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Formatted: Font: Bold

Solving the Water Crisis in

Pakistan Through Global Efforts

A United States Agency for

International Development Initiative
By: Ayisha Riaz
Table of Contents
Abstract..………………………………………………………………..…………………...……3 Deleted: Overview
The water crisis and its history….………………………………………………………………3 Deleted: Crisis…………
Agriculture………………………………………………….………………………...….…4 Deleted: ……
Deleted: ………
Population Growth…………………………………………………………………....…… 5
Political Turmoil……………………………………………………………….……….…..5 Deleted: Causes of Water
Solutions to water scarcity..…………………………………………………………..…………6 ………….…….4¶
Agricultural improvements……………………...…………………………………………….7
Deleted: Overcoming
How foreign intervention can solve the water crisis……………………………………………….7
Deleted: W
Limitations to our Solutions……………………………………………...………………….8
Conclusion…..……………………………………………………………………………………8 Deleted: S
References………………………………………………………………………………….……..9 Deleted: Solutions to Water Scarcity……
Deleted: ……
Deleted: ……
Deleted: ……
Figures Deleted: 6
Figure 1: Projected Water Scarcity by 2025.……………..………………………...…………….3
Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Figure 2: Drought Conditions of Pakistan in 2018…..…………………..……………………….5
Figure 3: Map of Indus River..………………………………………..………………………….6 Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Not Bold
Figure 4: Pakistan’s Debt vs External Financial Needs……………...…………………………...8 Formatted: Font: 11 pt
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Deleted: Figure 2: Water Usage Comparison
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Abstract Deleted: Overview
Formatted: Font color: Accent 1

Water is the most abundant resource on this planet. According to the United Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
States Geological Survey of 2019, it covers 75% of the Earth while making up 60% of
the human body. Water has the means to cultivate life in all forms from cellular to
systemic, while also acting as a force of destruction in the environment. One can only
wonder how there could be a shortage of water on the planet for humans to use when it
is literally all around us. Deleted: around

According to the Water Resources of Pakistan (2021), Pakistan is currently

ranked third in the world facing a severe water shortage. It has been on the verge of
facing a major water crisis since the birth of the nation in 1947. The number of
Pakistanis who do not have access to clean running water is higher than ever. This is
due to natural causes, as well as human interference. This report will describe the Deleted: paper
history and causes of the pending water shortage in Pakistan, while providing solutions
that can be implemented to prevent irreversible repercussions to human life. Policy
changes and education are essential to solving the water crisis in Pakistan and these
changes are only possible through a united, global effort.

The water crisis and its history Deleted: W

Deleted: C

(Figure 1: Source: FEW Resources) Formatted: Font: 16 pt, Font color: Accent 1
Pakistan has been a Formatted: Font: 16 pt
developing nation since its Formatted: Font: 16 pt, Font color: Accent 1
inception and the stress on
water availability has been an
issue since this time. Formatted: Centered
Pakistan is considered a Deleted: A crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble,
water-scarce country or danger.
because on average, less Deleted: .
than 1,000 cubic meters of Deleted: T
water is available to each
person annually. (Worldwater
and solar technologies,
2020). According to this
source, 80% of people in the
main cities do not have
access to running water. This
is a major deal as it is
affecting the current life and
future of the country.

Citizens rely on other methods to receive water for their homes. They must buy
water from either the government or private businesses. Some citizens are forced to
steal water from others in this desperation. There are trucks to transport water to homes
which do not arrive consistently. These residents must use methods to store the little
water they do have and are often unsuccessful. This is also how the “water mafia” was
established. Groups of people steal these water trucks from the government and sell
water to citizens at a higher price, causing competition and even more scarcity. As
demands for clean water will always increase, these issues will only worsen if action is
not taken immediately to reverse the shortage. Figure 1 shows the future of worldwide
water availability if the world continues to use water at its current pace.
Deleted: Causes of Water Scarcity¶

