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Math 11ADP Test #1 Exponents and Logarithms


Name ____________________

Write all answers to 3 significant figures unless otherwise indicated. If you use GDC to solve, remember to indicate the functions used and a rough sketch.


Using the laws of exponents simplify the following expressions completely leaving no negative exponents or brackets. Write with a prime number base. [6] (a) (b) (c)


Use the laws of logarithms to write the following expressions as a single logarithm or real number. (a) log 25 + log 40 (b) 3 log2 g (c) 5 log w 2 3



Let f (x) = loga x, x > 0. Write down the value of (i) f (a3) (ii) f (1) (iii) f( ). [3]


Solve ln (x + 3) = 2. Give your answers in exact form.



Solve the following equations for the unknown variable. (a) 3 2x + 4 = 81 (b) 9 2k 3 = (c) 5 (3 2f + 0.5) = 45



(e) log (2x) + log (2x) = 2

(f) 3 log 5 G = log 5 7

(g) log2 (5x2 x 2) = 2 + 2 log2 x


(a) If log a 2 = x and log a 5 = y, find in terms of x and y, expressions for the following. (i) log a 8 (ii) log a 20 (iii) log a 0.8


(b) If log 3 Q = P find log 9 Q.



The following diagram shows part of the graph of an exponential function f (x) = ax, where x
f ( x) y

P 0 x


What is the range of f ?


Write down the coordinates of the point P.


What happens to the values of f (x) as elements in its domain increase in value?



The value of a car decreases each year. This value can be calculated using the function v = 32 000(1 + r)t, t > 0, 0 < r < 1, where v is the value of the car in USD, t is the number of years after it was first bought and r is the rate of decrease. (a) (i) Write down the value of the car when it was first bought. [1]


One year later the value of the car was 27 200 USD. Find the value of r.



Find how many complete years it will take for the value of the car to be less than 8000 USD.



The mass m kg of a radio-active substance at time t hours is given by m = 4e0.2 t. (a) Write down the initial mass. [1]


The mass is reduced to 1.5 kg. How long does this take?



$1050 is invested at 8% per annum interest, compounded monthly. Calculate the minimum number of months required for the value of the investment to exceed $3500. Solve this question using logarithms. [4]


At the beginning of 1994 a city had a population of 1.2 million. After n years, the population, P, of the city is given by P = 1 200 000 (1.025)n. (a) Find the population P at the beginning of 2004. [1]

(b) Calculate the percentage growth in population between 1 January 1994 and 1 January 2004.


(c) In what year will the population first become greater than 2 million?



A machine was purchased for $10000. Its value V after t years is given by V =100000e0.3t. The machine must be replaced at the end of the year in which its value drops below $1500. Determine in how many years the machine will need to be replaced. Write your final answer with 4 significant figures. [4]


Solve the following equation: 25x 7 (5x) + 6 = 0


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