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Herr Ranch

Volume 1, Issue 1 December 2010


All Raw Dietmy mom and I tried an all raw diet for a while. Did you know you can make an all raw chocolate cake?


Family After Christmas Christmas Melissa and Tonya and their families at Bridgets parents house

Kimberlys Tiny Snowmanmust have been at least 6 inches tall!

Saying farewell to our snowmanits a little too warm for him Kidding Time!

Abigail & Big Boy

Fire! Herr Enterprises Loses Everything

pool building company of 30 years. Since the fire spread to the barn, it also destroyed tools, equipment, supplies, personal items, keepsakes and most everything stored there. Anyone who has experienced a fire knows how such an experience can impact your life. Mom felt it more keenly than anyone...Where, how, what do you do from there?...records gone, pool building season coming, customers contact info lost, no office. We felt very much pain on their account and moved to help however possible. So, in March, Dad flew down and picked up Bridget and the kids and took them to Washington to help. We stayed there for several weeks, setting up the office, cleaning up rubble, managing the office while Dad sent Mom to Germany to see Darcy and to get away and recover a bit. God has been so good and provided some very nice and Godfearing neighbors from the Ukraine that have helped, along with other of Dads friends this year. As of this newsletter, they are working on putting up the metal siding on the new building. They hope to be out of the temporary office trailer sometime at the beginning of the new year. We felt very honored to have been allowed to share this experience with them in a small way, and experience Gods wisdom and direction, provision and comfort, moment by moment.

This past February, Peters parents (Paul and Chris Herr) experienced a devastating fire. It started in their office trailer and burned through to the steel building behind it, consuming all their records and most of the inventory for their



Little Big GirlKatherine helps clean Grandpas shop

Our Jewels
Dad lost several saddles in the fire, but Katherine still enjoyed them.


Jessica13 years old, loves horses Charles11 years old, loves airplanes Kimberly10 years old, loves rabbits Danielle7 years old, loves to dance Abigail6 years old, full of life and lovin it

Kimberly finally gets her rabbits Jessica gives her sisters rides on one of the horses she helps care for.

Katherine3 years old, takes care of Mama, sharp as a tack Amanda1 year old, lots of expression...but I cant understand a word she says...what a personality!

Charles and his Big Fish A seventh birthday is really special at Herr Ranch. Thats when you get to invite anyone you wish to your party and play lots of games. This year was Danielles special year. She enjoyed many kids to play with, a coin hunt in the sand box, a castle she and her friends could decorate with finger paints, a picnic on the grass, and swimming in the creek
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Dad arranged a family outing for all of us (Grandpa and Grandpa and their sons (Peter and Paul), families). We had ice cream and played board games at a neat little, family -friendly restaurant .

Headed West for the Cherry Harvest It takes two airplanes to haul all of us now. It was a fun experience for Dad and Peter to cross country together.


Volume 1, Issue 1

Our First Teenager

Our firstborn, Jessica, turned thirteen this year. She is a beautiful young lady with so much potential. She works harder than many young men her age. Three hours every day, five days a week, she cleans stables and grooms horses. Someday, she hopes to work at an Arabian National Champion Stable. We think she is wonderful. We pray that the Lord will use her and she will be completely yielded to His will for her life wherever He leads. She is definitely growing up way too fast.

Amanda Turns One



Dancing with Papa

-Jessica Renee

Cake Face

Yep...thats my boy ridin that thar cow!

The children worked hard this year with their animals. We wouldnt have dared try this any previous year, but this year the children were so prepared...we walked all of our fair entries in the parade...well one rode his entry. Yes, Charles trained Clara to let him ride her. He was sure sore by the end though...something about a bony back. We were very proud of him and all the children. He got plenty of attention from the crowd and the local newspaper, too. Way to go gang!

Good-lookin Cowboy!


Well earned celebration at the carnival after a week long fair

God is Faithful
Bridget learned to walk , run, climb...again God has abundantly provided for all of our needs Katherine has come through some very trying times

with a breathing difficulty, healthy and whole

God has protected us during our many travels God has given us strength and made us more than

overcomers through circumstances that could have overwhelmed both us and our extended family

Peters parents were not hurt, nor did they lose

their home in the fire

DaniellePrincess on a pony
Merry Christmas

Dare us not to ride the spinning thing! Cant you just see it in their grins as they stand in line?

Bridgets dad was spared his life or more serious

injury after being mauled by a cow

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Mad Mama Mauls Man
Bridgets Dad was seriously injured by a mama cow in return for trying to help her. She birthed her calf in the woods. Dad was concerned for the calfs safety, out alone with the wild coyotes and bear, so he tried to bring her home. The first time, he had their cow dog, Corrie, with him, but that just seemed to irritate the situation. So, he went out later without the dog to try to gently urge her home, never suspecting her intentions. She intended to remain right there and boldly went right to him, knocked him down and proceeded to mash, paw, or otherwise bury him into the ground. Thankfully, he had told Mom, who had taken him out on the 4-wheeler, to wait to make sure he had found her and got her headed home. She heard him yell, and had to help him out of the woods to the 4-wheeler, and then another 1/4 mile or so to the main road, where she left him to go for help. The next few hours were very , very hard for everyone...Dad trying to get comfortable and breathe and those of us who watched and tried to minister with ice packs, oils, etc. His pastor anointed and prayed for him and so many friends and family called and prayed and showed such love and concern. We are so thankful for our great big family in the Lord, and for the mercy and peace and grace that He gives. Dad is continuing to recover. We are so grateful to the Lord for preserving him from more serious injury. Many thought the cow should be disposed of, but Dads spirit was so sweet. He felt she was only doing what a protective mother would, under the circumstances. She and her calf came home on their own a couple of days later. The calf seemed a little awkward and slow. Maybe she sensed that it needed extra special care. I appreciate the mercy and understanding my Dad showed...seems like a Christ-like attitude to me.

Snapping Turtleor as the children call it Dinosaur Turtle or Alligator Turtle

Kimberly and her cousin Shannon found this snapping turtle in our pond. Makes you really not want to take a dip in the pond,

Merry Christmas!
Dear Family and Friends, We are asking the Lord to very richly bless each and every one of you and supply you with abundant grace to meet every circumstance of your life.
Grace contract to lead and protect Zechariah 11:10 Here is your part: Tell the truth. Be fair. Live at peace with everyone. Dont plot harm to others; dont swear that something is true when it isnt!... Zechariah 8:16, 17 The good man does not escape all troubleshe has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one. Psalm 34:19 Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way his mercies shower down on all who trust in Him. Psalm 34:8 Let all who are discouraged take heart. Let us praise the Lord together Psalm 34:2, 3


Abigail is our Thanksgiving baby. She turned six this year. What would we do without her life and enthusiasm? Amanda decides to help herself to the spaghetti.

Merry Christmas

Charles the HunterAfter the squirrel was dressed and cooked, he insisted we all take a bite. It tastes like rabbit.

Love, Peter, Bridget, Jessica, Charles, Kimberly, Danielle, Abigail, Katherine, and Amanda
Verses taken from The Living Bible

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