Whoanandsharma: Anand Sharma

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Free Special Classes whoanandsharma

1-2 Pm English pedagogy

3-4 Pm Imp Questions
9-10 Pm EVS & Pedagogy
10:10-11:11 Pm Child development
Children and their Environment
Family परिवाि
❑ Family one of the institutions that of society that a child is
born in . Thus it is first institution that child relates to.

❑ One common characteristic of family is the people living

together and are related through marriage, blood, or
❑ Nuclear Family एकल परिवाि : family in which parents and
their children lives ,i.e., only one generation of people.

❑ Extended or joint or unlived family संयक्ु त परिवाि

: A family large in size consisting of members of three or more
generation such as grandparents , uncle, aunt, siblings and etc.

❑ Single Parent Family एकल अभििावक परिवाि

: It could be single mother , divorced , or widowed bring up the
child with her parents or her parents in low . It can also be single
father or adopted child
❑ Families can be of different in composition and size .

❑ In India families are different in their religion the follow, their

culture , place and etc. This help child to understand the
diversity of the families and help to understand other .

❑ The primary socialization of child takes here.

friends दोस्त
❑ Friends are another important aspect of primary socialization
other then family .

❑ We not only play with our friends but also we share our joy ,
sorrow with them.

❑ Through friends we learn to socially and emotionally bond with

people other then family .

❑ Through friends we learn to establish the relationship of trust .

Work and play
कायय औि खेल
❑ It helps children to keep them mentally and
physically fit depending on the kind of play.
❑ It is the opportunity where children engage
and socialize with other .
❑ Work is a job or activity that people do to earn

❑ But work can have other purpose also such as taking

care of one’s family , community , neighborhood and
society .such people work as Doctor , teacher, lawyer
,driver , sweepers, cobblers , barber etc.
Environmental Studies ANANDSHARMA99

Plants ❑ Children experience plants that are found

in their environment . The plant that they

see around them can be either domestic
or wild plant.

❑ children use mobility as one of the

criteria for distinguish between plants
and animals.

❑ They do not consider trees ,weeds ,

vegetables , flower or seeds as plants
but as mutually exclusive groups .

❑ Children use generalized criteria to

classify plant such as : grow in ground ,
have root , green leaves
Plants पौधे
Flowering Non-flowering
फूल गैि-फूल
Monocot Dicot
On land Not on land
Non-Flowering Plants

Not on land On land

▪ Algae शैवाल, ▪ Mosses ,
▪ Fungi, ▪ Fern ,
▪ Lichens ▪ Conifer
Non-flowering (गैि-फूल ) plant which are not at the land
Algae शैवाल
▪ Green scum that we see in the lakes represent green algae.
▪ Few species of algae are red which make lake seen red
▪ All algae are producer = Autotrophic ( स्वपोषी)
▪ They can be multicellular .
▪ They are called grass of water .
▪ They are found in water bodies , tree , moist soil, one species of algae
found in blue whale
▪ They do not harm the organism instead supplying food .
Green Algae Red Algae
Fungi कवक
▪ The minute thread like structure that are
seen growing on the moist bread ,rotten
organ , moist lather called Moulds (फफूँू द )
belong to category of fungi .

▪ Moulds saprophytic (मत ृ ोपजीवी) in their

nutrition and hence seen growing on dead
and rotten things or we can say that they
help to decompose things and makes soil
▪ Fungi do not have chlorophyll and depend on
other for their food (heterotrophic पिपोषी).
▪ They are saprophytic or parasitic means they grow on other
organism for food and harm it. Ex- Smut and rust are parasitic
fungi that grow on wheat , corn , other grasses .
▪ A very useful Unicellular fungi called Yeast (ख़मीि)used in
Fermentation to make bread, cakes and etc.
▪ NOTE : Algae and fungi do not have plant like structure and
belong to lowest group of plant. They have thallus like body .
▪ Algae have chlorophyll
Lichens लाइकेन
▪ Mutual partnership between algae and
fungi .
▪ They are not a single plant but
association of two.
▪ The fungus lives upon the food made by
the algae and in return provide water to
algae .
▪ This relationship is called symbosis or
symbiotic relationship (सहजीवी रिश्ता).
They can survive in extreme condition
due to this relationship.
▪ The lichens are found in the bark of
trees, rock , and in ground
Non-flowering plant which found in land
Mosses काई
▪ First found in ground
▪ They live in moist places , the green-
soft , velvety carpet like appearance on
wood and rocks .
▪ They do not grow in height more then
few inches .
▪ No root , stems, vascular tissue .
Fern फ़नय
▪ Plant like structure , with root
,stems and leaves but do not have
seed . They have vascular tissue for
water and minerals
▪ They can grow up to 10-15 feet .
Conifers कोननफि
▪ They have seeds , but not fruit formation .
▪ The seeds are formed in ovules , that are
formed in ovary , so seeds are called
necked seeds example – Pine tree
Flowering Plants
Plants फूल वाले पौधे
❑Flowering plants are one of the
most highly developing plants
Monocot Dicot found in the earth .About 40,000
species .
❑They produces flower as organs of
❑Their seeds develop into ovaries
that finally develop into the fruit .
❑On the basis of seeds flowering
plants are divided in two classes .
Cereals अनाज Legumes फभलयां
(Monocot) (Dicot)
▪ Wheat , Rice ▪ Pulses , pea , beans ,
peanut etc.
Property Monocot Dicot
Seed Single cotyledon Two cotyledon

Leaves Parallel veins Branched veins

Flowers Floral part often in Branched veins

multiple of 3 Multiple of 4,5
Property Monocot Dicot

Stem Vascular bundles scattered Vascular bundles

throughout stem arranged in a ring

tap roots
Roots Fibrous root

Sunflower , rose,
Lily, grass , wheat ,corn , apple, peas, beans
Examples sugarcane, banana , palm , ,
oats etc. potato, pulses etc.
Plants on the basis of size
Tree : Mango , Neem
Shrubs : Rose , Jasmine

Herbs : Grass , wheat , tomato

Climber : Bel
Creepers : Pumpkin कद्द ू , water melon तिबज

Thorny plants : Cactus

What part of plant we eat
Root : Beetroot , Carrot , Radish
ु ं दि, गाजि, मल
ू ी

Stem : Ginger, Onion, Sugar cane , Potato

अदिक, प्याज, गन्ना, आलू

Leaf : Cabbage, Spanish

गोिी , पालक
Fruit : Cucumber , Cauliflower , Broccoli , Tomato
. ककडी, फूलगोिी, ब्रोकोली, टमाटि

Seed : Corn मकई, Pea मटि

Free Special Classes whoanandsharma

Referral code

1-2 Pm English pedagogy

3-4 Pm Imp Questions
9-10 Pm EVS & Pedagogy
10:10-11:11 Pm Child development
Q-07 Ginger is which part of plant ?

A. Root
B. Stem
C. Fruit
D. Non of these
Q-08 Non flowering plant which gives seeds ?

A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Lichen
D. conifer
Q-10 Which of these are fruit ?

A. Cucumber
B. Pea
C. Sugar cane
D. potato
Q-10 Which of these are tree ?

A. Mango
B. Jasmine
C. Sugar cane
D. potato

By Anand Sharma
Free Special Classes whoanandsharma

1-2 Pm English pedagogy

3-4 Pm Imp Questions
9-10 Pm EVS & Pedagogy
10:10-11:11 Pm Child development

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