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Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.

48 Filed 06/28/22 Page 1 of 47




Individually and as Next Friend for
C.M., a minor child, Case No: 22-cv-11126

Plaintiffs, Hon. David M. Lawson

v. Mag. Judge Curtis Ivy, Jr

DAN GILBERTSON, in his individual and official capacity,
and KYLE WOOD, in his individual and official capacity.


DEBORAH GORDON LAW Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, PC

Deborah L. Gordon (P27058) Timothy Mullins (P28021)
Elizabeth Marzotto Taylor (P82061) Travis Comstock (P72025)
Sarah Gordon Thomas (P83935) Attorneys for Defendants
Molly Savage (P84472) 101 W. Big Beaver Rd., Tenth Floor
Attorneys for Plaintiffs Troy, MI 48084-5280
33 Bloomfield Hills Parkway, Suite 220 Phone: (248) 457-7036
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 Fax: (248) 404-6311
(248) 258-2500


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Defendants, Croswell-Lexington Community Schools,1 Croswell- Lexington

Board of Education, Kyle Wood, and Dan Gilbertson, in their official and individual

capacities (collectively “the District”), by and through their counsel,

GIARMARCO, MULLINS & HORTON, P.C., answers the Plaintiffs’ Complaint,

and in support states as follows:

I. Jurisdiction Is Proper

1. This Court has jurisdiction over Plaintiffs’ claims pursuant to 28

U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1343 because the matters in controversy arise under the

Constitution and laws of the United States. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction

over Plaintiffs’ related state law claims under 29 U.S.C. § 1367(a) because those

claims arise out of the same case or controversy as Plaintiffs’ federal claims.

ANSWER: Admitted.

2. The Plaintiffs reside in the County of Sanilac, Michigan.

ANSWER: The District admits that the Plaintiffs were residents of

Sanilac County while C.M. attend school but currently lack knowledge as to

their current county of residence.

Misidentified in the Plaintiffs’ caption as “Croswell-Lexington District
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3. Defendants Croswell-Lexington Board of Education and Croswell-

Lexington District Schools (“Cros-Lex”) reside in the town of Croswell and the

County of Sanilac, Michigan.

ANSWER: Admitted.

4. Cros-Lex School District and Cros-Lex Board of Education are the

recipient of federal funds as that term is defined under Title VI.

ANSWER: Admitted that Defendant Croswell-Lexington Community

Schools is a sub-recipient of Title VI funding. Denied that the Croswell-

Lexington Board of Education receives Title VI funding.

5. Defendant Kyle Wood, at all times material to this action, has served

as the Principal of Cros-Lex High School.

ANSWER: Admitted.

6. Defendant Dan Gilbertson, at all times material to this action, has

served as the Superintendent of Schools for Cros-Lex.

ANSWER: Admitted, but in further answer the District states that

Superintendent Dan Gilbertson is currently the Superintendent of another

school district.

II. Facts

A. Background

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7. C.M. is the adopted daughter of Rob and April Malick (the Malicks),

she is minor child. She is Black; Rob and April are white.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge on which to form an answer as

to whether C.M. (“the Student”) is adopted. The District admits that the

Student is African-American and that the Plaintiffs are Caucasian.

8. C.M. was one of three Black students in a student population of 2,053

in the Cros-Lex school district.

ANSWER: Denied. In further answer, the District states that as of

February 9, 2022 it had a total of 2,038 students of which 8 identified as


9. C.M. has attended Cros-Lex schools since 2018 when she entered

middle school.

ANSWER: Denied in part. The District’s records report that the Student

transferred into the District on November 6, 2018. She then disenrolled on

October 6, 2020 until re-enrolling on August 8, 2021.

10. C.M. endured racial harassment and discrimination from other

students, faculty and staff, since the time of her enrollment.

ANSWER: Admitted that the Student and Plaintiffs allege harassment

and discrimination herein but denied as to unreported instances of harassment

or discrimination and, in further answer, the District states that all reported

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instances of such were promptly and completely investigated and, as

appropriate, discipline was issued.

11. As set forth below, in February 2022, C.M. was forced out of the

district due to racial discrimination.

ANSWER: Admitted that the Plaintiffs elected to have the Student

participate in online schooling offered by the District, but the District neither

admits nor denies the remaining allegations contained therein for the reason

that the District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as to why the

Plaintiffs made this election for the Student and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to

their proofs.

B. C.M. is Bullied and Harassed at Cros-Lex Because she is Black

12. In September 2018, when C.M. was in sixth grade, she was physically

assaulted by another student because she was Black. Rob and April Malick reported

this to the School Board and Defendant Gilbertson.

ANSWER: Denied that any alleged assault occurred in September of

2018 as the Student was not enrolled in the District at that time. In further

answer, the District states that its Middle School administration investigated a

reported assault made by the Plaintiffs in September of 2019.

13. The Malicks also filed a police report as to the assault.

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ANSWER: Admitted that the Plaintiffs filed a police report on or about

September 9, 2019. (Exhibit A). The Plaintiffs told law enforcement that they

did not want to press charges. (Id.)

14. During C.M.’s sixth grade (2018-2019) and seventh grade (2019-

2020) school years, she was relentlessly bullied and harassed because she was

Black, including regularly called the n-word. Students also made fun of her “wig”

and threatened to “rip her wig off.”2 The Malicks reported the harassment to the


ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to the allegation of “relentless[ ] bully[ing]”. In further answer, the District

states that any reported incidents of bullying, harassment, or name calling

were promptly and fully investigated by the Middle School Administration.

15. The middle school principal told the Malicks she knew that C.M. was

being racially bullied and could see the negative toll it took on her.

Answer: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as to the

allegation for the reason that the Middle School principal is no longer

employed at the District and it cannot confirm that such a conversation ever

occurred, and thus leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs.

Race discrimination is inclusive of negative references to traits historically associated
with race, including references to hair texture and appearance.

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16. Based on the above, the Malicks felt they had no choice but to

homeschool C.M. for her eighth-grade year.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to the Plaintiffs’ intent or motivation for electing to homeschool the Student,

and thus leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs.

17. The Malicks asked the school to remedy the harassment and

discrimination, hoping to send her back to school for ninth grade at the High School.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief

because of the vagueness of the allegation with respect to what was “asked”

and when, and thus leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs.

18. The district took no action to train students or teachers on

discrimination, harassment, and bullying, or otherwise remedy its discrimination


ANSWER: The District denies the allegation in part as to any “problem”

in the District. The District further denies that allegation with respect to

training because it did and does provide equity and harassment training for all

employees. In further answer, the District implemented a Social Emotional

Learning program with both its staff and students. The District further states

that it had staff and administrators take a Safe Schools Diversity, Equity and

Inclusion training module in December 2021.

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19. On June 11, 2021, a student wore a large confederate flag as a cape to

school (below). Rob reported this to Defendant Gilbertson:

Rob added that he had hoped to send C.M. back to school for ninth grade but

“perhaps [Cros-Lex] wasn’t the place.”

