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 Don’t cheat! – You get out what you put in. Telling me, anyone else, or even yourself a lie or
that something is “fine” when you really know it isn’t will only lead down a path.
 Drink water – You should be drinking 2 litres of water every single day (minimum). Grab
yourself a two litre water bottle or pack and fill it every morning. Little and often is best.
 Don’t go hungry – (unless instructed). Often when we are hungry our body is telling us that we
need key nutrients in order to repair our muscles.
 Always be prepared – This is an important one. You will get hungry, and that will mean
snacking, but only IF you aren’t prepared. Always prepare your food on a weekend or day where
you know that you have enough time, and keep portions handy. If you’re leaving the house,
always take a prepared snack so you don’t have to buy something.
 No carbs after 2pm – Why? Simple. The chances are that digestion will take a few hours for you
to process your carbs, which can be used as energy. If not used however, then they are stored.
Stored carbs will turn to fat and this is what we are trying to avoid.
 Always get enough sleep – this will regulate your metabolism and help to avoid binging, making
dropping weight easier.
 Educate yourself – learning about different ways to cook and workout is a sure fire way of
keeping you interested. Talk you me about anything that you’ve seen that you are unsure of or
would like to try.
 Eat as many veggies (green) as you like – notice I didn’t say fruit and veg. Fruit is good for you,
but in small quantities. Vegetables are where the real miracles lie.
 Stay away from white carbs – this includes bread, rice, pasta, potatoes. Try better alternatives
that are higher in fibre and proteins like cous-cous, sweet potato, oats, chick peas, etc….
 Eat as much meat and fish as you like – BUT stay away from processed meats. This includes
meat loaf, sausages, etc.

Get some Tupperware – you will need it!

Don’t forget that this is a guide. There will be situation where you simply cannot help it, or where you
need to cheat. But the idea is to REDUCE THOSE SITUATIONS EVERY DAY. Keep them to a minimum
where possible. We have all been in the situation where we think “just one little biscuit” and then that
turns “screw it” and ends up becoming 5 biscuits, a burger, 6 desserts, a wedding cake and a small

Little and often is the key. Graze throughout the day without over doing it. Use your fist. One portion is
the size of your fist – two portions is a meal. No more.

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