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(Iwasaki) Kuuga [Buy: 21/7] [Hide: 13/-1] [Attack: S+4] [Parry: 1] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 14] [Slot: One Hand]
- A knife that contains a wire mechanism. Can be Thrown with [Range: Short], and is
not lost after being thrown. Its name means "Sky Fang."

(Holy Mother's Guard) Undertaker [Buy: -/12] [Hide: 11/0] [Attack: S+5(6)] [Parry: 1]
[Range: Close] [Hack: 16] [Slot: One Hand]
- A short sword around which holy symbols are inscribed with trapped light. When
inflicting a Wound on an Ayakashi, the Wound Mod becomes the listed number. Can be
Thrown with [Range: Short].

(Excaliber) Rapier [Buy: 17/5] [Hide: 8/-1] [Attack: P+4] [Parry: 1] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 14] [Slot: One Hand]
- A slender rapier that skewers opponents. The style of the blade and guard can be
customized when making the purchase, and various ornaments are available.

(Excalibur) Caelus Blade [Buy: 20/8] [Hide: 5/-2] [Attack: S+6] [Parry: 3] [Range:
Close] [Hack: -] [Slot: One Hand]
- A long sword in the classical Western style. Since it is not cyberized, it is quite
difficult to fight with, and most people who own one only have it as a fashion
The name is more literally "Sun King Sword."
(Temple of All Origins) Elemental Sword [Buy: -/8] [Hide: 10/-1] [Attack: S+5(8)]
[Parry: 1] [Range: Close] [Hack: 18] [Slot: One Hand]
- A long sword that can be charged with Origin Power to increase its cutting ability.
When used in an Attack Combo that also includes an Origin Power, the Wound Mod
becomes the listed number.

(Excalibur) Outrage [Buy: -/30] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: S+13] [Parry: 4] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 16] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A huge two-handed weapon far too big to be called a sword (and to be wielded by
the average person.) Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough; indeed, it was a heap of
raw iron. Kabuto, Katana and Chakra Only.

(Masakuni) Fuujintou [Buy: 24/10] [Hide: 5/-2] [Attack: S+7] [Parry: 2] [Range: Close]
[Hack: -] [Slot: One Hand]
- A Japanese-style katana forged using Masakuni's latest techniques. Patterns akin to
those of the finest Damascus steel are visible upon the blade, improving its
sturdiness and cutting power. The name means "Wind God Sword."
(Masakuni) Raijintou [Buy:-/40] [Hide: 5/-2] [Attack: S+10] [Parry: 4] [Range: Close]
[Hack: -] [Slot: One Hand]
- A katana as swift and sharp as lightning. When you make an attack using this
weapon, you gain a bonus of +[Your <Melee> Skill's SL] (max 5) to the result. Katana
Only. The name means "Thunder God Sword."

(Manku) Xiaolong [Buy: 18/5] [Hide: 10/-1] [Attack: S+5] [Parry: 1] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: One Hand]
- A short spear that can be used as a throwing weapon. Can be Thrown with [Range:

(Wako) Rock You [Buy: 23/12] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: S+5] [Parry: 1] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 18] [Slot: One Hand]
- A piledriver designed to take advantage of your existing momentum. When you are
riding a Vehicle, this weapon's Attack Mod changes to [Attack: P+8].

(Black Dragon) Cross Letter [Buy: 19/7] [Hide: -(11)/0] [Attack: S+4] [Parry: 1]
[Range: Close~Short] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A folding spear that can be easily stowed away. It requires a Minor Action in order
to unfold (you can equip it at the same time.) The second number for the Hide Rating
applies only when folded.

(Manku) Eikon [Buy: 21/8] [Hide: 8/-1] [Attack: I+5] [Parry: 3] [Range: Close~Short]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A cane made of a special alloy. It also makes it easier to walk, and is favored by
many for self-defense. Stun Attack Capable.

(Yamato) Koufu [Buy: 25/15] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: S+8] [Parry: 4] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 13] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A solid, two-handed battle axe. Its integrated auto-balancer allows it to be wielded
without much difficulty despite its weight. Its name means "Roaring Axe."

(Yamato) Magatsuki [Buy: 21/10] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: S+8] [Parry: 2] [Range: Short]
[Hack: 17] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A war scythe with a long handle and large blade. Though it is not easy to use, there
are a few who favor its intimidating appearance.

(Manku) Gan Dao [Buy: -/20] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: S+8] [Parry: 2] [Range:
Close~Short] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A pole weapon with a curved blade at the end of a long handle. It has unusual reach
for a melee weapon, while still being light and agile enough to fight with in close
quarters. It's also known as the "Blue Dragon Scimitar."
(Iwasaki) 13 Juliet [Buy: 22/14] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: S+1(9)] [Parry: 1] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: Both Hands]
- A chainsaw. With a Minor Action during Cut Progression, (ATK) changes to
bracketed number. This effect lasts until the end of the scene.

(Raiden) Diamante [Buy: -/30] [Hide: -/0] [Attack: I+3] [Parry: 8] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 18] [Slot: One Hand]
- A made-to-order shield toned specifically to each wearer. It's manufactured with
special materials and techniques available only on the orbitals, giving it ultra-high
defensive power. Kabuto Only.

(Manku) Adamanclaw❈ [Buy: 23/14] [Hide: 15/0] [Attack: S+6] [Parry: 4] [Range:
Close] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Gauntlet]
- A gauntlet for hand-to-hand combat. It contains sharp cyberclaws made of a special
alloy. Can be equipped with an Auto Action.

(GEAR) Rex❈ [Buy: 15/6] [Hide: 21/0] [Attack: S+4] [Parry: 2] [Range: Close] [Hack:
18] [Slot: Mouth]
- Fangs made of a special alloy. Although normally they look like normal teeth, when
necessary they can be used as an effective weapon. Can be equipped with an Auto

(ACE) Tongue Snake❈ [Buy: 16/7] [Hide: 17/0] [Attack: P+3] [Parry: -] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 16] [Slot: Mouth]
- A cybersnake that is normally hidden inside your throat, but can be shot out from
your mouth to catch enemies by surprise. Can be equipped with an Auto Action.

(Iwasaki) Shiden [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 14/-1] [Attack: X+7] [Parry: -] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 16] [Slot: One Hand]
A blade of light made with laser technology. It can be turned off, allowing one to
carry it around safely as just the handle. Because of its ability to pierce through
most known armor, it is a popular weapon among covert operatives.

(Lutetia) Extella [Buy: -/80] [Hide: 5/-1] [Attack: S+10] [Parry: 4] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 20] [Slot: One Hand]
An ultra high-spec sword with an AI installed into it. Once per Act, when you declare
a <Melee> check using this sword you may do so without expending AR. Not usable by
(Iwasaki) Ayahi [Buy: 3/1] [Hide: 18/0] [Attack: P+1] [Parry: -] [Range: Short] [Hack:
-] [Slot: One Hand]
- An assassin's weapon disguised as a tube of lipstick or mascara, or an equally tiny
object. If used, the remaining ammo becomes 0. The name means "Vivid Flame".

(Temple of All Origins) Elemental Gun [Buy: -/7] [Hide: 10/-1] [Attack: P+4(7)] [Parry:
-] [Range: Short] [Hack: -] [Slot: One Hand]
- A revolver that can fire bullets shaped from your Origin Power. When used in an
Attack Combo that also includes an Origin Power, the Wound Mod becomes the listed

(Raiden) Hedgehog [Buy: 25/9] [Hide: 15/0] [Attack: S+5] [Parry: -] [Range: Short]
[Hack: 14] [Slot: One Hand]
- A small and highly portable needle gun favored by assassins. [Slot: Special Ammo]
cannot be used with this weapon.

(Chihaya) Night Raider [Buy: 28/15] [Hide: 10/-1] [Attack: P+6] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short] [Hack: 18] [Slot: One Hand]
- A handgun developed for use by special forces. This weapon can equip up to one
Special Ammo and two other Weapon Options.

(Gouseiki) Calamity [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 8/-1] [Attack: P+5] [Parry: -] [Range: Short]
[Hack: 16] [Slot: One Hand]
- A powerful automatic piatol whose bullets can split even the toughest alloys. If an
attack from this weapon is Parried, the weapon used to make the Parry becomes

(Chihaya) Fracture [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 6/-1] [Attack: P+12] [Parry: -] [Range: Short]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: One Hand]
- A massive single-shot pistol. Attacks from this weapon are [Target: Single*]. If
used, the remaining ammo becomes 0.

(Fujita Cyberguard) Executor [Buy: -/40] [Hide: 9/0] [Attack: Refer] [Parry: -]
[Range: Short~Medium] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A pistol so huge it requires both hands to wield, made for taking down criminals. The
Attack Mod of this weapon is [P+(The rating of the most severe Social Wound the
target has/2)+5] (round down, max 15.) Inu Only.

(B&S) Sweeper [Buy: 10/4] [Hide: 8/-2] [Attack: P+5] [Parry: -] [Range: Short] [Hack:
10] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A cheap submachine gun. Due to its lethality, it's favored by many Leggers. Full
Auto Capable, FA1.
(Raiden) Rolling20 [Buy: 17/8] [Hide: 5/-2] [Attack: P+5] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Medium] [Hack: -] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A vintage machine gun made before the Hazards. It is not cyberized. Full Auto
Capable, FA3.

(Triumph) Buzzsaw [Buy: -/20] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: P+9] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Long] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A miniature version of a heavy machine gun designed to be mounted. It puts out a
hail of bullets and makes a huge racket. When equipped, your CS decreases by -2. Full
Auto Capable, FA3.

(Triumph) Titan Breaker [Buy: 31/20] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: P+11] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Long] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A large caliber anti-materiel rifle. When equipped, you cannot move or make Dodge

(Iwasaki) Kouha [Buy: 15/7] [Hide: 8/-2] [Attack: I+10] [Parry: -] [Range:
Medium~Long] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A single-use rocket launcher primarily for anti-vehicular use. This Weapon can only
be used to attack 1 time per Act. The name means "Armor Breaker."

(Chihaya) Crash Storm [Buy: 28/10] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: I+8] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A large-gauge automatic shotgun. Attacks with this weapon are [Target: Area]. You
cannot equip [Class: Special Ammo]. Full Auto Capable, FA2.

(Masakuni) Tametomo [Buy: 22/13] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: P+6] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Medium (Long)] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A powerful and accurate bow named after a legendary archer. With a Minor Action
during Cut Progression, the maximum [Range] changes to Long until the end of your
Main Process.

(Unknown) Bladebow [Buy: -/20] [Hide: -/-1] [Attack: Refer] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Medium] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Two Hands]
- A special bow that uses a Melee Weapon as its arrow. The Attack Mod is that of
the weapon used as ammunition. After each attack is made, the weapon used as
ammunition is lost.

(ACE) Will Launcher❈ [Buy: 21/10] [Hide: 16/0] [Attack: P+5] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Medium] [Hack: 17] [Slot: One Arm]
- A cybergun powered by its wielder's force of will. Wounds inflicted by this weapon
receive a bonus to their Rating equal to [Your <Will> SL] (max 5.) You cannot equip
[Class: Special Ammo]. Equippable as an Auto Action.