ANSWER: The District admits that while the Student was being homeschooled

another student wore the flag that is in the picture. The District denies the

substance of Mr. Malick alleged reporting for the reason that the student was

told they could not wear that flag in the building or on District property, and

appropriately intervened and investigated the incident.

20. The student who wore the flag was not disciplined.

ANSWER: Denied. In further answer, the District states that the then

Middle School principal immediately told the student to take the flag off, to

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not to wear the confederate flag at school again, an intervention with the

student occurred, and other follow up occurred. This discipline follows the

District Student Handbook and the ban on capes, etc., as part of the District’s

written dress code.

21. The Malicks decided to send C.M. back to school for in-person

learning for ninth grade. The first day was August 31, 2021.

ANSWER: Admitted that the Plaintiff reenrolled the Student effective

August 2, 2021 and that she attended school in person.

22. A few days before the first day, the Malicks met with Defendant Wood

to discuss what C.M. had been through in middle school—the harassment, threats,

and name-calling, all based on her race— and listed the names of the students who

most frequently bullied C.M.. They asked Defendant Wood to monitor the situation.

ANSWER: Defendant Wood recalls a meeting with the Plaintiffs but

denies that they provided the alleged information to him at that meeting. The

first concern reported to Defendant Wood by the Plaintiffs was on or about

October 4, 2021.

23. Upon the start of the school year, Cros-Lex students immediately

began bullying and harassing C.M. based on her race.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief

with respect to any “bullying and harassing” of the Student, and thus leaves

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the Plaintiffs to their proofs. In further answer, the District relies on its Answer

to ¶ 22 as to the first report of alleged harassment or bullying, and that the

Plaintiffs’ first complaint on September 9, 2021 related to another student

hiding the Student’s phone and that student making unkind comments to a

third student, none of which involved alleged racial harassment or bullying.

24. Between September – October 2021, C.M. was often called the n-word

and made fun of because she was Black.

ANSWER: The District denies receiving any complaints between

September and October of 2021 alleging the use of the “n-word” to the Student.

In further answer, the District admits that a complaint was received from the

Plaintiffs on or about October 4, 2021 related to comments made by students

to the Student about “plantation” and other comments. All such incidents were

investigated and, if appropriate, discipline issued to the students making such

inappropriate comments.

25. On October 4, Rob submitted to Gilbertson, via email, “Notes on

bullying” he had complied, documenting what his daughter had experienced. He

named eight students and listed multiple racist statements made to C.M., including:

● “Go back to the plantation and pick cotton”

● Being called the n-word

● “Your hair looks like shit”

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● “I’m going to snatch your weave”

● I’m going to snatch your weave and burn it”

● “I bet your hair is dead”

ANSWER: The District admits receiving a complaint from the Plaintiffs

via email on October 4, 2021 alleging the above statements made to the

Student. The District further states it promptly and fully investigation all the

alleged statements. Six students received suspensions as a result of the

District’s investigations, including one student not named by the Plaintiffs. In

further answer, one of the comments (“I’m going to snatch your weave”) was

admitted to have been said by a student who stated they were friends with the

Student and routinely made this comment to her believing it was a joke. This

was the first time any complaint was made about that statement to the District.

26. One student mocked the Black Lives Matter movement by kneeling

and putting up his fist, starring at C.M., and laughing.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief

for the reason that it received no complaint regarding the alleged actions, and

thus leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs

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27. Also on October 4, 2021, Rob sent an email to Defendant Gilbertson

titled “BIG Racial Problems at the HS today”:

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick sent to Defendant Daniel

Gilbertson with the foregoing statements. The District relies on its Answer to

¶ 25 for its further answer.

28. He received no response from Gilbertson.

ANSWER: Superintendent Gilbertson forward the above email, which

had also been sent to Ms. Lisa Burns, to the Middle School principal to follow

up on. The principal discussed the email with Mrs. April Malick on the evening

of October 4, 2021. The principal and Ms. Burns met with the Plaintiffs and

the Student on October 5, 2021 to discuss the email and the alleged statements.

29. Receiving no response from administration, Rob contacted a few of

C.M.’s teachers.

ANSWER: The District denies that it did not respond to the October 4,

2021 email. As stated in the answer to ¶ 28, Ms. Burns and Mr. Kyle Wood met

with the Plaintiffs and the Student on October 5, 2021. Mr. Wood also

responded to Mr. Malick’s October 4, 2021 email the next day stating the

District would follow up and investigate the statements. Mr. Malick also sent
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an email on October 5, 2021 to a teacher confirming a meeting he had that day

with Mr. Wood and Ms. Burns. The District admits that at least one teacher

received a communication from Mr. Malick.

30. On October 5 he wrote to one teacher, stating:

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick sent an email on

October 5, 2021, the same day he had a meeting with Mr. Wood and Ms. Burns,

to a teacher alleging unspecified racist statements. The District further states

that the teacher responded that if such statements are made, she encouraged

the Student to inform her so that action could be taken against the behavior.

(Exhibit B). The teacher further told Mr. Malick that “[t]his is the first I am

hearing of this issue in my class.”

31. The teacher responded, stating “I am sorry that this has been an

ongoing problem for C.M.. . . . I hope we can bring this to an end in my class.”

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief for

the reason that the email is not attached as an exhibit and the District copy of

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any email exchange between the teacher and Mr. Malick (Exhibit B) does not

include the quoted phrases, and thus leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs.

32. Rob told another teacher that C.M. “felt like she was in the middle of

a Klan rally” in her class.

ANSWER: The District denies that The Student told any teacher that

she “felt like she was in the middle of a klan rally” for the reason that the email

Mr. Malick (Exhibit B) sent does not state another teacher was informed, but

only that the Student upon coming home she told the Plaintiffs, not the District,

that she “felt like she was in the middle of a klan rally” in a particular class.

33. In response, the teacher told Rob that C.M. had received a detention

for being on her phone during class. (C.M. was on her phone, texting with her father,

because she was fearful for her safety. The Malicks informed the school of this.

Upon the Malicks request, the school waived the detention.)

ANSWER: The District admits that the Student was given a detention

for the use of her phone during class, which was contrary to school policy. In

further answer, the District states that the Student’s use of her phone contrary

to policy was “a recurring issue” prior to the events alleged on October 4, 2021.

(Exhibit B). The District further admits that it removed the detention.

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34. As a result of the racist behavior, on October 5, 2021, Rob requested a

meeting with Defendant Wood. Rob told Defendant Wood that C.M. was being

bullied and harassed because of her race almost daily. He shared the examples listed

above. Defendant Wood assured Rob the school would put a stop to the racial


ANSWER: The District admits that a meeting occurred between the

Plaintiffs and Mr. Wood and Ms. Burns on October 5, 2021. The District denies

that Mr. Wood “assured” the Plaintiffs that racial bullying would be stopped.

In further answer, the District states that Mr. Wood told Mr. Malick that

racial bullying is not tolerated, and any reported instance is promptly and fully

investigated and, where appropriate, discipline is issued.

