In Marketing Under The University of Calcutta)

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(Submitted for the Degree of Honors

in Marketing under the University of Calcutta)


Case study of Uber and Ola


Name of the Candidate: - Adil Raza Khan

Registration No:- 017-1111-1479-19

CU Roll. No :- 191017-21-0080

Name of the College: - The Bhawanipur Education Society College

College UID: - 0101190153


Name of the Supervisor: - Prof. Ipshita Das

Name of the College: - The Bhawanipur Education Society College


May, 2022
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Annexure – 1A


This is to certify that Mr. Adil Raza Khan, a student of Honors in Accounts and Finance of the
College, The Bhawanipur Eductaion Society College, Under the University Of Calcutta has worked
under My Supervision & Guidance for his/her project Work & Prepared a Project Report with A
Title which He/ she is submitting his/her Genuine & original work to best of my Knowledge.


Name: Prof. Ipshita Das

Designation: Faculty

Name of the College: The Bhawanipur

Education Society College

Place: Kolkata

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Annexure – 1B


I Hereby declare that the Project Work with the Title submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the
degree of Honors in Accounts and Finance under the University of Calcutta is my original
Work & has not been submitted Earlier to any other University / Institution for the fulfillment of the
requirement for any course of study.

I also decide that no chapter of this Manuscript in whole has been incorporated in the report from any
earlier work done by others or by me. However, extracts of any Literature which has been used for
this Report has been duly acknowledged providing details of such literature in the reference.

: Signature:

Name: Adil Raza Khan

Address: 88, Colootola Street

Registration No. 017-1111-1479-19

Place: Kolkata

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Any project work cannot be completed without the support of a team or a group of
persons. Although all the attention is received by the person whose name has been
mentioned in it, there are a lot of persons who help in the preparation of such projects
and remain unmentioned. Such projects can never be completed without them. So I
would like to take the opportunity to thank all my supports in the project report for
their immense help and support.

I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues who provided me essential data,
graphs etc for the project. Without their help the job could have never been successful.
I would also like to thank my parents and relatives for their help in this project report.

Lastly but most importantly I would like to thank my project guide Prof. Ipshita Das
who was always there whenever required. Her suggestions and views have raised the
standard of the project report.
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Serial Contents Page
no. No.
Introduction to Ecommerce
 Government Regulations
 Impact on supply chain
 Social impact of
 Distribution Channel
 Types of Ecommerce
 Advantages of
1 Chapter 1
 Disadvantages of
Justification of the Study 8
Brief Review of Literature 9
Research Objective 10
Research Methodology 11
Limitation of the Study 12
Research Plan 13
Global Trends
2 Chapter 2  International Scenario 14
 National Scenario
3 Chapter 3 Data Analysis 16-30
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 Secondary Data Analysis

o History
o Pricing and Payments
o Reception
o Product Expansion
o Contractors or
o Legal Status of Uber
o Uber Vs Ola
o Uber’s Promise 31-36

 Primary Data Analysis

4 Chapter 4 Conclusion 37

5 Chapter 5 Bibliography 38

Chapter 6 Annexure – IA 39
Annexure – IB 40
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Chapter: Introduction
E-Commerce is the trading or facilitation of trading in products or services using computer
networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile
commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online
transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems,
and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses
the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also
use other technologies such as e-mail.

E-commerce businesses may employ some or all of the following:

 Online shopping web sites for retail sales direct to consumers

 Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to-
consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales
 Business-to-business buying and selling
 Gathering and using demographic data through web contacts and social media
 Business-to-business electronic data interchange
 Marketing to prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example,
with newsletters)
 Engaging in pretail for launching new products and services

Business application

Some common applications related to electronic commerce are:

 Document automation in supply chain and logistics

 Domestic and international payment systems
 Enterprise content management
 Group buying
 Print on demand
 Automated online assistant
 Newsgroups
 Online shopping and order tracking
 Online banking
 Online office suites
 Shopping cart software
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 Teleconferencing
 Electronic tickets
 Social networking
 Instant messaging
 Pretail
 Digital Wallet
Governmental Regulations

 Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement

Network (ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an informal network of government
customer fair trade organizations. The purpose was stated as being to find ways of co-
operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions in both
goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges of information among the participants for
mutual benefit and understanding. From this came, an ICPEN initiative
since April 2001. It is a portal to report complaints about online and related transactions
with foreign companies.
 There is also Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989
with the vision of achieving stability, security and prosperity for the region through free and
open trade and investment. APEC has an Electronic Commerce Steering Group as well as
working on common privacy regulations throughout the APEC region.
 In Australia, Trade is covered under Australian Treasury Guidelines for electronic
commerce, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regulates and offers
advice on how to deal with businesses online, and offers specific advice on what happens if
things go wrong.
 In the United Kingdom, The Financial Services Authority (FSA) was formerly the
regulating authority for most aspects of the EU's Payment Services Directive (PSD), until its
replacement in 2013 by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct
Authority. The UK implemented the PSD through the Payment Services Regulations 2009
(PSRs), which came into effect on 1 November 2009. The PSR affects firms providing
payment services and their customers. These firms include banks, non-bank credit card
issuers and non-bank merchant acquirers, e-money issuers, etc. The PSRs created a new
class of regulated firms known as payment institutions (PIs), who are subject to prudential
requirements. Article 87 of the PSD requires the European Commission to report on the
implementation and impact of the PSD by 1 November 2012.
 In India, the Information Technology Act 2000 governs the basic applicability of e-
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 In China, the Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China

(promulgated on 25 September 2000), stipulated the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology (MIIT) as the government department regulating all telecommunications related
activities, including electronic commerce. On the same day, The Administrative Measures on
Internet Information Services released, is the first administrative regulation to address
profit-generating activities conducted through the Internet, and lay the foundation for future
regulations governing e-commerce in China. On 28 August 2004, the eleventh session of the
tenth NPC Standing Committee adopted The Electronic Signature Law, which regulates data
message, electronic signature authentication and legal liability issues. It is considered the
first law in China’s e-commerce legislation. It was a milestone in the course of improving
China’s electronic commerce legislation, and also marks the entering of China’s rapid
development stage for electronic commerce legislation.
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Impact on supply chain management

For a long time, companies had been troubled by the gap between the benefits which supply
chain technology has and the solutions to deliver those benefits. However, the emergence of
e-commerce has provided a more practical and effective way of delivering the benefits of the
new supply chain technologies.

