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Ilmoh Street, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi


The subject focuses in the discussion on the History of Islam and its Political System,
Which is entitled Islamic 102.
It describes as to when and where it was started, and how it was spread out to all
Cornels of the world.


In the name of Al-Mighty Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I bear
Witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone. And Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) was the Messenger of Allah.
Islam is the divine system of guidance for all human being on the Earth, and the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the universal messenger of Allah as what He
Mention in the Holy Qur-an, “Allah Said, and We (Allah) have not sent you (O
Muhammad, PBUH) except as a giver of glad tidings and a Warner (against sin) to all
Mankind. But most of people know not”

At the same time, the book of guidance, Al-Qur an is a divine treasure of knowledge and a
Universal code of conduct in Arabic for salvation of the entire humanity, as revealed in the
Following verses mention in the Holy Qur-an “Allah said: Verily, We (Allah) have
Sent it down as an Arabic Qur-an in order that you may learn Wisdom” (12:1)

And finally, the most important things I advice to the learners is that they should seek
Knowledge, guidance and help to the Al-Mighty Allah through the supplication.
“Allah said: O my Lord! Expand for me my chest (grant me self-confidence,
Contentment and boldness). And ease my task for me” (20:25-26)

Ustadz Hammara A. Lallih, MPA

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Ilmoh Street, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi



The most popular date of his birth is the 12th of Rabbiul Awwal in Hijrah
calendar. (Amul fiyl, the year of Elephant) 53 years before Hijrah. In Gregorian
calendar 20th of August 570 A.C. It was on Monday morning.


Abdullah bin Abdulmuttalib bin Hashim, died when He was on a business
trip to Madinah, three or six months before his birth.


Aminah binti Wahab bin Abdul Munaf bin Zahrah


Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim, the one who took care the Baby (Muhammad)
life and brought him to Ka’bah in order to thank Allah’s blessings for that gift. Gave him
the name “Muhammad” means, the Highly Praised, but his mother want name “Ahmad
“More Praised Worthy “

Grand Father Children,

He had sixteen children both Male and Female.
Ten Sons: Six daughters:
1. Haris 6. Maquum Safiyah Barrah
2. Abbas 7. Dharar Aatika
3. Abu Talib 8. Abu Lahab Ummo Hakim
4. Zubir 9. Hamjah Aminah
5. Hajal 10. Abdullah Arwah

Muhammad (PBUH) was born an orphan. His grandfather decided to look for the
baby to feed by a nurse. Halimah Sa’diyah binti Abi Zuwaib to breast fed and her husband
Harith bin Abdul Uzza to take care of him. Halimah Sa’diyah brought the baby to the
village in order to away from the filthy conditions of Makkah, until He reached the age of
five years.
Muhammad (PBUH) lost his father, when he was not yet born. His father left for
Him only 5 camels, several goats and one girl as his servant, Ummu Aiman.

Before he reached the age six years old, his mother made a journey to Yathrib (Madinah)
and brought Him w/ her servant. The purpose of them to meet the relatives (Bani Najjar)
his grandfather, and to visit the grave of his Father. After a month returned to Makkah,
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but before they reached home visit the grave of Abdullah at Abwa a place which was
about 23 miles from the south of Madinah, his mother become sick and died. She was
buried in that place.
Suddenly, Muhammad (PBUH) is very sad and worried over the death of his
mother, since he just saw a father’s grave. Now, Ummo Aiman decides to bring back
Muhammad (PBUH) to Makkah and took care of Him.
Thereafter, Muhammad (PBUH) was got it by his grandfather who loved him very
much more than his own children. Abdul Muttalib had a special place beside the Ka’ba
nobody could occupy except his grandson.
Two years passed, Abdul Muttalib was also passed away on his death-bed. Abdul
Muttalib confided to his son Abu Talib to take care of his nephew a little orphan.

After a few years Muhammad (PBUH) is under the care of his uncle Abu Talib.
While in a boyhood he tended the flock of sheep and goats in the company of the Bedouin
boys’ to help his uncle Abu Talib.
Since his uncle was a trader, Muhammad (PBUH) also became a trader. When he
was a twelve years old, he accompanied his uncle on a mercantile journey to Syria as far
as Busra. The journey lasted for a months. At Busra, the Christian monk “Bahira “met
Muhammad (PBUH), said to Abu Talib return and guard Him against the hatred Jews.
Muhammad (PBUH) is a good character, honesty, sincerity, devotion and
honorable bearing while in a still young. Above all he received the title of “Al-Amin” the
Trustworthy and the Faithful.