35. Also in October 2021, some students organized a group chat, via the

“Snapchat” app, for their Civics class. The purpose of the chat was to discuss

classwork. The chat often devolved from topics on Civics to banter. Racism in the

chat was common. One student remarked that former president Barack Obama was

a “stupid n*****”. The Malicks reported the comment to Defendant Gilbertson.

ANSWER: The District admits that it was made aware of a social media

conversation that was not school sponsored or teacher driven occurring

between students that did not include the Student after school hours and not

on school property. The District further states that it investigated the

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complaint and issued a multi-day suspension to the student in the chat group

who made offensive comment about former President Barack Obama.

36. On October 12, Rob emailed Kevin Watkins, the President of the Port

Huron NAACP, notifying him of what was happening to C.M.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to the referenced email and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs.

37. On October 14, 2021, a student told another student to “snatch C.M.’s

weave3” and began saying “she [C.M.] is wearing a weave” to the class.

ANSWER: The District admits that it received information that students

in the 6th hour Spanish class made comments about the Student, who is not in

that class but is in 2nd hour Spanish class, and her hair. The District further

states that it met with Mr. Malick on or about October 26, 2021 to discuss these

comments and gather more information. The District administration promptly

investigated the incident under its anti-discrimination policy.

38. Rob reported the comments and the names of the students who made

them in an email to Defendant Gilbertson. He received no response. ANSWER:

The District denies that it did not respond to Mr. Malick’s report. The District

A “weave” is an artificial or natural hair extension fixed into human hair, usually
associated with Black hair.
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met with Mr. Malick on October 26, 2021 regarding the statements made on

October 14, 2021.

39. On or around October 27, 2021, two students were mocking C.M. and

using the n-word in Snapchat conversation. C.M. told them “STOP, it’s…not

funny” and explained the history behind the word. One student responded, “free

speech, n***a”.

ANSWER: The District admits that it received screen shots of a social

media chat between students by email from Mr. Malick dated October 27,

2021. Mr. Malick stated the chat over in “the past.” The District further states

that the chat was a private conversation between students and not school

sponsored or related to any class.

40. Rob sent a screenshot of the chat to Defendants Wood and Gilbertson.

He never received a response.

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick sent an email with the

screen shots to Superintendent Gilbertson and Mr. Kyle Wood on October 27,

2021 stating that the conversation took place in “the past.” Mr. Wood

investigated the incident.

41. The racial harassment and bullying towards C.M. also included threats

of violence.

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ANSWER: The District admits that the Plaintiffs reported the

allegations and that it promptly and appropriately investigated the complaint.

The District further substantiated that the student made threatening

comments to the Student and that student received a suspension for the


42. On October 27, 2021, one student told another student, who told C.M.,

“these n*****s are gonna get it.” C.M. confronted the student who made the

statement. Rob immediately reported this to Defendants Wood and Gilbertson, and

the school counselor. Rob stated his “fear…that the racism and bullying is making

her [C.M.] unravel…I would like to have a safe space for her at school.”

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick sent an email dated

October 27, 2021 to Mr. Wood, Superintendent Gilbertson, and the school

counselor wherein Mr. Malick alleges that one student told another student

that “ ‘these n****** are gonna get it.’” It was not reported how the Student

learned of the comment. The District admits that Mr. Malick stated his belief

“that the racism and bullying is making [the Student] unravel” and that he

wanted the Student to have a “safe space . . . to decompress” and suggested the

school counselor’s office may be appropriate.

43. Rob received a response from the school counselor, only, who told Rob

that C.M. was welcome to come “decompress” in her office anytime. Defendant

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Wood later told C.M. that she had “escalated” the situation by confronting the

student who made the statement.

ANSWER: The District admits that the school counselor responded by

email dated October 28, 2021, copying Mr. Wood and Superintendent

Gilbertson, stating that the Student could of course come to her office anytime

to talk and decompress. The District further states that Mr. Wood met with

Mr. Malick and the school counselor about his email and immediately

conducted an investigation into the claims.

44. On or around October 29, 2021, C.M. learned that the same student

who made the above threat stated that “all the n******s will be shot after school

today at 3:00 pm”.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to what the Student learned and when and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their


45. The Malicks, distraught, immediately notified Defendant Wood in an

email with the student’s name and the subject line “urgent.” Rob told Defendant

Wood that he had “serious doubts” about the school’s ability to protect C.M.

ANSWER: The District admits that Mrs. Malick left a voicemail with

the vice principal stating that a student was allegedly coming for the Student

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after school. Nothing in the voicemail stated anything about any student being

shot or of a specific threat to shoot the Student.

46. The Malicks drove to the school to ensure their daughter’s safety and

to report the comment to Defendant Gilbertson. They also filed a police report.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge as to whether the Plaintiffs

drove to school on October 29, 2021 and therefore leaves the Plaintiffs to their

proofs. In further answer, Superintendent Gilbertson initiated contact with

Mrs. Malick after being informed that she posted on Facebook that a student

may be bringing a gun to the school. Mrs. Malick admitted during that call

that law enforcement confirmed that its investigation did not reveal a specific

threat to the Student or to African-American students generally.

47. Defendant Gilbertson told the Malicks he did not believe the school

could keep their daughter safe.

ANSWER: Superintendent Gilbertson denies making any statement

that expressly or impliedly inferred any lack of effort on the District’s part to

protect the Student and all other students. In further answer, the

Superintendent recalls indicating that, as evidenced by other shootings at

schools, a school district cannot 100% guarantee safety of every student despite

the best plans and security measures. It was in this general context that the

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Plaintiffs may have misinterpreted and inferred the allegation above, which as

stated is false.

48. As a result, in early November, C.M. began walking with two teachers

from class to class for protection. The teachers who walked with C.M. varied based

on availability.

ANSWER: The District admits that persons employed by third-party

agency (instructional aides) were made available and assigned, with the

Plaintiffs’ permission, to assist the Student as a proactive measure.

49. The teachers who walked with C.M. were, however, more harmful

than helpful. They ordered C.M. around, told her to “shut up” and “sit down”. C.M.

felt they were not protecting her and might also hold discriminatory animus towards

her because of her race. The Malicks reported this to Defendant Gilbertson.

ANSWER: The District denies the allegation as stated for the reason that

it is untrue and, in further answer, the District states that it followed up on any

complaints made. From that investigation one of the third-party’s employees

was dismissed by that employer, and there was no substantiation as to the

alleged comments by the second third-party employee.

50. Shortly thereafter, the Malicks learned that another teacher who was

scheduled to start walking with C.M. for protection, made racist comments about

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her, stating that C.M. was “playing the race card”, which “is what blacks do”, and

that she “deserved” to be treated that way because C.M. herself was “no saint”.

ANSWER: The District admits that the alleged statements were

investigated, and a third-party employee was dismissed by the non-District


51. On November 8, 2021, the Malicks reported the counselor’s comments

in an email to Defendants Gilbertson and Woods and requested a meeting.