E-commerce has the capability to integrate all inter-company and intra-company functions,
meaning that the three flows (physical flow, financial flow and information flow) of the
supply chain could be also affected by e-commerce. The affections on physical flows
improved the way of product and inventory movement level for companies. For the
information flows, e-commerce optimized the capacity of information processing than
companies used to have, and for the financial flows, e-commerce allows companies to have
more efficient payment and settlement solutions.

In addition, e-commerce has a more sophisticated level of impact on supply chains: Firstly,
the performance gap will be eliminated since companies can identify gaps between different
levels of supply chains by electronic means of solutions; Secondly, as a result of e-commerce
emergence, new capabilities such implementing ERP systems have helped companies to
manage operations with customers and suppliers. Yet these new capabilities are still not
fully exploited. Thirdly, technology companies would keep investing on new e-commerce
software solutions as they are expecting investment return. Fourthly, e-commerce would
help to solve many aspects of issues that companies may feel difficult to cope with, such as
political barriers or cross-country changes. Finally, e-commerce provides companies a more
efficient and effective way to collaborate with each other within the supply chain.

The social impact of e-commerce

Along with the e-commerce and its unique charm that has appeared gradually, virtual
enterprise, virtual bank, network marketing, online shopping, payment and advertising,
such this new vocabulary which is unheard-of and now has become as familiar to people.
This reflects that the e-commerce has huge impact on the economy and society from the
other side. For instance, B2B is a rapidly growing business in the world that leads to lower
cost and then improves the economic efficiency and also bring along the growth of

To understand how the e-commerce has affected the society and economy, this article will
mention these issues below:
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1. The e-commerce has changed the relative importance of time, but as the pillars of
indicator of the country’s economic state that the importance of time should not be ignored.

2. The e-commerce offers the consumer or enterprise various information they need, making
information into total transparency, will force enterprise no longer is able to use the mode of
space or advertisement to raise their competitive edge. Moreover, in theory, perfect
competition between the consumer sovereignty and industry will maximize social welfare.

3. In fact, during the economic activity in the past, large enterprise frequently has advantage
of information resource, and thus at the expense of consumers. Nowadays, the transparent
and real-time information protects the rights of consumers, because the consumers can use
internet to pick out the portfolio for the benefit of themselves. The competitiveness of
enterprises will be much more obvious than before, consequently, social welfare would be
improved by the development of the e-commerce.

4. The new economy led by the e-commerce change humanistic spirit as well, but above all,
is the employee loyalty. Due to the market with competition, the employee’s level of
professionalism becomes the crucial for enterprise in the niche market. The enterprises
must pay attention to how to build up the enterprises inner culture and a set of interactive
mechanisms and it is the prime problem for them. Furthermore, though the mode of e-
commerce decrease the information cost and transaction cost, however, its development also
makes human being are overly computer literate. In hence, emphasized more humanistic
attitude to work is another project for enterprise to development. Life is the root of all and
high technologies are merely an assistive tool to support our quality of life.

The e-commerce is not a kind of new industry, but it is creating a new economic model. Most
of people agree that the e-commerce indeed to be important and significant for economic
society in the future, but actually that is a bit of clueless feeling at the beginning, this
problem is exactly prove the e-commerce is a sort of incorporeal revolution. Generally
speaking, as a type of business active procedure, the e-commerce is going to leading an
unprecedented revolution in the world, the influence of this model far exceeded the
commercial affair itself. Except the mentioned above, in the area of law, education, culture
and also policy, the e-commerce will continue that rise in impact. The e-commerce is truly to
take human beings into the information society.
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Distribution channels
E-commerce has grown in importance as companies have adopted pure-click and brick-and-click channel
systems. We can distinguish pure-click and brick-and-click channel system adopted by companies.

 Pure-click or pure-play companies are those that have launched a website without any previous
existence as a firm.
 Bricks-and-clicks companies are those existing companies that have added an online site for e-
 Click-to-brick online retailers that later open physical locations to supplement their online efforts.

Types of E-commerce

There are 5 common types of E-commerce:

1. Consumer to business E-commerce

2. Business to business E-commerce
3. Business to consumer E-commerce
4. Consumer to consumer E-commerce
5. Intra organizational E-commerce

Advantages of E-commerce

 It can help increase profits; it can increase sales and decrease costs.
 It can help organizations do business 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.
 It can help organizations have customers all around the globe and not be limited to a specific region.
 It helps organizations bring higher return on advertisements, if managed properly.
 It helps organizations identify new suppliers, partners and customers.
 It increases flexibility and ease of shopping for the customer.
 It can help in low operational cost.
 It can provide personalized product and customer customization.
 Shoppers are given a broader range of products to choose from online.

Disadvantages of E-commerce

 The buyer cannot touch or feel the product online.

 The customer has to wait for delivery of their product.
 Perishable goods bought online can get spoiled during delivery.
 It is difficult to know when an online site is safe to use.
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Justification of the Study

ヽ This Project has helped me to get a better idea about the E-commerce
trends in India
ヽ It has helped me to understand the utility of Ecommerce in India
ヽ In order to understand the pros of Ecommerce this project first taught me
about the cons of Ecommerce first
ヽ The regulatory body of Ecommerce is now known to me now because of
this project
ヽ I have been taught about the divergence of ecommerce and eMarketing
because of this project
ヽ This project also taught me about the need and future prospects for
further growth of ecommerce both National and International.
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Brief review of the literature

Firms across the globe have adopted e-commerce (EC) in their operations and have
reaped benefits thereof. While firms in technologically developed countries like US and
UK has deployed EC to its advantage, whereas firms in developing countries like India
failed to follow the suit. Though it has been widely acknowledged by the researchers
that the adoption of EC by businesses in developing countries is an important
economic indicator of growth; many firms in India still have not realized the potential
benefits of EC. This study examines the existing status of EC in India and reviews the
available literature on E-commerce adoption in India and puts forth opportunities for
future research. The study might serve as a starting point for further research in e-
commerce in India.