(Black Dragon) Intruder❈ [Buy: 20/9] [Hide: 15/0] [Attack: P+7] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Long] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Two Arms]
- A sniper rifle built into both your arms; at the time you use it, your arms are joined
together into one. Equippable as an Auto Action.
(All) Cyberwear Conversion❈ [Buy: -/2] [Hide: 13/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: 13] [Slot: Weapon]
- If equipped on a [Slot: One Hand] weapon, it becomes [Slot: One Arm] and [Hack:
13]. In addition, its Appearance Mod increases by +1 (max 0) and it can be equipped as
an Auto Action.

(All) Cyberize [Buy: 10/5] [Hide: 16/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -] [Hack: 16]
[Slot: Weapon]
- An option to cyberize a wholly inert or mechanical weapon. If equipped on a [Hack: -]
weapon, it becomes [Hack: 16].

(Holy Mother's Guard) Blessed Weapon [Buy: 20/9] [Hide: 12/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -]
[Range: -] [Hack: -] [Slot: Weapon]
- Your weapon has been blessed in a holy ritual. When it inflicts a wound upon anyone
with the Ayakashi Style, the Wound Rating receives a bonus of +2.

(All) Mounted Armament [Buy: -/20] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: -] [Slot: Weapon]
- Your weapon has been scaled up for use aa a mounted weapon. Its Hide becomes [-/-
4], its Wound Mod increases by +2, and it becomes [Slot: Vehicle] and is treated as a
Vehicular Weapon.

(Chihaya) Optical Camo [Buy: -/20] [Hide: -/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -] [Hack:
21] [Slot: Weapon]
- Your weapon is equipped with optical camouflage. Dodge Checks made against
attacks from it receive a penalty of -2. Kage Only.

(Unknown) Cursed Weapon [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 13/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: -] [Slot: Weapon]
- Your weapon is cursed. It gets a bonus of +3 to its Wound Mod, but every time an
attack is made with it, its wielder receives [BS: Weakness.]

(Unknown) Sealed Weapon [Buy: -/50] [Hide: 17/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: -] [Slot: Weapon]
- Your weapon is under a seal and can only be used in times of the greatest need. It
gets a bonus of +6 to its Wound Mod, but can only be used during the Climax Phase.

(All) Smart Arm [Buy: 10/5] [Hide: -/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -] [Hack: 16]
[Slot: Weapon (Vehicular)]
- An option that greatly increases the finesse of a vehicular weapon. The weapon on
which this is equipped can be used with Style Skills that require the use of a Ranged
(BIOS) Anti-Mutant Ammo [Buy: 15/3] [Hide: 14/-1] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: Special Ammo]
- Ammunition made to combat the physiology of Hiruko. When it inflicts a wound upon
anyone with the Hiruko Style, the Wound Rating receives a bonus of +2.

(Hirasaka) Astral Bane [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 15/-1] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: -] [Slot: Special Ammo]
- Ammunition that reacts to the powers of magicians and eldritch beings. When it
inflicts a wound upon anyone with the Vasara or Mayakashi Styles, the Wound Rating
receives a bonus of +5.

(Unknown) Rest In Peace [Buy: -/130] [Hide: 18/0] [Attack: -] [Parry: -] [Range: -]
[Hack: 21] [Slot: Special Ammo]
A golden bullet loaded with nano-machines specially designed for assassination. If a
wound is dealt with a weapon using this bullet, and that wound is not healed before
the end of the Act, the character becomes [Dead].
(Chihaya) Press Up [Buy: 20/8] [Hide: 16/0] [Armor (S/P/I): 1/0/1] [Control: 0]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: Under]
- Skintight underwear that supports parts of the body for maximum performance.
While wearing it, you gain +1 to your Life Control.

(Saki Nichiya) Mailed Fairy [Buy: 18/8] [Hide: 14/0] [Armor (S/P/I): 3/2/5] [Control:
0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Suit]
- A fashionable party dress that can be ordered in any color or pattern desired.
Despite its innocuous appesrance, it's bulletproof and heavily armored.

(Chihaya) Matborn [Buy: -/17] [Hide: 17/0] [Armor (S/P/I): 3/5/7] [Control: 0]
[Hack: 20] [Slot: Suit]
- A bulletproof suit with muscle reinforcement capabilities created specifically for
covert ops. While wearing it, you gain +1 to the result of <Athletics> Checks.

(Unknown) Robe of the Glittering Stars [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 10/0] [Armor (S/P/I):
3/3/5] [Control: -1] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Suit]
- A robe woven of a special fabric that unleashes the power hidden within your body.
When you acquire this item, choose Physical or Mental. While wearing it, Wounds of
the chosen type you inflict get +2 to the rating.

(Holy Mother's Guard) Crusader's Vestments [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 13/-1] [Armor
(S/P/I): 4/4/6] [Control: 0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Suit]
- A robe given only to those chosen to be in the Holy Mother's Guard. It keeps the
mind clear and unclouded by doubt. While wearing it, Mental Wounds you take have
their rating decreased by -3.

(Iwasaki) Samue [Buy: 17/8] [Hide: 10/0] [Armor (S/P/I): 1/0/2] [Control: 0] [Hack:
19] [Slot: Coat]
- A coat made for doctors and technicians operating in the field. Specifically
designed to support precision activities. While wearing it, you gain +1 to the result of
<Craft> and <Medicine> Checks. The name means "Monk's Garb."

(Excalibur) Night Baron [Buy: 20/9] [Hide: -/-1] [Armor (S/P/I): 7/6/9] [Control: -3]
[Hack: -] [Slot: Armor]
- A suit of full plaste armor forged from ultra-strong alloys. Due to not being
cyberized (nor custom fitted to the individual like medieval plate armor,) it's rather
hard to move in. While wearing it, your CS is decreased by -2.

(ACE) Silver Scale [Buy: 22/7] [Hide: 16/0] [Armor (S/P/I): 3/2/5] [Control: 0]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: All Skin]
- Cyber armor that covers your entire body in a special alloy. Though normally your
skin looks and feels normal, you can turn it into metal armor with a Minor Action.
When active, you appear to be coated in silver scales.

/// Armored Gear

//// Powerful armor that strengthens the whole body, with built-in motors. It is also
referred to as Power Assist Armor. When equipped with this type of armor, you may
equip [Slot: Vehicle] vehicle weapons as though they were [Slot: Two Hands].

(Chihaya) Lapis [Buy: -/50] [Hide: -(14)/0] [Defense (S/P/I): 5/5/5] [CTRL: -1] [Hack:
16] [Slot: Armor]
-- An Armored Gear made out of liquid metal. It is usually stored within an everyday-
seeming bracelet, and with a Minor Action, it spreads across the body and manifests
as armor. An option to come as a belt also exist for the same price.

(Iwasaki) Saiga [Buy: 29/15] [Hide: -/-3] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/4/6] [CTRL: -2] [Hack:
18] [Slot: Armor]
-- An Armored Gear designed for snipers, incorporating a positional lock functionality
that allows for precise aiming. With a Minor Action, you gain a +1 bonus to the Result
of <Ranged> Checks until the end of the Main Process.

(TerraWare) Sariel [Buy: 32/16] [Hide: -/-2] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/2/5] [CTRL: -1]
[Hack: 21] [Slot: Cyberbrain+Armor]
-- An electronic Armored Gear developed by TerraWare. It can be used as a Tap with
[Slot: 5].

(Iwasaki) Kensei [Buy: 30/18] [Hide: -/-3] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/5/6] [CTRL: -1] [Hack:
17] [Slot: Armor]
-- By adopting the use of the latest artificial muscles, this Armored Gear gave birth
to a new form of hand-to-hand combat. While wearing this armor, attacks using melee
weapons gain +2 wound rating.

(Chihaya) Striker [Buy: -/25] [Hide: -/-3] [Defense (S/P/I): 6/6/8] [CTRL: -4 (0)]
[Hack: 18] [Slot: Armor]
-- A peaky-performance, high output Armored Gear. If a character with at least
<Athletics> 4 equips this armor, use the number listed in parenthesis for CTRL, and
gain +3 CS.
(Black Dragon) Volgam [Buy: -/0] [Hide: 25/0] [Hack: 25] [Slot: Any (Brain)]
- An explosive implanted beneath the skull. Upon activation, the person it was
installed in immediately become [Dead]. Activatition does not require line of sight,
and can be done at any range. Anyone who has this installed has the rating of Mental
Wounds they receive reduced by 2. This requires the Director's permission to buy.

(TerraWare) 24 Walk [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Cyberware which temporarily negates fatigue and the need for sleep. However, it
does not eliminate them, and when turned off it all catches up to you. Popular among

(Iwasaki) Ebisu [Buy: 14/7] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Cyberware which tunes your speech patterns and personality for maximum
compatibility with your conversation partner. Activate with a Minor Action. For the
rest of the Scene, you gain +1 to the Result of <Stature> Checks.

(KRK) MK6 [Buy: 15/7] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Any (Brain)]
- Neuroware which accelerates the nerves to the point the user seems to have a sixth
sense. Activate with a Minor Action. For the rest of the Scene, you gain +1 to the
Result of Vasara, Mayakashi and Ayakashi Style Skills.

(ACE) Black Sheep [Buy: 15/8] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Neuroware which assists one in suppressing selfish urges. Activate with a Minor
Action. The next <Passion> Self-Control Check you make during this Scene
automatically succeeds. However, when this happens, you receive [BS: Weakness].

(Chihaya) Weapon Connect [Buy: 21/12] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Neuroware that strengthens the link between your weapons and your IANUS. You
gain +1 to the result of Attack Checks made with weapons that have a Hack Rating.

(Chihaya) Precision [Buy: 18/7] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Cyberware that boosts the tactile sense of your skin, enhancing your fine motor
skills. Activate with a Minor Action. Until the end of the Scene, you gain +1 to the
result of <Craft> and <Medicine> Checks.

(G.C.I.) Hardwired [Buy: -/12] [Hide: 20/0] [Hack: 10] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Cyberware that replaces all your nerves with artificial materials, increasing their
speed of transmission. Your CS increases by +2.

(Iwasaki) Kakugo [Buy: -/14] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Neuroware which reduces one's panic response, allowing them to optimize their
defensive reactions. Guard Skills used by you on yourself gain +2 to their Wound
Rating reduction.

(Chihaya) StandUpper [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Neuroware which allows you to rapidly issue commands to your other cyberware. Use
during the Initiative Process. You can immediately use one other piece of Cyberware
activated with a Minor Action. Limit 1/Scene.

(TerraWare) Overdrive X [Buy: -/150] [Hide: 17/-1] [Hack: 20] [Slot: Any (IANUS)]
- Cyberware which removes the safety limiter on your IANUS. Activate during the
Setup Process. During this Cut, your AR changes to 2. Limit 1/Scene.

(Iwasaki) Salaryman [Buy: 25/11] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Maskenball]
- Personality data for use with the Maskenball. It gives you a personality and
demeanor optimized for handling financial matters. Your Mundane Control increases
by +1.

(TerraWare) Millions [Buy: 24/13] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Maskenball]
- Personality data for use with the Maskenball. It gives you unshakeable self-
assurance. Activate with a Minor Action. During this Scene, Mental Wounds you take
have their rating decreased by 2.

