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Fusion Engineering and Design 75–79 (2005) 1163–1168

Availability of lithium in the context of future

D–T fusion reactors
D. Fasel ∗ , M.Q. Tran
Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Association Euratom-Confédération Suisse,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Available online 6 September 2005


A future fusion reactor will use deuterium and tritium as fuel. The former is found in abundance in seawater, while the latter
is not available naturally due to its short lifetime. Present developments in the context of fusion propose generating tritium in a
blanket based on the reaction n + 6 Li → T + He.
This paper will review the issue of the reserves and resources of lithium as the fuel for fusion energy. We describe the
available reserves and resources and their chemical forms. We analyze the present production and consumption for industrial
uses, completing this overview by referring to a life cycle analysis in the case of the lithium production from brine. The lithium
extraction from seawater is also described. Taking into account the previous data and the requirements estimated for fusion
plants, we propose scenarios for future lithium consumption, and we conclude on the lithium availability over the next centuries
dealing with the different hypothesis considered.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fusion reactor; Breeder blanket; Lithium

1. Introduction many studies have shown the advantages of a fusion

reactor, it is also important to address the issue of
Fusion is considered as an important component the availability of resources. This paper considers the
in the future energy mix, proposed to satisfy both to issue of long-term availability of lithium, which is one
the energy demand increase and to the environment of the most important elements required to produce
constraints summarized by the sustainable develop- tritium.
ment concept. Besides other important criteria such
as those related to safety, long-term waste for which
2. General considerations
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 21 693 3401;

fax: +41 21 693 3751. D–T reaction, which is preferred for future ther-
E-mail address: (D. Fasel). monuclear plants, is based on two hydrogen isotopes.

0920-3796/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1164 D. Fasel, M.Q. Tran / Fusion Engineering and Design 75–79 (2005) 1163–1168

Deuterium is present in excess in seawater, while tri- 3. The lithium

tium must be generated from the fusion between a
neutron and Li. Two nuclear reactions lead to the tri- In nature, lithium is always found bound in stable
tium production: minerals or salts (refer to ref. [7] for more details).
Two natural isotopes are available in the lithium com-
Li + n → 4 He (2.1 MeV) + T (2.7 MeV) (a) pounds: 6 Li (natural abundance 7.42%) and 7 Li (natu-
ral abundance 92.58%).
Li + n → 4 He + T + n − 2.87 MeV (b) In the earth’s crust (upper 16 km), it can be found to
the mean extent of ca. 60 ppm under several forms:
The reaction with the more abundant 7 Li is endother-
mic and has a smaller cross-section for neutrons of Minerals: amblygonite, spodumene, petalite and lep-
energy up to 5 MeV [1]. idolite are the most usual forms exploited. The two
Tritium, used in the reactor, is internally generated former contain ∼7% of Li2 O, as the latter two present
in the breeding blanket. Thus, Li could be considered a lower concentration (∼4.5%). The most important
as one of the fuel for the D–T reactor. Moreover, safety mines are located in Australia.
constraints relative to the transport and manipulation of Brine: the evaporation process of salt lakes leads first
this material, as the sensitivity to political influences, to increased lithium content. Then, further enrich-
will be avoided. ment of lithium takes place if the surface of the
lake is completely dried in order to obtain a high
concentration in lithium (4–6 wt.%). The lithium is
2.1. The breeder blanket extracted under the chemical form of lithium carbon-
ate. The present most important production site is in
Details of the breeder blankets can be found in refs. Chile. In the near future, equivalent brine sources with
[2–6]. lower lithium concentration could be economically
Two families of blankets are under study: exploited.
a. The liquid metal one, using the eutectic Pb–17Li as Seawater: the mean lithium content is of 0.17 ppm.
breeder material. Up to now, only experimental processes have been
b. The solid concept, based on pebbles of ceramics tested in order to extract lithium from seawater, but the
(LiAlO2 , Li2 TiO3 or Li4 SiO4 ). production price is expected to remain too expensive
to be competitive on the present market.
Table 1 gives a summary on the data considered
for a fusion reactor. This study does not consider the 3.1. Lithium reserves and resources
breeder’s advanced concepts which are less demanding
regarding the lithium consumption. In the case of the lithium, accurate figure for both
reserves and resources are lacking. Data are proprietary
of a few private companies and consequently confiden-
Table 1
tial. The market is still too stable (due to diversified
Main parameters for each blanket type
end-of-use applications) to stimulate exploration and
Parameters Liquid Solid
research. Several sources of information [7–9], actu-
Major radius (m) 9.8 8.6 alising regularly their data, have been consulted. The
Blanket thickness (mm) 500 355
reserves estimations, in the range 4–6 Mtonnes, are
Blanket volume (m3 ) ∼1000 ∼430
quite similar. In contrary, the resources values show
Density (kg/m3 ) a large discrepancy, in the range 9.4–21 Mtonnes.1
Pb–17Li 9500
Pebbles 2000
1 Larger values for the resources can be found in the literature
Li mass ratio in Pb–17Li (%) 0.67
(Report on Technical Feasibility of Fusion Energy and Extension
Mean Li4 SiO4 concentration (%) 12.4
6 Li enrichment (%) of the Fusion Programme and Basic Supporting Research, by the
90 50
Japanese Subcommittee of the Fusion Council for Fusion Develop-
Mass of Li for a 1.5 GWe plant (tonnes) 787 174
ment Strategy (May 2000); also in “Tokamak” by J. Wesson).
D. Fasel, M.Q. Tran / Fusion Engineering and Design 75–79 (2005) 1163–1168 1165

