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hello darkness my old friend

(jelou daaknees ma ol fren)
I have come to talk with you agan
(ay com tu tok wuit yiu aguen)
Because a visión softly creeping
(bicos e vishop softly y cripen)
Left its sedes while i was sleeping
(left its siids wual a wuas eslipin)
And the visión that was planted in my brain
(an da vishon dat wuas planted in may brein)
Still remains
(estil rimeins)

Within the sound of silence

(widin de saund of sailens)
In restless dreams I walked alone
(in restles drims ai wokd alon)
Narrow streets of cobblestone
(Narrou strits of cabol ston)
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
(Nid de jeilou of e strit lemp)
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
(Ai tarnd mai caler tu de could an demp)
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
(Wen mai ais wer stebd bai de flash of e nion lait)
That split the night
(Split de nait)
And touched the sound of silence
(An tachd de saund of sailens)
And in the naked light I saw
(An in de neiked laira so)
Ten thousand people, maybe more
(Ten tausend pipol meibi mor)
People talking without speaking
(Pipol jirin widaut spikin)
People hearing without listening
(Pipol jirin widaut lisein)
People writing songs that voices never share
(Pipol rairin songs dat voices never ser)
No no one dared
(No wan dered)
Disturb the sound of silence
(Disterb de saund of sailens)
Fools said I, \"You do not know

(Fols sarai yu du nat nou)

Silence like a cancer grows

(Sailens laik e cancer grous)

Hear my words that I might teach you

(Jir mai wors darai mait tich yu)

Take my arms that I might reach you\"

(Teik mai arms darai mait rich yu)

But my words like silent raindrops fell

(Bat mai words laik sailent rein drops fel)

And echoed in the wells of silence

(An ecoud in de wels of sailens)

And the people bowed and prayed

(An de pipol baud an preid)

To the neon god they made
(Tu de nion gad dey meid)
And the sign flashed out its warning

(An de sain flashed aut its wornin)

In the words that it was forming

(In de words darit wos formin)

And the sign said, \"The words of the prophets Are written on the subway walls

(An de sain sed de words of de prafits ar riten on the sobwie wols)

And tenement halls\"

(Tenement jols)
And whispered in the sounds of silence

(Wisperd in de saunds of sailens)

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