Gutowski 2003

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Delayed matching to complex, two-picture samples (e.g., cat–dog) may be improved

when the samples occasion differential verbal behavior. In Experiment 1, individuals with
mental retardation matched picture comparisons to identical single-picture samples or to
two-picture samples, one of which was identical to a comparison. Accuracy scores were
typically high on single-picture trials under both simultaneous and delayed matching
conditions. Scores on two-picture trials were also high during the simultaneous condition
but were lower during the delay condition. However, scores improved on delayed two-
picture trials when each of the sample pictures was named aloud before comparison
responding. Experiment 2 replicated these results with preschoolers with typical devel-
opment and a youth with mental retardation. Sample naming also improved the pre-
schoolers’ matching when the samples were pairs of spoken names and the correct com-
parison picture matched one of the names. Collectively, the participants could produce
the verbal behavior that might have improved performance, but typically did not do so
unless the procedure required it. The success of the naming intervention recommends it
for improving the observing and remembering of multiple elements of complex instruc-
tional stimuli.
DESCRIPTORS: matching to complex samples, naming, individuals with mental
retardation, children without disabilities

Special educators routinely use matching- 1996). Because of this, laboratory studies of
to-sample procedures to teach components matching to sample often provide informa-
of language, academic, and other skills (e.g., tion relevant to applied research and practice
Leaf & McEachin, 1999; Sundberg & Par- (e.g., Horne & Lowe, 1996; Stromer, Mack-
tington, 1998; B. A. Taylor & McDonough, ay, & Remington, 1996). For example,
teachers may take advantage of laboratory
This research received support from the National findings that supplemental oral naming en-
Institute of Child Health and Human Development hances acquisition of matching (e.g., Eike-
(Grants HD32506 and HD25995) and the Massa-
chusetts Department of Mental Retardation (Contract seth & Smith, 1992; Saunders & Spradlin,
100220023SC). 1990) and that naming facilitates remem-
This report is based upon the doctoral dissertation bering pictures on delayed matching tasks
submitted by Stanley Gutowski to the Department of (Bonta & Watters, 1981; Constantine &
Psychology at Boston University. Some of the data ap-
peared in a brief report by Gutowski, Geren, Stromer, Sidman, 1975; Geren, Stromer, & Mackay,
and Mackay (1995). We thank Henry Marcucella and 1997). Delayed matching procedures used in
Harry Mackay for their input on the project. laboratory studies of observing and remem-
Correspondence can be addressed to Robert Strom- bering complex stimuli (e.g., Stromer, Mc-
er, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Shriv-
er Center, 200 Trapelo Road, Waltham, Massachusetts Ilvane, Dube, & Mackay, 1993) also have
02454 (e-mail: been adapted for computer-assisted teaching


of reading and spelling (e.g., Lane & Critch- it is considered ‘‘nondifferential’’ because its
field, 1998; Stromer & Mackay, 1992). topography is the same for each sample
When instructional stimuli are complex, across trials. Constantine and Sidman
difficulties may arise because only some of (1975) demonstrated that ‘‘differential’’ ob-
the relevant component stimuli exercise con- serving—saying the name of the sample pic-
trol (Allen & Fuqua, 1985; Dube & Mc- tures—exercised control over delayed match-
Ilvane, 1999; Schreibman, Charlop, & Koe- ing of identical pictures. The accuracy of de-
gel, 1982; Schreibman, Kohlenberg, & Brit- layed identity matching improved when the
ten, 1986; Stromer et al., 1993). Again, sup- participants with mental retardation were in-
plemental naming may be beneficial, as in structed to name each picture sample aloud.
an application to overcome difficulties teach- Without the instructions, accuracy returned
ing a student to write lists of picture names to baseline levels. So, the participants could
(Stromer, Mackay, McVay, & Fowler, 1998). produce the differential verbal responses that
Other interventions, like activity schedules might have resulted in correct delayed pic-
and textual scripts to improve social com- ture–picture matching, but they did not do
munication, rely on students being able to so unless instructed. These findings have
learn to name selected components of com- been replicated using individuals with dis-
plex stimuli (e.g., Krantz & McClannahan, abilities and names related to pictures that
1998). Analyses of the effects of naming on were spoken (Geren et al., 1997) and signed
delayed matching may contribute to refine- (Bonta & Watters, 1981).
ments in interventions that hinge on positive To extend the preceding research, the
functional relations among verbal and non- present two experiments examined delayed
verbal behaviors (e.g., Duarte & Baer, 1994; matching and the effects of sample naming
Guevremont, Osnes, & Stokes, 1988; Risley with individuals with mental retardation and
& Hart, 1968). preschoolers without disabilities. Unlike pri-
Standard matching tasks arrange a series or studies on naming (Bonta & Watters,
of sample or instructional stimuli that cue 1981; Constantine & Sidman, 1975; Geren
which of two or more comparison or choice et al., 1997), the present protocols included
stimuli are discriminative for reinforcement. matching tasks with complex, two-element
In a typical procedure, the presentation of a samples similar to those used by Stromer et
sample (e.g., a picture or dictated picture al. (1993). Stromer et al. included 0-s delay
name) begins a trial and an observing re- matching trials in which touching a two-el-
sponse, like a touch to a computer screen, ement (abstract forms) sample removed it
results in the display of a positive compari- from the display at the same time that a pair
son and one or more negative comparisons of single-element comparisons appeared.
(e.g., two or more pictures). In simultaneous The positive comparison was identical to
matching, the samples are always present. In one of the sample elements. Even though
delayed matching, the samples are removed reinforcement was maximized only if both
at the time the observing response occurs; of the sample stimuli exerted discriminative
the comparisons then appear immediately (a control, delayed matching was more accurate
0-s delay) or after a delay (e.g., 1 s, 5 s, or with single-element samples than with two-
10 s). Delayed matching tasks are useful in element samples.
analyses of the effects of simply naming The procedures in Experiment 1 were
stimuli (e.g., pictures) to which one must similar to those in Stromer et al. (1993), but
later respond. the stimuli were common pictures that the
When touching is the observing response, participants with mental retardation could

