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1.1 Background Information

In Pakistan there is increase day today in demand of concrete materials.. since the

aggregates are constituting about 70% of the concrete volume so the demand for aggregates is

much more as compared to that of cements.

As we know that fly ash is composed of non combustable materials. So we will take

into account the characteristics due to the non combustable behavior. The coal is powdered

before it is consumed in the plants. In the boilers there is production of silica calcium and


Actually pozzolana cement is fly ash. Concrete containing fly ash is more durable and

resistant to chemical attack. The comessive strength of concrete containing flyash is more as

compared to OPC because the fly ash is in the form of powdered form and these fill the voids

easily resulting the compacted structure which also more durable compared to ordinary

Portland cement concrete.

These are very helpful in construction work first these conserve the natural

ingredients, secondly these eliminates the disposal of byproducts. since these make the

structure more durable and strength is also more for such cases so we can say that these are

more efficient and helpful for buildings and other engineering structures. Fly ash may also be

composed of partially displaced portions from construction.

slag is generated as by product during the production of steel. The fly ash is generally a non

metallic powder composed mainly of calcium silicates and ferrites in combination with
oxides of iron in fused form, aluminum, manganese, calcium, these are mainly developed and

come to shape as in existence when the steel formation is in progress.

Iron and steel slags are mainly composed of silica, alumina magnesia and these make

about 95% of the total cost. Manganese iron and sulphur compounds are also there in fly ash

in small amounts. The heat production decreases as the slag amount increases and hence the

resulting concrete is free of cracks which are generated due to high heat of hydration and

insufficient water there for curing purposes. These have low strength on early strength of

concrete. The percentage of slag is dependant on the strength needed, aslo the reactivity of

aggregates is affecting the percentage of slag.

Now a days a rapid increase of the aggregates demand has created such a situation

that the aggregate sources will be depleting and resultantly the fly ash on the other hand will

serve such a situation which may be more efficient for concrete aggregate demands. It has

been reported time to time that if the alternatives for aggregates are not used, then major flaw

will be created there. The concrete industry all over the world will consume 8-12 billion tons

of natural aggregates annually. These as being the by product or may be regarded as the raw

material being obtained so we will say that these have brought a positive development in the

construction industry.

In in manufacturing of metals, the slag is there as a residue or as a byproduct and if

not used as in concrete, then it will be used as to dump deep buried in the soil. That is why its

use is creating much efficiency to have a clean environment, demand of natural aggregates is

decreased the strength requirement as

1.2 Problem Statement

The collection of fly ash and other such ingredients is creating a mjor problem to the

open atmosphere in the form of environmental flaw. Therefore these ingredients are therefore

analyzed before subjected to directe environmental contact. . so will just say that fly ash and

other such ingredients are the incomplete solution to the aggregates naturally in use for

concreting or other construction works.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 Main Objective

Our main objective is to use aggregates that will be used as a replacement to

that of fly ash. Now our major work is to use such concrete which minimize

the use of fly ash.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. Design of concrete which may contain fly ash and as a subsequent of ISF slag.

2. The other main objective is to have a control on the compressive strength of concrete
through the use of ISF slag.

3. The third one is that of the control over the rate of leak.

1.4 Justification

It is just simply clearly and humbly stated that the removal of fly ash and ISF slag is
creating a harmful effect on the environment pollution. The environment has to pay for the
spreading the said in the landfills.
These contaminants led to a severe and harmful effect on the human life. we need to find a
way to solve the problem caused by the removal of ISF slag and fly ash.
Also with the fast increase in the development of the construction projects it will be stated
that these creating to the depleting stage in the construction projects requirements.
Therefore the use of fly ash and ISF slag is creating a reduction in the construction cost.
1.5 Significance of the Study

Slag and fly ash has a difficulty to be provided because these are producing harmful effects to

the environment. We may also say that these said ingredients are low cost materials also.

Therefore, these are efficient for the construction projects. Separately from economy, these

also save the environmental cost as the cement produces more and more carbon dioxide and

hence producing green house effect. Hence this study is very much helpful in reducing the

project cost in addition to have a good and pleasant effect for the environment.

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