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Available online at : ; : materialstoday: 4 ScienceDirect PROCEEDINGS ELSEVIER Materials Today: Proceedings 11 (2019) 516-$28 ‘ ICMTMTE 2018 An Overview of Utilization of Blast Furnace and Steelmaking Slag in Various Applications Mecit Oge", Dervis Ozkan" *, M.Bahattin Celik”, Mustafa Sabri Gok", Abdullah Cahit Karaoglanli® “Department of Meciuaical Engincerig, Bartin University, Bartin, 74100, Turkey “Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karabuk University, Karabuk, 75050, Turkey Departmen of Metailurgicel and Materials Engineering, Bartin Universy, Bartin, 74100, Turkey Abstract Ever-increasing energy costs and environmental restrictions have compelled researchers to focus on the reutilization of vast amounts of industrial by-products such as blast furnace slag and steelmaking slag, in energy extensive and material extensive industries such as iron-steel production and construction. Attempts to reutilize these waste materials all around the world have yielded successful results up to date, such that, in some of these attempts they even surpassed their intended use as blend or replacement materials and became serious rivals to their industrial counterparts. Various ways to reutilize these waste materials hhave been explored up to dite, including waste heat recovery, clinker substitute in cement production, and a number of comparatively more value added applications. The ongoing attempts have come to a point that pushes the limits for more technological uses such as altemative ceramic coating materials in surface engineering applications. In this regard, this review study aims to provide an overview of and a collective approach to various uses of blast fumace and steelmaking slag in diverse applications and fields, with a view to provide insight into the current attempts to optimize or improve their use, as well as emerging trends as tothe potential use of these waste materials in higher value-added applications. © 2019 Elsevier Ld. All rights reserve. Selection andor Peer-review under responsiblity of Intemational Conference on Modern Trends in Mannaturing Technologies and Equipment 2018: Mt ls Science Keywords: blast furnace slag (BES); steelmaking slag; surftce engineering; industrial applications; thermal spray coatings * Corresponding autor. Te: *90-585-317-0238 Evnail address: dercisozkan(@ gmail com 2214-7883 © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. Al rights reserved. Selection and/or Peer-review under responsibility of International Conference on Modem Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment 2018: Materials Seience Dervis Ozkan e al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 11 (2019) 516-825 si7 1. Introduction Vast amounts fala. othe eqmdaadBoaeseduced ss ot of aeel asc eepeson sess 7) Ce eee solid wastes and other environmental issues have ren 1¢ recyeling of such ‘waste materials a highly eritical subject for protection of natural sources, Beside such environmental concerns, utilization of industrial wastes in industrial applications for energy and cost saving purposes, and their recycling into applicable by-products has been the subject of various attempts in recent decades [3-4]. Reportedly, 150-200 kg steelmaking ot high furnace slag is produced per one ton of produced raw steel As reported in Turkey’s Slag Report ‘annual slag production of Turkey has reached 5.4 million tons as of year 2014 [5]. Considering the local and global steel production, the need foritilization of slagas/avalue added by-product or as extra energy output, becomes both a requirement for environmental concerns and an opportunity for cost-saving, in. industrial applications. Industrial slags have found usage in some of the low-value added sectors as well. These applications include their use as filling _materialin-road construction [6], as additive-in ecment production (7], in production of railway ballasts [8] in glass Hgsion [9] an in prection of henna ination wool 10) t fuace slags are mainly composed of ceramic based compounds such “MgAI204 [11-15]. Such oxide contents render blast furnace slags candidate is for thermal ins purposes due to their significantly lower coefficients of thermal conductivity as compared to metallic materials. Recently, such characteristics of slags have drawn the attention of researchers to their use against SeVere conditions Such as oxidation, corrosion sind thermal eycles through their deposition or application on target surfaces by means of surface engineering techniques, thus paving the way for their utilization in value added applications as well. ‘The mentioned properties of industrial slag brings about the question of whethe? this waste material ean be Utilized in Value-added applications as well) in addition to its use in low-value added applications such as filling ‘material in construction industry or for waste heat recovery in steel production plants for cost-saving. In this regard, the current and possible use of industrial slag in the fields such as surface engineering and automotive is yet to be investigated through elaboration of literature works related to the composition, characteristics and