name rather than abstract forms (see below Apparatus and Setting
for an exception). Errors on trials with two- A Macintosh! computer with a touch-
picture samples provided a baseline for as- sensitive screen presented stimuli and re-
sessing the effects of a sample-naming inter- corded data. The screen displayed five white
vention. Experiment 2 expanded the analysis keys (4.5 cm by 4.5 cm) on a gray back-
with preschoolers without disabilities and a ground. Sample pictures appeared on the
new participant with mental retardation. We center key, and comparison pictures ap-
also included trials with pairs of dictated peared on two of the four outer keys. One
names as samples. Errors on trials with two- or two sessions occurred 2 or 3 days per
name samples provided a baseline for assess- week in a quiet area at a school or residence;
ing any collateral effects of a naming inter- each lasted 10 to 15 min. Names spoken by
vention applied on trials with two-picture the participants and verbal instructions given
samples: Repeating dictated sample names by the experimenter were tape-recorded.
may improve matching pictures to them (cf.
Glat, Gould, Stoddard, & Sidman, 1994). Procedure
We also recorded the occurrence of un-
prompted spontaneous naming in both ex- Phase 1: Assessment of simultaneous and de-
periments to evaluate its potential relation to layed matching. In Phase 1, simultaneous and
matching performance when the naming in- 0-s delayed matching were examined with
tervention was not in effect. the three stimuli in Set 1 (Figure 1). Each
session consisted of 24 trials with single-pic-
ture samples and 24 trials with two-picture
EXPERIMENT 1 samples. The type and location of the com-
Phase 1 sought to replicate and extend the parison stimuli changed unsystematically
demonstration by Stromer et al. (1993) that from trial to trial. The simultaneous and de-
participants with mental retardation may layed matching conditions alternated in
show decrements in delayed matching to blocks of six sessions in a reversal design.
two-element samples. Phase 2 examined the Trials began with the presentation of a
effects of naming each of the pictures of a single-picture (cat, dog, bee) or two-picture
two-picture sample before selecting a com- sample (top–bottom pictures: cat–dog, cat–
parison picture during delayed matching. bee, dog–bee, dog–cat, bee–cat, and bee–
Phase 3 examined longer delays with new dog). The participant then had to touch the
pictures and the effects of sample naming on sample in order to display two comparisons,
performance. each a single picture. One of the compari-
sons (the correct comparison) was identical
METHOD to one of the two pictures that served as the
Participants sample. A flashing screen, a pleasant audi-
The participants were Cathy (age 53 tory tone, and the delivery of a penny fol-
years) and Bill (age 32 years), 2 individuals lowed a touch to the correct comparison. Af-
with moderate mental retardation. Mental ter each session, the pennies were exchanged
age-equivalent scores from the Peabody Pic- for coins to be used in nearby vending ma-
ture Vocabulary Test were 4 years 8 months chines. Touching the nonidentical compari-
for Cathy and 7 years 9 months for Bill. son was an error and resulted in a dark
Both had previous experience with the com- screen for 3.5 s. The keys were blank for 1.5
puterized matching tasks using different s between trials. Figure 1 (upper two panels)
stimuli. illustrates trials with two-picture samples. In

simultaneous matching (left), the sample re-

mained on the screen when the comparisons
appeared. In delayed matching (right), the
sample disappeared after it was touched and
the comparisons appeared immediately (a 0-
s delay).
Phase 2: Delayed matching and prompts to
name. In Phase 2, matching performances
were examined during conditions with and
without naming prompts. The stimuli in Set
1 were used. Each session consisted of 48
trials of 0-s delayed matching with two-pic-
ture samples. Participants were exposed to
(a) a no-prompt condition, in which the ses-
sions were conducted as in Phase 1, and (b)
a prompt condition, in which the experi-
menter verbally instructed the participant on
each trial (by saying ‘‘name’’) to name the
pictures of the sample before touching the
sample area of the screen. If the pictures
were named correctly, the participant was
permitted to touch the sample and complete
the trial. If an error occurred (no response
within 3 s of the prompt, or one or both
pictures named incorrectly), the experiment-
er modeled the correct response and
prompted naming again. To counterbalance
for order, Cathy was exposed to the no-
prompt condition first and Bill was exposed
to the prompt condition first.
Phase 3: Delayed matching with longer de-
lays and new pictures. Phase 3 examined the
effects of naming on delays of 0 s, 5 s, and
10 s. Each session consisted of 12 trials with
0-s delays, followed by 24 trials with 5-s or
10-s delays, followed by 12 trials with 0-s
delays. An equal number of trials with sin-
Figure 1. Top panels illustrate trials with two-pic- gle-picture and two-picture samples were
ture samples: In simultaneous matching, the sample used under each delay. Set 1 pictures were
remained displayed after it was touched and a com- used first to examine matching in sessions
parison picture was selected. In delayed matching, the
sample disappeared after it was touched. Bottom pan-
with 0-s, 5-s, and 10-s delays.
els illustrate trials with two-name samples: In simul- Cathy (after Sessions 76 and 77) and Bill
taneous matching, after the dark key was touched, the (after Sessions 71 and 72) then received a
comparisons appeared and pairs of dictated names picture-naming test with Sets 2 and 3 to
were repeated until a comparison was touched. In de-
layed matching, a pair of names occurred once. Stim- confirm that they could name the pictures.
ulus sets used are shown at the bottom. Sessions with these pictures under 0-s and