(SGC) Slaughter [Buy: 25/14] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Maskenball]
- Personality data for use with the Maskenball. It makes you ruthless in combat,
helping you maximize your offensive potential. Activate with a Minor Action. During
this Scene, Physical Wounds you inflice have their rating increased by 2.

(Japanese Army) Mitama II [Buy: -/400] [Hide: 25/0] [Hack: 31] [Slot: IANUS]
The Japanese Army's specialty IANUS. Gain +3 to [CS Base]. Reduce Mental damage
you receive by 4. You may equip 2 [Slot:Subconscious] Psycho-Apps. Furthermore,
Once per Act you may increase your [AR] by +1 for the remainder of the Cut with an
Auto Action.
(All) Eye Camera [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Eye]
- A cybereye with video-recording capability. It can be connected to a DAK to display
images or videos.

(Hypnos) Basilisk [Buy: 21/10] [Hide: 11/-1] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Eye]
- A cybereye that uses flickering light to induce a hypnotic state in those gazing into
it. You gain +1 to the result of <Negotiation> Checks.

(Iwasaki) Yunbo Arm [Buy: 19/7] [Hide: -/-1] [Hack: 18] [Slot: One Arm]
- An obviously artificial arm made for industrial use. Lacks the dexterity to perform
everyday tasks. The data of your Unarmed changes to [ATK: I+8].

(Black Dragon) Dark Dahlia [Buy: -/18] [Hide: 8/-1] [Hack: 18] [Slot: One Arm]
- A pitch-black combat cyberarm with specialized MicroTRONs. The data of your
Unarmed changes to [ATK: P+5, PARRY: 3], and Melee Weapons you wield in this arm
get +2 to their Wound Mod.

(Chihaya) Gryphon [Buy: -/20] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: One Arm]
- A defensive cyberarm with a magnetic control system. The data of your Unarmed
changes to [ATK: P+2, PARRY: 5], and Melee Weapons you wield in this arm get +2 to
their Parry Rating.

(Wako) Reins [Buy: 22/11] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Two Arms]
- Cyberarms specially designed for operating vehicles. Activate with a Minor Action.
During this Cut, you get +1 to the Result of <Operate> Checks.

(Iwasaki) Ranbou [Buy: 27/13] [Hide: 10/-1] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Two Arms]
- Milspec cyberarms made to neutralize even the fiercest recoil. Ranged or Vehicle
Weapons you have equipped in [Slot: Both Arms] get +2 to their FA. If the weapon is
not already Full Auto Capable, this has no effect.

(Gear) Jet Link [Buy: 18/8] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Two Legs]
- Cyberlegs equipped with hover jets. Use with a Minor Action. During this Cut, you
gain +2 to the Result of <Athletics> checks you make to escape an engagement.

(ACE) IPPO [Buy: 32/18] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Two Legs)]
- Heavy cyberlegs made to provide a solid brace point for wielding melee weapons.
Activate with a Minor Action. For the rest of the Scene, Physical Wounds you inflict
with Melee Weapons gain +2 to the Wound Rating.

(ACE) Kentauros [Buy: 24/10] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Lower Body]
- Custom cyberlegs that turn your lower body into that of a four-legged beast. You
can equip up to 4 [Slot: Shoe] and [Slot: One Leg] outfits or up to two [Slot: Two
Legs] outfits.

(Iwasaki) Tekku [Buy: 18/9] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Bones]
- Super-strong bones forged of a special alloy. You can wield Vehicular Weapons in
[Slot: Two Hands].

(Wako) Gyro Box [Buy: 15/6] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: 20] [Slot: Any (Torso)]
- A posture control system with enhanced balance sensord. When operating a Vehicle,
that Vehicle's Control Mod is improved by +1 (max 0.)

(ACE) Gravity Area [Buy: -/17] [Hide: 11/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Any (Torso)]
- Cyberware which generates a gravity field in the surrounding area. Use during the
Setup Process. Until the end of the Cut, the user's Engagement is Blockaded. Limit
(Note: Blockade is not explained anywhere. Based on other FEAR games which use the
term, we assume that it means no one can enter or leave the engagement without
using a Style Skill that says they can.)

(Charmer) Big Effect [Buy: 24/10] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Any]
- A speaker and video display system embedded in the body. You get +1 to the Result
of Kabuki Style Skills.

(ACE) Stepper [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any]
- A compressed air system implanted in your body, allowing rapid movement. Use
before making a Dodge Check. You gain +1 to the result of the Dodge Check. Limit

(ACE) Octopus [Buy: 17/8] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Arms, Legs)]
- Cyberware that covers your arms and legs in powerful suckers. You get +1 to the
Result of <Athletics> feats made to scale walls, or similar feats.

(Chihaya) Repair Craft [Buy: 21/10] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: 20] [Slot: Cyberware]
- An emergency system that activates to repair your cyberware with nanomachines
when it becomes damaged. Use when one piece of Cyberware you have equipped
becomes (Damaged). Remove the (Damaged) status from that Outfit. Limit 1/Act.

(Chihaya) Mighty Soldier [Buy: -/270] [Hide: 7/-1] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Cyborg Body]
[Defense(S/P/I): 7/6/9] [Attack: S+6] [Parry: 3]
Chihaya's flagship Cyborg Body model, emphasizing Urban Warfare. With high
performance sensors and body-equilibrium balancers working in tandem, this model
supplies amazing benefits in combat. When equipped with this change your [AR] to 2.
Furthermore, all <Melee> and <Ranged> checks gain +2 to their result.

(Terraware) Wiseman [Buy: -/260] [Hide: 10/-1] [Hack: 23] [Slot: Cyborg Body]
[Defense(S/P/I): 4/4/5] [Attack: 1+3] [Parry: 1]
A Terraware model Cyborg Body specializing in Cyber Warfare. It has the capacity of
a giant model Tap in a human-sized frame, a testament to Terraware's skills. When
equipped with this change your [AR] to 2. Furthermore, this Cyborg Body counts as a
[Cycle: 3, Hardware: 4, Software: 5] Tap and you gain a +2 bonus to the result of
<Cybertech> checks.
(CFC) Gerupekko [Buy: 6/1] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Tongue]
- An artificial tongue that preserves the memory of your favorite foods. With it,
anything you eat will taste delicious; you can also recall tastes perfectly if desired.

(Iwasaki) Kawadouji [Buy: 9/2] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Lungs]
- High-capacity replacement lungs that allow you to stay underwater for prolonged
periods of time. There is also a type available that gives you gills, allowing you to
actually breathe water.

(BIOS) Hot-Up [Buy: 20/6] [Hide: 20/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Brain]
- Prganicware that allows you to control your emotional state. Use as a Minor Action.
During this Scene, you gain +1 to the Result of Checks you make with <Passion>.

(Chihaya) Regeneblood [Buy: 16/1] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Blood]
- Blood that increases your regenerative power. It contains medical nanomachines
that allow your wounds to heal more easily.
(Yes, oddly enough, this has no mechanical effect at all)

(Chihaya) Shock Out [Buy: 19/8] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- Organicwear that regulates your bioelectricity, allowing you to quickly regain full
use of your nerves. Use when you take [BS: Doped (Minor)]. Erase that BS. Limit

(Saki Nichiya) Musk [Buy: 21/9] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Skin)]
- Organicware that releases a relaxing scent into the area around you. You gain +1 to
the Result of <Negotiation> Checks.

(Ace) Cat Out [Buy: 17/9] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Muscles]
- Replacement muscles that allow you to move silently. You gain +1 to the Result of
<Stealth> Checks.

(Black Dragon) Masseur Duo [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Muscles]
- Organicware that increases the capacity of your muscles. You can equip two extra
[Slot: Muscles] Outfits (not including additional Masseur Duos.)

(Chihaya) Fine Line [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Skin]
- Artificial skin with shock-absorbing capabilities. It activates in response to fierce
impacts. Use before you take a Physical Wound. The rating of that Physical Wound
decreases by -5. Limit 1/Scene.

(Unknown) Suigetsu [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Eyes]
- Ultra-sensitive eyes that allow you to gauge your conversation partner's emotional
cues and level of agitation. You gain +2 to the Result of Reactions to Mental Attacks.
Fate and Charisma Only.

(Hirasaka) Yoikage [Buy: -/200] [Hide: 21/0] [Hack: 22] [Slot: Skin]
- Skin woven from the remains of an Ayakashi. When you acquire this Outfit, you may
choose one Ayakashi Bloodline and gain its effects. You do not need to pay XP to
acquire this skill. However, all your Control Values are decreased by -3.
BIO-ORGANS (Hiruko only)
(Heilong Biotech) AGITO [Buy: 24/7] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Any (Limbs,
Torso, etc)]
- You have gaping jaws all over your body. You can equip them with an Auto Action and
use them as a Melee Weapon with [Attack: S+4, Parry: 2, Range: Close].

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Claw [Buy: 28/7] [Hide: 4/-1] [Hack: 14] [Slot: One Arm]
- You have sharp claws or talons. Your Unarmed changes to [Attack: S+5, Parry: 2].
This Outfit is always equipped and you cannot disable its effect.

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Blade [Buy: 31/13] [Hide: 5/-2] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any / Both
- You have a sharp bone akin to a sword protruding from your body. You can use it as a
Melee Weapon with [Attack: S+7, Parry: 4, Range: Close]. Equip it with a Minor
Action; at this time, it becomes [Slot: Both Hands]. If you do not have free hands,
you cannot equip it.

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Gun [Buy: 21/8] [Hide: 6/-1] [Hack: 16] [Slot: One Arm]
- You have a hollow bone or scales that form a functional gun barrel in your arm. You
can use it as a Ranged Weapon with [Attack: P+6, Range: Short-Medium]. Equip it with
a minor action.

(Unknown) Encroachment [Buy: -/10] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Weapon]

- Your body has absorbed an inorganic weapon and made it part of you. Treat this as a
Weapon Option. The Outfit you equip it on becomes a Bio-Weapon.

(CFC) Armored Hide [Buy: 22/6] [Hide: 10/-1] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Skin]
- Your hide has hardened to the extent that it can deflect bullets. Treat this as
Armor with [Defense (S/P/I): 5/4/7] and the following ability:
Use this ability when you are about to take a Physical Wound. The Wound Rating
decreases by 5. Limit 1/Scene.

(CFC) Nectar [Buy: 1/1] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Refer)]
- This Bio-Organ makes some part of you amazingly delicious if eaten. Pick a slot like
"Liver", "Biceps" or "Hair."

(BIOS) B&G [Buy: 1/1] [Hide: 20/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Whole Body)]
- This Bio-Organ alows you to change your sex at will. By using a Minor Action, you can
change your sex in mere moments. Additionally, you can mix and match primary and
secondary sex characteristics as you like.

(Heoling Biotech) Antibody [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- This Bio-Organ givers you resistance to ill effects. When you receive a Bad Status,
you can immediately clear it. Limit 1/Scene.

(Unknown) Evolve Core [Buy: -/50] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: All Cells]
- This Bio-Organ unlocks the infinite potential hidden in your cells. During the
Initiative Process, you may increase the level of one of your Common Skills by 1 until
the end of the Scene. You choose the suit. Limit 1/Scene.

