Libiamo Ne Lieti Calici Brindisi La Traviata

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18 N° 3. “Libiamo ne’ lieti calici,,. Drinking-song. Allegretto. (63) = 2——~ . 4, —_ Piano. Pra. =] sia leggierissimo SE Li - bia - mo, li - bia- mo ne Com- pan = ions, in wine les the che Ia_ bel - loz - za_ in - fio - ra; e Ia____fug-ge-vol, fug- makes ev - ry heart bloom and flow - er. Its > icen-hances ’ the 44878 19 Eo PP, ge - vol o- -ra sin - ne brii_a— vo - Inf fect = ing our, We taste it with- ea - gerade - PP’ te i- bism ne dol -ci__ fre-mi-ti che au- aci-fa fr = Tn wine Ties joy ~ ous Jec~sta ~ sj, Tt mel-lows hearts to— sur~ (meaningfully to Violetta _—_—_ mo- ol - che quel - loo-chio-al- oo--re on - nl - po- ren - der; "A > mid this fer =Ghevval- splen_~ dor We sense” it yi i. pe. atte -mo, 8 - mO- 7% 8 - = ions, in” wine you find 20 Flora en a, Doctor] and Marquis] with BASS. it~ blam, Tet" us a al . =, joy Sati ok pid them to ~ night, Come. fil your = ~ Te =e pi them to night, Come, re fill your ro | ca 4 oh them to -|night, Come, — fill your fra | da hi- zo pil them to - night, Come, —— fill your Violeta. (rises) > a. Oa evra. lass and-en - joy them to - night eal- i a glass and _en = joy” them to = night al - di ba cte ra. glass and en - joy them to - night. al ar ba- a = lvri. glass and_cn +, joy them to - night. glass and_en Va- OR Svea = joy them to - night; Tra vol, tra T" shate the vo- 1 wa spir - it of —_ Se pro di-vi- -de-re i fem-po mio gio ~ con do; love and friend - ship You all areaso— free S—. “to fol-li- 6, fol-li- & nel mon- — -do eld holds no meaning and isnot worth liv - - ing If © non notfor— pleag-ure a - PP. dob il gan-dio del-Ta ~ ness In breathless crowd-ed_—_ mo - +s %un fiorche na- seee_ muo- re, né pia si pud = fours For love, like ten = der flow! = ery Ts swift ~ ly Sead ond _ der © Go - diam! fin = wi = taun fer -vi-daao- gon My frends ——— ‘em _ brace this ‘all - Turcingoc’- caz_= gion ete 2p een tu- Sh ghier. rev~ el_and laugh un- til dawn. Flora. An go dia Ab Sti-pan go- dia comi-pan, go dia TENOR. Ab compan Ant go dia Baron, Doctor, &{Marquis with BASS, Ab com=pan, mp 00, Is notte ab-bel - la_e il ~donfers alt g ean - nd a= night of_en= eae 1a _nof-tesb-bel - fae. fs all pend a= night of en ~ =e, ee bet - 1a— ei snd a— night of_en ~ ti-co | In es all el Jase. end a night, olen ~ ofc 4078 : : = mo, la taz-2a, la taz~ zaeil ions, Don’t waste this al - luring oc- = mo, la taz-z4, la faz - zaeil jons,Don’t waste this al ~ ur —ing o¢- mo, la |taz-za, Ia | taz ae ~ nse wase thal Iso = ing oc} 7 Se =| moda Haat ta | tar — el = ions,Don’t waste tis all-Iut_zing-o¢ so, in que - sfo, in = _ment. Our friends so, in que = _ment. Our friends, joy so, in| que | =_ment. Our, friends, | sto, in genial, The PRB ae ce Teter iit a Sak Beat RE Sai que’ sto = 80 ne |s00~ pra—il—|nyo - vo genial,The i ~ “cigus,Ler's rev~el_— and drink wll — ee sco pra—il__ Inyo vo —_ ev’s rey —el-nand drink til bo Welote 10 Alfred) fo Alfred) a vic ta nel fri - pu - dio We live and love for pleas- ure. Alfra.(to Violeta) Quan-do mon sa-minan- cc - ra, Un-til we love sin *- cere - ly... wy P77 di- tes chi NM gno- Fo. fh go ‘most ro ~ mantic theo = ry. (to Violetta) — Abcom- El mio de- tino == o- And one that I be - lieve. Com- * Ee Sr Sse fae SS = taz-za, la taz~ zagil can~ =.ti-co la not-teab- waste thisal = luring oc - ca - ~~ sionLet's allspend a_ ss FE SSS SS a a aa a aa a a a ‘An 8h, go- dia-mo, go-dia-mo, go- dia-mo, la taz- za ejl can-ti-co la not-teab. Come, let’s embrace the oc - cagion:The friends are-con-gen -ial,The wine is de = li-cious,Let’s tr : ; a = =: eee se et Pape ee pel i i-co Ia mot-teab- dia = mio, 1a taz- za, la tax - zgejl can - = ti-eo "t waste thisal - luring oc - ca- - - sion,Let’s allspend a— A 9p 9ee ee i et dia-mo, go- dia-mo, la taz- a ejl can-ti-co fal, The wine is de- Ii A—. —_ : === Sayan scien Paral yar stents = 4 #. = ert == Papa Ge dia-mo, go- dia-mo, la taz- za @jl can-ti-co he friends are con-gen-ial,The wine is de - I ee iS Se + as dia-mo, go- dia-mo, fa taz- za ef can-ti-co acon The fends ate con-gen-ial The wine SSS SS SSE ee ee ee |dia-mo, go-Hli-mo, go-lHia-mo, la |taz~za eil can-ti-co Come, let's embrace the oc = casion. The friends are con-gen ial, The wine it de IiciougLet'4 ‘PPTENOR. SaaS ES v-¥-7, |, go-dia-mo, go-flia-mo, Ia |taz-2a efi can-ti-co |la not-tes let embrace the oc -casion:The fiends are con-gen-ial The wine is de - licious,Let's Hipp pts = 2S dia-mo, go- dia-mo, Ia taz-za eil can-ti-co la not-teab- casion The friends ate con-gen-ial, The wine is de ~ lfciousLets apes nt she be stir bff, ffl tf. eit eit #4 te = poco a 0 orese — Sd Fe ae =e as pies rie = 80, in que - - ~stoin que-sto pa - ra- joy ~~ ment Our friends ____are con gen‘al, The wine is de - f= pa - ra- ae SS SSS a a a Fi-60, go-, go - 0, in all spend a night of en =joyment,withlaugh-ter and drinking, the = —<— bel-ln—el ri- = 80, in que - night ofen - joy - - ment. Our friends pa ra wine is de~ # fae a] Se ft bel-la ell ri-s0, go- dia-mo, go dia-mo, go - pa. rae all spend a night of en ~joyment, with is young, 50 $ He te] et $ bel-In @fl ri-s0, go- pa. ma. all spend a night of enjoyment, withlaughter and drinking, the young, 0 s a a. # s— ft: t= fea 7S = Si af = - bel-la efl ri. 80, go- dia-mo, go- dia-mo, go- dia-mo, pa. me all spend a night of en joyment, withlaughter and drinking, the you 10 ot é 458 a; Pee SHS SS ra = + — —F bel- 1a eil ri- 80, go- dia-mo, go dia-mo, go- dia-mo, in pa- fa- all spend a night of en joyment, with laughter and drinking, the young,. £0 del-la eil | ri-s0, go-ldia-mo, go-|dia-mo, go-|dia-mo, in |que - sto |pa - ra- all spend a night of enjoyment, withlaughter and drink-ing, the night is young, so FES jr _v-¥ ¥ bel-la el |ri-so, go-|dia-mo, go-|dia-mo, go-|dia-mo, in |que - sto |pa - ra- + # Tio, fo dia-mo, fo-dia-mo, fo . — 44978 —_—> ai - = 80 ne sco-pra il nu0-_— di, ah, ~~ cious, Let's rev-el. and drink un~ til—dawn, al ah, Let's di-so ne sc0-pra, ne sco-pra il mu - vo di, ne sco-praji nuo- val let us_em-brace the oc - ca-sion,for wine and love, Let’s laugh and drink un- = aS =s0 ne f09-prail_ no-W_— di, ah, ~ = = cious, Let’s rev el_ and drink un -til_dawn. ah, ah, ahno ah,—— Let's di- so ne seo-pra, ne seo-pra fl nto - vo di, ne sco-praji nvo- wail Jet us embrace the o¢ ~ ca -sion,for wine and love, Let's laugh and drink un~ di, ne se0-prajl nuo. Inve, Lets lnug'and dnc oe = 80 ne s00-pra,ne sco-pra il Tet us _em-brace the oc ~ ca-sion, for @i-s0 n0 sco-pra,ne sco-pra il muo - vo di, ne sco-praji nuo-vojl let us emebrace the oc - ca-sion,for wine and lovey Let’s laugh and drink un = iso ne sco-pra,ne sco-pra il muo - vo di, me sco-prajll no-voil let us em-brace the oc - ca-on,for wine — and love Let's laugh and drink un - ne | sco-pra, ne |sco-pra il embrace the oc = ca-sion, for , ne |sco - prajl mo - vai love, Let’s laugh and drink un }sco ~ prail-nuo ~ di 0, ne | sco-pra, ne |sco-pra il &, ne Jaugh and drink un! Fraime og senton fof wine and ove Lets die me slop, ne eto-pm me - yo @, ne ooo pra nuo- va tec tr cmabree he ce = cradon for wine and love, La’ laugh and drink une — adicae te hice —~ a ef 44978

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