10-s delays then followed to examine the to ‘‘name.’’ A correction procedure was not
generality of the effects obtained with Set 1. used because there were no incorrect re-
Each of the six pictures was randomly pre- sponses.) As described previously, each ses-
sented three times in each of three test ses- sion consisted of 24 trials with single-picture
sions. On each trial, a picture was displayed samples and 24 trials with two-picture sam-
on the computer screen, and the participant ples. Half of the trials with each type of sam-
was verbally instructed to name the picture. ple contained 0-s delays, and the other half
The experimenter recorded responses by contained 10-s delays.
pressing the K computer key when the name Tape recordings began in Phase 2, in Ses-
was correct and the J key when the name sions 25 and 36 for Cathy and Bill, respec-
was incorrect. All responses were followed by tively, and continued through Phase 3. We
a 1.5-s intertrial interval; no other conse- analyzed naming responses that occurred,
quences were scheduled. with or without prompts, and that corre-
Additional sessions involved slightly dif- sponded to the picture or pictures that ap-
ferent conditions. For Cathy, the use of the peared on the sample for a particular trial.
stimuli in Set 3 continued in additional un- The unprompted spontaneous naming in-
prompted sessions (Sessions 54 to 101) but cluded all of those uttered from sample on-
prompts to name the two-picture samples set to comparison offset. When abstract
(as in Phase 2) were added at the end (Ses- forms were used with Bill (Sessions 91 to
sions 102 to 107). This condition evaluated 114), naming responses were those uttered
whether prompted naming might improve during the naming testing prior to Sessions
performance on trials with both 0-s and 10- 91 and 92.
s delays. For Bill, naming two-picture sam- Reliability. To assess reliability, two ob-
ples was not prompted in Sessions 53 to 90 servers scored tape recordings made during
while matching performance was examined. the picture-naming testing and the matching
Bill also received sessions to examine de- sessions. The observers scored the tapes for
layed matching with abstract forms (Set 4, (a) names among the experimental stimuli
Figure 1). These stimuli had no standard that were spoken by the participant during
names, so Bill had to supply any names ac- the direct tests of naming and during the
sessions or blocks of trials of matching, (b)
tually used. Improvements in performance
the recording performed by the experiment-
that followed the introduction of naming
er, and (c) the instructions provided by the
would extend the relevance of the interven-
experimenter. Approximately 37% of these
tion to conditions in which an individual
sessions for Cathy and Bill were scored for
must invent new names for stimuli to be
reliability. The observers usually agreed that
remembered. Before Sessions 91 and 92, an
(a) the names spoken by the participants on
assessment of form naming was conducted
the naming tests and matching trials were
in which 10 forms were presented three the names of the pictures presented (M !
times per session over three sessions. Each 94% agreement), (b) the experimenter ac-
form was presented individually on the cen- curately recorded correct and incorrect trials
ter key, and Bill was asked to name it. Based (100%), and (c) the experimenter provided
on these data, Set 4 was constructed of three the instructions described above (M ! 94%)
forms that Bill never named consistently. Us- where appropriate.
ing Set 4, matching was examined under the
no-prompt (Sessions 91 to 108) and prompt RESULTS
(Sessions 109 to 114) conditions. (During Figure 2 shows Cathy’s matching perfor-
the prompt condition, Bill was merely told mances across the three phases and naming

Figure 2. Results for Cathy across simultaneous, delay, prompt, and no-prompt conditions: Open and solid
squares reflect percentages of correct matching. Shaded bars reflect the number of names spoken. Bars with
extended tic marks on the abscissa indicate that the number of names exceeded 100 (Phase 2) or 36 (Phase
3). Asterisks at Sessions 48 and 49 indicate that names were not recorded. In Phase 3, sessions involved trials
with both 0-s delays and either 5-s or 10-s delays. Phase 3 data are plotted in two-session blocks. The arrow
at Sessions 102 and 103 indicates that prompts to name were only given on the first five trials.

(both prompted and spontaneous) that oc- (Set 2) and 86% (Set 3) on trials with two-
curred in Phases 2 and 3. In Phase 1 (Ses- picture samples. The relation between ac-
sions 1 to 24), accuracy was typically high curacy and naming remained weak across
in simultaneous matching with both single- sessions with Sets 2 and 3. With Set 2, ac-
and two-picture samples. Accuracy was also curacy on trials with two-picture samples de-
high in the 0-s delayed matching with single creased and became variable across sessions
pictures. Delayed matching with two-picture while naming increased. For Set 3, accuracy
samples was typically the least accurate. remained variable and declined slightly but
In Phase 2 (Sessions 25 to 53), Cathy al- unprompted naming decreased, particularly
ways named the sample pictures correctly over the last three sessions. Under the 10-s
when prompted (shaded bars in Figure 2). delay, accuracy on trials with single-picture
The minimum number of spoken names re- (M ! 86%) and two-picture (M ! 77%)
quired during a session with prompts was samples was lower for Set 2 than for Set 1.
96, two on each of the 48 trials. Note that However, naming increased across the ses-
self-corrections, repeated names, or names sions. With Set 3, accuracy on trials with
spoken in the presence of the comparison single- and two-picture samples varied wide-
stimuli increased the number of names spo- ly (M ! 90% and 76%, respectively), and
ken during some sessions. The accuracy of naming decreased over the last few sessions.
matching was lower during the first and sec- The last prompt condition of Phase 3 (Set
ond no-prompt conditions when correct 3) required a minimum of 24 spoken names
naming was infrequent than during the two (two for each of the 12 two-picture samples)
prompt conditions when correct naming al- on 0-s delayed trials and 24 names on 5-s
ways occurred. Accuracy remained high dur- or 10-s delayed trials. Cathy not only named
ing the final no-prompt condition when cor- correctly on all of the targeted two-picture
rect naming remained fairly high. trials but she also named accurately on the
In Phase 3 (Sessions 54 to 107), Cathy single-picture trials. On 0-s delayed match-
always named the pictures correctly during ing trials, accuracy remained nearly perfect
the naming tests with Sets 2 and 3. Each on trials with single-picture samples, and er-
shaded bar in Figure 2 reflects the mean rors became less frequent on trials with two-
number of names spoken for a block of two picture samples. With 10-s delays, accuracy
sessions and for naming that occurred on tri- on trials with single-picture samples was typ-
als with both single- and two-picture sam- ically higher (above 90%) than on trials with
ples. During 0-s delayed matching with the two-picture samples (near 80%). The effect
single- and two-picture samples from Set 1, of the naming on matching accuracy with
matching accuracy remained nearly perfect. 10-s delays was unclear.
Cathy’s accuracy with Set 1 also remained Figure 3 shows Bill’s matching and nam-
above 90% on both trial types under the 5- ing performances. In Phase 1 (Sessions 1 to
s delay. Under the 10-s delay, accuracy re- 24), accuracy was typically high in simulta-
mained high on single-picture trials (M ! neous matching to both single- and two-pic-
91%) but declined on trials with two-picture ture samples. Accuracy was also high in the
samples (M ! 85%). Unprompted naming 0-s delayed matching to single pictures. De-
declined and appeared to be unrelated to layed matching to two-picture samples was
matching accuracy. With Sets 2 and 3 (no typically the least accurate. In Phase 2 (Ses-
prompts) at the 0-s delay, accuracy remained sions 25 to 52), Bill always named the sam-
almost perfect on trials with single-picture ple pictures (Set 1) correctly when prompt-
samples, but decreased to a mean of 88% ed. Matching accuracy increased during the