Agriculture Formatted: Font color: Accent 1

Formatted: Left, Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
Agriculture has been a way of life since the beginning of time. Humans have
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
always needed to be innovative in their environments to survive. Pakistan is amongst
the top ten producers of wheat, cotton, sugarcane, mango, dates, and rice in the world
and this is where they earn most of their Gross Domestic Product (Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, 2022). The country’s economy and survival are
highly dependent on its exporting industry of these crops. Water is essential for their
cultivation and 95% of the country’s water supply goes towards the production of these
crops, while the remaining is used for daily consumption. One big factor of water
scarcity appears due to the misuse of this water. The nation lacks the proper resources
and systems to efficiently cultivate these crops, leading to major water waste. Pakistan Deleted: Ultimately,
uses more water than other countries in their agriculture sector, causing less profit, and
less water is left for its citizens to consume.
Deleted: ¶

Climate ¶
Deleted: ¶
Pakistan’s climate has two main seasons due to its geographic location. Most of ¶
the country remains hot and dry for most of the year, however there is relief of cooler ¶
temperatures in the Himalayan Mountain regions. In the southwestern part of the ¶

country, they experience a monsoon season, which is generally the only time it rains. ¶
These two months of rain are essential to the country’s collection of water. The only ¶
other internal source of water comes from the five rivers and the hope of melting glaciers ¶
to keep them leveled. (Figure 2: Source: UNDP’s World Water Development
Report, 2003.)¶

Because most of the country exists in an arid climate, droughts are common
Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
throughout the year. It is also evident through research that the rainy season lasts for
less time than it used to. Figure 2 shows how the majority of the country faced extreme Formatted: Left, Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
drought conditions in 2018. Pakistan continues to become drier every year. The only Deleted: :
relief comes from the impacts of global warming and the melting of glaciers in the north Deleted: m
to fill the rivers. Unfortunately, this also poses the threat of flooding and potentially
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
destroying crops, homes, and lives.

(Figure 2: Source: Times of Islamabad, Pk 2018) Deleted: 3

Population Growth Formatted: Font color: Accent 1

Formatted: Left, Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
According to the World Population Review of 2022, Pakistan is the fifth most
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
populated country in the world. The nation is in a constant state of growth and is
expected to supersede the fourth rank, Indonesia, in less than 20 years. A growing
population puts intense demands on the agriculture industry to provide both for its
citizens, and the economy. While the population is growing, the access to water remains
the same and is even depleting due to the increasing droughts. Education plays a big
role in the growth of a country. In a country where many of their citizens need to work to
earn a living for their families, higher-level education is also scarce. This includes family
planning and population control.

Political Turmoil Formatted: Font color: Accent 1

Formatted: Left, Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
Pakistan has only been a nation for 74 years. In these years it has seen a change
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
in government from imperialism to military dictatorships, and finally a democracy. The
always-changing policies of the country’s leaders have impacted their access to water
and water systems greatly. From failing to implement irrigation systems in rural areas to
lack of emergency efforts, the government has not been able to address the water
scarcity issue effectively. The provincial governments have not been able to sustain
programs such as coal mining, dam installation, and filtration systems that last due to
inconsistencies in funding. These programs have been on a decline and plants have
been forced to shut down over the years due to financial or operational issues. The

government has also been known to sell water from these companies to private ones, Deleted:
leading to corruption accusations.

Dams have been a method of irrigation since early human civilizations existed,
dating back to Mesopotamia (Strang pg. 111). They were always used a political tool to
show power and domination. The control of the famous Indus River has been involved in Deleted: (and largest)
political turmoil since the ancient times of Babylon. It is a pivotal river since it is a main Deleted: of Pakistan
water source of both India and Pakistan due to its location close to the Himalayan Deleted: se
Mountains (See figure 3). The river is more essential to Pakistan than any other country Deleted: The control of this access to water has gone
it flows through. The Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 was created to ease these power- through the empires of Babylon, Sheba, and now
struggles. This treaty gave India and Pakistan each control of three of the Indus River Pakistan and India…
tributaries. In theory, this means that each country will have equal access to water.
However, as political tensions between the nations increase, so does their greed for
water. The Indian government has been notorious for closing their dam, the Indus River
Basin, stopping water from coming into Pakistan and leading to droughts. Author
Arundati Roy describes the development of dams in a nation as an analogy to nuclear
bombs in a military arsenal- “they’re both weapons of mass destruction” (Strang pg.
145). Examples like this have become very costly to Pakistan.

