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1.held or petted a wild animal?

When I was a kid, I went to the zoo and pet a giraffe.

2.broken a bone?

When I was in kindergarten, I fell off a wall and broke my arm.

3.been on the radio or on television?

No never

4.stayed awake for an entire night?

I once went to a festival and stayed up until 7 in the morning

5.broken something, like a window, and ran away?

No never

6.gone sky diving, bungee jumping, or para-sailing?

No never

7.talked on the phone for more than two hours?

One day I was talking to someone for 3 hours

8.gotten lost in an amusement park or on vacation?

No never

9.had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?

No never

10.been out in the rain and really enjoyed it?

when I was a child I always like to go out and play in the rain

11.had something embarrassing happen to you?

In high school, I farted in the classroom and everyone laughed.

12.had a near-death experience?

No never

13.gotten in trouble at school or at church?

No never

14.helped someone who was in danger?

No never

15.worn the same underwear two days in a row?

One day I didn't take a shower for two days

16.drank soda pop, laughed, and had it come out your nose?

I was with a friend and he made me laugh and it all came out my nose, it was disgusting

17.regifted something that you received as a gift?

No never

18.gone camping in a tent?

In high school I went camping with my classmates

19.had your cell phone ringing at an embarrassing moment?

No never

20.sung karaoke, or did a lip-sync song?

in elementary school I sang a song by vicente fernandez

21.seen a human baby, or a baby animal be born?

Once I saw a cow being born

22.had to get stitches?

When I was a kid, I was playing with my friends and I accidentally cut my arm and they stitched it

23.paid for a stranger’s meal or drink, without them knowing it was you?

No never

24.stayed in your pajamas all day long?

yes, it was a day that I did not leave my house at any time

25.climbed a tree, or gone up on a roof and couldn’t get down?

No never

26.held a butterfly or another insect in your hand?

Yes, one day I saw a butterfly and I reached out my hand and it stood there

27.found a wallet or a money that someone dropped?

No never

28.ridden a ride that made you scream with fear?

I once rode a roller coaster

29.lied to get something cheaper than it was?

No never

30.won a contest and received a prize?

No never

31.taken a picture of your face on a Xerox machine?

No never

32.seen an actual tornado (not on TV or in a movie)?

No never

33.been water skiing or snow skiing?

No never

34.met a famous person or a celebrity?

No never

35.lied about your age?

No never

36.spent the night sleeping by the toilet?

No never arrested?

No never

38.not been able to remembered how you got somewhere?

No never

39.cheated on a test or an exam?

yes, in high school I wrote down some things on a piece of paper

40.burped while you were kissing someone?

No never

41.smoked in the high school bathroom?

No never

42.gotten a tattoo?

No never

43.lied about your birthday just to get a free dessert?

No never
44.tried to burp the alphabet?

No never

45.been in an earthquake or a tornado?

No never

46.fallen down the stairs?

No never

47.lied about not doing something you were supposed to do?

No never

48.eaten frog legs, or some other strange food?

No never

49.eaten an insect?

No never

50.toilet-papered someone’s house?

No never

51.faked being sick so you could stay home or come home from school or work?

No never

52.pretended to speak a foreign language you don’t know?

No never

53.gone on a “bad” blind date?

No neverw

54.have you ever made up a story to get out of a traffic ticket?

No never

55.won a contest?

No never

56.made a prank phone call?

One day I was with my friends and we called a friend to make a joke

57.eaten a whole cake or a pizza yourself?

No never

58.seen the same movie more than twice at a theater?

No never

59.played a trick on someone, or had someone play a trick on you?

One day I made a prank on the phone with my friends

60.skipped a class or a whole day of school?

One day I had to travel with my family and I did not go to school

61.thrown up on an airplane or on a boat?

No never

62.been kicked or bitten by an animal?

No never

63.sung in the shower or on the toilet?

whenever i take a shower i sing

64.locked your keys in the car, or have been locked out of your house?

No never

65.spied on your neighbors?

No never

66.shared food with your dog or cat?

No never

67.dyed your hair, and it didn’t turn out well?

No never

68.been sky diving or scuba diving?

No never

69.had food or a drink spilled on you at a restaurant or party?

At a party I dropped my glass by accident and everything fell on my pants

70.ridden on a cow, an elephant, or some strange animal?

No never

71.sung in front of people by yourself?

No never

72.had a blow-out tire while driving?

One day he came from a ranch and when we were going to get to my house a miedra punctured
the tire

73.gotten lost at an amusement park or on a vacation?

No never

74.appreciated a sunset?

One day I went to a viewpoint and we could see the sunset

75.been a guest at a surprise party?

One day my best friend's mom invited me to her surprise party.

76.been in a fist fight?

No never

77.been on TV?

No never

78.been to a theatre?

One day I went to see my cousin at the theater

79.called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name?

No never

80.cried in public and embarrassed yourself?

No never

81.driven a sports car?

No never

82.finished eating in a restaurant, and you realized you forgot your wallet?

No never

83.fallen in love at first sight?

yes, when i see a pretty girl

84.forgotten your mother's birthday? Father's? Girlfriend's? Boyfriend's?

No never

85.gone surfing?

No never

86.had a Deja Vu experience?

One day I was very calm talking with someone and I felt that this had already happened

87.baked bread?

No never

88.played a joke on one of your teachers?

No never

89.regretted saying I love you?

No never

90.ridden a motorcycle?

yes, I always drive a motorcycle

91.told a big lie to someone you love?

No never

92.tried in-line skating?

No never

93.been in the shower when there was an earthquake?

No never

94.ripped off your pants while dancing?

No never

95.kissed somebody by mistake?

No never

96.laughed until tears came from your eyes?

yes, one day I came across a video that made me laugh a lot

97.fallen asleep while talking on the phone?

No never

98.sprained your ankle/wrist?

One day I was running and my ankle twisted and I couldn't keep walking.

99.written an article for a newspaper?

No never

100.seen a car accident?

No never
101.received a love letter?

No never

102.picked your nose in public?

No never

103.milked a cow?

When I was little I accompanied my grandfather to the ranch to milk cows

104.played an instrument in public?

No never


No never


No never

107.been trapped in an elevator?

No never

108.made somebody cry?

Once I said a word that I didn't have to say and made that person cry, I felt very bad

109.been inside a police car?

No never

110.had to dial 911 (emergency services)

No never

Go to google really fast and look up for: Where did the idea of creating a bucket list
come from? Take turns reading and commenting the first Top 5 bucket list ideas
headings and then they can skim to get the general idea from each one.

1. Buy a house
2. Go Scuba Diving
3. Go skydiving
4. Get Married
5. Go zip-lining

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