Figure 3. Results for Bill across simultaneous, delay, prompt, and no-prompt conditions: Open and solid
squares reflect percentages of correct matching. Shaded bars reflect the number of names spoken. Bars with
extended tic marks on the abscissa indicate that the number of names exceeded 100 (Phase 2) or 36 (Phase
3). The arrow at Session 36 indicates when recordings of names began. In Phase 3, sessions involved trials with
both 0-s delays and either 5-s or 10-s delays. Phase 3 data are plotted in two-session blocks. An asterisk at
Sessions 63 and 64 indicates that naming was not recorded.

first prompt condition. This was followed by with single- versus two-picture samples. The
variable performance during the subsequent analysis suggested that the lack of an appar-
no-prompt condition and the resumption of ent relation between naming and matching
reliably accurate matching when the prompt accuracy was not attributable to differences
condition was reinstated. As with Cathy, in naming on the two trial types. When
high accuracy persisted during the final no- naming occurred, it happened on trials with
prompt condition. single-picture samples as well as on trials
In Phase 3, Bill always named the pictures with two-picture samples.
correctly during the naming tests with Sets To summarize, participants with mental
2 and 3. Matching accuracy on 0-s delayed retardation matched pictures to single-pic-
trials with single- and two-picture samples ture or two-picture samples. Under both si-
generally stayed high across the sessions with multaneous and delayed matching condi-
Sets 1 to 3. Under a 5-s delay, accuracy re- tions, accuracy was typically high on single-
mained above 90% for both trial types, and picture trials. Scores on two-picture trials
unprompted naming occurred frequently were also high during simultaneous match-
during these sessions. Under the 10-s delay ing but lower during delayed matching.
with Set 1, matching accuracy and naming However, scores improved on delayed two-
declined but, as with Cathy, the data showed picture trials when each of the sample pic-
little relation between matching accuracy tures was named aloud. With new partici-
and naming. Under the 10-s delay with Sets pants, the aim of Experiment 2 was to ex-
2 and 3, Bill’s accuracy was somewhat higher amine further the effects of oral naming on
on both the single- and two-picture trials. matching with a protocol that (a) provided
Naming was variable and unrelated to ongoing verification of participants’ naming
matching. repertoires and (b) permitted assessment of
With the abstract forms in Set 4, accuracy collateral effects of oral naming applied on
on single-form 0-s delayed matching was vir- trials with two-picture samples on receptive
tually perfect, even without prompts to matching trials presenting pairs of dictated
name the samples. In contrast, errors oc- picture names.
curred reliably on the trials with two-form
samples (M ! 87%). Under the 10-s delay,
accuracy on the trials with single- and two- EXPERIMENT 2
form samples declined over the last five ses- Matching with two-picture samples was
sions. Naming was infrequent and eventually compared to matching with samples that
stopped. In response to naming prompts, were two dictated picture names. On the tri-
Bill invented a different name for each of als with two-name samples, the correct com-
the forms in Set 4 (‘‘shower,’’ ‘‘sink,’’ and parison picture (e.g., a bee) corresponded to
‘‘rocket,’’ from left to right, respectively, in one of two dictated names (e.g., in succes-
Figure 1) and used them consistently sion, ‘‘bee’’ and ‘‘cat’’). In the context of an
throughout the prompt condition. Matching ongoing baseline of trials with two-name
accuracy on all trials became nearly perfect and two-picture samples, the intervention
and remained so during the rest of this con- involved prompts to name the two pictures
dition. appearing as sample stimuli. Because errors
Because of the variability of both partici- sometimes occurred on both of these trial
pants’ spontaneous naming during the no- types, the effects of the prompts to name
prompt conditions of Phase 3, we examined pictures were examined on the trials with
how naming was distributed across trials two-name samples as well. Generalization