(Unknown) Fake Skin [Buy: 17/5] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Bio-Organ]
- A removable layer of skin you can use to make yourself appear harmless. Choose one
Bio-Organ you have equipped. That Bio-Organ gains +3 to its Hide Rating and +1 to its
Appearance Mod (maximum 0).

(Survivor) BNE Killer X [Buy: 12/5] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: One Hand]
Your claws or some protruding bone in your hand has taken on a knife-like sharpness
and shape, and can even be fired out like quills. You may use this as a [Attack: S+4,
Parry: 1] melee weapon with [Range: Close]. If you fire them out they become [Range:
Short]. You will then immediately regrow a new set.

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Axe [Buy: 15/7] [Hide: 5/-2] [Hack: 15] [Slot: One Hand]
Hardened skin that's taken on the shape of an axe. Its edge is so sharp it can even
cut through iron plating. Treat it as a [Attack: S+4, Parry: 3] melee weapon with
[Range: Close].

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Spear [Buy: 14/7] [Hide: -/-2] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Two Hands]
A short spear made by weaving together and hardening your hair or muscle fibers.
Treat it as a [Attack: P+5, Parry: 2] melee weapon with [Range: Close].

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Bow [Buy: 18/8] [Hide: 5/-2] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Two Hands]
A large bow made through morphing your bones. Its arrows are made from your hair
fibers. Treat this as a [Attack: P+7, Parry: -] ranged weapon with [Range:

(BIOS) Hardened Armor [Buy: 17/8] [Hide: 8/0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: Muscle]
The flesh of certain vital points along your body have hardened like armor. When
equipped with this the effect of <Harden> is increased by +2.

(BIOS) Fiber Hair [Buy: 18/7] [Hide: 7/0] [Hack: 13] [Slot: Hair]
Your hair has transformed into an antennae or fiber-optics cable like substance,
allowing you to connect to the web with it. When equipped with this you gain a +1 to
<Cybertech> checks.

(CFC) Bremen [Buy: 4/1] [Hide: 10/0] [Hack: 11] [Slot: Any(Muscle, Bones)]
A part of the body is transformed into a musical instrument. Bone making a wind
instrument, hairs making a string instrument, hollowed muscles working as percussion
instruments; there are many types of natural instruments available to Hiruko.

(Heilong Biotech) Bio-Arm [Buy: 14/3] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: Any(Shoulder,
A bio-organ representing the growth of another arm. When you take this outfit you
gain another arm and [Slots: One Hand, One Arm, Finger]. You may have up to 4 of
these, including arms gained through Arm Unit.

(Heilong Biotech) Hydra Gland [Buy: 17/6] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Any(Pituitary
A bio-organ that produces hormones that accelerate the body's regenerative
processes. <Regeneration> checks gain a +1 to their result.

(Heilong Biotech) Chimera Wing [Buy: 16/7 [Hide: 6/0] [Hack: 11] [Slot: Any(Back)]
Large wings growing from out the back. Bird wings, bat wings, bug wings, etc; many
different types of wing have been observed in Hiruko. Use with a Minor Action. For
the remainder of the Scene you gain a +2 bonus to <Athletics> checks to escape the
Hindered condition.

(BIOS) Electrocyte [Buy: 22/10] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Any(Internal)]
Within your body are special cells able to transfer high-voltage electrical currents.
When you make an attack Unarmed or with a Bio-Weapon you may add +2 to the
damage. This does not work on Wets.
(Heilong Biotech) AGITO [Buy: 24/7] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Any (Limbs,
Torso, etc)]
- You have gaping jaws all over your body. You can equip them with an Auto Action and
use them as a Melee Weapon with [Attack: S+4, Parry: 2, Range: Close].

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Claw [Buy: 28/7] [Hide: 4/-1] [Hack: 14] [Slot: One Arm]
- You have sharp claws or talons. Your Unarmed changes to [Attack: S+5, Parry: 2].
This Outfit is always equipped and you cannot disable its effect.

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Blade [Buy: 31/13] [Hide: 5/-2] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any / Both
- You have a sharp bone akin to a sword protruding from your body. You can use it as a
Melee Weapon with [Attack: S+7, Parry: 4, Range: Close]. Equip it with a Minor
Action; at this time, it becomes [Slot: Both Hands]. If you do not have free hands,
you cannot equip it.

(Any) Bio-Weapon: Gun [Buy: 21/8] [Hide: 6/-1] [Hack: 16] [Slot: One Arm]
- You have a hollow bone or scales that form a functional gun barrel in your arm. You
can use it as a Ranged Weapon with [Attack: P+6, Range: Short-Medium]. Equip it with
a minor action.

(Unknown) Encroachment [Buy: -/10] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Weapon]

- Your body has absorbed an inorganic weapon and made it part of you. Treat this as a
Weapon Option. The Outfit you equip it on becomes a Bio-Weapon.

(CFC) Armored Hide [Buy: 22/6] [Hide: 10/-1] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Skin]
- Your hide has hardened to the extent that it can deflect bullets. Treat this as
Armor with [Defense (S/P/I): 5/4/7] and the following ability:
Use this ability when you are about to take a Physical Wound. The Wound Rating
decreases by 5. Limit 1/Scene.

(CFC) Nectar [Buy: 1/1] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Refer)]
- This Bio-Organ makes some part of you amazingly delicious if eaten. Pick a slot like
"Liver", "Biceps" or "Hair."

(BIOS) B&G [Buy: 1/1] [Hide: 20/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Whole Body)]
- This Bio-Organ alows you to change your sex at will. By using a Minor Action, you can
change your sex in mere moments. Additionally, you can mix and match primary and
secondary sex characteristics as you like.

(Heoling Biotech) Antibody [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
- This Bio-Organ givers you resistance to ill effects. When you receive a Bad Status,
you can immediately clear it. Limit 1/Scene.

(Unknown) Evolve Core [Buy: -/50] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: All Cells]
- This Bio-Organ unlocks the infinite potential hidden in your cells. During the
Initiative Process, you may increase the level of one of your Common Skills by 1 until
the end of the Scene. You choose the suit. Limit 1/Scene.

(Unknown) Fake Skin [Buy: 17/5] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Bio-Organ]
- A removable layer of skin you can use to make yourself appear harmless. Choose one
Bio-Organ you have equipped. That Bio-Organ gains +3 to its Hide Rating and +1 to its
Appearance Mod (maximum 0).

(Iwasaki) Shino [Buy: 12/4] [Hide: 14/-1] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Any(Skin)]
Tentacles cultivated from Hiruko cells. You can stick them wherever you have skin.
Can be used as a [Attack: S+2, Parry: 0] melee weapon with [Range: Close].

(CFC) Ex-Fur [Buy: 4/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: Any(Skin)]
Grows beautiful fur on sections of your skin where it's installed. For the same price
there are also models that grow scales. Popular in certain celebrity circles.

(CFC) Tonguetenna [Buy: 15/6] [Hide: 6/0] [Hack: 11] [Slot: Mouth]
A special tongue that allows one to sense temperature, smell, wind speed/direction,
and even electromagnetic waves. When equipped with this you gain a +1 to
<Perception> checks. This does not work during Cut Progression.

(Heilong Biotech) Compound Eye [Buy: -/10] [Hide: -/-1] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Eye]
A bio eye boasting amazing kinetic vision beyond human limits. Due to to its compound
nature it stands out rather harshly. When equipped gain a +1 to <Melee> and <Ranged>

(Heilong Biotech) Therian Leg [Buy: 21/11] [Hide: -/-1] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Leg]
Bio legs made from analyzing Hiruko leg mutations. They resemble the legs of horses
or other animals, and are noticeable upon a glance even with clothes over them. When
equipped gain +1 to <Athletics> checks.

(Heilong Biotech) Drugsist [Buy: 22/10] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 8] [Slot: Any(Veins)]
A small payload of drugs stored within your body. Use with a Minor Action. Doing so
allows use of one drug that would normally take a Major Action. If the drug in
question is not usable with a cyber syringe, it is also not usable with this mutation.

(Heilong Biotech) Toadstool [Buy: 21/11] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: Any(Skin)]
A mutation that allows one to release spores, water vapor, or body fluids from their
pores as a smokescreen to hide themselves. When equipped you gain a +1 to <Stealth>

(BIOS) EXPLODE [Buy: -/13] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any(Arm, Leg)]
A special bio-organ installed in one's arms or legs that secretes a special chemical
substance. A body surface coated in this substance will release an explosion outward
when receiving an impact. Unarmed attacks gain a +2 bonus to damage.
(NOVA Government) Inagaki Phone [Buy: 1/0] [Hide: 14/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 11]
[Slot: One Hand]
- A PockeTRON that all members of the government have at the ready. It can
perform a multitude of financial functions, making it very useful.

(Chihaya) Galapagos [Buy: 4/0] [Hide: 11/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 12] [Slot: One Hand]
-- This pokeTRON was designed with simple operation in mind, emphasizing the
functions of e-mail and phone calls over others. It's quite popular with consumers
that like to say, "the bare minimum is fine with me!"

(Chihaya) Glass Coil [Buy: 14/6] [Hide: -/0] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Cyberbrain
+ Goggles]
-- A product that integrates the functions of a Tap with those of a multi-function
pair of goggles. Since it combines fashionable and practical into one convenient
package, it is used by many.

(TerraWare) TerminalX [Buy: 25/10] [Hide: 11/0] [Capacity: 3] [Hack: 18] [Slot:
Cyberbrain + Gloves]
-- An "armTRON" that comes in the form of a glove and bracer. It can be used as a
melee weapon with [ATK: I+3 / Parry: 2], and can have weapon options equipped to it.

(Masaki) Piano Forte [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 13/0] [Capacity: 5] [Hack: 22] [Slot:
-- A Tap that has high-speed program processing due to a thought-trigger, plus a 3D
projection keyboard. While this item is equipped, you get +3 CS. Neuro Only.

(New Hong Kong Computer Corp.) Kagankinsei [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 19/0] [Capacity: 4]
[Hack: 20] [Slot: Cyberbrain + Eye]
-- A high performance eyeball-form Tap. Software equipped to this Tap gets +3 to
both (Hide) and (Hack), and all <Cybernetics> Checks with this Tap gain a +1 bonus.

(Unknown) Mute* [Buy: -/200] [Hide: 21/0] [Capacity: 6] [Hack: 25] [Slot: Cyberbrain
-- A virtual Tap installed into your IANUS. Some people claim that it's overtech
that's come down from the orbitals. While you have software equipped to this Tap,
you gain +1 AR. Also, increase all Wound Ratings you deal by 3.
(Neverland) Hateweave [Buy: 17/7] [Hide: 14/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Tap]
-- Software that gathers data on your opponent's weaknesses and scandals. Gain +1
bonus to {Social Attack} Checks.

(KRK) Gate Opener [Buy: 19/8] [Hide: 13/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Tap]
-- Software that produces a gate connected to the Astral Plane. Combos using Vasara,
Mayakashi, and Ayakashi Skill Styles gain a +1 bonus to their Result.

(Sephirot) Mimiari [Buy: 13/8] [Hide: 14/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Tap]
-- Software that collects gossip from the Web. Use before making a <Society:
Street> or <Society: Media> Check to gain a +2 bonus to the Result of that Check.

