Instructions and Usability Test Script Dde

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Document Development Exposition: Instructions and Usability Test Script

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I had a hard time initially deciding what my instructions were to be on. After looking at the example
of crocheting, I decided to keep it simple and do something I was familiar with so I could better
deliver the instructions. I began by doing the knotting and bracelet on my own, so I could better relay
the instructions to the audience and did this so I could visually see what they would see as well. I
planned on the structure based off the PowerPoints, and knew I had to keep the document simple to
appeal to audiences.

First Draft (for peer editing)

Firstly, I began writing the basic instructions and Supply list. I knew that needed to be at the top of
the document and needed to be clear. Once the initial supply list was done, I formatted the rest of
the instructions to get the theme going, and then added in words and visual aids where they were
needed. I tried to supply my own visual aids, but realized I didn’t have the lighting or the camera to
take quality photos so decided against that.

Second Draft (for your packet)

I got the feedback of minimalizing a lot of the wording and adding in visual aids to better help the
reader. I changed up a lot of the formatting for the initial instructions, such as the first few steps, and
added in and switched around some of the visual aids I had in place. I had a hard time adding in new
visual aids, as I mentioned before the string was a hard thing to take pictures of clearly, in a way that
wouldn’t take away from the document by having a giant gray box where the image was. It was hard
to take it and keep the document colored white as the backdrop. Overall I did understand the peer
reviews I received and listened, and changed the document where recommended.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

The changes I made for the final revolve around the feedback I received. I decided to add more
design features to the visual aids to add in more visual framing. I also made formatting changes such
as taking out the unneeded Overview header, and added in a Tips/Notes section so the instructions
didn’t get to wordy with extra information unneeded to the specific steps. I also edited out
numbered instructions and formatted it as a notation. From the recommendations, I learned more
about formatting and how to fix problems I knew were there but didn’t know how to necessarily fix.
For example, I knew something wasn’t right with my steps, but didn’t know how to fix or format
them. After the review, that makes a lot more sense on how to format.

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