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick emailed Superintendent

Gilbertson, Mr. Wood, and Mr. Kevin Watkins about a District employee

allegedly telling him about inappropriate statements made by a “security

detail” member. Mr. Malick did not identify the employee, which hampered

the investigation into the alleged statements. The District further admits that

a meeting was scheduled for November 11, 2021.

52. In the same email, Rob told Defendants he had learned that a school

counselor was skipping over the “diversity and inclusion” lesson during teacher

training sessions, noting that “maybe the problem” of racism at the school was

“much deeper than we suspected.”

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick alleged in his November

8, 2021 email that “the person who trains new employees” stated to another

unidentified employee that inclusion training videos would not be watched.

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Mr. Malick did not assert that the person allegedly making the statement was

the “school counselor” as alleged here. The District further states that it

nonetheless investigated the claim of new employees not watching inclusion

videos and determined that it was false.

53. Other teachers made negative racial comments. The Civics teacher told

his class that Black Lives Matter was a “terrorist organization.”4

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to what “teachers” are at issue, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs. In

further answer, the District states that no investigation it has conducted of any

teacher raised that allegation that the phrase “terrorist organization” was

stated. The District further states that promptly and appropriately

investigated the allegations against a civics teacher, which was raised during a

Board of Education meeting by the parent of another student. Following it

investigation, the District issued a letter of reprimand to the teacher.

This teacher had other complaints from students and parents, including repeatedly
calling a Hispanic student “Jose”, when that was not his name, consistently
mispronouncing an Asian student’s name despite having been corrected many times,
and speaking to her slowly as though she could not understand English, and telling
female students in the class who believed in feminism that they should be in the
kitchen. ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge or information on which to
state an answer for the reason that the alleged “complaints” are vague, fail to
identify the “teacher”, lack a date, and are generally non-specific preventing
the District from reviewing its records and, therefore, leaves the Plaintiffs to
their proofs.
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54. Another teacher told C.M. that “not all racists are bad people.”

ANSWER: The District admits that it investigated the claim by the

Student that a substitute teacher made the comment, in the context of the

Student first stating that an absent student was suspended that day for being

a “bad person” and “a racist”. The substitute received a letter of reprimand.

55. In November 2021, Rob again requested a meeting with Defendants

Gilbertson and Wood. He reported the teachers’ comments and told Defendants that

C.M.’s situation was not improving.

ANSWER: The District admits that a meeting was scheduled for

November 11, 2021.

56. On November 12, 2021, the Malicks filed a complaint with the

Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), alleging that C.M. was facing racial

discrimination and a hostile environment at the school from both the teachers and

students, stating:

Most recently on November 8, 2021, my daughter was subjected to a hostile

environment by some Caucasian students and two Caucasian employees. She
was constantly subjected to comments and remarks that were racially
stereotypical and called a disparaging name. Students would wear shirts with
the confederate flag and make derogatory remarks towards my daughter. She
was also threatened with bodily harm and death threats. I complained on
several occasions, most recently on November 10, 2021, but no remedial
solution was reached. I believe my daughter’s race and engaging in protected
activity were factors in the hostile environment.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.72 Filed 06/28/22 Page 25 of 47

ANSWER: Admitted that the Plaintiffs filed a complaint with the

MDCR and that complaint speaks for itself. In further answer, the District

states that MDCR has not commenced any investigation, has not made any

determination on the complaint, and dismissed the complaint on June 16, 2022.

57. The school was made aware of the complaint and hired an attorney.

The school did not take any action to end the racial harassment and bullying directed

at C.M.

ANSWER: The District admits that it received notice from the MDCR

of a complaint being filed. The District denies the remaining allegation for the

reason that it is untrue, affirmatively states that all reported instances of

alleged bullying, harassment, or discrimination were promptly and

appropriately investigated, and therefore leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs.

58. On November 15, 2021, Rob, April, and C.M., along with other

families effected by Cros-Lex’s pervasive prejudicial environment, attended a

Board Meeting. The Malicks also invited Kevin Watkins.

ANSWER: The District admits that the Plaintiffs and other families

were present at the November 15, 2021 Board of Education meeting. The

District lacks knowledge or information to form a belief as to the whether other

families were affected and denies any “pervasive prejudicial environment[.]”

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.73 Filed 06/28/22 Page 26 of 47

The District further states that all allegations presented at the Board meeting

were promptly and fully investigated.

59. During the Board meeting, the Malicks, other families, and Mr.

Watkins reported a long list of difficulties that Black students face at Cros-Lex,

citing specific examples, such as jokes about George Floyd and the holocaust,

mocking BLM, name-calling including the n-word, references to going back to the

planation, and physical threats.

ANSWER: The District admits that the Plaintiffs and other, including

Mr. Watkins, raised issues about alleged racism, which were promptly and

fully investigated where the allegations were specific enough to allow


60. Mr. Watkins told the School Board there is “, in Croswell

Lexington…this is racism.” He stated, “you allow students to walk in here [the

school] draped like superman with the confederate flag...which stands for

hate…where are the teachers? Where are the administrators?”

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge or information as to what Mr.

Watkins stated specifically, and therefore leaves the Plaintiffs to their proofs.

In further answer, the District states that Mr. Watkins’ statements as quoted

in this allegation demonstrates that he lacked knowledge about the District’s

response to the situation and relies on its Answer in ¶¶ 19-20, supra.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.74 Filed 06/28/22 Page 27 of 47

61. He also noted that racism coming from staff and administrators

themselves. He urged the school to implement training for students and teachers,

which the school had not done in the past.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge or information to form a belief

as to the allegation that “racism [was] coming from staff and administrators”

for the reason that Mr. Watkins never provided the District with these alleged

statements and that any complaints that were received through other persons

were investigated fully and promptly. The District further states that it has not

received any complaint involving racism of any administrator. The District

further states that it has required all staff to participate in equity and inclusion


62. One Black student discussed her experience with racism and noted she

continues to have problems with the “same students, same families”.

ANSWER: The District admits that an African-American student spoke

at the November 15, 2021 Board meeting, but lacks knowledge or information

as to that student’s “experience with racism” or any ongoing problems.

63. During the meeting, the Board passed a Resolution to “reaffirm the

commitment” to its existing anti-discrimination policy. The policy was roughly two

paragraphs long and used pro-forma language. It was ineffective.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.75 Filed 06/28/22 Page 28 of 47

ANSWER: Admitted that the Board of Education passed a Resolution

on November 15, 2021 that stated, in part, that “the Croswell-Lexington

Community Schools Board of Education unequivocally stands against all

forms of unlawful discrimination, including but not limited to discrimination

based on race, sex, color, national origin, height, weight and marital status[.]”

(emphasis added). The District denies that the Resolution (attached as Exhibit

C) “used pro-forma language” or “was ineffective”.

64. Unfortunately, the Board’s “recommitment” to adhering to its existing

policy was not honored.

