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Joint-ventures :

International joint-ventures are an important area of study in strategic strategy and

international industry (IJV). International businesses have been careful in their attempts to
enter the African market and have used IJVs to meet and operate on the market. The goal of
this paper is to explore and evaluate the variables that affect the choice of post-IJV
termination in the African context. The paper is based on the research published by Dhir &
Mital & Dhir, 2018b, and White, Kitimbo, & Rees, 2018, in the International Business
Review, October 2018, and published by The African Journal of International Business, 18
October 2018.
The literature review describes seven essential factors that form the IJV partnership and have
an effect on the option of post-IJV relationships that are interdependence, type of IJV, cultural
gap, type of market, type of termination, partnering expertise and bargaining power. To assess
the severity of the post-IJV interactive variables, TISM is used as a method for hierarchical
factors and to classify their effect on the dependent variable—interaction judgment after IJV
TISM is a recent extension of interpretive structural modelling. It is used to create a
hierarchical structure for a set of variables that affect a dependent factor. TISM is concerned
with enhancing the complex structure of the graph between the sets of elements and variables.
It allows the articulation of mental structures into a type that can be used to explain the effect
of multiple variables on a dependent variable. In this approach, they use the variables found in
the literature and are checked by practicing managers who have engaged in the finalized IJV
based in Africa.
From the TISM model, the type of market, type of closure, partnering expertise, bargaining
power and interdependence have a direct effect on post-IJV engagement. Interdependence
influences the bargaining power which is functional when the parent firm contribution in the
IJV decides the value and ultimately the bargaining power, culture distance affects the form of
termination, but it has an indirect effect on the decision to engage after IJV termination, the
type of IJV affects the desiccation of interaction by interdependence.
This study aims to examine the complexities of post-IJV termination in the Afican context as
the number of IJV formations in Africa has risen over the last few years and IJV termination
has also increased gradually, suggesting that practitioners can use their IJV skills to assess
their future contact with the terminated IJV partner.
Open innovation :
Innovation has been generally characterized in which diverse resources are pooled. This
integration of diverse tools is a multi-stage method leading to the improvement of new goods,
services or systems. Traditionally, a heavy emphasis has been put on the economic success of
innovation initiatives. Open innovation is the search and incorporation of additional expertise
into the advancement of organizational innovation. The potential dangers of open innovation
include loss of access, increased managerial and operational sophistication and, consequently,
increased costs. We know very little about how companies innovate in external collaborations,
make the most of their technologies and work with outside partners. This applies in the
context of sustainability innovations leading to the need to re-think and re-design products,
processes and services in order to address the demands of sustainable growth.
The research explores the relevance of external partners to the achievement of EIP economic
innovation success and SIP sustainability innovation performance. The paper explores the
relationship between EIP and SIP in order to explain to managers whether all facets of
production can be followed simultaneously or whether trade-offs can be induced. It reflects on
addressing questions as to whether and how the relationship with external collaborators has
affected the EIP and SIP of the company? And it has three theories that are Higher economic
innovation output correlated with higher collaboration intensity with external partners, Higher
sustainability innovation performance is associated with higher collaboration intensity with
external partners, and sustainability innovation performance and economic innovation
performance are positively linked.
In order to test the suggested findings, a quantitative field sample study was carried out,
including sampling of large and medium-sized Austrian companies. The survey comprised
152 references from 85 companies. EIP was calculated using six elements defined by Griffin
and Page (1993) and Manion and Cherion (2009) Calculating the influence of the innovation
projects carried out during the intervening three years on the economic efficiency of the
innovation programme. The SIP has captured the extent to which the actions of the company's
transformation initiative have improved its sustainability efficiency. They also tested the
multi-item scale for validity and reliability. The internal consistency was tested by analyzing
the Cronbach alpha coefficients. The unidimensional nature of the scales has been verified by
the results of the main factor analyzes. Four-dimensional scores have been aggregated to
assess the total SIP metric. The suggested relationships have been tested using a
benchmarking methodology. Benchmarking is a method commonly used to identify success
variables. This helps companies to define the practices to be implemented in order to improve
their efficiency. To identify the benchmark group, we selected companies that fell to the top
20% of the EIP output measure. Benchmark companies will eventually be referred to as
benchmark firms. The same technique was extended to the SIP.The scores of the benchmark
firm were aggregated for each element. In addition, in order to check the benchmark findings
and to test the relationship between SIP and EIP, we examined the relationship between open
innovation activities and performance measures by estimating the Pearson correlations.
The benchmark findings referred to in the EIP reveal that the gap between the top and the
low-performers is very high on average. The largest disparities in financial results can be
established by reducing the discrepancies between the customer loyalty obtained and the
image advantage. The EIP benchmark group has worked more intensively with most of the
innovation partners than the lower-performance firms, with the exception of rivals and
specialists. The data include partial evidence for Hypothesis 1 for user groups, universities
and NGOs. Companies with the highest degree of SIP efficiency work more extensively with
each partner than their low-performance counterparts. Five out of nine correlations between
management strategies and success have been statistically important. The data provide limited
evidence for Hypothesis 2 for cooperation classes such as clients, universities, intermediaries,
NGOs and, with restrictions, competitors. However, no substantial correlations have been
established with respect to the remaining partners (suppliers, consultants, municipalities and
public institutions). These findings reinforce the idea that sustainability innovations are
challenging and that most businesses have sustainability innovations. Supporting Hypothesis
3, the study showed a positive and important association between EIP and SIP. This includes
the promotion of economic and development.
Researchers looked at how cooperation with external collaborators had an effect on EIP and
SIP. They felt it important to include all collaborators directly connected to the business, such
as clients or universities, and other stakeholders in the wider ecosystem. For bosses, this
means that goals that seem to be divergent at first glance may be accomplished, they claim.
However, this analysis still has drawbacks, and more research is required to validate the
results, the authors note. The results outlined in this paper have opened up substantial doors
for potential research, and it will be useful to examine how the factors of the company affect
internal adoption and incorporate them.

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