Because of his career in a business received sharing from his uncle enough.
Luckily, there was a woman noble and wealthy widow, which is Khadija. She need a
person’s honest who could use her money for a trade purposes. When she came to know
about the worries of Muhammad (PBUH), she offered her own money for a business
project and promised him twice in a customary share in profit. His uncle advised him to
accept the offer.
Muhammad (PBUH) journey to Syria in the accompany of the slave of Khadija in
her name Maisarah. When return Maisarah praise Muhammad (PBUH) for his ability,
honesty and his morality. Khadija was impressed about the honesty, goodness and
kindness of Muhammad. She thought of marrying him, if possible.
Khadija proposed the marriage herself to Muammad (PBUH) so; his uncle was
accepted and agreed to the proposal of the nobility, wealthy, beauty and excellent
character. The two were married. Muhammad (PBUH) at that time was twenty five years
old and Khadija was forty years old, fifteen years older than him.
Muhammad and Khadija both are came from the tribes of Quraish. Muhammad
was the son of Abdulla bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Qushai, and Khadija was the
daughter of Khuwailid bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza bin Qushai. Before marrying
Muhammad Khadija was twice to married, first Abu Hala bin Zararah and second Atiq
bin Ayaz Mahzoomi.
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Muhammad (PBUH) chosen by Allah (SWT) as the last Prophet. During the last Ten
years of period of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his few followers were subjected to
terrible torture-mental and physical.
Muhammad (PBUH) was blessed with children, four daughters and two sons;
Daughters: Sons:
1. Zainab 1. Al-Qasim
2. Ruqaiya 2. Abdullah known as Taiyib and Tahir
3. Ummo Kalsum
4. Fatimah

And one son from the other wife Mariyah Qibtiyyah his name;
1. Ibrahim

Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

1. Khadija binti Khuwailid 7. Zainab binti Jahsin
2. Saudah binti Zam-ah 8. Juwairiyah binti Haris
3. A-ishah binti Abubakar 9. Ramla binti Abu Sufyan
4. Hafsah binti8 Umar 10. Safiyah binti Hay bin Akhtab
5. Zainab binti Khuzaimah 11. Maimunah binti Harith
6. Hindun binti Abu Ummaiyah 12. Mariyah Qibtiyyah


In 605 A.C, the people of Makkah rebuilt the Ka’bah because it was destroyed by
flood, and Muhammad that time was thirty five years of age. Hajarul Aswad (Blackstone),
the most holy relic of Ka’bah returns into proper place. The senior leader at that time Abu
Umaiyah bin Mughirah Al-Makhzumy had advised, who would be the first to enter the
gate “Babus-Safa”. Agreed upon by the majority Was Muhammad (PBUH) and Muhammad
himself got the Blackstone into a proper place.

Muhammad lost his interest in trade, only confined now to business during Haj. He
focuses in attention into seeking the Truth. Only few people seek the truth called
“HUNAFA” meaning those who turn away from the existing Idol-worship, but they didn’t
spread their own neither knowledge nor form community. Only seeking truth by the light
of his own inner consciousness.
It was a practice of Muhammad (PBUH) and some times in his family for a month
or every year going to the cave in the desert for prayer and meditation in Mount Hira. He
chooses month was Ramadhan.
When Muhammad reached the age of 40, he receive the first revelation the true
vision in sleep, in every vision he saw came like the bright gleam of dawn. After this,
Muhammad (PBUH) continues to worship in the cave Hira Day and Night.
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One Night in the 17 days of Ramadhan when Muhammad (PBUH) was asleep, or in
a trance an angel appeared to him and said: “Read”. He said: “I cannot read” the angel
repeat his question three times until Prophet said: What can I read? The angel said:
1. Read in the name of the Lord who creates.
2. Creates man from a clot.
3. Read and thy Lord are most generous.
4. Who taught by the pen.
5. Taught man what he knew not.

When Muhammad (PBUH) woke up, the words remained in his heart. He went out
from the cave. On the hillside heard the voice and say: O Allah’s messenger I am Jibril.
Then he raised his eyes and saw the angel in the likeness of a man. But Muhammad
(PBUH) turning away his face from the brightness of the vision. Whenever turn his face
the Jibril is there confronting him.
This was the first revelation of the Qur-an. That night is known as “LAITUL
QADAR” the Night of Majesty. Muhammad returned home worried and related the
incident to his wife. Beloved husband I bear witness to the truth of that fact. Later she
took to his cousin Waraqah bin Naufal, aged of scholar of Hebrew Language, Taurah and
Injil. On hearing the story, Waraqah remarked: He is the same angel who used to come to
Musa (A.S). I wish if I alive and healthy to help you.