(TerraWare) Insider [Buy: 15/8] [Hide: 15/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Tap]
-- Software that collects information on commerce and finance from the Web. Use
before making a <Society: Business> or <Society: High> Check to gain a +2 bonus to
the Result of that Check. Consumable.

(Fujita Cyberguard) Patroller [Buy: 14/8] [Hide: 13/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 13] [Slot:
-- Software that collects information on events happening in the news from the Web.
Use before making a <Society: Police> or <Society: Technology> Check to gain a +2
bonus to the Result of that Check. Consumable.

(Triumph) Dual Command [Buy: 24/10] [Hide: 16/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Tap]
-- Tactical command software that contains preset attack patterns. While operating
a Drone, you gain a +1 bonus to <Melee> or <Ranged> Checks.

(New Hong Kong Computer Corp.) Electronic Serpent [Buy: 23/11] [Hide: 15/0]
[Capacity: -] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Tap]
-- Virus software designed to infect the cyberbrains of your enemies. If an attack
Combo made with Neuro Style Skills inflicts damage while using this software, the
enemy also takes {BS: Poison (3)}. This has no effect on Wets.

(Sephirot) Nikea [Buy: -/14] [Hide: 15/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Tap]
-- A program that analyzes the path to success, and suggests the best possible
actions to take in order to achieve that success. Mastery of the program requires a
high degree of processing capability. Gain a +2 bonus to Reaction Checks. Neuro Only.

(Triumph) Ahead [Buy: 29/14] [Hide: 16/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Tap]
-- Tactical command software the improves one's ability to use a vehicle for melee
combat. Increase the (ATK) of vehicles you operate by 2.
(TerraWare) Escape Earth [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 17/0] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 21] [Slot:
-- Software that reduces the load on a Tap. Use just after the Tap becomes
{Damaged} or {Broken} in order to cancel that effect. Consumable. You may only ever
Preserve one of this Outfit.

(Unknown) Romancer [Buy: -/60] [Hide: 14/-1] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Tap]
-- A "logical poison" that repeatedly modifies itself based on analysis of information.
Some people claim that it's overtech that's come down from the orbitals. Increase
the rating of Mental Wounds you inflict with Mental Attacks by 7. This Software
consumes three (Capacity).
(Chihaya) Air Blade [Buy: 6/1] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+1] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 0/0/0]
[CTRL: 0] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 1] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Operator]
-- Rollerblades that have a built-in motor that provides thrust. They're often used by
Neuro Kids for "extreme sports." While operating this vehicle, make Dodge Checks
with <Operate> instead of <Evasion>.

(Chihaya) Seagull [Buy: 6/1] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+1] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 0/0/0]
[CTRL: 0] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 1] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Operator]
-- A small road cycle controlled by your DAK-buddy. When the operator has good
physical capabilities, the bike can put out speed comparable to motorcycles. If the
user's <Life> is 6 or better, this vehicle's SF becomes 2.

(Wako) DEO [Buy: 6/2] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+3] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 0/0/0]
[CTRL: 0] [Ride: 2] [Capacity: 1] [Hack: 10] [Slot: Operator]
- A small scooter. Easy to handle, it is used by many. Because it's cheap, it is popular
in the hearts of many destitute detectives and Kazes.

(Wako) Wizhorn [Buy: 13/4] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+3] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I): 2/2/3]
[CTRL: -2] [Ride: 3] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 13] [Slot: Operator]
-- A sidecar attached to a motorcycle. It has gained popularity by being deemed
useful for working in teams or for touring.

(Wako) Wingrunner [Buy: 16/4] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+7] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I):
1/1/2] [CTRL: -2] [Ride: 2] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Operator]
-- A racer-type replica motorcycle. It is difficult to handle, but it's been well
received among two-wheeled racing fans and street racers.

(Wako) AX-Killer [Buy: -/25] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+5] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/3/4]
[CTRL: -1] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
-- A race motorcycle developed by Wako that puts out a ton of exhaust. Needs less
than two seconds to reach top speed. While operating this vehicle, increase your CS
by 2.

(Yaoyorozu) Y-Car [Buy: 7/2] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+1] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 1/1/0]
[CTRL: -1] [Ride: 4] [Capacity: 1] [Hack: 10] [Slot: Operator]
-- A small car you can buy from Yaoyorozu anywhere in the world. It possesses the
bare minimum capabilities to qualify as a car. It's also small, and at capacity it could
be described as a tight fit.

(Chihaya) Bonnie [Buy: 13/4] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+7] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/4/5]
[CTRL: -2] [Ride: 4] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 13] [Slot: Operator]
-- A four wheel drive van sold on its protective capabilities. It's possible to convert
the cargo space to be usable by people. By using up a capacity slot, change this vehicle
to [Ride: 10].

(Chihaya) Box Family [Buy: 14/4] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+7] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I):
3/2/4] [CTRL: -2] [Ride: 8] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Operator]
-- A "wagon car" that can transport many people. It's extremely popular among many
households with outgoing families.

(Wako) Diabolos [Buy: -/60] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+7] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/3/5]
[CTRL: -2] [Ride: 2] [Capacity: 3] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Operator]
-- A super sports car crafted by artisans, so there's only a few that exist in the
world. If you have this vehicle Preserved with XP, then you gain a +1 bonus to
<Negotiation> checks.

(Iwasaki) Water Bear [Buy: 23/7] [Hide: -/-4] [ATK: I+6] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I):
3/5/7] [CTRL: -4] [Ride: 6] [Capacity: 3] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
-- A large armored vehicle. It's said that its armor is comparable to that of a tank.
Generally it is equipped with mounted weapons such as machine guns and missile

(Chihaya) Panzer GL [Buy: 38/10] [Hide: -/-5] [ATK: I+8] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I):
4/6/10] [CTRL: -5] [Ride: 6] [Capacity: 4] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
-- Rather than using a track, this hover tank floats over the ground. It operates
without being affected by terrain. The "Lucifer's Hammer" vehicle weapon can be
equipped to this vehicle for no cost.

(Wako) Impulse [Buy: 17/5] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+7] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I): 1/0/2]
[CTRL: -1] [Ride: 2] [Capacity: 1] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Operator]
-- A cyberhorse given birth thanks to the latest in mechanical engineering. There are
types that display bare metal, and those that reproduce a real horse.

(Wako) Quadriga [Buy: 26/8] [Hide: -/-2] [ATK: I+10] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I):
3/2/6] [CTRL: -3] [Ride: 3] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Operator]
-- A horse-drawn carriage or chariot made by connecting a cyberhorse to the driver's
stand. It is mainly used for show. Can also be drawn by (cyber-)oxen.

(Wako Labs) Dark Tumbler [Buy: -/150] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: I+11] [SF: 2(3)]
Defense(S/P/I): 13/12/15 [CTRL: -1] [Ride: 2] [Cap: 5] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Operator]
With the thick armor of a tank and the speed of a racing car comes this prototype
high-speed armored vehicle. The rear has jet engines installed, allowing the driver to
activate a powerful boost in speed. You may activate the jets during the Setup
Process. When you do, change the SF of the vehicle to the amount in parenthesis
(Wako) Kite [Buy: 17/2] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+3] [SF: 1 (2)] [Defense (S/P/I): 0/0/0]
[CTRL: -2] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 0] [Hack: 10] [Slot: Operator]
-- A hang glider used in sports. Rumors exist that say that because it makes almost
no noise during operation, it's commonly used by stealth operatives for infiltration

(Chihaya) Horned Owl [Buy: 21/6] [Hide: -/-3] [ATK: I+5] [SF: 3] [Defense (S/P/I):
3/4/4] [CTRL: -2] [Ride: 2] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Operator]
-- A small, general-purpose VTOL craft. It is primarily used in cities. It can both take
off and land in an area equivalent to a small parking lot.

(Chihaya) D-ICON [Buy: 7/1] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+0] [SF: 0] [Defense (S/P/I): 0/0/0]
[CTRL: 0] [Ride: 0] [Capacity: 0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Operator]
-- A digital drone that appears only within the electronic data of other people's
devices, such as their pockeTRONs. This drone cannot move. When it appears in a
Scene, select one Cast Member that has also appeared in the Scene. It is always in an
engagement with that character.

(Neverland) Air Dancer [Buy: 8/2] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+1] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I):
0/0/0] [CTRL: 0] [Ride: 0] [Capacity: 0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: Operator]
-- A hover drone that lacks hardpoints for mounting armaments. Mainly it is used to
perform tasks around corporate offices.

(Iwasaki) Abumi [Buy: 11/5] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+1] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 0/0/0]
[CTRL: 0] [Ride: 0] [Capacity: 0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
-- A drone made to be operated alongside a vehicle as a paired unit. While the
operator has a single [Slot: Operator] vehicle equipped (other than this drone), this
drone can be operated.

(Triumph) Spooky [Buy: 16/5] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+2] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 1/0/2]
[CTRL: 0] [Ride: 0] [Capacity: 1] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Operator]
-- A small hover drone mainly used for scouting purposes. Though it can have weapons
mounted on it, it still handles easily.

(Chihaya) Waller [Buy: 27/7] [Hide: -/-1] [ATK: I+5] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 4/4/5]
[CTRL: -1] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 13] [Slot: Operator]
-- A defense drone designed for facility security and VIP protection. It moves slowly,
but its thick armoring gives it the advantage in combat.

(Iwasaki) Daigo [Buy: 19/10] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: I+4] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I): 3/3/5]
[CTRL: -1] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Operator]
-- A multi-legged drone designed for distaster relief. It commonly sees use carrying
relief supplies to dangerous areas, or places with precarious footing.

(Triumph) Kukuratu [Buy: 25/12] [Hide: -/-1] [ATK: I+5] [SF: 1] [Defense (S/P/I):
5/4/4] [CTRL: -1] [Ride: 1] [Capacity: 3] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Operator]
-- A drone developed for the purpose of acting as front line infantry support in urban
warfare situations. Being a two-legged walker type, it can mount multiple armaments.

(Neverland) Hitodama [Buy: 28/14] [Hide: -/-1] [ATK: I+1] [SF: 2] [Defense (S/P/I):
1/1/1] [CTRL: -1] [Ride: 0] [Capacity: 3] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
-- A small drone about 20cm long that has built-in three dimensional projection
equipment, as well as directional speakers. It is often used for mischievious purposes.
This drone's Checks always gain a +1 bonus to the Result.

(Japanese Army) Red Wasp [Buy: -/100] [Hide: -/-5] [Attack: P+7] [SF: 3]
[Defense(S/P/I): 8/6/11] [CTRL: -4] [Ride: 2] [Cap: 5] [Hack: 25] [Slot: Operator]
An Urban Warfare Helicopter that is deployed with the Japanese Army's Urban
Suppression Unit. Loaded with bulky armor and high mobility, this vehicle's air-to-
ground combat abilities are the pride of the army. Weapons mounted to this vehicle
gain a +3 to damage inflicted.