Tornatsky and Fleischer’s Theory

The best literature for this study is from Tornatsky and Fleischer’s theory. The
Tornatsky and Fleischer’s theory comprises two important foundations: stages in E-
commerce and factors of the adoption and implementation of E-commerce in SMEs.
According to Jennex and Lertwongsatien who used Tornatzky and Fleischer’s model,
the reliability of these foundations will directly impact the ability of SMEs to
implement E-commerce.
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Research Objectives
 To study the emergence of Ecommerce in Indian Market
 To study the type of product that the Indian market generally pursues.
 To study the negative impacts of ecommerce in the National and
International Market.
 The study of level of satisfactory derivative of Ecommerce. In my project
the topic is basically Service based business. It does not involve a (B2B)
business nor (C2C) business but (B2C) business.
 To study the frequency of use of Uber’s private cabs.
 To analyze the factors and their effect on the students in SAJC.
 To study the awareness and marketing influence of Uber on SAJC students.
 To analyze the level of competition and techniques involved in these
competition of ecommerce in service oriented business (Uber Vs Ola).
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Research Methodology
Research Design >>>

The research design is descriptive in nature.

Sample Design >>>

Population: All passenger’s of Uber.

Sampling Frame: Students in SAJC.

Sampling Unit: Individual students of SAJC.

Sample Size: 100 (Male: 50, Female: 50)

Sampling technique: Non-probability sampling, Convenience Sampling


Duration: 3 weeks

Data Collection method: Survey and General Observations

Instrument: Questionnaire

Data Collection >>>

Primary data collected with the help of survey conducted on SAJC students using a

Secondary data present on the websites.

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Limitation of the Study

ヽ It is very difficult to enquire about passengers of Uber because not everyone

uses Uber and some prefer other Cab services over it.

ヽ Most of the people were reluctant enough to provide feedbacks.

ヽ Primary data collection time was crucial and it took more time than planned.
ヽ Some limitation was because many people did not have time to spare upon
this field work.

ヽ Not everyone uses Private Cab services hence collecting fruitful Data was

ヽ I was able to acquire details from customer’s point of view only because it
was not possible to get a cab every time and enquire the drivers for travelling
would be an essential part of it. (I myself don’t use cab services everytime for
travelling being the fact!!)

ヽ Also, Many people followed the policy ‘Ignorance is bliss’.

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Research Plan
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Global trends

International Scenario
In 2010, the United Kingdom had the biggest e-commerce market in the world when
measured by the amount spent per capita. As of 2013, the Czech Republic was the European
country where ecommerce delivers the biggest contribution to the enterprises´ total
revenue. Almost a quarter (24%) of the country’s total turnover is generated via the online
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Among emerging economies, China's e-commerce presence continues to expand every year.
With 384 million internet users, China's online shopping sales rose to $36.6 billion in 2009
and one of the reasons behind the huge growth had been the improved trust level for
shoppers. The Chinese retailers have been able to help consumers feel more comfortable
shopping online. E-commerce transactions between China and other countries increased
32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of China's total
international trade. In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of 80% in China.

In 2013, Brazil's eCommerce was growing quickly with retail eCommerce sales expected to
grow at a healthy double-digit pace through 2014. By 2016, eMarketer expected retail
ecommerce sales in Brazil to reach $17.3 billion. India has an internet user base of about
243.2 million as of January 2014. Despite being third largest user base in world, the
penetration of Internet is low compared to markets like the United States, United Kingdom
or France but is growing at a much faster rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every
month. In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75%
of the e-retail activities.

E-Commerce has become an important tool for small and large businesses worldwide, not
only to sell to customers, but also to engage them.

In 2012, ecommerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time in history.

Mobile devices are playing an increasing role in the mix of eCommerce. In 2014, one
estimate saw purchases made on mobile devices making up 25% of the market by 2017.

In 2014, there were 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many than in the US),
making it the world's biggest online market.

For traditional businesses, one research stated that information technology and cross-
border e-commerce is a good opportunity for the rapid development and growth of
enterprises. Many companies have invested enormous volume of investment in mobile
applications. The DeLone and McLean Model stated that 3 perspectives are contributed to a
successful e-business, including information system quality, service quality and users
satisfaction. There is no limit of time and space, there are more opportunities to reach out to
customers around the world, and to cut down unnecessary intermediate links, thereby
reducing the cost price, and can benefit from one on one large customer data analysis, to
achieve a high degree of personal customization strategic plan, in order to fully enhance the
core competitiveness of the products in company.

National Scenario
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India has an internet user base of about 354 million as of June of 2015. Despite being the
second largest userbase in world, only behind China (650 million, 48% of population),
the penetration of e-commerce is low compared to markets like the United States (266 M,
84%), or France (54 M, 81%), but is growing at an unprecedented rate, adding around 6
million new entrants every month. The industry consensus is that growth is at an inflection

In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75% of the e-
retail activities. Demand for international consumer products (including long-tail items) is
growing much faster than in-country supply from authorized distributors and e-commerce

Several Indian e-commerce companies have managed to achieve billion-dollar valuations,

including Uber, Snapdeal, InMobi, Quikr, OlaCabs, Jabong, Shopclues and Paytm.
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Chapter: Data Analysis

Secondary Data Analysis
My project on E-Commerce is based on the case study of Uber Technologies Inc. which has
a very big International market just by providing Private Cab Services.

Uber, Inc.

Uber's logo

Slogan Where lifestyle meets logistics

Uber Technologies Inc. is an American multinational mobile ride hail company

headquartered in San Francisco, California. In the United States of America, Uber operates
under the Transportation Network Company label. It develops markets and operates the
Uber mobile app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request
which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. As of May 28, 2015, the
service was available in 58 countries and 300 cities worldwide. Since Uber's launch, several
other companies have copied its business model, a trend that has come to be referred to as

Uber was founded as "UberCab" by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009 and the app
was released the following June. Beginning in 2012, Uber expanded internationally. In
2014, it experimented with carpooling features and made other updates. Klout ranked the
San Francisco-based company as the 48th-most powerful company in America in 2014. By
late-2015, Uber was estimated to be worth $62.5 billion/

The legality of Uber has been challenged by governments and taxi companies, who allege
that its use of drivers who are not licensed to drive taxicabs is unsafe and illegal.
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How much does an Uber driver make per mile?

If revenue is $400, Uber gets $80, Limo Company gets $160 & driver gets $160.
Driver needs to pay for gas so $160 - $25 gas = $135 net for an 8 hour shift.
SUN - Wed are slower nights so approx $250-300 revenue for 8 hr shift. Before Mid Dec 2012,
driver would average $550revenue per 8-9 hr shift
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Early history

Travis Kalanick, co-founder and CEO of Uber.

Uber was founded by Garrett Camp, the founder of StumbleUpon, and Travis Kalanick in
2009. The company received $200,000 inseed funding that same year. In 2010, Uber
raised $1.25 million in additional funding.