After receiving the second revelation, Muhammad (PBUH) rose and
engaged the work to preach the teaching of Islam, which means complete
obedience to the will of Allah.
At the beginning of preaching the teaching of Islam only his family and his intimate
friends who will accept it. The first converted, known as “Al-Muslimunal Awwalun”. They
1. Khadijah binti Khuwailid, his wife
2. Alih bin Abi Talib, his cousin
3. Zaid bin Harithah, his servant (adapted son)
4. Abubakar bin Abi Quhafah, his friend
5. Usman bin Affan
6. Abdurahman bin Auf
7. Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash
8. Thalhah bin Ubaidah
9. Zubair bin Awwam
10. Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah
11. Bilal bin Rabah
12. Ammar bin Yasir
13. Khabbab bin Arat
14. Said bin Zaid
15. Abdullah bin Mas-ud
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16. Usman bin Muz-un

17. Ummu Aiman, girl servant of his father

After three years of private teaching, only thirty Muslims converted. They worshipped Allah
secrectly in the Cave and valleys.
At the end of the third year, Muhammad (PBUH) received the command from Allah
to preach Islam in public. So, he arranged for their gathering on a neighboring hill of
“SAFA”. His own uncle, Abu Lahab who never accepted Islam, cursed to perish. But Allah
(S.W.T) cursed Abu Lahab. But Muhammad (PBUH) continued preaching the teaching of
Islam even though cursed him so much.
Then unbeliever headed by Abu Sufyan, went to his uncle Abu Talib. They asked
him, either to dissuade Muhammad from preaching Islam or to withdraw his protection
for his nephew. But the Prophet continued. With tears in his eyes, told his uncle:
“I swear by Allah that even if they are able to put the sun on my right hand and
the moon on my left hand, I will go on with my mission.”
His uncle was so impressed with the Prophet’s determination that he asked him to
go ahead.
One time when Muhammad (PBUH) made argumentation with Abu Jahal later his uncle
Hamjah, known as the (Asadullah) “Lion of God”, then he returned from the hunting is
being furious. He stormed into the midst of the leaders of Quraish during the meeting in
Ka’bah. He struck his bow on the head of Abu Jahal and said: Look, “I have turned a
Muslim, Do whatever you like”. All of them remained silent; none dared question this
famous warrior.


When the unbelievers could not check advancement of Islam they decided to
unleash tyranny they used to lay the poor Muslims on the scorching sand at mid-day,
placed heavy boulders on the chest, spread hot sand on them and poked red hot iron
bars i9n their bodies. The following persons were acts tortures:
1. Bilal bin Rabah had a rope tied around the neck and dragged in the street by the urchins.
But still called “Ahadun” God is one.
2. Suhaib was often beaten to unconsciousness.
3. Khabbab was laid on burning coals and kept there until the heat of the coals was gone.
4. Yasir was died in tortures
5. Sumaiya, wife of Yasir was died in stabbed to death by Abu Jahal.
6. Ammar was forcibly laid on the ground and flogged until he lost of his senses.
7. Zinnirah, a maid. Was beaten by Abu Jahal that she lost her sight, but Abu Bakar bought
and freed all these slaves.

Among the rich were persecuted are the following:

1. Usman, was tied with a rope
2. Zubair, was wrapped up in a mat
3. Abdullah bin Mas-ud, was pounce by unbelievers and beat hard.
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Ilmoh Street, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi


After the conversions of Islam of the first four years, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
advised them to permit to migrate to Abyssinia Christian country was of them, eleven
men and four women. This was the first migration during the prophet hood of
Muhammad (PBUH) in fifth year. Until the number reached 83 men and 18 women to
follow to migrate in Abyssinia.
The king of Abyssinia, Al-Najjashy (Negus) was opened and welcome, a pious
Christian king. They had adopted very well. But when Jafar son of Abu Talib brother of
Alih had come to the King complained with them told them returned the emigrants. Call
them evils one. But the king did not agree unless to prove the fact. Until the king asked
them to recite the Surah (verse) from the Holy Qur-an which is surah Maryam.

Umar was the brave young man with a terrible temper. He hated Islam. Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) prayed to Allah (S.W.T) to make Islam strongly through these person
either Umar Abul Hakam bin Hashim or Umar bin Khattab. His prayer was granted.
One night Umar heard secretly the prophet reciting the verses from the Holy Qur-
an. He was able to resist the prophet influence. One day, Umar decided to make short
work of the Prophet by killing him. He went to meet Muhammad (PBUH) in the house of
Arqam at Safa, a Muslim’s meeting place (Madrasah).
On the way, Umar met Nuaim bin Abdillah, who advised him to take care of his
sister, Fatimah and brother-in-law, Said bin Zaid.
Umar knocked at the door. Someone was reciting the Qur-an inside. But Fatimah
terrified when she heard Umar’s voice. Umar said what it that you were reciting was. Said
the sister, Oh, nothing. Umar shouting, why nothing. I have heard it. I know you both
accepted Islam. Umar began to beat brother-in-law, Fatimah ran help her husband and got
a blow on the head. Her head began to bleed. But the coupled replied, yes! We have
become Muslims. Umar said, do what you will.
One time, Umar become cooled down. He favor to ask to his sister, he said “let me
look at the Holy Qur-an”. Fatima replied. Yes, she gives a few pages of the Qur-an. Umar
sat down to study that some pages, but later on Umar cooled down, and said, I declared:
“Surely this is the word of Allah. I bear witness there is no God but Allah and I bear
witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Umar look for Prophet
Muhammad but he is now in Ka’bah, he was going not to slay Prophet Muhammad but to
embrace his faith.
The Prophet was sitting in the company of his followers, and he saw Umar coming
and asked: Umar, what brings you here, “O Prophet of Allah, I come to here embrace
That was the great joy of Prophet Muhammad and his followers.