In certain case, the resources evaluation from Bolivia

and China are considered, and sometimes not. In fact,
doubts subsist, both in the technical capability and
in the process viability, to recover lithium from these
brines, due to the very high magnesium to lithium ratio
(25:1 compared to a ratio 6:1 allowing the exploitation),
complicating the lithium recovery and decreasing the
process yield.

3.2. Lithium production, consumption and


Presently, the main production source is brine, from

which the lithium is produced as Li2 CO3 . The larger
sites of production are located in the north of Chile,
“Salar de Acatama”. The exploitation is based on Fig. 1. Lithium consumption by end-use sectors [9].
solar pounds, where the brines are concentrated step-
by-step. These chemical plants are also producing a teries will compensate the decreasing use in the Al
lot of other by-products, like: salts, potassium, sul- smelters, where other products can replace advanta-
fate and boron. The production rate of such sites geously the lithium. The rate of the increasing demand
is 35 ktonnes of Li2 CO3 for 2001(≡6580 tonnes of of lithium will be conditioned mainly by batteries,
Li). either used in the industry (car, space domain, etc.)
The second method of lithium production is the or in the domestic products, like cell phones, laptop
extraction from minerals. The process results in two PC and other portable devices. The yearly demand in
stages: first, the mining and the concentration of the lithium is in the range of 13–14 ktonnes (2001) and the
ore, then the ore is transformed with acid or alkali demand growth in recent years averaged 2–5% per year
to the final product: lithium carbonate, lithium chlo- [9].
ride or lithium hydroxide. Actually the production of The estimated market [9] for lithium metal and
lithium from minerals is no more economically viable, chemicals is of US$ 450–500 millions in 2001, when
except in the Greenbushes deposit (Australia), where the market for lithium mineral is of US$ 30–40 mil-
the veins of ore are 250 m thick with a high con- lions. Prices remain stable and are highly dependant
centration of lithium (∼4.0% of Li2 O). The produc- of the grades of lithium purity required. The only
tion rate is of 101 ktonnes for 2002 (≡1874 tonnes of exception to this trend was in the mid 1990s, when
Li). SQM starting the brines exploitation in Chile, propos-
The two dominant companies working in the ing Li2 CO3 at the half market price. The prices for
domain of lithium production and transformation are the main lithium compounds during the year 2000
Chemetall (D) and FMC (USA). During the last 5 were (in $/kg): Li2 CO3 , 4.47; LiCl, 11.00; Metal,
years, the mean world annual production was about 85.92.
15.5 ktonnes of lithium (in metallic form).
The lithium consumption is weakly influenced by 3.3. Life cycle inventory for lithium production
the demand fluctuations, as the market is shared
by independent end-uses sector. Fig. 1 presents the Only, the results of a study made on LiCl by [10]
lithium metal and chemicals consumption by end- are reported here. For 1 kg of lithium metal produced:
sectors according to ref. [9]. A forecast sharing for 2006
is also shown [9]. • 696 MJ-eq of primary non-renewable energy
Ceramics and glass remains the more demanding resources are used;
both in lithium minerals and lithium carbonate. The • 46 kg of CO2 are emitted during the production pro-
developing market of the synthetic rubbers and bat- cess;
1166 D. Fasel, M.Q. Tran / Fusion Engineering and Design 75–79 (2005) 1163–1168