utilization of various slag types. This paper brings a combined “approach of the Current use of slag in’ 'Various. applications including waste heat re ;ement production and other valuc added applications, and its possible and current SI ne ae ee aT ea ea 2.Slag Jn general ers Ini SE ia Pe easel ESRIpOE Ot aire SEATED oxides, SiO., metal sulfides and elemental metals that accumulate on the surface of impure molten metals [15-17] Metals in raw form are generally referred to as ores since in nature they exist in the form of oxides, sulfides, and other compounds or as a mixture of these metallic and non-metallic compounds. Reduction of ores in chemical compound form into the pure metal form requires inclusion of flux materials which bond with impurities for formation and removal of slag from molten metal. Flux materials such as dolomite and burnt lime (calcium oxide) are commonly used for this purpose [18]. The slag layer that accumulate on high temperature molten metal during the melting of ores are removed from the surface and solidified via various cooling methods (19-20]. The schematic diagram of pig.iron and blast furnace slag production process is given in Fig. | [iar sero —eae] wlan Ly Lae Se satin soe Fig 1. Schematic illustration of pi ion and slag production process in a blast fimace sis Dervis Ozkam eal. / Materials Today: Proceodings 1] (2019) 516-8 3. Utilization of Slag Réutilization Of industrial waste slags)as industrial by-products through their recycling depends greatly on the slag properties and the heat treatment that the molten.meial has undergone! In blast fumaees (BE) ore gangue and non-metallic impurities are removed from the metal ore, thereby producing pig iron and slag Pig iron and slag accumulate at the center of the BF in molten form, then slag diffuses to the molten metal surface due to its lower density than iron. The high viscosity of slag, which reaches even higher values at low temperature regions of furnace requires application of additional processes for its removal from BF [24]. When removed from the furnace, slag is still in molten fen Sati igh epee The opesinna perfoamed to cool down and solidify mol se become effective on slag composition [25]. Solidification of slag from high temperatures with suitable cooling processes holds critical importance for improvement of its properties, and its applicability in recycling applications [26]. Two types of solid phases are observed during solidification of molten slagsi) erystal phase wi from slow cooling of molten slag, ii) jus or Vitreous phase which forms as a resuit of fast cool such as quenching) (27). These two ‘slag types. SS GMORGhoRs nnd cnet fom Have different fields of use: Slags with amorphous (or vitreous) phase, which are the products of fast solidification, are generally used it applications other than recovery of waste heat). BFSs are also used for aequisition of extra melting heat in blast furnaces, and the waste heat recovery of slag is hhighiy dependent on the! speed Of the cooling process2In this regard, the speed of the cooling process can be either slow or fast depending on the intended use of the solidified slag (waste heat reeovery ot better recycling properties) [24] Although numerous works have been introduced as to the use of BFS in thermal power generation (as heat source, electricity power, or as fuel), commercialization of these studies is yet to be achieved. This is mainly ascribed to the industrial preferences in favor of fast cooling via quenching to obtain slags with amorphous or vitreous phase which have better properties for relatively value added applications, Vitreous BFS is obtained via quenching, while air cooling is used for low value-added applications such as bitumen production [28]. Sadek (2014) [29] made a comparison between the thermal behaviors of bricks manufactured with air-cooled and water-cooled ‘granulated blast furnace slags, and reported better high-temperature resistance and thermal stability for bricks made of water cooled slags. During the cooling of molten BFS, formation of solid phases inereases the viscosity [30] and decreasing temperature constantly changes the phase compositions. BFS’s melting temperature, as a critical property for modification of desired properties, is dependent on the chemical composition’ Inereasing, CaO to SiO> ratio in ‘molten BFS results in increased melting point and this ratio also affects crystallization [31]. Melting temperature decreases with increasing SiO; content and impedes crystal Sr slag. Yasipourtehrani, et al. (2017) investigated the thermal characteristics of slags with varying compositions and stated that, Al,O;/and MgO content increased the melting temperature of slag (up to 1450 °C), while SiO; content improved the exothermic behavior (ior waste energy recovery) [24]. This brings about the possibility for: BES with Al,0;and MgO content to be utilized against corrosion and oxidation in surface engineering, which is a value-added field. 