In the 10 th year of his mission, his wife Khadijah already died. Several weeks later,
his uncle Abu Talib also died. This was the year 620 A.C. called the year of sadness when
the two people protectorate in Islam died.
A few years passed, Prophet Muhammad continued to preach the teaching Islam. So,
he decided to preach Islam in Taif, sixty miles away from Makkah with his adopted son
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Ilmoh Street, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

Zaid bin Harithah. They preached for several days, but were met with mockery and insult.
Young men hooted at him in the streets and pelted him with stones.
After all happened the incident at Taif, then the Angel Jibril (A.S) appeared to him
and asked him whether he wanted to Allah (S.W.T) to destroy those bad people. But he
did not agree for what Jibril wanted to ask to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). For he
thought someday someone from their tribe might accepts Islam.


In the twelve year of his mission or one year before Hijrah, the Prophet was honored
with Isra’ and Mi’raj.
Isra’, means a night journey of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) from Masjidil
Haram (the Sacred Mosque) at Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa (the Remote Mosque) at
Jerussalem, Mi’raj means ascension from Jerusalem to Heaven.
The importance of Isra’ and Mi’raj is the Prayer, according to the Hadith was the five
times a day was made obligatory to a Mulim during that night.
The God’s messenger said:
The roof of my house was cleft when I was Makkah and Jibril descended and opened
my breast, after which he washes it with Zamzam water. He then brought a gold dish full
of wisdom and faith, and after emptying it into my breast he closed it up.
I was brought Al-Buraq which was an animal white and long, larger than a donkey
but smaller than a mule, whose hoof touched the ground at a distance equal to the range
of its vision. I mounted it and came to Jerusalem, then tied it to the ring used by the
Prophets. Then after entering the Mosque and praying two rak-ats in it. I came out and
Jibril brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk, and Jibril said:
“You have chosen the true religion “
“We were then taken up to Heaven “
In Heaven, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) meet the prophets which is Adam, Idris,
Yahya,Isa, Yusof, Musa and Ibraim all of them welcomed him and gave him salutation.
The Prophet again said:
He then took to me Sidratul Muntaha (The Lote-Tree of the Boundary) whose leaves
are like elephant’s ears whose fruits are like earthenware vessels. When what God
commands overshadows it changes, and none of God’s creatures can describe it because
of its beauty.
God revealed to me what He revealed and made obligatory for me fifty prayers every
day and night.
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THE FOURTH MAJOR BATTLE  ( Ah - zab - The allies / confederates or battle

of the Khandakh - The Ditch).This is one of the most difficult and protracted military
conflicts between the Muslim and the Quraish which occurred in the month of Shawwal
5 A. H. Salam Al - Farisi suggested digging a ditch in the northern area of Madinah in
order to cut off the enemies from the only area open to attack from this Ditch also, the
battle was named. The Muslim army numbered only 3,000 whereas the confederates in
tota numbered 10,000 with 300 Horses and 1,500 camels. This battle for one full month
with minimal fighting but wore the Muslim down. However, the miraculous storm
fiercely routed the enemies and dispersed them one early morning.

THE CAMPAIGN OF BANU QURAIZAH. One of the Jewish tribes Banu Quraiza
with which the prophet S.A.W had a treaty brok their covenant with him during the
battle of the Ditch, Thus exposing the Muslims to grave danger. In the morning after
the Quraish and their confederates were dispersed, the Muslims army laid their
weapons down to rest. But Angel Gabriel came to the prophet S.A.W at Zuhur time and
asked him how he could do so when the Angels still have their weapons ready to
encounter Banu Quraizah's treachery. The Muslims were then ordered to route Banu
Quraizah. The siege lasted for 25 days and by their own decree, all male captives were
killed and other women and children taken as prisoners of war. Due to their arrogance
and pride, they refused to accept the clemency and mercy of the prophet S.A.W which
would have saved their lives and families.