(Triumph) Neptune [Buy: -/180] [Hide: -/-5] [Attack: I+15] [SF: 3] [Defense(S/P/I):
12/10/18] [CTRL: -5] [Ride: 400] [Cap: 10] [Hack: 26] [Slot: Operator]
A massive battleship boasting powerful armor and an incredibly hydrodynamic design.
It possesses an impressive cyber defense network and a powerful main cannon, said
to have been built with fighting Japan in mind. This vehicle is automatically equipped
with one Vajra (The Other Side Vehicle Weapon). This Vajra does not take up any
option slots.
(Triumph) Guarder [Buy: 10/3] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: I+4] [SF: 1] [Armor (S/P/I):
2/2/4] [Control: -1] [Seating: 1] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Operator]
- A 5-meter-tall police walker. Though its speed and carrying capacity are very
modest, its cheap parts and easy maintainence make it a mainstay of corporate and
private security.

(Chihaya) Fine Trainer [Buy: 22/7] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: I+4] [SF: 1] [Armor (S/P/I):
4/3/5] [Control: -2] [Seating: 2] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Operator]
- A 10-meter-tall practice walker. Due to its safety, it is typically used to train novice

(Charmer) Artis [Buy: 18/8] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: I+6] [SF: 1] [Armor (S/P/I): 3/3/6]
[Control: -1] [Seating: 1] [Capacity: 2] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Operator]
- A Walker made for the stage, with sophisticated light and sound systems built in.
Not designed for battle in any sense.

(Triumph) Turret Wolf [Buy: 29/10] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+5] [SF: 2] [Armor
(S/P/I): 3/3/4] [Control: -1] [Seating: 1] [Capacity: 3] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
- The most common Walker used for patrolling city streets worldwide. It is 4 meters
in size and equipped with rollers for high-speed movement. Due to the fetal position
its pilots must assume for maximum protection, it's nicknamed the "Iron Coffin" by
its pilots.

(Chihaya) Oryol [Buy: 31/14] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+4] [SF: 2(3)] [Armor (S/P/I):
5/5/7] [Control: -1] [Seating: 2] [Capacity: 4] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Operator]
- A transformable walker sold by Chihaya. By using a Minor Action, the SF can be
changed to the second number listed.

(Triumph) Tataricus [Buy: 30/15] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: P+4] [SF: 2] [Armor (S/P/I):
6/7/8] [Control: -1] [Seating: 3] [Capacity: 5] [Hack: 20] [Slot: Operator]
- One of Triumph's latest Walkers, which strikes an excellent balance between
speed, defense and carrying capacity. It has two large arms for use in combat, and
has been rapidly adopted by the North American militaries.

(Chihaya) Trance Leg [Buy: -/15] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: I+5] [SF: 1] [Armor (S/P/I):
8/8/10] [Control: -2] [Seating: 21] [Capacity: 4] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
- A multi-legged walker with the ability to trample anything. Typically used to carry
large amounts of people.

(Wako) Line Runner [Buy: 32/16] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+4] [SF: 2] [Armor (S/P/I):
3/2/4] [Control: -1] [Seating: 1] [Capacity: 5] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
- A racing walker sold by Wako. It has an aerodynamic form that minimizes drag.
Most people heavily customize theirs and it's not uncommon to see one being worked
on in a mechanic's workshop.

(Triumph) Poseidon [Buy: -/17] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: S+5] [SF: 1(2)] [Armor (S/P/I):
5/5/6] [Control: -1] [Seating: 1] [Capacity: 4] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Operator]
- An amphibious Walker with a distinctive rounded shape. It uses talons to fight and
is effective in combat even on land. When underwater, the SF changes to the second
number listed.

(Triumph) Pluton [Buy: 33/18] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+8] [SF: 1] [Armor (S/P/I):
9/7/11] [Control: -2] [Seating: 1] [Capacity: 6] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
- A heavy walker made for combat on the open battlefield. Due to its thick armor, its
movements are rather slow. The Operator takes -3 to their CS.

(Chihaya) Blast Bringer [Buy: 34/18] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: I+8] [SF: 1] [Armor
(S/P/I): 7/6/11] [Control: -2] [Seating: 2] [Capacity: 4] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Operator]
- A heavily armored walker made to wield cannons. If it equips the Vector IV, that
weapon does not consume any Capacity.

(Chihaya) Crusher [Buy: 36/18] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: S+8] [SF: 2] [Armor (S/P/I):
4/5/5] [Control: -2] [Seating: 2] [Capacity: 4] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Operator]
- A walker designed for close-quarters combat. Its multitude of highly dexterous
alloy manipulators can wield any mounted weapon with ease.

(Iwasaki) Steel Giraffe [Buy: 35/20] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: S+5] [SF: 2] [Armor
(S/P/I): 6/8/9] [Control: -1] [Seating: 2] [Capacity: 5] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Operator]
- An odd walker that looks like a four-legged beast with stripes. Its unusual design
lends it extra stability. The Operator gains a +1 bonus to the <Result> of Melee

(Japanese Army) Ninigi [Buy: -/250] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: I+10] [SF: 3] [Armor
(S/P/I): 11/9/13] [Control: -1] [Seating: 2] [ Capacity: 10] [Hack: 20] [Slot:
A bipedal walker that is deployed by the Japanese army. The technology being used is
enigmatic. While operating, your AR changes to 2.

(Chihaya) Gladiator [Buy: -/90] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: S+12] [SF: 2] [Defense(S/P/I):
10/9/11] [CTRL: -2] [Ride: 1] [Cap: 5] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Operator]
The first machine to be installed with the Action Trace System: a technology that
allows for a Walker to perfectly mimic the movements of its pilot. Even a pilot with
no operating abilities can operate this mech thorough their martial aptitude, fighting
like warriors of old. You may use <Evasion> for Dodge checks when operating this

(Triumph) Slepnir [Buy: -/260] [Hide: -/-5] [Attack: P+12] [SF: 3] [Defense(S/P/I):
10/11/15] [CTRL: -2] [Ride: 3] [Cap: 9] [Hack: 25] [Slot: Operator]
A state-of-the-art multi-legged Walker created with heavy financial investment from
the American Government. The frame and general hardware was done by Triumph, but
the electrical equipment and battle program was designed by Terraware. When
operating this vehicle, your [AR] becomes 2.
(Triumph) Burst Pillar [Buy: 28/7] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: I+13] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Long] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Vehicle]
- A compact missile launcher with a sophisticated electronic sight. It can accurately
target a foe even during furious fighting.

(Iwasaki) Ibuki [Buy: 19/8] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+8] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Medium] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Vehicle]
- A flamethrower. This weapon's attacks are [Target: Area].

(Triumph) Cyclone [Buy: 25/10] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: P+13] [Parry: -] [Range:
Medium~Long] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Vehicle]
- A massive gatling gun made to be mounted on tanks. Due to its limited range of
motion, it cannot attack effectively at short range. FA3, and does not become {Out
of Ammo} when used to make Full-Auto Attacks.

(Iwasaki) Ryouhou [Buy: 29/12] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: I+15] [Parry: -] [Range: Medium]
[Hack: 19] [Slot: Vehicle]
- An anti-materiel rocket launcher. This weapon can be used only 3 times per Act.

(Triumph) Vajra [Buy: -/60] [Hide -/-5] [Attack: P+18] [Parry: -] [Range:
Medium~Extreme] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Vehicle]
A massive prototype railgun. After each fire, the energy pack must be replaced and a
new shell loaded. When you use this weapon it becomes [Out of Ammo]. This weapon
takes up 2 option slots.

Honoikazuchi [Buy: -/500] [Hide:-/-5] [Attack: X+40] [Parry:-] [Range:M~E] [Hack:

21] [Slot: Vehicle]
Tactical grade beam weapon that converges and injects high output energy. Attacks
by this weapon are "Target: Area". Consumes 3 slots.

(Iwasaki) Shakushi [Buy: 18/5] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+7] [Parry: -] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: Walker]
- A replacement manipulator for Walkers that can superheat enemies it grabs. This
weapon uses the <Melee> skill.

(Iwasaki) Kouga [Buy: 17/5] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: S+6] [Parry: 1] [Range: Close] [Hack:
-] [Slot: Walker]
- A Walker-sized knife. Although useful to have at hand, it is not particularly
effective on the battlefield. This weapon uses the <Melee> skill.

(Chihaya) Metal Zapper [Buy: 20/7] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: S+9] [Parry: 2] [Range:
Close] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Walker]
- A huge sword just the right size to be held in a Walker hand. It has no special
abilities, but is sturdy and reliable. This weapon uses the <Melee> skill.

(Iwasaki) Gantetsukon [Buy: 21/9] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+11] [Parry: 3] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 15] [Slot: Walker]
- A giant hammer that relies on the power of the Walker wielding it to smash its
point of impact. This weapon uses the <Melee> skill.

(Triumph) Gigantower [Buy: 25/10] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: I+5] [Parry: 6] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 18] [Slot: Walker]
- A Walker-sized shield. This weapon uses the <Melee> skill.

(Triumph) Testarossa [Buy: 30/15] [Hide: -/-3] [Attack: S+10] [Parry: 0] [Range:
Close] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Walker]
- A large pilebunker that lets you drive a stake into your enemy. By using a Minor
Action, the Attack Mod of this weapon changes to P+13. This weapon uses the <Melee>

(Chihaya) Exclude [Buy: 19/6] [Hide: -/-2] [Attack: P+9] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Medium] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Walker]
- A rifle designed to be equipped by Walkers. Excellently balanced, it is used by most
of the world's militaries. Full-Auto Capable, FA3.

(Chihaya) Long Buster [Buy: 20/7] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: P+9] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Long] [Hack: 20] [Slot: Walker]
- A rifle made to hit targets at a long distance, and equipped with upgraded anti-
hacking measures.

(Triumph) Assailant [Buy: 32/15] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: P+11] [Parry: -] [Range:
Short~Long] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Walker]
- A Walker rifle with high attack power. Due to its steep cost, it does not often
appear on the market. Full Auto Capable, FA3.

(Triumph) Roll Blast [Buy: 29/10] [Hide: -/-4] [Attack: I+15] [Parry: -] [Range: Close]
[Hack: 13] [Slot: Walker]
- A weapon consisting of a wire that embeds itself in the target and electrifies them.
Although it is deadly, it can only be used once. This Weapon can only be used to
attack 1 time per Act.
(Any) Color Paint [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense (S/P/I): -] [CTRL: -]
[Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: -] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- This option changes the chassis of a vehicle to whatever color you want. While
normally used to make a vehicle blend in better, there also exist those who
deliberately choose something daring. This option doesn't take up capacity on a

(Chihaya) Double Attachment [Buy: 8/2] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense
(S/P/I): -] [CTRL: -] [Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- A unit that allows one to mount weapons made for human use on a drone. With this
option, [Slot: One Hand] ranged weapons can be installed on drones and used like a
vehicle weapon (each weapon so mounted consumes 1 capacity.) This option can only be
slotted onto drones, and it itself does not consume any capacity.

(Teraware) Phantom Wall [Buy: 18/10] [Hide: 18/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense (S/P/I):
-] [CTRL: -] [Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- Anti-hacking equipment that provides protection to a vehicle's electronic devices.
The vehicle this option is installed on, as well as all weapons mounted on the vehicle,
gain (Hack) +2.

(Triumph) Mirror Coat [Buy: 27/13] [Hide: 15/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense (S/P/I): -]
[CTRL: -] [Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 20] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- Thermoptic camouflage applied to a vehicle's chassis and weapons. The effect time
is short. With a Minor Action, you gain a +1 bonus to the Result of <Stealth> Checks
with this vehicle until the end of the Main Process.