3.1. Utilization of Slag for Waste Heat Recovery Molten industrial slags constitute one of the largest energy sourees for metal production processes. The huge amount of Waste heat reaching approximately 220 TWhiyear at temperatures up to 1650 °C provides an important potential for minimization of the eneray required for metal production. This waste energy however is usually not utilized for heat recavery purposes as the usual preference of steelmakers has been rapid quenching of molten slag to obtain a glassy structure for use in cement production. Although several processes have been developed to recover the waste heat of slag in diverse forms, which has been quite @ challenge as/a result of the low thermal conductivity ‘of molten slag ranging between 01-0.3) Wii" K", in addition to its more preferable use in comparatively more value-added fields such as cement production, most of these processes are yet to be commercialized [32] Recovery of the waste heat of slag is not only possible through its direct use. As one of the latest attempts to improve the recovery of waste heat in steelmaking process, Zhou et al. introduced a slag. Garbon-amestor process (SCAP) that uses slag to catalyze conversion of tar and coke oven gas (COG) into lero fel thus increasing the energy content of COG from ~34.6 MJ kg to ~37.7 MI/kg which enables reduction of coke usage in the steelmaking process up to ~12.8 wi.% (33] Dervis Oskan eal. / Materials Todan- Proceedings 11 (2019) 516-825 S19 Liu etal. reported that, significantly low thermal conductivity of molten slag can be overcome through enhancing the rotational speed in dry slag granulation process to obtain improved heat transfer between slag particles (34] ‘Another recent research towards optimization of energy recovery during steel production revealed that, blast furnace slag’s basicity had a major effect on the melting point of slag as higher basicity was found to increase the melting temperature of blast furnace slag {24}. Duan et al: proposed a multi-stage blast furnace slag waste recovery system for effective recovery of the waste heat of blast furnace slag and they evaluated the environmental and economic impacts of the proposed method in comparison with OCP (water uenching-open circuit process and DSG (dry slag granulation) methods. Reportedly the proposed multi-stage blast furnace waste heat recovery system was more advantageous than OCP in terms of pollution emissions, and more cost-efficient than the DSG method [35] The attempts for optimization of slag usage in waste heat recovery are not limited to experimental studies. Zhulet all performed a numerical research on solidification behaviours of molten slag droplets in centrifugal granulation for heat recovery using an enthalpy based mathematical model, Their results showed that high heat transfer coetficients and low cooling air temperatures, during waste heat retrieval in the granulation process led to low erystal phase content which is the desired parameter for high quality heat recovery. Moreover, lower initial temperature and smialler diameter of slag droplets were reported to guarantee a high granulation performance. They further stated the opti conditions for a slag droplet with S mm diameter and initial temperature of 1673 K to be 50-76 Won" K" as the heat transfer coefficient and 889-973 K as the cooling air temperature [36] As an alternative to dry granulation technique, in which the waste thermal energy of atomized slag particles is recovered by physical and chemical means, Liu et all proposed a technique that involves the use of a gravity bed ‘waste heat boiler, and they investigated its heat transfer characteristics. With this method, they also associated eat recovery efliciency with decreasing slag particle diameter [37]. Wang et al. introduced an interesting usage of slag as energy storage material in thermal energy storage (TES) systems which are widely used in concentrated solar power plants (CSPs) to collect energy. In this research they addressed microstructural and thermal properties as well as wear behaviour of electric are furnace (EAP) slag samples to evaluate their usability against heat expansion and cold contraction during heat storage and releasing process of TES systems. Reportedly. their slag samples exhibited superior Wear resistance, rendering them candidate materials for this purpose [38]. Li performed a thermodynamic analysis for waste heat recovery of molten BFS using an enthalpy-exerey approach. For this purpose, a physical method, a chemical method, and a combination Of these two methods were modelled. In conclusion, the combined method proved to yield better heat and exergy efficiency than the physical and chemical methods [39] 4.2. Utilization of Slag in Construction Cement industry is subject to serious environmental of consumption of large amounts of raw materials and energy resulting with the release of huge amounts of greenhouses gases such as carbon dioxide, which is produced during clinker production and energy consumption. Ever-increasing energy costs and environmental restrictions have brought about the necessity to reduce the release of industrial pollutants through use of industrial by-products such as blast furnace slag [40-41]. After being rapidly cooled down by water quenching, the resulting glassy and granular form of blast fumace slag (BFS) renders this byproduct of iron and stee! production an excellent