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02Whatart the main principlos of he

he haaih prihciplos_df health Care ac
Lombun atîon.
3 What ave fhe mahcOmpahents dthealfh=
Cant 9
T h e main Companen ts dE heath.cave ae
Tbe ihdividual p.atient he care team
Which inclu.des protessidhal carepYovicders,
he Oahisanon amd the econ omd

Q4 What is the diferch.ce betweendutpahienht

and ihpatient medica care
npahent Cae startswith admission
to the hospital for medica eatmen
Once discharge.d hwm haspital by docor,
the paient become an aut patient
Q5 What is the clinica dis p
pa tien ts 2 enserisation o
Abaut clihicad research stualie5to
recrumen t status
Q6) Care df he paients and its
are of Patients Stands as neaning
an independent
discipline and ensure that the paient
15Kept happy _Camtartable with
their well be ing Ih_mind,pa tient_care
JS bath gener Specihic
Generalcarë implies _Caryinz out inedical
pocedures Of he chaa r of paricula
SpecidV caseequire_canyhjseas
ut proced ure
hat qe Specihic for a given se.

Rha are the maih_pnheiples o t hucelical

ehicsand deontulos9
Medical ethics beníti ialiesauto nam
and g ties as hey velate to Confict
such as euthansia
Siapaient Canbeleh-
iqlit ihfar mecd Cohseht and Conflte t
0f ihterest ik heal Hh Care.
Deantolagis a set of rules,which govethhs
a mmpero the medica pyofes5 ich
Lin the exertise_df his plofsssicnal du hes.
Q What +s he principle df callegialib
ih Yelatinship betveen medi a persomnel
Frincips df collegiality in he relahonship
between medico p'ers.Cne.J_ pravides a
Hamewcrk h_which prfessiohalS arc
enpeced tobald eadh ather acaun
fo Hae care table
brat_is 9iven.f a r
its canruence uith cal and
pa tional slandards

9 9) Wha is he p.rincip wh Subardina hon

b he ela non shmp etween ned+ cal_
trsohels 9.
A Nurse ih haspitul are subar di hate
posi tioan maindy they act aS a asSistants
to phys ician S, U creaing a sence
hie larhy.

Qlo wnatis the principA of medico secteey 9

The pnhaiple df medical Secre cy isd
cOncep of doctors main taihihg all he
informahon teceived duhing the cauSe
of thepa hen trea tmen
Qu) Wha t_iS Jabogenic disease 2
Jatyogenic disease induced by a
dugpreschbed by a phusicia'n.
Ateraamedical or suicaprodcedurt,
Ihcludihg ihten hianal OVerddsetor example-
Chena herapy effects as hair ls5
ynphedema etc

d_meclical cror tence
Ameatca erar 1s a pre vCh table
adVers e_ehfecT_dó care,whe her -iF 1S
evidentOr hakinf to he patient
O13 hat is the inpor tance of cam pliance
wih nedical ehica standards when
deading uith_paien ts elatves
EhicEhic com muniTcandn Suppartsts_and -
0dvances he pahent gadls 0f
ease while in attennin to Communcate
ma cauS Confusion , Cahflicts

014whatis me Stucture d therq peuic

he thelapeutiedepartment df the
0-P-C ihclud a wido rung atdiaghostic,
heapeuic and Suppor iveachviis
ohd Services f r adults, familits
Q15 Name he nedical personnewho
Supportthe work afhe herapeutic
cdepartmen t.
Dactors Residents,interns,licensed
practicsnurses registeredlnurses
pahent case ctechhi cianS,
Q1k) Wha arethe fun.chon o resp.onsibilnes
df he Seniar meolical_persahh,ed
he theapy depar
artheht 2
Doctor tor assless nanasyaur
medical featment allie health
prdfes sianals pravido services
Q7 What are the functiana respmSii
_Ot he hursing_persnn e df_the_
herqpestic ddpar theht 2
funchana responsibility df he nuSing
pers ahne is to advd'cate ahd ca re
for ihdividugls and Supparts hem
thYuh health and illhess

Q What are the funchonal vespans iblies of

the nurs e ass tahts otherqpeutc departneht
h e func honal esphsibilities f the
nurse_aS5istahts is to ecard healt
related ihfor matian of a patient
shif hng her/him to a_room, aiding
ih_ persanned care acivihes, ensving
bas1CComtortS for stay h torming
the nursing Staff ahat thecalditns
dfhepaien1cleahing the cquipm.ent.

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