(Triumph) Mjolnir [Buy: 28/14] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense (S/P/I): -]
[CTRL: -] [Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- Assault spikes. In the case of a Walker, they're usually mounted on the knees or
shoulders to be used in close-quarters combat. Increase the vehicle's (ATK) rating by

(Iwasaki) Tsumuji [Buy: 30/18] [Hide: 18/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense (S/P/I): -]
[CTRL: -] [Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- A quick boost that allows a vehicle to change direction rapidly. Use just before
making a Dodge Check in order to gain a +1 bonus to the Result of the Check. Limit

(Triumph) Slot Open [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 15/0] [ATK: -] [SF: -] [Defense (S/P/I): -]
[CTRL: -1] [Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- An option that installs additional computing power and attachments onto vehicles.
Increase the vehicle's (Capacity) by 2. Multiples of this option cannot be installed.
(Any) Senyouki [Buy: -/35] [Hide: -/0] [ATK: -] [SF: +1] [Defense (S/P/I): -] [CTRL: -]
[Ride: -] [Capacity: -] [Hack: -] [Slot: Vehicle]
-- An option that tunes a vehicle specifically to its pilot. While operating this vehicle,
<Operate> Checks get +1 to their Result, and {Mental Damage} you take is reduced by
2. Kaze and Arashi Only.
(Asakusa Shopping Street) Asakusa Shirt [Buy: 4/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: -] [Slot:
- A T-shirt sold by several stores in Asakusa. The classic version has "I Love
Asakusa" printed on it, but recently variations with the NOVA Sky Tree and Bousou
Airport printed on them have become popular.

(CHIHAYA) Comfortable [Buy: 7/1] [Hide: 11/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Suit]
- Temperature-controlled clothes that adjust to keep you comfortable in any climate.
It comes in a variety of designs, including ones that are instead [Slot: Coat].

(Xuanlong Fashion) Hualong [Buy: 10/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Suit]
- A cheongsam with an intricate dragon print on it. It is woven of fine fabric and
cyberized to make sure it flows alluringly. There is also a changpao version for men to

(Peripheral Original) Yuugen [Buy: -/3] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Suit]
- Japanese clothing made entirely of natural fabric. Its color tends to fade unevenly
after being worn for a time, but this is considered to be wabi-sabi and part of its
high-class appeal.

(Saki Nichiya) Setting Sun [Buy: -/4] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Suit]
A beautiful evening dress colored in a gradient from pale blue to deep red. It evokes
a feeling of mystery and loneliness. One of Saki Nichiya's few designs not made into a

(Ingrid) Shirley [Buy: 21/5] [Hide: 7/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Suit]
A high-class maid outfit. Typically worn by service employees, it is a common sight in
restaurants located in White Areas.

(CHIHAYA) Your Private [Buy: 23/7] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Suit]
Suits individually made to order by the finest tailors. Just wearing one makes you
feel at ease; the rating of all Mental Wounds you take is reduced by 1. Only the
person who has Preserved this Outfit can wear it.

(Unknown) Awesome Clothes [Buy: -/15] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Suit]
They're awesome, okay? You decide in which way when you get them. While wearing
this outfit, you gain +2 to the result of Appearance Checks. You can also get it in
[Slot: Coat].

(Any) Costume [Buy: 7/1] [Hide: -(11)/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Armor]
A costume of a soft, fluffy mascot used to promote your business or organization.
Since it's cyberized, it's not as difficult to move in as it looks. If using it to conceal
your identity, use the listed Hide Rating.

(Saki Nichiya) Icicle [Buy: 17/3] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Boots]
An item in Saki Nichiya's "Transparent" series. Boots that at first glance appear to
be ice, with flakes of snow dancing within. Only when you view them in AR, though.

(Saki Nichiya) Kurenai [Buy: 6/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 12] [Slot: Gauntlet]
An item in Saki Nichiya's "Red" series. Elbow-length gloves of a vivid red that catch
the light as they move, automatically maintaining a subtle gradient.

(CHIHAYA) Flip Monkey [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: 10/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Goggles]
Digital glasses that you can change the lens and frame color of at your whim. For
[Buy: 8/2], you can get a type capable of AR viewing.

(Yaoyorozu) Capable [Buy: 7/2] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Any (Bag)]
A bag whose shape you can change with the press of a button. It can be worn as a
handbag, backpack, or belt pouch.

(Yaoyorozu) Fresh Arms [Buy: 8/2] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Any (Weapon, Armor,
A fruity ornament for arms and armor. Although it might look laughable, it really
lightens the mood when you're preparing for battle.
(Saki Nichiya) Mirage [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: 6/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Lips]
Replacement skin that allows you to change the color of your lips. It can be
programmed to adapt to your surroundings or vary according to the time of day.

(BIOS) Radical Body [Buy: 8/1] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Muscles]
A cosmetic that gives you the perfect body you've always wanted. Though you sure
look good, it won't have any effect on your physical strength and abilities.

(CFC) Undine [Buy: 13/3] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Skin]
A cosmetic that makes your skin transparent. The transparency is simulated, so you
don't need to worry about people seeing your muscles and organs (unless you want
them to.)

(Saki Nichiya) Gossamer [Buy: 8/2] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: 19] [Slot: Any (Skin)]
Artificial skin that changes the color of your blood. In addition to fashion devotees,
it is popular among the cult of "Neophytes" who consider the color of blood impure.

(Any) Ad Contract [Buy: -/2] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Any (Skin)]
A skin print which displays an ad for a business on you in AR. During the Pre-Act, you
gain 1 Credit. This outfit can only be Preserved once.
(Any) Ruin [Buy: 0/0] [Appear: 5] [Security: 7] [Slot: -]
A room that has gaping holes in the ceiling, hole, or walls. It's hard to call it livable.
It has one [Slot: Area].

(Any) Den [Buy: 12/2] [Appear: 8] [Security: 10] [Slot: -]

A shrine or lair of the type favored by Ayakashi.
It has one [Slot: Area] and can contain up to two [Slot: Residence Item]s.

(Any) Workplace [Buy: 20/4] [Appear: 8] [Security: 11] [Slot: -]

An office building or warehouse. You can decide how large it is as you like.
It has one [Slot: Area] and can contain up to two [Slot: Residence Item]s.

(Any) Small Facility [Buy: 17/5] [Appear: 8] [Security: 12] [Slot: -]

A building like a dojo or apartment building with room for a few people. You can
decide how large it is as you like.
It has one [Slot: Area] and can contain up to two [Slot: Residence Item]s.

(Any) Large Facility [Buy: 25/8] [Appear: 8] [Security: 14] [Slot: -]

A building like a warehouse or event hall that can hold a lot of people. You can decide
how large it is as you like.
It has one [Slot: Area] and can contain up to three [Slot: Residence Item]s.

- Residence Area
The area in which a residence is located. When one acquires a residence, one must
also select an area from among these and add the ratings together.

(Any) Underground [Buy: -/+2] [Appear: -2] [Security: -5] [Slot: Area]
This residence is located in a sewer or ruined Linear tunnel below Tokyo NOVA. Treat
it like a Red Area.

(Any) Orbital [Buy: -/+100] [Appear: +5] [Security: +10] [Slot: Area]
This residence is located on an orbital station or colony. Treat it like a White Area.
Residences in this area require the GM's permission to appear in.

(TerraWare) Fortress [Buy: 17/5] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Residence Option]
A system to strengthen the digital security of a building. All your Residence Options
get +2 to their Hack Rating.

(Iwasaki) Ganza [Buy: 19/6] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Residence Option]
An automated weapon emplacement that fires at unwelcome guests. It can be
activated or deactivated with a Setup Process action. If a <Craft: Tool> or
<Cybertech> check is made that beats this Outfit's Hack Rating, it can be disabled.
(TerraWare) Cradle [Buy: 10/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 14] [Slot: Residence Option]
A life support system that cares for an immobile person. Normally. it looks like a bed
with s robotic arm. Execs and Highlanders often opt for a top-class model with [Buy:
(Hypnos) IMMORAL [Buy: 19/8] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Subconscious]
A Psychoapp that allows you to master your fear and remain rational. Use when you
receive [BS: Fear]. Erase that BS. Limit 1/Scene.

(Wako Labs) ZERO [Buy: 18/8] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Unconcious]
This Psychoapp enhances your thought and reaction speed when undergoing high G-
forces. When you are in a Vehicle with an SF or 3 or higher, you gain +1 to the result
of <Operate> checks.

(Hypnos) MUGAI [Buy: 19/8] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
An app that disguises your personality. You gain +3 to the Hide Rating of all your
equipped Psychoapps. Be careful not to raise the Appearance Check mod by accident.

(Chihaya) Thrifty [Buy: 22/9] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
This Psychoapp dampens your greed and allows you to control your material impulses.
You gain +1 to your <Mundane> Control.

(Hirasaka) Freaks [Buy: -/11] [Hide: 10/-1] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Subconscious]
This Psychoapp strengthens your Ayakashi nature, making you fiercer in combat. You
gain +2 to the ratings of Wounds inflicted by Combos including Ayakashi Style Skills.

(Iwasaki) Soubou [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Conscious]
A Psychoapp that deliberately splits your personality. In addition to this Outfit, you
can equip two other Psychoapps with [Slot: Conscious], except for additional copies of

(World Magecraft Association) A-Directory [Buy: 33/16] [Hide: 12/-1] [Hack: 15]
[Slot: Unconscious]
An app that widens your knowledge of magic and supernatural powers. You gain +2 to
the ratings of Wounds inflicted by Combos including Vasara and Mayakashi Style

(TerraWare) Terminator [Buy: 35/18] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Conscious]
A Psychoapp that eliminates your sense of fear. When you use a Style Skill that
allows you to take a Wound in someone else's place, the Wound Rating decreases by -

(TerraWare) Self Goat [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 21/0] [Hack: 18] [Slot: Subconscious]
A Psychoapp that allows you to absorb stress from others in the vicinity. When
someone in your Engagement is targeted by a Mental Attack, you can change the
target of the attack to you. Limit 1/Scene. Charisma and Mistress Only.
(TerraWare) Sync Trigger [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Any (Nerves)]
An app that creates a shortcut to your inner psyche. Use as a Setup Process Action.
You can immediately use one Psychoapp that takes a Minor Action to activate. Limit

(Chihaya) Mind Cover [Buy: 23/20] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: 16] [Slot: Conscious]
This Psychoapp guards you from stress and menral taint. You may decrease the rating
of Mental Wounds you take by up to 10 points in total. After you have used all 10
points, this Psychoapp is lost.
(CFC) Monster Pathos [Buy: 8/1] [Hide: 10/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
An energy drink by a popular brand. It is favored even by professionals, said to give
them the energy to remain in combat for 24 full hours. The slogan is "Monster Pathos
gives you a taste of the wild!"

(Heilong Chemical) Rehappiness [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: 8/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

A drug that projects visions of happy memories right before your eyes. It's
extremely addictive, to the degree that one dose can hook you. When you take it, you
receive [BS: Weakness].

