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Importance of Appraisal system to Organization: Performance appraisal system is used in the
organizations to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of their employees. Performance Appraisal system is
needed because every employee has a different attitude to handle the work. Performance Appraisal tends to
improve the work performance, communication expectations, determining employee potential and aiding employee
counseling. In this paper we present the review of some popular performance appraisal techniques along with their
pros and cons. Ranking, Graphic Rating Scale, Critical Incident, Narrative Essays, Management By Objectives,
Assessment Centers, BARS, 360 Degree and 720 Degree are some performance appraisal techniques.
Performance appraisal has been synonymous with performance review, performance evaluation,
performance assessment, performance measurement, employee evaluation, personnel review, staff
assessment, service rating, etc. The development of performance appraisal has four distinct phases. It is
called TEAM (Technical, Extended, Appraisal and Maintenance)approach.
Performance Appraisal is reviewing past performance, rewarding past performance, goal setting for future
performance and employee development. Employee’s appraisal system may be considered one of the
indicators of the quality of Human Resource Management in an organization. Properly designed and
realized process of employees‟ appraisal is not only the necessary basis of successful employee
performance management, but also provides valuable information for other human resource management
functions. Performance Appraisal is important because it helps in Performance Feedback, Employee
Training and Development Decisions, Validation of Selection process, Promotions & Transfers, Layoff
Decisions, Compensation Decisions, Human Resource Planning (HRP), Career Development and Develop
Interpersonal Relationship. Some techniques that were used in the past are not use during present time,
like ranking, critical incident, narrative essays. In all the way of work time, many of new advance roads have
been suggested for performance appraisal technique like MBO, Assessment Centers, BARS, Human
Resource Accounting, 180 Degree and 320 Degree.
Techniques to be used for Performance Appraisal duly approved by Management at Babson’s:
1. 360 Degree Appraisal Technique
2. 180 Degree Appraisal Technique
3. BARS Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale Appraisal Technique
4. Human Resource Counting System.
5. Flat Rate basis Appraisal System
Brief About above Techniques:
1. 360 Degree Technique For Performance Appraisal:

It is a popular performance appraisal technique that involves evaluation input from multiple levels
within the firm as well as external sources.360 Degree feedback relies on the input of an employee’s
superior, colleagues, subordinates, sometimes customers, suppliers and/or spouses. It provides people
with information about the effect of their action on others in the workplace. It provides a notion of
behavioral change might be elicited through a process of enhanced self-awareness.

2. 180 Degree Technique For Performance Appraisal:

It is another popular performance appraisal technique and covers the important aspect of employee
feedback excludes the external elements for measuring the employee performance, it also involves
evaluation input from multiple levels within the firm sources at 180 Degree. Its feedback relies on the
input of an employee’s superior, colleagues and subordinates, It provides people with information
about the effect of their action on others in the workplace. It provides a notion of behavioral change
might be elicited through a process of enhanced self-awareness.

3. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) Method of Performance Appraisal:

Behavioral anchor scales are more informative than simple numbers. Behaviorally anchored
performance dimensions can be operationally and conceptually can be distinguished from one
another. Rater will act as observer not the judge. BARS help rater focus on specific desirable and
undesirable incidents of work behavior which can serve as examples in discussing a rating. BARS
use behavioral statements or concrete examples to illustrate multiple levels of performance for each
element of performance.

4. Human Resource Counting System:

The concept of human resource accounting is mainly focused as per the concept that the people are
valuable resources of an organization or enterprise, information on investment and value of human
resource is useful for decision making in the organization and suggest the concept of human resource
costing and accounting (HRCA). Another concept of human resource accounting is human resource
value accounting (HRVA). Basic tool for evaluation in this method is assessment centers which
involves basket
exercises, group discussions, simulations of interviews with “subordinates” or “clients”, fact finding
exercises, analysis/decision making problems, oral presentation
exercises, written communication exercises and appraisal is performed as per the real time
performance of employee.
5. Flat Rate basis Appraisal System

This is another appraisal technique used by organizations in different situations such as revision/
reforming of salaries scales considering grades, designations and departments. It is also applicable in
case of minimum wages revision by Government.
With concern to Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College& Hospital, The Management approach is to get the
best technique of Performance Appraisal applied in the organization aiming that the employees get the
correct increment as the deserves best along with MOTIVATION to perform better than best.
Employee Eligibility for being part of Appraisal System:
As per HRD policy Annual performance Appraisal will be performed in the month of JULY of each
Financial Year and any employee who have completed at least six months or his probation period
with organization is eligible for increment. This is in consideration that the employee must complete
six months tenure prior to the time of annual Appraisal.

Prepared By: Approved By:

BHMC/HRD/POLICY/P.A./MISC./2017-18 Date: 01/06/2017


Employee Performance Appraisal for the Financial Year
During the year 2017-18 the Employee Annual Performance Appraisal is to be done through 180 degree technique of
performance appraisal.

1. As per this technique of performance appraisal the feedback of employee will be taken from his superior,
colleagues and subordinates, which will be taken through a Questionnaire to be filled by his
Reporting head after proper investigation of employee behavior with its seniors and colleagues and
subordinates, simultaneously it will also provide feedback about work performance and discipline
level of employee. It will also provide information about the effect of their action on others in the
workplace. It provides a notion of behavioral change might be elicited through a process of enhanced
2. A separate Questionnaire will also be filled by HRD department based on Employee Behavior, Work
Attitude, Discipline, Physical Appearance (In terms of Cleanliness and Hygiene) and worthiness in
3. Format of the Questionnaire : A) Feedback form of Reporting Head / Department Head will be consisting of
total 13 multiple option Questions related to Employee Behavior, Attitude, Discipline and Dedication at work
premises. Out of these 13 questions 9 questions will be of Four options A, B, C, D and 4 will be of two options.
A remark will also be required from Reporting Head / Department Head.

B) Feedback form of Reporting Head / Department Head will be consisting of total 10 multiple option
Questions related to Employee Behavior, Attitude, Discipline and loyalty in organization. Out of these 13
questions 3 questions will be of Four options A, B, C, D and 6 will be of two options. In remark from HRD the
net increment being awarded to employee will be mentioned.

4. Questions will be marked in following pattern:

a) Multiple Option Questions with Four Options will be marked as 4marks to highest positive answer and
will marked in descending order as 1 mark to lease positive option.
b) Questions with two options will be marked as 4 Marks for positive answer and 2 marks for other one.
c) Remark of HOD will stand for 14 marks as per remark provided.
d) Combine total of both questionnaires will 100 marks as maximum out of which Feedback of HOD/
Reporting Head will be of maximum 66 marks and Feedback of HR will be of maximum of 34 marks.
Employee Appraisal ratio will be decided as per following parameters:
S.No. Marks Secured Percentage Annual Increment to be Awarded
1 85 to 100 Marks 9% to 10%
2 71 to 84 Marks 7% to 8%
3 50 to 70 Marks 5% to 6%
4 Below Fifty Marks 4% Constant

Above technique is duly approved by Management to be implemented for calculating Annual Appraisal of

Prepared By: Approved By:


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