substitute material for the produetion of Portland cement with its latent hydraulic activity (29, 42-45} However, water quenching is reported to have some major drawbacks such as inefficient waste heat recovery in addition to release of harmful wastes such as HS, heavy metals and SO}. Such environmental considerations have brought about the necessity to develop new smiethods for treatment of molten Slag such as dry granulation which provides superior waste heat recovery as compared to water quenching in addition to limited discharge of harmful ‘materials such as sulfides. In this regard, Liu et al performed a comparative evaluation of water quenched and dy ‘granulated slag particles used as a substitute material in cement production: As a result. dry granulated slag was reported to have similar hydration properties with water quenched slag. However-the long-term strength of dry granulated slag mortar tumed out to be higher than ordinary cement mortar which was attributed to the higher reactivity on.slag particle surfaces [46] Huang et al, investigated the hydration properties and other characteristics of blended cements with electric are furnace ferronickel slag (EFS) and blast furnace slag (BFS) content. They likewise feported superior compressive 320 Dervis Ozkam eal. / Materials Today: Proceodings 1] (2019) 516-8 strength with BFS content even compared to neat cement concrete, whereas ferronickel slag powdler was reported to provide improved rsistance agua enone ion penetration [47] An attempt to further improve the hydraulic activity of slag blended Portland cement was made by Allahverdi et al)who used a’nuimber of insoluble chemical activators for this purpose. Their results showed that, improvements up to 12% in the compressive strength of slag blended Portland cements could be achieved through use of optimum proportions of chlorine chemical activators and quality improvers [48] Several other researches have been conducted to improve the efficiency of blast furnace slag usage in cement production. In one of these attempts; Bureiaga-Diaz ct al, carried out a work/on the comparative performance of ‘cement pastes with alkali activated slag and metakaolin content under high temperature conditions, They focused on the effect of temperature on the binders of blast firmace slag (BFS) and metakaolin (MK) mixtures with varying ‘weight ratios. Accordingly, the sodium silicate-activated binders of 50-50% BES-MK mixture was found to preserve their integrity better than all other binders and slag combinations [49] In recent years alkaline activated alumino-silicate precursors, geopolymers, have become an eae cementing material to Portland cement duc to their superior mechanical characteristics and ‘durability [50]. The main raw material source for alumino-silicates, subjected to alkaline activation, also. involve blast furmaee slag [51] beside metakaolin and fly ash [52]. Alkali aetivation of alumino-silicates mainly involves the ‘use of costly industrial reagents and processes that result in high CO: emissions [53]. In such an attempt to perform a fully waste material-based alkali activation process (waste precursor and waste activating solution) Pinheitojetal, investigated the use of olive-stone biomass.ash (OBA) on activation of BFS. Their experimental and analysis results showed that, waste-BFS mortar activated with waste-OBA reagent exhibited lower zeolite content and average pore diameter thani commercial potassium hydroxide (KOH)-activated BFS mortars which validated the feasibility of this 100% waste alkaline activated system in cement production [54]. Despite their feasibility and superiority over commercial cement materials in terms of their CO: footprint [55], the use of waste materials such as blast fumace slag and fly ash as construction materials have been subject to safety restrictions such as K-value concept and equivalent performance concept which are used to determine the effect of ‘waste addition on the concrete’s strength, Accordingly, the use of waste materials in blended cements is not allowed for severe conditions and the usage of high amounts of these materials is only allowed when they provide an equivalent performance with a reference specified in the related standards [56]. In this regard, Gruyaert et al performed an valuation of BFS performanee in eonerete and compared the use of these two concepts (kevalue ‘concept and equivalent concept). They concluded that.