tests were also conducted using new sets of pants with the session format, the dictated
stimuli. To encourage unprompted sponta- and pictured stimuli presented individually,
neous naming, blocks of imitation and pic- and the consequences for correct and incor-
ture-naming trials were conducted immedi- rect trials. Each session began with a six-trial
ately before blocks of trials that assessed block of imitation and picture-naming trials
matching with two-name and two-picture with one of the three-item sets of stimuli
sample stimuli. (Sets 1, 2, or 3). Each block consisted of
three imitation trials and three picture-nam-
METHOD ing trials (e.g., dog, cat, bee). On imitation
Participants trials, a dark box appeared in the center of
Olivia and Dan were 5-year-old pre- a white computer screen, and the computer
schoolers without disabilities, and Ken was presented digitized spoken names. Partici-
a 13-year-old student with mental retarda- pants were instructed to repeat the dictated
tion (mental age of 6 years 1 month). name. On naming trials, the picture to be
named appeared on the center key, and the
Apparatus and Setting computer presented the prompt ‘‘name.’’
The apparatus was the same as described The experimenter entered correct and incor-
above. Dictated samples and an auditory in- rect responses into the computer as de-
struction to name the samples (‘‘name’’) were scribed in Experiment 1. The stimulus set
presented through a speaker attached to the used was the one to be used during a sub-
computer. Observing responses were made sequent block of matching trials.
to a dark center key on trials with dictated These sessions were followed by 24
names, and comparison pictures appeared on matching trials (12 with single-name sam-
two of the four outer keys. One or two 15- ples and 12 with single-picture samples). For
min sessions occurred two or three times per Olivia and Dan, performance was examined
week in a school or residence. first during simultaneous matching with Set
1 and then in 0-s delayed matching with
Procedure Sets 1, 2, and 3. With each set of three stim-
With a few exceptions, all procedures uli, each stimulus appeared as the sample
were the same as in Experiment 1. When four times per session. The comparisons
matching to dictated samples (e.g., ‘‘cat’’ or were always a pair of single pictures. As in
‘‘cat’’ and ‘‘dog’’), a trial began with a dark Experiment 1, the sample type and locations
sample key. Touching the sample key turned of the comparisons changed unsystematically
it white and produced the comparisons (see from trial to trial. For Olivia and Dan, new
bottom panels in Figure 1). Olivia and Dan stimulus sets were introduced following two
received tokens that were exchanged for toys consecutive sessions of at least 92% correct
after each session. The consequences for Ken (11 of 12 trials) on trials with single-name
were the same as those described in Experi- samples and 92% correct on trials with sin-
ment 1. For all participants, the computer gle-picture samples. For Ken, only Set 1 was
produced a buzzing sound after an error. used during preteaching because of time
This was done so that an observer listening constraints.
to an audio recording of spontaneous nam- Delayed matching and prompts to name.
ing could readily detect the end of an in- Procedures resembled those in preteaching.
correct trial. Each session began with a 12-trial block of
Preteaching imitation, naming, and match- vocal imitation and picture-naming trials:
ing. These sessions familiarized the partici- Six of the trials required imitating pairs of

names dictated by the computer, and six tri- two-name samples, which was always un-
als required naming pairs of pictures (e.g., prompted. Because there were 12 trials with
for Set 1, cat–dog, cat–bee, dog–bee, dog– two-picture samples, the minimum number
cat, bee–cat, and bee–dog). This gave par- of names required during each prompt ses-
ticipants an immediate and ongoing history sion was 24.
of saying the names of the stimuli to appear Reliability. Tape recordings were made of
as samples during the matching trials. A 24- all vocalizations that (a) occurred during the
trial block of matching trials followed: 12 direct tests of vocal imitation and picture
with two-name samples and 12 with two- naming and (b) occurred under prompt and
picture samples. Each of the six sample types no-prompt conditions during the matching
in a stimulus set (e.g., cat–dog in Set 1) ap- trials. Two observers conducted trial-by-trial
peared twice per session. Simultaneous analyses of about a third of all sessions for
matching was evaluated first. The plan called each participant. The two observers were al-
for at least two sessions of 92% accuracy or ways within 90% to 100% agreement that
better on each trial type—those with two- (a) the participant repeated the name pre-
name samples and two-picture samples—be- sented by the computer on imitation trials,
fore delayed matching trials were intro- (b) the name spoken by the participant on
duced. The plan changed for Ken because picture-naming trials corresponded with the
he did not meet the criteria for simultaneous picture displayed on the screen, (c) the ex-
matching. During the delayed trials, the ob- perimenter provided the appropriate instruc-
jective was to identify a delay value that en- tions and consequences on each trial, and
gendered errors on both two-name and two- (d) an unprompted name of an experimental
picture trials. picture either did or did not occur on a par-
Initially, sessions were conducted under ticular trial.
the no-prompt condition. Then, the no-
prompt condition was alternated with a RESULTS
prompt condition under which the partici- Olivia, Dan, and Ken met the preteaching
pants were required to name the pictures in criteria in 18, 10, and 23 sessions, respec-
the sample before completing a delayed tively (not shown graphically). Preteaching
matching trial. The prompt condition in- established that participants (a) reliably im-
volved only the two-picture samples. Delay itated the computerized dictated names and
values of 1 s and 0 s were used with Olivia named the computer pictures presented in-
and Dan, respectively, because errors reliably dividually, and (b) on 0-s delay trials, they
occurred on both trial types (two-name and reliably matched pictures to single pictures
two-picture samples) with these values. Most and to single dictated names. On the blocks
of Olivia’s sessions involved Set 1, except for of imitation and picture-naming trials con-
the final no-prompt sessions using Sets 2 ducted at the start of each delayed matching
and 3. Most of Dan’s sessions involved Set session, Olivia and Dan were always correct
3, except for the final no-prompt sessions and Ken rarely made an error when imitat-
with Sets 2 and 1. Because of time con- ing the pairs of dictated names and naming
straints, a 0-s delay and Set 1 were used with pairs of pictures (not shown graphically).
Ken throughout. Figure 4 (top two panels) depicts Olivia’s
As described previously, we recorded matching performance and spoken names
names spoken by the participants during the that occurred either spontaneously without
prompt and no-prompt conditions; this in- prompts or followed prompts to name the
cluded naming on trials with the dictated picture samples. Striped and solid bars in

Figure 4. Results for Olivia and Dan across simultaneous, delay, prompt, and no-prompt conditions: Open
circles and solid squares reflect percentages of correct matching. Striped bars and shaded bars reflect the number
of names spoken on trials with two-name and two-picture samples, respectively. Bars with extended tic marks
on the abscissa indicate that the number of names exceeded 25.