Following a beta launch in the summer of 2010, Uber's services and mobile app officially
launched in San Francisco in 2011. Initially Ryan Graves was appointed as CEO, however,
Kalanick replaced him in the role later that year. Graves stepped down to become the
company's COO.

By the end of 2011, Uber had raised $44.5 million in funding. That year, the company
changed its name from UberCab to Uber.

Additional funding

On December 12, 2014, TechCrunch reported that the Chinese search engine Baidu, the

mainland's largest, is expected to make a significant investment in Uber. The deal, the
details of which were not shared with the media, was confirmed on December 17, 2014,
following a Beijing meeting involving Kalanick and Baidu chief executive and Chairman
Robin Lee, who made a commitment to connect the search engine's map and mobile-
search features with Uber’s app. At the time of the arrangement, Uber existed in eight
Chinese mainland cities. Kalanick told the media afterward of an absence of "pressing
regulatory issues" for Uber in China. In May 2015, Uber revealed plans to raise between
$1.5 billion and $2 billion in new funding, raising the value of the company to $50 billion
or higher.

Google Ventures invested $258 million in 2013. The Chinese search engine Baidu made an

investment in Uber in December 2014 in a deal that also involved connecting Uber with
Baidu's mapping apps.
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Recent history

As Uber grew internationally, it also began to experience disputes with governments and
taxi companies in those regions. In April 2014, Uber was banned by the government in
Berlin, although the company remains active in other German cities. The ban is still being
discussed as of December 2014. Taxi drivers in London, Berlin, Paris and Madrid staged a
large-scale protest against Uber on June 11, 2014. Also in February 2015, Uber announced
collaboration with Carnegie Mellon to establish the Uber Advanced Technology Center, a
new facility in Pittsburgh meant to support research in the development of self-driving
vehicles. Additionally, Uber expanded its UberPOOL services to Los Angeles and New York
City, expanding further in March, to offer UberPOOL in Austin, Texas, in anticipation of
the South by Southwest festival. In April 2015, Uber renamed its UberFRESH program as
UberEATS and expanded the service to include Barcelona, Los Angeles, Chicago and New
York City.

The following month, Uber launched its UberMilitary Families Coalition, a new project to
support its existing UberMilitary initiative. The project seeks to partner Uber with existing
military family organizations and hire more military dependents, in addition to veterans,
as drivers. Also in May 2015, Uber updated its app to include accommodations for drivers
who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Development history

During the initial development of the Uber app, the company created a think
tank consisting of a nuclear physicist, a computational neurosurgeon, and a machinery
expert who worked on predicting demand for private hire car drivers and where demand is
highest. Later in 2012, Uber launched its Uber Garage initiative in Chicago. The
experimental program allowed Uber to partner with local taxi cab drivers, alerting them
when an app user requested a ride. The company also introduced uberX in 2012, a service
option which allows local drivers to respond to notifications on the Uber app by driving
customers in their own non-luxury cars. During 2013, Uber offered its first non-car option
when it launched UBERChopper rides from New York City to the Hamptons for $3000

In August 2014, Uber launched UberPOOL, a carpooling service, in San Francisco and
UberFRESH, a lunch delivery service, in Santa Monica.

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has spoken about his desire to eventually move to using self-
driving cars for Uber vehicles. By May 2015 the company had hired a large number of
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Carnegie Mellon University researchers from the vehicle autonomy department to work at

Uber's Advanced Technologies Center in Pittsburgh.


The company expanded into a new city each month starting in May 2011, including New
York City, Chicago and Washington, D.C. The Uber app's coverage expanded to Paris in
December 2011.In May 2012, Uber launched a beta test in Philadelphia, followed by an
official launch in the city that June. Uber expanded rapidly into overseas markets in 2012
and 2013.

Paris was the first city outside of the U.S. where Uber's service began operating in
December 2011 prior to the international LeWeb Internet conference. In 2012 it launched
its services in Toronto, Canada, a 90-driver launch in London, a Sydney, Australia launch
in November 2012 and a soft launch in Singapore in January 2013. Sydney was Uber's first
launch in the Asia Pacific region. Consumers in Johannesburg, South Africa, were able to
use Uber after it was launched in September 2013. Uber was then started in Cape Town on
October 10, 2013, after a six-week "testing phase".

In August, the company began offering its ride services in Seoul. In June 2014, Uber
launched its services in Tijuana, Mexico. In June 2014, Uber announced that it had raised
$1.2 billion in funding and it publicized an $18.2 billion valuation. [32] In summer 2014,
Uber announced it had raised $1.5 billion in venture capital.

Following a soft launch of the Uber app in the Sanlitun shopping district in March 2014, an
official launch was held in Beijing, China, in mid-July 2014. The company's service
operates in China’s four largest cities. In July 2014 Uber announced a nationwide rollout of
UberX in India. In addition to a Bangalore presence, Uber's inaugural Indian location that
was publicized in August 2013, drivers in Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai and Pune
made UberX available to users in those cities. Although the Metropolitan Government of
Seoul stated in mid-2014 that it would seek to ban Uber from operating in its jurisdiction,
while also developing its own Uber-like app for registered taxis to be launched in
December 2014, Uber introduced its UberX service in the city at the end of August 2014.
According to the Wall Street Journal, UberX uses a "for-pay rideshare scheme" and "trips
cost less than the same journey in an ordinary taxi". At the time of the launch, an Uber
representative based in Seoul said that a charge will not apply to rides in Seoul until further

The company launched black car services in Warsaw, Poland and uberX services in Seoul.
Uber also began its services in Anchorage, Alaska in September, 2014. Drivers
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in Warsaw began using the Uber app on August 18, 2014. The service was launched
in Montreal in October 2014. The service was introduced in Denmark in November 2014,
but only the Uber Black was available in the capital city of Copenhagen, while UberPOP
was scheduled to be added at a later stage. On November 28, 2014, Thailand's Department
of Land Transport declared Uber's continued operation within Thailand illegal.

Uber unveiled Ice Prince Zamani as the Rider Zero in Lagos, Nigeria in July 2014,
signifying its launch in the largest city in Africa and most populous country in Africa.

Pricing and payments

Uber's pricing is similar to that of metered taxis, although all hiring and payment is
handled exclusively through Uber and not with the driver personally. In some cities, if the
Uber car is travelling at a speed greater than 11 mph (18 km/h), the price is calculated on a
distance basis; otherwise, the price is calculated on a time basis. At the end of a ride, the
complete fare is automatically billed to the customer's credit card, Paytm Account or any
other online wallet. Uber has said its prices are the premium that the customers pay for a
cab service that is not only reliable, but also punctual and comfortable.

