Oimconnectordatasheet Siebel 1 129963

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Oracle Identity Manager Connector - Datasheet September 2008


Siebel Enterprise Applications Connector Provisioning and reconciliation of Siebel S_USER account records Certified with Siebel Tools 7.5 through 8.0




Todays enterprises have numerous applications, databases and services in a typical IT environment. Additionally, there are millions of end users needing provisioning and management across heterogeneous environments. The time, money and effort spent in managing users across these environments can easily become administrators nightmare. Thus, enterprises are increasingly looking to automate enterprise-wide provisioning and de-provisioning of user accounts. They want major identity lifecycle events such as new hires, transfers & terminations to be driving these provisioning actions. Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) provides a centralized user provisioning platform for realizing such automation. OIM Connectors are pre-packaged solutions that integrate target applications with OIM. Specifically, OIMs Siebel Connector integrates OIM and Siebel Enterprise Applications by providing account provisioning and account reconciliation features. Overview

Oracle Identity Manager Connector for Siebel Enterprise Applications OIM Connector for Siebel Enterprise Applications provides both account provisioning and account reconciliation features. These account management features are available for all the types of users possible in Siebel Tools infrastructure:

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1. Base users: These users do not have a primary position associated. 2. Employee users: These users have a primary position associated and this position belongs to an internal Siebel organization. 3. Partner users: These users have a primary position associated and this position belongs to an external Siebel organization. The type of user managed is controlled by the User Type attribute in the connectors account form along with the position association. Account Provisioning Create account Based on information provided by OIM, the connector would create an account in the S_USER table of Siebel Tools. This creation would include population of all account attributes. Allows for the modification of attributes related to specific Siebel user record. These attributes can be First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, Alias, Time Zone, Employee Type, Primary Position and Organization. Allows new responsibilities to be added as well as existing responsibilities to be removed. Provides the list of all available responsibilities as an OIM Lookup Field. Allows new positions to be added as well as existing positions to be removed. Provides the list of all available positions as an OIM Lookup Field. Deletes the account record from Siebel

Update account

Add/remove responsibility assignments Add/remove position assignments Delete account

Account Reconciliation Create a new target resource Matches an existing Siebel account to an owner OIM user based on matching rules. Creates a new OIM target resource for this existing account. Populates all the OIM target resource profile attributes with their corresponding values in the Siebel account. Reconciles changes to user attributes from Siebel back into OIM. Updates the responsibilities and positions associated with an existing OIM target resource profile with the changes made directly to the Siebel user account.

Update an existing target resource Update the responsibilities and positions associated with an existing target resource Deletes existing target resource

Deletes the user from OIM if the user has been deleted from Siebel.

For More Information To learn more about Oracle Identity Manager Connectors, visit www.oracle.com/identity or call +1.800.ORACLE1.

Copyright 2008 Oracle Corporation, All Rights Reserved

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