is attack teachers,
parents, and leaders to try to create acceptable computer and technology use in specific settings.

So the question is When and how should cellphones, computers, and electronics be used in
schools? How can we use the Internet more frequently? How can we protect our privacy while
still using the internet?

Here, we see how some schools have begun to recognize the importance and impact of
technology and social media on the lives of youth and have begun to incorporate it into their
curriculum. Because technology is a part of all of our daily lives, it should be accepted as
something that needs to be taught the ins and outs of. If we taught children how to use
technology safely and ethically from an early age, we could avoid future problems. Hopefully,
this will prevent an increase in cyberbullying and a misunderstanding of how to use and
communicate with cyber tools. Furthermore, cyberbullying is having a significant impact on our
society. Technology has become an important part of our socialization and communication habits.
While the majority of people use the internet to research and stay in touch with friends, others
use it to harass and bully others. Students recognize and practice responsible and appropriate use
while accessing, using, collaborating, and creating, so we have cyber ethics and safety. Students
demonstrate an understanding of current ethical and legal standards, as well as the rights and
constraints that govern technology, technology systems, digital medical and information
technology in today's society.

And for the Energy Crisis my reflection for this is The Philippines is facing a catastrophic energy
crisis as the Malampaya gas fields, which supply 30% of Luzon's energy consumption, are
expected to run dry by 2024. An ever-increasing population, an infrastructure boom mandated by
the administration, and some of the highest electricity costs in S.E. and also What is the causes of
energy crisis and How can we solve the energy crisis in the Philippines? There are so many
benefits that can be resolved in the energy crisis that we faced everyday like Using energy-
efficient products will help you save energy and money while also helping the environment.
Consider the use of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs instead of Compact Fluorescent Lamp
(CFL) bulbs (which contain harmful lead and mercury). LED bulbs consume 75% less energy
and last 25% longer than incandescent bulbs.and also Do an energy audit on your home to avoid
the energy crisis that we faced every now and then.

And for the renewable energy my reflection for this is What renewable energy do we use
everyday? We use renewable energy sources such as hydropower, geothermal and solar energy,
wind power, and biomass and also What is the most used renewable energy source in today’s
2022? Solar accounts for nearly half of the capacity additions planned for 2022, with natural gas
accounting for 21% and wind accounting for 17%. And now ask yourself What is the best
renewable energy source for the future?.....

And for the last my reflection for the nanotechnology is What are the possible applications of
nanotechnology in the Philippines in the field of drug delivery? The use of nanotechnology in
drug delivery should result in the following advantages: Improved ability to deliver drugs that
are poorly water soluble. To reduce drug accumulation within healthy tissue, provide site-
specific targeting. Aid in the retention of the drug in the body long enough for effective
treatment. And How important is nanotechnology to a developing country like the Philippines
and also What are the contributions of nanotechnology for the improvement and sustainability of
environment like In what ways does nanotechnology contributed a lot in our society and Will
nanotechnology help improve our life in some ways in the next twenty years? There are so many
questions to be answered but the mainpoint of this is Nanotechnology will include almost every
person on the planet's life in the next 20 years. The possibilities are mind-boggling and brain-
enhancing. However, as with many great advances in human history, it is not without risk. And
for now this is my last reflection for this entirety.

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