ANSWER: Denied.

65. The school provided no training on the policy, or any training on anti-

discrimination and harassment, to teachers and students.

ANSWER: Denied. In further answer, the District states that it did

implement diversity and inclusion training for all staff. In further answer, the

District states that the high school also provided social-emotional learning

program which addressed “Salutes & Snubs” on April 26, 2022 and provided

the opportunity for students to attend a diversity and sexual harassment

education training June 2022.

66. Students continued to be given broad latitude to say what they pleased

with no repercussions.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.76 Filed 06/28/22 Page 29 of 47

ANSWER: Denied. For reported inappropriate statements or claims of

racially harassing and bullying, student determined after investigation to have

made the statements do receive appropriate consequences based on the

Student Handbook for discriminatory language at school.

67. On November 16, 2021, the day after the Board meeting, Rob sent an

email to Defendant Gilbertson asking about a student who wore a tree shirt to school

referring to President Joe Biden as “FJB” [F---Joe Biden]:

ANSWER: Admitted that the email was sent. The District lacks

knowledge upon which to form a belief as to the relevancy of the quoted email

and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs. In further answer, the District

states that the student that wore the shirt was disciplined.

68. On November 19, 2021, a male student told C.M. “I hate all you Black

bitches.” Rob reported this to Defendants Gilbertson and Wood.

ANSWER: The District admits that Mr. Malick reported this statement

on Friday, November 19, 2021. The incident was investigated promptly, and

Mr. Malick informed of that by emailed dated November 19, 2021 at 4:37 p.m.,

the next Monday and Tuesday (November 22-23), and the student received a

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.77 Filed 06/28/22 Page 30 of 47

5-day out of school suspension effective November 23, 2021, which was one

school day after Mr. Malick reported the incident.

69. Nevertheless, the school allowed the student to remain in school. He

continued to target C.M., at one point threatening to aim scissors with slingshots at

her head. He also had a knife from the cafeteria and stated he was going to cut C.M.

ANSWER: The District admits that the student at issue remained in

school for on November 22 and 23 while the due process procedures for

investigating the statement were followed, including interviewing several

students. In further answer, the District states that it proactively limited

contact between that student and the Student. In further answer, regarding

the allegation about a threat to aim scissors at the Student, this was

investigated as well and was dealt with through the suspension. The District

denies that the Plaintiffs ever reported the allegation that the student had a

“knife” and threated to “cut” the Student.

70. The Malicks reported this to the school and filed a police report. As a

result, the school and the police investigated C.M. for wrongdoing.

ANSWER: The District admits that it conducted an investigation, as it

does of all claims of wrongdoing, of the Student based on allegations by another

student that the Student was hitting and harassing the other student in the


Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.78 Filed 06/28/22 Page 31 of 47

71. Despite the Malicks making roughly twenty complaints to Defendants

about a racially hostile environment between June 2021- December 2021, including

multiple in person meetings at the school, no change occurred.

ANSWER: The District admits that it promptly and full investigated all

allegations of harassment or other claims reported to the District by the

Plaintiffs or the Student. The District denies that “no change occurred” as it

issued discipline as appropriate and did not unreasonably fail to respond to

the claims and addressed all allegations.

72. Defendants’ actions or inactions were clearly unreasonable in light of

the known circumstances that C.M. faced at school.

ANSWER: Denied.

73. Defendants have been deliberately indifferent to the complaints,

words, and actions of students directed against C.M.. At times, unbelievably, C.M.

herself was blamed for “bating” teachers and students or “instigating” racist


ANSWER: Denied.

74. As a result of the foregoing, in January 2022, C.M. experienced an

episode of extreme mental and emotional distress, as per her doctor. During the

episode, she told her parents that because of being harassed and bullied at school,

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.79 Filed 06/28/22 Page 32 of 47

she “wished she was white.” She told them she could no longer endure attending

Cros-Lex. Her doctor later diagnosed C.M. with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to allegations or statements and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs.

C. C.M. is Forced out of the District Because of Racial Bullying

75. Left with no other option from the school, on February 11, the Malicks

informed the school that C.M. would not be reentering the building. She began

attended classes virtually, from home.

ANSWER: The District admits that on January 3, 2022 Mrs. Malick

informed it that the Student’s would participate in instruction through the

District online platform. The District further answers that it lacks knowledge

upon which to form a belief as to the reason for the Plaintiffs electing to have

the Student participate in instruction online and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to

their proofs. The District further answers that despite participating in online

instruction the Student continued to participate in extracurricular activities in


76. Based on the foregoing actions and in-actions, C.M. was forced to

leave the school to preserve her physical and mental health.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to allegations or statements and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.80 Filed 06/28/22 Page 33 of 47

77. Defendants’ actions and in-actions deprived C.M. of her property

interest in her education.

ANSWER: Denied.

78. Because of the harassment and Defendants’ deliberate indifference to

the same, C.M.’s grades suffered, her mental health declined, and she was treated

by a physician for anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

ANSWER: Denied as to the allegation of deliberate indifference. In

further answer, the District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as to

remaining allegations and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs.

79. She sees a therapist regularly and is prescribed medication, which she

takes daily. Her medical conditions are the product of being repeatedly harassed

and threatened at school because of her race, and the school’s failure to take

reasonable steps to stop the harassment.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to allegations or statements and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs.

80. Defendants’ deliberate indifference to the racial harassment and

bullying caused Rob and April Malick to experience extreme emotional and mental

distress. Rob and April were also deprived of their right to control their daughter’s


Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.81 Filed 06/28/22 Page 34 of 47

ANSWER: The District denies that it was deliberately indifferent. The

District further states that it lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to remaining allegations and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs

Count I
Discrimination/ Hostile Environment in Violation of Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964
(as to Defendants Croswell Lexington School District and the Croswell Lexington
Board of Education)

81. Plaintiffs incorporate all preceding paragraphs as though they were

fully set forth herein.

ANSWER: No answer required.

82. Title VI prohibits a recipient of federal funds from discriminating on

the basis of race, color, or national origin. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000d. Public

educational institutions that receive federal funds are subject to this mandate. 34

C.F.R. § 100.13(i) (2000) (defining “recipient” to include any public “agency,

institution, or organization, or other entity ... in any State, to whom Federal financial

assistance is extended”); see also id. § 100.13(g)(2)(ii).

ANSWER: The cited statutes speak for themselves.

83. C.M. is a Black female.

ANSWER: Admitted that the Student is African-American.

84. Cros-Lex is the recipient of federal funds as that term is defined under

Title VI.

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ANSWER: Admitted that the District, not the Board of Education, is a

sub-recipient of Title VI funding.

85. C.M., as a Cros-Lex student, was the intended beneficiary of and

participant in a program receiving federal funding.

ANSWER: The District denies that Title VI funding is intended for any

specific student but is instead a general funding for the District to use for all


86. C.M. was the subject of intentional discrimination based on her race.

ANSWER: The District denies any intentional discrimination by

administrators or staff, and lacks knowledge or information as to the intention

of individual students that were investigated and disciplined as appropriate for

statements or actions that were harassing or discriminatory.