In May 2015, Uber started testing cash payments in India. The pilot project was started in
the Indian city Hyderabad. In September 2015, Uber tied up with Airtel India to allow cab
users to pay using Airtel mobile wallet service. It also allows users to use Airtel 4G data at
no charges.

Surge pricing

Uber uses an automated algorithm to increase prices to "surge" price levels, responding

rapidly to changes of supply and demand in the market, and to attract more drivers during
times of increased rider demand, but also to reduce demand. Customers receive notice
when making an Uber reservation that prices have increased. The company applied for
a U.S. patent on surge pricing in 2013, but it was rejected for being obvious.

The practice has often caused passengers to become upset and invited criticism when it has
happened as a result of holidays, inclement weather, or natural disasters. During New
Year's Eve 2011, prices were as high as seven times normal rates, causing outrage. During
the 2014 Sydney hostage crisis, Uber implemented surge pricing, resulting in fares of up to
four times normal charges; while it defended the surge pricing at first, it later apologized
and refunded the surcharges. This is detailed in a case study around a sold-out-concert at
Madison Square Garden when surge pricing took effect. During this event, the number of
P a g e | 28

people who opened the app increased 4x, but the actual ride requests only rose slightly,
enabling ride requests to be completed with the usual ETAs.

Rating score

Users of the app may rate drivers; in turn, drivers may rate users. A low rating might
diminish the availability and convenience of the service to the user.
P a g e | 29

Uber faces competition from lower-cost real-time ridesharing startups such
as Lyft, Sidecar (no longer in business), Ola Cabs, Didi Kuaidi and Haxi. To compete at
lower price levels, Uber introduced UberGo on Nov 19, 2014, UberTaxi (partnerships with
local taxi commissions) and UberX (non-luxury cars such as Toyota Prius hybrids). This
move led to dissatisfaction among existing Uber limo drivers who saw their earnings

In 2011 Marc Andreessen expressed interest in investing in Uber. He told CNET, "Uber is

software eats taxis. [...] It's a killer experience. You watch the car on the map on your
phone as it makes its way to you." The same year, the New York Times called Uber "clever
but costly", noting the cars are "particularly nice by livery standards" and pickup times
were slow compared with traditional New York City taxis and black cars.

In 2013 USA Today named Uber its tech company of the year.

However, it has also received negative reception. In October 2014, Uber received an "F"
rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), which cited complaints over unexpectedly
high charges.

Product expansion
In 2014, the company experimented with online food orders, pilot testing uberFRESH in
Santa Monica, California. In April 2014, Uber announced a courier package delivery service
called Uber Rush, with pickup from anywhere in Manhattan. While Rush only offers
delivery, the Uber Essentials or Corner Store service, starting testing in Washington D.C. in
August 2014, allows online ordering from a list of about 100 items. In April 2012, Uber
launched the Uber Garage initiative, a project to experiment with other ideas for urban
transportation services. The first project from Uber Garage was to give Uber users the
option to hire a regular taxi driver, or a crowd-sourced Uber driver.

The startup announced a new carpooling service called UberPool at the start of August
2014, after a beta testing phase in the San Francisco Bay Area. UberPool matches riders
with another rider who is traveling in the same direction—the app will share the first name
of the other rider and who is getting picked up first. If a match cannot be found, riders are
offered a discount on a regular Uber trip. In December 2014, Uber expanded the UberPool
concept to New York City. The Uber blog announcement offered riders the possibility of
reducing their journey costs by 20 to 50 percent, explaining: "On any given day, the vast
P a g e | 30

majority of UberX trips in NYC have a 'lookalike' trip—a trip that starts near, ends near,
and is happening around the same time as another trip".

In June 2015, in Istanbul, Uber launched a water-taxi service called UberBOAT, allowing
users to travel by Beneteau boats across the city’s central Bosporus strait.

In November 2015 Uber signed a global partnership deal with Dutch satellite navigation
company TomTom to provide maps and traffic data for the Uber driver app across 300

Requirements for driving

In some markets, where leasing arrangements for vehicles are available, the only
requirement for driving for Uber, other than appropriate age, health, and ability to drive, is
passing a background check. Both a smartphone, called a "device" by Uber, and a vehicle
may be leased.


Uber, led by David Plouffe, an experienced political operative, expands its operations
though commencing operation and then engaging in a political campaign which mobilizes
public support for the service. If, as is usually the case, its mode of doing business does not
conform to local regulations, Uber, supported by a small army of lobbyists, mounts a
campaign to change them. Customers and potential customers are mobilized through
social media including using the Uber app itself. Bradley Tusk, a former campaign manager
for Michael Bloomberg, has played a significant role in advising Uber with respect to cities.

In July 2012, in honor of National Ice Cream Month, Uber launched an "Uber Ice Cream"
program in the U.S. so that users in seven cities could summon an ice cream truck for on-
demand delivery, while purchases were billed to users' accounts.

In July 2014, Uber partnered with Blade to offer "UberCHOPPER" helicopter rides from
New York City to the Hamptons for US$3,000, including availability during the July
4 holiday weekend.
P a g e | 31

Short-term promotions in the second half

of 2013 included: the September hire of ice-
cream trucks to deliver ice cream; rides in
the DeLorean DMC-12 car from
the Back to the Future film franchise,
that were also launched in September; an
October National Cat Day promotion for
which Uber drivers delivered kittens; and a
Christmas-tree delivery service.
DeLorean "time machine" provided by

In March 2015, Uber offered luxury car-rental service in collaboration with Dream Drive in
Singapore until 20 May 2015.

In November 2015, Uber offered Hot air balloon rides to customers in Hyderabad,

India for INR 1,000 in collaboration with GrabOn.

On September 4, 2013, Uber announced its first sports deal. The company held a
promotion with the NFL Players Association to promote safe rides for NFL players.

In January 2015, Uber announced a marketing program Kalanick called "principled

confrontation" that included reaching compromises with local municipalities to
compromise on new tax regulations. Since implementing this program, Uber has seen 17
new cities pass pro-Uber ordinances. Uber had worked out an arrangement with the city of
Boston to share quarterly data on the duration, locations, and times of day in which riders
used the app to travel in or out of the city. This information was first delivered to the city in
February 2015, and the report kept all individual user data private.