THE TREATY OF AL - HUDAIBIYAH.At the beginning of Zul qa'da on the 6th

A.H, the prophet S.A.W led 1,500 Muslims to performed Umrah in order to display
their true feelings and great respect for the Ka'bah. The basic term of treaty were
grossly uneven ; failure of the Quraish to recognize Muhammad S.A.W as prophet of
Allah, that Muslims shall not enter Makkah this year but may do so next year, truce for
10 years on both sides, and anyone who defected from the Quraish to the Muslim
should be returned, but anyone who came to the Quraish from the Muslims will not be

THE CAMPAIGN OF KHAIBAR.Approximately 20 days after Al - Hudaibiyah, the

prophet S.A.W led his army to khaibar in 6 A.H to counter Jewish treachery. Abu
Hurairah embraced Islam during the battle. A siege was laid on Khaibar for 20 days
after which the enemies surrender.

THE NINTH MARRIAGE. The Message of Allah had sent a message to An - Najashi
King of Habasha to embrace Islam and also a proposal to marry Umm Habibah bin Abi
Sufyan whose husband, Ubaid Ullah Ibn Jhash, became a Christian and died as such
during their Hijra there from Makkah. The Prophet S.A.W married Habibah after return
from Habasha during the 7 A.H.
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THE TENTH MARRIAGE.The prophet S.A.W was married to Safiyah Bint Huyayy
Ibn Akhtab, the daughter of a Jewish king. She was a prisoner during the battle of
Hunain and was given two choices: to free herself by marrying him or to be free and go
to back to her family. She chose to marry the prophet S.A.W because of his Kindness to

THE ELEVENTH MARRIAGE. The prophet S.A.W was married to MaimunaBinti

Al-Harith Al- Hilaliyah about 9 A.H. She was widow od Abi Rahm IbnAbd' Al-Uzza.


Hudaibiyah gave the Muslims the opportunity to propagate Islam to others both within
and outside the Arabian peninsula peacefully. Several letters dictated by the Prophet
S.A.W were sent out particular leaders and kings.

DISCIPLING THE BEDOUINS. During the Hudaibiyah peace treaty, there were
some minor skirmishes and disturbance caused by the Bedouins which were addressed
by the muslims. These include GhazwatDhat Al-Qarad, the incident of the tribes of Ukl
and Uraynah, and GhazwatDhat al-Riqa.

THE COMPENSATORY UNRAH( Al-Wada ). The prophet S.A.W and some

20,000 his companions, besides women and children, returned to Makkah in 7th A.H to
perform Umrah in compensation for the first attempt that was thwarted at Al-
Hudaibiyah. They wre allowed to stay in Makkah for only three days but this event
signified a clear moral and political Victory for the Muslims over the Quraish.

THE CAMPAIGN OF MU'TAH. the prophet S.A.W messenger Al- HarithibUmair

Al-Asdi, to the king of Busra was executed and this campaign was organized to counter
Byzantine aggression in 8 A.H. an army consisting of 3,000 men was sent to Syria leb
by ZaidibnHaritha who would be succeeded by Abdullah ibn Abu Rawahah. The siege
of the enemies army was 200,000 consisting of Byzantine and Christian Arabs from
Lakham. Since the designated Muslim Amirs were all martyred, Khalid ibn Al-Walid
took over the Muslim army and led a great victory, due to an organized Muslim retreat
over the formidable enemy. Under Khalid, Muslim loss was minor and the enemy's loss
was serve and heavy.

THE LIBERATION OF MAKKAH.The armistice of Al-Hudaibiyah lasted between

17 to 18 months and was broken by the Quraish when they aided one of their allies,
BanuBakr, in an attack against Khuza'ah, the allies of tge Muslims killing 20 men. This
occurred near Makkah at the watering place of Al-Water. Violation of the treaty of
Hudaibiyah led to the liberation of Makkah. The Muslim army left Madinah of 10th of
Ramadhan and entered Makkah in the month of Ramadan 8 A.H with 10,000 men in a
peaceful campaign in which all Makkah was granted a general pardon, except a few
criminals. All 360 idols kept by the Musriquun ( Idolators ) inside the Ka'bah were
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destroyed and the Ka'bah was cleaned Makkah a sanctuary that would not be invaded
after its liberation.