87. Cros-Lex had actual notice of the discrimination and refused, or

otherwise failed, to remedy the discriminatory conduct. Their conduct amounted to

deliberate indifference.

ANSWER: The District admits notice of reported instances of alleged

discrimination but denies that it refused or otherwise failed to remedy

unknown or unreported conduct or statements. The District further states that

it promptly and completely investigated every reported instance and, where

appropriate, issued discipline.

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88. The school maintained a policy of deliberate indifference to reports of

bullying and harassment based on race.

ANSWER: Denied.

89. This indifference was the cause of plaintiffs' injuries.

ANSWER: Denied.

Count II
Discrimination/ Hostile Environment Based on the Elliot Larsen Civil
Rights Act (ELCRA) Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 37.2102 et seq.
(as to all Defendants)

90. Plaintiffs incorporate all preceding paragraphs as though they were

fully set forth herein.

ANSWER: No answer required.

91. Under the ELCRA, C.M. has a right to the full and equal utilization of

educational facilities without discrimination because of race.

ANSWER: The ELCRA speaks for itself.

92. Per § 37.2402, an educational institution shall not discriminate against

an individual in the full utilization of or benefit from the institution, or the services,

activities, or programs provided by the institution because of race, or exclude, expel,

limit, or otherwise discriminate against an individual enrolled as a student in the

terms, conditions, or privileges of the institution, because of race.

ANSWER: The cited statute speaks for itself.

93. C.M. was subjected to unwelcome harassment based on her race.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.84 Filed 06/28/22 Page 37 of 47

ANSWER: Admitted that the Student and/or the Plaintiffs reported

certain instances of alleged harassment. In further answer, the District states

it promptly and appropriately investigated all reported instances and, where

appropriate, issued discipline and therefore did not unreasonably fail to

respond and was not deliberately indifferent.

94. The harassment had the purpose or effect of substantially interfering

with C.M.’s education or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational

environment, and ultimately of excluding her from the full utilization of the benefit

of the institution.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to the “purpose and effect” of alleged harassment by individual students and,

therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs. The District denies the remaining


95. Defendants are responsible for the discrimination/ hostile


ANSWER: Denied.

Count III
Violation of Section 42 USC §1983
Equal Protection Clause
(as to all Defendants)

96. Plaintiffs incorporate all preceding paragraphs as though they were

fully set forth herein.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.85 Filed 06/28/22 Page 38 of 47

ANSWER: No answer required.

97. Defendants, acting under color of state law, deprived Plaintiffs of the

rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Equal Protection Clause of the

Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, in that Defendants, without

justification, have intentionally discriminated against C.M. on the basis of her race.

ANSWER: Denied.

98. Defendants had actual and/or constructive knowledge that bullying,

harassment and discrimination based on race was so severe, pervasive, and

objectively offensive that it created a hostile environment that deprived C.M. of

access to educational programs, activities, and opportunities.

ANSWER: The District admits notice of reported allegations of

harassment and discrimination by the Student and/or Plaintiffs. The District

denies the remaining allegations.

99. The practices, policies, or customs of Defendants and their

policymakers for responding to such bullying, discrimination and harassment based

on race were so clearly unreasonable in light of the known circumstances as to give

rise to a reasonable inference that each of the Defendants named in this claim

intended for the bullying, discrimination and harassment to occur or were

deliberately indifferent to it.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.86 Filed 06/28/22 Page 39 of 47

ANSWER: The District denies that its “practices, policies, or customs”

were unreasonable for the reason that the District promptly and reasonably

responded to all reported instances of alleged harassment or discrimination

and addressed each and thus did not unreasonably fail to respond and was not

deliberately indifferent. The District further denies that intended for any

“bullying, discrimination, [or] harassment” by individual students in the

District to occur.

100. Defendants also failed to adequately train and/or negligently trained

School District staff about policies prohibiting bullying, harassment and

discrimination on the basis of race.

ANSWER: Denied. In further answer, the District states that it staff

received training through Safe Schools specifically on Diversity, Equity and


101. As a result of the harassment, C.M. was deprived of an equal

opportunity to receive an education.

ANSWER: Denied.

Count IV
Violation of Section 42 USC §1983
Denial of Substantive Due Process
(as to all Defendants)

102. Plaintiffs incorporate all preceding paragraphs as though they were

fully set forth herein.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.87 Filed 06/28/22 Page 40 of 47

ANSWER: No answer required.

103. The actions of all Defendants constitute a violation of Plaintiffs’

constitutional rights under the Substantive Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth


ANSWER: Denied.

104. These rights include C.M.’s right to education, familial relationship,

and freedom from government actions that shock the conscience, as well as the right

of April and Rob to the familial relationship of their child, including the right to

control her education.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to the claimed “rights” and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs. The

District denies that it took any action that “shock[s] the conscience” for the

reason that it appropriately and promptly responded to all allegations

reported by the Student and the Plaintiffs and, where appropriate, issued

discipline in a progressive manner to address the substantiated instances of

harassment or discriminatory comments or statements.

105. Defendants had actual knowledge that the bullying, harassment,

assault and discrimination C.M. suffered because of her race was so severe that it

deprived C.M. of the rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Substantive

Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.88 Filed 06/28/22 Page 41 of 47

ANSWER: Denied.

106. Defendants’ actions and omissions, in failing to intervene on behalf of

C.M., were violative of C.M.’s substantive due process rights and those of Rob and


ANSWER: Denied.

107. The practices, policies, or customs of Defendants for responding to

such bullying, harassment, assault, and discrimination were so clearly unreasonable

in light of known circumstances as to give rise to a reasonable inference that each

of the Defendants intended for these events to occur or were deliberately and

callously indifferent to their occurrence.

ANSWER: The District denies that its practices, policies or customs

were unreasonably for the reason that it appropriately and promptly

implemented and enforced its existing anti-harassment and anti-

discrimination Policies by investigating all reported allegations by the Student

and Plaintiffs and, where appropriate, took corrective action by issuing

discipline intended to addressed and respond to the substantiated instances of

harassing or discriminatory comments or statements.

108. Defendants’ actions and omissions reflect their custom of tolerance or

acquiescence of a widespread policy, practice or custom of failing to adequately

respond to bullying, harassment, and assault based on race, as well as a policy of

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.89 Filed 06/28/22 Page 42 of 47

inadequate training or supervision, so as to safeguard the constitutionally protected

rights of Plaintiffs.

ANSWER: Denied.

109. As a result of Defendants’ conduct, Plaintiffs have been damaged,

including without limitation emotional pain and suffering.