-theuse.of equivalent performance concept is more reliable ‘than the use of k-value concept as it is quite challenging to precisely fulfil all test standards to obtain a reliable k- value approach, ata ‘of equivalent performance requires to meet the performance values of a specific concrete with a suitable reference [57] ‘An attempt to improve the compressive strength development of BFS cement was made by Miyazawa et al. to widen the usage of ground granulated blast furnace slag in reinforced concrete constructions. Reportedly, they improved the short-term compressive strength of BES conerete by inereasing the C:S content of clinker up to 69% at low temperature [58] As the leading countries of global production and energy consumption, BRIC countries can be held accountable for a major portion of industrial waste production around the world. The vast amount of industrial by-produets with ever-increasing annual production in China [59] has compelled Chinese researchers to inerease the volume fraction of these materials in construction additives as well. In one of these attempts; Wut et al investigated the feasibility of a novel green cement with superfine particles having high volume fly ash and BFS addition. With this research, they claim to have gained better mechanical properties with the novel green cement compared to commercial blended cement and ‘better hydration properties than ordinary Portland cement (OPC). They also reported improved environmental sensitivity through the use of lower clinker content and higher waste content [60]. Similar attempts to minimize clinker usage and foster the addition of waste materials such as BFG, steelmaking slag and fly ash have been intensively undertaken in Brazil's construction sector as well, In such an attempt to yield better results fiom slag usage in construction industry. Carvalho et al. investigated the use of water and air Cooled basic oxygen fuinace slags as partial substitutes of clinker in CPIII Portland cement production and examined the resulting mechanical properties. As reported in the end of the research, both air cooled and water cooled slag-based cement constituents ‘were reported to provide higher compressive strength than those prescribed by the Brazilian norm NBR 5735 [61] Due to the variety of parameters in reutilization of waste materials in cement production, the possibilities to improve slag-based cement performance still have not been exhausted. Am important parameter that paves the way Dervis Oskan eal. / Materials Todan- Proceedings 11 (2019) 516-825 321 for improved slag reutilization is the type of binder material used (62). Other factors that affect composite material performance involve initial factors such as chemical composition and specified preparation parameters such as binder ratio, devi . ete, Which are directly affected by the fineness of initial materials used [63] Reportedly, increasing fineness of initial material particles also increase their affinity to react with water which in tum provides improved short term compressive strength of the cement produced as a result of reduced porosity [64] As a late attempt to evaluate the relationship between porosity and mechanical characteristics of multicomponent construction materials, Kuzielova et al. carried out a work with multi-components systems consisting of ordinary Portland cement, blast furnace slag (BFS), silica fume (SF) and metakaolin (MK), and observed the effect of structural refinement through use of these materials on short and long term strength characteristies of the multi- component cement, In line with the fineness of these supplementary construction materials, their reactivity with ‘water was found to be in the order: SF>MR>BFS. The highest inerease in the short-term strength was observed with SF addition, whereas the highest increase in the long-term strength was observed with MK and BFS addition [65]. 3.3. Utilization of Slag in Value Added Applications and Products One of the recent trends for reutilization of industrial slag is its recycling as a green souree in ceramic tile ‘production. Particularly, the chemical composition of electric arc fumace.(EAF) slag renders this material an altemative source for ceramic tile production [66]. As reported by Teo et al. [67] the composition of EAF slag mainly consisting of oxides such as AlO;, CaO, MgO, Fe;O,, FeO and SiO3is very close to those of ceramic tile raw materials such as silica, feldspar and clay. As a result of the tests such as loss of ignition, flow button and phase analysis performed, in addition to its composition which is quite similar to proper raw materials for ceramic tile production, EAF slag was reported to be a non-hazardous green raw material for ceramic tle production. Ozturk and Gultekin [23] also attempted to utilize industrial slag in ceramic wal tiling production. In their research they used BES instead of EAF slag, and they utilized this material as partial or total replacement of kaolin and limestone ‘which are used as wall tiling raw materials, According to their results, partial replacement of tile raw materials with 33% BFS resulted in nearly 25% inerease in fired strength, which also led to reduced thermal expansion coefficient values. As a means for reducing the use of costly high quality minerals in ceramic production Zhao et al. [68] proposed a calcium rich ceramic system that could replace traditional aluminosilicate based ceramics. In this regard they produced a caloium-rich ceramic system with 40% steel slag’ and 60% traditional ceramic material content by’ ceramic sintering method, and examined its mechanical properties to compare with traditional ceramic materials. Reportedly; their samples exhibited good sintering and mechanical properties with 0,02% water absorption, 8.8% linear shrinkage, and up to 143 MPa flexural strength, Moreover, the erystal content of the resultant material included high Pyroxene mineral content, which is also indicative of good mechanical