THE BATTLE OF HUNAIN. Fifteen days after liberation of Makkah, an enlarge

Muslim Army of about 12,000 men marched out on the 5th of Shawwal to the Hawazin
of Hunain, 26 km to the east of Makkah, and arrived there on the 10th in the year 8
A.H. The Hawazin was a famous northern Arab tribe having close relations with
Quraish and supported them against the Muslims. After the liberation of Makkah, the
Hawazin remain the natural opposing force to Islam and the flag- bearers of the shirk.
However, because of the false pride of the Muslim army due to its size and the skillful
organization of the Muslim army cowardly retreated on the first Hawazin onslaught.
But some 80 or 100 of the them returned at the call of the prophet S.A.W and by
another miracle, they routed the enemy. Hawazin losses were heavy, including 6,000
prisoners of war, 4,000 Awqiyah of silver, 24,000 Camels and more than 40,000

THE EXPEDITION OF TABUK. About six months after the siege of Ta'if, a force of
about 30,000 men was put together by the prophet S.A.W to counter the Roman threat
at the northern border, in the month of Rajab, 9 A.H. Tabuk lay 778 km. north from
Madinah and was under Byzantine control at that time. The campaign is considered the
last battle during the life of the prophet Muhammad and took one month to complete.

THE FIRST HAJJ OF THE MUSLIMS. After Tabuk in the month of Zul'qada 9
A.H, the prophet S.A.W sent Abubaqr to lead 300 Muslims to perform the first Hajj
and they took 20 Hadi (Sacrificial Animals) with them.

THE FAREWELL PILGRIMAGE ( HAJJ AL-WADA ).Hajj was made obligatory

upon the Muslims as early as 6 A.H or no later than the 9th A.H. But it was not until
10 A.H on the 5th of Zul'Qada that the prophet S.A.W under took to perform his first
Hajj which became known as the Farewell Pilgrimage. Approximately 120,000
Muslims accompanied him. This Hajj was also called Hajj Al-Wada, because the
Prophet S.A.W gave his last sermon ( Khutbah Al-Wadah ) at Arafat in the middle of
the Ayam At' Tashriq ( three days after the 10th of Zul' Hijjah ). He also delivered
another sermon at Mina. On the return to Madinah.

THE DAY OF ARAFAT ( Yaum Arafat ). This is the most important point in Hajj
and falls on the 9th of Zul- hijjah (pilgrims) must stand at Arafat for a prescribed period
of the day.

EIDUL ADHA.The Eid of sacrifice at the end of Hajj falls on the 10th of Zul- Hijjah.
This is observed by those who did not perform the Hajj.
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Ilmoh Street, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

AYAM AT'TASHRIQ.The days of feasting, immediately after Hajj falls on the 11th,
12th, 13th of Zul- Hijjah and is especially recommended for the pilgrims to remain at
Mina and observe these days there.


prophet S.A.W ordered a young 18 years old commander Usamah to lead an army of
about 3,000 men, consisting of Al- Muhajireen and Al- Ansar. He instructed the latter
to respect Usamah and treat him well despite their seniority in age over him. However,
this campaign was delayed due to the sudden illness of the prophet S.A.W.

THE DEATH OF THE PROPHET S.A.W. The Prophet S.A.W fell ill three months
after arriving from the Farewell Pilgrimage. It lasted for 10 days after which the
Prophet S.A.W passed away on Monday 12th day of Rabi'ul Awwal ( August 20 ), the
same day he was born, 10 A.H ( 633 A.C at age 63 ).


The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W delivered his last sermon on the ninth day of ZulHijjah
9 A.H in the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafat. An excerpt of this moving, inspiring and
eternal message is deserving of citation as follows:

O people, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether, after this year, I shall ever
be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and
take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O people, just as you regard this month, this day, and this sacred trust. Return the goods
entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.
Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your
deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take Usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation
shall henceforth be waived.

Beware of Satan for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will be ever
be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they
also have rights over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to
be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they
are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make
friends with anyone whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit Adultery.

O people, listen to me in earnest, Worship Allah, say your five Daily prayers, Fast
during the Month of Ramadhan, and give Zakat, perform Hajj if you can. You know
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that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal, nobody has
superiority over others except by piety and good action.

Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So
beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O people, No Prophet or Apostle will come after me and no new Faith will be born.
Reason well, therefore, O people, understand my words which I convey to you. I leave
behind me two things, THE QUR'AN and MY EXAMPLE ( Sunnah ) and if you
follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass my words to others and those to others again; And
may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be
my witness O Allah, that i have conveyed your message to your people.

SUCCESSION OF THE FIRST KHALIFA.After the death of the Prophet S.A.W,

the Muslims gathered in ThaqilatBani Sa- idah and through Shura (mutual consultation)
selected Abubaqr R.A as the first successor of the Muslim Ummah. This was ratified in
Masjid An- Nabawi on the second day. Abubaqr R.A was Khalifa for 2 years and years
3 months. A highlight of the important events during his reign is as follows:

HARB UR' RIDDA. After the death of the Prophet S.A.W some tribes turned back to
Kufr and some of them refused to pay the compulsory Zakat'ul - Maal. He prepared 11
battalions to fight them and bring them back in conformity to Islam in 13 A.H.