Figure 4 reflect names spoken on trials with Naming occurred on the trials with spoken
two-name samples (repeating names) and on name samples as well as on the prompted
trials with two-picture samples (naming pic- trials with picture samples. When the
tures), respectively. On trials with two-pic- prompts were withdrawn, Dan’s accuracy re-
ture samples, accuracy was high under si- mained above 90% on trials with dictated
multaneous and 0-s delayed matching. samples but decreased on trials with picture
However, accuracy declined under 0-s de- samples. Spontaneous naming almost never
layed matching with two dictated name sam- occurred on the trials with two-picture sam-
ples. Accuracy with both sample types de- ples during this condition, but naming was
clined under the 1-s delay. Spontaneous high on trials with spoken name samples.
naming was infrequent, variable, and most Reexposure to prompts on trials with pic-
likely to occur on trials with the dictated ture samples was again associated with high
names as samples. levels of accurate matching. Although nam-
Next, matching with two-picture samples ing occurred as expected on the trials with
and two-name samples was assessed under a prompts, naming declined on the trials with
1-s delay with and without the naming dictated samples. When the naming
prompts. Matching accuracy on trials with prompts were again withdrawn (Sessions 29
both picture and name samples improved to 37), mean accuracy on the picture trials
gradually across the first prompt condition. decreased to 80%, and little naming oc-
Little spontaneous naming occurred with curred on those trials. Scores remained high
dictated names as samples until Session 24. on the trials with dictated name samples,
After the naming prompts were withdrawn, even though naming was relatively infre-
spontaneous naming rarely occurred. Match- quent. Matching accuracy and naming in-
ing accuracy was high for one session and creased when prompts were provided for a
then declined for both sample types. Accu- third time. In the final no-prompt condition
racy again increased during the second with Set 3, accuracy on the picture trials de-
prompt condition, although spontaneous creased to about 80%. On the trials with
naming rarely occurred when dictated names dictated samples, performance was more var-
were the samples. Performance initially de- iable. Naming occurred on the trials with
teriorated when prompts were removed but dictated samples but was variable across ses-
then improved with both picture and dic- sions (M ! 18 per session). Matching ac-
tated samples. This increase in accuracy was curacy on trials with both sample types was
associated with an increase in spontaneous high with Set 2 stimuli, but naming pri-
naming with both sample types. Matching marily occurred on trials with dictated sam-
performance and spontaneous naming also ples. With the stimuli in Set 1, however,
appeared to generalize to Sets 2 and 3, which matching was low for picture trials and re-
were presented without prompts. mained high for dictated name trials.
Results for Dan are shown in Figure 4 Figure 5 shows that Ken’s accuracy was
(lower panels). For both sample types (Set variable under simultaneous matching on
3), accuracy was above 90% under simulta- trials with two-name samples but averaged
neous matching but deteriorated under 0-s 90%. However, on trials with two-picture
delayed matching. Spontaneous naming also samples, accuracy was much lower (M !
declined across these sessions. The introduc- 75%). Accuracy with both sample types de-
tion of prompts on trials with picture sam- clined even further under 0-s delayed match-
ples was immediately associated with near- ing. During the first exposure to prompts to
perfect performance for both sample types. name the picture samples (Sessions 24 to

Figure 5. Results for Ken across simultaneous, delay, prompt, and no-prompt conditions: Open circles and
solid squares reflect percentages of correct matching. Striped bars and shaded bars reflect the number of names
spoken on trials with two-name and two-picture samples, respectively. Bars with extended tic marks on the
abscissa indicate that the number of names exceeded 25. Asterisks at Sessions 1, 5, 23, 24, 33, and 37 indicate
that naming was not recorded.

28), accuracy improved for both sample ment encouraged observing and remember-
types. Without prompts (Sessions 29 to 33), ing both of the sample stimuli, (b) partici-
accuracy remained high on trials with dic- pants matched single-picture samples, and
tated samples (M ! 90%) but declined on (c) they named the individual pictures. Sec-
trials with picture samples (M ! 65%). ond, delayed matching improved when the
These findings were replicated under subse- participants were prompted to name the
quent prompt and no-prompt conditions. two-picture samples, an outcome consistent
Little spontaneous naming occurred during with past research with single-picture sam-
any of the no-prompt conditions. During ples (Bonta & Watters, 1981; Constantine
the prompt conditions, increases in naming & Sidman, 1975; Geren et al., 1997). Thus,
on trials with two-picture samples were ac- participants possessed expressive language
companied by increases in unprompted skills that might have improved delayed
naming on trials with two-name samples. matching but, at least initially, typically did
not do so unless the procedure required it.
However, some participants’ improvements
DISCUSSION in delayed matching persisted when prompts
These results extended prior research on to name the samples were withdrawn and
matching in several ways. First, delayed when new stimuli were presented. The latter
matching to two-picture samples resulted in finding has not been reported previously.
errors (e.g., Stromer et al., 1993), even In Experiment 1, participants with mental
though (a) the contingencies of reinforce- retardation (Cathy and Bill) matched picture