and physical properties Exploitation of slag has been extended to biomedical applications as well, Fluorapatite-based glass ceramis are well known for their (biGa6tivity and biocompatibility for applications such as bone replacement, dental and ‘orthopedic applications [69] in addition to optoelectronic applications [70] due to their chemical and exystallographic resemblance With the apatite structure of the bone [71]. In this regard, Chen et al. evaluated the usability of fluorapatite based glass ceramics made of blast furnace slag and fluorite tailings [72]. They accordingly introduced fluorite tailings (0%) into blast furnace slag (40%) to form a parent glass ceramic with increased silica and CaF; content which in turn resulted in better formation of diopside phase, in addition to superior mechanical and physical properties (2.41® density, 0.3% open porosity and 7.36 GPa Vickers hardness), In one of the late attempts for utilization of slag in value added applications, Azarshab et all [73] Synthesized an ‘alkali activated BFS-based ceramic membrane to separate Water from ethanol. They carried out their work on the basis of a separation mechanism called pervaporation, which is often used for dehydration purposes to obtain pure hydrocarbons [74-75] Reportedly, they successfully synthesized Yugawaralite zeolite membrane with 5 jim thickness and 0.33 kp'nvh permeation fun, through alkal activation of BES. Some researches on reutilization of slag involve multiple applications such as recovery’ of metal’ Values and: Subsequent reutilization of slag’ in! ceramic industry [76-80]. In one of such attempts, Sarfo et al. used a pyrometallurgical method fo recover metal values from copper slag and while producing a slag for further in ceramic industry at the same time [81]. As a result, they reported an efficient reduction or recovery process which could be achieved through a carbothermal reduction at a moderately elevated temperature (1440°C) in the presence of high carbon levels as well as acquisition of high hardness and low density values which is indicative of the structure’s suitability as a ceramic raw material. Ceramic foams have wide usage in applications such as thermal s2 Dervis Ozkam eal. / Materials Today: Proceodings 1] (2019) 516-8 insulation [82], catalyst support [83], medical [84] and filtering applications [85-86]. Ge et al. [87] prepared ceramic foams with varying chromium slag and coal bottom ash (CBA) add uate their feasibility in ceramic. f produetion. Reportedly the samples with 30 wt. % chromium slag exhibited relatively uniform pores with a high ‘compressive strength of 1.3 MPa and a bulk density of 0.191 gem’ which is quite low. 3.4, Use of Slag in Thermal Spray Applications Late steps regarding the us of aia lags HEB extend sagging apps nuts thermal spray coatings'as well. As a surface coating technology, spraying has been used for surface protection, maintenance afd vaiious other pulposes for quite a while. In thermal spray ‘processes, almost an unlimited array of solid feedstock materials mostly in particle, wire or suspension form are deposited on the surface that requires protection against harsh service conditions such as high temperature, ition, corrosion, Wear, ete. [88-90]. In thermal coating applications against high temperature and oxidation, commercial ceramic based materials have been used as the top coating as thermal insulation or oxidation barrier [91-92]. Among a wide range of thermal spraying techniques; the most common ones are atmospheric plasma sprayi i it fuel (HVOF), detonation gun (D-gun). cold gas spraying (CGDS), and electron beam physical vapor deposition (FB- PVD). Deposition of hard ceramic particles with high melting is generally possible through use of the techniques such as APS and EB-PVD (93-96). The main characteristics of slags that render them candidate materials for thermal spray applications are their high melting point [24], low thermal conduetivity and their thermal conductivity coefficient which is compatible with the commercially available bond coat materials used in thermal spray coatings against high temperature and oxidation [97]. The use of slag in surface engineering applications is yet to be explored and drew the attention of few researchers. A recent attempt to employ industrial slag in thermal spray application was made by Kucuk et al. who deposited ferrochromium (FeCr) slag on AISI 420 substrates with APS method) to evaluate its high temperature oxidation performance for use on caster rolls as an alternative to commercially available top coating feedstock ‘materials [98]. Their results revealed that, APS-eposited jum slag coating could serve its purpose against high temperature oxidation up to the temperature of 950°C. at wh structure chaviged, and up to the oxidation period of 25 hours after which spallation of occurred. 4. Summary In this study, recent works on improvements in recycling and reutilization of blast furnace and steelmaking slag are reviewed. General overview of the slag production process and various characteristics of slags are introduced and the extents to which they are reused are addressed. 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