ANSWER: The District lacks knowledge upon which to form a belief as

to the claimed injuries and, therefore, leaves Plaintiffs to their proofs.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request judgment against defendants as follows:


1. Compensatory, economic, and noneconomic damages in

whatever amount Plaintiffs are found to be entitled;

2. Exemplary damages in whatever amount Plaintiffs are found to

be entitled;

3. Punitive damages in whatever amount Plaintiffs are found to be


4. Liquidated damages in whatever amount Plaintiffs are found to

be entitled; and

5. An award of interest, costs and reasonable attorney fees.


1. An order from this Court placing Plaintiffs in the position they

would have been in had there been no wrongdoing by

2. An injunction out of this Court prohibiting any further acts of

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.90 Filed 06/28/22 Page 43 of 47


3. An award of interest, costs and reasonable attorney fees; and

4. Whatever other equitable relief appears appropriate at the time

of final judgment.



GILBERTSON, in his individual and official capacity, and KYLE WOOD, in his

individual and official capacity, respectfully request that the Court enter an order

of no cause of action as to all Defendants, together with costs and attorney fees so

wrongfully sustained

Dated: June 28, 2022 /s/ Travis Comstock

Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, PC
Timothy Mullins (P28021)
Travis Comstock (P72025)
Attorneys for Defendants
101 W. Big Beaver Rd., Tenth Floor
Troy, MI 48084-5280
Phone: (248) 457-7036
Fax: (248) 404-6311




his individual and official capacity, and KYLE WOOD, in his individual and

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.91 Filed 06/28/22 Page 44 of 47

official capacity, by and through their attorneys, GIARMARCO, MULLINS &

HORTON, P.C., state their Affirmative Defenses as follows:

1. Plaintiffs’ Complaint fails to set forth a claim or cause of action upon

which relief can be granted as prayed.

2. Defendants will show that at all times relevant hereto, they were

engaged in a governmental function acting within the scope of their authority and,

as such, are immune or are entitled to qualified immunity from suit for civil

damages as set forth in Plaintiffs’ Complaint.

3. Defendants will show that at all times relevant hereto, they acted

without malice, ill will and in good faith in the performance of their duties and, as

a result, are immune from suit and recovery by Plaintiffs in this case.

4. Defendants will that at all times the promptly and completely

investigated all reported allegations of racial harassment or discrimination and,

where appropriate following a full investigation, issued proper discipline to any

student determined to have harassed or discriminated.

5. Plaintiffs’ Complaint is conclusory in nature and fails to state a claim

and sufficient facts upon which relief can be granted, as required by the statutory

provisions relied upon in their Complaint.

6. Defendants will show that Plaintiffs have failed to prove any

deprivation of a State or Federal right, nor has Plaintiffs alleged or proven an act of

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.92 Filed 06/28/22 Page 45 of 47

deprivation taken under color of law sufficient to maintain an action based upon

Michigan statutes, including MCL §37.2101 et seq.

7. Defendants will show at the time of trial that they were guided by and

strictly observed all legal duties and obligations imposed by law or otherwise, and

further, that all actions of any of their agents, servants, employees or associates were

careful, prudent, proper and lawful.

8. Defendants will show and rely upon at the time of trial that Plaintiffs,

as a matter of law, are not entitled to exemplary or punitive damages.

9. Defendants will show and rely upon at the time of trial that they were

not subject to liability under the relevant statutes.

10. Defendants will show and rely upon at the time of trial that any

damages complained of were proximately caused by third persons not under the

control of Defendants.

11. This Court lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter of Plaintiffs’


12. Plaintiffs’ claims are barred by the expiration of the applicable Statute

of Limitations.

13. Defendants will show and rely upon at the time of trial that there was

no discriminatory and/or retaliatory intent.

14. Defendants will show and rely upon at the time of trial that at all times,

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.93 Filed 06/28/22 Page 46 of 47

they were acting in good faith for legitimate non-discriminatory business reasons.

15. Defendants reserve the right to amend their Answer, including

additional Affirmative Defenses, upon completion of investigation and discovery

of this cause.

/s/ Travis Comstock

Attorney for Defendants
DATED: June 28, 2022



and through their attorneys, GIARMARCO, MULLINS & HORTON, P.C., hereby

rely upon the jury demand previously filed by Plaintiff as to all issues of trial.

/s/ Travis Comstock

Attorney for Defendants
DATED: June 28, 2022

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12, PageID.94 Filed 06/28/22 Page 47 of 47


TRAVIS COMSTOCK states that on June 28, 2022, he did serve a copy of

the Answer to Complaint, Affirmative Defenses and Reliance Upon Jury Demand

via the United States District Court electronic transmission on the aforementioned


/s/ Travis Comstock

Attorney for Defendants
101 W. Big Beaver Road, 10th Floor
Troy, MI 48084-5280
(248) 457-7020
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-1, PageID.95 Filed 06/28/22 Page 1 of 2




Individually and as Next Friend for
C.M., a minor child, Case No: 22-cv-11126

Plaintiffs, Hon. David M. Lawson

v. Mag. Judge Curtis Ivy, Jr

DAN GILBERTSON, in his individual and official capacity,
and KYLE WOOD, in his individual and official capacity.


DEBORAH GORDON LAW Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, PC

Deborah L. Gordon (P27058) Timothy Mullins (P28021)
Elizabeth Marzotto Taylor (P82061) Travis Comstock (P72025)
Sarah Gordon Thomas (P83935) Attorneys for Defendants
Molly Savage (P84472) 101 W. Big Beaver Rd., Tenth Floor
Attorneys for Plaintiffs Troy, MI 48084-5280
33 Bloomfield Hills Parkway, Suite 220 Phone: (248) 457-7036
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 Fax: (248) 404-6311
(248) 258-2500

A. 19-1278 Malick 2018 police report
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-1, PageID.96 Filed 06/28/22 Page 2 of 2

B. Email 10-5-21
C. Board of Education November 15, 2021 Resolution
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-2, PageID.97 Filed 06/28/22 Page 1 of 2
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-2, PageID.98 Filed 06/28/22 Page 2 of 2
Incident No: 19-001278

Officer E. Wurmlinger #221


On listed date and time I was contacted by Principal Bethany Davis who requested me to respond to the middle
school to look at a video of two juvenile females that had a confrontation at lunch. The two females were
identified as C M and S D . Both girls are students at Croswell Lexington Middle School.


I was able to bring up the lunch room camera. It appears on the camera that the two females come into the lunch
room from the west door. C was in front of S . They both stop near a table and appear to be talking to
each other. S pushes C two separate times. C turns and walks away. Also, S pushed
another female student who stayed and talked to her. At that point all students walked away and the confrontation
was over it appeared.


On September 9th I received an email from the Principal Davis. She requested that I contact C parents. They
had called earlier and would like a return call. I contacted Mrs. Malick and spoke to her about the incident. She
said that she had heard that S D had assaulted another girl and wanted a paper trail in case something
else happens. I gave her the complaint number and advised her that I would do up a short report but it would not
be a detailed report because they were not wanting to prosecute.