• more than half of the energy is consumed in the last launched for a plant capable to produce 42 tonnes/year.
stage of production for the electrolysis of lithium Unfortunately, no details exist on the process
chloride; energy requirements and the estimated production
• the direct energy uses for processing of Li2 CO3 , LiCl price.
and brine, as well as transports, are of minor impor-
• about 50% of emissions are due to the electricity use 4. Future availability of lithium
for the electrolysis.
4.1. Reactor lithium requirement
3.4. Lithium extraction from seawater
The reactions presented under Section 2 show that
Considering a mean content of lithium in sea- the consumption of lithium is proportional to the neu-
water of 0.17 ppm, the theoretical resource is of trons issued from the fusion reaction (without a neutron
2.3 × 1011 tonnes, which is practically equivalent to multiplier). According to the fusion power estimated, it
say “without limitation”. Up to now, only studies or is possible to evaluate the lithium burn-up, considering
experimental installation have tried to demonstrate the that all neutrons issued of the D–T reaction will react
possibility to extract lithium from seawater. with the 6 Li atoms of the blanket. This estimation will
A reference study [11], dated 1976, based the maximize the lithium needs:
lithium extraction on solar pounds (as for brines), fol-
lowed by both an adsorption through an ion-exchange Pf
N= [1/s]
bed of selective resin and an elution with HCl. Then, En
the solution obtained would be concentrated by evap-
oration being proper for electrolysis, in order to obtain with N is the rate of neutron production over 1 s, Pf
metallic lithium. The major problems of such method the fusion power and En is the neutron incident energy
are: (14.1 MeV),
• The need of land near the sea under optimal weather N
conditions (hot, wet, not too much windy). Q6Li = M6Li × [g/s],
• The other by-products extracted along the process
require a large chemical plant, ensuring that they
Q6Li is the flux of 6 Li consumption, M6Li the weight
could be commercialized. Finally, these require-
of a mole 6 Li = 6.015 (g/mol) and NA is the Avogadro
ments result in developing a salt production plant,
number = 6.023 × 1023 (1/mole).
as existing in the southern countries.
Depending on the reactor type considered (see [2]),
• The low ratio lithium to magnesium in seawater,
the annual consumption of lithium to generate 1.5 GWe
compared to brines, will complicate the extraction
during 8000 h will be in the range of 6.3–8.9 tonnes.
process, resulting in very poor yield (<0.1% to obtain
The amount of Li needed per reactor will depend
a usable concentration of 4% Li).
on the concept of the breeder blanket itself. For the
Finally, the energy consumption estimated to water-cooled lithium–lead breeder blanket reactor (cf.
300 MJ/kg of metallic lithium appears to be underesti- Table 1), the need will be 787 tonnes of lithium for a
mated, as the price evaluation of ∼100 $/kg (actualized 1.5 GWe (this number does not include the process effi-
with an inflation rate of 5% from 1974). ciency for the Li enrichment). For the concept based on
Recent Japanese experiments show promising solid breeder blanket cooled by helium, a power plant
results [12, also 9]. Here, the ion-sieve adsorbent based of the equivalent size (1.5 GWe) will need 174 tonnes of
on MgMn2 O4 is directly placed in the flow of seawater. lithium. But, this design will impose the replacement of
Results from a small scale experiments show a recov- breeder modules due to internal degradation. Depend-
ery of 750 g of Li2 CO3 , with a purity of 99.1%, from ing both on the replacement cycle and the lithium
4200 m3 of seawater treated, which is equivalent to an recycling efficiency, the advantage of such technology
efficiency of recovery equal to 19.7%. A study has been could be reduced.
D. Fasel, M.Q. Tran / Fusion Engineering and Design 75–79 (2005) 1163–1168 1167

Fig. 2. One scenario about the lithium availability.

4.2. Scenario investigation the breeder manufacturing. Moreover, recycling meth-

ods for the breeder material decommissioning will be
In this short summary, we will only present one of developed. Thus, a longer period of availability could
the scenarios, which is the most constraining in the be ensured.
point of view of the lithium consumption. The hypothe-
ses considered are the following:
5. Conclusion
• We consider only the requirement in lithium for
fusion, without including the industrial consump- Using the data available, the Li reserves/resources
tion. could supply fusion needs in the range of 250–600
• The reactor type will be a water-cooled lithium–lead. years. Encouraging results of both recent studies and
• The life cycle of the reactor is fixed to 30 years, experimental tests regarding extraction of Li from the
without lithium recycling capability over the used seawater have been obtained. The latter becomes an
material. attractive method and Li could, thus be considered as
• The electrical power produced by fusion reactors an “unlimited” source of energy. As in all other fields,
will be 1000 GWe (approximately the double of the with more demand on Li, both search for new reserves
present fission capability), installed in 100 years. and R&D regarding method of extraction (including
from seawater) will certainly be performed, leading to
Fig. 2 presents two curves, starting from year a strong revision of the present data for both reserves
2050: “C1” corresponds to the mean lithium reserve and resources.
(5 Mtonnes); “C2” is the fusion requirements sub- Apart from the lithium availability, efforts will have
tracted of the mean lithium resources (17 Mtonnes). to be invested in the development of industrial plants
Noting that the case presented is pessimistic, we capable of producing the large quantity of breeder
observe that the reserves of Li, extracted from earth’s material (lithium–lead, pebbles etc.) and the lithium
crust and used for fusion only, could be depleted in enrichment (now, only small quantity of 6 Li are pro-
less than 250 years. Using the value of 17 Mtonnes duced compared to the future requirements).
for resources enlarges the Li availability up to ∼600 Moreover, if solid breeder blanket concepts are cho-
years. Fusion reactors will surely improve their effi- sen, with beryllium as breeding material, a similar
ciency and will tend to advance the concepts, which study covering its availability and its large scale indus-
are less demanding both in lithium burn up and in trial production should be performed.
1168 D. Fasel, M.Q. Tran / Fusion Engineering and Design 75–79 (2005) 1163–1168

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