On March 10, 2015, Travis Kalanick, Uber’s founder and chief executive announced a
partnership between Uber and the UN Women. They had intended to invest in local
communities where the UN Women’s group was located hoping to create 1,000,000 jobs
for women globally by 2020. However, after pressure from trade unions and women's
rights organizations, UN Women declined to participate, citing Uber's legal status, safety,
and privacy concerns.


Uber gives consumers a choice between regulated taxi cab companies and other forms of
transportation and can potentially provide drivers with "flexible and independent
jobs". Users can track the car picking them up on their smartphone, which allows them to
know when it will arrive. A receipt will be automatically sent to their email.
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As Uber does not require cars to be hailed, this means that it can more easily pick up
customers in less built up neighborhoods. For this reason, Bloomberg Review said that
Uber helps the poor by making it easier for them to get a taxi. It also helps reduce
congestion as "because Uber can’t accept street hails, they do much less unnecessary
driving-around than either yellow cabs (who are cruising for hails) or individuals (who are
looking for a parking spot)." This assumes that there is no extra traffic created by people
who would otherwise have used public transport or walked. One study showed that having
Uber in a city reduced drunken driving rates.


Uber is the subject of ongoing protests and legal action from taxi drivers, taxi companies,
and governments around the world who are trying to stop Uber from operating in their
areas. These groups say that Uber presents unfair competition to taxis because the
company does not pay taxes or licensing fees; that it endangers passengers; and that
drivers are untrained, unlicensed and uninsured.

As of mid-2015, protests had been staged in Germany, India, Spain, Colombia, France,
Italy, Denmark, Canada, China and England, among other nations, and dangerous
incidents involving passengers have been documented. Uber executives were arrested in
France in June 2015. In December 2014, Uber was banned in Spain and in two cities in
India. Uber continues to be involved in disputes with several governmental bodies,
including local governments in the U.S., Australia and Brazil.

Governments have been largely unable to stop Uber's operations in their jurisdictions
because its operations are conducted primarily over the Internet. At city jurisdictions, this
might be easier to achieve. In addition, Uber is said to use extremely aggressive tactics such
as bullying and hiring investigators to "dig up dirt" on journalists who criticize
them. Portland, Oregon's transportation commissioner called Uber management "a bunch
of thugs". A commissioner in Virginia who opposed Uber was flooded with emails and calls
after Uber distributed his personal contact information to all of its users in the state.

The Australian New South Wales government created a taskforce to look into the Uber
problem stating that the existing regulatory framework is "difficult to enforce", and
therefore not as effective as it could be. The taskforce also noted that ride sharing services
"appear to meet the criteria of a public passenger service" under the 1990 Act. This is
despite the fact Uber has reaffirmed that it is not a taxi service and should not have to
operate under taxi regulation.
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Competitive effects

Uber and other ride-sharing companies have brought a new element of competition to the
taxi industry. One result has been a decline in the value of the limited-issue taxi licenses
that have traditionally restricted the number of authorized taxis in a given locale.
According to the Wall Street Journal, taxi medallion prices are plunging in some U.S. cities.
For example, in New York medallions were valued at more than US$1.3 million in 2013
have decreased in value to US$700,000 to 800,000 in 2015, and in Chicago prices of more
than US$360,000 in 2013 have decreased to US$240,000 in 2015.

Knock-on effects to the competition by ride-sharing companies include adverse changes to

the financial position of lenders who have made taxi medallion loans that are too large a
part of the total loan portfolio of the financial institution. Historically, some lenders have
loaned up to 90 percent of a medallions value. U.S. companies Signature Bank,Progressive
Credit Union (85% of the total US$625 million loan portfolio was dedicated to taxi
medallions in 2015), and Melrose Credit Union (which in 2015 has US$2 billion connected
to taxi medallions) are all coming under solvency pressure. In addition, CitiGroup has
initiated foreclosure proceedings on 46 taxi medallions.

Contractors or employees
Uber contracts with their driver partners under legal arrangements as contractors, and
not employees. Since taxation, work hours, overtime benefits, and so forth may be treated
differently by various political jurisdictions globally, this designation has been

In the United States, the Federal government labor agency issued guidelines in July 2015

to deal with, what it considers, "misclassification" of workers. It argues that any "worker
who is 'economically dependent' on the employer should be treated as an employee. By
contrast, a worker must be in business for himself or herself to be an independent
contractor." The guideline is non-binding, but is expected to have some influence in
various court cases which may establish new common law around the issue.

In a class action lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of
California on August 16, 2013 Uber drivers plead that they were employees who had been
misclassified as independent contractors and violations of the California Labor Code and
demanded that they be given any tips Uber had collected on their behalf and payment of
business expenses such as gas and maintenance of their vehicles. The District
Judge, Edward M. Chen, ruled in the plaintiffs' favor with respect to a motion for summary
judgement by defendants on March 11, 2015 holding that whether Uber drivers were
P a g e | 34

employees was a disputed fact to be resolved by the jury. September 1, 2015 Chen certified
the class but generally limited it to drivers in California hired before June 2014 (when an
opt-out arbitration clause was included in the contract) who had directly contracted with

User privacy

Kalanick received a letter, dated November 19, 2014, from Senator Al Franken, Chairman
of the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law,
over user privacy. In addition to a list of 10 questions, Franken stated that the company
had a "troubling disregard for customer privacy" and that he was "especially troubled
because there appears to be evidence of practices inconsistent with the policy [Uber
spokesperson] Ms. Hourajian articulated" and that "it appears that on prior occasions your
company [Uber] has condoned use of customers’ data for questionable purposes." Franken
concluded his letter by asking for a response by December 15, 2014.

Concerns have been raised about internal misuse of the company's data, in particular the
ability of Uber staff to track the movements of its customers, known as "God View". In
addition to the aforementioned use of the service to track journalists and politicians, a
venture capitalist disclosed in 2011 that Uber staff were using the function recreationally
and viewed being tracked by Uber as a positive reflection on the subject's character. An
individual who had interviewed for a job at Uber said that he was given unrestricted access
to Uber's customer tracking function as part of the interview process, and that he retained
that access for several hours after the interview ended.

On February 27, 2015, Uber admitted that it had suffered a data breach more than nine
months before. Driver names and license plate information on approximately 50,000
drivers were inadvertently disclosed. Uber discovered this leak in September 2014 but
waited more than five months to notify the people affected.