comparisons to identical single-picture sam- It is noteworthy that Bill’s names were the
ples or to two-picture samples in which one ones he supplied during the naming test
was identical to the correct comparison. In with abstract forms. Such differential nam-
Phase 1, Cathy and Bill made more errors ing of these forms was absent during the ini-
on 0-s delayed matching to two pictures tial screening. Research is needed to clarify
than either simultaneous matching with the learning history that enabled Bill to de-
such samples or 0-s delayed matching to sin- rive (invent) names for the pictures of ab-
gle pictures. In Phase 2, prompts to name stract forms, and whether continued analysis
the pictures improved 0-s delayed matching would have resulted in his use of the names
to two pictures. Afterwards, accuracy initial- without prompting.
ly declined when the prompts to name were Experiment 2 extended the subject and
withdrawn, but further exposure to naming procedural generality of Experiment 1. Pre-
prompts resulted in improved matching un- schoolers without disabilities (Olivia and
der the no-prompt condition; these out- Dan) and a student with mental retardation
comes were accompanied by spontaneous (Ken) matched pictures to two-picture sam-
naming. ples and to two-name samples, the latter a
In Phase 3, performance was assessed us- receptive matching task. Accuracy was rela-
ing 0-s, 5-s, and 10-s delays and trials with tively high under simultaneous matching but
single- and two-picture samples. Accuracy declined under delayed conditions. The de-
stayed high on 0-s delayed matching but de- cline usually was greater for two-picture than
clined at 5-s and 10-s delays. It is unclear for two-name tasks. The higher accuracy for
whether the decrements in matching at lon- delayed matching to two-name samples ex-
ger delays would have occurred had spon- tends prior research using single-name sam-
taneous naming been more frequent. Accu- ples (Bonta & Watters, 1981; Constantine
rate matching with 0-s delays did not seem & Sidman, 1975; Geren et al., 1997).
to require high and sustained overt oral Olivia and Dan showed the same positive
naming, but the possibility of covert naming effects of the naming intervention even after
cannot be ruled out (I. Taylor & O’Reilly, the prompts to name were withdrawn and
1997). However, 0-s delayed matching be- the sessions involved new stimuli. Their data
gan to differ when new pictures were pre- are also interesting because the intervention
sented: Cathy made errors on trials with new that required naming the two-picture sam-
two-picture samples, but Bill’s accuracy ples improved performance on those trials as
stayed high. Bill’s high scores with the new well as on the trials with the dictated two-
pictures may reflect a generalized improve- name samples. However, Olivia and Dan
ment with two-picture samples. In contrast, differed in their (a) rates of improvement af-
Cathy’s decline in 0-s delayed matching sug- ter the prompts to name were implemented,
gested a lack of such generalization. (b) rates of unprompted repetitions of the
In the final prompt condition of Phase 3, dictated name samples, and (c) generaliza-
Cathy’s matching with 0-s delays improved, tion of naming to the no-prompt condition.
suggesting again that naming and matching Before the naming prompts, Olivia and
were functionally related. However, her Ken showed little spontaneous naming.
prompted naming did not appear to enhance Dan’s naming was typically on trials with
matching with 10-s delays. In contrast, Bill’s two-name samples and was variable and
delayed matching with the abstract forms seemingly unrelated to his matching perfor-
improved under both 0-s and 10-s delays mances. After exposure to the naming
when he was prompted to name the forms. prompts, the patterns of spontaneous nam-

ing produced by Olivia and Ken appeared methods that establish naming as a mediator
to be functionally related to accuracy on might enhance performance with long delays
matching tasks. In general, if accuracy was between instructional and discriminative
high on a delayed matching task without the stimuli.
naming prompts, the frequency of sponta- The present and past studies (Constantine
neous naming on that trial type was also & Sidman, 1975; Eikeseth & Smith, 1992;
high. In contrast, if accuracy was low on a Geren et al., 1997; Glat et al., 1994; Saun-
delayed matching task, spontaneous naming ders & Spradlin, 1990) recommend teaching
was less frequent. methods that integrate naming with the rel-
To explain how differential naming of evant visual and auditory instructional stim-
sample stimuli may improve delayed match- uli, simple or complex. The benefits of nam-
ing requires further research. First, naming ing—improved accuracy—may be realized
may have enhanced discriminative control whenever matching and related procedures
by the picture samples. Naming ensured ob- (e.g., sorting) are used in teaching (e.g., Leaf
servation of the pictures before they disap- & McEachin, 1999; Sundberg & Parting-
peared and comparison responding oc- ton, 1998; B. A. Taylor & McDonough,
curred. Merely touching the samples did not 1996). If the stimuli are complex, as in the
guarantee such discriminative control. Sec- present study, differential sample naming
ond, naming may have established oral might succeed in overcoming error patterns
names as a basis of comparison selections, indicative of problems of stimulus overselec-
rather than or in addition to the sample pic- tivity (Allen & Fuqua, 1985; Dube &
tures. In other words, names spoken by the McIlvane, 1999; Schreibman et al., 1982,
participants may transform nonverbal pic- 1986; Stromer et al., 1993).
ture–picture matching into receptive tasks. Interventions that encourage naming
Performance could improve because recep- across a number of exemplars of each trial
tive matching is sometimes easier than pic- type might establish a generalized use of
ture–picture matching (e.g., Constantine & naming to solve nonverbal tasks, the pros-
Sidman, 1975; Geren et al., 1997; Kelly, pects of which were demonstrated in the
Green, & Sidman, 1998). Picture–picture present study: Naming and accurate match-
matching may be more difficult because each ing may have continued because the repeat-
trial requires looking at least twice, once at ed reversal design resulted in alternating pe-
the sample and once at the comparisons; riods of high and low accuracy and, conse-
matching to dictation requires looking at quently, periods in which reinforcement oc-
only comparisons (Michael, 1985). The curred more and less frequently. Thus,
present data are consistent with either of participants were exposed to conditions fa-
these explanations. voring the development and maintenance of
Third, naming may have mediated the de- the sample naming related to the higher re-
lay between sample offset and comparison inforcement frequency (cf. Stromer et al.,
onset. To serve as a mediator, a sample name 1998). The findings have implications for
may have to be followed within the trial by solving practical problems in which one’s
the production of the same name, and, in generalized verbal skills may be involved
turn, provide a supplemental stimulus that (e.g., self-instruction).
links the sample and correct comparison. Naming may also enhance learning out-
Difficulties in matching with 5-s and 10-s side traditional discrete-trial formats. Activ-
delays suggest that neither Cathy nor Bill ity schedules, for instance, resemble a series
used naming as a mediator. Developing of matching trials (e.g., Kinney, Vedora, &