(NOVA Government) Inagaki Nouveau [Buy: 10/2] [Hide: 9/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
Wine made from organic grapes grown at Inagaki Farms in Australia. Considered to be
one of the modern world's finest vintages. When you take it, you receive [BS: Doped

(Iwasaki) Gourin [Buy: 19/8] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

A drug that places you in a trance state, where physical pain rapidly fades away.
When you take it, your Armor Ratings (S/I/P) all increase by 2.

(Universe Lounge) Platinumountain [Buy: 28/10] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

Ultra-high-grade natural coffee. The deep complexity of its taste and aroma are
unmatched for relaxation. When you take it, until the end of the Act, your <Reason>,
<Passion> and <Life> control all increase by +1. This Drug cannot be taken using a

(Zuiun Brewery) Zuiun Daisanjou Tenkaku [Buy: 31/11] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
High-grade sake distilled on an orbital. When you take it, until the end of the Scene,
you gain +1 to the Result of all Checks made with <Passion>. However, you also receive
[BS: Doped (Minor)].

(Heilong Chemical) Soma [Buy: -/100] [Hide: 14/-1] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

A mutagenic serum refined from rare hormones found in the flesh of Hiruko. A single
dose is rumored to require the processing of multiple Hiruko bodies. When you take
it, until the end of the Scene, your CS increases by +6, and you get a +3 bonus to the
Result of Checks made with your <Reason> and <Life>.

(Hirasaka) Kyousei [Buy: -/220] [Hide: 17/-1] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

A drug created from the blood of elder Ayakashi, said to require all of their blood to
be concentrated into a single drop. When you take it, until the end of the Scene, your
AR becomes 2, and the rating of all Physical and Mental wounds you inflict is
increased by +6.
(Unknown) Neuro Deck [Buy: -/1] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
A copy of a deck of mysterious cards that reflect aspects of the world, recently
updated with designs relevant to the modern age. You gain +1 to the Result of Checks
that attempt to divine destiny. This effect cannot occur during Cut Progression.

(Salon Dolphan) White Tear Jewel [Buy: 15/5] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any
A jewel formed from the soul of a pure-hearted person. Use with a Minor Action. You
gain a bonus of +2 to the rating of Physical Wounds you inflict during this Main
Process. Ayakashi Only.

(Yogaridou) Jewel Buster [Buy: 17/6] [Hide: 7/0] [Hack: 17] [Slot: Back of One Hand]
An artificial jewel buried in the hand that uses electricity to regulate the flow of
your magical energies. You gain a +1 bonus to the rating of Wounds you inflict using
Vasara and Mayakashi Style Skills.

(Marie's Enchant) Eye of Legba [Buy: 18/6] [Hide: 8/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any
A jewel in which you can see the future. Use as a Setup Process Action. During this
Scene, you gain +2 CS. Wet Only.

(Society of True Teachings) Star of Hope [Buy: -/7] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: -] [Slot:
Protective Charm]
A charm containing a blessing of protection from the Holy Mother. It will protect its
owner from words that seem to lure them astray and grant them the power of hope.
The rating of all Mental Wounds you take is reduced by -1.

(Temple of All Origins) Elemental Circuit [Buy: -/7] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any
The command of magic is engraved into your flesh itself. Through a ritual, you are
able to subdue people with it more effectively. You gain a +1 bonus to the Result of
Origin Power Skills. Vasara Only.

(Temple of All Origins) Elemental Gem [Buy: -/8] [Hide: 17/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any
A gem imbued in your body that strengthens your Origin Powers. You gain a +2 bonus
to the rating of Wounds you inflict using Origin Powers. Vasara Only.

(Mystery) Friendship Coin [Buy: 21/9] [Hide: 19/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

A mysterious gold coin received from a denizen of the astral world. When held, you
gain +1 to the Result of <Stature> Checks.
(World Magecraft Association) Magical Circuit [Buy: 19/10] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: -]
[Slot: Any (Bloodline)]
Magic is carried within your blood itself, forming a magical circuit. You gain a bonus of
+1 to the Result of Vasara and Mayakashi Style Skills. You can only equip as many of
these as you have Style Levels in Vasara and Mayakashi combined.

(Mystery) Masque [Buy: 31/15] [Hide: -/-1] [Hack: -] [Slot: Mask]

A mask with a sinister design, crafted by demons and possessing hidden power. When
worn, you gain a +1 bonus to the Result of <Will> Checks.

(Holy Mother's Guard) Relic Eye [Buy: -/18] [Hide: 16/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Eye]
An artificial eye that possesses the power to sense and repel demons. Those who
possess this eye are known as "Exorcists." You gain a +2 bonus to the Result of <Will>
and <Perception> checks made against Ayakashi.

(Temple of All Origins) Elemental Field [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 11/0] [Hack: -] [Slot:
A barrier crafted of Origin Power which can be used by magicians. The rating of all
Physical and Mental Wounds you take is decreased by -[The highest SL among all
Origin Powers you have.]

(Unknown) Blue Blaze [Buy: -/25] [Hide: 14/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: One Arm]
An artificial arm in which powerful magic is contained. It is an old item without any
cyberization. The data of your Unarmed changes to [ATK: S+5, PARRY: 3]. In
addition, you gain a +3 bonus to the rating of Wounds you inflict using Vasara,
Mayakashi and Ayakashi Style Skills.

(Unknown) Death Note [Buy: -/300] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: One Hand]
A book in which the names of humans who are written will die. When you inflict a
Social Wound, you can choose to instead look up the effect on the Physical Wound
- Social
Various outfits with social effects that are possessed by citizens of Tokyo Nova.

(Sephiroth) Coppelion [Buy: 4/1] [Hide: 8/-] [Hack: 15] [Slot: PockeTRON]
A search application made by Sephiroth Software. Use with a Minor Action. During
this Main Process, you get a bonus of +1 to the result of <Society> checks made to
gather infomation.

(NOVA Sports) Big Chance [Buy: 19/6] [Hide: 12/-] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
You're a regular on a game show that gives out big prizes. Name a suit of cards, then
draw from the deck. If the card you drew was that suit, you win 3 Credits. Treat this
as a Major Action. Limit 1/Act.

(NOVA Government) O-DIZIN [Buy: 20/7] [Hide: 10/-] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

An under-the-table service that applies government pressure to keep your record
clean and make you look like an upstanding citizen. Naturally, the fee goes straight
into the Administrator's pocket. The rating of all Social Wounds you take is reduced
by 2.

(Unknown) Guide Script [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 18/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

A service which allows you to get detailed information on your Master's behavior and
habits. During the Pre-Act, choose one of your Common Skills. During this act, you get
a +1 bonus to the Result of Checks made using the chosen skill. Kagemusha Only.

(Fassler Technical) Second Life [Buy: -/30] [Hide: 21/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
A service that creates a clone of you with part of your memory on file. When your
character dies, your next character inherits 1/10 (round down) of the XP they earned
over their lifespan. They do not need to be exactly the same character.

(Society of True Teachings) Rosario of Ice [Buy: 12/2] [Hide: 10/-] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
A rosario that marks you as an ordained disciple of the Society of True Teachings.
You gain a +1 bonus to the result of <Society: Astral> checks.

(Hiruko Town) Mister Neighborhood [Buy: 12/2] [Hide: 10/-] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
A service that keeps you up to date with the latest gossip from Hiruko Town. You gain
a +1 bonus to the result of <Society: Street> checks. Hiruko Only.

(Salon Dolphan) Salon VIP Card [Buy: 12/2] [Hide: 10/-] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]
A card that verifies your identity as a member of Salon Dolphan, granting you access
to their complimentary information dealer. You gain a +1 bonus to the result of
<Society: Astral> checks. Ayakashi Only.
- Background
Outfits that express your character’s background or origin.

(-) Blank [Buy: -/10] [Hide: Control/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Background)]
This background indicates that you have already been Erased from society. The
rating of Social Wounds you take is decreased by -2, and you take a -2 penalty to all
<Stature> Checks you make.

(-) Bad Name [Buy: -/15] [Hide: 10/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Background)]
This background indicates that you have an ill reputation and people are easily cowed
into doing what you want. The rating of Social Wounds you take is increased by +2,
and you get a +1 bonus to all <Contact> Checks you make.

(-) Big Name [Buy: -/15] [Hide: Control/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Background)]
This background indicates that you are famous and paparazzi track your every move.
Your <Mundane> increases by 1, but you take a -2 penalty to all <Stealth> Checks you

(-) Family [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 12/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Any (Background)]
This background indicates that you possess family or sworn kin in the same
organization as you. Choose a character in the same organization as you; you gain a
SL1 <Contact> with them in the Hearts suit. Legger and Inu only.

(-) Pride [Buy: -/20] [Hide: 15/0] [Hack: 21] [Slot: Any (Background)]
This background expresses your pride in your chosen Styles. When you take a Mental
Wound, you may choose to decrease the Wound Rating by 10. Limit 1/Act.

- Extra
Extras that serve as your assistants or hangers-on. When they make a Skill Check,
the Result is a fixed number. They cannot perform Actions during Cut Progression.

(-) Fan Club [Buy: 4/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 8] [Slot: -]

You're followed around by a group of fans who can mob people and badger them into
doing as you wish. Their only skill is [Negotiation: 6].

(-) SP [Buy: 7/2] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 10] [Slot: -]

You have a skilled, reliable bodyguard. His/her only skil is [Melee: 10].

(-) Magical Pet [Buy: 6/2] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 10] [Slot: -]
You have an unnatural pet such as a cat with wings or a talking rat. Vasata, Mayakashi
and Ayakashi can sense that it possesses a similar power to them. Its only skill is
[Perception: 10].
(-) Mascot Droid [Buy: 8/2] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 10] [Slot: -]
You have a droid in the shape of a soft, fluffy mascot used to promote your business
or organization. Its only skill is [Athletics: 10]. For the same price, you can hire a
person to wear a mascot suit.

(-) Bandroid [Buy: 20/4] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: -]

You have a droid that plays an instrument along with you, or otherwise aids you in
performance art. Its only skill is [Art (Your choice): 10].

(KRK) Astral Glass [Buy: 10/3] [Hide: 9/0] [Hack: 15] [Slot: Goggles]
Cyber-glasses that can detect the invisible. When wearing these, you can see ghosts
and traces of magical residue even if you are a mundane individual.

(CME) Elvis [Buy: -/15] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: -] [Slot: Two Hands]
An acoustic guitar handmade by expert artisans. Though it requires tuning, it has a
depth of character that electric instruments lack. When you appear in a Scene, other
characters get +2 to their own Appearance Checks they make for that Scene.

(Burglar Records) Krauser [Buy: -/25] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 22] [Slot: Both Hands]
A truly wicked-looking electric guitar. It's usable both as a musical instrument and a
Melee Weapon with [ATK: S+7, PARRY: 4].

(Yaoyorozu) Innocent Note [Buy: 5/1] [Hide: 13/0] [Hack: 19] [Slot: -]
A cyberized notebook that can record and display text or images sent from your
IANUS. Many people enjoy setting it to random mode to exchange messages with
unknown individuals.

(CFC) Cleansect [Buy: 7/1] [Hide: -/0] [Hack: 20] [Slot: -]

A bug-sized droid that automatically cleans designated area. Its color and appearance
can be customized; the butterfly model is particularly popular. The listed price
purchases a set of 10.

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