ARMY TO BYZANTINE SYRIA. In Shaban 13 A.H Abubaqr sent an Army of

70,000 men to Syria under the command of Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan, Abu Ubaid Ibn Al -
Jarrah, Sharahbillbn Hasana, and amr Ibna Aas to counter Byzantine threat against the
Ummah. He ordered Khalid Ibn Walid to take his contingent to join the army in Syria
after he finished his mission in Iraq. The enemy was defeated in a great Muslim victory
in a battle called Ajnadine.

DEATH OF ABUBAQR R.A. Aftet a shortly illness, Abubaqr R.A passed away
naturally on Tuesday night 17th Jumadil Akhir, 13 A.H and was buried beside the
Prophet's tomb.

THE SECOND KHALIFA.At the death of Abubaqr R.A, Umar Ibn Al- Khattab R.A
was selected to be the successor of the Ummah and served for 10 years. The main
during the Khalifa of Umar are as follows:

 In 14 A.H Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas was appointed as Amir for Iraq.

 Battle of Al-Qadisiyah. In 15 A.H, Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas conquered the Persians in the
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Battle of Al- Qadisiyah. The Muslim Army of 300,000 prevailed over a mighty Persian
force of 300,000 men and 33 elephant.
 Battle of Al- Yarmouk. In year 15 A.H Khalid Ibn Al-Walid conquered the Byzantine.

 Umar visited Syria and Baitul- Maqdas in 15 A.H.

 Umar instituted the Hijara Calendar in 16 A.H.

 First expansion of the Muslim Empire to the East and West, in 17 A.H the Muslim army

became large and powerful and controlled the region.

 The year of difficulty ( Aam Al- Ramadah ). In 18 A.H, there were many difficulties

andhardships upon the Muslims due tob drought and plague in which 20,000 Muslims
died in Syria, including Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al - Jarrah, Muaz Ibn Jabal, and Yazid Ibnabi
Sufyan. Umar appointed Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan as Amir of Syria.
 In 19 A.H, there was more expansion for the Muslim Ummah to the East and West.

 In 20 A.H, the conquest of Egypt took place. The Jews were completely removed from

the Hijaz.
 In 21 A.H, Khalid Ibn Al - Walid died naturally.

 In 21 A.H, the last remnant of the Persian Empire fell under the command of An-

Nu'man Ibn Muqarrin.

 In 22 A.H, Umar performed Umrah.

 In 23 A.H, Umar was assassinated on 4th Zul' Hijjah and was buried beside Abubaqr in

the same area of the Prophet's grave.

THE THIRD KHALIFA. Uthman Ibn Afan was elected to be the third successor in a
contest between himself and Ali R.A in Muharram 24 A.H and served for about 11
years. The remain events during his reign are as follows:

 In 25 A.H many of the close companions of the Prophet S.A.W passed away, Abdullah

Ibn Makhtoum and others

 In 26 A.H, the opening of the rest of North Africa, under the command of Abdullah Ibn

Abisarrh, other territories fell under Muslim rule.

 In 27 A.H the conquest of North Africa was completed Uthman relieved Amru Ibn Al-

Aas as Amir of Egypt and appointed Abudullah Ibn Abisarrh to succeed him.
 In 28 A.H, the Muslim Navyu was established under the command of Muawiyah Ibn
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AbiSufyan, the Amir of Syria.

 In 29 A.H, expansion of the Al - Masjid An - Nabawi and Al- Masjid Al Haram.

 In 30 A.H, Uthman lost the Prophet's ring in Birr Al - Arith and it was never again to be

found. This incident made Uthman very sad and grieved this great loss.
 In 30 A.H, Abu Dharr stood up against Muawiyah and the people of Syria for their

indulgence in the vanities of this worldly life and he was subsequently expelled from
Syria to Madinah at Muawiyah's request to Uthman.
 In 32 A.H, the opening of Al- constantiniyah ( Binzantine ) under the command of

Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan.

 In 32 A.H, many other important companions passed away, including Abdurrahman Ibn

Awf, Abdulla Ibn Mas'ud, Salman Al-Farisi, Abu Dharr Al- Ghufari, Al- Abbas Ibn
Abd' Al - Mutalib, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.
 In 33 A.H, open manifestation of the Trials against Uthman began.

 In 34 A.H, the escalation of the Trials became more serious.

 In 35 A.H, the trials of Uthman R.A peaked. A Jewish man Abdullah Ibn Saba, who

embraced Islam, travelled from country to country and made the everywhere came to
Madinah, encircled his house, stopped him from leading the prayer and assassinated
Him while he was reciting the Qur-an.