(Figure 3: Source: Alamy Stock Photo) Deleted: 4

Solutions to water scarcity Deleted: Overcoming Water Scarcity
Deleted: ¶

Agricultural improvements Formatted: Font color: Accent 1

Deleted: Solutions to Scarcity
The World Wildlife Fund has implemented projects in various countries to help Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
battle the effects of climate change, mainly droughts. They have provided solutions such Formatted: Left, Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
as rainwater storage to be used for irrigation and starting “seed banks” to plant seeds
that are more likely to survive in unwelcoming conditions. The WWF also provides Deleted: Proper irrigation systems are essential to
education for farmers to teach them how to successfully grow produce and raise solving the water crisis in Pakistan.
domestic animals in these environments. These efforts include soil monitoring, crop
rotating, and accurate irrigation scheduling. These techniques have been successful in
countries geographically similar to Pakistan, like Nepal. These storage methods can be
used in Pakistan during the short monsoon season from June to August to conserve as
much water as possible for agriculture use throughout the rest of the year. This allows Deleted: would
the glacier water to be used for purposes like drinking water.

Sufficient education and agricultural practices are what Pakistan needs to Formatted: Indent: First line: 0"
overcome its threat to water availability. The success of other countries in the same
region show that it is possible for Pakistan to adopt the same techniques. Being
proactive while combatting the effects of climate change and population growth through
agricultural development can reverse the consequences of water scarcity in the future.
Moreover, installing efficient irrigation systems is the only way to save water in a country
where climate change is causing extreme droughts.

How foreign intervention can solve the water crisis Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,
Bold, Font color: Accent 1
These improvements are dependent on the proper education and funding. Formatted: Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
Despite being a member of the United Nations, there is very little documentation of
Pakistan receiving foreign aid that doesn’t go to its military efforts. There needs to be a
specific allocation of funds to support the education of farmers and students. The UN
established an International Fund for Agricultural Development for India in 1979 and so
far has been able to provide over $18 billion in grants to support its farmers (
Such an organization would be equally impactful in Pakistan due to their geographic and
economic similarities.

Internal political policies have also had an impact on the water crisis in Pakistan. Deleted: The
These solutions are heavily dependent on government’s ability to act on them. A start to Deleted: had the biggest
attacking this crisis would be to form an official committee dedicated to research and Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
data collection. A great example of this is the United Nations Water Sector. A political
Deleted: There is an extreme need for funding in the
action committee like this would also be responsible for the ethical allocation of the little country to be able to allocate resources and build these
water that is available. There would be a sector dedicated to stopping these “water systems, as well as maintain them.
mafias” from controlling the water supply in urban and rural areas. In addition to that, Deleted: great
they will gather accurate data addressing the water shortage all throughout the country Deleted: ing and solving this issue
to help more seriously affected areas first.
Deleted: y could have
Deleted: ould be able to

Lastly, there is a dire need for an amended treaty between India and Pakistan. Deleted: Furthermore
The original treaty has not proved to be fair, and a neutral overhead should mediate
between the two countries. Blocking water access via dams is extremely unethical and
should be seen as criminal activity. A great solution to these inter-national conflicts
would also be a committee that works together to bring water into their countries.
Forming an organization of the countries that contain the Himalayan Mountains would
be ideal. These countries could use their glaciers and implement ways to extract clean
water in a fair and ethical manner.

Limitations of these solutions Deleted: our

Deleted: S
Though these solutions present hope for the future, there are limitations within Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
them that have clearly prevented them from being used. Money is the root of most of the
Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
systemic and educational resolutions. Without proper funding, there is no way to buy the
resources the country needs. Pakistan is a developing nation with over 30% of its Formatted: Left, Pattern: Clear (Accent 2)
citizens living below the national poverty line (The Borgen Project, 2020). These
conditions make it difficult for families to send their children to school and receive proper
education to fight this crisis. As mentioned before, children and adults need to work to
be able to survive.
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

