NHS Lookback Speech

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NHS Lookback Speech

Written by Henry Stark

Performed by Halley Havlicek

We embarked on this journey of service with the National Honors Society before the doors of
Richmond Burton even opened for the school year. June 13th. Our first event of the year. The
Spring Grove fish boil at Horse Fair Park. We then assisted at the 4th of July in Spring Grove
helping the town celebrate the nation’s birthday. After our summer of fun, relaxation, and
volunteering we transitioned into the school year. Our thoughts fixated on homework, ACTs, and
college, but another thought floated through our heads: volunteering. We served the community
in a variety of ways. Saving countless lives with the blood drives throughout the year. Raising
money for the Rotary Club by roasting and selling corn at Richardson’s Farm. Feeding the
homeless of the area with soup we prepared and served. Stocking the food pantry’s shelves high
after trick or treating for canned goods. Helping Richmond and Spring Grove ring in the holiday
season at their Christmas celebrations. Cleaning Tryon Grove Road. Our service reached beyond
our community as we sent innumerable boxes of food to 3rd world countries at Feed My
Starving Children. From Spring Grove and Richmond all the way to Sudan and Rwanda we
made a difference.

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