THE FOURTH KHALIFA. After the death of Uthman Ibn Afan, the people of Badr
( Muthajireen and Ansar ) appointed Alih Ibn Abi Talib as Khalifa which lasted for 5
years. However, Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan did not recognize Ali's Khalifa. The major
events during his reign are as follows:

 In 36 A.H, the battle of Al- Jamal occurred under the command of Aisha, Talha, Az -

Zubair and others in which they leg a huge army from Makkah to Al- Basra to look for
Uthman's assassins and revenge his death. Ali also followed suit with a huge army to
Al- kufa in order to find out what Aisha's army was up to it. It is believed that the
assassins of Uthman were in the company of Ali's army. Both side negotiated a
peaceful settlement, but the assassins provoked a fight Aisha's army in fear that they
might be given up and killed in the deal. A bitter battle broke out as the commander of
Aisha's army believes that all deceived them.
 In 37 A.H, the battle of Siffin between Ali and Muawiyah. A huge army from Iraq

( Ali's )and another from Syria ( muawiyah's ) met at siffin and engaged in a horrible
battle in which Ali was first gaining the upper hand. Amr Ibn Al- Aas advised
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Muawiyahto halt the war BY raising the Qur'an as a sign of truce. Ali responded
positively and two arbiters were called in to settle the dispute. Muawiyah hired
Amrlbn Al - Aas and Ali hired Abu Musa Al - Ashari. Opposing armies departed to
own territories. The two arbiters met after one year in Dowmat Al - Jandal and one of
the most ugly political intrigues was designed against Ali, the righthful Khalif.
 In 40 A.H, Ali was assassinated by Abdullah Ibn Muljam on 13th Ramadhan on his way

to the Fajr prayer.

 it is the duty of every Muslim to follow Prophet Muhammad S.AW, in his daily life in order
to be good Muslim, and to make him a model.


 The Prophet S.A.W, lost his father a few months before his birth. His mother died when he
was at the age of 6 years. He became an Orphan at a very early age. As result, he failed to
demonstrate the ideal relationship that should exist between parents and child.


 It is admitted that the Prophet Muhammad S.AW, loved his children more than others
parents did. However, his love for them never got precedence over his love for his Creator
( Allah ).


 The Prophet S.A.W, was the most faithful and loving husband. His first marriage with
Khadijah proved a very happy, although the twenty five years of their conjugal life, he
remained devoted to her. When khadijah died, the Prophet himself laid her in the grave with
his own hands. After her death, the Prophet took other wives, and treated them equally.


 Allah chose Muhammad S.A.W, as the preacher of his message and as a messenger to all
people, Allah said:"And We have not sent three but as a bearer of good news and as a bearer
to all mankind, but most men know not " ( 34 : 28). The Prophet declared all Muslims to be
the preachers of Allah's Commandments. He said : " Go back to your people and teach them
", secondly he said : " Let him who is present impart knowledge to him who is absent ".


 The Prophet S.A.W, had deep concern for all men and women, irrespective of caste, colour,
creed, profession, status, power, and whether rich or poor. Even when he reigned supreme
over the Arabian Peninsula he remained and continued to be a noble citizen.


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 The Prophet S.A.W, loved his friend very much and considered them as his real brothers and
sisters. To make closer friendship, aftee the Khadijah, the Prophet married the daughters of
his Hafsa, the daughter of his friend Umar.


 The Prophet S.A.W, spiritual leadership was amazed and convincing and appreciated. it is
generally believed that genuine spiritual leader must perform miracles. The Prophet was
given by Allah many Mu'jizat( a kind of miracle which was given only to the Prophets ). The
greatest Mu'jizat given to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was the Holy Qur'an.


 The Prophet S.A.W reveals that none could beat him in thinking, in self control, in
determination, in field strategy and sympathy for his subordinates. In twenty seven
campaigns, he directly commanded in nine of which there were hard fighting - the Prophet
won all the battles.


 The Prophet S.A.W inherited the skill of trade from his father Abdullah. But he himself
developed the technique for perfection that he became a model for the traders. Because of
honesty, sincerity and impartiality, he earned the title of Al - Amin, the trustworthy. As a
result, he was invited by Khadijah, a rich widow of Makkah, to use her money to carry on
his business pursuits. Khadijah was so enormously impressed by his business ethics, that she
married him.


 The Prophet S.A.W used to decide the cases on the same day the hearing in completed.
Justice was dispensed with free of cost. His court had no gatekeeper, neither pleader nor
clerks. Being scrupulously honest, his decisions were always appreciated by all the parties


 The Prophet S.A.W was able to stabilize his country so that it may progress and prosper in
peace, there were no bloodsheds. He signed treaties and alliances with the Jews and other
Communities and tribes with a view to converting differences of races and / or religion into
a union of nationality.


 The Prophet S.A.W always busy with his official duties towards Allah Day and Night. He
always prostrate before Allah read the verses from Holy Qur'an. Indeed, all his actions,
words / speeches were remembering Allah, none like unto him. He is the beat servant and
messenger of Allah.

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