Stromer, 2003; Krantz & McClannahan, procedures for teaching mentally retarded children
to respond to compound stimuli. Journal of Ex-
1998; McClannahan & Krantz, 1999) dur- perimental Child Psychology, 39, 55–71.
ing which naming may sharpen stimulus Bonta, J. L., & Watters, R. G. (1981). Use of manual
control and also function communicatively. signs in delayed matching-to-sample with devel-
Krantz and McClannahan taught children opmentally disordered, speech deficient children.
Behavior Research of Severe Developmental Disabil-
with autism to solicit attention by respond- ities, 2, 51–66.
ing differentially to complex notebook stim- Constantine, B., & Sidman, M. (1975). Role of nam-
uli. A page in the child’s notebook combined ing in delayed matching-to-sample. American
a photo of the activity to be performed and Journal of Mental Deficiency, 79, 680–689.
Duarte, A. M. M., & Baer, D. M. (1994). The effects
a written script, watch me or look. The script of self-instruction on preschool children’s sorting
was to be said aloud, and then said again to of generalized in-common tasks. Journal of Exper-
an adult either during the activity (‘‘watch imental Child Psychology, 57, 1–25.
me’’) or after performing it (‘‘look’’). Such Dube, W. V., & McIlvane, W. J. (1999). Reduction
of stimulus selectivity with nonverbal differential
differential responding—doing something observing responses. Journal of Applied Behavior
appropriate with the pictured activities and Analysis, 32, 25–34.
saying the scripts—resembles the present ap- Eikeseth, S., & Smith, T. (1992). The development
proach to improve delayed matching to two- of functional and equivalence classes in high-func-
tioning autistic children: The role of naming.
picture samples. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior,
Further bridge studies of naming and its 58, 123–133.
relation to nonverbal behaviors could inform Geren, M. A., Stromer, R., & Mackay, H. A. (1997).
efforts to improve methods of teaching func- Picture naming, matching to sample, and head
injury: A stimulus control analysis. Journal of Ap-
tional communication skills (Kimball, Kin- plied Behavior Analysis, 30, 339–342.
ney, Taylor, & Stromer, 2003; Stromer, Kin- Glat, R., Gould, K., Stoddard, L. T., & Sidman, M.
ney, Taylor, & Kimball, in press). Such re- (1994). A note on transfer of stimulus control in
the delayed-cue procedure: Facilitation by an overt
search will help to identify further advantag- differential response. Journal of Applied Behavior
es of using differential observing that Analysis, 27, 699–704.
involves topographically unique forms of re- Guevremont, D. C., Osnes, P. G., & Stokes, T. F.
sponding rather than topographically similar (1988). The functional role of preschoolers’ ver-
balizations in the generalization of self-instruc-
behaviors like touching the stimuli presented tional training. Journal of Applied Behavior Anal-
in matching tasks (e.g., Shafer, 1993). Dif- ysis, 21, 45–55.
ferential behavior like naming (e.g., oral, Gutowski, S. J., Geren, M., Stromer, R., & Mackay,
signed, and written) may enhance learning H. A. (1995). Restricted stimulus control in de-
layed matching to complex samples: A preliminary
and remembering, in part, because the stim- analysis of the role of naming. Experimental Anal-
ulus control properties of names may be ysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 13, 18–24.
‘‘transported’’ from one situation to another Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1996). On the origins
(Stokes & Baer, 1977). Understanding the of naming and other symbolic behavior. Journal
nature of the transportability of names in of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 185–
delayed matching may help to clarify rela- Kelly, S., Green, G., & Sidman, M. (1998). Visual
tions among verbal and nonverbal behaviors identity matching and auditory-visual matching:
that are central to applied interventions like A procedural note. Journal of Applied Behavior
self-instruction (e.g., Duarte & Baer, 1994; Analysis, 31, 237–243.
Kimball, J. W., Kinney, E. M., Taylor, B. A., & Strom-
Guevremont et al., 1988) and correspon- er, R. (2003). Lights, camera, action! Computer-
dence training (Risley & Hart, 1968). cued activity schedules for teaching children with
autism and other special needs. Teaching Excep-
tional Children, 36, 40–45.
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1. Describe (a) single-picture and two-picture matching and (b) simultaneous and delayed

2. Briefly summarize the results obtained under (a) single-picture and two-picture matching
and (b) simultaneous and delayed presentation conditions.

3. What were the effects of (a) prompting and (b) additional delays on Cathy’s and Bill’s

4. What did Bill do when prompted to name abstract forms in Phase 3?

5. Briefly summarize the results of each subject’s performance (naming and accuracy) in Study 2.

6. Provide a potential explanation for why, in some cases, naming was maintained after prompts
were removed.

7. What is the apparent value of acquiring a differential observing response during match-to-
sample instruction?

8. What did the authors suggest were the three functions of naming in improving delayed

Questions prepared by Jessica Thomason and Pamela Neidert, University of Florida

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