(Figure 4: Source: International Monetary Fund, 2018) Formatted: Font: 10 pt

Formatted: Centered

The national government is also tremendously in debt, forcing restrictions on
spending in all sectors. Figure 4 shows the comparisons between the country’s growing
financial debt versus its financing needs. Both are projected to increase annually if no
changes are made, especially in a nation where agricultural produce is its foremost
source of income. The COVID-19 pandemic has only worsened the financial strain in the Deleted: (See Figure 5)
country. It has been a leading factor in slowing exports, bringing the economy down. Deleted: of agriculture
This is another factor that is forcing citizens to resort to “stealing water” by any means
necessary to survive. Without international aid, the country lacks the financial means to
install irrigation and water filtering systems. This aid is hindered by political plays as
well. Pakistan finds itself in sticky ally situations with China, India, and the United States.
These ever-changing relationships have a drastic effect on if and how much financial aid
the country receives.

Deleted: ¶

Conclusion ¶

Water security is non-negotiable. It is the only means of survival on this Earth. ¶
Historical examples should be used to identify the patterns of water scarcity, greed, and ¶
the consequences of both. Pakistan is already one of thirty-six countries in the world ¶

that are water-stressed. If nothing changes, it will soon become completely scarce of ¶
water. This will lead to food shortages both inside and outside of the country. Crops that ¶
are exported from there will jump in price or become scarce themselves. This is a crisis ¶
that will truly affect the global population. The country will not be able to sustain its ¶

growing population any longer if these changes are not executed as soon as possible. ¶
There are clear solutions that have been successful in other countries that Pakistan can
Deleted: ¶
also implement such as proper irrigation systems, farming education, and policy change.

Unfortunately, the limitations of these solutions occur due to the financial state of ¶
the country. Foreign aid is not necessarily what any country may want, but it is certainly ¶
what Pakistan needs at this time. It is mainly with foreign financial aid that Pakistan can ¶
educate its citizens to be better equipped with battling the causes of water scarcity and ¶
(Figure 5: Source: International Monetary Fund, 2018)¶
to install the systems now. Additionally, the nation will be better able to contribute to the ¶
global economy if these improvements are made. This is a time-sensitive crisis that ¶
needs attention, or it will have a negative global impact in the near future. Formatted: Font color: Accent 1
Deleted: Unfortunately
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

References Formatted: Font color: Accent 1

Desk, News. “Drought like conditions emerged in most parts of Pakistan: report.” Times of Islamabad, Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Times of Islamabad, 6 June 2018,
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
“” Pakistan at a glance | FAO in Pakistan | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Deleted: pakistan
glance/en/#:~:text=Pakistan%20is%20also%20amongst%20the,to%20the%20country’s%20total% Deleted: pakistan
Formatted: Font: 11 pt

Fawad, S, and M Khalid. “Urban water management, Lahore Pakistan.” WEPA, WEPA, http://wepa- Formatted: Font: 11 pt Formatted: Font: 11 pt
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Graves, Heather, and Roger Graves. A Strategic Guide to Technical Communication. Broadview Press,
2012. Formatted: Font: 11 pt
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Haq, Riaz. “Pakistan’s debt crisis: fact or fiction?” Pakistan’s Debt Crisis: Fact or Fiction?, 1 Jan. 2018,
Deleted: '
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“International Fund for Agricultural Development.” IFAD, Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Deleted: '
“Lessons for Pakistan from droughts in the past.” Centre for Strategic and Contemporary Research, 26
Deleted: '
July 2019,
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
“Managing water scarcity.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund, Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

“Pakistan population 2022 (Live).” Pakistan Population 2022 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs), Formatted: Font: 10 pt Formatted: Normal, Space Before: Auto, After: Auto
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Strang, Veronica. Water: nature and culture. Reaktion Books, 2015.

Thelwell, Kim. “6 Facts about poverty in Pakistan.” The Borgen Project, Kim Thelwell
Https://, 12 May

“Water conflict and cooperation between India and Pakistan.” Climate, https://climate-

Watto, Muhammad Arif. Water resources of Pakistan: Issues and Impacts. Vol. 9, SPRINGER
NATURE, 2022.

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