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Name: Jowell Leshner C.

Navarro Date: January 15, 2021

Instructor: Larry Esprela Salarza Section: I15.1


“The best creator next to God are Civil Engineers!” as a Civil Engineering student I
need to develop and gain more knowledge about civil engineering works. Highway and
Railroad Engineering is one of the most important subjects in the course. Design and
construction practices related to Highway Engineering are covered in this course, including
geometric design of roadways, pavements, and pavement surfaces, drainage structures,
incidental highway construction, at-grade intersections and grade separation structures, as
well as bridge related topics. In addition, the course will provide an overview of railway
engineering and infrastructure, as well as their social and environmental implications.
Alignment, track geometry, superstructure and substructure components, switches, railway
planning and capacity, electrotechnical installations (power supply and signaling control
system), as well as railway operation and maintenance will all be covered in this course.

Highways and railroads will be one of our prospective as a future civil engineer. Our
economy is largely dependent on the highways. Transporting commodities and materials for
exchange is aided by the use of roads. It's also used for people's transportation. To understand
how to create and maintain our roadways for the benefit of both the economy and the
community, we must first learn about highways and railroads.

Roads have been very important in the development and sustainability of our
societies. Highways and Railroads dominate the transportation system as they provide critical
access for the movement of goods and people. Logistics for goods, natural resources,
production, retail, marketing and the movement of people in their daily activities. Highways
and Railroads have played important role in the economic growth. In many countries like our
country the Philippines, huge investments on highway transportation infrastructure have been
happening. Highways and railroads help everyone, which is why we must study them in order
to create and maintain our roadways for the economy and community's benefit.

Roadways is constantly progressing as time passes. Inventions and new approaches

are developed to reduce the amount of work and make our lives easier. Back at the time,
roads are just simply pathway of soil, no pavement or cement. A rapid change in weather, as
well as storms and rainfall, can easily cause it to break. Today roads are composed of
pavements that are resistant to storms, rain, and other weather conditions. For better
infrastructure, the materials used to build our roadways and trains are being altered. For
various types of road surfaces, several types of cements are employed. Engineers combine
new combinations to make roads that are more durable and safer for the public to use.

Roadways is very important were every country around the world having a
continuous construction of it. Here in our country Philippines, Build Build Build Program is
implemented by the current administration together with the help of Department of Public
Works and Highways (DPWH) and Department of Transportation (DOTr). It is ambitious
infrastructure development plan that is composed of thousands of projects to be implemented
all over the country. The program has been progressing and a lot has been done and is

Together with the progression of roadways is also the evolution of transportation.

One of the most intriguing evolutions for me is the integrated, frictionless travel. It is the
necessity to make travel smoother and more hassle-free is mostly manifested through the rise
of mobility-as-a-service (MaaS). Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is transportation that you can
buy but do not have to own. For example, you can pay an Uber car to pick you up, but you
do not own that car. Or you can pay for a city bike to travel around the city, but you do not
own the bike. In each case, you pay for the transportation. Public buses, taxis, subways, high-
speed rail, and airplanes are already forms of MaaS. MaaS is already becoming popular
around the world from the US, Europe, Japan, Korea, to China. MaaS may decrease how
many people own cars. This is already the case in China, where more than half of the
population do not have cars, they just do not need it. Lastly, MaaS can decrease traffic.
Transportation planners are increasingly aware of the need to make travel smoother, with
fewer stops and checkpoints. This trend is presenting itself in a variety of ways, including
multimodal transportation hubs, the emergence of mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), ticketless
travel platforms, and micromobility and last-mile connections advances.

Today a lot of engineers, scientists, and especially the countries pursuing Greener
Technologies. Managers and employees in the transportation industry are responsible for
adopting environmentally friendly technologies and methods. In the last few years,
manufacturers and others in the transportation goods industry have made significant progress.
The quest of green technology is now more important than ever thanks to consumer
expectations and government pressures. It's a concept that all transportation planners should
adopt. This could involve employing electric or hybrid vehicles, minimizing superfluous
weight, or having more control and knowledge when planning routes. In the long run, the
logistical improvements benefit the company financially while also improving brand
reputations, which are aspects that all business owners desire. Importantly, transportation has
a major impact on the environment, thus it's a large movement.

One of the greatest inventions today are the electric and hybrid vehicles. Tesla is one
of the companies who is known in producing this kind of vehicles and technologies. Tesla
cars produces self-driving vehicles which is also powered by electricity. Because these cars
do not need fuel, they are also environmentally friendly. In order to work successfully on
crowded urban highways, self-driving car technology, which is still in the process of being
finalized, must overcome various difficulties, such as improved unmanned software.
However, this is one of the transportation trends for the future. in preparation for future
technological advancements in the business, transportation companies will need to begin
providing trucks with self-navigating management systems that can be taught from real

There are a lot of things to manage and watch in the transportation industry. We need
to use, maintain, and fix our highways and railroads appropriately, which is why there are
several sectors and authorities that will acknowledge the various problems. In our country,
there are various transportation authorities that oversee various sectors and issues relating to
transportation, roadways, and railroads.

Land Transportation Office (LTO) is one of the sectors oversee issues relating to
transportation, roadways, and railroads. The concept of land transportation system in the
Philippines started when our ancestors invented the means of locomotion with the animals in
moving people and goods from place to place. Though their means of land transportation
were not as sophisticated as today's modern vehicles and roads were not as well constructed,
the early Filipinos followed some laws to govern their mobility. These laws were as informal
and simple as specifying which animal could be used for specific purposes, but they showed
that our forefathers had already felt the need to regulate the transportation system. These laws
were as informal and simple as specifying which animal could be used for specific purposes.
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) is a sectoral agency of the
Department of Transportation (DOTr) which is mandated under the law to regulate land-
based public transportation, and to safeguard the welfare and interests of the commuting

Highways benefit people in many ways, including reducing travel time for residents,
employees, students, health care providers, tourist attractions, and market places. Highways
are very helpful and essential towards attaining development and Globalization. With this
road transport is most suited for transporting goods and people to and from remote places.
Only road mobility allows items to be exchanged between large cities and small
communities. While by no means unique to the Philippines in concept, the vastness and
regional disparities in the country meant such a system had a uniquely powerful impact.
Technology is changing the world of transportation, and not only in regards to vehicles.
Transportation industry professionals must pay attention to the significance that big data,
location intelligence, and other tech features are sure to play. When embracing those items,
transportation planners are sure to enjoy a positive year.

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