On August 4, 2014, the company announced the scheduled removal of a driver from the
service pending a medical review, after the driver suffered an epileptic seizure while
driving that resulted in a crash with a pedestrian in San Francisco. The 56-year-old driver
was hospitalized after hitting three parked cars and then a man on the sidewalk; an Uber
spokesperson said in the announcement that the driver "has an outstanding record of
service and safety with no prior incidents."

In December 2014, the New York Times reported on concerns regarding the manner in

which the Uber app notifies drivers about new requests for pick-up from customers. When
P a g e | 35

a customer makes a request, drivers are notified on an official Uber mobile app and are
provided the customer's location. In order to accept the request, the driver has
approximately 15 seconds to tap the phone to accept the request. An Uber driver reported
that drivers can be temporarily suspended for ignoring these requests. Deborah
Hersman of the National Transportation Safety Board criticized the 15-second system,
saying that it presents a significant distraction to drivers, as drivers are financially
motivated to respond to fares while driving. In response, Uber has stated that the app "was
designed with safety in mind," and that drivers are not required to physically look at the
device to accept a fare.

According to South Carolina State Law (Governor's Action: June 24, 2015, Signed), Uber
Transportation Network Company Partner vehicles must pass annual safety inspections
and post an Uber emblem in the lower right (passenger) side of the windshield. This is a
safety provision that was added to the South Carolina Statutes (SC Statutes A88, R126,
H3525), Chapter 23, Title 58 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: Section 58-23-1610).
P a g e | 36

Legal status of Uber in India


The Hyderabad road transport authority banned Uber cabs a day after the Indian Ministry of
Home Affairs advised all states to stop the operation of web-based taxi services. A spokesman
for the authority said that Uber did not hold a license to operate in the city, and asked the
public to cease using Uber cab services.


The state government of Karnataka was reported to have banned Uber on the morning of

December 11, 2014. The decision occurred after Home Minister Rajnath Singh announced in
Parliament on December 9, 2014, that he had advised all states and Union territories to ban
unregistered and unlicensed cab services. The state's transport department was expected to
issue the notification imposing the ban during the afternoon of December 11.

New Delhi

In December 2014, following allegations of rape against an Uber driver in New Delhi,
India, Uber was banned from New Delhi for not following the city's compulsory police
verification procedure. The driver had been charged, then acquitted, of a prior sexual assault in
2011. Within two days of the rape incident, almost 7,000 people signed a petition calling on
Uber to conduct mandatory seven-year background checks on drivers, in line with its U.S.
operations. Delhi's transport department banned Uber from all activities related to the
provision of any type of transport service in the city. Uber issued a statement stating that it
would work with the Indian government "to establish clear background checks currently absent
in their commercial transportation licensing programs."

In banning Uber, Delhi's transport department cited a number of rules that Uber had broken.
According to New Delhi's Radio Taxi Scheme, 2006, all taxi licensees must be either a company
under the Companies Act, 2013 (or the 1956 Act), or a society under the Societies Registration
Act, 1860. Furthermore, taxi services must provide adequate parking space for all taxis, as well
as sufficiently sized office space to accommodate the control room, the maintenance of a
minimum fleet size per license (500 vehicles), and all vehicles must be fitted with GPS/GPRS
tracking systems (to be in constant communication with the control room while on duty). The
rules also stipulate that the taxi licensee is responsible for ensuring the quality of drivers,
including police verifications, supervision, and employee behavior.
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Uber Vs Ola
We read about the convenience of Lyft, Uber and other private car hire firms seemingly
daily in Western media. While these services simplify car bookings and remove some of the
associated dangers and frustrations, this fast-growing industry has even greater potential
in developing markets, such as India.
Uber has its ‘Black’ and UberX services running in India, but it is a local company — Ola
Cabs — that leads the market, with a network of 11,000 drivers across 9 cities. Indeed, that
very company has just raised a whopping$40 million to ramp up its focus and bring
affordable and efficient transportation to more cities across the country.
“There is us, a couple of small local players and Uber, which is using a Westernized model,”
Bhavish Aggarwal, cofounder and CEO of Ola Cabs, says of the competition.

Supply is the key challenge

Aggarwal says that the company’s new injection of funding will primarily go to increasing
its supply chain — that means more staff for nationwide expansions, and more drivers.
Beyond simply signing drivers up with lucrative offers, the Ola Cabs CEO says that the
company is “empowering” drivers to become entrepreneurs themselves.

The company works with leading financial institutions that provide loans to help
prospective drivers buy their cars outright, and it also offers training to ensure drivers are
equipped to deliver a quality and safe experience for passengers. The funding will go into
expanding these initiatives into more parts of the country.
P a g e | 38

Right now, Ola Cabs covers over nine cities across India, but the company is aggressively
ambitious and is aiming to be in as many as 25 by the end of the year. That next tier of
cities, Aggarwal says, is where it can make its biggest impact yet.
“We are already present in some tier-two cities in India, and the adoption [of our service
there] is encouraging. The transport and logistics systems in these [and tier-three] towns
is even worse than in big cities like Delhi and Mumbai, and we can help make a difference,”
he explains.

India’s rate of vehicle ownership is low — 41 per 1,000 people ranks it 128th worldwide—
but Aggarwal believes that there is an opportunity for the population to “leapfrog”
automobile ownership altogether, and instead rely on booking services… like Ola Cabs.
No overseas expansion plans
With Uber, Lyft, Rocket Internet’s Easytaxi and Malaysia’s GrabTaxi rapidly expanding
their presence worldwide, does Ola Cabs have similar global ambitions?
“India has a population of more than 1.2 billion, so I think there’s enough here to keep us
busy,” Aggarwal says.

One thing we can expect is that Ola Cabs will raise more funding again soon,
although Aggarwal declines to offer a timeframe for when that might take place. “We’re
focused on growth at this point, not profit,” he says, before pointing out that the business is
a capital intensive one.