Reported By:
Page 2 of 2 Printed By: SCHOEN, MELANIE JEAN Date: 06/24/2022
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-3, PageID.99 Filed 06/28/22 Page 1 of 3

Lisa Burns <>

Re: Clara Malick racism

3 messages

Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 12:51 PM


The phone has been a recurring issue. Regardless of whom she is texting, she is not allowed to have her phone out in class
and she did not get any work done. In the future if she is being harassed she will need inform myself or Mrs. Drake so we
can take care of the behavior immediately.

Ms. -
Cro~ Lexington High School
Mathematics Teacher

~ Sender notified by Mailtrack

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 12:34 PM rob malick <> wrote:

So she gets a detention for for texting me about kids wanting to burning her weave and telling her to pick cotton.
Perhaps, if you had control of you class, this would not have come to this

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 11 :57 AM wrote:

Okay, I will keep my eyes and ears open comments. This is the first I'm hearing of this issue in my

I do also want to inform you that I assigned<Ill a detention for her behavior in class yesterday. We were doing quiz
corrections and I made it very clear that if they were off task they would get a o and a detention. She was socializing
and on her phone even after multiple redirections to get on task, put her phone away, and complete the assignment. At
the end of class she still had not written any work down for the assignment.
The phone in particular has been a recurring issue with<Ill in my class, and she receives almost daily reminders
from either myself or Mrs. Drake to put it away.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns,

Ms. -
Cro~ Lexington High School
Mathematics Teacher

Sender notified by

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 11 :28 AM rob malick <> wrote:

We had a meeting with the principal and vp this morning. We aired everything out and it's probably going to get a bit
contentious for a bit. It's really hard to learn if you are always worried about who's going to say the next ignorant
thing. Actually she came home yesterday and said pre-algebra felt like she was in the middle of a klan rally with
• ~ (sp), 4111 ~ . callllll i=alllllll, ~ P I and .4111111. One of them actually told her she
needs 'to""go""l,ack to plantation and picksomecotton. ~ e r one said hTsgonna snach her weave and burn
it. 4th hour and lunch are rough for her
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-3, PageID.100 Filed 06/28/22 Page 2 of 3

Thank you for your understanding, Rob

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 11 :08 AM wrote:

Hi Rob,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I do strongly encourage her to inform a teacher/ administrator of any
racially charged language so we can take action against this behavior. I want my classroom and the school to be a
safe environment for everyone.

Thanks again for reaching out,

Ms. -
Cro~ exington High School
Mathematics Teacher

Sender notified by

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 8:33 AM rob malick <> wrote:

Good morning,
I hate to have to write this but c:11111 has been enduring a ton of racism in school so far this year. She catches
it a ton in your classroom and Mrs?5"rake helps shen she can. She hears it in the halls always daily and
sometimes hourly. I have instructed her that if she hears it, she will tell the student to stop and immediately find
witness's. Then she will get up out of her seat, notify you and probably walk down to the office. I've already
contacted the principal, vp and superintendent. We've been going down this road for 3 years so now I am
reaching out to the teachers. Thank you for your time and she truly enjoys your class



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This email is intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Please delete this message if you have received it in error.


rob malick <> Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 1 :02 PM

To: Lisa Burns <>

---------- Forwarded message -------

From: rob malick <>
Date: Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 12:58 PM
Subject: Re:

She handled it once and apparently not for good. So what I'm hearing is that if the boys want to have a full blown racist
fest in your class and my daughter the victim gets in trouble. Good talk, I'll forward this on to the administration I just got
out of a meeting with Mr Wood and Mrs Burns about your class.
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-3, PageID.101 Filed 06/28/22 Page 3 of 3
[Quoted text hidden)


Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 1 :41 PM



I wrote the detention before I was aware of the situation with the racist comments. If the perpetrators of the racist behavior
make any fmther comments it will be documented and they will have consequences.

Ms. -
Cro~ Lexington High School
Mathematics Teacher

~ Sender notified by Mailtrack

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 12:58 PM rob malick <> wrote:

She handled it once and apparently not for good. So what I'm hearing is that if the boys want to have a full blown racist
fest in your class and my daughter the victim gets in trouble. Good talk, I'll forward this on to the administration I just got
out of a meeting with Mr Wood and Mrs Burns about your class.


On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 12:52 PM

[Quoted text hidden]

Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-4, PageID.102 Filed 06/28/22 Page 1 of 2



A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Croswell-Lexington Community

Schools, County of Sanilac, State of Michigan (the "School District") was held at the School
District, on November 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., local time.

PRESENT: 6 Members: Russell Nowiski, Amie Stillson, Dennis Gardner,

Nathan Butler, Mike Noll, Katie Gordon

ABSENT: 1 Members: _J_o_e_V_it_a_l_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

The following preamble and resolution were offered by -'-S_t1_·1_1--'s-'o_n_ _ _ _ _ _ and
supported by Nowiski

WHEREAS, the Croswell-Lexington Community Schools Board of Education

unequivocally stands against all forms of unlawful discrimination, including but not limited to
discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, height, weight and marital status;

WHEREAS , the Board of Education has previously adopted a nondiscrimination policy,

Policy Number 2450, in which the Board of Education has reaffirmed commitment to compliance
with the anti-discrimination laws at the Federal and State level;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education finds that unlawful discrimination, left unaddressed,
creates a host of deleterious effects that deprive students of equal access to education and poison
the community; and

WHEREAS, Croswell-Lexington Community Schools is committed to providing

education to its students in an environment free of the toxic effects of unlawful discrimination.



1. The Croswell-Lexington Community Schools Board of Education unequivocally

stands against racism, and all forms of unlawful discrimination.

2. The Board of Education denounces and has prohibited any unlawful discriminatory
conduct, including any retaliation for the reporting of unlawful discriminatory
conduct, by any Croswell-Lexington stakeholder, including all students, volunteers,
staff, administration, contractors and members of the Board of Education.

3. The Board of Education hereby re-iterates and republishes its Policy Number 2450,
Case 2:22-cv-11126-DML-CI ECF No. 12-4, PageID.103 Filed 06/28/22 Page 2 of 2

4. Any instance of unlawful discriminatory conduct appropriately reported, or

otherwise coming to the attention of personnel who are empowered to address
same, that is found to have occuned, or retaliation based on repo1ting of unlawful
discriminatory conduct, shall be dealt with in the appropriate manner, after
appropriate investigation, and the aim of addressing such conduct shall be to make
the conduct cease, appropriately remediate any deleterious impact of the conduct,
and educate any transgressor and, by extension, the community at large, that
unlawful discriminatory conduct is illegal and harmful.

5. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions
of this Resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded.

Ayes: Stillson, Noll, Butler, Gardner, Nowiski, Gordon



Dennis GardUr
Acting Secretary, Board of Education

The undersigned duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Board of Education of the
Croswell-Lexington Community Schools, County of Sanilac, State of Michigan, hereby certifies
that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board at a regular
meeting held on November 15, 2021, the original of which is a part of the Board's minutes and
further certifies that notice of the meeting was given to the public pursuant to the provisions of the
Open Meetings Act, Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended.

Dennis GardUr
Acting Secretary, Board of Education

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