Prior to today, the three-year-old company had raised a $20 million Series B round from
Tiger Global and Matrix Partners last year. That followed an initial $5 million Series A
round from Tiger in 2012


Those written above were the experts review but as for Reality one often prefers Uber over
Ola because of the simple reason that Ola’s First 4 km Rate being INR 99 which makes it
comparatively expensive but a small proportion in percentage to actual cost. The app
handling is compact of Uber than Ola. Ola now uses Ola Share to cut the rates of their
fellow passenger’s but it holds the question “If it ensures the safety of its passenger”. Uber
has ‘Uber disguise’ disallowing the parties to save the actual details of the parties and a
Attention icon in their app which when pressed in case of any suspicion on the driven, will
contact their server and hence a local PS will be informed about the car and driver details
which helps them to secure their passenger. Though Ola has a Tie-up with TFS for cheaper
rates and many other functions but there is least for the safety. Also, I would like to add
P a g e | 39

upon that if there is a grievance from any passenger the Feedback group of Uber
‘DEENMA’ is far more responsive, abrupt and consumer friendly, giving the passenger’s a
upper hand and hence a quality service rather than that of Ola who’s Feedback portal is
more unresponsive.
P a g e | 40

UBER’S Promise

“We’re passionate about the cities we call home. Our teams are working to create
opportunities for millions of people and improve the way everyone gets from A to B. It’s no
small task. But we wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Building something big together”

Take your ideas to the next level and make something that people use everyday. Something
that changes the physical world—and does it fast. We still have a long way to go. Hop in
and help us get there.

Uber is in Kolkata and 377 other cities worldwide

Top talent, high standards

Work alongside the best in your field—the people who make you want to be better and can
also help get you there.

Take bold steps

We move fast to do things that have never been done. Because you have to take risks if you
want to build the next big idea.

Shape the world you want

Help improve local economies, make roads safer, and bring opportunities to millions of
women and men around the world.
P a g e | 41

Primary Data Analysis

Number of Respondents and their distribution:



50 50

We took a survey of 100 respondents, where number of female was 50 and that of male
were 50. These students were of 1 st 2nd and 3rd semester of Finance, SAJC and neighbors
from my apartment.

1. How often do you Use Uber?

P a g e | 42

Always > Often > Occasionally > Rarely > Never

10 Male
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

 Frequency of use of Uber in Male is more than that of Female.

 Most of the male students use “often” while most of the female students purchase
“rarely” from Uber, also many yet never made purchases.

2. How did you come to know about Uber?

a) Friends b) Television c) Newspapers and Magazines d) Advertisements
on Websites e) Relatives







Friends Television Newspaper and Advt. on Web Relatives

Most of the students came to know about Uber through friends, followed by television
and online advertisements. This proves that word of mouth strategy by Uber is the most
P a g e | 43

successful means of making people aware about them and their products. This success
can only be gained through satisfied customers who act as advocates for your products.

3. My frequency of use has increased/decreased/remained unchanged

since my first use.






Male Female

The frequency of purchase for most of the male students has increased while it has slightly
increased for most of the female students but mostly remained unchanged.

4. I sometimes don’t use Uber because of:

(a)Poor service (b) Unprofessional driver (c) Latency (d) Rash driving (e) Bulky
app (f) Surcharge (g) Expensive (h) Others (please specify if any)

e er cy ng p ge e rs
r vic riv ten ivi y ap ar nsiv the
r h
se ld La d lk rc pe O
or na sh Bu Su Ex
Po ssio Ra
Un Male
P a g e | 44

Expensiveness and Surcharge is basic reason why most of the sexes don’t use Uber. For
Females they sometimes feel insecure because the drivers are mostly male.

5. How often does the Uber’s promotional scheme on websites influence

you to visit their app?

Always > Often > Occasionally > Rarely > Never




15 Male

Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

 Promotional schemes influence more male students than female students to visit
 The frequency of visit is still very less as most of the male students occasionally
visit Uber app while in case of female students it is rare.
6. Primarily for how much distance would you use Uber?

Nearby > Mid-range > Pleasant distance > Farthest





20 Male


Nearby Mi-range Pleasant Distance Farthest
P a g e | 45

Almost all the Students use Uber between the range of nearby to a pleasant distance.
Not everyone uses Uber for a very long distance. Mostly the females use Uber for a
long distance Travel.

7. How often does the Surcharge influence your decision?

Always > Often > Occasionally > Rarely > Never




15 Male

Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

Male students mostly go through the Surcharge before making their decision to use the
service than female students who occasionally mind the surcharge before taking their

8. Kindly rate the importance of these parameters on your availing the

travel decision from Uber:

1(Least important) > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5(Most important)

2.5 Male
2 Female
Distance Time Rate Advance booking Promotions
P a g e | 46

Almost all the factors that Uber is focusing onto are of high importance to the students
in SAJC, both male and female have almost the same preferences about the parameters
for their bookings.

9. Kindly rate the satisfaction that you derived from Uber’s service?

(5: Satisfied; 4: somewhat satisfied; 3: average; 2: somewhat dissatisfied; 1:


25 Male
Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Average Somewhat dissapointed dissatisfied

From the graph we can see that the level of satisfaction is somewhat satisfactory. Almost
both the sexes have the same opinion about Uber. The only problem they always
complained about was the Surcharge pricing. Uber recently dropped their rates from
INR 9/km to 7/km which is about 22.5% of savings in the cost of the passengers which
is far satisfactory for the passengers.

10. Would you prefer Ola Cabs over Uber?

Yes / no
P a g e | 47

Male Female

No Yes

Most of the Sexes Still prefers Uber over Ola but still many of them use Ola over Uber
that may be because of Inclusion og TFS in Ola which makes it more cheaper than
P a g e | 48

So now that we have reached the end of our project work I would like to conclude it
with what I have learned from the project.

Ecommerce is a wide International influencing business mode and most promising

in today’s era though it has yet to take the firm grip in India as it has galloped
worldwide in other countries. It has helped us by bringing almost everything to our
doorsteps via Internet. The detailed study we have already done in the project so now
I would like to move to Uber our core case study in the project. Uber is one of the
most successful private cab service worldwide incorporated in 2009. It has its
excellencies in good feedbacks, cheaper services and a pack load of Safety measures
which has dominated today’s cab services, in fact in NewYork it has consumed over
53% of revenue of public cabs on the streets. It yet cannot take street
hails(passengers) otherwise we it is presumed that it would have taken over about
7.3% of revenue of NewYork public cab services. in india the local cab service like Ola Cabs is
the serious cab competition which has incorporated TaxiForSure inside it Nationally but in
some cities Mega Cabs is the shier rival. It has lost its license in some states due to the
outbound abusive cases like rape in Delhi and many rash behavior cases of drivers but still
its trying to improve its service and professionalism in their drivers. The primary data
analysis showed that the people using Uber service are somewhat satisfied and hail for future
services from it and shows an upper cumulative graph.

The marketing techniques used like DeLorean and other media and the most profound the
mouth conveyance is the epic way advertising strategy used by it and offcourse it’s the
ultimately the drivers who are the heroes of successful advertisement as their service towards
the customer is the most important form of advertising that any cab service company
P a g e | 49


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